Showing posts with label Self-Reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Reflection. Show all posts

Friday 26 July 2024

The Purpose of Others Can Help Define Your Purpose

It’s confusing not to know what your purpose is. You may believe you are supposed to be a police officer. But, that just defines your job. It’s not necessarily a purpose. Helping people would be closer to a purpose while the job of police officer helps you accomplish that.


You may want to define your purpose more accurately than just stating you help people. However, perhaps you can’t seem to get a grip on any definition. When this is the case, try to determine the purpose of others.


If you read the profiles of many of your idols, you will start to see a theme forming. This theme will likely resonate with you and get you closer to your purpose. For instance, you may believe that a certain president was a great motivational speaker and you have always admired that. By learning more about his or her life, you can gain some insight about why they can motivate. The story is as important as the trait of being a motivator. Perhaps part of your purpose is to motivate others.


When you are researching or observing others, you need to delve deeper into their backgrounds. The research will reveal what situations they faced and what kind of people they were before becoming successful. You may even uncover information that is not so flattering about your idols concerning their past. But it is insightful. It also shows that these people are not super humans and fallible just like everyone else.


Sometimes, you can gain insight into people you would not consider to be idols. They may have opposite views, which you find contentious and even offensive. However, they became the way they are for a reason. Again, their story will help you see a new perspective. It may change your biases and preconceived notions on how people are not as different as you believed.


The idea behind learning about the purpose of others is not to become like them. It’s to find some similarities and differences between your purpose and theirs. When you see similarities, this can explain your purpose. When you see differences, you can use this to try to look at life from a different angle.


You don’t want to use this information as some formula that you can plug in a computer which then spits out what your purpose is. You need to use it more as a guideline and how it can help you seek new paths in your quest for purpose.


Friday 19 July 2024

6 Reasons why Finding Your Purpose Matters

At first glance, it might not seem important to live your life with purpose. After all, so long as you get through the day and are reasonably happy or content, it's all good, right? Not really. Without purpose you're missing out. 


What happens when you try to live your life without purpose? 


Purpose Gives Drive


Purpose gets us going and makes us eager to start the day. Without purpose, you might feel your day is aimless to the point where there's no reason to try setting goals. Left unchecked, this can affect mood and even lead to depression. It's no wonder purpose is one of the most important things to drive us forward.


Purpose Builds Relationships


Purpose is one of those things which really bring people together. Having common interests and goals creates strong bonds. Without purpose, you might find it harder to connect to others, especially on a deeper level. 


Purpose Gives Direction


Decisions can seem difficult sometimes when you have no purpose. When you are not working toward a goal or interest, it's easy to waver or let others lead the way. But purpose means you weigh decisions against what's important to you, meaning you honor yourself. More important, you keep to your own set of values every time you're faced with a choice.


Purpose Gives Value


Without purpose, you might wonder whether you're making a difference. In contrast, purpose tells you you're making a difference and adding something to the world with every action that honors this purpose.


Purpose Reduces the Need to Keep Up with Others


If you worry about what others are accomplishing, it's probably because you're unsure of your own purpose. With purpose, it becomes less important what those around you are doing because you're more interested in your own personal journey.


Purpose Reduces Stress


We experience stress most when things around us feel out of control. With purpose, you know your direction and have a pretty solid idea of what you need to do to get where you want to go. Even more important is how purpose helps you get back on track if you're sidelined for a crisis, giving you firm direction and control when things around you feel like they're out of your hands. This all reduces stress and helps you deal with challenges calmly and reasonably.


With purpose, your life changes for the better. It's no wonder taking the time to figure out what you're all about is crucial to a healthy and happy life. Take the time for yourself. You won't regret it.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

5 Steps to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs for Good

How are you your own worst enemy? We limit ourselves so much. We live in our heads and come up with all these ways to keep us from getting anything accomplished. Even though deep down we know we're good enough, and how much we're fully capable of getting things done. 


The only way to get past these self-sabotaging behaviors is to take active, intentional steps to remedy your thinking. Let's look at 5 steps that will shift your limiting beliefs for good. 




Wait a minute; what were you thinking? If a thought feels off about something, it's time to stop and examine this idea much closer. Is this perhaps a self-limiting belief? 


Think About What You're Saying


Where is the lie in this thought? You've already figured out there's something wrong with it, or you wouldn't be going through this process. This means something about it is not ringing true. When you understand where the lie is, it becomes easier to know how to counter it. 


Look for the Proof


Is there any proof this self-limiting thought is true? Let's examine the part you feel is a lie. Here's where you need to take a step back from the situation if you can and look very impartially at what's going on. Is any grain of truth in what you're thinking? 


Take Control


If what you were thinking is a lie, it's relatively easy to counter the false aspects of the statement with the truth. But what if this thought was at least partially true? You start by reminding yourself this isn't always the case. For example, you might be thinking you are always late. Maybe you are, in fact, late sometimes. To perform this step, you would need to recall various instances when you were on time. By countering the lie, you are taking control of the situation, and not allowing the limiting belief to have any sway over you. 


Get Help


Sometimes it can be challenging to remove limiting beliefs by yourself. In these instances, it can be beneficial to talk to a friend, or even a counselor, to help you see the truth. There is nothing wrong with getting help, especially from someone who is in a position to be impartial.


Self-limiting beliefs don't have to control your life. By examining your thoughts, especially those that seem to hold you back, you will find it much easier to move forward toward your goals. Soon you will realize success.


Friday 14 June 2024

5 Steps To Defeat Perfectionism Once and For All

We all have moments where we fall into perfectionism. For some of us, this might happen kind of often. For others, it's reserved for those special occasions where we have a project where we can't rest until we get it right.


While occasional super-attention-to-detail is okay, it’s when we make perfectionism a way of life where it becomes a problem. Those are the times where we finally need to take charge of our lives and learn how to let go.


Try this:


Start at the Core


Why are you so wrapped up in perfectionism? Are you truly trying to become a better person somehow, or are you just trying to impress someone else or meet expectations from those around you? Neither of these reasons is very healthy, and both need to be addressed.


Drop the “Should”


The moment you start using this word in a conversation, especially regarding your action, you're already driving yourself crazy. Remind yourself you don’t need validation from anyone. You’re good just by being you.


Rewrite the Script


What are you telling yourself as you throw yourself into perfectionism? Do you think this is the path to success? Or do you have other unrealistic expectations of the outcome? Here's where you switch up your self-talk to get out of any negative spaces and unrealistic outcomes.


Drop the Comparisons


Speaking of self-talk, just who are you holding up as role models? Has this too become unhealthy, going from "I want to be more like them" to "Why can't I have everything they do?” Wouldn’t it feel better to celebrate where you are right now and all the effort you’ve been putting into things?


Show Some Mercy


Perfection never allows for excuses. If you can't succeed, you're automatically a failure. By chasing imperfection, you learn the value of self-forgiveness and the ability to let go of your mistakes in favor of embracing the lessons you can learn from them.


You wouldn’t think these steps are all so very important at first glance. After all, is chasing imperfection worthwhile?


The answer is a resounding, "Yes!" Perfection is what pulls us away from others and gets us so tangled up inside with worry and stress about getting things right; we negatively impact our mental and physical health. 


With this in mind, isn’t it time to let go and enjoy life once and for all?


Friday 31 May 2024

The Importance of Self-Love

You’ve been told time and time again to love those around you, but did you know that you also must love yourself? There are several reasons to love yourself, all of which are important. Read on to find out more about the importance of self-love and why you should prioritize it in your life. 


Self-Love is Important for Relationships


The number one reason self-love is important is that before you can love someone else, you must first learn to love yourself. You learn about how to treat someone you love based on how you treat yourself. So if you don’t treat yourself with respect and love, you won’t be able to treat someone you love the same way. This can ruin your relationships with others, both friends and family alike. Therefore, if you want to love others, start by loving yourself.


Without Self-Love, You’ll Burn Out


Besides learning how to love yourself to love others, you also need to learn how to love yourself so you don't burn out. Burnout happens when you spend too much time focusing on others or your duties in life and neglecting self-care. It is characterized by an inability to focus and a sense of exhaustion that won't go away. Self-love is important because it helps keep you from burning out. 


Self-Love is Critical to Success


Do you want to be successful? Who doesn't! Self-love is important for success. This is because you can't possibly focus on bettering yourself or your place in life while you are constantly being negative about yourself or your abilities. You need to love yourself and embrace your flaws to use them to your advantage. Learning to love even the mistakes you make is a critical part of self-love. 


Self-Love Makes You Happier


Do you enjoy walking around not liking who you are as a person? Probably not. It is impossible to be happy when you spend your whole life hating on yourself and not loving yourself. If you want to lead a happy and healthy life, you need to work towards self-love today. Plus, you will feel better when you practice self-love, and when you feel better about yourself and the world around you, happiness isn't that far behind!


Self-love is a difficult thing to pursue in life, but it is critical to the quality of your life. Without self-love, you will have poor relationships with others, you may burn out, and you will probably never achieve success. Not to mention that you probably won't lead a very happy life! This is why you should put self-love first in your life today! 


Tuesday 28 May 2024

5 Creative Ways to Build Better Focus

Building better focus cannot be found in a step-by-step guide. It is a process, one that is filled with starts, stops, leveling up, and many missteps along the way. In fact, improving your focus might just be one of the most challenging things you can try to do in the Twenty-First Century. We have limitless distractions, stress from home and work, and information flying at us 24/7.


Below you will find a list of creative ways to work on improving your focus. But what you must remember throughout all the steps is to take inventory consistently. Notice your mental state, what is distracting you, and why is it distracting you. Taking the time to stop and take stock will give you feedback on what is and isn’t working for you, as well as how you are improving along the way.


1. Consider Your Attention


Throughout the day, stop and consider how much attention you are paying to the task at hand. Are you fully focused? Or are you only half working on a project while the other half of your brain thinks about lunch?


2. Consider Your Mood


Consider your mood throughout the day and why it may be that way. This should be paired with your attention to what you are doing. Are you anxious while you only half-think about the project? Are you annoyed and typing an email? 


3. Write Down Your Distractions & Look at Them


Every time you catch yourself being pulled away from the task at hand, write down the distraction and what you were doing, then get back to work. At the end of the day, look back on what distracted you and when. You may be able to pinpoint weak points in your day and find ways to remedy those distractions.


4. Stop and Breath


Ever feel like you’re being pulled in ten different directions? Are the distractions flooding at you becoming overwhelming? Stop and breathe. Clear your mind for a few moments, write it all down, and make a plan. While you may not be able to solve all the problems, at least you can do your best to work through each one with a clear mind.


5. Visualize


You can use visualization at any time to clear your mind and focus on one thing. This will allow you to push away distractions and build your mind’s ability to concentrate for a lengthened time. You can visualize colors, images, anything that you focus your mind on.


Building better focus is not a race. It is a journey that takes time and patience. Consider incorporating creative, focus building exercises into your daily routine.


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Five Signs You Might Need to Focus on Emotional Healing

What is emotional healing? It's the process by which you recover emotionally and mentally from a negative life experience. You can't keep tough times from appearing in your life. When you are emotionally healthy and balanced, you deal with those difficult situations that inevitably pop up, and you can move on with your life.


Sometimes, we don't understand we need emotional healing. That's the problem. If you suffer some injury and have a broken bone, you can see it. You can certainly feel it. You know you have to get it fixed.


This isn't always the case when your emotions are out of whack.


You might think your emotional responses to your experiences are correct and healthy. They may be anything but. Here are five signs you could use some emotional healing to live a more complete and fulfilling life.


You Don't Experience a Wide Range of Emotions


You have access to 34,000 different and unique emotions. That's what psychologist Robert Plutchik believed. He stated that most of us only experience eight primary emotions most of the time. These are anger, sadness, disgust, trust, fear, joy, surprise and anticipation.


If only a couple of those are usually present, you probably need more emotional balance. This could indicate that you aren't properly processing situations and human interactions. 


Low Self-Esteem and a Poor Self-Image


This is an offshoot of what we just talked about. You constantly look down on yourself. Everyone has times when they doubt their abilities. That's only normal. We recover and move on. The emotionally unhealthy person usually has a low sense of self-worth, even when there is evidence this isn't the case.


You Have Difficulty Trusting Others


A lack of trust can come from emotional imbalance. You must love yourself and truly believe you can overcome a bad relationship experience, or you'll never trust others.


You Can't Move Past a Negative Experience


Life can be difficult, at times seemingly impossible. It might look like you'll never recover in the middle of the most trying hardship. You will. Don't embrace and hold onto negative emotions. Practice gratitude for the great things in your life. Lean on your support network and get whatever help you need if you can't seem to let go of negative emotions.


Constant Anxiety and Stress


Chronic stress is a killer and has been directly linked to many common causes of death. A constant display of stress and anxiety could mean you're not always responding to life correctly where your emotions are concerned.


There is no miracle pill you can pop to always enjoy perfect emotional balance. You will have ups and downs, experiencing difficult times that hurt you emotionally. 


For you to live your best life and for those that you love, you need to learn to recognize a negative life experience, give it its due, and then move on. Consider seeking help if you often display these signs of poor emotional health.


Friday 10 May 2024

For More Productivity and Better Outcomes, Stay in the Moment

Do you remember when multitasking was all the rage? In the 1990s, self-professed productivity gurus told us to constantly juggle multiple tasks. We were told that most big achievers in life could do several different things at once, all of them successfully and at a high level of productivity.


Best-selling books talked about multitasking to improve virtually every aspect of our lives. We were told we could do so much more in less time, giving us more free time to do whatever we wanted.


After a few years of generating billions of dollars in self-improvement sales, multitasking was unmasked.


It was found to be a productivity killer. Millions of people woke up to the reality that the best way to get something done is to do one thing at a time. Focus on a single task until it is completed. Then begin tackling something else. This was and still is the single best way to maximize your time and minimize your effort.


Giving All Your Attention to the Current Moment Is All about Focus


One of the oldest carpentry axioms tells us to "Measure twice, cut once." This minimizes errors. You don't spend more money than you need to on lumber. You're not wasting money on wood you miscut because you were in a rush with your measurement.


In other words, the entire focus is on the present moment. That moment is measuring the piece of lumber you are about to cut. You're not thinking about an upcoming vacation or what you'll eat for dinner. That can cause you to make a mistake. Nothing else should exist except whatever it is you're going to be cutting.


Then you measure it again. Your focus is so intense on getting this right that you understand the importance of double-checking your work. This is a simple example of living in the moment. The best carpenters are present in their current actions. They understand that letting their minds wander could lead to an incorrect measurement. That means having to buy more materials to replace their mistakes.


A lack of focus on carpentry could also mean smashing your thumb with a hammer. Or worse, if you aren't paying attention while using a saw.


We use these real-world examples of the importance of focus to help you appreciate living in the current moment.


You'll improve productivity if you focus on the "right now" slice of your life. It's really all you have control over, isn't it? Your past is behind you, and your future is far from guaranteed or controllable. Start spending more time in the present moment, totally immersed in your current existence, and you'll see more productivity and better results in your life.


Friday 3 May 2024

Be More Productive with These 3 Tips

Everyone knows that productivity is essential to success, but being productive is often easier said than done, especially in the age of the internet when many people are working from home. If you want to become more productive but aren't sure how to begin, try following these three easy tips to get you started.


Tip 1: Have A Plan


It’s extremely difficult to be productive if you aren't sure exactly what you have to do. This is why you need to start your journey to productivity by having a plan. This can be a plan for the day, the week, or even the month, whatever suits your work style. 


It's best to make the goals small and achievable daily—this will help you stay focused and on track. It will also help keep you motivated as you will feel accomplished every time you cross something off the list. 


Tip 2: Don’t Give In To Distractions


This is a tough one. Distractions come in all shapes and sizes, everything from technology (your phone) to food and even your friends or coworkers. The best way to start being more productive is by finding an area you can work in with little if any, distractions. This could mean removing the TV from your office or finding somewhere to work that isn’t the kitchen. 


Then you should commit to not picking up your phone or checking your email for a specified period of time while you work. You'll find this helps tremendously with keeping you on task and preventing you from wasting time on something you don’t need to waste time on.


Tip 3: Take Breaks


Numerous studies have shown that your brain works most effectively when it takes frequent breaks from a difficult task. Some people like to specify and time these breaks using a timer for maximum productivity. But you don’t have to rigidly schedule breaks to benefit from them. Even just stepping away from your desk for five minutes because you're frustrated at something can do wonders for your productivity levels, as well as your mental health. 


Although it can be difficult to stay on task, it's quite easy to boost your productivity simply by having a plan, avoiding distractions, and taking adequate breaks. Employ all three in your life, and you'll likely be surprised by how much your productivity increases!


Tuesday 19 March 2024

How To Use Your Years Of Wisdom For A Better You

Becoming wise takes years of experience. Through our falls and triumphs, we slowly acquire this innate sense of what to do and when.


With wisdom, you learn how to learn from your mistakes, rather than be ashamed of them. You become better at knowing when to ask for help and understand that it doesn’t mean you’re weak or helpless.


In addition, you evolve into someone more interested in showing compassion and empathy rather than taking a self-centered approach. As a result, you begin to influence others simply by setting a good example.


One of the best things about wisdom is that it’s a skill that can be developed at any age. More importantly, is that we can put it to good use in our lives, for example, when we make decisions, build relationships, and nurture success.


So, how can you use your years of wisdom for a better you? That’s what we’re here today to find out!


Is Wisdom the Same as Knowledge?


No, they’re not the same. Wisdom encompasses a lot of things, including knowledge, experience, pattern recognition, empathy, engagement, and more.


Hence, without knowledge, you can’t gain wisdom.


Here’s why:


Knowledge is knowing certain pieces of information regarding specific topics. It acts as the foundation on which we can build our experiences from learning and failing.


Wisdom, on the other hand, is the ability to apply and put this information to good use. It can’t be claimed until we can learn and accept our mistakes and accomplishments.


Only then can you begin to improve your understanding of the world and make good decisions in almost every situation.


At its core, wisdom is realizing that life isn’t knowing all the right answers, but it’s knowing the right questions to ask.


How To Make The Most Of Your Wisdom


According to numerous studies, researchers discovered that a healthy gut microbiome is typically characterized by phylogenetic diversity and richness. Yet, what was even more fascinating is that they found that these healthy microbiomes were almost always associated with higher levels of wisdom and compassion.


Being able to empathize and see things from other people’s vantage points is one of the tenets of being wise. It also allows you to hone in on the needs, motivations, and fears of others.


Feel Less Isolated


Other studies found that wisdom is often correlated with fewer bouts of loneliness. This probably comes from the fact that wise people are often more tuned in with their emotional needs.


They’re also more willing to try new things and meet new people because they know it’s a great way to expand their horizons and open the door to a new learning experience.


Establish Personal Boundaries


Wisdom also brings with it just the right balance between your personal boundaries and those of others. So, you’re able to make contributions at home, work, and in your community without feeling the burnout that usually comes with taking on more than you can handle.


This ability to effectively navigate through life could be one of the factors that wisdom is linked to lower levels of anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues.


Foster Emotional Awareness


Knowing how to be aware of your feelings and emotions can help you take action when you start feeling things becoming too much to handle. Also, when you’re guided by wisdom, you tend to think before you act.


Embrace Change


Allowing wisdom to guide you allows you to have a more positive mindset. This makes accepting change and dealing with hard times more effortless.


Having an open-minded and hopeful approach to life is also a great way to see things more clearly, which leads to better decision-making.




Learning how to use your years of wisdom is critical for living a life of fulfillment and success. We listed several practical ways to put your wisdom to good use. Now, it’s up to you to apply them to everyday life.


Each one may not be easy to do at first. However, the time and effort you put in to reap the benefits of applying your wisdom will certainly be worth it in the long run.


Tuesday 12 March 2024

6 Tips For Living With Integrity

Integrity is one of those things that’s difficult to put into words, but we still recognize it when we see it.


Still, many dictionaries try to describe it, like the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, which defines it as ‘honesty; honor; uprightness of character or action’.


Another definition is a ‘sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.’ While this definition often refers to the condition of something tangible like the ‘structural integrity’ of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle.


This meaning has some relevance to the type of moral integrity we want to discuss in this post. This refers to how goodness is like a moral compass that must be sound and rational.


In addition, integrity shouldn’t be impaired by external pressures or difficult circumstances while still being true to clear and constant principles. This is when you can say for certain that your inner and outer lives have come together and merged in unity. Not surprisingly, the word integrity stems from the Latin word for bringing together or making whole, integritas.


Your sense of virtue should be unwavering regardless of the situation. This is the type of integrity that earns a good reputation.


Here are six tips for living with integrity.


Value Fairness


Justice and fairness are two vital pillars of integrity. They define how you treat others in your family, community, and workplace.


Everyone you meet will have a different perspective than you. And it’s important that you provide them with a safe space to voice their ideas without judgment or criticism.

Unfortunately, not everyone values fairness as much as you. So, it’s difficult to expect the same from others. But by asserting your sense of virtue, you’ll likely inspire others to imitate your positive behavior.


Define Your Core Values


Knowing where you stand on various topics can help you determine your values and principles. Do you value compassion and forgiveness? Or do you prefer to stand up for injustices no matter the situation?


Most times, we’re trained to do as we’re told and follow the teachings of those who came before us. However, you can do a bit of soul-searching to find out what your instinctual values are, and what you believe in your heart to be right and wrong even if no one comes right out and tells you.


Surround Yourself with the Right People


We all have people in our lives who don’t follow a virtuous path. Their moral compass seems to be off course and they’re fine with it.


These are the ones you should limit contact with as much as you can. Rather, surround yourself with people that you trust and respect and who value honesty and fairness like you.


And when you’re not sure what to do, ask them for help. They’ll help you see things from a different perspective so that you can make sound decisions that have a positive effect on your life for years to come.


Speak Your Truth


Over time, living with false beliefs will make you lose your true identity. In situations like this, you’re not just lying to yourself; you’re also lying to the people closest to you.

Being true to who you are and speaking your truth is the first step to living with integrity. It means that you’ve managed to integrate your core values with your actions. And, when it’s time to make a decision, whether big or small, your moral compass will easily guide you in the right direction.


Avoid Shortcuts


In this busy day and age, it’s getting easier and easier for people to get things done by cutting corners. Yet just because no one is looking doesn’t mean it’s right.


Living with integrity means being accountable for the work you do. This means not just getting the task done but doing it to the best of your ability without cheating by using shortcuts or cutting corners.


Find Your Purpose


Be willing to recognize that being alive means you have the ability to choose how you want certain aspects to turn out. This includes realizing your passions through exploration and discovery.


Even if one path ends up taking you off-course, that’s fine. Start a new path and enjoy where it takes you, making mistakes and learning along the way.


One way to find your purpose is to ask yourself these questions:


  • What do I want to achieve in life?
  • What do I need to do to reach my full potential?
  • What makes me happy?
  • What are my skill sets and how can I use them to help others?