Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts

Friday 15 March 2024

6 Tips For Transitioning Into Retirement

It’s no secret that experiencing change can be a challenge. You’ll find this is true even when the transition you’re going through entails something long desired. The reason is, by and large, people are creatures of habit. So, when life’s rhythms get altered the upheaval can be immense.


The decision to bring your career to a close is one that invariably brings many feelings to the surface. Some of these feelings will be positive, and others, not so much.


A little bit of planning can help you through this process in as seamless and painless a fashion as possible. The following six tips for transitioning into retirement will help you on your path.


1.     Mitigate Financial Risks


Recent studies1 have shown there are five major financial risks facing retirees: policy risk, market risk, health risk, longevity risk, and family risk.  Of these, the risks that most consistently become a problem for people are longevity risk (outliving resources) and health risk (medical bills/long-term care).  


The good news is that these are risks you can mitigate in many ways. For example, you can take care not to underestimate how long you will live, be realistic about the expenses involved in healthcare, and acknowledge the possibility of needing assistance later in life. 


In addition, if you take good care of yourself (physically, mentally, and emotionally) now, you will increase the likelihood of aging with grace and potentially reduce your medical needs and overhead later.


2.    Be Realistic About Spending


Paying close attention to what you spend each month before you retire will give you a sense of your monetary needs.  If you find that they are too high, begin paring down your expenses and reducing your overhead: the fewer places you hemorrhage money, the better.  Even if you have ample resources, it’s wise to pay attention to your spending to avoid unwanted surprises down the road. 


3.    Practice Prevention 


Your health and wellbeing should have been your priority throughout your life, but as you age, it’s untenable for them not to be. The difference between enjoying your retirement, or suffering the experience, can easily come down to lifestyle choices.  


So, if you haven’t already, make physical activity a part of each day, aim to eat a rainbow of food, cultivate sources of creativity and joy in your life, and spend time with people you love. Doing these things could lengthen your life, prevent illness and injury, and simply help to make your life better.


4.    Have A Plan


Work consumes a great deal of time. If you head into retirement without considering what those suddenly vacant hours will look like, you could leave yourself feeling unmoored. Creating a schedule for yourself that incorporates healthy habits into your daily routine can be a game changer.


According to a study for Psychology of Aging, “the retirement transition is multi-dimensional. The transition involves two developmental challenges: adjustment to the loss of the work role and the social ties of work, and the development of a satisfactory postretirement lifestyle.”2  


Anticipating these impacts in advance, and consciously facing them through planning and preparation, increases your chances for a happy retirement.


5.    Learn To Relax 


Learning to relax may sound silly, but many people are so conditioned to be busy that suddenly having free time can lead to an identity crisis. To counter this possibility, consider beginning a mindfulness practice such as meditation. Learning to sit, be still, and reflect inward will confer myriad health benefits and help ease you into retirement.


6.    Don’t Wait To Enjoy


Life is better when lived fully. Waiting for a future date to truly savor your existence can be a monumental waste of precious time. Life offers few guarantees, so if you want to avoid regrets, then make today matter. Once retirement begins, double down.  


Fill your moments with things you’ve long wanted to try. Vie to expand, rather than contract, as you age. Stay engaged, keep moving, and consciously cultivate your vitality. Doing this will help you transition smoothly into retirement and, what’s more, will foster a life worth living.




  1. ​​Hou, W. (n.d.). How Well Do Retirees Assess The Risks They Face in Retirement? Center for Retirement Research. Retrieved September 23, 2022, from
  2. van Solinge, H., & Henkens, K. (2008). Adjustment to and satisfaction with retirement: two of a kind?. Psychology and aging, 23(2), 422–434.


Sunday 5 June 2022

Losing Weight After 50

As you get older, you may notice that it is increasingly difficult to lose weight. This is especially true after you pass the milestone 50th birthday. Don’t fret though, as there are many tips you can use to help you to effectively lose weight after you turn 50. 


Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight After 50?


You may be wondering why turning 50 is so hard on your body. And honestly, a lot of it has to do with your lifestyle slowing down. Chances are you are no longer as active as you were before, spending more time sedentary than in your previous decades. And according to Healthline, 50 is also when you experience metabolic changes that also contribute to having less energy and weight gain. 


Your social life is also probably slowing down at this time as well. If you have kids, they no longer need the constant chasing they needed when they were young, and your friends are probably no longer inviting you for jogs in the park. You are also more comfortable and established at your job, no longer working a side hustle to make ends meet. All of this adds up to a life that is generally much less active overall. 


How Do You Remedy This?


Although you are probably receiving less invitations to do active things with friends, this doesn’t mean that you can’t invite them to do something active with you! Next time you find yourself with a free afternoon, invite a friend for a walk around the park. This way you will be doing something active that is good for your body while also being social.


And if you haven’t already, it’s probably time to switch out your diet for something a little bit healthier. Back in the day, it was easy to work off any excess calories you may have consumed. But now it takes more exercise than ever to burn off extra calories, so it’s better to just stick to a healthy diet. If your life is especially sedentary, it may be time to cut back on your portion sizes as well.


Shift From Cardio To Strength Training


Besides just eating right and trying to stay active, as you grow older it’s also critical that you swap your exercises from cardio based to more strength training. This is because your muscles and bones are more likely to be injured now than ever before, and with proper strength training you can prepare your body properly for exercise and mitigate injuries. 


This doesn’t mean you have to stop all cardio however, and if you are an avid athlete like a runner or biker—keep on doing what you are doing! But be aware that you need to schedule ample time for strength training in order to retain your muscle strength, as this decreases after 50 even with a cardio routine. 


In one article on Healthline, it is mentioned that strength training also helps to boost your metabolism, which will help you to have more energy. And when you have more energy for your workout, this will keep you on track for your weight loss goals. Just make sure you develop a regular workout routine and stick to it. 


Losing weight after 50 can be a challenge. This is because once you hit the milestone birthday, your metabolism starts to slow and your life becomes more sedentary. Combat this by keeping yourself social, eating a healthy diet, and active, while shifting your focus towards strength training. This way you will be able to work out in a way that is beneficial for your body and lose weight as you enter a new phase of your life. 


What Good Is Retirement If You Don't Enjoy It?

We spend a big portion of our lives dreaming about and planning our retirement. It’s exciting knowing that we'll be able to do what we want when we want it. Having that kind of freedom sounds much better than running between meetings or working overtime to meet deadlines.


But is retirement all it’s cut out to be?


Keep reading to find out about retirement: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Retirement Statistics


According to studies from the National Center for Health Statistics, the average 65-year old can expect to live until they’re almost 84. That’s 6 and a half years longer than it was back in 1940!


This is one reason why more people are going back to work during their retirement. In fact, seven out of 10 people view working while they’re retired as a good thing. Based on a study carried out by Bankrate. 38% percent of those who participated in the study say they chose to go back to work during their retirement.


So, if retirees are expected to live longer, why are they unhappy? That takes us to the 35% who say they have to stay working because they need the money. The final 27% are those who enjoy the work, at the same, they still rely on that extra bit of income.


Ready for another sobering statistic? Over 47% of people already in retirement are worried they may outlive their retirement savings.


Retirement: Truths vs. Reality


Many of us imagine our retirement to be traveling around the world or going on a cruise. Others see themselves learning new hobbies or picking up old ones. Some people just want to enjoy their kids and grandkids while they’re still healthy enough to be able to.


The truth is retirement becomes a period of lack of purpose and loneliness. For many people, it slowly feels like you’re disconnected from life as you know it.


This tends to lead to anxiety, stress, and obesity. Other symptoms many retirees suffer from are obesity and high blood pressure. This is a direct result of leading a sedentary lifestyle. Watching too much TV and not eating the right types of food results in chronic diseases, and it only snowballs from there.


Also, those who retire tend to use less and less of their cognitive skills. This can lead to a decline in focus and concentration, which can eventually lead to dementia.


The Institute of Economic Affairs has a study on retirees who suffer from clinical depression after retiring. Their study found that the risk goes up to about nearly 40% after retiring.


This comes as a direct result of losing the structure and schedule of having a steady job. Part of it is also missing out on the intellectual and social stimulus that work brings.


It’s understandable. Once retired, you give up the daily social interactions you’ve been used to for years. You also give up your steady routine, which you used to hate, but, suddenly, you miss more than ever.


Retirement is similar to the grieving process people go through when they lose a loved one. You have to take it step-by-step and give yourself time to adjust and recalibrate.


Show Me The Money


Investment companies make a big hype of telling us that the key to a successful life is saving up enough money so you can eventually quit working. It’s not very goal-oriented, but it’s how a large number of people feel about their work before retirement and after.


It somehow paints this image in your head that retirement is the end of life as we know it. After you reach that milestone, sit back and live out your remaining years in slow decline.


That could be what our parents’ generation decided to do with their retirement years. However, many of us today want something that adds purpose to our lives.


Plus, it’s good to find a part-time job somewhere or work as a consultant. This keeps your mind sharp, which is something we’re constantly in need of no matter how old we are. Having that option also allows you to meet new people and learn new things.


The Big Picture


The ones I like the most are those who’re looking at the big picture. They know they’ve spent many years in the workforce. They also know it’s only fair to give the younger generation a chance, just as older generations did before them.


At the same time, they’re not wilting away at home, feeling victimized. They’re out looking for jobs that fit into their new chapter of life. It could be full-time, part-time, non-profit volunteer work—it’s up to you!


They’re also out there learning new things and meeting new people. Research shows that socially active retirees enjoy better physical and emotional health.


That’s the beauty of retirement. Being retired doesn’t mean you’ve become a statistic or fallen victim to old age. It means the path has slightly shifted to a new purpose. The best part is you’ve reached that point in your life where you get to set all rules.


Sure, you can put your feet up. You’ve earned it!


But you should also keep yourself in good shape, both mentally and physically. Here are a few ideas you can try to stay happy and healthy during your retirement.

  • Volunteer at local shelters, soup kitchens, or any non-profit organization
  • Take a class to keep your mind sharp and meet new people with similar interests
  • Go on regular walks or join a gym
  • Practice yoga, meditation, or tai chi
  • Set up a daily routine and stick to it


Being Active In Senior Years


Depending on age and general health, there are various ways one can stay healthy and energetic. 

Choose Your Favorite Activity

Instead of opting for an exercise routine that you are not very familiar with, choose your favorite sport or activity that helps you move more. This makes 'being active' fun and easy.


Good Options Include

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Gardening
  • Weight Training: This helps you gain muscle mass which is lost as part of aging process. 


Remember to always ask your doctor before starting any exercise program

Tracking Progress


Note your progress in a dairy. This will help you track your progress and make necessary changes to your physical routine accordingly.

Wear Appropriate Clothing


Clothes you wear while exercising should provide enough ventilation and flexibility to move freely. Also wear appropriate shoes and other safety gear to have a good exercising experience. 

Drink an adequate amount of water to avoid dehydration.

Water prevents dehydration and improves performance. Water is also crucial for the body to function well as you exercise.


Seniors Who Have Had A Little Or No Experience Of Being Active


Better late than never! Even if you have never exercised, or have completely stopped exercising, you can always start now. Even by performing simple exercises such as a brisk walk early morning, you can develop muscle mass and help strengthen your bones. 


Advantages Of Being An Active Senior Adult


  • Science proves that being active in old-age, can help prevent (or at least delay) disease and disability.

  • Regular physical activities also help improve metabolism, blood circulation and immune system health. 

  • Studies show that senior adults who are active are less prone to develop stress and are often in good mood. This in turn can help lower risks of depression.


Getting regular physical activity helps keep you young, energized and physically fit. As a result you can enjoy retirement that much more! 


A Final Note


Once you decide it’s time to retire, take a step back, and be proud of all you’ve accomplished. You’re wiser, more experienced, and certainly, tougher than you were a couple of decades ago.


Retirement is like the pot at the end of the rainbow. We have our hearts set on it. Then, once we get to it, we’re so baffled by it, we don’t know what we’re supposed to do with it!


So, make a list of everything you’d like to accomplish in your golden years to make your retirement more enjoyable. Then, get out there and start ticking things off that list!


6 Tips For A Joyful Retirement

Retirement blesses us with time to do what we truly desire. We’re free to follow our hearts true desire and find joy while doing so. However, finding joy in retirement goes beyond finding a beach house to recline or having more free time than you know what to do with it. Here are 6 important tips for a joyful retirement.


1. Cut Spending By Budgeting


A lot has been said concerning money and happiness. While money doesn’t equate to happiness, its one vital component for a joyful retirement. A study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College on what makes retirees happy reaffirms the importance of money. 


Most people go on a spending spree the minute they get their retirement money and then end up without a penny few months later. You need to budget your money and spend wisely as there wouldn’t be any monthly pay checks anymore. 


2. Maintain a Daily Routine


Indeed, one of retirement’s most enticing benefits is the freedom to do whatever you desire. However, it’s easy to fall into an unhealthy pattern which might be detrimental to your health. To prevent this, doctors recommend following a healthy daily routine. 


Incorporate all the activities you love into the routine as well as other healthy activities recommended by your doctor. Doing this would help you avoid the feeling of purposelessness most retirees admit to feeling few months into retirement.


3. Stay in Touch


study by the University of Chicago showed that extreme loneliness increases a retiree’s chances of early death by as much as 14%. Being retired takes you out of the majority of your social networks and cuts down on the amount of human connection we make daily. 


Extra effort should be put into staying in touch with a thriving social community as the effects of extreme loneliness can be deadly. This can be your family, former colleagues, Faith groups, group affiliations, or by community volunteering.


4. Stay Active


Very different from staying in touch, staying active entails playing a role. It can be in the family, your house of faith or the community. Staying active offers a twofold benefit as it helps you socialize and gives you a sense of purpose. Doctors say both are vital to the happiness and well-being of a retiree.


5. Stay Fit By Exercising 


While exercise is important at all periods in our lives, it’s even more necessary when you’re retired. Exercising the body is important to both your physical and mental well-being. Research has shown that frequent exercise helps wards off several health issues and boosts your energy levels. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) recommends four types of exercise for retirees.


6. Train Your Brain


Most people go into retirement thankful for the endless hours of free time they’ll have and anticipating just how they’ll spend those hours. Most might decide to pursue an abandoned hobby, read books, or learn new things. 


These lofty aspirations most times get abandoned a few months into retirement. However, researchers at the Harvard Medical School have proven several times that tasking your brain has unending benefits. It keeps your memory strong and keeps your brain functioning at high levels.


This can be reading a book, painting, doing puzzles, or learning a new skill. Asides the apparent benefit of tasking your brain, the joy and sense of progress when you chase these pursuits has its own benefits. 


You could join a community or group that shares similar passions and enjoy create new social connections. A group has the added advantage of pushing you past your comfort zone which is great for stimulating the brain.


It’s possible to have a joyful retirement. All it requires is some effort to continually do the right thing. When you make these correct lifestyle choices, you’ll be set to enjoy a joyful retirement filled with happiness and purpose.