Tuesday 5 April 2022

How To Stay Motivated

All athletes are not made the same. And I am not just talking about their biomechanics or physiology. Now, keep in mind this is still an individual matter - you will always have your super high or super low motivation athletes on any applied team, but as a general guideline this works.


Motivation level then acts into how you must coach any given team or group. With lower motivation athletes, you’re becoming to need to do a little bit more ‘prodding’ to get them going and performing at the level you would like. These will generally be the kids that you need to work the hardest with, and there perhaps a certain level of hand-holding until they begin to see build up and/or change.


In contrast, upper-level athletes inherently understand that doing weight training, ploys and legerity drills will improve their performance. These are the athletes with whom you can take a more ‘hands-off’ access, and will answer well to fine-tuning and minor coaching job accommodations. They’ll be the best at helping you baffle a large group of athletes, and may even pick up and employ some of the coaching manoeuvres you use! Anyone who has ever had a high-motivation kid who’s also the best athlete on the team up knows what I’m talking about here.


Quite plainly, you can’t treat all levels of athletes the same. Ascertain their level of motivation and adapt your coaching style as necessary.


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