Showing posts with label Hair Styles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Styles. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 January 2022

How to Get Beautiful Hair Naturally

Most men and women consider their hair to be very important to how they are perceived, and spend time looking after their hair. The industry providing products for this has seen a large increase in the number of products designed to help people look after their hair. Although there is a general impression that it is mainly women that spend time and money on their hair, research has shown that men as well as women take an interest in how to care for their hair.


With a large range of products available to suit every type of hair, there is a product to suit almost every consumer. However, even products that can be found in the everyday kitchen can be used for a more organic approach to hair care. Here are details of a few of products that can help provide the best hair, listed according to hair type.


People who have greasy hair have to consider using products specifically designed for hair care, with the use of a lemon grass or mint shampoo being used thrice a week being particularly beneficial. More frequent use will prevent the hair from returning to its usual Ph balance, and can cause problems and deterioration of the hair. A solution made from lemon juice can be applied after washing which will work against the excessive production of sebum with the astringent properties of lemon juice.


If you suffer with dry hair, it is important to ensure your hair is hydrated, and a conditioner designed to provide moisture for dry hair is essential every time your hair is washed. A simple way to add moisture to your hair is to apply hot water to a towel, until it is wet, but not dripping, and then placing it on your head. It’s like a sauna just for your hair instead of the body.


Those who have problems with dandruff would be well advised to use a lotion combining mint leaves and vinegar. Not only does this help prevent dandruff from becoming a problem, but will also leave your hair looking both sleek and shiny. The examples mentioned here are just a few of the problems and solutions that can occur with your hair, but a little bit of research can help you find even more useful tips for your hair. 

Thursday 13 January 2022

Resolving Hair Loss Problems

Keeping your youthful appearance is one of the biggest challenges that you will face in life. The biggest indicators of age are your hair and your skin. Concealing your age in your hair is often difficult to do, however, if you are able to master this art, you will astound others with your age. Hair in particular is a strong social indicator of age and social status, and is worth protecting for many individuals. Hair loss is one of the most common signs of aging, but it is preventable. 


By taking early prevention steps to stop hair loss, you save yourself the extra efforts of trying to stop the balding process after it has begun. The process of hair loss often occurs at a specific time and rate. It is important for you to take action at the first signs of hair loss. Different products may work differently depending on how your body reacts to them. Be sure to always take precautions when starting treatments for hair loss, to ensure that you will not have an allergic reaction, and to ensure that the treatment will not interfere with any other medications that you may already be taking.


Daily maintenance of your hair and your overall health can have a drastic effect on the appearance of your hair, and the rate at which baldness sets in. Be wary of chemical treatments involved in styling or in dyes. Chemicals involved in the dying or styling process are designed to give your hair a healthy appearance for a short amount of time. Afterward, your hair will feel the full effects of the chemicals, and will be subjected to lasting damage. Heat can often speed this process up, so using a heated blow dryer on your hair can often be attributed to your hair looking brittle and old.


Remember that your overall health is a key factor in how your hair will age. The hair loss process can often be slowed, if not stopped, by taking care of your health. It is important to avoid any substances, such as drugs and alcohol that may negatively affect your health, as it will show through your hair. Ensure that you get all of the right vitamins and nutrients in your diet, and exercise often. Not only will your body thank you, but your hair will continue to be thick well into the later years of your life.

Monday 6 December 2021

Causes of Hirsutism

Hirsutism is defined as excessive and unwanted facial and/or body (say in the neck, chest and lower abdomen) hair in a male-like formulation. Estimates suggest that it affects between 5% and 15% of women, varying according to characteristics. At least 5% of women of reproductive age suffer from this ailment.


It is a common issue causing significant social and psychological distress mainly among women, but modern diagnosis and treatment can surely take care of the problem.

Causes of Hirsutism 


Before we lunge into the probable causes of hirsutism it is better to remember that it is a sign of hyperandrogenism.


The causes of increased androgen level in hirsutism include:


  • Familial and Idiopathic Hirsutism - These are common causes of hirsutism resulting from peripheral androgen goings-on. It begins in puberty and slowly steps forward. The patients have normal menses, normal testosterone level, 17alpha hydroxyprogesterone and DHEAS. The diagnosis stands on exclusion. 


Idiopathic Cause


Idiopathic cause triggers hirsutism in 6% to 17% of hirsute women. Hirsutism occurs in the body where the circulating levels of androgens and ovulation are normal. The pathophysiological indicators are exaggerated peripheral 5 alpha reductase activity, altered androgen metabolism or different functioning androgen receptors.


Excess secretion by the ovaries (For example tumours, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)).


The most common example is polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects 6% women of the reproductive age bracket. Over 70% patients with PCOS have signs of hyperandrogenism. This is manifested by hyperandrogenaemia and chronic anovulation. 


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is typified by formation of follicular cysts, which are detected by ultrasound. PCOS is a combination of polycystic ovaries and other typical symptoms like hirsutism, amenorrhea or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility, obesity, irregular menstrual cycles and acne.


This is better diagnosed clinically rather than laboratory findings. The diagnosis of PCOS is based on exclusion, which means this disorder is attributed to patients whose body shows proof of ovulatory dysfunction supported by either clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism. 


PCOS is a broad scale disorder with patients ranging from women having regular cycles who have hirsutism to those people who are anovulatory.


Excess secretion by adrenal glands (Examples are congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Cushing ‘s syndrome, tumours).


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH, is a gamut of inherited disorders of adrenal steroidogenesis. In this case diminished cortisol production results in overproduction of androgenic steroids. The common symptoms are acne, menstrual dysfunctions, hirsutism occurring in adolescence or adulthood.


Cushing’s syndrome is caused by amplified production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary, adrenal carcinoma/adenoma or secretion of ectopic ACTH. The clinical symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome are quite evident. People with macro-nodular hyperplasia are common prey to intense hirsutism. 

Ovarian or Adrenal Androgen secreting tumours are rare triggers hirsutism/hyperandrogenism. These conditions are indicated by rapid virilization remote from menarche. 


A person may suffer from Hirsutism as a result of using exogenous pharmacologic agents including testosterone, anabolic steroids and danazol (Danocrine).

Oral contraceptives containing nongestural, levonorgestrel and norethindrone are predisposed to more powerful androgenic outcomes than those with norgestinate, desogestrel and ethynodiol diacetate, which have lesser androgenic effects.


Some Rare Causes of Hirsutism 


Medications: Hirsutism may be caused by the medications, which are the sources of hyperprolactinemia.


  • Greater production of growth hormones
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Hypothyroidism


The insight into the roots of hirsutism will accelerate the bold step forward, towards the cure of the disease.


Brazilian Waxing: Brilliant Or Barbaric?

Spring is here and summer is on its way. And that means that women are flocking to salons in search of a solution for those horribly embarrassing hairs that are always threatening to escape your bikini line. A surprising number of women are turning to a solution popularized on ‘Sex & the City,’ known as Brazilian waxing. 


If you’re familiar with what Brazilian waxing entails, you understand what ‘surprising numbers’ means. If you’re not familiar with the term, you probably want to read on before you make your reservation ...


What’s the Big Deal?


Quite plainly, a Brazilian wax is a salon hair-removal treatment (trust me, you don’t want to try this at home) where warm wax is used to remove unsightly pubic hair from your nethermost regions - front and back! Typically, with a Brazilian wax, you’ll be left with a small strip of hair (sometimes referred to as a ‘landing strip’). So, if you’re looking to go completely bare, you might want to clarify that in the beginning. This version of the wax is often known as the ‘Hollywood’ or ‘Sphynx’ Wax.


If you’re curious as to why anyone would pay someone to cover their most private parts with warm wax and then rip it off, read on about the advantages and disadvantages of having a Brazilian wax.


There Are Advantages?


Across time and distance, I can still hear a lot of women shrieking, ‘There are advantages?’ And actually, there are - depending on who you ask. Some of the most commonly cited advantages are listed below (and don’t be surprised if you see the polar opposite statements on the other side of the fence).


  • No more embarrassing escaped hairs
  • It’s not as painful as you’d expect (okay, okay, quit snickering)
  • No more razor burn or bumps
  • You lover will most likely find the new look sexy and arousing
  • You can have a wax done for as little as $25.00
  • The pain is said to lessen with each waxing, and
  • Many women report an overall improvement in confidence, especially regarding cleanliness and odour control.


Drum Roll, Please...The Disadvantages


It goes without saying that a Brazilian wax is going to come with some inherent disadvantages. And the most obvious is the pain. Have you ever had your eyebrows waxed? If so, imagine the procedure done on an area about ten times larger and infinitely more sensitive. 


And there’s another kind of discomfort that some find a bit more traumatic than physical pain. Chances are, you’ll have to quite literally let it all hang out. And for the best end result, you may wind up finding yourself in some rather odd poses. Needless to say, the whole experience may leave you feeling silly and self-conscious, if not a little traumatized. Plus there are other, more minor drawbacks to consider...


  • Some people may still experience bumps or irritation
  • Since you have to wait 10-14 days in between waxings, you’ll still have to suffer through stubble.
  • It can also be hard to find a salon that offer Brazilian waxes in smaller, less urban areas, and
  • You might have to spend as much as $100.00 (possibly more) to have it done!


Think It’s Brilliant?


If you’re appalled at the thought of this procedure, your next move is clear - you mentally file Brazilian waxing away in your brain as a great way to get back at someone you really dislike. But what should you do if you’re still not scared? Your best bet is to do your homework (you’re off to a great start); then, start looking around for a good salon. Here are a few other things to think about:

  • The credentials and experience of the person who’ll perform the procedure.
  • Whether you’re really ready to go bare below. You might want to take it slow. Start with a standard bikini wax, then a Brazilian, and then maybe warm up to the Sphynx.
  • Don’t try to trim or shave before waxing to ‘pretty up.’ In order to work, your hair must be longer than º’. Let them take care of it - it’s part of what you’re paying for!
  • To get the most out of a waxing, find a quality hair growth inhibiting lotion. You’ll be able to go much longer between sessions!


So, what do you think - brilliant, or barbaric?

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Body Hair Removal - Solutions For Today

As we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market today for your benefit.


The commonest form of quick hair removal today is shaving, which as the name suggests is the simple application of a razor blade, either manually or electrically on the skin surface to remove the hair by cutting the hair stem. While it's a quick painless hair removal method which is effective, it lasts only for very short bursts of time and can never be termed a permanent hair removal solution. Still for people short on time and low on cash, shaving still promises to be an affordable practical solution. For the slightly advanced enthusiast, depilatory creams are a good bet to do facial hair removal and leg hair removal. These creams effect quick hair removal through surface chemical reactions with the protein in your hair, breaking it down and making it easy to come off. Available in a variety of forms such as gels and aerosols and typically calcium-compound based, this treatment offers a solution which however is not a permanent hair removal method.


Of course, if you are a girl, you have probably gone through the painful procedure of waxing for body hair removal especially for hands and legs hair removal. Tweezing like waxing works by plucking the hair out of the skin right from its root s, thereby giving a hairless skin which can last for several weeks until the roots of the hair grow back. Electrolysis for hair removal on the other hand works on the principle of destabilizing the hair roots through surface electrical currents charged through electrodes implanted in the skin. While the effect of electrolysis hair removal is long standing in nature, frequent sessions and a serious dent on your bank balance are realistic possibilities that you need to keep in mind.


The best hair removal method available today is laser hair removal for men and women alike. This treatment is swift, precise, painless hair removal technique which normally guarantees an extended period of freedom from unwanted hair. In just a few sessions, whether it is facial hair removal or back hair removal, the laser technology effectively answers all your needs and desires for looking your personal best!


Visit your local salon or contact your beautician for understanding which of these hair removal treatments would work best for you. All the best to looking good and feeling great!

Body Hair Removal - Your Choices

If you suffer from unwanted hair and are looking for a body hair removal solution there are several options that you can choose from. These body hair removal options will safely remove the hair and in some cases can produce a permanent hair removal solution.


The first body hair removal option that is available to both men and women is shaving. Shaving is a very popular method of removing unwanted body hair but the downside is that hair can grow back very quickly.


Using a depilatory product is another form of body hair removal. This process chemically dissolves the hair but as with shaving the hair will return. Another downside to using a depilatory product is that many of these creams can cause irritations and skin tests are always recommended prior to use.


Waxing is another very popular method of body hair removal but as with shaving this is not a permanent hair removal solution. Waxing is also very painful but re-growth is slower.


Electrolysis as a form of body hair removal can in some cases prove to be a permanent hair removal solution. An electrical current is used to destroy hair follicles but several sessions are required and the results are not guaranteed. Electrolysis can also be very painful and only small areas can be treated at a time.


The last choice available for body hair removal is laser hair removal. Using a laser hair removal treatment destroys hair follicles and results in permanent hair removal. A laser hair removal treatment can be used all over the body and large areas can be treated at a time. The only drawback with this body hair removal solution is the cost of laser hair removal which can be quite expensive. With laser hair removal there is minimal pain unlike electrolysis which can be very painful and after a laser hair removal treatment the skin will heal quite quickly, usually within 20 minutes.

Bobs And Short Haircuts

Bobs and short haircuts for women made their debut in the 1920s and were greeted with raised eyebrows and allegations of scandal. Since then, bobs and short haircuts for women have become permanent fashion fixtures and are here to stay. Bobs and short haircuts can be quite easy to manage and can look appropriate for any occasion, depending on how they are shaped and styled.


The classic bob was a blunt cut that made the hair the same length as the ears all around (except the front, of course) with a hint of curl formed by old-fashioned curlers. Today, there are as many bobs and short haircuts as there are types of women who wear them, and the famous bob has evolved to fit almost every fashion requirement.


Styling bobs and short haircuts can be quite simple, since there is less hair to work with. However, trying an unfamiliar style also has its challenges, and sometimes patience and trial and error are required before creating the perfect look.

For a classic, blunt bob: Make the hair straight all around, and ask the stylist for bangs. Using gel, comb your wet hair straight as you blow dry. Spray it well.


For a pageboy bob: Use a wide-barrelled curler and curl the back of your hair and bangs under. Wait for the curls to cool, and brush gently, encouraging the large curls, with a large, round brush. Spray well.


For a flip bob: If you like the mostly straight bob with a little flip in or out at end, use a flat iron to make most of your hair straight, and make your hair flip in or flip out at the ends by twisting inch wide sections around the flat iron.


Kinky bob: If you do not have naturally curly hair, create curls using wacky curlers or by using a narrow-barrelled curling iron. Leave the curlers in your hair for at least half an hour and blow your hair dry, or, using a curler, wind your hair around the iron in one-inch wide sections. Use a pick to arrange your curls and spray well.


Layered bob: If your hair is layered, and you would like a soft, natural looking bob, rinse out your conditioner well and work mousse through your wet hair. Dry well, using your fingers to style your hair and twist some strands of hair for extra wave.


Super glossy bob: This look is great for formal events. Use shampoo and conditioner specially designed to bring out the sheen in your hair. Sculpt wet hair with gel and brush straight. Blow dry on a low setting, and finish with a hair spray that will make your hair very shiny.


Super short bob: Paris Hilton sported this bob shortly before getting her hair sheared. This bob requires very little maintenance. The hair should be cropped close to the face. Use a little mousse to give the hair a bit of volume. You needn't worry about making the bob very curly or very straight, since this is a natural looking hairdo. Simply use mousse, coax your hair into the desired style with a brush as you blow it dry.


Emo bob: Although emo's claim to ignore fashion, the bob has hit even the emo crowd. Cut your hair into a blunt cut with scissors. Don't worry if the ends are not exactly even. Dye your hair black and add red or frosted highlights if you wish.


Bobs and short haircuts can create a very "sweet" look. A short haircut that has as much sass and elegance as a bob is the "pixie" look. This hairstyle is great if you have an oval face and want soft bangs that emphasize your eyes. The back is cut in the shape of a wedge, and more hair is left at the top. The bangs can be curled under or combed straight. A little curl is quite feminine and brings out the eyes.

Black Hair Care: How To Take Care Of Cornrows

Cornrows and braids are one of those timeless styles that have crossed all gender and ethnic gaps. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than heedful of intricate braids and rows and no two styles are exactly alike. That is why more and more people are choosing to express themselves and their individual style through braiding and rowing. 


But as with all styles, cornrows come with their own special challenges and problems. One of the most obvious problems associated with any tight braiding technique is breakage. While black hair has fewer tendencies to break than Caucasian hair, it can still take a great deal of abuse if the braids are not done and cared for properly. In addition to breakage, you can also experience dull, frizzy and dry hair as a result of wearing cornrows or braids.


To avoid all of these drawbacks and to keep your braids looking shiny and neat, follow the following care tips:


Choose your artist wisely - As with any artistic field, braiders come in many levels of expertise. Be sure to choose one that has been in the business for a good while. Also, ask to see sample photos of the stylist’s work. This will give you a good idea about their level of expertise. 


Grow hair to proper length - In order to get a good braid, your stylist has to have enough hair to work with. A good rule of thumb to follow on length is 10cm for straight hair and a minimum of 5 cm for curly hair.


Cleanse without disrupting - Granted, shampooing your hair with all of those rows and braids is not an easy task. To clean down to the scalp without disrupting your style you can use a shower massager or dental water pick.


Wrap to prevent frizz and breakage - When you’re sleeping, your hair comes into constant contact with your pillow and your movements cause friction and tension to be applied to your braids. This can result in fly away hair, frizz and breakage. To avoid this simply wrap your head with a do rag or cloth before sleeping.


Keep salon appointments - If your braid artist tells you to get a trim every 6 weeks, do so. And if he or she tells you to get your braids redone within a certain time frame, be sure that you do. This will help keep your braids looking neat and fresh.

Black Hair Basics

The typical hair and hair follicles of those of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair that spirals. Black hair also typically has a larger diameter than Caucasian hair and retains less water, thus its relative ‘kinkiness.’ The many styling methods utilized on Black hair cause concern with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately so because Black hair styles cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp. 


For example, using a hair pick to pick the hair up to a bushy style is a very damaging process due to the constant pulling causing stress on the hair shaft as well as the follicle. In fact, combing Black hair in general can create high stress on Black hair and cause breakage, which perpetuates dryness. Cornrowing and braiding are methods of hairstyling that pull the hair tight, and this can cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp resulting in hair loss. Braiding that results in the hair being pulled very tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care. 


Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a great deal of heat and chemical damage to hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This becomes especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot curling iron. 


Hot oil conditioners are excellent for Black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments involve heating the oil and putting it into the hair and scalp, then covering the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Follow the recommendations on the treatment you are using for the amount of time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result. 


Consider that hair relaxers commonly used on Black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair shaft. Left on beyond the recommended time, these chemicals would eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. This is why these same products are used in products like DranoTM to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. No-lye relaxers are very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic. This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could just as easily clean a sink. Repeated use of such products can cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, the hair loss can be permanent in that area of the scalp. One must ask themselves is it wise to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however the facts should be known. 


There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is a catch-22 concerning relaxing Black hair, since combing natural Black hair causes so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much harm to the hair and scalp as well. There are a few hair-relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its popular equivalent in ‘no-lye’ relaxers: calcium hydroxide (quicklime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-LaxerTM and Sahara ClayTM by Baka ProductsTMthat has been on the market since 1990. This product is all natural and because it does not contain many of the harsh chemicals of commercial relaxers and actually contains only a finely ground plant called Daphne Gnidium and clay from Africa it is figured to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most instances the same way as commercial relaxers, however it does tend to make Black hair more manageable. There is yet another product on the market that is reported to be 92-96% natural which is called Naturalaxer Kit In A Jar, that does not require the applicant to comb through the hair during the application, which results in a lot less damage. 


Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then you will experience less stress and damage to the hair and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the Black population that is becoming comfortable with wearing their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumours and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they will smell badly like any other dirty hair. The best process to use to wash dreadlocks is to use a residue-free shampoo. Most commercially made shampoos leave residue and can cause hair not to lock, lending fuel to the rumour that hair had to be dirty to form dreadlocks. Clean hair actually locks much better than dirty hair, as dirt is a residue in itself that will inhibit hair from locking. For best results one should use a fragrance free, conditioner free shampoo. Dreadlocks do not react well to oily and greasy substances, yet there are many good substances that are on the market today that will assist you in forming dreadlocks. 


Dreadlocks are formed through a process, not simply by not combing or brushing the hair. Generally, one should start with hair about two inches in length, and the hair should be separated into even squares of hair and twisted gently together using a bonding or gel substance. Many use natural beeswax containing no petroleum, while others use lock and twist gels specifically formulated for locks. Once the hair is separated and twisted into small locks, it is important that they are left alone and allowed to bond naturally. The length of time it will take to lock will depend on the coarseness of your hair, but one can normally expect to wait several months before locks begin to form. While the hair is locking, it will need to be washed. Here is where washing should be extended for a while if possible, so that the hair can be allowed to lock for two weeks to about a month without manipulation. When you do wash your hair, use a stocking cap or ‘do-rag’, and low-pressure water to make sure that the newly forming locks do not come loose. It will be necessary to rinse for a much longer time than you normally do, because of the lower pressure of the water and the lack of direct manipulation of your hair with your hands. The water is good for your hair and locking process, so this is not a problem. It is also imperative as indicated before that you use a shampoo that does not contain a conditioner and leaves as little residue as possible. A little research on your 


part will be necessary here; your health food store should contain a variety of natural shampoos. Have a skilled professional or a friend re-twist the hair gently, reapplying the twist gel or beeswax that you used previously. Repeat this process every two weeks to a month, the longer you are able to wait the better, and within a few months your hair will begin to lock. Again, if you have a fine grade of hair rather than a kinky grade of hair, a beautician skilled at forming locks (‘locktitian’) or a friend who is very familiar with the hairstyle should be consulted. Even though dreadlocks are mainly a hairstyle for Blacks, there are other races that have people that enjoy the hairstyle. In general, it tends to be a style of hair that in the long run will give the hair and scalp needed rest from the rigours of chemical and heat treatments and rigorous combing and brushing, and therefore can contribute to longer life for your hair.

Bikini Line Hair Removal - Are Razors Better Than Pubic Shavers?



Razors are cheap and many women say they give a closer shave than an electric razor. The cons are they can nick or cut the skin, and lathering up every time you want to shave can be annoying. If you do decide to use a razor as a pubic hair shaver make sure it’s a good one. Choose a female razor and go for best quality rather than lowest price. Throwaway razors are not much good for bikini line hair removal and they are more likely to cause razor burns and soreness while you’re shaving and ingrown hairs later on.

Electric Shavers


Electric shavers for women have been around since the late 1940s, although some of the early models were basically just men’s shavers but pink. Today female shavers are much more common and it’s possible to buy shavers designed specifically for bikini line hair removal. Other shavers come with separate shaving foils for pubic shaving. Pubic shavers with hypoallergenic foils, skin coolers, and built-in trimmers are also available.


Fewer shaving cuts and convenience are among the reasons for using a pubic hair shaver. There’s no need to use shaving foam with an electric pubic shaver and it will be safer to use because the skin is protected from the blade. Razor burns will also not be a problem. Some pubic shavers can even be taken in the shower and some manufacturers claim their shavers will shave as close as a razor. If you decide to buy one, make sure you do some research of your own first.


Electric Shaver or Razor?


To summarize, electric pubic shavers tend to be quicker, safer and easier to use but they may not give such a close shave as a razor. They also cost more. If you change from one to the other, make sure you give yourself a chance to get used to it.

Bikini Line Hair Removal - A Guide To Pubic Hair Removal Methods



Shaving is the most common method of removing pubic hair. That’s probably because it’s cheap and you can do it yourself at home. Most women use a razor and if you decide to do the same, remember to use a safety razor designed for bikini line hair removal. Electric razors are more expensive but less hassle to use and a little safer.


Many women find shaving a quick and convenient short-term method of bikini line hair removal but frequent pubic hair shaving can be a pain. Side effects can include razor bumps and other skin irritations and stubble growth between shaves can lead to itching and ingrown hairs.


Bikini Wax


If you want a longer-term solution than shaving, a bikini wax is an option. As hair is pulled out from the roots, it won’t grow back for four to six weeks. Not surprisingly, the treatment can be painful, and many women are reluctant to use this method of pubic hair removal for this reason. It’s worth remembering though that the pain should be less with every treatment.




Epilators are electric devices that when applied to the skin pull hair out by the roots. Hair may not return for up to four weeks so they can be quite a good long-term method of pubic hair removal. They used to be painful to use but current products are reportedly less so as they numb the skin as they work. Very short hairs can be removed too so stubble and ingrown hairs are less of a problem.


Depilatory Lotions


Depilatory lotions can take as little as ten minutes to dissolve hair. Some are designed for bikini line hair removal but you should use them with caution. Never use them on the pubic area other than along the bikini line as the chemicals can burn the skin or cause allergic reactions. Always carry out a skin test on your elbow before using a depilatory cream. Don’t use products designed for removing hair on the face: the pubic area is more sensitive.

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Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.


Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are long-lasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure. 


Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly depilatory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful. 


Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin colour groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment centre can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.


Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centres offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

A Rough Battle To Smoothen Your Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs mainly due to heat, the use of excessive chemicals applied on your hair and also by not taking good care of your hair. Every person's hair has a certain amount of moisture which preserves your hair and does not let it dry. When certain level of moisture goes down due to many of the common reasons then you have to take special efforts to maintain that moisture. One should keep in mind that excess experiments with your hair can cause problems and lead to dry hair. 


Some of the common reason why many face this problem is the excessive washing of your hair. Your hair need not be washed daily as this washes out the nutrients from your hair leaving you 'high and dry’. So washing is not an appropriate solution for your hair on a daily basis. Use of hot dryers, hot curlers or any of the things you use for stylizing your hair also leads to drying. Swimming in chlorinated water without a head cap makes your hair parched and even drier. By using some of the home based recipes you can make your last longer with a better look.


The use of mild shampoo is one of the initial steps to be taken when you are treating dry hair. Look for shampoos mentioned as 'dry and damaged' which would work in your favour. The use of conditioner is a must as this helps in preserving the lost nutrients and oil in your hair. This would give a beautiful look to your hair with the extra shine and bounce. Snipping off the end of your hair would help in preventing further damage to your hair. Exposure to sun can also cause dryness. You can use hair sunscreen to protect your hair. 


Use of some of the home made ingredients if properly blended can be very helpful. Beer seems to work wonders on your hair. You can spray your hair with beer once you have shampooed your hair. Mayonnaise is also a wonderful ingredient which brings life back to your hair as it is termed as an excellent conditioner.

Sunday 5 December 2021

48% Of Women Have Thinning Hair!

How does your hair grow?


Your hair is made of keratin (KER-uh-tin), the same protein that makes up your nails and the outer layer of your skin. The part you see and style is called the hair shaft. It's actually dead tissue made by your hair follicles tiny bulb-like structures beneath your scalp's surface.


We have all heard of someone who has thinning hair problem, but do we really know how extensive this thinning hair problem is? Let us take a look at the figures here.


  • 70 million Americans Have Fine or Thin-looking Hair And it's Growing
  • 4 million more women and 4.7 million more men will have noticeably thin-looking hair by 2005
  • By age 65, 48% of all women report they have thinning hair and 75% of all men report they have noticeably thin-looking hair.
  • Research has shown that the problem of thin-looking hair can begin as early as age 17.
  • The problem will grow more extreme as our population ages.


How does hair loss start?


Hair loss is a normal symptom. 50 to 60 hairs are shed each day from a normal scalp. Losing more than 60 hairs a day is called excessive hair loss and leads to generalized thinning of the hair. Hair becomes fine in texture. Loss of hair in men is often determined by heredity or by the Allopetia Androgenetic hormone. Hair loss in women is often caused by pregnancy, stress, fatigue or medical treatment.


Can Thyroid Disease Cause Hair Loss?


An overactive or underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. One may get her thyroid numbers in order after beginning a regimen of thyroid medication. However, there have been reported cases of women experiencing hair loss FROM the thyroid medication.


Hot Tips!


Colouring: If you inherited a tendency for hair loss, you likely have very healthy hair overall. Therefore, your hair can benefit from permanent or semi-permanent colour to give body and volume to hair.


Volumizing Products: Many volume-building hair products contain paraffin, which is beeswax. That's not good for hair, because it builds up and can make hair break.


However, volumizing products sold in salons do help. They won't weigh hair down, and they won't damage it. Mousse, for example, can be applied at the root area for support. Then, begin blow-drying the root area, applying tension with a brush to build volume. Use a light finishing spray to hold it.

10 Tips To Improved Hair Care

Hair care is an important part of looking good and feeling good, both inside and out. There are an endless number of hair care products that promise to shape up, curl, straighten, moisturize and rejuvenate, but what is the best way to maintain healthy hair? Here are 10 tips to get you started.


  1. If you notice split ends, have them trimmed. This will result in healthier hair and a better overall appearance. A trim is relatively inexpensive and should only take a matter of minutes at the local salon.
  2. Use a low to medium heat on your hair dryer. Extreme heat can dry out the hair and cause the frizzies.
  3. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, which is not only bad for your skin, but can dry out your hair as well.
  4. Many people suffer from dandruff. If you are one of the many, avoid scratching or rubbing the head as this will promote flaking. Instead, use a shampoo and/or conditioner that is especially designed to treat dandruff and eliminate flaking.
  5. If you have thin hair, add a volumizing shampoo for added body. If you have thick hair, using a healthy shine shampoo will bring out the additional beauty.
  6. Avoid harsh hair care products, which can dry out or damage the hair. In some cases, individuals have even experienced hair loss in using certain at-home perm and/or colouring treatment products. If you want to have this type of treatment done, have it done at the salon.
  7. In choosing a salon, make sure that you opt for one that has been in business for a while and has a clean, professional workspace.
  8. Ask friends for referrals. If they have used a certain hair care product, which coincides with one that you are searching for, inquire about their experience. The same is true with salons, which are often best recommended by friends and family.
  9. When brushing your hair, use soft strokes rather than those swiped in a hurry. A part of quality hair care is, just as the name implies, caring for your hair.
  10. When using styling products, make sure that they do not overheat prior to using them on your hair. Extreme heat can and will damage the hair, not to mention the discomfort of a burn resulting from an overheated styling product.


The information contained in this article is to be used for reference only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional hair care advice. Anyone who notices a concerning condition, relating to their hair, should consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.