Wednesday 20 April 2022

Effective Tactics For The Best Video Marketing Results

Having invested a lot of time and effort (and sometimes money) creating your videos, you want to ensure that you use the most effective video marketing tactics to get the best results. There are things that you can do which will always get good results for you. In this article, we will reveal 3 proven video tactics that work time and time again.


1. Be Consistent with a Video Schedule


You are committed to provide your audience with great video content that will help them. They really appreciate this and want you to provide more videos. We recommend that you treat video marketing as a series of campaigns rather than just creating a bunch of videos. 


Having a large number of subscribers for your YouTube channel or followers for your Facebook Page will provide great exposure for your videos. One of the best ways to increase your following is to be consistent with your video posting.


Your audience will want you to upload great video content on a regular basis. When you provide value in your videos, your audience will look forward to your next video. It is best for you to create a video content schedule and decide how often you will create and post new videos.


No matter how good your videos are, people are not going to wait too long for you to post the next one. By creating a video schedule in advance, you can plan for your video content for a number of weeks ahead. This way you will always know what your next video is going to be about.


It is critical to establish a regular posting schedule for your videos. When you do this, your audience will be keen to come back for more. If you decide that you will create and post a new video every week then stick to this. Make sure that you post your new videos on the same day each week as well. Your audience will get to know your schedule and expect this.


2. Create Demo and Tutorial Videos


Demo videos are a great way to showcase your products and services. When you create these in the right way, they will really help your audience to understand the benefits of your products and services. If people see a product demo video on your website, then there is a very good chance that they are going to watch it.


Tutorial videos are also very popular and helpful. Your audience is likely to have a number of burning questions that they want answers to in your niche. You can create videos that answer these questions and keep your audience happy.


A good tutorial video will have a number of simple steps for the viewers to follow. If your tutorial video is getting long then break this up into different parts. When you help your audience, they will reciprocate by purchasing your products and services.


3. Expand your Reach with Facebook Targeting


With a Facebook video ad, you can define your audience using different criteria. This will ensure that only people within your target audience will see your video content in their newsfeeds. It can be a very cost-effective way to reach a lot of people with your videos. You can easily define your audience by their interests and other factors and target them specifically.


Get Setup Right For Creating The Best Videos

To create the very best videos you need to use the right tools. Your audience is not going expect a Hollywood production from you but they will expect good quality. If you make low quality videos then you will quickly lose your audience. Worse than that, you will destroy any trust that you have built up with them.


Get the Right Equipment


A good HD camera is essential for making the best videos. If you have a smartphone then the camera in this is likely to be good but you should think about investing in a good quality web cam or outdoor camera. A smartphone video is better than nothing but other cameras will produce better results.


If you are going to shoot most of your footage indoors then an HD webcam that you can connect to your computer is a good choice. There are some good examples available on Amazon and other online retail websites. You should be able to find a high-quality web cam for under $100.


When you are planning to create a lot of videos outdoors then you will need an appropriate camera for this. These can get expensive so do your homework here and compare prices. The money that you invest in a good camera will pay you back in the end.


You must use a high-quality microphone for your videos. Your audience are not going to be impressed if the audio quality of your videos is poor. There are plenty of good quality microphones available for under $100.


Do you need to purchase lighting equipment for your videos? Again, this is a concern for indoor videos more than outdoor ones. It is crazy to put in a lot of planning and effort to make your videos and have them spoiled by poor lighting conditions. There are low-cost lighting solutions available.


Video Editing Software


You are going to make mistakes when you are creating your videos so you need to use a good video editing application to make your videos the best they can be. Fortunately, there are a lot of free video editing solutions available for both Mac and Windows computers.


There are premium video editing suites that have a lot of great features but you don’t need these to get started. Search for free video editing software and you will see many useful applications you can use. Make sure that you learn how to use your chosen video editing software.


Screen Capture Software


It is very likely that you will want to record your computer screen and use this in your videos. In order to do this, you will need screen capture software. There are some really good free options available for this and you can use premium solutions too.


You can integrate slides that you have created in Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation applications. Screen capture software is great for making over the shoulder videos where you are demonstrating something on your computer.


Use Audio Editing Software 


The audio quality of your videos is very important. A lot of video marketers record the narration for their videos after they have the main footage. You can use a powerful free audio editing suite like Audacity to produce the best audio results.


How To Optimize Videos For Search

One of the major advantages to uploading your videos to YouTube is that people can find them using the search feature. This is true of Facebook to a lesser extent as well. If you do not optimize your videos for search then you will reduce the chances of your videos being discovered. Your YouTube videos can appear in Google search too.


Conduct keyword Research


The first step to optimizing your videos for search is to perform keyword research. You need to know what terms people are using to find the information that they need in your niche. It is not difficult to conduct keyword research for videos and you can do this for free when you use the Google Keyword Planner.


With the Keyword Planner you will find related search terms and the estimated search volumes. Although this is based on Google search, the numbers will be fairly accurate for YouTube search as well. Another great tool for keyword research is the free browser extension called vidIQ. This will show you the tags used by high-ranking videos and other useful information.


Add your Main Keyword to your Video Titles


The title of your video is very important for optimization. Look at your keyword list and identify a main keyword and some related secondary keywords for your videos. Add the main keyword in the title of your video. 


When you are at the start of your video marketing journey, we recommend that you target long tail keywords rather than the very competitive ones. As you start to rank for these terms, YouTube will take notice and start to rank you for the tougher keywords as well.


Make your Description Keyword Rich


You must provide a description for your videos. In this description you want to add a link back to your website and provide a persuasive text body to encourage people to watch your videos. You can add your main and secondary keywords in the description.


Don’t go crazy with your keywords in your description. There is no need to add your keywords more than once. Make sure that the keywords naturally flow with the rest of the words you use. YouTube does not like keyword stuffing and will penalize you if you do this.


Use Keyword Tags


For your YouTube videos you have the chance to add tags to your videos which you need to do. Here you will enter your main and secondary keywords. Use vidIQ to identify the tags used by the most popular videos and use some of these as well. Don’t overdo it with the tags. A maximum of 8 to 10 is recommended. 


Create a Great Thumbnail


Use a different thumbnail for each of your videos. Your thumbnail needs to encourage users to click and watch your video. You can create YouTube thumbnails very easily using for free. Decide on the style of thumbnail that you want and stick with this for consistency with your videos.


Add Transcripts to your Videos


A lot of people will want to use subtitles with your video so make sure that you provide this. There is an automatic transcription feature in YouTube that you can use first. Afterwards you can go and edit the transcript (there will usually be a few mistakes).


Research And Plan Your Videos For The Best Results

Never rush into video creation. No matter how excited you are about the prospect of video marketing you need to take the time to research and plan your videos. Videos produced “off the cuff” usually do not work out too well. You need to prepare for every video that you create so that it can be of the highest quality.


Conduct Keyword Research


What are you going to create your videos about? To answer this, you need to know what your audience is looking for in your niche. They will have burning questions that they need answers for and you need to identify what these are. 


The best video marketing campaigns start with keyword research. This is the process of identifying the search terms that people enter into search engines like Google when they want information in your niche. Without this information you are just guessing.


It is easier to perform keyword research than you might think. Use the free Google Keyword Planner tool to identify the keywords and the associated search volumes. Think about the seed keywords for your niche and then enter these into the Keyword Planner. You will get a list of related keywords returned as well.


When you have finished your initial keyword research using the Keyword Planner be sure to download the list you have created. Keep this as your master keyword list that you will add to over time. Look at your list and decide the keywords that you want to target with your videos.


Plan each of your Videos


Now that you have your keyword list and ideas for your videos you need to plan each of them. What message do you want to convey in your video? What call to action (CTA) will you use? Is the video for lead generation or to make sales?


It should not take you too long to come up with an outline plan for each of your videos. Decide what you want the viewer to do once they have watched your video. Also, determine what questions your video will provide the answers to. You will get much better results from your video marketing when you plan your videos.


Do you need a Script?


Some video marketers like to use a script for their videos. It helps them to have a structured flow that they can use. In addition to this, a script ensures that they will not overlook any important points that they need to make.


The problem with scripts is that you can easily provide a boring delivery with them. As an alternative, consider creating a list of prompts that you can refer to throughout the video. This will help you to talk more naturally while also ensuring you do not miss anything important.


Learn from Other Video Marketers


Take a look at the videos that your competitors are creating. Find those that have the highest number of views and levels of engagement and identify why they are so popular. The aim is not to copy what others have done but to give you ideas for the creation of your own videos.


There are many video marketing experts out there that have training courses that you can invest in to enhance your knowledge. Do not be too proud to learn from those that have done it before. You can find some useful resources online about video marketing too.


The Advantages Of Video Marketing

It is essential that you understand the main advantages of video marketing. This will provide you with the inspiration and motivation to create the best videos for your audience. There have been numerous surveys conducted about video marketing and they have all revealed positive results. People prefer to watch videos these days than they do reading text.


Get more Leads and Sales


When you regularly create and post videos you should see an increase in the amount of visitor traffic to your website and your offers. You can use videos to persuade your audience to take the action that you want. They are much more likely to be persuaded to do this with videos than other forms of content marketing.


A lot of video marketers use their videos to obtain new leads for their business. This is an effective strategy as a good video will always leave people wanting more. You can also make more sales of your products and services with videos as well.


Videos Increase Engagement


If you post your videos on the right platforms and create them so that they provide value to your audience then you will drive up engagement levels. This is necessary to build trust with your audience and persuade them to get more involved with your business.


Videos on social media platforms are shared more than any other form of post. Ask your viewers to like and share and also to leave a comment. Make sure that you respond to comments swiftly. All of this will help you to achieve higher conversions.


Build more Trust with Videos


You will not create a lot of trust with your audience if you just make text and image-based posts. People want to know who you are and what you stand for and videos are the best way to provide this. It is very important that you make a personal appearance on some of your videos.


Create videos to answer the burning questions that people have in your niche. This will go a long way to establishing you as an expert. Your audience will trust you much more if they perceive that you are an expert.


Use Videos to Increase Brand Awareness


Videos can really help you to increase your brand awareness. By creating the right types of videos, you will introduce your brand and be able to showcase your products and services. There is no better way to make your audience more aware of your brand.

Be sure to tell your story with all of your videos. Explain why you created your business and the reason that you created your products and services. Emphasize the fact that your brand is all about providing the right solutions for your audience.


Decision Makers watch Videos


CEOs and other senior executives will watch videos to learn more about a business and their products and services. If they are impressed with the videos, they watch they will share them with their employees. 


It is tough to get through to decision makers a lot of the time. So, make impressive videos and use the right platforms to post them so that decision makers will see them. Surveys have confirmed that senior executives in companies and organizations watch videos too and you need to get in front of them as much as you can.


Where To Share Your Videos For The Best Results

After you have created your videos, you will need to share them in places where your audience will see them. There are certain platforms available that will provide your videos with more exposure than others will. In this article, we will look at the best places for you to share your videos.


Add your Videos to your Website


The first place you need to share your videos is on your website. There are several ways that you can do this. We recommend that you create a new post and use a similar title to that of your video. Embed your video at the top of the page and then provide some SEO optimized text underneath it.


Most of your visitors are going to watch the video but there may be some that prefer to read so give them the option. Using keywords in your text will help the search engines to rank your web pages that include videos. When you have videos on your website you should reduce your bounce rate as visitors will stay and watch them.


You Must use YouTube


There is no bigger video platform than YouTube. We strongly recommend that you create a YouTube channel for your business and upload your videos there. Each month, YouTube receives more than 40 billion visitors. It is the second largest website and the second largest search engine after Google.


The key to success with YouTube is video views, likes and shares and comments. Your aim will be to increase the number of subscribers that your channel has. When people subscribe to your channel, your new videos will appear on their home page.


You probably know that Google owns YouTube. Because of this, Google will display three YouTube videos for the majority of its search results. So, you have the opportunity for your videos to be found in Google search as well as YouTube search.


Videos are Very Popular on Facebook


Another giant platform where you need to upload your videos is Facebook. It is the third largest website in the world and video content is extremely popular with the users. You will need to create slightly different videos for Facebook than you do for YouTube.

The format for Facebook videos is different to YouTube. Also, you need to add more visuals to your Facebook videos. This is because a lot of Facebook users will not turn the sound on with videos so you need to use text and images to make your points as well.


Other Video Sharing Platforms


YouTube is not the only video sharing platform available but it is by far the biggest. Platforms like Daily Motion and Vimeo receive millions of visitors a month and it is worth uploading your videos to these as well as YouTube.


Do a search for other video sharing platforms that you can use. You will be surprised how many other options are available. If you believe that your audience will visit these sites then upload your videos to them.


Share on other Social Platforms


What other social platforms do your audience use? Do they use Twitter or Instagram? If you are in the B2B market then you must have a profile on LinkedIn. You can share your videos on all of the major social networks.


Why You Should Use Live Streaming Events For Your Business

A lot of marketers steer clear of live streaming because they are concerned that it is very hard work and that many things can go wrong. Although these things are true, there are many advantages to holding live streaming video events.


Basically, live streaming is a great marketing tool. There are many people that like to attend live events and major platforms like YouTube and Facebook know this. They provide live stream facilities and there are other platforms available too such as Twitch and Periscope which is now owned by Twitter.


Build Trust Faster with Live Events


Nobody is going to expect your live event to be perfect. People know that things are likely to go wrong and this is one of the reasons that live events are so popular. Live stream audiences like the fact that everything is unedited and that there are likely to be some surprises.


Your audience will appreciate it when you put on live events. They know that it takes courage to do this and they will trust you more for it. A live event is a lot more natural than a conventional video. With a live stream you will come across as more authentic and genuine. Regularly hosting live events should really boost the trust that your audience has in you.


Get more Engagement with a Live Event


With a live event you will be able to interact with your audience. During your presentation, your audience will be able to ask questions and give their opinion. You can choose to answer questions in real-time or have a session at the end for questions and answers.


Something that may surprise you is that live events tend to have much higher retention rates than conventional videos do. Various studies have shown that audiences tend to stick around as much as 10 times longer with a live event.


Increase your Brand Awareness with Live Streams


It is no use just hosting one live event. Be committed to hosting several of them. When you do this, you will increase the awareness of your brand in a big way. You must make a personal appearance with your live events. Overcome any fears that you have about this and do it. Your audience wants to know who you are.


Live Streams are easier to Produce than Conventional Videos


There is no doubt that it can be nerve wracking to host a live event but it will get easier for you over time. Always have a structure for your live events as this will help you and your audience. You need to know what to deliver and they need to know what to expect.


It usually costs less to put on live events than it does to make conventional videos. Remember that there is no editing involved with live videos. Most of the time the platform that you are using such as YouTube or Facebook will save your live event. This is good for the members of your audience that could not attend the live session.


Find out what your Audience wants with Live Events


Another advantage of live events is that you can use them to find out what your audience really wants. You can tell them about your new ideas for products and services and ask them to give you their opinion. Alternatively, you can just ask them outright what they want you to create next.


3 Easy Steps to Build Good Working Habits

Developing good habits, in general, can be tricky. Developing work habits can be even harder. However, with hard work and dedication, good working habits will help you achieve success in your career. So how can you build good working habits? The short answer is to work hard, but the long answer will be explained in this article.


1. Practice Good Time Management


Learning to manage your time wisely while working will help you get ahead quickly. Good time management also keeps you from falling behind on any work. To practice good time management, there are a few tips you can heed: 


   Utilize a planning system. Make sure all of your tasks and important events are written down or recorded somewhere so you don’t accidentally forget something important.

   Prioritize your tasks by order of importance. Obviously, important tasks should come before anything else. Prioritize and then complete tasks as they come based on how urgent each one is.

   Give yourself a time restraint. If you’re working on a project, give yourself due dates to get certain parts of it done at a time. This way you stick to a stricter schedule.


2. Use Professionalism at Work


When one thinks of professionalism, the almost immediate thought that comes to mind is well-groomed and well-dressed. However, the idea of professionalism is so much more than how you look. In fact, general hygiene is really the only physical aspect of professionalism that’s worth noting. 


The way you work, act and treat other coworkers and clients/customers say more about your professionalism than any outfit ever could. A person who is professional practices empathy and is courteous to others.


3. Create a Good Work/Life Balance


Along with time management and professionalism, there needs to be a balance between your work life and your personal life. While being a good worker is important, it’s also equally as important for you to live life and enjoy yourself. Life can’t be serious all the time. There are going to be times where you need to step back and take a break and there’s nothing wrong with that.


We also know it can be hard trying to find that balance between your work life and home life. If it helps, you can follow some of these tips to make the balance come easier to you:


   Have a designated day or weekend where you can’t work, no questions asked. You don’t even need to give an explanation while you tell your workplace your availability, just say that that particular weekend is an off time for you and it’s non-negotiable.

   Try to leave for lunch if you can. Try a new local place near your office or take a packed lunch to the park down the road. Either way, make sure you see more than just your office building every day.

   Set goals and reward yourself. If you set certain goals at work, reward yourself with some kind of treat when you reach them. Maybe you take the day off and explore the city or maybe you decide now is a good time to take an impromptu trip to the ice cream shop with your family.


Four Simple Methods to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Everyone always talks about their quest to achieve the elusive work-life balance. This mysterious term seems near impossible, but it is achievable. Although it isn’t easy, there are things you can do to foster a healthy work-life balance without having to make major sacrifices. Let’s take a look at four of the simplest methods.


1. Don’t Try to Be Perfect


Nobody likes a perfectionist and a perfectionist certainly doesn’t have a healthy work-life balance. If you spend all of your time being perfect in either your home or work life, you’re going to end up sacrificing things along the way. The goal here is not to have to do that, so letting go of the idea of perfection is key.


Another downfall of perfectionism is the increased risk of burnout. It’s easy to want to agonize over tiny details, but sooner or later that’s going to catch up to you and you’ll be turned off to doing any other work.


2. Don’t Bring Work Home With You


Not bringing work home with you is kind of a given. If you want to achieve a healthy balance between the two, you can’t spend more time dedicated to one or the other. This means any physical work needs to stay at work and it can wait until your next work day. This same sentiment goes for bringing your “home stuff” into your workplace.


Although it’s fine to talk about your work day or your day off in either sector, the rest should be left in their respective fields.


3. Exercise Regularly or Meditate


Exercising releases endorphins and generally makes you feel happier. Meditation is a tool to practice mindfulness and being calm. Both of these physical activities help you deal with stress in either part of your life, which makes for a healthier balance in general. If you have a healthy outlet for stress relief, then you don’t spend precious time dumping your problems onto your spouse or coworkers.


4. Make Time For Personal Relationships


For many people, the main struggle in work-life balance is that they spend too much time working and not enough time in their personal life. To combat this, it’s important to maintain and create personal relationships. Human beings are inherently social animals and we thrive off of each other in that way. Having good personal relationships will make you all around happier.