Wednesday 2 March 2022

Top Network Marketing Tips

Many have joined the network marketing business in the recent past but only a handful have fully succeeded in it. The rest have either quit or fell off along the way. By falling off I mean that the companies collapsed within the first three months of operation. This might sound unreal but it is true. The main reason for this is poor network marketing tactics that are being used by most of these entrepreneurs. However, these statistics should not crash your dreams of setting up your own network marketing business. There are certain tips that one can follow to succeed in this sector. Here are the main ones.


The first and most important tip is for you to look for a mentor. It is obvious that you have attained some level of formal education when it comes to network marketing. This is a very wise move since you will need this information in the line of your work. However, this is not enough since the class lessons do not portray what you will get on the field. Therefore, it is necessary for you to look for a mentor who will guide you through your baby steps in the industry. All in all, do not look for anybody with some amount of knowledge in network marketing to act as your mentor. Look for an experienced and learned individual to mentor you.


Secondly, be careful when looking for a market to get your clients from. One common mistake that many make is to deal with individuals from their close social groups to act as their target market. This includes their friends, family members and even girlfriend or wife. Sorry to say, but this is the worse decision that any business man can make. Such a target market will be easy to find but in the long run you will get very little returns due to the lack of seriousness in the entire business. In fact, it will be safe to say that such a business can simply be referred to as a family business. The best target market is people looking for a home-based business or network marketers moving from pother companies. 


Finally, leadership plays a major role in your network marketing business. Good leadership leads to better profits and vice versa. Obviously, a leader should have natural leadership instincts and should be systematic in all that he or she does. Make sure that you fulfill all these character before joining this sector. 


Helping Children Recognize Their Self-Worth

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” We know that our self-talks and much of our low self-esteem comes not from what is said to us, but what we say to ourselves.


Have you ever had that experience where something someone says to you during the course of the day seems to repeat itself in your mind? Does it affect you as you go about your everyday business and make you feel unworthy and perhaps even interfere with your relationships? 


 Most of us have this experience on a regular basis and it’s not easy to forget the comments because our mind plays the words and eventually, we believe it ourselves. We may even convince ourselves of something that was not intended by the person who spoke the words to us.


We may not like to admit it, but we allow the words of others to affect us. We recite the child’s poem “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Yet we know they do! Most people would agree that long after broken bones heal, the pain of negative words lingers on. 


As children, we were often hurt by the negative talk of those who were the significant people in our lives. Even if we didn’t realize how those words affect us, we carried these negative thoughts into our adult years. We tend to filter what others say to us through the filer of our experiences. It is difficult to change our own perceptions, but for our children, it’s not too late. 


As parents and adults, we can help our children to develop strong self-esteem by thinking about the words we use when we talk to them. Teaching them to recognize their own self-worth is essential to helping them develop a strong self-esteem. Significant adults in children’s lives must give them lots of praise and help them to recognize their achievements. However, it is equally important to ensure that a child can recognize their own self-worth and to maintain strong self-esteem even when may need to be disciplined for things they do which may not be praiseworthy. 


As adults, we learn to hear praise and reject it consciously or subconsciously. When we learn to praise ourselves appropriately, we own the praise. Teaching a child to praise its own accomplishment teaches a child an important resource that will greatly help them in the future. 


How to Improve Your Mood Swings and Be a Happier Person to Live with

Do you find yourself getting upset with yourself for being bad tempered and moody around your family and friends? Our emotions often create mood swings in us and learning about our hormones and body responses to stress can be useful. However, often it’s not our mood swings but rather its factors within our control that have created the moodiness in us and which we can learn to control. Learning to identify them and reverse their effects on our psyche can help us become happier and more controlled in our interactions with others at work and at home.


1.  If we don’t get enough sleep, we will become moody. Every adult should ideally have between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. Most people need at least 7 hours sleep, yet usually we find the time we have available for sleeping is getting less as our lives become busier. Increasing the amount of sleep we have, will help us control our mood swings.


2.  Check your diet. Ensure you are eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruit, grains and nuts, protein sources and carbohydrates. Cortisol, a steroidal hormone is produced when we are thirsty or hungry and this hormone reduces the immune system and increases our feeling of stress. It is easily reduced by eating and drinking and accounts for the feeling of well-being many obese emotional eaters feel when they eat. 


3.  Engage in a whole brain activity, such as a sport or other fitness activity to improve your feeling of well-being and reduce your stress levels. These activities have been shown to improve emotions, logic and ability to learn. This explains why women attending a gym regularly describe feelings of euphoria at the end of their work out session. 


4.  Too much television and computer time can affect your moods.

The addictive nature of television and computers can create tension and anxiety when they need to be turned off or is interrupted, regardless if how important the reason.


5.  You yourself can be the cause of your mood swings.

Author Jeff Conley once said “we must take a checkup from the neck up” When we are feeling stressed or upset, we should try to minimize the damage by tuning up ourselves and our families and seeking to create a harmonious home for our families.


Is Your Life in a Rut?

When you woke up this morning, did you jump out of bed with excitement and anticipation, or with a groan and want to hide your head under the pillow? Most of us wake up somewhere between the two and our life is pretty much the same routine day in and day out. 


For many people, that is enough for them and they don’t want anything to come into their life that might affect the status quo. For others though, there is a desire to see things change, but there is a fear associated with change that seems to hold them back. Which of these best describes where you are at the moment? If you are in a place of wanting change, but not sure how to affect it, read on. This may be just what you needed to help you make the changes you want to make to give your life a new direction. 


Many of the famous names we read of in newspapers and magazines, had a past that was very different from the one they have today. William Shatner for example, famous for his role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek and now of countless other TV shows, began his adult life over 50 years ago, studying commerce at a Canadian University. He had always had an interest in acting and his break came in 1951 with some early films, but of course it was the 1966 role of Kirk in Star Trek, which launched him to stardom.


Where do you see yourself being in 10 year’s time? Do you have a life plan and goals to achieve? Sit down with your partner if you have one and decide to make some life goals today. Dream together and then choose one or two of your dreams to develop into goals. If you don’t have a partner, complete this personal inventory yourself. Create measurable goals so you can follow your progress. Don’t just write down what you will do, but create plans to help you achieve your goal. 


As you develop your dreams into goals, you will start making life choices that complement and help you achieve your goals. Life can take on a new sense of excitement and fulfillment as you accomplish another step towards your goals. Create direction for your life and see how quickly you move out of the rut and into a very satisfying life journey. 


Sunday 27 February 2022

The Power of Imagining Yourself Achieving Your Goals

How confident do you feel today? Probably like most people, you are feeling a little less self-confident about at least one thing in your life. That is perfectly normal, especially if our life experiences are taking us a little out of our comfort zone. The problem arises when low self-esteem and feelings of low self worth are something we carry around with us all the time. 


Whether we are experiencing a temporary feeling of lack of self-confidence, or one we face every day, there are some steps we can take to turn around low self-confidence into a belief that they can be successful in our endeavors.


1.  Imagine Yourself Achieving Your Goals


The first step is to imagine yourself achieving whatever it is you are feeling less than self-confident about. If we can begin to imagine ourselves achieving our goals, we are well on the way to achieving them. 


Articulating our goals, by either writing them down or telling them to a friend and then constantly reaffirming ourselves having achieved those goals, is essential to achieving them. 


2.  Act as if You Have Achieved Your Goal


To develop self-confidence, you must start to put action into your imagination. Once you have imagined yourself achieving you must begin to act as if you are achieving your goals, even if on the inside you still feel far from self-confident. 


People who want to feel more confident in public speaking must practice it or they cannot achieve it. This may be as simple as attending a group meeting with a list of pre thought about questions to help you overcome your fear of initiating conversations with strangers. To achieve self-confidence in talking to strangers, you must practice talking to them. 


3.  Practice Your Achievements 


Keep practicing until you feel self-confident and begin to enjoy what you previously feared. It’s important you praise yourself for achieving your goals. Even if others also praise your efforts, it’s what you tell yourself about your achievements, which could mean the difference between becoming self-confident and continuing to struggle with low self-esteem. 


Perhaps you are wondering if this talk of self-confidence and self-worth is something that is beneficial and if it is appropriate look act as if you are self-confident. In his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Dale Carnegie wrote in the chapter on “How to Spur People onto Success,” the importance of “Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement… Be lavish in Praise.” Very few people give this gift to us, so we must learn to give it to ourselves. 

What Language Do You Speak?

We live in a time of ever-increasing uncertainty and anxiety levels are on the increase. Adults and children alike are experiencing a sense of bewilderment as they try to balance the many things happening in their personal lives and in a world that is experiencing turmoil and disaster on unprecedented levels. 


In such a world, it is easy to slip into a language of negativity, yet it doesn’t need to be this way. We can learn to speak the language of optimism and help those around to learn it too. When you learn the language of optimism, you are learning to experience life by embracing and acknowledging the things that go right and shrugging your shoulders, and moving on from the things that go wrong. 


Teaching this essential skill to our children is extremely important for all parents, teachers and caregivers to understand and appreciate. As we practice recognizing our own achievements and acknowledging them in the home, we are role modeling to our children the importance of doing their best and then having the pleasure of others and ourselves showing appreciation for the things achieved. A pessimistic perspective however would look at the situation surrounding the achievements and focus attention on them, rather than on the people attaining them. 


When a child (or an adult) leans to speak with optimism, they are able to take failure and turn it into potential for growth. Instead of seeing failure pessimistically and dwelling in grief on the cause of the failure, the optimistic person can focus on the failure being a learning curve and will use the opportunity to turn this failure into an opportunity to learn new skills or to develop a new understanding of the way things work. 


The optimistic thinker is able to see the problem as a temporary setback, it doesn’t affect their self-worth or self-confidence and they keep trying until they achieve their goals. The pessimistic approach would see this problem as more of a permanent problem Over time, as all problems become “bad or big”, the person eventually begins to see them all in a pessimistic way, gradually losing all sense of self-esteem and self-wealth.


Children learn from their parents. They often mimic their parent’s behavior. As you teach your children to become successful and well educated, they will display optimism in their own lives. They will learn to see life from the perspective of self-worth and self-esteem and even if this over exaggerated, it gives them the hidden courage to say" no" to peer pressure.

Establishing Online Dating Relationships: Safety First

Online dating can be fun. But don’t neglect safety and common sense when you try to hook up with a mate. At minimum, take caution in the following areas.


Protect Your Computer 


Take care of your equipment and systems before you head out into the Internet realm. You need to have a firewall and anti-virus protection for your email and for when you search websites and interact online. At the bare minimum, you may want these two solutions that are offered at no charge to home computer users (i.e. not for commercial use):


Free Firewall Download: ZoneAlarm 

Free Anti-Virus Download: AVG Anti-Virus 


Protect Yourself


Take care of yourself, too, by choosing appropriate dating sites. Seek and choose a reputable online dating service. How? Begin by asking around with friends, neighbors, co-workers and others you may know who have tried online dating, and see which places they recommend. In addition, search “online dating services” and keep a notebook of their URLs or website links, the fees, rules and regulations, complete contact information of each and any other useful information that spikes your interest. Then compare each place. Try only those places where you feel safe. Avoid the others.


So, take care. Arm your computer - and yourself- with the correct tools and knowledge!


Growing Online Dating Relationships

Just like regular real-world relationships, online relationships need tending, to grow over time. Here are some quick growing tips.


Take time and make time. Does your online date get in touch with you regularly? Do you do the same? Neglecting virtual meetings can be considered abuse or neglect, so treat each other’s time with respect. If it’s lacking, might mean time to move on.


Communication needs to “feel” right for both of you. If one of you is too pushy about meeting, for instance, that can give off bad vibes. So don’t rush. Take time to learn more about each other and develop trust.


Respect each other’s privacy. Don’t share personal email addresses or digital photos online, for example, if your online date sent you the information in confidence. 


Share special online and offline fun times. Online - send greeting cards, links to favorite places to upload digital photos of your favorite pet, download music and video clips, post on favorite forums of interest. Offline- if you’re exchanging addresses or post office boxes, send print greeting cards and postcards, small items from your area (like a key chain with your state bird).


Tend to your online relationship. Water it with care and over time it can sprout and grow.

More Popular Online Dating Activities

A couple of popular online activities are sharing recipes and bidding at auctions. And both of these easily fit well into online dating opportunities, one of the most popular online activities for singles today. 


To help many dates get better acquainted online, here’s what potential cyber-dates do. 


Sharing Recipes - People get tired talking about the weather. So a popular subject to turn to is food. Sharing favorite foods and recipes helps break the ice and even forms friendships over culinary skills - or lack of - and tastes. Search your favorite search engine for “free recipes” to share. Take photos of your culinary creations and share them with your date, too. 


Bidding at Auctions - Ebay auctions sell nearly anything and everything! So surf around and enter searches like the dates you were in middle school. Share cool memorabilia photos of old games and toys from when you were a child or when your parents or grandparents were little; The Dating Game, Oscar Mayer wiener whistles, The Partridge Family Album, Bobby Sherman’s Album, 45’s and more. 


Online dating can be an educational and fun experience. So, learn more about each other and have fun while you’re at it. Take a cyber-stroll down memory lane together and see what’s cookin’.