Showing posts with label Innovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Innovation. Show all posts

Friday 30 August 2024

8 Methods To Boost Your Problem-Solving Skills

Problem is defined by the dictionary as “a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.”


“Problem solving is the process of achieving a goal by overcoming obstacles, a frequent part of most activities. Problems in need of solutions range from simple personal tasks to complex issues in business and technical fields.” (Wikipedia)


Why You Need Problem Solving Skills


  1. For one, when you ignore your problems, they tend to get worse.
  2. The life skill of problem solving gives you some level of control over your life, in the present and even in the future.
  3. Whether in personal dilemmas or professional quandaries, the right approach can turn obstacles into opportunities. 
  4. Problem solving helps build resilience.
  5. Lastly, it’s a vital skill that helps you deal with life on life’s terms.


This article offers eight key methods to enhance your problem-solving acumen, ensuring you tackle issues with clarity, creativity, and confidence. Dive in to master the art of addressing challenges head-on.


Defining the Problem with Clarity 


Understanding the problem is the foundational step in any problem-solving process. To address any issue effectively, one must first ensure they grasp its entirety. 


This involves more than just identifying the problem's existence; it means delving deep to understand its root cause, the people it impacts, and the circumstances under which it arises. 

By dissecting the problem into more digestible parts, the process becomes less overwhelming and paves the way for a more lucid solution-finding journey.


The Power of Brainstorming 


Once the problem is laid out clearly, the next step is to gather a plethora of potential solutions. This phase should emphasize open-mindedness and creativity, allowing for a wide range of ideas, from the conventional to the out-of-the-box. 


The essence of brainstorming is diversity. Including individuals from different backgrounds or fields can infuse the process with varied viewpoints and enrich the pool of solutions.


Creative Problem Solving


Harvard Business School describes another approach to problem solving that while less structured offers valuable opportunities and one that is ideal for situations where the root cause has not yet been identified or defined.


The tools of creative problem solving include:


  • Brainstorming
  • Divergent thinking exercises: This involves coming up with a variety of solutions, each unique and each offering possible alternatives. 




Seeing the Problem In many scenarios, visual aids can be incredibly potent tools in the problem-solving arsenal. When dealing with complex issues, writing them down on flowcharts, diagrams, or mind maps can give you insights into their complexities. 


Such visual representations can demystify complexities, showcase how different elements interrelate, and pinpoint areas that might require special attention.


Evaluating and Prioritizing Solutions 


With a list of possible solutions in hand, the next logical step is to sift through them. This involves a meticulous examination of each idea based on various parameters such as feasibility, potential impact, and resources needed. 


An objective assessment can also uncover possible risks and upsides tied to each solution. This methodical analysis is crucial in zeroing in on the most viable solutions while sidestepping potential hazards.


Tackling Complex Problems Piece by Piece 


One common pitfall in problem-solving is becoming paralyzed by the sheer magnitude of an issue. The antidote to this is segmentation. 


By deconstructing a colossal problem into bite-sized tasks, it becomes less daunting. This approach not only prevents feelings of being overwhelmed but also instills a progressive sense of achievement with each completed task.


The Value of Collaboration and Feedback 


Solving problems in isolation can often be limiting. By bringing in a fresh set of eyes, be it peers, mentors, or domain experts, new perspectives can be added to the mix. 


Additionally, Engaging in discussions can unearth insights that one might have missed, highlight unforeseen challenges, or suggest alternative paths. This collaborative spirit can amplify creativity and drive towards a more holistic solution.


Embracing Mistakes as Learning Opportunities 


When it comes to problem-solving, perfection is a myth. It's natural to encounter roadblocks or realize that a chosen solution doesn't yield the desired results. Instead of viewing these as failures, they should be perceived as invaluable lessons. 


By introspecting on what didn't work, refining strategies, and persisting in the face of setbacks, one not only finds better solutions but also strengthens their problem-solving aptitude and resilience.




Problem-solving is a vital skill in both personal and professional life. By consistently practicing and refining these methods, you'll be better equipped to tackle challenges head-on and come up with effective solutions. 


Whether it's a minor hiccup or a significant hurdle, developing strong problem-solving skills will serve you well in any situation.


Tuesday 30 July 2024

What Stops You from Getting Motivated?

Innovation, creativity, and satisfaction are all dependent on motivation. Motivation drives us to take action, and when we take action, we generate movement, development, and change. We feel needed, competent, and relevant; we feel empowered by seeing how we can make a difference in the world and produce more of what we like in our lives. All of this brings meaning and enjoyment to our lives. 


According to VeryWellMind"When you’re struggling with motivation, you’ll likely come up with a long list of reasons why you shouldn’t take any action. You might think, “It’ll be too hard,” or, “I’ll never get it done anyway.” These types of thoughts will keep you stuck."


Most of us have a single definition of lack of motivation, which means you're likely to believe you're dealing with the same issue anytime you're unmotivated. The reality is that lack of motivation is a broad group of subjects with several variants. 


Lack of motivation is defined as a lack of commitment to act, and there are a variety of reasons why you could be in that situation:




Even if you're approaching terrain you've decided to walk into, a part of you is driven to resist moving ahead when you're scared. Fear slows you down and makes you reluctant and cautious, which may be good, but your concerns are sometimes based on your thoughts rather than a realistic evaluation of the hazards in your environment.


Stress And Frustration


Have you ever felt so frustrated, overworked, or under stress that you'd instead give up than keep going with whatever you're trying to accomplish? Whatever the source, one thing we all know about being overwhelmed (or too worried) is that it saps motivation.


You Have No Idea What You Want


This primary cause is by far the most prevalent of all the reasons why you could be weak in motivation: Either you don't have any idea you want, or you don't understand what you want. If you don't feel motivated in any aspect of your life, it's probably because you haven't chosen exactly what you want. We can't concentrate on anything if we don't know what we're trying to achieve.


Lack Of Self-Determination


We thrive on independence. Our brains all contain a decision-making center, and this part of us has to be used. According to studies, persons with depression have a deficiency in this decision-making area in the brain. If you practice utilizing this portion of the brain and making decisions, your depression will usually disappear, and you'd be more motivated.




We go through a period of wondering if we should or could keep things the way they were and lamenting what we'll lose if we make substantial changes at the start of any shift. 

Confusion, self-doubt, suspicion of the world around us, and a sense of being lost are all frequent symptoms, and the larger the change, the stronger these symptoms become, and the easier we lose our motivation.


Friday 21 June 2024

Age is Just a Number: Shattering Stereotypes and Embracing Life's Full Potential

There's a phrase whispered like a mantra throughout our lives: "Age is just a number." But how often do we genuinely internalize its meaning? We watch time march on, counting birthdays like milestones on a dusty road, often associating them with limitations and decline.


But what if age, that seemingly linear progression, is instead a mosaic? A vibrant collage of experiences, wisdom, and potential, far richer and more dynamic than a single number can represent.


In truth, the statistics paint a compelling picture. Forget the image of the forgetful grandparent struggling with technology. Consider Johannes Mallow, the 48-year-old world memory champion, or the countless older adults mastering new languages with impressive fluency. Studies even show our brains retain their remarkable plasticity, the ability to adapt and form new connections, throughout our lifespan.


Our physical ability, too, can defy expectations. Marathon legends like Fauja Singh, who tackled the London Marathon at 100, are testaments to the human spirit's enduring strength. And Ernestine Shepherd, who became the world's oldest competitive bodybuilder at 86, proves that physical peak performance can blossom even in life's later chapters.


The world of innovation and achievement follows suit. While we often glorify youthful entrepreneurship, the average age of successful startup founders sits closer to 40 than 25. Experience, it seems, trumps youthful energy when building high-impact companies. And let's not forget the late Bloomers, individuals who find their creative voice or professional calling later in life. Helen Frankenthaler, who redefined abstract expressionism at 50, is a powerful example.


Even happiness, that elusive butterfly, seems to take flight with age. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that people over 85 reported higher levels of life satisfaction than their younger counterparts. Perhaps wisdom's gentle hand helps us understand what truly matters and appreciate the richness of each passing moment.


But these statistics are merely stepping stones to embracing the "Age is Just a Number" philosophy. It's about dismantling the ageist narratives that infiltrate our society, from hiring practices based on arbitrary dates to the limiting expectations we place on ourselves and others.


It's about recognizing that a 25-year-old can be a seasoned artist, a 60-year-old can still be an agile athlete, and an 80-year-old a tech-savvy entrepreneur. It's about understanding that potential knows no age, and limitations are often self-imposed.


So, how do we genuinely internalize this transformative message? It starts with a shift in perspective. Let's view age as a spectrum, not a rigid ladder. Let's celebrate the wisdom gained with each passing year while nurturing the curiosity and spirit of adventure within us all. Let's champion lifelong learning, embrace new challenges, and redefine what it means to "age gracefully."


Most importantly, let's replace the tired figure of decline with the vibrant narrative of continuous growth, boundless potential, and a life that explodes in color and possibility, regardless of the number on the calendar.


Because, my friends, age is just a number. It's time we started living like it.


Friday 29 September 2023

Part 3: How To Combine The Two And Come Up With Creative Solutions That Work!

Last but not least, we come to the fun stuff. In this section, we take a look at how we can combine creative and critical thinking to come up with out of the box solutions to problems that work. By combining both critical and creative thinking, we can take advantage of the benefits of both while avoiding the downsides. 


Let’s go back to the silly weight loss example to show how this can work in action. Again the idea is to lose a fair amount of weight. Cutting off a limb is obviously not an option, but we can take a look at some of the reasons that make this an attractive consideration. We lose a set amount of weight, and we lose it in a set amount of time. That may spark a thought about tracking weight loss in interesting increments (like losing the equivalent of 3 packs of butter, or the equivalent of your arm’s weight). It may also inspire us to set a date for which we want to have x number of pounds gone. It may even get us to think about and consider surgical alternatives like liposuction or stomach stapling. While those may not end up being the right solutions for you, it’s good to include them and think about those options. You never know where they may lead you. 


Looking into weight loss surgery may have you considering alternatives like fasting. At the very least, it will serve as a motivator if you want to avoid surgery at all costs. 


In this case, we started out with creative thinking and then moved into critical thinking. We got a complete picture, collected a lot of data, and then analyzed it logically to come up with the best solution. That’s a great way to approach this process. 


Another option is to start with critical thinking, then switch to creative thoughts to come up with more alternatives and more data sources. Then go back to critical thinking to determine what will work in the end. 


By combining these two ways of thinking, we can come up with new and innovative solutions that will work. At other times we may find that the old tried and true way of doing things is popular for a reason. It may end up being the best possible solution. We won’t know that though until we’ve thought about it critically and creatively, working through all possible alternative options. 


That’s why combining aspects of both critical and creative thinking is such a powerful strategy. Give it a try the next time you face a complex problem. Since switching between thinking creatively and analytically can be a little tricky at first, it can be helpful to sit down and work on creative brainstorming first. Get out a notebook and spend some time thinking of as many ideas as you can and write them down. Walk away for a bit and then get to work on the critical thinking part of the process, collecting more data, organizing it, analyzing it, and finally coming up with a workable solution. Rinse and repeat as needed until you find something that works well for you.


The more you get in the habit of practicing those creative and critical thinking skills and combining them, the better you get at it. Before long the entire process will become an integral part of how you approach problem-solving. 


Tuesday 26 September 2023

Part 2: What Is Critical Thinking?

Another problem-solving skill is critical thinking. It’s very different from creative thinking. Here the idea is to think logically and work from information and data collected. You start with the information gathering process and then sort and analyze it to find the best solution. You want to be as objective and unbiased as possible and come up with the best possible judgment based on the information you have. 


For example, if you are a project manager for a construction firm, you would gather information on what you need on the job site and then order the materials at the best price you can find. Another example a little closer to home would be the critical thinking you use when you’ve lost your car keys. You start to search the house room by room, possibly retracing your steps until you find them. That's a small-scale example, but it gives you an idea of what critical thinking is.


The significant advantage of critical thinking, as opposed to creative thinking, is that you usually come up with a workable solution. When you let your creativity run too wild, you end up with a fun potential solution but possibly not something that will work or even something you want to attempt to try.


Let me show you what I mean by an off the wall example that will illustrate my point. Let’s say you want to lose 25 pounds. When thinking creatively, you realize that the average human leg weighs about 26 pounds. Cutting one of yours off would instantly result in a 25+ pound weight loss. While creative, it’s also absolutely ridiculous. 


When you switch to critical thinking, you gather data and information on various weight loss programs as well as how the biological process of burning body fat works. As a result, you fast intermittently, eat more whole foods, and start to go for daily walks. It’s a much more workable solution, isn’t it? 


Think about some other times when you’ve used critical thinking to make important decisions. Maybe it was choosing the right health insurance or 401K plan. Maybe it was picking a house in a good neighborhood with great schools for your kids that fit within your budget. Maybe it was whether or not to make a big career move or relocate to a different area of the country. We use critical thinking skills all the time. They serve us well at home, school, and work. 


Friday 22 September 2023

Part 1: What Is Creative Thinking?

In this short article, I want to introduce you to an innovative way of thinking and problem solving that combines creative and critical thinking. These two approaches are very different. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. By combining the two, you can tap into the power of both. 


Let’s start by taking a look at creative thinking, what it is, and how we can start to think more creatively. The phrase most often used to describe creative thinking is “think outside the box.” I like to think about it as a way to think about something in a new and different way. Look for the not so obvious solutions not thought of by anyone else. Yes, it will be out of the box thinking, but it can be so much more. 


Let’s look at an example of creative thinking. Suppose you just bought a new house, and between the cost of the down payment and renovations you had to make, you’re broke. Your neighborhood association sends you a letter that your yard needs to be redone to fit in with the overall landscape. There’s no money in the budget for landscaping. What do you do? 


You have to get creative. The obvious answer is to do it yourself, but that takes time, money, and skill that you may not have. Some creative options may be to get in touch with an up-and-coming landscaping company to see if they are willing to redo your yard for free or at cost price in exchange for putting up a sign to advertise their business in your yard. If you have web design skills, you could barter those in exchange for the work. Think outside the box and come up with a creative solution. 


To get your creative thinking cap on, you can ask yourself some interesting questions: 


Start with what if. Keep it very open-ended. In this first brainstorming stage, no idea is too ridiculous or impossible to throw out. While the idea itself may turn out to be unusable, it may spark a creative thought that will lead you to the perfect solution. 


Another great question to ask is “What else.” It encourages brainstorming and expanding on existing ideas. Last but not least, you can spark creativity by introducing an off the wall concept. For example, you could pretend that you have no income for the following year. How would you live and how would you pay for your home and renovations, including the yard? The solution may be to work on a side hustle like graphic and web design for small businesses in your area. That, in turn, will help you realize that you can pay for the landscaping by spending a few weekends on freelance projects. 


Sunday 12 June 2022

Remote Connection: 20 Ways To Stay Connected In An Increasingly Remote World (Infographic)

Sunday 27 March 2022

VoIP: It’s Part in Web Conferencing

Web conferencing is causing big waves in the last few years. By web conferencing, meetings, interviews, collaborations, demonstrations, orientations and additional business issues may now be done even if the participants are geographically scattered.


VoIP means Voice over Internet Protocol. This is the technique of transmitting analog audio signals through the Net. Analog signals are changed over into digital data so it may be transmitted by Net connection. VoIP may turn a standard Net connection into a way to place free of charge calls. 


VoIP enables the user to make calls from anyplace with broadband connectivity. Adding VoIP into web conferencing is like blending data and audio in a handier system. However, there are some skeptics on the affectivity of VoIP in web conferencing.


There are benefits and disadvantages for utilizing VoIP. VoIP dramatically cuts the costs dispensed for voice minute charges. Adding audio and voice in web conferences heightens the effectiveness of the meetings. Necessities for VoIP set-up is likewise minimal, like a PC, broadband connection and a communications headset or additional audio data input device.


Prior to VoIP web conferencing, companies and businesses paid much money for international calls utilizing landline connections. However, with VoIP, companies may save 100s of 1000s of dollars yearly. By utilizing a phone adaptor (ATA), the VoIP technology may travel anyplace. The user just has to connect their phone adaptor to a broadband connection to utilize it. 


More than Two persons can talk on the phone line. With VoIP, affecting a conference for the whole team at once is possible. More calls may be handled at the same time. VoIP likewise has many features like Caller ID, Contact Lists, Voicemail, and so forth. 


Meanwhile there are individuals who doubt the VoIP use in web conferences. The voice quality is among the greatest questions over the use of VoIP. The greatest issue is echo, particularly if the participants are utilizing speakers and microphone rather than headsets. 


A different condition is that VoIP is contingent on electricity. For normal phones, if power goes down, the phone is still functioning. With VoIP, no power stands for no phone. Since VoIP likewise uses computer and Net, it's susceptible to worms, viruses and even hacking. To resolve this problem, VoIP developers and suppliers are already working on VoIP encryption. 


For sorriest case scenarios, a computer crashing in the midst of the call will likewise mean no phone. VoIP phone system is wholly dependent on PCs and the broadband connection. 


VoIP and web conferencing are still really young and evolving technology. There is still room for betterment to further improve the efficiency of VoIP. Similar to other rising technology, the beginning is always the edgy part. VoIP service suppliers are still facing many challenges to better improve the services they're offering. 

Sunday 16 January 2022

Get Innovative

It's a talent that everybody bears, yet they believe they don't. The mightiness of invention. If you've ever wondered at somebody's originative prowess, guess what, you are able to produce and innovate also. It just takes time. Everybody is born creative. They didn't give the box of crayons in kindergarten to only a few; as the fact is, everyone has potential. You recognize how long it took to discover how to ride a bike or drive or to not make the same error over again? It's the same with innovation. It takes a little practice and much time before this brain function issues forth easily when summoned. This article will show you how to impart innovation into your life.


Don't listen to what others state. Abide by what you believe. Listening to the input of others will only bestow noise to the music you're attempting to make. If you've an original thought, don't waste your time and sweat attempting to make individuals comprehend. They won't. And the help you'll likely get comes in the form of damaging feedback. If all those geniuses heeded their peers, we'd likely still be living with no electric.


Take time. I can't stress that enough, although, don’t misunderstand and quit your day job altogether. This calls for some cunning time management but with a bit of discipline you'll be able to embrace both.


Work out. Take a walk. Run a mile or two. Send out all those endorphins flowing through your veins. Exercising definitely clears and relaxes your mind and permits anything to crop up. 


Put down your dreams. Aren't a few of them just the maddest things that your witting mind would never have dreamt up? If you've had these dreams earlier, and I'm certain have, this only shows you the untapped forward-looking power you have resting within. So, jot down the notes. Those dreams might just produce an innovational spark in you.

Zero will work without passion. What keeps the fire burning? What is the one affair that you'll die if you don't accomplish? Occasionally individuals with talent are overpowered by the individuals who want it more. Occasionally you just want something so badly you become virtually unstoppable. And that's passion. Passion will keep you moving. 


Don't fret about inspiration. You can't push it; inspiration hits when you least anticipate it. A thought may strike you on the metro, yet regrettably, you poor unfortunate person; you've no piece of paper to scratch down a thought that may change the universe. Avoid these calamities. Have a pen and paper at all times.

Sunday 19 December 2021

Weight Loss, Dotti's Way



Dotti has helped countless thousands of overweight people with weight loss. Through recipes, exercise advice and just personally sharing her story with thousands of others she has motivated people, like Dottie herself, felt that they just could not shed those extra pounds no matter how hard they tried. But there is hope: Read this article and you'll find out...




If you are struggling to lose weight and have tried just about every diet plan and exercise regime on the planet but just keep failing perhaps you should talk to Dotti. No, Dotti isn't the latest weight loss program or newest gym chain to open. Dotti is a lady from St. Louis, Missouri who chronicled her struggles - and success - at losing weight online. You could say Botti had one of the very first blogs on the Internet, as she started writing about her journey to lose weight in 1998.


Since then she has helped countless thousands of others with weight loss. Through recipes, exercise advice and just personally sharing her story with thousands of others she has motivated people, like Dottie herself, felt that they just could not shed those extra pounds no matter how hard they tried.


Dotti made the Weight Watchers Winning Points meal system a central point of her entire weight loss regime that helped her dramatically change her life. From the beginning, Dotti focused on simple weight loss techniques combined with the Points system to drop the weight and keep it off. In her online journals and various books she has published online about her journey she explains to the reader some of her struggles with weight loss and helps the reader relate to some of their own challenges they are having with weight issues.


What makes Dotti's weight loss story and website stand above the thousands of other sites out there about weight loss is that she doesn't try to push you into buying a specialized program or give you unrealistic goals. She explains the simple truth about weight loss and guides the reader down how she did it. There are no quick-fix weight loss plans at Dotti's, just simple advice that can help you change your life and become the person you always wanted to be.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Why is it Important to Improve Yourself?

Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of ‘I wish I was somebody else’.  More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us.


You spot a totally eye-catching girl sitting by herself at a party, casually sipping on a glass of Asti Spumante. You think to yourself, “she looks so perfectly calm and confident.” But if you could read thru her transparent mind, you would see a bunch of clouds of thoughts and you might just be amazed that she’s thinking “are people talking about why I am seated here alone?... Why don’t guys find me attractive? I don’t like my ankles, they look too skinny, I wish I was as intelligent as my best friend.”


We look at a young business entrepreneur and say “Wooh! What else could he ask for?” He stares at himself at the mirror and murmur to himself, “I hate my big eyes! I wonder why my friends won’t talk to me? I hope mom and dad would still work things out.”


Isn’t it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self-improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.


Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, having a foul mouth, and you – of all people, is the last to know.


I have a friend who never gets tired of talking. And in most conversations, she is the only one who seems to be interested in the things she has to say. So all of our other friends tend to avoid the circles whenever she’s around, and she doesn’t notices how badly she became socially handicapped – gradually affecting the people in her environment.


One key to self-improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find someone who you find comfort in opening up with even the most gentle topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like “Do you think I am ill-mannered?”, “Do I always sound so argumentative?”, “Do I talk too loud?”, “Does my breath smell?”, “Do I ever bore you when were together?”. In this way, the other person will obviously know that you are interested in the process of self-improvement. Lend her your ears for comments and criticisms and don’t give her answers like “Don’t exaggerate! That’s just the way I am!” Open up your mind and heart as well. And in return, you may want to help your friend with constructive criticism that will also help her improve herself.


One of Whitney Houston’s songs says “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” True enough. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.


Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself is a representation and a product of self-improvement. Self-improvement makes us better people, we then inspire other people, and then the rest of the world will follow.


Stop thinking of yourselves as second-rate beings. Forget the repetitive thought of ìIf only I was richer, if only I was thinner and so on.  Accepting your true self is the first step to self-improvement. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others only to find out at the end that we’ve got 10 more reasons to envy them.


We all have our insecurities. Nobody is perfect. We always wish we had better things, better features, better body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves. Self-improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best. It’s the virtue of acceptance and contentment. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel contented and happy.

Saturday 16 October 2021

What Innovation Can Do to Your Life


It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't. The power of innovation. If you've ever marvelled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those who possessed potential; because the truth is, everybody has potential.


You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? It's the same with innovation. It takes a  bit of practice and a lot of time before this mind function comes easily  when called. This article will teach you a few tips on how to bring innovation into your life.


Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still be living in the middle ages.


Spend time on it. I cannot stress that enough, although, please do not mistake this tip to tell you to quit your day job entirely. Do not. This involves some tricky time management but with a little discipline you'll be able to squeeze both in. 


Exercise. Take a walk. Run a mile or two. Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising certainly clears and relaxes your mind and allows for anything to pop up. 


Record your dreams. Aren't some of them just the craziest things that your conscious mind would never have thought of? If you've had these dreams before, and I'm sure have, this only shows you the untapped innovative power you have lying within. So jot down those notes. Those dreams may just create an innovative spark in you.


Find your own style. You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You'll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper. So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were thinking. That will let people see how valuable an asset you are. 


Don't hide behind nifty gadgets or tools. You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. The same way with writing. You don't need some expensive fountain pen and really smooth paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue. So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a crappy photographer? Who cares if you've got a blinging laptop if you can't write at all? The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets better at his craft: he knows what works and what doesn't. 


Nothing will work without passion. What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning? What is the one thing that you'll die if you don't do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more. Think the hare and the tortoise. Ellen DeGeneres once said that if you're not doing something that you want to do, then you don't really want to do it. And that's true. Sometimes you just want something so bad you become a virtual unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will keep you going. 


Don't worry about inspiration. You can't force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to, for those unpredictable yet inevitable moments you should prepare. An idea could strike you on the subway, yet alas, you poor unfortunate soul; you have no sheet of paper to scribble down a thought that could change the world. Avoid these disasters. Have a pen and paper within your arm's reach at all times.


I hope this article has helped you bring more innovation into your life. Keep in mind that you're doing these things for your own satisfaction and not anybody else's. But soon enough they will notice, and everything should snowball from there.