Showing posts with label eBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBook. Show all posts

Friday 4 February 2022

About the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series

Every person has some goals and wishes, whether short term or long term. However, we at times feel frustrated when these goals are not accomplished. The frustration becomes even greater when we see other people setting goals and easily achieving them, and we have no idea what magic they use to accomplish their goals and to do it on time. You find it quite weird, disappointing and annoying that even the smallest goals are still not achieved, or if they are every achieved it happens quite late. 


Therefore, you keep on resetting the mark of the goals to make it easy to accomplish them, but this still refuses to work. 


When this happens, you become disillusioned and you do not seem to have the big picture and the clear vision any more. You feel tired about this goal setting thing, and you find that every motivational speaker stops making sense to you. You have tried writing down your dreams and you have even tried going for the seminars where the most expensive speakers are, but things seem to be getting worse….


But, let’s face the facts. Is it possible that you are climbing the ladder which is leaning on the wrong wall? Most people set goals, which is very commendable; but they set the wrong goals. Getting a person to really know what he or she wants in life is the most difficult thing, and this makes for about 80% of the whole job of getting there. 


There is this powerful series on setting goals and getting results, and it has been proven by many to work perfectly well. These are five eBooks that will change your life permanently and positively. The series contains the following eBooks:


1. "50 Quick Tips On Getting Organized Easily"

    Mission: Organization - A Simple Guide To Keeping An Orderly Life


2. "Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work"

    How To Reach Any Goal You Wish! 


3. "How To Accomplish More In A Fraction Of The Time" 

    Getting Results Super Fast Through Prioritizing, Leveraging 

    And Focus 


4. "Results And Rewards Blitzing" 

    The Sprinter's Guide To Short Term Motivation For Huge Results - 

    High Adrenaline And Rewards Guaranteed! 


5. "Time Management Strategies For The Knowledge Worker" 

    Understanding The Evolution Of Time Management Strategies And 

    Prioritizing What Works In The 21st Century


These books will help you to know how to get organized, how to manage time and they even instruct you on how to set goals. They also talk on how to get the results and on how to reward you for the accomplishment. 

How the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series Can Help You

Many people know how to set goals, but setting the right goals and getting the results is usually much of an issue. This is because they lack organizational skills, and their lives are in chaos. Also, they have poor time management skills and strategies, and they do not know how to prioritize. They therefore do not make the best out of the twenty-four hours every person has in a day, and frustration sets in. when they have set the right goals and they have a pretty well organized life, they fail to know which route to take that will get them to their goal or the route that will take the shortest time and energy to get there. Therefore, some end up in the wrong destinations while others get there when it is too late. 


Setting goals and getting the results is for every person. This applies for business people, writers, affiliate marketers, life coaches, and leaders and even for one’s personal life. For instance, goal setting and getting results applies even for the person who has decided to lose weight or to stop being an addict. This is where the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series come in. this is a series of five eBooks that are all geared towards making it possible to not only set goals but setting the right goals and getting the desired results within the most efficient time frame. This series contains the following five books:


1. "50 Quick Tips on Getting Organized Easily"

    Mission: Organization - A Simple Guide To Keeping An Orderly Life 


2. "Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work" 

    How to Reach Any Goal You Wish! 


3. "How To Accomplish More in a Fraction of the Time" 

    Getting Results Super Fast Through Prioritizing, Leveraging 

    And Focus 


4. "Results And Rewards Blitzing" 

    The Sprinter's Guide To Short Term Motivation For Huge Results - 

    High Adrenaline And Rewards Guaranteed! 


5. "Time Management Strategies for the Knowledge Worker" 

    Understanding the Evolution of Time Management Strategies and 

    Prioritizing What Works In the 21st Century


In this series, you will get creative ideas in goal setting and time management. Also, you will get the right organizational skills and motivational skills for getting the results. There is so much covered in this series, and the best thing you can do is to invest in it, and you will not regret. It has worked for thousands of people, and you will be no exception. 

Are You Reborn Every Day?

Every year we celebrate another year of life. We make special plans for the day and appreciate knowing that on this one day in the year, our life becomes the focus of the significant people with who we are privileged to share our life. There is a child inside all of us when it comes to the celebration of our birthday, with its sense of fun, of friendship and of celebration of all that is good. 


Someone once said that it is a shame that we can’t have a birthday every day. How true are those words? We put so much time and energy into preparations for that day. Imagine if every day of our lives was spent with the same feeling of preparation and anticipation. Seize the Day is a saying made popular in movies, but it’s equally applicable in our lives. When was the last time you lived each day as if it was potentially your last day on this earth and packed it full of experiences, celebrations, friendship and fun? 


We often let days pass without really thinking too much about how we spend them. Weeks pass without us realizing how many wasted opportunities we have let slip past us because we are so focused on surviving the day and all we try to pack into it. 


Try to re-focus your life this week. Take a few minutes at the beginning of the week to put a plan into action that reflects the things and the people that are important to you. Create some short-term goals of things you would like to see accomplished with week and plan a celebration with family and friends for a week from today. 


As each day ends, look at the goals or the ideas you had for that day and ask yourself if you accomplished them. Reflect on how they affected you and what they added to your life and how good they made you feel. Allow your inner self to be reborn as you reflect with excitement the beautiful butterfly you saw when you went on your walk, or the delightful coffee you had with a work colleague you hadn’t seen in a while. 


As the weekends, call your family and friends around you and celebrate together not just your birthday, but also your week of rebirth days, and make this a life habit.

Is the Perceived Lack of Happiness Robbing You of Real Happiness?

Do you often feel life has left you short? That somehow you have been robbed of the right to be happy and content. Maybe you have financial or relationship issues in your life or you are facing chronic health problems. You look around and see happy faces everywhere you look and it can be easy to slip into a feeling that everyone but you is happy. 


There is no one on this earth, no matter how rich, famous or successful who does not suffer moments where they feel that life has served them a difficult basket of trials to deal with. The smiles on many people’s faces may be masks that are worn to cover up the internal pain. Other people wear smiles because they have learned to deal with their pain and problems and focus on the good and not the bad in their life.


There are very few people who feel that life is not difficult and the circumstances they find themselves in difficult. However, finding the blessing in life and focusing on it rather than the negative, is the key that opens the door to contentment even when things couldn’t seem to get worse. 


Perhaps the area that causes most problems for people is in accepting other people’s faults and making excuses for them. Every person is a unique human being and is the product of their past experiences. Very few interpersonal relationships will ever be without some level of differences of opinion. The potential for conflict is always there when people interact with each other. As we focus on the good in the other person and the benefits of our relationship with them because of the unique person they are, it helps us put a different perspective on those areas that we find difficult to appreciate. 


Happiness in marriage or any other close relationship, is not the absence of problems. It is maturing in our relationships to accept the differences and enjoying the differences between people and finding our happiness in those differences. Sometimes differences may be irreconcilable, but often-true happiness is not the same as perceived happiness and constantly comparing our relationships or our life with others circumstances will only serve to drag us down and not lift us up. As we learn this essential life lesson we can learn to explore and find happiness where we least expect it. 

Thursday 3 February 2022

Look at the Clouds for Inspiration

Have you ever had the pleasure of lying on your back and looking up at the sky and contemplating the clouds? They are constantly changing color, shape and size. Sometimes they are puffy and white and float around in the blue sky in dazzling whiteness. Suddenly and without warning, they appear to take on grey angry looks and become storms that can build up to an intensity that produces lightening, thunder and natures vengeance. We marvel at their beauty and their power. As quickly as the storm develops it returns to its peaceful state and the clouds once again float past without a care in the world. 


Our lives can be like the clouds as we learn techniques to help us deal with whatever circumstances come away. We, like the clouds can learn to adapt to the conditions around us and even to thrive in the storms of life. Our true potential can be seen not in the calm days we face, when there are few problems in our world, but in the inevitable storms of life. 


When we allow frustrations and problems dictate how we feel about life we will often feel defeated and hopeless. When we take the opportunity to develop resources that help us weather those storms and even to find the inner strength to overcome the storms, we can face them with a new determination to grow through them and not be defeated by them. 


The key to building this inner strength is to understanding that just as a thunderstorm passes, so will the difficult situations we are facing in life. Every situation we find ourselves in, will only last a few hours or a few days, maybe even as little as a few minutes. With patience and perseverance, we can ride the storm and enjoy its fruits as the earth does when a storm has ended. 


Perhaps you are facing a tough situation right now. It may even be the result of something that is a potential failure, the result of a poor choice or bad decision. The key is to understand that the resources to deal with the situation are within you. You can learn from your mistakes and grow from them. A baby learns to walk by falling over and standing up again. As adults sometimes we need to learn from the baby and take risks that will make us strong. 

What Makes You Feel Loved?

What things that others do for you make you feel loved? Do you like to have people give you special gifts, or to send you cards and messages that assure you that you are loved and appreciated? Maybe you are the type of person who appreciates a hug as a way of feeling loved, or really enjoy spending time with your spouse or best friend.


The way we give love to others is often indicative of the way we want to be loved ourselves. Most couples enjoy expressing their love to each other. However, many of us have yet to learn a golden lesson. We all give and receive love every day. Often what makes us feel loved is different to the way others give and receive it. Learning what makes our spouse or children feel loved can be the key to making even great relationships even better.


We all enjoy being told we are loved, but for some people, the spoken word is not enough. Telling your spouse or child you love them but never following it up with the things that make them feel loved can create feelings of confusion and concern in even the best of relationships. 


Keep a record of what you do for others to show them your love and note the reactions you receive to those actions. As you observe the significant people in your life and their responses to the different ways, you express love to them; you will soon see how they best “hear” you. 


If your wife sees help around the house as evidence of how much you love her, each time you help her you confirm to her you love her. In just one action, you will speak louder to her about your love than if you verbally assure her of your love every day. If your husband wants your physical touch, giving it to him will assure him you love him, more than any number of meals you may cook for him.


Learning to recognize the things that make us feel loved and then identifying what the significant people in our lives need to feel loved is a beautiful self-growth adventure that will revolutionize our relationship. It takes little time and effort to learn how to do this, yet as we learn and use this simple technique, our significant relationships can be transformed. 


Doing a Self-Assessment for Self-Discovery

To a very large extent, many of us tend to see what is wrong with others without taking in to account or having a close look on ourselves. Taking a self-assessment is vital in making us become the best or have a realization of the best in us. You need somebody is very honest to help you in self-assessment. There are a number of self-assessment tests that you can undertake for self-discovery.


Self-assessment entails looking deep into you for an insight thus self-discovery. Here you do not become self-centered but have some time to look at yourself get to learn about the person you see every time you look at the mirror. 


The first step to a tangible self-assessment is to be very honest about you. Take a hard look at the mirror and take time to study the person you are seeing. Describe the person that you see in the mirror using up to a total of 25 adjectives. Consider using both good and adjectives that are bad. This is important owing to the fact that you are undertaking a truthful exercise. Consider digging deep down. Uphold utmost honesty. Allow for rediscovery of yourself.


After looking at yourself in the mirror, and discovering the person reflected in the mirror. Consider your likes and dislikes. This is vital to allow you identify any potential issues that may help you know the root cause of your likes and dislikes. It will help in prevention of repeating a bad behavior. Keep in mind the fact that failure to focus on your past, you be forced to repeat the same past. Look for the ways you can use to cope with the elements that may be stressing you.


Consider the activities that you like doing. Which books do you enjoy reading? What in most cases makes you not tolerate with life? What saddens? For all the answers that you give, provide an explanation. Explore the explanations to depth. 


The next exercise is to begin doing a journal. For a whole week, write down all your emotions, actions and thoughts that you might have heard throughout the week. Write down what you do comfortable without much effort but is also very rewarding. A journal is different from a diary in that in it you write personal thoughts and reflections you might have heard. 

Encourage or Fix—What Is Your Style?

Each of us has an approach that we use when people come to us for help with their problems. Some of us like to encourage the person to find the answer within themselves and we stand with them as they put their plans into action and reap the benefits and consequences of choices. Others of us prefer to fix the problem for the person, exploring ideas for plans and actions that will potentially solve problems.


Neither style is more beneficial than the other and most people would agree that both styles are necessary qualities. However, as each style affects the way we treat our families, friends and work colleagues, its’ worth knowing which style more clearly emulate in our interpersonal relationships. How do you know if your style is to fix or encourage? Here are some useful things to consider about each style of helping others. 


You Like to Help Others by Offering Solutions to Their Problems When They Approach You with Their Problems.


Men in general like to fix problems more than listen to others talk about them. Problems need to be fixed and a man using his left sided logic, likes to help develop a plan of action to solve a problem and to seek its resolution by providing solutions.


Men and women instinctively want to fix a problem when faced with one, be it their own or someone else’s problem. Many people need and want this help in their lives. Whilst it may not be considered empowering the other person, sometimes life needs create a need in us to find this style of helping. 


You Encourage Others to Talk about Their Problems and Help Them to Find Their Own Solutions.


If you are the sort of person who likes to encourage your friends and family to talk about their problems and help them create their own solutions you are more likely an encourager than a fixer. Women instinctively do this amongst themselves when they “share” their problems with their friends. Men often do this with each other when they play golf or drink together, or join mentoring groups facilitate talking and sharing. 


Most of us use both styles of helping others interchangeably in our lives depending on who we are talking to and what their needs are. Learning to be selective on who we use which style with is a journey of self-reflection and of personal discovery. 

Have You Ever Encountered Yourself?

Actor James Baldwin once said, “I have encountered a lot of people in Europe, I have even encountered myself” It begs the question, have you encountered yourself? To encounter means to meet by surprise or unexpectedly, amongst other meanings. When was the last time you experienced that type of surprise meeting with yourself? 


Have you been in a situation where you found out you liked something you didn’t think you would enjoy? Maybe tried a new food, or a new sport. Maybe started a new hobby? When this happens without you orchestrating the situation you are encountering yourself. Many people stay in their comfort zones, and rarely find themselves in a situation where they are challenged by encountering themselves in an unexpected or surprising ways. 


As a personal challenge take time to do something different today. Take a walk on the beach or through the forest and use your senses to experience the sights, smells and tastes around you. Walk slowly and keep a journal close. Allow your self-time to experience things you may usually walk past and write down the things that you become aware of. Write about the way they impact you and if they bring back childhood memories or other significant thoughts, write them down as well.


If you are taking a journey of self-discovery, encountering yourself is the first step to learning about the person you are. Another meaning of encounter relates to conflict and confrontation. Much of the time we prefer not to confront ourselves and we certainly don’t want to know inner conflict, but for self-discovery to be successful, we must be willing to consider even the inner conflicts we have constantly raging inside us, some more low key than the others. We must be willing to confront the unjustifiable fears and assumptions we make often with no reason. 


Our lives can sometimes be like that of a small child who looks at what the food on his plate looks like and decides what he feels about it simply by looking. If it looks good, he will try to eat it, if it looks bad he will tell you he doesn’t like it. We try to encourage children to try food before they say they do not like it. This is the key to self-discovery and personal encounters. Giving ourselves permission to unexpectedly find ourselves and challenge our preconceived ideas.

Knowing Your Real Self

Knowing your real self can be a daunting task. It demands understanding your personal aspirations your emotions and even the spiritual values. It also entails knowing how best to fulfill the requirements you want in life. Self-discovery leads to having a long-lasting peace of mind, happiness and you will tend to be contented. To a very large extent, we are able to acquire knowledge, develop talent and skills in areas that we are comfortable in handling.


The first step towards knowing yourself is to look the needs of your soul. It is important to note that we are not just a body but rather we have an inner self that comprises of the soul that also yearns for satisfaction. Research has it that the soul is immortal.


You should always aspire to remain connected with yourself and draw attention or move away from distractions that may come from outside. In most cases our attentions are drawn to meeting outward desires and most cases this do not add up. In most cases satisfaction of one of these external desire leads to another one cropping up. In most instances we are busy with the desire to meet needs of the body and this is what makes as loose the self. Taking time to meditate will help you realize and know yourself better. It is a practice that can help us discover ourselves better.


Real self to a large extent remains to be in love with other fellows despite having differences that are external. It gives us glimpses to our inner self. When we cling to what we absolutely love with other individuals. This to a very large helps in discovering of the inner self. Negative emotions to a large extent led to reduction of discovering our inner self.


Another thing that will help you discover your real self is through having commitment towards life. It gives a very good opportunity to have a wide picture of life. When we are committed in life, we tend to focus on intangible values like love honesty and sacrifice. We get contented when we love others; make other people be happy, share the worries of others. These activities to a large extent make you know your inner needs.


Having a deep insight into you is vital to having a meaningful and reasonable life. It helps add or make a better you.

When You Know What Makes You Happy You Discover True Gold

Do you know what makes you happy? If you do then you have discovered true gold. We are not talking of the momentary flashes of happiness that come when we eat a favorite desert or drive a beautiful car. These will provide temporary happiness but once the dessert is eaten or the car is returned to its owner, the potential is there for the problems that robbed you of your happiness to return. The happiness being discussed here is the happiness that you can take refuge in, that keeps you at peace with yourself and your world, no matter what is going on around you. 


Some people find a sense of happiness in their relationship to God. For some, happiness is found in pursuing a new hobby or learning a new sport. Many find roles in life define their happiness. However, are these things really the source of true happiness? They certainly contribute to it, and probably most people use these as their source of true happiness.


Self-acceptance is the key to the true gold that helps us to deal with the everyday trials of life. We may express that self-acceptance in our relationship with God, with others or with things in our lives, but unless we accept ourselves first, nothing will truly satisfy us or make us happy for very long. True inner happiness has its roots in who we are and not on what we do to stay happy.


Psychologists have long promoted the idea that the greatest love affair we can have is the one we have with ourselves. This love is not self-seeking, self-promoting, or self-focused. It is a love that accepts that we are unique individuals and the problems we face and the struggles we go through have nothing to do with the person on the inside, the person we live with when we are along with our thoughts and ourselves.


Even if we hit are hard by whatever rocks our experiences in life may throw at us, they can’t harm the inner person. We can experience that level of true happiness when we learn to love ourselves and see ourselves as the true gold we are. We can find refuge in self-acceptance, knowing that we are not defined by our experiences, but rather we can define our experiences by our reactions to them. 

Monday 31 January 2022

Positive Thinking and Determination Helps One to Attain Goals

Will power is, indeed, a great force in the world. Tenacity of purpose is in most cases a guarantee of ultimate success. On the contrary, a man who wavers at the first sign of difficulty, feels his confidence running out at the initial setbacks and loses enthusiasm at the first sign of failure can never achieve his goal. He is utterly lacking in the most essential condition of success – will power. Some tasks are seemingly impossible, but can be accomplished with determination and hard work. One should not therefore, lose courage in the face of difficulties. 


The efficacy of will power can be demonstrated by numerous examples from the lives of common people. A person of weak constitution who is constantly plagued with one or other ailment can bring about vast improvement in the health merely by a pertinacious observance of certain rules. It may not bear instant results, but will certainly bring about dynamic change in the level of fitness. 


Similarly, a student can win distinction in the examination, if he sets his heart on it and applies himself with sincere determination. The reason why so many students fail in their examinations is not that the students lack the will to pass. They are indifferent to their failure or success, as they have no definite purpose in life. 


No impediments can stand in the way of a person who makes up his mind to attain his objective. There is countless number of examples of people, who in spite of being physically handicapped, have achieved targets, which would appear impossible even to normal people. Such people do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the heaviest odds. Instead, they work systemically to minimize natural deficiencies to achieve their goals. They simply dare to defy their destiny by their hope, courage, enterprise and dedication. 


Any man who pursues his ideals with determination is likely to meet with success. There are countless pupils, whose lives are a classic instance of the triumph of will. They have also known despair, failure and defeat, but what puts them apart from others is that they do not succumb to these setbacks. They continue to work for the achievement of their goals. 


A man with an iron will power, positive approach to life, can certainly pave a way for himself in spite of obstacles and hardships confronting him at every step. The secret of success in life is to carry on steadfastly with eyes fixed on the goals one has set oneself in life. Everyone has within himself the capacity to work hard and the tendency to cultivate a strong will power and optimistic approach, an invaluable asset to succeed in life.

Self-Reliance Is a Part of Optimism

Self-reliance literally means satisfying every want by oneself and not depending frequently for it. However, in the nature’s scheme of things, all livings and non-living are independent and sustain each other. Plants, animals, human beings cannot exist in isolation, they share life together. When an individual begins to take this dependence for guaranteed and ceases to make any efforts for himself, then he becomes like a parasite. Although we need other to live, so long as we are not self-reliant, we have not started living properly. It is applicable to individuals as well as to nations. 


Normally, an individual from the very beginning is taught to be self-reliant. A child is sent to school, then to college to prepare himself to face life. Today, parents want not only their sons but also daughters to be self-reliant. However, it is a pity that when we talk of self-reliance, we normally refer to economic independence. 


Self-reliance does not mean merely an ability to earn one’s living. It implies much more. A person cannot be called truly self-reliant if he has learned to be not only self-supporting but also to live right through a rigorous cultivation of spiritual and moral values to guide him in his life. Such a person thinks without fear and works with devotion. He develops confidence in his abilities, so essential for success in life. He develops power of independent thinking and taking decisions boldly. Such total self-reliance enhances his self-respect. 


It is a pity that man has become so selfish. Unless man understands the true implication of the word self-reliance, there can be no moral and spiritual regeneration. It is a lesson that should be taught early in life while the young minds are being trained for a vocation. It is education about which can teach the impressionable young apprentice to learn to live and not merely to learn to earn a living. 


Thus, a lesson in self-reliance can be begun early in the life so that no one grows up to be selfish, narrow-minded and live like a parasite on others. Such total self-reliance will bring about a dramatic change in the lives of man and help in promoting a spirit of mutual love, respect and faith. It helps users in an era, which Gandhiji had envisaged, where man will not feel degraded if asked to do menial work. On the other hand, he will take pride in being self-sufficient.

Positive Thinking and Its Effect on Health

We all know that feeling sad can lead to depression if it’s not resolved, but what can negative thinking do to your general health and wellbeing. Research has shown, that people who are positive thinkers tend to have fewer colds and live longer and enjoy being in a state of good health.


The reason for this state overall improved health is not hard to understand. There is a direct connection between our emotions and our physical body. This connection has been known, though not completely understood for a long time. People may grow older physically and this may be quite noticeable, but inwardly they remain young and confident and their energy levels remain high, when they maintain a positive outlook on life. 


What is clearly known is that in people who maintain positive thinking, the immune system is heightened by increased levels of hormones designed to build resistance to common infections such as colds and the influenza virus. 


The feeling of being in control or life and circumstances together with optimism about life in general helps to help us make choices in other areas of our life. People, who feel relaxed and confident and in control tend to eat better foods, exercise more and spend more time with family and friends. These activities are themselves, contribute to an improvement of health and wellbeing.


People who are think negatively about their circumstances in life and who don’t look after their nutritional needs and exercise regularly, often become focused on finding ways to increase their escape from such feelings, over eating and addictions to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol are common symptoms of negative thoughts. 


Experiencing emotional wellbeing and balance doesn’t mean never feeling sad or upset about things. It means reducing the stress in our lives and remaining positive despite all we may be facing. It is in believing that all of our struggles in life are not unique problems that only we face. People with serious, even life-threatening health problems are known to go into remission or see immediate improvement in their symptoms when they focus on life outside of their health problems. 


Emotional well-being is one of the most important gifts we can give to ourselves. Doing regular emotional checkups and ensuring we do something to help aid our emotional well-being is essential to maintaining a healthy life. 

Are Dreams Equivalent to Self-Discovery?

We all dream of something that we wish to do in reality. Some dreams come true while others do not. Again, there are two kinds of dreams – daydreams and night dreams. Night dreams are in our control, but daydreams are those that we wish to think of and go into a state of trance. That is when people call it daydreaming. Studies show that many a time dreams have led to the self-discovery of a person. 


It is not at all an easy task; however, it is not that tough too. Only a little awareness of feelings and common sense can make you discover yourself by the help of dreams. Anyway, the question that is tingling in your mind now is how to discover yourself by the help of dreams. Well, here are some detailed steps that can help you. 


First, as you get up from the sleep, immediately write down the dream that you have seen last night. To do this, you have to keep a notepad at your bed stand so that you can write your dream even before leaving the bed. However, do not try to analyze the dream at this point of time. Just keep it that way and leave for other work.


Second, when you return from work and have freshened up yourself and relaxing, write it as a journal. As you write them on a journal and read them later on, you will get to interpret your dreams and will see that you can identify what makes you happy or sad. This lead to the path of discovering yourself. Often dreams are just an interpretation of the situation that you might be thinking or facing throughout the day. Therefore, we can call dreams to be a part of self-discovery though not entirely a step to self-discovery. 


In a way, it is important for individuals to discover themselves to achieve success. In addition, to achieve success, it is important to dream. Therefore, we can say that dreams and self-discovery are equivalent to each other in terms of success, even though apparently it may seem to have no connection. Moreover, to achieve success, it is also important to have determination, willingness, perseverance, discipline, attention, an eye for details and perfection. And, all of these elements are essential for turn dreams into success as well as self-discovery. Thus, you can only discover yourself when you dream of a thing.

Can Writing the Story of Our Life Lead to Self-Discovery?

Discovery is a term that merely means invention. Many famous people have invented many things on this earth, but self-discovery is one thing that all people can do. In fact, to say the truth, all people must do to not only make them happier but also to have a happy world. Since the world comprises of people and they are the unhappy creatures on this earth, therefore, human beings have to be happy in order to make the world a happier place to live in. 


Every person in this earth has a story of their own life, but not many write it down. Very few people write the story of their own life. However, often it is seen that writing down stories of life has led to many self-discoveries and self-awareness. Fact is writing the story of your life can make you discover yourself. 


Even if you are living abroad, writing a story about yourself will make you think of your past and this thought of the past will make you realize your past mistakes and, in a way, make you discover yourself. When you write a story about yourself, you can connect with the emotion that happened in the past. Further, you release the pent-up anger or feelings that had been accumulating until then through your writing. Releasing these feelings makes you feel lighter and in a mood to think afresh. 


If you release the book on the story of your life in the market, then you get a further satisfaction. When you release it in the market, many people read the book and they try to relate their feelings to those written in the books. Moreover, you get the satisfaction that you can reach out to a wider range of audience who reads your feelings. Thus, you are able to deliver your feelings to a large audience and in the process, all your anger that you may have written down on that book soothes you. 


It is a simple connection of the mind to your pen when you are writing the story of your life. It is the best if you write story in the first person as that brings more satisfaction to you. Start right from the days of your childhood to the time you are writing this story. Thus, writing the story of your own life is a form of therapy that leads to self-discovery.

How Self Discovery Can Lead to a Happier Life

Do you want to lead a happier life? Leading a happier life is the wanting of every human being on this life. However, not many get the opportunity to lead a happy life. Most of the people living on this earth are sad people due to some reason or the other. There are many among the people who can lead a happier with a little effort, but they do not know the way. Thus, there are an endless number of problems in every life. This article will show you the way to lead a happier by discovering yourself as a new individual. 


People who are not happy for long periods are the ones who have kept themselves unhappy. This is because happiness and sadness are such that they are not permanent in one’s lives. They come and go. However, if a person is in an unhappy state for a prolonged period, then it is necessary to find the root causes behind the unhappiness. In most cases, being the person you are not makes you unhappy. 


Therefore, it is imperative to discover yourself in order to be happy. If you want to lead a happy life, you have to set free the chains that bind you and search your freedom. You have to study what exactly what you want from life. These studies of yourself will make you discover yourself as a new person and you get to know what you want from life. 


In addition, when you discover yourself, you get to know many hidden talents underlying you. For instance, if you are working in the I.T sector and you feel boring going to office every day for doing this work, which means you are compromising with your life. The work makes you unhappy. It may be your passion lies somewhere else. Therefore, it now becomes imperative to study yourself and find them out. If you like songs and often compose songs in your off time, which has not become known yet, then it can be assumed that your passion lies in singing. 


Therefore, it is advisable to quit the job and find the key to success with your passion. You are bound to face obstacles in the path of self-discovery, but it is also true that you have to overcome them yourself. By this example, it becomes clear what self-discovery actually means and how to understand it.

How to Beat Depressions and Discover Yourself as a New Individual

In this economic scenario of the world today, people are trying to get a hold in their job or business. Due to this, they are facing extreme pressure and having depressions. When depression sets in, some take to different kinds of drugs, alcohol, or other indulgences. They feel lethargic and neglect themselves. That is when you have to discover yourself and prove to the world that you can do other things besides what you were doing. Moreover, if you are not aware of your capabilities, then this is the best time to find out the hidden truths within you and put them to use. 


Most of the people feel themselves paralyzed when depression sets in. Instead of feeling paralyzed, if you get up and stand straight at that moment, then are on the right way to discovering your new self. However, most of the people do not do this. Very rarely does a person have the courage to discover themselves in times of depression. When in depression, ask yourself questions and seek answers to it. 


For instance, you may have been knocked out from the office and do not have a job now. You may have applied to several companies without any call yet. It is a common scenario in these times. It is definite that may frustrate you. Therefore, now is the time to discover your capabilities. 


Ask yourself questions. Do you have interest in anything else other than the work you have done before? If yes, then what are the areas of your interest? Are you still eligible to pursue that interest? How can you pursue that interest? Can you convert that interest into a profession? If yes, then how? Thus, ask several questions related to your thoughts and seek answers to them. Once you get the answers, you have discovered a new individual within you who has some other interests that were hidden until then. 


A depression phase can also lead to self-discovery of a person if he or she utilized that opportunity appropriately. Thus, the basic fact is you can do a thing or any task if you utilize opportunities effectively. Moreover, turning negative situations to positive ones is in itself a notification of self-discovery. Thus, it is all a matter of how you think, feel and emote them. Keep in mind to be aware of what you think when you are going through a phase of self-discovery.