Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Thursday 5 May 2022

How to Walk With Confidence

Have you ever seen someone walk into a room and immediately demand attention and respect? This is a truly quite amazing thing to witness and it demonstrates an incredible amount of confidence and poise to be able to pull off.


Partly, this comes down to the way we walk. Even this seemingly innocuous activity can drastically change the ‘vibes’ that we give off, and so it’s important to recognize what kinds of signals we’re putting out.


Walking with confidence is something that isn’t easy but you can develop it over time if you know how.


The Basics


Walking with confidence does not mean swaggering your shoulders like those kids that want to be gangsters. It doesn’t mean being aggressive and it doesn’t even necessarily mean walking quickly or walking with ‘purpose’.


What it means, is walking as someone who is very confident and very happy and comfortable with who they are. 


And as is so often the case with body language, this often comes down to the direction you’re looking and just how much space you take up. Walk with your chest pointing upwards and your chin slightly raised and you will beam happiness and confidence.


Walk in a hunched manner with a shuffle and you will find you look naturally shy and retiring. 


Often what is recommended is that you imagine a ray of light is bursting out your chest as you walk – which can transform your entire stance.


One more important tip? Smile as you walk. Smiling is one of the signs of confidence.


The Hard Part


Simple. Done and done!




Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy. Because I imagine you’ve been walking for a long time. Probably since you were about 1…


Which means some habits will be deeply ingrained and they can be hard to shake.


And remembering to do these things is very hard indeed. It comes down to mindfulness and of being a little bit aware of how you act and what you do. 


One way to instil this new behavior then is to look for a trigger or a prompt. A good one is passing through thresholds and doorways. In other words, every time you walk into a new room, remember the chest trick!


Another way is to practice mindfulness in general. This is a powerful and very useful skill that makes us more aware of ourselves in a non-judgement way.


Body Language for Confidence

There are many different things that will both influence your confidence and also be influenced by your confidence. Confidence is often a somewhat circular subject matter and this can often make it hard to know where to start.


This is the case with body language. Being confident gives you better body language. But having better body language also makes you more confident!


What Does Confident Body Language Look Like?


Confident body language basically involves looking relaxed and calm. Many of us assume that confident body language will necessarily involve looking menacing or intimidating, but the reality is that this makes us look defensive.


Likewise, attempting to look aloof or cool will simply make you look like a try hard. Remember the kids at school who smoked in their leather jackets and were just kind of tragic?


Being truly confident means you have nothing to prove, it means you aren’t overly concerned what other people think and it means you’re able to relax because you feel unthreatened. 


For instance, while some people might think that having their arms crossed makes them seem aloof and indifferent, the reality is that it makes them look guarded and uncertain.


In contrast, if you have your arms apart and your legs apart, you are allowing yourself to be vulnerable. This instantly makes you seem far more confident because you aren’t concerned about threat from others and because you’re allowing yourself to take up lots of space!


Look comfy and you look calm. Look calm and you appear confident!


More Signs of Confidence


There are other signs that you are confident that go beyond comfort of course. One example is the subtle indication of ownership. There are many ways you can subtly imply ownership but the most common is touching. If you learn against a doorway, or if you put your arm across the back of the sofa, it creates the impression that you feel almost as though you own that thing. 


That’s why leaning on a wall or doorframe is a surefire way to communicate a lot of self-confidence.


The same actually goes for touching people. And this is why touching someone on the shoulder can make you seem much more confident – especially if it is done in an encouraging and non-threatening way.


Remember though: body language is best read as a whole. It’s not so much a matter of each individual aspect of your body language that will convey a sentiment as it is the entire package. 


Tuesday 3 May 2022

5 Examples of Body Language and What They Show

Learning to read body language is a skill that takes years to master. The good news is, you can start at any time, and with a few simple tips, you can start the process. Below are five examples of body language and what they mean so you can start learning to read body language. 


1.    Arms Crossed Across the Chest


Crossed arms are perhaps the most common form of body language you will come across, and most people have at least a slight indication of what it means. Standing with your arms crossed is typically interpreted as defensive or closed off to new experiences. It usually means someone doesn't want to converse with you. Be careful, however, as occasionally it can mean someone is just cold.


2.    Tapping Fingers on a Surface


Another common body language is the tapping of fingers on a surface. You probably see this while you are at work, or maybe at a coffee shop. The tapping of the fingers indicates impatience and usually means that the person is waiting for someone. Knowing this could help you strike up a conversation next time you are also waiting for something. 


3.    Tilting the Head to One Side


Have you ever been talking to someone when they suddenly start tilting their head to the side? It is a good sign, as this particular aspect of body language means the individual is listening and interested in what you are saying. It can also be a sign of concentration, but either way, it means you have someone's attention. 


4.    Crossing Your Legs


Many people don't realize that crossing your legs is also body language and typically not a good one, as it can indicate you are uncomfortable. Please pay close attention when someone crosses their legs, though, as crossing them at the ankle rather than the knee can also indicate that they are hiding something. The direction their knee points will also indicate who they may be uncomfortable around. 


5.    Pulling on the Ear


Have you ever discussed something with a friend or coworker and noticed them pulling their ear? This form of body language can mean the individual is trying to make a decision but hasn't yet decided. This aspect of body language can come in handy when trying to make a business deal with another company! 


Overall, it will take lots of practice to learn to read all aspects of body language. But with these five examples, you will have a good head start as you learn what each motion means. So next time you are in a social situation, watch for these five forms of body language! 


5 Ways to Communicate With Body Language

Nothing is more important than presenting the appropriate body language for communication. Body language is one of the first things people notice about you, especially when meeting for the first time. 


If you want to ensure that you are relaying the right message, here are five ways you may want to practice body language.


1. Carry Yourself with Confidence


The way you carry yourself can convey to others how you feel about yourself or the conversation you are engaging in with them. The way to show confidence begins with your posture. When you stand with your back tall and shoulders relaxed, you can demonstrate to others that you have the confidence to carry on the conversation.


2. Lean In and Mirror


When you are sitting, lean your body slightly forward to show the other person that you are entirely interested in what they have to say. Additionally, mirroring the other person’s gestures occasionally can demonstrate that you are on the same page as they are. Both of these convey your level of attentiveness and can go a long way to the other person trusting in you.


3. Hand Movements and Other Gestures


Many studies have shown that using various gestures signifies accurate intelligence in people. Body language experts agree that using gestures and hand movements throughout a conversation can make or break a connection between the two people. Using a firm but not too firm handshake to using appropriate hand gestures while speaking can show the other person that you are confident and that you are credible.


4. Keep Your Eye Contact in Check


Most people know that making eye contact when having a conversation is one of the essential nonverbal skills you can demonstrate. People believe that the eyes tell a lot about a person’s credibility and character. While maintaining eye contact is crucial, it is also essential to remember that too much eye contact can be interpreted as awkward and even a bit creepy. Because of this, be sure to look away occasionally to keep this from happening.


5. Smiles, Nods, and Laughter


In most conversations, keep in mind that every person in the discussion is human, and because of this, some behaviors should come naturally. It is especially true for smiling, nodding, and even laughing. Smiling and laughing at appropriate times throughout the conversation can convey openness and a sense of humor that can make others feel at ease. Additionally, nodding on occasion shows the other person that you are not only listening but are also in the conversation with them.


Knowing ways to communicate with body language can make the difference between others feeling confident in you and what you have to say and think you are dishonest. Learning a few ways to convey your positive messages through body language can be the key to a successful conversation.


Body Language and Zoom: 3 On-Screen Body Language Tips

As if the idea of non-verbal communication was not already complicated enough, in comes the era of Zoom and other forms of virtual communication. When we are in person, we have the advantage of seeing a person's body language more broadly. Whereas when we are in virtual meetings, it is easy to misinterpret body language and other non-verbal communication. It is why you need to learn about these three on-screen body language tips that will help you send the right message when communicating virtually.


1. Keep Eye Contact


While this may be more challenging when you are on a Zoom meeting than in person, you need to be focused and present during the call. Many people mistake either looking at the other people on the video call or multitasking by having other tabs up, which can take your attention away and give off the impression that you are not present.


Most experts agree that while it is essential to look a person in the eye when face-to-face, this is entirely different when you are on a Zoom call. The person on the other side of the screen can only know you make eye contact when looking at the camera.


2. Be Mindful of the Position of Your Camera


For others on the Zoom call to see your body language and other non-verbal cues, you need to ensure that your camera is in the optimal position. This includes making sure that you do not have the camera too close to where all they see is your head. The best positioning allows other people to see your head and part of your torso so that you can use hand movements and gestures appropriately.


Since body language includes your body and not just your face and head, people must see the parts of your body that will help them interpret your thoughts and emotions during the video call.


3. Maintain a Good Posture


Since many of the Zoom calls are happening in the comfort of your home, you tend to be more relaxed by nature. This can become a problem during important video meetings because you can convey to others that you are distracted or bothered.


Maintaining good posture means sitting up tall but keeping your shoulders somewhat relaxed. If possible, make sure you are taking these Zoom calls at a table with a bit of a background and not sitting or lying on your couch. This will demonstrate to others that you are paying attention and are fully present with the conversation at hand.


All in all, following these three tips on on-screen body language can help you make a successful Zoom meeting rather than one that sends the wrong message to others. You want to exude a sense of professionalism while also showing you can be relaxed and present people must-see simultaneously during these important video meetings.


Body Language Mistakes You Don’t Realize You Are Making

Learning to read others' body language is difficult, but learning to read your own is difficult too. 


It can become a problem because your body language is so important that it can affect your ability to get a job, keep it, and maintain friendships. Below are some of the common body language mistakes you might be making, as well as the impact they could have on your life. 


Crossing Your Legs


This one is more common if you are a woman, but men have been known to cross their legs as well. You may do it out of habit or even just comfort because you like to sit that way. The reality is, crossing your legs indicates to others that you are uncomfortable, or worse, if you cross at your ankles, it means you might be hiding something. Therefore, you should do your best to keep your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. 


Not Maintaining Eye Contact


It can be uncomfortable to maintain eye contact with someone. However, if you don't maintain eye contact, it can convey several different things, such as boredom, being distracted, or worse, that you are lying. Many interviewers and those looking to make business deals are huge on eye contact, so next time you talk with someone, be sure to maintain eye contact. 


Eye contact doesn't mean you should constantly stare, though. You should naturally break eye contact occasionally, but keep your eyes on their face or hands and don't let them drift around the room. 


Crossing Your Arms


Crossing your arms across your chest is very similar to crossing your legs, as you may be doing it out of habit or simply because you are cold. However, it will help if you put a stop to it because it can tell someone you are guarded, not open to new experiences, or that you feel you are above them. Try instead to keep your arms hanging neutral at your side or folded nicely in your lap. 


Don’t Lean in Too Much


When talking with someone, leaning forward can show that you are interested and let them feel they are important. Be careful not to lean in too much as this can lead the person to think that you want something from them. It can lead to feelings of hesitancy on their end and could ruin a business agreement. 


Overall, you likely didn't know you were making any of these body language mistakes. Now that you know, it's time to adjust so you'll never make these body language mistakes again. 


Body Language That Builds Trust

Did you know that body language is a big part of building trust? Even though someone may not realize it, they will subconsciously respond to your nonverbal cues and body language. Therefore, if you want to build trust with someone, you must exude the correct body language to achieve that goal. 


Keep reading to learn all about the best body language to use to build trust! 


Head Tilting


It may seem strange, but tilting your head when you speak to someone can help them trust you. A head tilt is a vulnerable position, making the other person feel you are listening and vulnerable to them. It will make them feel more comfortable with you than if you were to look at them straight on.


Please don't go overboard, though. That will only seem condescending. A little inch or two of a tilt is plenty! 


Keep Eye Contact


Maintaining eye contact is a sign of honesty. If you are talking with someone and moving your eyes all around, they may think you are lying. Instead, it would help if you kept your eyes focused on theirs when speaking.


Bare Your Palms


Another body language hack you may not be aware of is when you want someone to trust you, bare your palms. Baring your palms is a sign of peaceful intentions, and when you think about it, it makes sense as clenching your fists is a sign of anger or unrest. So if you want the individual across the table to trust you, definitely keep your palms relaxed and open as you gesture with your hands. 


Be a Mirror


Everyone uses and reads body language, even those who haven't been trained to look for it. Therefore, the best way to gain someone's trust is actually by returning their body language. It will give them a sense of familiarity. 


Copy both their posture and movements. If they are sitting with their back straight, you do the same. If they are using their hands to speak, you should too. It is especially useful for gaining trust in a formal setting like a business deal. 


Whether you realize it or not, body language is a huge part of gaining someone's trust. So next time you want to score a business deal or maybe make a new friend at the park, use the above body language tips to do so. You might be surprised by how quickly you can build trust! 


The Power of Body Language

The process of communicating non-verbally is the first thing that you typically notice when interacting with others. Body language has a way of relaying specific intentional or unintentional messages whenever there is interaction with others. We express ourselves through body language such as posture, eye contact, and gestures. Though the meaning of each varies from culture to culture, we read body language to convey thoughts, feelings, and intentions. 




In most cases, a person’s posture is one of the most important and first things that most people notice about another individual. This is because the way you hold yourself conveys specific messages to the people around you.


You can often demonstrate whether you are confident, shy, nervous, or apathetic by your posture. While standing tall, holding your shoulders back and your head held high can show that you are confident, standing with your shoulders slouched and head down can relay a message that you are not.


Whether you intend to convey specific messages, you tend to do so by how you carry yourself in front of others. The power of using your posture to show others the side of you that is strong, brave, and confident can go a long way to achieving your goals.


Eye Contact


Eye contact is another essential part of body language that demonstrates who you are as a person. Although maintaining eye contact may or may not be intentional, it can convey a specific message to others with whom you are interacting.


It can become an intense or awkward situation when you make eye contact with someone and hold it for an extended period. Whereas not making eye contact can make others think that you are not interested in what they are saying.


Although this can be somewhat confusing, it is vital to understand that maintaining eye contact does not necessarily mean staring someone down the entire time you talk to them. Instead, it is generally acceptable to hold eye contact in a more natural way that allows others to know that you are interested and not trying to intimidate them.




Many people use hand gestures often as they communicate with others, whether they intend to or not. In most cases, this has become a habit that they picked up either from someone else or something they have done for an extended period.


It is important to remember that some gesturing is acceptable while others are not. Knowing the correct way and amount of gestures you should be using during a conversation can differentiate between a successful discussion and an unsuccessful one.


Many body language experts say that you should always try to convey that you are open and honest with the person you are speaking. It is essential to keep your palms open while facing the person and make sure you are demonstrating strength and confidence in what you are saying and the gestures you are using.


Overall, body language and other non-verbal communication have the power to convey messages that you may not be saying verbally. The way you hold your posture, make eye contact, and use gestures in your communication can demonstrate to others how you feel about what you are saying.


Watching Body Language to Tell If Someone Is Lying

Do you hate when people lie to you? You aren't alone. 


Lying isn't pleasant, and it would be great if everyone would tell the truth. Since we know this won't happen, it's important to learn to read the body language signs that someone may be lying. This way, you will know who you can trust and who you better keep at an arm’s length. 


Watch for Lip Biting


When some bites or folds their lip before telling you something, this is a clear sign that they are lying. However, it may not be an outright lie as it could mean they are also holding something back. For this reason, be sure to watch someone's lips when they are talking. 


Look for Fidgeting


Fidgeting can come in many forms, from leg bouncing to table tapping or even lip biting. Either way, fidgeting is a sign of nervousness that usually presents itself when someone is about to lie. However, be careful with this one as someone in an uncomfortable situation, like a job interview, may fidget from nervousness, not dishonesty. 


Observe Their Eyes


When someone is open and honest with you, their eyes will look straight into yours. But if they are being dishonest, you will notice their eyes moving around the room. It is especially prevalent when you ask a question and are waiting for an answer. So next time you ask a question, shift from watching the lips to watching the eyes. 


Evaluate Any Delays


Did you ask a question, and the individual left a big space before answering? This behavior is a red flag that the person is about to lie. This large pause is them getting their story together and likely deciding they will lie rather than tell the truth. Therefore, besides just watching their eyes and mouth, be sure you are also listening for the pause indicating a lie is coming. 


Crossing the Feet at the Ankles


Crossing your legs is a sign that you are uncomfortable if crossed at the knee. If they are crossed lower at the ankles, this is a sign that the individual is lying. If you are sitting with someone at a table, this can be hard to check without being obvious, but if you can take a peek without drawing attention to yourself, definitely check if they are crossing their feet.


Now that you know some of the most obvious signs that someone is lying, the next time you head into a conversation where you aren't sure about the honesty of the person you are talking to, be sure to watch their body language. This way, you will know whether or not they are lying to you. 


What is Body Language?

Have you ever been told you have terrible body language? This comment may have left you confused because you aren’t quite sure what body language is in the first place. Not to worry, keep reading to find out all about body language. 


Body Language is a Combination of Actions


Body language isn't as easy to explain as you may think. Body language isn't one thing. Rather, it is a combination of emotions, hand motions, and facial expressions that give away what you think or feel.


Not only are you expressing body language without knowing it, but you are also reading body language even if you don't realize you are. The human brain naturally begins to read certain aspects of body language from when you are young to increase self-preservation. 


Why Is Body Language Important?


Body language can help you with everything from getting a job to making new friends. 


For example, say you are at a party and notice someone standing alone in the corner. They have one arm hanging by their side, and the opposite hand is gripping the arm that is hanging. They are looking down at their feet and not making eye contact with anyone at the party.


This person hasn't said anything, but you already probably sensed that they were uncomfortable or shy. You got all this from just their body language. They didn't have to speak a single word. 


Body language is also important when it comes to raising children. When children are young, they can't always ask for what they want, meaning you'll have to read their body language to learn more about what they need. 


How to Read Body Language


You can take many classes to learn how to read body language, but you don't need to take one of these to get started. Rather you can start by simply taking the time to observe those around you. Even if it's something as simple as the party example above, you'll quickly discover how much you can learn about someone just from taking a moment to look at what their body language is telling you.


Overall, body language is a complicated combination of hand motions, expressions, and postures which helps give the mind clues as to how an individual may be thinking. Body language can help you more easily navigate life, so next time you see someone acting strange, take a moment and try reading what they aren't saying. 


Why Is It Important to Understand Body Language

You may not realize it, but body language is critical to your everyday life. Sound a bit strange? Please keep reading to find out why it is important to use body language in your daily life. 


It Helps You Get the Message


Sometimes, people aren't always saying what they mean. Other times, people may not mean what they say. This is where body language comes into play. Reading what someone isn't telling you can help you discern the real story and know whether or not you are being lied to. 


This knowledge can help you in situations where you may be in charge, such as when you are a parent or manager in a business. It can help you decide when an employee is truly late due to an accident or because they are a bad employee. 


What Isn't Said is More Important Than What Is


According to Science of People, verbal communication is only a fraction of what you mean when you say something. Therefore, if you only listen to what someone is saying and ignore their body language, you may miss the real point the

y are trying to make.


Today, it has become especially obvious how important body language is considering the invention of telephones and texts. It is very easy to miss someone's point or message when using these mediums because you can't read their body language. It can cause a misunderstanding that hurts someone's feelings, leading to an argument later. 


You’ll Be Able to Get Ahead in Life


Imagine if you could know that someone was thinking about stealing from you before they did so. It can be possible, thanks to the power of body language. Body language helps you predict the actions of others. It could save you the hassle of a bad business decision or hire. 


For example, say you are making a business deal with another company, but based on the CEO's body language, you notice his message is inconsistent. Avoiding this business deal could save you hassle and help your business get ahead rather than suffer a loss—all because you could read body language. 


In conclusion, it is important to understand body language for several different reasons. Not only can it help you more accurately understand the message someone is trying to convey, but it can also help you to understand the things people aren’t saying—allowing you to use these to your advantage to get ahead in life.