Sunday 10 April 2022

Make Optimum Utilization of Time

Let’s say that you’re an entrepreneurial app developer. You’ve released apps in the past that have been highly successful, as well as a few duds. Now it’s time to work on your next project.


Problem is you have too many ideas and no idea which to work on first!


So, we’re going to apply the concept of “kaizen” in a unique way to answer that question, and then see how the same approach can be useful in other areas of life.


So, kaizen means “improvement” and the idea is that you’re employing small changes on a continual basis in order to add up to big impact. It’s about focussing on the small details in order to make your workflow more efficient. 


In our case, that is going to mean asking what the most efficient course of action is, by again asking what the “smallest” things we can do are.


The aim should be to pick out the app ideas that are the quickest to make, but have the highest chance of earning the most money.


So, if you have an idea that you think could change the world, but it will take you years and years to get it off the ground, then you should forget that one. The risk here is simply too high: what if you spend all that time and you aren’t successful?


Likewise, though, if an app idea is quick but is unlikely to find an audience… what’s the point? From a business perspective at least, this doesn’t make any sense.


So, pick the option that has the highest chance of the most success, and that involves the least work and effort. In a short amount of time, you can drastically increase your income and if your predictions were wrong, you can’t waste too much time or effort upfront.


How does this apply elsewhere? 


It’s simply a matter of picking the most efficient options to focus your efforts on.

In exercise, this might mean picking exercises that offer the most physical benefits but involve the least amount of work and effort. 


In finance, it might mean cutting out the expenses that would have the biggest impact on your income, but the smallest impact on your lifestyle.


By looking for low risk, high yield choices throughout your life, you can maximize every aspect of your lifestyle and achieve a whole lot more.


The Value of Setting Daily Life Routine for Weight Loss

When people want to lose weight, they will typically focus on a few “big” things. That means their diet for instance, and it means the amount they exercise. Most of us will then conclude we need to exercise a little more, and eat a little less. Thus, we end up lifting weights or running a few times a week, and eating bland fat-free meals in the evenings.


But very often, this doesn’t result in the kind of results that you want to see. And why is that? It comes down to the fact that you will very often miss out on what actually matters more: the details. This is the “kaizen” approach – making small changes in order to see huge results.


Why Workouts Often Don’t Work Out


Here’s the problem with going for a run or lifting weights: that is 40 minutes three or four times a week. That’s maybe 160 minutes per week.


There are 10,080 minutes in a week. That is a tiny splash in the ocean!


And if you aren’t seeing the weight loss you want to, then there is a good chance that the other aspects of your life aren’t particularly active. Maybe you sit in an office at work. Maybe you drive to and from that office. And maybe your evenings are spent sitting on the couch watching TV.


Either way, you aren’t really moving much. Meaning you isn’t burning many calories and your metabolism is slow.


Simply adding a little exercise and eating a few less calories isn’t going to result in a body transformation when your lethargy is endemic! 


This is where kaizen comes in: the process of focussing on the small details that add up to a LOT. For example, maybe you could start walking to and from the bus a stop further? That might only be a 6-minute walk but when you do it both ways, five times a week, it becomes 60 minutes of extra activity!


Likewise, you could decide to take the stairs instead of the lift, burning an extra 5 calories each time, you do. That might add up to 40 a day, and 200 per week (assuming your lift is in your office and you use it at lunch).


Maybe you decide to take up one physical activity in the week – like a game of ball with the dog. Maybe you choose to get up 5 minutes earlier and stretch.


And it’s these small changes throughout your day and week that add up. And THAT is how you see a body transformation.


Tiny Things Can Alter Your Day and Your Life

The concept of kaizen teaches us that making small, tiny changes to our routine and lifestyle can add up to overwhelming differences in your overall productivity, happiness, and performance.


An example of this might be to write a page of a novel every day. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you consider that an average novel might have 300 pages… well then you could easily write the whole thing in a year as a result!


Or what if you were to save just $10 a day? Again, it seems perfectly doable. But by the end of the year you’ll have putt away $3,600! Enough for an impressive holiday.

But kaizen is also about the way in which a single small deviation can have huge repercussions when it is amplified by time. What do we mean by that?


Well, consider throwing a ball to a target. When we do this, our brains actually perform incredibly complex math first. When you throw that ball, you need to get the angle and the force precisely right. If your angle is 5 degrees off, then that might not seem like a lot, but as the ball travels it will deviate from the intended course more and more.


The further it goes, the bigger the gap becomes.


Life is like this. You might be do something only very slightly differently every day, but over time that will add up to a greater and greater effect. This is particularly true in scenarios where there is a cumulative effect.


But it gets even simpler than that. When we consider the “butterfly effect,” we realize that even the smallest thing can add up to having huge repercussions.


Take for example shaving in the morning. You might decide one morning not to shave – because you’re in a hurry – or you might decide that you are going to.

Small difference, right? But what if on that day, you happen bump into someone in the street, an old colleague perhaps? You get to chatting and they think you look good – like you have your act together. They ask you some questions, and as a result, end up offering you to come and interview for a new job.


What if you hadn’t shaved? What if you were looking tired and unshaven? Might they not have given you that opportunity? 


It’s very possible. And while this isn’t exactly what we mean by kaizen, it does highlight one very important truth: tiny differences add up to huge results. So focus on the minutiae!


3 Great Marketing Tactics For Clubhouse Few People Know About

Clubhouse provides you with the opportunity to increase your brand awareness and to develop your brand. There are a number of ways that you can do this, and in this article, we will discuss 3 ways that very few people know about. It is good to be different on the Clubhouse platform as most of the members are going to employ the marketing tactics that most people are aware of.


Standing out from the crowd is very important on Clubhouse right now and will be even more important as the platform grows. We will reveal a great way that you can get help with your promotional efforts on the platform and also show you two ways that you can use Clubhouse to get some good results.


1. Use other People in your Company as Brand Ambassadors


It is always better if you have more than one person on a social platform spreading the word about your business and your brand. If you have a business with more than one person involved, you can persuade them to act as brand ambassadors on the Clubhouse platform.


You can invite other members of your company to join Clubhouse. Make sure that you brief them to the role that you want them to play on the platform. Tell them that you want them to join niche relevant rooms and also to find and follow niche relevant clubs.


Show the other brand ambassadors from your company how to complete their profiles properly so that they stand out. Make sure that it is clear from their profiles the role that they have in your company. Ask them to add good photographs and to write compelling descriptions.


When your brand ambassadors join Clubhouse, ask them to join rooms and ask questions. They can then move on to creating their own niche related rooms. Ensure that they are aware that they cannot be too promotional on Clubhouse. Ask them to help you out with the moderation of large rooms that you host.


2. Use Clubhouse to make Announcements


Clubhouse members are always interested in new things so this provides a great opportunity for you to make announcements using the platform. If you are planning on the launch of a new product or service you can create a Clubhouse room around this and get the opinions of your audience.


The feedback that you get from these types of announcements will be of great value to your business. It may result in you tweaking your new product or service by adding new features that the Clubhouse audience suggested for example.


3. Host Roundtable Rooms


A roundtable is where you can run a fairly open room to discuss the specific issues that your target audience is experiencing in your niche. Here you will use your experience and knowhow to help your audience. If you get your roundtable rooms right then you will start to attract large audiences in no time.


In order to run successful roundtable rooms, you really need to know your target audience well. It is vital that you chose subjects for each roundtable that will resonate well with your audience. Tell your audience how you overcame these problems and help them all that you can. Word will soon spread about you and your brand when you run a series of roundtable rooms.


Understanding Clubhouse Clubs

Clubs are another exciting feature of the Clubhouse platform. When you have just joined Clubhouse, we recommend that you take a look at the clubs that are available. You will be able to see the theme of each club which is often around a specific niche.


What are Clubhouse Clubs?


A Clubhouse club is a mini community that members create. You can create rooms in a club that are either public or private. If you create a private club room, then only the members of that specific club will be able to join it. With a public club room, any Clubhouse member can join it.


You need to Follow Clubs first


The owners of clubs are usually choosy about who they let become members. You cannot just join a club. Someone will have to approve your application to join the club. The best thing to do is to become a follower of a club that interests you. This is possible to do without the need of the approval of the club.


You can monitor the activities of a club when you follow it. But you cannot create your own rooms in the club and you cannot attend private room events. Other club members will see that you are a follower and in time it is very likely that they will recommend you for membership to those in control of the club.


The Different Types of Club Membership


There are four different types of membership with a Clubhouse club. These are as follows:


Club Founder – this is the individual that owns the club. As the founder they can set the rules of the club, and change them and also create and change the description of the club. A founder can invite members to join the club without the need to go through an approval process. They can also sanction new members that have been through the approval process. The club founder can create new public or private rooms within their club.


Club Admin – if a founder of a club needs help (which they will do as the club grows) they can appoint admins. A club admin has the authority to approve new club memberships and also to remove existing members that do not abide by the club rules. Club admins can also create public and private rooms.


Club Members – if you are approved to join a club then you become a member. When you are a member, you can create a new private conversation room but you cannot create public rooms. A club member can also nominate other Clubhouse members for club membership. Club members can also join private and public rooms created by the club.


Followers – we have already mentioned that a club follower is not a member of a club. As a club follower you will be notified if any public rooms are created in the club and you can attend these.


Creating your own Club


There are several advantages to founding your own Clubhouse club. In order to create a club, you have to have permission from Clubhouse. In order to create a club, you must make a commitment to host a minimum of one recurring conversation.


When you make a request to Clubhouse to be the founder of a new club, you will first have to have hosted your fist 3 recurring rooms. You will need to complete a special application where you explain what the club will be about. It usually takes a couple of weeks for Clubhouse to accept or decline your application.


Clubhouse Is Different To Other Social Media Platforms

One thing that you need to know about Clubhouse right away is that it is different to other social media platforms. Maybe you have experience using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn? If so, you will find the Clubhouse platform to be very different. In this article we will look at the main differences.


Mobile Only


At the moment, you can only use Clubhouse on a mobile device. Although there are other social platforms like this, Facebook and the other large platforms are all available to use on a desktop computer. When Clubhouse first launched you could only use it on an Apple iOS device. Recently they launched the Clubhouse app for Android devices as well.


You cannot create Business Profiles


With social sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn you are encouraged to create a profile for your business. This is not the case with Clubhouse. When you become a member of Clubhouse you have to use your own name. It will only allow personal profiles.


Of course, you can discuss your business in your profile and use Clubhouse to promote your business. In time, Clubhouse may allow the creation of business profiles. The founders are going to launch some monetization initiatives in the near future.


It is an Audio Only Platform


This is where Clubhouse is really different to other social platforms. Most social sites will allow you to post text, images, videos or a combination of these things. Clubhouse only permits audio conversations which makes it stand out from the rest.


Clubhouse does not have a Messenger feature


You may be used to using the messenger services of social platforms like Facebook. There is no messaging app within Clubhouse. If you want to make contact with other Clubhouse users then you can do this in conversation rooms and through the club communities.


There is no Newsfeed with Clubhouse


Just about every other social media platform has a newsfeed. It is the first thing that you see when you log in. Clubhouse does not have a newsfeed. Instead, you get a “hallway” page with Clubhouse which presents you with an overview of what is happening on the platform. You can also search for things of interest from your hallway page.


There are no Content Restrictions


Clubhouse does not have any minimum or maximum restrictions on the amount of content you can create. If you want to create a room that only lasts a few minutes or continues for a day or more then this is possible. Other social media platforms impose restrictions on the amount of content you can post. 


Think of Clubhouse as an Event Venue


One of the best ways to think about Clubhouse is as an event venue. You can set up events that include a room, a stage, speakers, moderators and an audience. There is nothing similar to this in audio only offered by other social platforms. 


There are features such as Facebook Live of course, but these operate in a different way to Clubhouse rooms. For a start, there are no moderators with Facebook Live. You are less likely to be distracted by other things going on in a Clubhouse room event.


There is no Paid Advertising on Clubhouse


At the current time, Clubhouse does not have any paid advertising opportunities like other social platforms offer. However, it’s very likely that Clubhouse will offer this in the future as they need ways to monetize their app and provide their investors with a return.


Mastering The Basics Of Clubhouse

In order to be successful with Clubhouse, you need to master the basics of it. In this article, we will explain the basic features of this social audio app so that you are prepared when you become a member of it.


You need an Invitation


Clubhouse is different to other social media platforms by virtue of the fact that you currently need an invitation from another member to join. There are currently more than 10 million Clubhouse members so it is possible that someone you know is a member and can invite you to join.


Reach out to all of the people that you know and ask them if they are a member of Clubhouse. If you find someone that is a member, ask them to invite you to the platform if they can. Members are given a specific number of invites based on their activity within the app.


There is a Waiting List


If you cannot find an existing member of Clubhouse to get an invite from, the next best thing is to join the waiting list. Download and install the app on your iOS or Android device and confirm that you want to join.


You need to register to join the waiting list. Provide your contact details and indicate your areas of interest. Clubhouse will inform other members that you are on the waiting list and there will usually be someone that is willing to invite you to become a full member.


Tell Clubhouse about your Interests


It is essential that you choose your interests from a list that Clubhouse will provide you. When you do this, Clubhouse will be able to notify you when rooms that meet your interests are available. This is also useful for other Clubhouse members as they may wish to network and collaborate with you based on your interests.


Clubhouse will also recommend existing users that you should follow based on the interests that you select.


You need to Complete your Profile


Your Clubhouse profile is very important. This will tell other Clubhouse members what your interests are, who you are and what you represent. If you currently have a Twitter and an Instagram profile then you can link these to your Clubhouse profile.


A good Clubhouse profile will go a long way to helping you to succeed. Take your time completing your profile and use keywords that can help you to be found by other members. Use a good photograph of yourself in your profile.


Familiarize yourself with your Hallway


Your home page on Clubhouse is called your hallway. It works differently to the home pages of other social media platforms. When you navigate to your hallway, Clubhouse will present you with an overview of what is currently going on that may interest you.


Use the Search Feature


Clubhouse has a good search feature where you can use keywords to find rooms and clubs that may be of interest to you. If you want to see if someone that you know is a Clubhouse member, you can search for them by name here.


Other Basic Clubhouse Features


When you become a member of Clubhouse you will be able to invite other people to join. There is a calendar that you can use to find the upcoming events that match your interests. Clubhouse has a “notifications” feature where they will alert you of important events such as new followers and the activities of members that you are following.


How To Optimize Your Clubhouse Profile

Having an optimized Clubhouse profile is essential for your success on the platform. You need to create your profile in the correct way so that other members can see at a glance who you are and what you want to be known for. In addition to this, a good profile will show up in the Clubhouse search results for related keywords.


In this article we will discuss how to optimize your Clubhouse profile for the best results. A lot of Clubhouse members make the mistake of not making their profile the best that it can be. You do not want to make the same mistake, so follow the advice below.


Add a great Photograph


The first thing that another member of Clubhouse will see is your profile photograph. You need to ensure that your bio photograph is the very best. Don’t just choose a picture of yourself that you have on your phone. 


Make sure that your photo shows you smiling and shows all of your face within the frame. Your photo needs to look good in different sizes. It also needs to be very clear and have the best possible background. A background with contrasting colors is best. This will show up well with the Clubhouse off white background.


It is important that your photo has a bright background so that it will stand out from the many other bio images on Clubhouse. You can go to a professional photographer to have a perfect photo taken. This will be worth it in the long run.


Your Description needs to be Awesome


The description in your bio needs to be great. You can write a full description about yourself and what you stand for as there is a lot of room available. Clubhouse provides you with a plain text editor. Just because you have a lot of space for the description does not mean that you have to create a really lengthy one. Less is often more.


The first 2-3 Lines are Critical


You need to bear in mind that the first 2-3 lines of your description are critical. This is because these appear in the bio preview. So, you need to add the most important pints about yourself in the first couple of lines.


When you are creating your bio think about the value that you can provide for others. Clubhouse is a networking platform and you need to tell other members why they should follow you. If the first couple of lines of your bio are weak then members are likely to dismiss you as being worth following.


Twitter and Instagram


If you have profiles on Twitter and Instagram you can add these to your Clubhouse profile. At the current time, these are the only external links that the platform will permit. This does not mean that you cannot add your business website URL. It will not be clickable though.


Use the right Format


It is best to use an external application when you are creating your Clubhouse bio. This is because the plain text editor is not great for adding spaces between paragraphs etc. You can use Notepad for example. 


We also recommend that you add emojis in your profile. This will make it stand out from the others. It is a good idea to use emojis in the first couple of lines of your description. You can also use bold and italic markup in your description.


Use These 4 Clubhouse Room Marketing Tactics

You can use Clubhouse to promote your business and your brand. This has to be done in the correct way as Clubhouse does not permit direct promotion. In this article, we will discuss some of the best marketing tactics to use that have worked well for other members of the Clubhouse platform.


It is very important that you use Clubhouse to engage with your target audience. By using the tactics below, you will be able to reach out to your audience and form beneficial relationships. Connecting with other Clubhouse members is what it is all about.


1. Join Related Rooms and Conversations


While you can learn a lot by just being a listener on Clubhouse, you are only going to form the relationships that you need by speaking out. Each time you speak you have the opportunity to show people what you have to offer and gain additional exposure for your brand.


Identify rooms that are relevant to your niche and join them. To start with we recommend that you join rooms that have a smaller audience. You will have more chance of speaking as a newcomer in a smaller room than you will in a large room.


2. Host your Own Niche Related Room


When you host your own rooms on Clubhouse you are likely to get the best results. If you are concerned about this then you need to overcome any fears that you have because this is very important. By hosting your own room, your audience will automatically perceive you to be an expert.


Each time that you schedule a new room, tell all of the people that you know about it using your existing social profiles. Create a room around a subject that you know will be popular with your target audience. Make sure that you inform everyone about the date and time your room will be open.


3. Be a good Moderator to achieve the best results


When you host your own room on Clubhouse you can be the moderator. You need to learn how to run your rooms effectively to achieve the best results. Make it clear what the purpose of your room is so your audience knows why they are attending. When your audience makes comments and suggestions be sure to add additional insight here.


Repeat the propose of your room every 15 minutes or so. This will ensure that latecomers know what is going on. If you are inviting others to speak then let the audience know what they are bringing to the table. Always keep your room moving and if your room is large then get some addition help to moderate it.


4. Co-Host with Influencers


It is a good idea to co-host a Clubhouse room with influencers and experts. Reach out to influencers in your niche and propose a co-host event. The benefit of co-hosting with influencers is that you will have access to their audiences as well as your own.


Talk to your co-hosts before you start your room so that everyone is clear and how the room will operate. You will be sharing the microphone with your co-hosts so you need to manage this properly. Audiences like co-hosted rooms because they find that there is a good diversity of thought and ideas.