Sunday 19 September 2021

Top 10 Ways To Get Better Organized


Organization is a skill that takes time and effort. With the New Year quickly approaching, many are thinking of ways to elevate their organizational skills.


Whether it’s investing in a new planner or honing in on new habits, organization is needed to live an effective life. 


If you’re looking to enhance your organization skills and get a firm grasp on the New Year, consider these 10 tips that will help you get your life together and develop positive habits.


1.    Set a Goal


Goal setting is the first step to getting organized. By creating your own set of priorities, you’re eliminating what doesn’t serve you and welcoming positive energy. 


The trick here is to start with small, attainable goals as opposed to one major one. This will help you eliminate feeling overwhelmed and allow you to celebrate small victories. 


2.    Hold Yourself Accountable


It’s easy to miss the gym or slack off on your passion project when there aren’t any real consequences to your actions. Instead of leaving your progress up to chance, hold yourself accountable to actually doing what you set out to do. This will help you to stick to your schedule and stay organized. 


3.    Reward Yourself


In order to meet your goals and stay motivated, you have to reward yourself. Celebrate even the smallest of victories and reward yourself with self-care “treats” when you meet your goals. This will keep you excited about your goals and tempted to continue. 


4.    Set Alarms


One of the best ways to stay on top of your to-do list is to set alarms. Whether it’s on your phone or setting traditional alarm clocks, having that little reminder will help you stay on track. Set your bill schedule, deadlines and other important information so you can always stay in the know. 


5.    Invest In a Planner


Planners have become all the rage. People use them as scrapbooks, journals and more. Keep your life organized by investing in a good planner. This will give you a visual of what you need to accomplish. You can write out your feelings, create monthly vision boards and keep track of your events. Writing out your responsibilities will give you clarity that’s unmatched. 


6.    Declutter


Trying to stay organized in a cluttered space is counterproductive. In fact, it can bring about more stress than you initially intended. Start this New Year off right by cleaning out all forms of clutter you may have. 


Throw away old clothes, items and junk that’s simply holding you back. This will help you develop your mental strength and stay organized. 


7.    Create a Monthly Goal


Each month provides an opportunity for a new start. Take advantage of this gift by setting goals you can meet. If you noticed that you struggled with productivity last month, make that a priority this month. It even helps to create vision boards with your monthly goals illustrated on them. This will help you to stay on track in the coming months.


8.    Practice Saying No


One of the biggest hurdles to sticking to your personal schedule is getting caught up in other tasks. For example, Wednesdays are your designated gym days. However, your friends want to go out for drinks after work on Wednesday night. You haven’t been sticking to your schedule and it’s impacting your mental health.


What do you do? Well, start by learning how to put yourself first and say no. Distractions, whether positive or negative, can throw you off of your schedule. This can make you feel disorganized and anxious. Learn how to say no and not feel guilty about it. 


9.    Wake up Earlier


If you challenge yourself to wake up 15-30 minutes earlier each day, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish. Doing this will give you the opportunity to get done everything you intended and start the day with a fresh mind. 


10. Prepare For the Day The Night Before


We’ve all been there- rushing to get everything together while still trying to make appointments on time. The best way to alleviate those rushed feelings is to prepare for your days the night before. Lay your clothes out, pack your lunch and get your items ready before bed. This will make your morning routine seamless and enjoyable. 


Getting organized is definitely a challenge, but a fulfilling one. Make your 2019 great by implementing these helpful tips into your daily routine. You’ll begin to feel more organized and prepared for everything that comes your way. 


Understanding Energy In Your Diet

According to the energy balance equation, your body gains energy when you intake more energy through your diet than you expend through physical activity. That’s why the main point of most diets is to limit your energy intake through counting carbs or calories. 


It seems like a few years ago all of the diets were about counting calories and now they’re all about limiting carbohydrates. But you should you limit carbs or calories? And, if they’re both units of energy what’s the difference? This article will discuss the difference between carbs and calories, how they impact your diet, and how or why you should watch them.


Calories Are Energy, Right? Yes.


To set the record straight, carbs and calories are not both units of energy. We’ll start with calories and talk about carbohydrates in a little bit.


Calories are the units of energy, not carbs. A single calorie is the amount of energy that it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. This is a very small amount of energy, so when you read the nutrition label on your food, what they call “Calories” (with an upper-case C) is actually the number of kilocalories (that is, one thousand lower-case c calories). That doesn’t mean that the food companies are trying to lie to you and get you to eat more calories.


They do it because it would be tedious and useless to try to count actual lower-case c calories. Don’t worry about keeping track of whether we’re talking about calories or kilocalories in this article though. Because we’re talking about calories as a unit of energy, it doesn’t really matter which scale we’re talking about, as long as you understand what calories are and why they’re important.


Carbs Are Energy, Right? No.


As mentioned above, the carbohydrate is not a unit of energy like the calorie is. The carbohydrate is a class of nutrient, along with proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all called “energy-yielding nutrients” because the body can break them all down to release calories.


Of the energy yielding nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates both release one 4 calories per gram, while fat releases nine calories per gram. 


So Why Are Carbs So Special?


You might be wondering, if fat contains more than twice the calories per gram, why do all of these diets have us watching carbs? And that’s a good question.


The first reason is that the average person has much more carbohydrates than fat in their diet. We tend to think of carbohydrates as coming from grains, like pastas and breads. These are sources of carbohydrates, but carbohydrates also come from sugars. Grains are a source of complex carbs, which your body breaks down over time. Sugars are a source of simple carbs that your body doesn’t have to break down. 


Sugars are naturally occurring in sources like fruits, but they’re also added to just about everything. If you put a store-bought sauce on your pasta, you’re putting carbs on carbs. If you put jam or jelly on your bread, you’re putting carbs on carbs. And don’t even get us started on sources like soda and junk food.


When you eat whole grains, you’re not just getting carbs. You’re getting fiber, vitamins and minerals. All of these nutrients can also be found in other foods that don’t have as many calories, like vegetables, which often have no carbs at all. 


Fat, on the other hand is far scarcer in our diet and its benefits cannot be found elsewhere. We usually don’t think of fat as being good for us, but it’s in every cell of our bodies, and is very important to the nervous system. While some fats are better than others and you should be careful about how much you get of each kind, carbs are simply more expendable in our diets.


Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand the difference between carbs and calories, as well as why most diets these days have you counting carbs. Remember, however, that a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is better for you than a diet that tries to eliminate fats or carbs or calories and promises a quick solution.


How To Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day


We often become distracted by what life throws at us which leads to neglect our own well-being. Our days can be fast paced but seldom do we slow down to think about the importance of maintaining your wellbeing. Stress is commonplace in the modern world, simply driving to work in gridlock traffic can make you a basket case.


Fortunately, you can make better choices and develop good habits to make wellness a part of your every day routine…


Make a Decision and Stick to it


So first off, you’ll need to make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This is a step that many people avoid, and they end up giving up and reverting back to their original way of everyday living. Well, wellness is a decision (As simplistic as it seems) and it’s a necessary one for all of us. 


How Can We Make Wellness a Habit?


Habits are created by doing something over and over again until it becomes ingrained within us. It’s like we’ve rewired our brain to now automatically make certain choices without thinking.


So, here’s a few ways you can make wellness a habit every single day…


·      Set an alarm clock.

·      Make healthy diet choices.

·      Plan an exercise routine. 

·      Make time every day to do one thing you enjoy.

·      Spend more time with friends and family.

If you do these things every day, in order, at the very minimum, you’ll notice overall improved wellness. We need discipline and there’s no other way to go about it. Especially in the fast-paced world we are so accustomed to. 


Alarm clock


Setting an alarm clock to wake up early is a good way to start your day. The good thing is we know exactly why we’re waking up early… to get things done! 




The nutritional choices we make are crucial to physical wellness. Feeding our body live foods (Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, grains etc.) will make us feel good and give us energy for the days ahead.


Daily exercise


Exercise has so many benefits from improving mental health to creating stronger and more capable bodies.


You can prevent chronic disease like Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Osteoporosis by doing daily exercise. That’s how powerful getting the body moving really is. 


Enjoy life


We tend to get too focused on things like work, personal issues, relationships etc. but why can’t we take the time to laugh and enjoy being in the moment? 


It’s so important to relieve stress by putting worry aside for a little bit each day to focus on leisure activity. We’re not meant to constantly be in fight or flight mode and having leisure time can immensely decrease stress which can accumulate and really interfere with out wellness. 


Have healthy relationships


The relationships we develop and maintain in life are essential for wellness. Having a sense of worth often comes from being loved and appreciated by other people. 


Let’s face it, the reason for our existence is to coexist with others so we can come together to function as a society. Having great friends and family can really give a nice boost to our self-confidence and happiness because we’re all here to support one another. 


Make Wellness a Daily Habit                   


All you have to do is make a decision to live every day in a state of wellness. If you follow the steps mentioned previously, at a very minimum, you’ll have a good start in creating healthy every day habits. 


Without good habits, we’ll never accomplish anything. Wellness is the determining factor in our ability to be productive and effective in every day life.


5 Ways Optimism Improves Your Life

Researchers have found that individuals who maintain a positive attitude during intense surgeries and after, usually have a shorter recovery period. People who work in high stress environments find their inner peace and balance by focusing on the positives of their job. The act of meditation focuses on finding gratitude in your hardest struggles even in the midst of the paralyzing challenges.


Out of the three scenarios, learning how to develop an optimistic attitude was the common factor. In fact, people who strive to look for the “silver lining” usually rise above their challenges with triumph and victory. 


While it’s easy to say, “Focus on the positive, and you’ll be happier” putting it into practice is quite difficult. It may even seem insurmountable when you face certain challenges. However, trying to find the positive, in whatever you’re going through, will save you a lot of stress. You may even find a useful solution to the problem you’re facing.


Since remaining optimistic during tough times is challenging, it’s important to consider a few tips and tricks that’ll reshape the way you think. Let’s go over five valuable tips that’ll help you maintain a positive attitude. 


1.     Remove Yourself From Toxic People 


If you’re trying to elevate your mentality and remain positive, you have to remove yourself from negative people. It’s almost like trying to grow an orchid in a dry environment. It simply won’t flourish. When people drain you of your energy, constantly criticize or put you down, it’s time to let them go. Walking away from unhealthy relationships is the first step towards loving yourself and maintaining your optimistic outlook. 


2. Practice Speaking Kind Words


It’s easy to get in the habit of negative communication. Whether it’s complaining about your morning commute or not getting enough praise on your job, you can find yourself complaining about everything. This negative attitude can transcend into every aspect of your life. Soon, you’ll find yourself having a negative disposition. Practice speaking kind words about yourself and what’s around you. The old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” will definitely come in handy.


3. Learn to Love Yourself


Having a negative outlook stems from not being fully confident in yourself. In order to find the positive in your life, start with what’s amazing about yourself. Practice daily affirmations so you can remind yourself how awesome you are. Get in the habit of regular self-care and stick to it. This will help you change your outlook towards whatever situation presents itself. 


4. Make Progressive Changes


If you’re finding it hard to stay positive in your current situation, perhaps make changes to get out of it. If you dislike your job, make the effort necessary towards finding a new one. If you’re feeling unhealthy, make nutritious changes so you can live your best life. Sometimes a little effort is all you need to change your current perspective. 


5. Give to Others


They say there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. When you give of yourself to others, you’re no longer focusing on your own issues. You’re exposing yourself to those who are less fortunate and making their moment better. If you find yourself constantly in a negative space, volunteer at a homeless shelter. If it’s in your means, donate to a local animal charity. This will give you a broader perspective and help you develop an overall positive attitude. 


Shifting your focus from negative to positive is not an overnight fix. It takes a lot of self-improvement and effort to really see changes. Keep working towards changing your perspective and you’ll be on your way to living a happy life. 


5 Constructive Ways to Deal With Problems


They say the makings of a great movie will make you laugh, cry and feel in love all at once. Psychologists call that blended emotional events. It occurs when you feel a plethora of emotions within a short amount of time. 


While those emotions make for a cinematic masterpiece, dealing with fleeting emotions on a regular basis can be overwhelming. Especially when you don’t have positive ways to manage them. 


Many individuals who face drug and alcohol addiction blame their state on not being able to cope with their problems. Instead of releasing their frustrations in positive ways, they felt engaging in those activities would help solve their issues. Unfortunately, millions of individuals lose their lives due to these unwise coping strategies.


Other negative coping strategies aren’t as evasive. Some may include passive-aggressiveness, laziness or avoidance. Individuals who don’t know how to express themselves may find it difficult making lasting relationships with others. This makes for a lonely existence that could result in anxiety and depression.


Repressing your emotions, whether good or bad, comes with inner challenges. Often times, this can impact your daily routine. Instead of allowing your emotions to overwhelm you it’s wise to develop positive coping strategies that’ll help you endure. This will help you avoid potentially dangerous activities that could put you or others in danger.


If you find yourself dealing with problems and you need constructive ways to manage them, consider these five tips that’ll help you effectively deal with your biggest challenges.


1.     Talk to a Trusted Friend


Sometimes, the best therapy is releasing your emotions through communication. A good friend, with your best interests at heart, can be the rock you need during harsh times. Confide in someone you trust to alleviate stress and receive suggestions. Sometimes, others have experienced the same trials and can offer reliable information that can help you. 


2.     Get a Hobby


There’s nothing more satisfying than creating something new in the face of challenges. If you’re experiencing problems, it’s wise to spend your time doing something productive. This gives you a sense of purpose without dwelling on your issues. Such hobbies include art, sports or cooking. Sometimes the act of engaging in an activity is therapy in itself. 


3.     Seek Professional Help


Sometimes certain problems are so overwhelming, they need the guidance of a trained professional. Never be afraid to seek help for your toughest challenges. A trained counselor or therapist will never judge or reveal what you share with them. They’ll be able to offer constructive advice that you can implement into your daily life. 


4.     Meditate


Although it may seem counterproductive to do nothing in the face of distress, often times this gives you the clarity you need. Meditation encourages you to allow thoughts and emotions to come without judgment. 


This gives you a clear mindset to effectively deal with challenges. After your mind is clear, you’re able to take control of your problem and develop a positive solution. Some also find journaling after meditation to be a great way to develop positive coping strategies and solutions. 


5.     Exercise


Engaging in regular exercise is scientifically proven to release problem solving endorphins. You’re releasing energy that would ordinarily be used worrying and converting it into something productive. 


If you’re dealing with minor to major issues, consider increasing your exercise routine to provide your mind with some much-needed clarity. 


We’ll all face mild to severe problems at one point or another. Instead of turning to destructive coping strategies, it’s wise to engage in something positive. This will help you effectively deal with your problems in a constructive manner. 

Meal Planning: Weight Loss For One

Eating unhealthy food can often be a sin of convenience. It’s something that we are tempted to do on a busy day when the drive through is faster than healthier options. It’s something that we are tempted to do when frozen meals are so much easier than cooking from scratch, especially if you live alone. 


This is very unfortunate, however, as cooking from scratch always has the potential to be much healthier than eating out or eating out of a box. This article will talk about how you can plan your meals ahead to get the most nutritious meals in the least amount of time by preparing your meals ahead of time so they’re there when you need them.


Quick, Hot Breakfasts


Breakfast is one of the hardest meals to make ahead of time, especially if you are watching your carbs. This is because carbs store and keep the best. For example, milk and cereal is a classic, quick breakfast. With the right cereal, it can be very filling and very nutritious, but it’s also going to be high in carbs. The same to be said for pancakes. 


You can get the dry mix in a box, but it has a lot more ingredients than a pancake really needs. To make your own dry pancake mix to be ready in a hurry, all you really need is one half-tablespoon for every cup of flour. Then just pour out what you need, add milk and a dash of vanilla, and pour into a buttered pan. With jelly or yogurt on top instead of syrup, this can be another filling and nutritious meal, though it still has carbs.


To plan breakfast without the carbs, make a deconstructed omelet and put it together in the morning. Scramble eggs with a splash of milk in a small covered bowl, and leave it in the fridge. Chop or grate all of the cheese, vegetables, and optional additional proteins, and leave them in the fridge. In the morning, dump the eggs into a buttered, heated pan. 


When they stop looking wet, add the cheese and other ingredients. Once the cheese has melted, fold the eggs over. Doing all of the steps at once can take up the whole morning, but planning ahead gives you a delicious and nutritious, high-protein, low-carb breakfast in minutes.


Lunch To-Go


Lunch is easier to plan for. It’s not hard to make a sandwich and chop some fruit in a container at night to grab out of the fridge for lunch the next day. 


If you aren’t watching your carbs, a well-built sandwich can have all of the nutrients of a salad, but it’s easier to take with you on the go. If you are watching carbs, ditch the bread and bulk up your salad with extra leafy greens, like lettuce, and extra protein like grilled chicken and hardboiled eggs. A well-made salad can be filling, tasty, nutritious, and entirely carb-free, but it won’t travel as well as a sandwich.


Dinners For Days


Dinner can be harder to plan for, but there are more opportunities if you do. Meal planning for dinners often involves making bulk meals as though you were preparing food for a large number of people. You then take out one serving and freeze the reset for future consumption.


This can be done easily enough with meat by preparing different cuts of, say, chicken, fish, or steak, from a larger piece of meat and preserving the rest. 


While this can seem expensive at first because larger pieces of meat are more expensive than smaller pieces of meat, if you look at the cost by weight it is very often cheaper in the whole to buy larger pieces and portion them yourself. Once you have a healthy protein, all you need to finish off your meal is a good salad.


Soups are another popular meal planning dish. By making a large serving of soup and portioning it out, you can be sure to have quick and healthy dinners for days to come. Because soup keeps longer in the freezer than other foods, by making new batches of soup before your frozen old batches run out you can give yourself variety. Frozen soups also make good to-go lunches that can be heated up in a microwave.


Soups have another meal planning benefit, namely that they can be prepared in crockpot. By putting all of the ingredients in and turning the crockpot on, you can save valuable time by cooking your soups over night or while you are at work.


Hopefully, this article has inspired you to try meal planning in order to quickly and easily set yourself up with healthier, home-cooked menu options with all of the convenience of frozen dinners and take-out.


Losing weight this way still involves being careful with what ingredients you use, but it is still the best way to balance a balanced diet with a busy schedule.