Friday 5 November 2021

Coping With Stress: Overcoming the Negativity Bias and Thinking Positively (Infographic)

Coping With Stress: Identifying Your Bad Habits (Infographic)

Coping With Stress: Taking Care of Your Body (Infographic)

Coping With Stress: Learning the Difference Between Assertive and Aggressive (Infographic)


Thursday 4 November 2021

31 Days of Fun: Word Search (Worksheet)

30 Family Friendly Karaoke Songs (Worksheet)


31 Days of Family Activities: Calendar (Infographic)


31 Days of Family Activities (Part 6)

Make A Critter House


A typical birdhouse can be a home for lots of animals besides birds! Chipmunks, squirrels, mice, and other small mammals can also make their homes in birdhouses. This is a great way to keep these little guys warm and sheltered in the rain or cold that may be coming up where you live.


Follow An Online Tutorial


This can be anything from cake decorating, to wreath making, to knitting a scarf! Just find a beginner video of something cool, and if you have the supplies you need—give it a try! It can be a lot of fun to see how your finished product compares with the video’s. This can be a team effort to do one big project, or each family member can work on one small project! This is a great way to see how differently each person can do the same thing. Use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about individuality, and help them see that everyone is different in awesome ways!


Play In The Rain


Rain is usually an excuse to stay indoors, but you can have a lot of fun stomping in puddles and playing in the mud. Just make sure it is not too cold out, and that there is not any lightning nearby.


Scavenger Hunt


Scavenger hunts are really awesome ways to get the brain and body moving. There are also lots of ways to set up a scavenger hunt! You can theme it by color, size, room, and more! Set a time limit if you have older kids; and make sure if you have younger kids, that they can have fun without feeling too pressured to “win.” Family days and activities should be all about fun!


Paint Rocks


Have everyone find a cool rock outside. Then, you all can use your imaginations to see a shape of something specific in that rock. Once you have figured out what your rock looks like, you can paint it so it becomes that thing. For example, a lumpy rock might look like a toad; so you can paint legs and eyes and spots on it to make it look like a real toad!


Quiet Time


Quiet time is an opportunity for the kids to think, play by themselves, and give mom and dad a break! 


Here are a few ideas to try for quiet time:

1. Puzzles

2. Word search

3. Reading

4. Educational worksheets

5. Extra chores


Helpful Links:

Family activities are wonderful opportunities to bond and create amazing memories with your kids. Always be sure that everyone can enjoy themselves, and that not everything is a competition. Just be creative and have fun with it, and it will be a wonderful thirty days of family activities the whole family will love.

31 Days of Family Activities (Part 5)

Family Video Games


A lot of modern video games and systems have awesome multiplayer options that make family fun super easy! The Wii in particular has some of the best games and features for this, but you can use any system if you take turns playing one single player game. Keep it pressure free and have fun! Games are meant to be played to have FUN, not just to win.


Check Out Old Photo Albums


Learning about family history is a great way to keep memories and traditions alive. Great grandma’s cookie recipe will mean that much more if your kids have a face to place with the stories. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and they also preserve the memories of the past.


Make A Scrapbook With New Photos


To make your own memories for your family’s future, take pictures and add them to a new album! You can even try out scrapbooking to make it even more meaningful and organized. Everyone can fill out a page in their own style and write their own little memory notes next to each picture.


Life Sized Drawings


Get a big piece of poster board and have someone lay down on it. Then you can trace around their body so you have a template. Once that is done, everyone can work together to fill in the template and make a life-sized drawing of the family member!




Karaoke is a lot of fun, and making it a family affair is sure to get lots of laughs. You can even hold a contest for silliest song/voice combo… Bonus points for interpretive dance!