Tuesday 3 May 2022

5 Ways to Communicate With Body Language

Nothing is more important than presenting the appropriate body language for communication. Body language is one of the first things people notice about you, especially when meeting for the first time. 


If you want to ensure that you are relaying the right message, here are five ways you may want to practice body language.


1. Carry Yourself with Confidence


The way you carry yourself can convey to others how you feel about yourself or the conversation you are engaging in with them. The way to show confidence begins with your posture. When you stand with your back tall and shoulders relaxed, you can demonstrate to others that you have the confidence to carry on the conversation.


2. Lean In and Mirror


When you are sitting, lean your body slightly forward to show the other person that you are entirely interested in what they have to say. Additionally, mirroring the other person’s gestures occasionally can demonstrate that you are on the same page as they are. Both of these convey your level of attentiveness and can go a long way to the other person trusting in you.


3. Hand Movements and Other Gestures


Many studies have shown that using various gestures signifies accurate intelligence in people. Body language experts agree that using gestures and hand movements throughout a conversation can make or break a connection between the two people. Using a firm but not too firm handshake to using appropriate hand gestures while speaking can show the other person that you are confident and that you are credible.


4. Keep Your Eye Contact in Check


Most people know that making eye contact when having a conversation is one of the essential nonverbal skills you can demonstrate. People believe that the eyes tell a lot about a person’s credibility and character. While maintaining eye contact is crucial, it is also essential to remember that too much eye contact can be interpreted as awkward and even a bit creepy. Because of this, be sure to look away occasionally to keep this from happening.


5. Smiles, Nods, and Laughter


In most conversations, keep in mind that every person in the discussion is human, and because of this, some behaviors should come naturally. It is especially true for smiling, nodding, and even laughing. Smiling and laughing at appropriate times throughout the conversation can convey openness and a sense of humor that can make others feel at ease. Additionally, nodding on occasion shows the other person that you are not only listening but are also in the conversation with them.


Knowing ways to communicate with body language can make the difference between others feeling confident in you and what you have to say and think you are dishonest. Learning a few ways to convey your positive messages through body language can be the key to a successful conversation.


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