Wednesday 20 April 2022

Five Signs You’ll Be Successful

How successful a person is depending on a variety of factors. While each individual human being is unique, there are five key signs that signify a person’s success. The range a person is able to dream and set goals, as well as their ability to speak their mind, are some of the key components here. Let’s go over the five signs that make a person successful


1. You Use Your Voice


You’ll never be able to appropriately express your goals, wants, and needs if you don’t know how to use your voice. People who know when and how to speak up when necessary are far more likely to be successful than someone who is more reserved. After all, you can’t get what you want if you never actually try to go for it.


If you have trouble with this trait, here are some ways to help:


   Take baby steps. If you suffer from social anxiety and you find it difficult to speak in public, start small with one or two close friends or acquaintances. Once you start to feel more comfortable, you can progress to more people.

   Write things down ahead of time. This will help you feel more prepared for when the time comes.

   Practice by yourself or with someone you trust. If you have to give an important presentation at work, practice in the mirror a few times to get comfortable.


2. You Aren’t Stuck in the Past


The only way for a person to be successful is to always look ahead. If you’re stuck thinking in the past, then you’ll never be able to reach the goals you’ve set for your future. Successful people know how to appreciate where they’ve come from while also looking ahead.


3. You Like to Dream Big


Successful people are generally big dreamers. They’re always working toward a goal and once that goal is completed, they set a new one. There are no dreams or ideas too big or farfetched for someone with a mindset for success.


4. You Aren’t Afraid to Fail


Nobody is perfect and failure is imminent. There will be times where failure is inevitable and if you have the success mindset, you won’t let those failures dictate how you live your life. Our failures come with the best life lessons and successful people know how to take what they’ve learned as they move forward.


5. You Think About Others


A successful person is a selfless person. If you have the mindset for success, you’ll be mindful and courteous to those around you. Your general positive energy will rub off on others and inspire them to act the same way you do. A successful person is an inspiration to others.


10 Best Habits For Professionals to Have


Being successful in the workplace doesn’t simply come from a good work ethic. There are a variety of habits that professionals have that are critical for success.


1. Schedule-Keeping

Any meeting or event pertaining to work should be diligently scheduled. This way, you always know your schedule and when you have openings for other engagements. Also, having a good schedule helps reduce the risk of procrastination.


2. Task Prioritization

A successful professional also knows how to prioritize their tasks. They can differentiate between more and less important tasks and act accordingly. Although multitasking can sometimes be beneficial, prioritizing tasks means you can take care of important tasks before others.


3. Not Taking Life Too Seriously

Being laid back and more go-with-the-flow leaves a person feeling more relaxed and looser. If you spend all your time as a perfectionist who agonizes over every little detail, you’ll miss the truly beautiful things in life. Success means nothing if you aren’t able to fully live.


4. Planning and Organization

Proper planning and organization is another way successful people combat procrastination. Making a habit to plan out activities and important work functions and write them down helps successful people feel more put together.


5. Self-Accountability

Making a commitment is easy, actually following through with it is the tricky part. Successful people are better at this because they hold themselves accountable. A successful person commits to something only if they know they can follow through.


6. Laser Focus

Beyond a regular focus on a task, successful people are laser-focused. They’re more than attentive when it’s important. If they set their mind to something, they won’t stop until they complete the task.


7. Regular Exercise


To make the most of their waking hours, a successful person will exercise both their mind and their body outside of work. Physical exercise has clear physical benefits to your general wellbeing and it does wonders for your mental health and clarity too.


8. Good Sleeping Habits

In order for the human body to function properly, it’s essential you get adequate sleep each night. The actual amount will vary depending on your age and overall health, but a successful person follows the specific guidelines for their health and lifestyle.


9. Positive Attitudes

People who are considered successful are generally positive people. They’re the friend that always makes you feel good to be around. They don’t dump their problems on you unsolicitedly and they spend much of their time lifting others up.


10. Practicing Gratefulness

Successful people always regularly practice gratefulness. They know where their success comes from and they don’t forget it. Being grateful is important because it keeps a person humble and reminds them where they came from. 


Three Easy Steps to Plan Ahead for Success

The key to success in any situation is to have a solid plan in place. This way, you have specific guidelines you can adhere to to ensure nothing gets missed. Following a well-thought-out plan will all but guarantee success in any setting. In this article, we’ll highlight three crucial steps for planning ahead for success.


1. Make a List of Goals


What are you trying to achieve here? What is the ultimate end goal? These are questions you need to ask yourself when thinking about any type of goal. Once you’ve established the answer here, you should make a physical list of short, medium, and long-term goals.


Having three different timeframes will allow you to celebrate small wins right alongside the big ones. Creating smaller and more easily achievable goals also helps keep you motivated toward the final outcome.


For example, let’s say your ultimate goal is to run the Boston Marathon. This seems like an impossible task, right? However, making short and medium-term goals like running a 5K or running a half marathon, act as baby steps to your end goal.


2. Take Note of Any Possible Scenario and Outcome


When thinking about your end goal, it’s also important to prepare yourself for every possible outcome, no matter how outlandish it seems at the time. Doing this will leave you prepared for any situation and nothing will be able to take you by surprise.


So, what are the possible scenarios for running the Boston Marathon? The two easiest would be that you win first place, or you come in dead last. There are, of course, plenty of other hypothetical situations too but thinking about the best and worst possible outcome will help curb any potential disappointment.


3. Stay Focused on the End Goal


Once you’ve started on your path, it’s important to never lose sight of your end goal. Despite any tough day or week that comes your way, keeping your eyes on the ultimate prize will keep you humble and dedicated to your cause. Plus, the more focused you are on your goal of running in the Boston marathon, the quicker you’ll get there.


Laser focus keeps you motivated and allows you to teach your brain self-discipline. The vest and fastest way to reaching your end goal is through dedication and hard work. Both of which are components of good self-discipline.


How to Build Productive Habits

Building productive habits is an important part of career success. When you form a productive habit, you teach your body to be productive on its own. The more often you practice these behaviors, the more second nature they’ll become. There are several ways a person can build productive habits, but in this article, we’re going to cover the top four.

Don’t Overdo Your To-Do List

When making a daily to-do list, it’s easy to want to write down every little thing you need to accomplish for the day. As tempting as this may be, you’ll be more productive if you cut your list in half and only include the most time-sensitive or biggest tasks. Getting more urgent tasks done before smaller and less important ones will leave you feeling much more accomplished than you would the other way around.

Follow The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is a general rule which claims that only 20% of what you accomplish will dictate 80% of your results. If you omit less important work tasks during the workday and focus only on the bigger things, you’ll be much more productive. For example, if you’re currently working on a work project, make a list of everything you need to complete for it. Then, single out the most important steps and complete those first.

Use The Mornings For Self-Reflection

Many productive and successful people swear by morning self-reflection. Waking up before everyone else in your house and reading or journaling is common in the business world. As ridiculous as it may sound, doing this type of self-reflection in the morning is actually proven to be beneficial. 

Self-reflection doesn’t have to be formal meditation or journaling, either. You can purchase a guided journal or draw if you prefer to do that. The main thing to remember here is to do something that brings you joy to get you amped for the day.

Get The “Hard Stuff” Done Before Lunch

If you have a day with some pretty hefty tasks ahead of you, try your best to complete them before lunch. This way, you can enjoy the second half of your day and complete more menial tasks. Plus, if you don’t have smaller tasks to complete and you’ve already finished the more urgent stuff, you can take an early day off.

As soul-crushing as some of the hard stuff may be, it’s more rewarding to get it done and out of the way as soon as you can than it is to leave it waiting for you.

How to Organize and Plan for Your Successes

Most people wake up in the morning and hope for a successful day, however, a day is only as successful as you make it. You can’t wish and hope for a day to work out exactly as you planned, but you can plan it out to give you the best possible shot at being successful. But how can you achieve this? Read on to find out.


Plan Everything Ahead of Time


Before you lay down to go to bed, tell yourself you’re going to wake up and have a good day. This may seem ridiculous, but if you go to sleep convinced that tomorrow will be a good one then you’re more likely to believe it in the morning. It may also be helpful to plan out your next day if it’s supposed to be a busy one. This way, you’ve got a plan in your head and you can tweak it if necessary.


With this being said, plans don’t always go up to snuff and it wouldn’t be feasible to only expect perfection. Go into your day with an open mind and a laid-back spirit or else you’ll stress yourself out.


Tackle the Big Stuff First


Taking care of larger, more urgent tasks will help you feel more satisfied with your day. This is even more true if you manage to complete them before the afternoon. If you finish the hard stuff before your work day is done, you won’t leave the office feeling stressed out and worried about missing deadlines. I’d definitely call that a successful day.


Keep Track of Time


We aren’t saying to stare at the clock every 10 minutes while you’re working, but it’s helpful to check the time after each task is completed. Doing this will help you get a better idea of whether you’re on schedule, ahead, or behind.


Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself


You aren’t a superhero and you shouldn’t expect to finish everything on your to-do list every day. As long as you prioritise and take care of time-sensitive tasks, you should feel proud about your daily accomplishments. This is where good time management and planning skills comes into play.


Keeping a meticulous schedule and master to-do list on hand can be helpful for those who don’t like to feel out of control. It may be helpful to only pick 1-3 big items to check off of your to-do list and maybe 3-5 menial tasks to complete after that each day.


How to Successfully Use Your Free Time

Everyone likes the prospect of being productive, but what’s a person to do when they actually have free time? It isn’t healthy to work yourself into the ground, so it’s not like you can bury yourself in your work. However, there are plenty of effective ways to successfully use your free time.


In this article, we’ll go over three of the best ways to be productive without spending unnecessary time on work.


Find a Creative Outlet


Physical activity is great and all, but exercising the creative part of your brain is equally as beneficial to you. Many people enjoy spending their free time practicing some sort of art form. Whether it’s writing, drawing, painting, or dancing, you don’t need to be perfect. As long as you feel that creative itch being scratched, you’re in the clear.


Here are some helpful ways to encourage and foster creativity in your life:


   Let your mind wander while expressing your art. Don’t spend the entire time acting rigid and negatively judging your work. Let the ideas flow out of you and worry about the rest later.

   Read a book. Regardless of the genre, find a book that interests you and dive in. There’s no such thing as reading too many books and a book can hardly be considered a waste of time.

   Practice yoga or mindfulness. Yoga and mindfulness practices train the mind and body to be calm and truly listen to your thoughts. Pairing yoga and other mindfulness practices can be combined with another creative outlet to really jumpstart your imagination.


Use Free Time For Self-Improvement Opportunities


You can never go wrong with trying to improve yourself in all aspects of life. Using free time to read inspirational books or attend lectures or seminars is a great way to utilize your time. There may even be accountability groups for these classes and other opportunities where you can meet other likeminded individuals.


Get Outside or Exercise Somewhere


There is a slew of benefits that come from getting outside, regardless of if you’re exercising or not. For starters, the sun is a natural Vitamin D source, which is something many humans have a deficiency in. A simple barefoot walk in a meadow or stream has just as many benefits as a run at the park or in the gym. Spending more time outside gives your overall health a well-rounded boost too.


Top Four Ways of Making Successful Habits

Your habits, both good and bad, shape your entire being. Your physical health, personality, and emotional intelligence all rely on specific habits in order to function. Because of this, the formation of healthy habits is critical to your overall health. But what can you do to ensure you’re forming healthy habits? This guide will help you.


1. Start Your Day Early


We aren’t saying you need to start your day at six a.m. every day. We are, however, saying that starting your day an hour earlier than you usually do can help you feel more motivated. Waking up earlier and tackling the most important tasks before anything else is enough to make you feel motivated for the rest of the day.


With this in mind, it’s important to get at least seven hours of quality sleep each night. Regardless of what habit you’re trying to form, getting enough sleep is crucial for motivation.


2. Read Inspirational Content


Nothing is more motivating than reading about other people’s habit-forming success stories. There is an onslaught of self-help/motivational books and online content to give you the push you need to keep moving forward.


3. Surround Yourself With Positive Influences


Have you ever heard of the terms “elevator or basement people”? In order to be successful, it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than bring you down. Hence, this is where the analogy comes from.


4. Have Patience


Forming new habits takes time. In fact, it can take anywhere from 18-254 days to successfully develop a habit. While the actual amount of time it takes varies from person to person, it takes 66 days on average for a person to form a healthy habit.


It may feel difficult in the first few days or weeks of forming a new habit, but you’re essentially retraining your brain. Once you stop having to think about a certain behavior, it finally becomes a true habit.


Key Takeaways


Good habits play an important role in living a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to get more sleep at night, wake up earlier, or exercise regularly, training your body to automatically perform these tasks benefits all aspects of your health.


The most important thing you need to remember when trying to form a healthy habit is to have patience. You aren’t going to rewire your brain overnight. Forming new habits takes a lot of time and work to successfully complete and it isn’t a process you can rush. As challenging as it may be, you can’t go wrong with living a healthier lifestyle.


What’s Holding You Back From Success at Work?

So, you feel like you’re at a dead-end at your current workplace. What do you do in this case? Is the problem you or is it someone else you work with? There could be a number of reasons why you feel stuck and unsuccessful at work and they may or may not be your fault. As harsh as that may sound, sometimes it’s what we need to hear in order to kick ourselves into gear and be better.


Let’s explore some of the most common reasons why people feel held back at work.


1. An Inability to Speak Up


Having social anxiety or not feeling like you have good ideas is a major issue with many people. It can be tough to speak your mind or share ideas if you don’t feel like your voice will be heard or if you’re scared of disproval. Regardless of how speaking up makes you feel, the only way you can move forward in your career is by speaking up for what you believe in and voicing your needs.


There are a few things many therapists recommend if social anxiety seems to be your issue:


   Practice mindfulness and meditation. Doing this will physically calm your body and quiet your mind. Meditating at work can be as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing for 5-10 minutes at a time.

   Focus on what you need to do. Instead of getting lost in your feelings, focus more on what needs to be done. If you’re presenting something at work, make eye contact and use a small fidgeter if you need to.

   Be realistic with yourself. Even if you feel like you’re going to completely mess up what you need to do, think about each success you’ve had and let that fuel you.

   Go to therapy. The stigma around therapy is rapidly deteriorating and seeing a therapist is becoming more acceptable in society. Utilizing therapy can give you more tools for dealing with anxiety in your workplace.


2. Hitting a Promotional Wall


You may also feel stuck in your job if you aren’t given any room for growth. Working somewhere without the possibility of raises or promotions can be demoralizing for someone who is looking to grow their career.


3. Blaming Others Instead of Working on Yourself


Lastly, you may need to do some self-reflection. If you find yourself blaming others for your inability to grow in your workplace, it’s time to take a deeper look inside yourself and see if it’s really you holding yourself back.


3 Effective Ways to Earn Money From Home

When most people hear about earning money from home, they automatically put up their defenses and assume it’s a scam. They are not interested and completely shut down the conversation because they don’t want to hear it. However, the truth is, it is possible to make decent money working from home- and the shift in people working from home proves it. 


Of course, these are not going to bring you riches overnight. You will need to invest the time and energy in making them work, but it is possible. 


In this article, we are going to explore 3 effective ways to earn money from home. 




You might be interested in becoming a freelancer. Find sites such as Upwork, Guru, Fiverr, and many others to showcase your talent. As a freelancer, you can dabble in several different areas, from creating articles and blog posts, to videos, to editing resumes, and so much more. Simply think about what you are really good at and then apply for those projects. On most platforms, you can also set up a “shop” of your own where you offer specific “packages” for your services that clients can choose from. Freelancing is a great way to get some cash flow. 


Podcasts & YouTube 


The truth is, there are many people out there who would love nothing more than to pick up a good book and kick back to read it. Unfortunately, too many of them simply don’t have the time to do it. Therefore, they’ve turned to visual and audio content. This way, they can listen while they’re on the go. Therefore, it’s a great time to get setup on doing a podcast or set up a YouTube channel. You can offer some free content to get them hooked- and then offer a subscription package for premium content- or even charge per audio/video clip.


Digital Storefront 


Another popular option for earing money from home is setting up a digital storefront. If you are crafty and enjoy making things, you might want to consider a site like Etsy to sell your wares. On the other hand, if you’re not really all that crafty, there are plenty of sites that you can set up on to “dropship” items such as t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. Simply create logos (or use one of the designs in their library) and create items to sell. You might be surprised at how much you can earn with these options. 


While you may be skeptical when someone mentions earning money from home, there’s no need to be. Sure, there are many scams out there offering to make you rich if you’ll just follow their formula. However, the truth is, in order to effectively earn money from home, you’ll need to put in the time and effort.