Sunday 13 March 2022

The Value of Spiritual Self-Discovery – 1

When people embark on a journey of self-discovery, they usually focus on the physical and emotional side of their personality. Rarely do people consider the importance of spiritual self-discovery, even if they identify as spiritual side to their personality. When we take the time to explore the part of our psyche that we sometimes call spirit or soul, we discover a unique and different aspect to our personality we may not even have realized existed. 


We are people made up of physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional dimensions. We experience the world and the experiences we go through in the world, by looking at them through these dimensions. This is not new. We know that humanity has always considered these dimensions. Roman and Greek mythology, Roman astrology and ancient religions are all testimony to the very real role that spirituality has played in human development.


We perhaps identify best with the moment we see a magnificent sunrise, or an amazing act of nature that leaves us in a state of bewilderment and wonder, recognizing there are things in our life that are beyond our ability to control. We have a conscious or unconscious desire to know this power and it is what we can term spirituality. 


When people think of spiritual wellbeing, they usually think of God. Whoever or whatever they conceive “him” to be. Some consider him a supreme being and others consider him as “the man upstairs” a belligerent father figure. Still others reject the concept of any sort of being, and find their spirituality in the earth, or in nature. 


So how do we discover the spiritual side of our personalities? Some people discover it through embracing formal religion, others discover it through yoga or some other form of meditation that causes them to focus in on themselves and still others go on a journey of self-discovery and call this a religious experience. 


Some have compared this spiritual awakening with a heightened sense of experiencing. As we allow our inner selves to experience life at a deeper level than just what seems obvious around us, we begin to relate to things in a different way. 


In whatever we choose to embrace the spiritual side of our personality, when we do focus on spiritual self-awareness, we usually discover we come alive in our personality and this has an effect on how we relate to self and others. 


The Value of Spiritual Self-Discovery – 2

We have established that to embrace our spiritual side we need to acknowledge it exists. As we embark on a journey of spiritual self-discovery, we often find aspects of our personality and our character we didn’t know about before. Most people find it awakens something inside them that they describe as “completing them” or “filling a hole” in their lives. 


We subconsciously or consciously make bargains with “god” when we find ourselves in a position of need. For many people, this moment maybe considered a moment of spiritual awakening. This is for most people, the time when they stop asking for proof of a higher being and start talking or acting as if there is one. 


 Once the situation has resolved, for many, life continues without any more thought of “god” until another crisis and then the automatic response is to turn thoughts once again to help from something or someone outside our conscious control. For others though, that moment of self-awareness and spiritual awakening, stimulates something in them and they start to question reality, as they know it. People who go through a spiritual crisis or who choose to change religions often experience this moment in a different way. They may find themselves rejecting their existing and questioning relevance. The end of such questioning for some people may lead to the choice of a completely different spiritual path. 


Some people think of having faith or a spiritual awareness is like following something blindly without proof. Whilst in the early days of a spiritual awakening this may seem an uncomfortable place to be in for many people, once embarked on, most people come to accept there are many things in our lives we accept without proof. We know for example that humankind will live and die, or we will feel sleepy and need to sleep at night. Our experiences train us to believe that things happen and we anticipate them happening.


When we embrace spirituality, we are embracing something that enables us to find our place in the universe. We all ask ourselves, “why am I here’ and “where am I going.” Whatever we call our spiritual reality; these are two fundamental questions we ask ourselves. Spirituality helps us to discover the answers to those questions. Spiritual self-discovery can be a journey that embraces our true humanity. It provides us with a sense of personal “completion” and wholeness. 


Think of Yourself Achieving Your Dreams

Losing weight or improving your health is as much something that must happen in your mind and thought life as it does in your body. Many people commence a weight loss program and never follow through with it, even if in the early days their resolve is strong and enthusiastic. Others start a course with great excitement and wonder why they want to pull out of the course only a few weeks into it. 


Our thought life plays a big role in our successes. Researchers have said that the concept “we are what we say we are” is actually truer a statement than we often want to admit. The time we become a smaller size in clothes, is not when the weight is lost and the inches reduced, but when in our mind we want to be and we want it so bad it directs our actions. We achieve in life when we can visualize our success in university or winning gold at the Olympics. It is at this moment our resolve, determination and confidence kicks in. and we convince our self-talk that we can do this. 


Hold on the resolve that caused you to enter the writing competition or to study the hospitality course. Believe you will be 3 dress sizes smaller come the summer, or get that promotion at work you have been working so hard to get. Don’t let yourself spend time focusing on what you can’t do, but rather on what you are doing and what you can continue to work toward your goals and dreams. No one ever achieved anything without dreaming and determining to put the dream into action and succeeding. 


It cannot be emphasized enough that your thought life is your worst critic, but it is also your best ally. Your thought life is partially responsible for your actions and behaviors and most people trust their personal perceptions on things that happen in their lives. Channeling thoughts to bring out the best and reject the rest is essential to reaching personal goals. 


Surround yourself with people who will support your endeavors and ask them to help you challenge the negativity that can start without warning. Nip it in the bud before it has time to blossom into something that causes you to lose your focus. Think of yourself achieving your dreams and you are half way to success.


Project Based Self-Discovery

A great way to learn about yourself is to blog your way through a project. A recent popular film, showed a woman blogging her way through her project to cook a recipe every day from a cookbook written by a celebrity cook. As she blogged her thoughts, reactions, successes, and failures each day as she wrote her blog, not only did she amass a great number of readers following her adventure, she learned much about herself and her partner. 


Choose a project you have wanted to do for a while. Assemble all the resources you need to complete the project and create a blog online to record your efforts and your thoughts about them. If you prefer, use an offline journal you can write in. Reflecting is an important part of the road to self-discovery.


Blogging or journaling is about keeping a diary as a place to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and successes. As you look back on it in the future, not only will you learn a lot about yourself, it will also be a lovely way to remember the project, especially if you add photos to it regularly throughout the project. 


As you complete your project every day, take time to write down what you did, whether you were happy with your achievement, what you felt about you did and what difficulties you faced. Write down any solutions you created for the difficulties and how well they worked for you. Don’t be afraid of using honest words, especially if the blog or journal is for your eyes only. This is the place you can be truly yourself and express yourself without fear of rejection or ridicule. 


As you work on your project, try to experience a sense of excitement that this project so long put off is finally being given priority in your life. Then write how you feel about the things you did today and how satisfied you were with your efforts. Write about everything, you can think of that relates to the project... You may choose to write about whether you put felt some parts of the project were too difficult, or maybe very self-satisfying. Perhaps you realized that interruptions to your focus make you irritable. 


The lessons we learn as we complete this project and journal our responses, will be invaluable tools for identifying our personal strengths and weaknesses. 


Self-Discovery Is Learning We Are Responsible for Our Own Happiness

We spend a lot of time looking outside of ourselves for happiness. We might feel happiest when affected by alcohol or other mood changing substance. We might need our family or friends around us to feel happy or we might think that losing weight or becoming fit is the way to happiness.


Whilst these things may contribute to our happiness, our true happiness is within us and as we find ourselves, accept ourselves and embrace ourselves only then can we find true happiness that doesn’t rely on external forces to keep us happy. 


This can be one of the most freeing thoughts of all self-discoveries. Once we learn this fundamental lesson, we determine how we react when things are not going well around us. Until that moment, things happening around us often create the responses and feeling of sadness or happiness that accompany them.


 Many people think of happiness as positive emotions. We associate happiness with feelings and emotions can range from feeling contented to feeling pure joy. While to think of happiness being in terms of an emotional response is normal, happiness is something that transcends emotions. 


We put a lot of unfair pressure on the people and situations in our lives when we expect them to be the sources of those positive emotions. Unless we are happy within ourselves, it’s likely our relationships will never live up to our expectations. They may add to our happiness, but they can never be the source of it. Henry Miller said, “I have no money, no resources and no hopes, but I am the happiest man alive.”


How do we find our personal happiness? Happiness is, as much about an attitude of mind as a response to it, so to find happiness we first need to change our attitudes. We cannot be happy all the time, but we can learn to put strategies in place from within ourselves to create inner happiness despite external circumstances.


Perspective is the creator of happiness and it may also be the destroyer of it. Training ourselves to remain positive and content is an important life skill. Once learned it will help us maintain healthy emotional responses to every situation, we find ourselves facing. Alain-Rene Lasage once said, “I am happy and content because I think I am.” This is the state of understanding of self; we all need to aim at reaching. 


How to Save A Christian Marriage

A marriage is a union of a man and woman joined together by a sensitive and loving bond. It follows some principles such as to pray together, honor and respect together, give time to communicate with each other, encourage each other for progress together, honor and protect the marriage vows, avoid extra-marital affairs and thank God for your Mate & the life you live together.


If you are looking for ways on how to save a Christian marriage, then it is important for you to know that Christianity recommends resolving the problems in the marital life and saving a marriage. Faithlessness is not allowed in the Christian marriage and it is considered as a great sin. 


There may be some problems in marriage which may be due to extra-marital affairs, adultery, infidelity, physical, verbal or emotional abuse. However, separation or divorce is not recommended in Christian marriage. Divorce can affect the life of both the partners at physical, emotional, financial, legal, spiritual and family levels. 


If you are facing the same situation and wondering about how to save a Christian marriage, then you need not worry as you have various options. First of all, you need to talk to your partner and try to understand the problems in your married life. It is always better to seek the solutions by mutual understanding.


If the conflicts in your married life are because of ego, you should give away the ego and take an initiative to resolve the problems. Self-assessment is a very important step to save your marriage. Think about your mistakes and drawbacks and try to improve your behavior and avoid the things that may hurt your partner. 


If you are determined to remain with your spouse forever and worried about how to save a Christian marriage, then you should opt for some changes in your behavior. If the problems in your married life are because of lack of communication, start to develop good communication between you and your partner. You should spend some time with each other and go for outing. You should express an intense passion for your partner because if you are successful in developing love for each other, then other problems can be immediately solved.


Infidelity is strictly prohibited in Christian marriage. You should avoid the extra-marital affair, if how to save a Christian marriage is your query. You should be very honest with your spouse and should completely trust him/her. If your partner is abusive, try to understand him/her and understand the causes of misbehavior of your spouse and find out the solutions for that. 


If you are not able to resolve the problems, then you may seek advice from your friends, family or religious leader. Christianity as a religion preaches fidelity and if necessary, you can take the help of religious leaders from the church to counsel you or your spouse about what the bible has to say. This is one of the best ways on how to save a Christian marriage. You may offer the prayers to the God to save your marriage.


Many couples prefer to participate in marriage counseling which can help the couples to improve their communication skills, find out their differences and clear all misunderstandings.


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Prayers to Save My Marriage

According to spiritualism, the prayer is to discover and develop the divinity which can work a lot in every problem of life. It gives you emotional strength to fight with the problems. Can you believe that the prayers can help you to save your married life? Separation or divorce seems to be a simple term, but its effects on both the partners may be long-lasting. You may lose your economical, physical, emotional and social stability.


Divorce is also not good for the sake of the future of your children. Hence, when you feel that your marriage is in crisis and you find yourself helpless, you may start praying the god. You may ask the religious leaders about prayers to save my marriage. 


The prayers may be useful to heal the relationships and save the troubled marriage. They can help to overcome the obstacles in your married life. When you come to know that your marriage is in trouble, you get mentally disturbed and terrified. Your life becomes stressful and you may feel helpless, lonely and frustrated. To cope up with this situation, you should be able to control your emotions and face the problem with great tolerance and patience. You will be able to overcome the stress and live peacefully with the help of prayers. 


The prayers may help to improve your virtue of forgiveness and make your mind strong. If the problems in your married life are due to faithlessness of your partner, you will be able to forgive your partner. The prayers also help to improve your loving energy. If there is a lack of love in your married life, you will be able to create it with your ability to love. Once you are successful in developing love, other problems can be easily solved. 


You may be doubtful about can I really get the benefit from the prayers to save my marriage. When you experience the problems in your marital relationships, it is the time to review your relationship with God. When your relationship with God is strong, it fills your heart with intense love and inner strength.


You may strengthen your relationship with God through prayer through small acts of kindness, serving less privileged members of your community and philanthropic acts. It prevents worsening of your problems and relationship with your partner. Keep aside some time for regularly offering the prayers along with your husband. You may combine the prayers with visualization and give thanks in advance. 


Do you face the question of where to get the prayers to save my marriage? You may read the prayers from the religious and spiritual books that are available in numerous book-shops. You can get the information about the prayers from the religious leader. You may offer your prayers at the religious place or at your home. If your partner is not willing, you may find the prayer partner or do it alone. 


Build up the emotional and spiritual strength within you and request the God by offering prayers to save my marriage. 


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Is Your Husband Going Through A Midlife Crisis?

Many adults can face the problem known as a ‘mid-life crisis’ which is characterized by emotional, physical and social changes in the middle age, the person may face the reality of waning the physical strength, frustrated vocational goals and unfulfilled personal dreams.


These frustrations can lead to heavy impact on the married life. These problems may arise due to lack of mutual concern for the relationships and absence of communication which may give rise to some problems in marital life. If you wish to save marriage, midlife crisis husband can help in your goal. 


Almost every man may face some midlife issues. It is common with the men between the age group of 40 to 50/60 years. How will you identify that the man has a midlife crisis? There are some signs which let you about his midlife crisis. He may start to dress more carefully and youthfully and may get involved in some energetic activities.


He may begin paying more attention towards his appearance, may talk about going on a diet, may join a gym or may dye his hair. He may complain about the appearance of his wife, he may wish to be alone. Many men start to listen to the romantic songs. 


Men midlife crisis can destroy the marital relationships. The husband can neglect his wife and her needs. There may be total lack of communication between the husband and wife. It is possible that the husband gets involved in an extra-marital affair. It can give rise to misunderstandings, conflicts and bitterness in married life. When it crosses the limits of tolerance, the couple starts thinking about separation. 


Is this happening with you because your husband has a midlife crisis? Then don’t think directly about the separation, be calm and look for the solutions. There are many different ways to overcome the problem of a husband going through a midlife crisis. What you can do is to try to wait till the crisis ends. For this, you may require a lot of patience and tolerance. You can also try some other options to resolve this problem. 


To reignite the love between you, spend some time for each other and go for outing away from the family and children. If this problem is because of lack of communication, start to develop good communication between you and your partner. 


Your partner should be equally willing to save the marriage and improve the relationships. To save marriage, the husband in a midlife crisis can contribute by changing his approach and by controlling his emotions. He may recall the memories of pleasant days in his early married life and bring those days back with his romantic behavior.


He should try not to hurt his wife by making embarrassing comments about her appearance or behavior. Try to enjoy the pleasant moments in your married life. In order to save marriage midlife crisis husbands may face can be considered to find effective solutions to your problems.


There are various factors you will have to consider changing when you are trying to save a marriage with a husband going through a midlife crisis, extra marital interests, weekend and day trips, are sure to help rekindle the marriage.


Save My Marriage Today

Sometimes situations are unpredictable and ending a relationship may be the only option for an individual which is true particularly in case of marital relationships. When it happens with you, don’t get scared or panic, just calm down and start to think seriously about how I can save my marriage today. If you strongly wish to maintain a relationship and save your marriage, you will definitely find some ways to resolve the problems in your married life. 


Today, we can see that the problems in the married life of many people are increasing. Several people today tend to get separated due to stressful and troublesome married life. However, as it leaves adverse effects on the emotional, personal and social life of both the partners, everyone first tries to solve the problems in married life and save a marriage by applying several ways.


It may happen at times that things deteriorate it is at this moment that you should convince yourself - I need to save my marriage today, and not let things go entirely out of your hands. Try to find out the solutions to resolve the problems in your married life with greater fervour. 


The first step you should take is to understand the exact reasons for the problems. Unresolved conflicts, lack of communication, extra-marital affair, excessive fighting, and children’s issues, a suffocating partner and addictive behaviour may be reasons of marriage problems which may give rise to misunderstandings and conflicts. Once you come to know about the problems, you look for the effective solutions.


It is not easy to keep the relationships alive; it needs a lot of efforts. You may require a lot of patience and tolerance. If you are determined to stay with your spouse forever and are wondering how to save my marriage today, then you may opt for self-assessment, increasing communication between you and your spouse and go for the marriage counselling.


If ego of either or both partners is the reason of the conflicts in married life, then you can overcome it by giving it away and by taking an initiative to resolve the problems. You should be able to think about your mistakes and bring about improvements in your behaviour. 


Good communication is an essential factor to progress the interpersonal relationships. You should be able to share all your problems and feelings with your partner as well listen to your partner and understand. You should keep aside some time from your busy schedule and spend it with your partner.


Go away for outing with your spouse and make some romantic plans for the vacations. Express your love for your partner in different ways such as sending romantic messages, writing love poems, preparing romantic meals or offering the romantic gifts to your partner. 


If it does not work and the problems still persists, you can seek some other options. You may talk with your family or friends and seek their advice. If you don’t feel it comfortable, you can go for marriage counselling which can help the couples to improve their communication skills, find out the differences and understand the troubles of couple. It offers a good opportunity to couples to share their feelings and helps to clear the misunderstanding. Some people may also choose a trial separation.


Save a marriage starting today is the strong desire of most people who have understood the importance of marriage. They should keep trying to overcome the problems in married life and enjoy the wonderful moments with their partner.