Wednesday 20 April 2022

Daily Rituals For Increased Optimism

The things that you do every day will define you. In time, something that you repeat each day becomes a habit. Habits can be good and bad of course. Your aim here is to develop habits that will empower you to be more optimistic.


It is going to take time for you to implement new and empowering habits in your life. The best way to achieve this is to do the same things each day for at least 21 days continuously. Your subconscious mind will pick up on this and realize that you are serious about forming a new habit.


Don’t try to implement too many new daily rituals at once. You can start with a small number and add to this as each becomes a habit that you do on autopilot. We recommend that you create a morning ritual where you do certain things every morning. Other rituals can take place whenever it suits you.


Your Morning Optimism Ritual


There are four things that we recommend for your morning optimism ritual. The first of these is to read your positive affirmations. You can read your affirmations more than once each day but it is essential that you do this at least once in the morning.


Optimists always set challenging goals for themselves so first thing in the morning is a very good time for you to read your goals, your emotional drivers and your WHY statement. This will light a fire under you to complete your tasks for the day and move closer to achieving your goals.


Spend a few minutes every morning visualizing your best self and success with your goals. Once you learn how to visualize, you will only need a few minutes of this to really inspire you. Visualization is a very powerful technique so make good use of it.


The final part of your morning optimism routine needs to be some gentle exercise. This will help to get your blood circulating and your heart pumping. A healthy body is a healthy mind. You can perform any exercise that you like here. It doesn’t need to be a full workout – just enough to get things moving.


The four things above will all help you to get the best possible start to each day.


Express Gratitude


Expressing your gratitude for what you have in your life right now is something that you must do as part of your daily optimism ritual. You can do this at the end of the day before you retire. It doesn’t really matter when you do it to be honest. Write down 3 things you are grateful for and focus on these.


Neutralize Negative Thoughts


Even the most optimistic of people can experience negative thoughts from time to time. Get into the habit of always neutralizing a negative thought with a positive one. As you progress with this, you will find that you experience fewer negative thoughts on a daily basis.


Identify and Complete your Daily Tasks


If you want to be an optimist then you need to set yourself challenging goals. When you set your goals, create plans for their achievement. You want to break your plans down into daily tasks. Plan your tasks ahead the night before and endeavor to complete all of your tasks every day.


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