Saturday 23 October 2021

5 Health Concerns Men Should Never Procrastinate About

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and taking care of our emotional wellbeing are all-important elements of living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining an optimal level of health. Medical experts and research has confirmed repeatedly that the lifestyle choices we make are crucial for healthy aging, and preventing various diseases that can result in premature death. 


However, prevention goes a step beyond, with preventative medical care that can alert both men and women to various medical conditions that can lead to serious complications that can affect health and shorten one’s lifespan. Early detection and monitoring for high-risk conditions is an essential element of good healthcare.

When it comes to healthcare, men tend to see doctors less and do not pay as much attention to their possible health concerns as women do. They can often go years between doctors’ visits—missing valuable opportunities for screening and detection of possible physical diseases. 


Here are some health concerns worth keeping on top of so that you don’t end up with unnecessary complications:


  • High blood pressure: Men are just as prone to high blood pressure as women. High blood pressure is largely hereditary but can be influenced by environmental factors such as caffeine intake, intake of salt, and obesity. Unless the blood pressure is extremely high, you will have no symptoms and the blood pressure will be left unchecked and unnoticed.  Visit your doctor every five years or so to have your blood pressure obtained.  Try to check your blood pressure at stations found in most pharmacies. Numbers of 140/90 or greater bear a visit to your doctor.

  • Colon cancer: Colon cancer is the second largest cause of cancer death among men.  Fortunately, it is largely preventable by being screened for colon cancer, beginning at age 50 (and sooner if it runs in the family). It involves having a colorectal specialist insert a camera at the end of a flexible tube into the colon to look for and remove cancer-causing polyps. This procedure is called a colonoscopy and it should be repeated every ten years as a screening measure, starting at 50 years of age. Keeping a high fiber diet that is low in fat can also reduce the risks of colon cancer.  

  • Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, after skin cancer. Doctors know that there are basically two types of prostate cancer—slow growing and fast growing. Either way, it is worth getting screened for prostate cancer through the use of digital rectal examination every five years at the doctor’s office.  Some doctors also draw blood for prostate specific antigen or PSA. This number can be high in enlarged prostate conditions or in prostate cancer.  If it is elevated, doctors can try and determine if it is related to cancer or not.

  • Smoking Cessation: Lung cancer caused by smoking is the number one cause of cancer deaths in America. The simplest way to reduce your risk of lung cancer is to never smoke or to stop smoking as soon as possible. There are many ways to quit smoking, including medications like Chantix® or nicotine replacement modalities. Gum, lozenges and patches are available that contain nicotine to help you get off the smoking habit. There are even vapor cigarettes that can provide nicotine but not the harmful carcinogens. The Centers For Disease Control recommend only one screening test for lung cancer, known as the low-dose computed tomography, through the test is not always accurate and has its own risk factors. The LDCT uses an X-ray machine that scans the body and uses low doses of radiation to created detailed pictures of the lungs. 

The CDC recommends yearly lung screenings for those who: have a history of heavy smoking, smoke now or have quit within the last 15 years and are between 55 and 80 years old. Heavy smoking is defined as smoking at least one pack of cigarettes per day for one year. A 30 pack-year history can equate to 1 pack a day for 30 years or two packs a day for 15 years.

  • Heart Disease: Men are at a greater risk of heart disease than women are and must begin making strides toward lowering their risk early in life. Things like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, lack of exercise, and family history contribute to a high risk of heart disease.  Especially with men who have family histories, measures should be taken to reduce the other risk factors.  This means adopting a heart healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in fat.  It means a commitment to exercise at least thirty minutes per day, five days a week.   Finally it means seeing a doctor to find out about risk factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  If these are elevated, your doctor may prescribe medications that can further reduce your risk of getting a heart attack.  

  • The Family Connection: Besides all the conditions listed above, it is also a good idea to find out about any medical conditions that run in the family as genetics can play a big role in the development of certain diseases. 


Oftentimes, children, parents, and grandparents share similar health problems because inherited factors put family members at risk through genes. Disease often results from the combined effects of minor changes in multiple genes, and each gene then contributes in a small way to the symptoms of and development of disease.


Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer account for 7 of every 10 deaths in the United States, and they are considered genetic diseases because they run in families. Gathering a detailed family history can give you important information as to your risk factors and that awareness can be used to monitor for and possibly prevent the onset of problems whenever possible.

Your Best Food Choices To Prevent Cancer

Far too many lives are negatively impacted, or taken too soon by a wide variety of dangerous and relentless cancers. Scientists are hard at work trying to discover the cure to this deadly disease, and all its different varieties but in the meantime, is there anything we can do differently in our diets to prevent cancer? 


Diet is well known to play a key role in so many aspects of both good and bad health. Nutrients from food are used by the body for countless internal process, energy, healthy immunity, and brain health. Nutrients are also essential for avoiding disease, including heart disease, the common cold, and even cancer.


Research has shown that eating a healthy, balanced diet with fruits and vegetables can help in all aspects of maintaining good health. There are even some specific foods that are considered cancer-fighting powerhouses. Perhaps they are already part of your diet, but if they are not, now is a great time to start incorporating the following cancer preventing, and delicious foods.




Science suggests that the sulfur that is released from this fragrant food can have cancer fighting powers. It can prevent cancer from forming in your body and accelerates the repair of DNA.  Real garlic cloves are a better option than a supplement, and it’s best to peel the cloves and crush or mince them. Then let them sit for 20 minutes before you cook them so the enzymes have time to activate and release the sulfur. Raw garlic can be enjoyed in salads, sprinkled over cooked meats, fish and poultry or steamed vegetables.




Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cabbage are all packed with enzyme producing phytochemicals that become active as you chew. Eaten cooked or raw, these veggies help protect against stomach and intestinal cancers.




Have you ever wondered what gives tomatoes that lovely red color? It’s a phytochemical called lycopene, and its concentration is higher in tomatoes than any other foods. Tomatoes are most prepped to protect from cancer when they are cooked or processed, because your body can more easily break them down and absorb the vital nutrients. 


A wonderful dish with tomatoes is grilled tomatoes parmesan. Cut a whole tomato in half, sprinkle parmesan cheese on top and bake at 375F on a cookie sheet with a little olive oil for about 5 to 6 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.


Cooked Carrots


Carrots are loaded with antioxidants, and beta carotene which has been linked to slowed cancer growth. This naturally sweet and well-loved veggie is most beneficial cooked as light steaming releases essential antioxidants, so you’ll help keep all the nutrients intact if you steam them whole, and then cut them before enjoying. Add fresh raw garlic over the steamed carrots to double the cancer fighting benefits! 




Berries are small, but mighty when it comes to health benefits, and antioxidant-rich strawberries are one of the best in the bunch for cancer prevention. Additionally, they contain Ellagic acids, which have shown the ability to slow tumor growth and protect against mouth and esophagus cancers. Moreover, they are a great food to eat for naturally healthy and white teeth. 


Berries make great snacks, powerful breakfast foods over a whole grain cereal or Greek yogurt and they are awesome low-calorie desserts.




Spinach is a great source of nutrients, fiber, and carotenoids. Carotenoids are important in cancer prevention because they flush out the free radicals in our bodies before they have a chance to settle in and do any damage. You’ll get more benefits from eating this green, leafy super hero raw or just slightly cooked and wilted. 


You can eat spinach raw in salads or enjoy it sautéed for just a couple of minutes in olive oil with a dash of fresh garlic and a little salt. 


Whole Grains


Eating whole grains contributes to well balanced and tasty diet. They also contain antioxidants called lignans that can be helpful in prohibiting cancer cells from multiplying. When you’re selecting breads, cereals, and side dishes such as rice or pasta, always go with the whole grain varieties for a healthy dose of fiber and antioxidants to help ward off cancer.


Limit Meat, And Choose Hormone Free


Meat is a great source of protein, but can often be tinged with growth hormones that were given to the animals to make then larger, faster. These hormones have been linked to cancers, so choosing hormone free options will help protect you. Meat should also be enjoyed in moderation, and not overcooked to the point of charring. 


Bottom Line


Healthy, fresh, whole natural foods not only contribute to good health, but can also heal and restore balance in our bodies. Conversely, eating junk and processed food can actually do the opposite by depriving the body of the nutrition it needs to function at its best, and to maintain optimal immunity in order to fight disease.


Incorporating these powerful foods into your diet will help protect against cancer, and give you delicious and long-lasting health.

Real Ways Fad Diets Can Harm You

Fad diets are weight loss schemes that promise quick fixes, often involving very strict and extreme eating plans, or very low caloric intake. Unfortunately, these diets do not provide long-term benefits. If anything, they can cause serious health problems. 


6 Ways Fad Diets Can Harm You


1.    They Make You Gain Even More Weight


What usually makes fad diets very tempting are the promises of quick weight loss with little effort on the part of the participant. Sure, everyone would love to lose weight in the soonest possible time, with minimal effort and that is always the hook.


Unfortunately, the truth is that yes you can lose weight with fad diets but often it is mostly water weight. Also, fad diets are very hard to stick with, and so while you may lose an initial few pounds, once you resume your normal diet (and everyone always does), you will gain all the weight back, and more often than not, you gain more! This is called rebound weight gain. 


Fad diets never implement or address the permanent lifestyle changes required for lasting healthy weight management.


2.    They Can Lead to Nutritional Deficits


Most fad diets restrict your options to specific types of food, thereby eliminating important nutrients the body needs. When you’re limited to a specific type of group, you sacrifice the nutrients that you would otherwise obtain if you were eating a healthy and well-balanced diet.


Carbohydrates are oftentimes considered a no-no in many of these diets, but in reality, restricting carbohydrates can significantly hurt your energy levels, making you feel fatigued. You will not have the necessary fuel to energize your workouts and function effectively on a day-to-day basis.


In reality, complex carbohydrates, like whole grains actually support healthy weight loss because they contain high amounts of fiber that keeps you full longer and prevents sugar spikes in the blood that keeps out of control cravings at bay. 


The same misconception goes for fat. Many fad diets attempt to turn fat into a mortal enemy, when in reality, not all fats are bad. In fact, certain types of fats such as omega-3 are necessary for optimum health and monosaturated fats are required for brain and heart health. 


3.    Muscle Wasting and Hair Loss


Fad diets can lead to hair and muscle loss because they are nutrient deficient. For one, protein is a nutrient that you need if you want your hair to be and grow healthy. Not having enough may cause hair fall and brittleness.


Muscle loss is another common problem. Because of the caloric deficits associated with fad diets, the body naturally turns to other means to get that required energy, and as a result, muscle wasting occurs. You do not want to lose your muscle if you are planning to lose weight, because having more muscle mass can help you burn more calories by boosting metabolism even when the body is at rest.


4.    They Ruin Your Body’s Natural Metabolism


Fad diets often dictate you how much to eat and when to eat, which goes against your body’s natural eating pattern. Our bodies are aware when we need to eat and when we have had enough. While fad diets may give you temporary results, there are long-term implications that can affect your health permanently. 


Mindfulness is a technique taught in meditation and yoga, and can help you to get in touch with your body and real hunger, and this is a much more effective and healthy way to lose weight.


5.    They Often Lack The Element of Exercise


Most fad diets are too focused on the food intake itself, and neglect the importance of exercise. Since they often advise the intake of very low amounts of calories, exercise is often not recommended, if not restricted. This can be detrimental to your overall health.


6.    They Are Not Sustainable


Fad diets are just that – fads. They are not meant to last on a permanent basis. These types of diets promote rapid weight loss in an unreasonable amount of time, rather than a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable for the long term. They never address lifestyle changes, such as choosing an apple for dessert over apple pie and changing your taste accordingly.


Many people can attest that they have lost over 100 pounds over a lifetime in 10-pound spurts. Lose it, and gain it back, lose it, and gain it back, repeatedly in a vicious yo-yo cycle. Usually at the center of this merry-go-round is a fad diet turning the wheel.


How To Spot A Fad Diet


  • Quick fix promises
  • Involvement of “magic foods” or special food combinations
  • Exclusion of a particular food group, for example, carbohydrates
  • Unproven claims that are based on limited scientific study
  • The suggestion that certain food combinations can alter one’s body chemistry

A Better Way


Instead of going for fad diets, the best way to lose weight is a gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle. By combining regular exercise with a healthy balanced diet, you are sure to achieve your weight goals and be able to keep it off for the long term.


Small Changes


Start by making small changes with the foods you choose. Replace three desserts a week with a piece of fresh fruit. Substitute French fries with a side salad or steamed vegetables at lunch two times per week. Then increase it to three times, and so on.


Assess your kitchen and begin to gradually remove all unhealthy snacks and foods from the fridge and cupboard. If you don’t know what is healthy and what isn’t, find out. Replace all that you have removed with better choices.



Begin an exercise regimen by taking a two block walk every day, then keep adding a block every two or three days, you cannot imagine how fast you become acclimated and fit and with gradual increases you will be walking a mile before you know it, without even noticing how you got there! 


Do some type of strength training be it with weights or bodyweight exercises three times per week. Building lean muscle mass will boost your metabolism and make you stronger and healthier, which will improve your overall quality of life.


It Works!


It is not difficult to implement small changes that together make for a big difference in your weight, health and how you feel. The best part is that you will NEVER have to go on another diet, fad or otherwise again.


High Intensity Vs Low Intensity In Your Workouts

Many times people do not take the time to consider their workouts and how what they do will effect results. Mindless exercise will not bring you optimal results, and so it is important to take the time and consider the actual workout, and your progress of its effects. One of the key considerations in profiling and designing an excellent exercise program is considering intensity levels.


Many people who begin a workout program are confused at which they should focus their attention on: high intensity or low intensity? Both high intensity and low intensity workouts have their advantages. It all depends on what your fitness goals are. Let's compare high intensity workouts with low intensity workouts and maybe you will be able to determine which you should focus your fitness program around.


High Intensity


This type of exercising is definitely the most popular type of exercising these days because people appreciate the fact that it gives significantly more results in less time. We are all hard pressed for time nowadays and many would rather get their workout done and over with so they can move on to their many other responsibilities. 


How does a high intensity workout deliver more results? 


High intensity is pretty self explanatory. You will be working your body much harder during a high intensity workout than a low intensity workout so you will be burning more calories in less time. High intensity burns more calories because you reach about 75% or your maximum heart rate as apposed to only 50% of your maximum heart during low intensity workouts. Your metabolism will be really pumping and you will continue to burn more calories after completing a high intensity workouts. You also burn more calories from fat per minute than you would doing a low intensity workout.


So you can see why people would choose high intensity workouts. If their goal is to burn fat, gain strength, and do it in less time, this is the right choice for them. Unfortunately, many cannot take advantage of high intensity workouts for various reasons. It should also be noted that high intensity workouts should not be overdone as it could be very taxing on the body and cause a burnout.


Examples of high intensity workouts are: sprinting, interval training with bodyweight exercises, and plyometrics. 


Low Intensity


Low intensity workouts are more traditional but don't deliver as much results as high intensity workouts. That's not to say that low intensity workouts are a waste of time. Many people enjoy a low intensity workout and have the time to dedicate to it and there is nothing wrong with that. Some find that a low intensity workout is much more stress relieving. 


Although it takes much more time to get the results you would see from high intensity workouts, you can still burn fat with low intensity workouts. It is, in fact, the best workout for certain cases. The elderly usually can't do high intensity workouts but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to get in their cardio. Low intensity workouts allow them to stay fit and healthy without the risk of injury. What about those who already have injuries? They can't perform a high intensity workout either. Again, low intensity workouts are good for them. 


Also, there are fitness professionals who are trying to lose that last inch of fat without losing any muscle. They are eating a very strict low calorie diet and wouldn't want to do high intensity workouts as this would deplete their muscle mass. So they perform low intensity workouts to get rid of fat without losing precious muscle.


Examples of low intensity workouts are: jogging on a trail or treadmill, simple cycling, elliptical machines (without intervals), or water aerobics. 


So, which do you think you would benefit from? 


Most would choose to do high intensity workouts for the best results, but understandably there are some who would say that low intensity is all they can handle. 

Even if high intensity is your workout of choice, there may be days where you don't feel up to a hard workout but getting in anything is better than nothing. This is when low intensity workouts will come in handy. 


Whether you choose high intensity or low intensity, consistency is key. Any workout program that you follow regularly will serve you in promoting good health, healthy weight management and effective weight management.


A Look Inside The Brain During Exercise

There seems to be no end to the benefits of exercise. Humans need to move or else fall victim to what is often referred to as the sitting disease. If the majority of your day is spent sitting, your overall health will suffer, it can lead to weight gain, heart disease and other serious chronic illness, as you get older. Lack of movement can lead to heart attack, stroke, and a general loss in quality of life in our senior years.


Everyone agrees that exercise is physically great for the body. However, did you know that exercise also has a wide variety of benefits for the human brain? What exactly happens in our brains when we exercise to have such an impressive effect on our mental health?

What Actually Happens In The Brain During Exercise


Exercise causes our heart pressure to rise, which sends a signal to the brain that the body is under stress. In response, a protein is released into our body called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” (BDNF). This protein is thought of as a “reset switch” – it repairs memory neurons, making thoughts seem crystal clear after exercising and putting the body at ease. 


Simultaneously, endorphins are released into the brain, which are meant to limit the degree of pain and discomfort associated with exercise, even creating a sense of euphoria. Like BDNF, endorphins are released in response to the feeling of “stress” brought on by exercise. The term, “runner’s high” is the coin phrase used to describe the surge of endorphins during exercise that act as a natural anti-depressant.


The same antidepressant-like effect from a “runner’s high” results in a reduction in stress level hormones. Additionally, a study conducted in Stockholm showed that running stimulates cell growth in the hippocampus, which is the portion of the brain responsible for memory and learning.


How Our Mind And Body Are Affected


Together, BDNF and endorphins give us a “happy” feeling after exercise. These are somewhat addictive in nature, which is one reason why some people seem obsessed with exercising, although this “addiction” can be a healthy one. 


Besides the short-term high from endorphins and BDNF, exercise also has long-term benefits. Studies show that people are happier and more productive throughout the day when they exercise. A Penn State research study showed that people who had worked out within the previous month were happier and more productive at work compared to those who had not exercised (but not quite to the same degree as those who had worked out earlier that day). People who exercise regularly have much better moods than those who don’t and retain a stronger sense of calmness throughout the day. 

Exercise affects the brain on various fronts. Not only does it increase heart rate that pumps more oxygen to the brain, it also facilitates the release of various hormones that provides a nourishing environment for the growth of brain cells.

Research conducted at UCLA showed that working out stimulates the growth of new neuronal connections in a variety of important cortical areas of the brain. 

How To Maximize The Benefits


20 Minutes


Based on this information, you might think that professional athletes are the happiest people on the planet. According to research conducted by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia showed that only 20 minutes of exercise is needed to reach that peak level of productivity, positive mood, and facilitates information processing and memory functions. The key is to turn it into a habit. 


Mental And Physical Connection

There is an important mental and physical connection that can increase the benefits of exercise. For example, exercise that integrates different parts of brain activity, such as ballroom dancing that requires rhythm, strategy, coordination and thoughtfulness in movements stimulates cognitive health more than less complex workouts like running or cycling that do not necessarily engage diverse mental abilities.

Adding Exercise To Your Life


Working out in the morning before work or school helps to spike brain activity, prepares you for stresses you may incur during your day, allows for increased retention of new information and learning, and equips you to cope with complex situations that may arise.


Start-off easy – even just 5-10 minutes a day – and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workout. Going to a group or class at the gym makes exercising more fun, and it’s a great way to learn new techniques and to meet new fitness minded people. 


However, getting motivated to go to the gym regularly can be a challenge, so try different exercises at home and outdoors in your neighborhood, such as jogging, biking, strength training, etc. Variety is the spice of life, and the more you vary your routine the better for your motivation and your body.


There are many apps on your smartphone that can provide you with workout sets for all experience levels and even guide you through the exercises. Furthermore, apps like Map My Fitness and Nike enable you to track your progress, which is a great way to stay motivated as you watch yourself improve. 


Final Thoughts


Remember, the health of your mind and body are closely connected, and exercise is one of the best – if not the very best – ways to improve mental and physical health in both the long-term and short-term. 


The long-term benefits of exercising regularly are immense – reduced risk of disease, improved mental health, stronger body/muscles, reduced stress, improved digestion, improved blood circulation, and much more. 


Even just going on a 20-minute daily walk is immensely better for you than staying sedentary. Find a training partner, set a schedule, do whatever you have to do to get those endorphins and BDNF proteins pumping as often as you can!


Is Exercise Addiction Real?

We have all seen people who are seemingly obsessed with exercise, diets, and fitness regimes, and sometimes we may wonder if they are over doing it slightly. 


Does this mean they have an addiction to exercise?  


Is such a thing real? While it may not be a formally classified mental disorder, it shares many similarities to other behavioral addictions, and can have harmful consequences. Although there is no single definition of exercise addiction, it is generally agreed that it comprises withdrawal, a buzz when exercising, impairs normal functioning, and can affect relationships; this is much the same as with other addictive behaviors. 


Research is continuing into exercise addiction, or excessive addiction as it otherwise known, so it is likely to be better understood in the future.


What It Looks Like


  • As with any other addiction, one of the main characteristics of exercise addiction is a compulsion, or a need, to engage in the behavior on a very frequent basis.

  • This may include over exercising several times a day or week, causing physical harm to oneself through too much exercise and putting exercise before other important things in life.  

  • When not exercising, there is likely to be a withdrawal, which only fuels the need to exercise even more. 

  • Someone with an exercise addiction is also likely to avoid other normal aspects of day-to-day life, for fear of not exercising enough that day. 

  • They may lack motivation or interest in social activities that are not based around exercise, and find they retreat inwards, away from their social networks. 

  • Despite possibly causing injury to themselves, someone with an exercise addiction will continue no matter what. Even if they are injured and should be resting, they will more than likely engage in some form of exercise. The addiction and need to do some kind of exercise will be greater than the impact of the injury.  


Getting Help


There is no formal treatment plan for exercise addiction; this may be developed as research into this area continues. However, there are a number of treatments for other addictions that can be applied in this case. 


Initially, the addict must realize and accept they have a problem. Without this vital first step, any subsequent treatment is unlikely to work. If there are any injuries or health problems, whether associated to the exercise or not, these must be considered and treated as a priority. Next, the person needs to begin the long road of changing their thoughts and behaviors around exercise. 


The ultimate aim is to get them to a place where they can engage in exercise a healthy amount, but still fully participate in day-to-day life. This may take a long time, as the root cause of the addiction should be uncovered; if the addiction has been present for a long time, this may be very difficult to do, even with the support of a professional. 


One of the challenges to this type of compulsion versus say drugs or alcohol is that in the later cases the addict must abstain completely form using, but with exercise, the person can and should get back to exercise but learn balance and restraint. 


If the person has low self-esteem, this will need to be built up in other ways, so they are able to get the same effect through another mechanism, not excessive exercise. The person’s family, friends, and support network should also be involved, as the addiction will have affected them. They are also the people who will be able to provide the greatest level of support to the individual, and hopefully create a change in them.


Bottom Line


Exercise addiction is a very real addiction, and should be treated like any other behavioral addiction as it shares the same characteristics and treatment options. Thankfully, the prognosis is positive once the person has accepted the addiction and is ready to work with others to bring about change.