Tuesday 3 May 2022

Confident Speaking Through Voice Inflection

You may not be aware that you can speak more confidently simply by changing the inflections that you use with your voice. It will probably take you a while to practice this until you get it right but it will certainly help. Using different voice inflections will make your audience believe that you are a confident speaker.


We have some good news for you here. It is not necessary for you to change your voice completely to use the right inflections. Only small changes are required to your normal speaking voice to make you sound a lot more confident to those that are listening to you.


Use your Diaphragm to Speak


The most successful speakers use their diaphragm to speak. They do this because breathing using the diaphragm puts them in more of a relaxed state. It is easy to learn to breathe using your diaphragm and then you can start to speak from it as well.


A Smile will change your Voice Inflection


When you smile during speaking you are naturally going to change the inflection in your voice. We are not suggesting that you smile throughout your speech as this can be perceived as being insincere. Just smile at the right time to make the voice inflection change.


You only need to smile a little to change your voice inflection. When you get this right people will be able to hear you smiling which sounds odd but it is true. The act of a little bit of smiling when you are speaking will make your voice sound a lot more friendly. It is a great way to put your audience at ease.


Smiling when you are speaking will also give you a great confidence boost.


Practice Enunciating your Words


You want to avoid mumbling when you are speaking as this does not sound confident at all. In order to get your message across to others it is important that you enunciate your words. Mumbling your words can make you feel insecure about your speech and your audience will certainly pick up on this.


One effective way to enunciate your words is to place a wine cork between your teeth. With the wine cork in place you need to read something out loud. We recommend that you record this. Now remove the cork from your mouth and read the same message out loud again. You should notice a big difference in your enunciation.


Find your Natural Voice Pitch


If you can speak using your natural pitch then you will be the most confident. First, you will need to identify your natural pitch. An effective way to do this is to close your mouth and then let your lower jaw drop. Make sure that your lips remain closed together.


Next you want to make a humming sound beginning with a high pitch and then working your way down to the lowest pitch. As you do this, use your fingers to feel the vibrations on your lips. The strongest vibrations will come when you are humming at your natural pitch.


Lower your Voice for more Confidence


There have been a number of scientific studies that show lowering your voice slightly can make you sound more confident. The reason for this is that people tend to respond more favorably to people that have a deeper voice. 


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