Tuesday 3 May 2022

What is Body Language?

Have you ever been told you have terrible body language? This comment may have left you confused because you aren’t quite sure what body language is in the first place. Not to worry, keep reading to find out all about body language. 


Body Language is a Combination of Actions


Body language isn't as easy to explain as you may think. Body language isn't one thing. Rather, it is a combination of emotions, hand motions, and facial expressions that give away what you think or feel.


Not only are you expressing body language without knowing it, but you are also reading body language even if you don't realize you are. The human brain naturally begins to read certain aspects of body language from when you are young to increase self-preservation. 


Why Is Body Language Important?


Body language can help you with everything from getting a job to making new friends. 


For example, say you are at a party and notice someone standing alone in the corner. They have one arm hanging by their side, and the opposite hand is gripping the arm that is hanging. They are looking down at their feet and not making eye contact with anyone at the party.


This person hasn't said anything, but you already probably sensed that they were uncomfortable or shy. You got all this from just their body language. They didn't have to speak a single word. 


Body language is also important when it comes to raising children. When children are young, they can't always ask for what they want, meaning you'll have to read their body language to learn more about what they need. 


How to Read Body Language


You can take many classes to learn how to read body language, but you don't need to take one of these to get started. Rather you can start by simply taking the time to observe those around you. Even if it's something as simple as the party example above, you'll quickly discover how much you can learn about someone just from taking a moment to look at what their body language is telling you.


Overall, body language is a complicated combination of hand motions, expressions, and postures which helps give the mind clues as to how an individual may be thinking. Body language can help you more easily navigate life, so next time you see someone acting strange, take a moment and try reading what they aren't saying. 


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