Monday 20 September 2021

Do You Believe in Your Own Potential?


While we all have dreams and aspirations, few of us are fully aware of our own potential. It can be hard to see the truly good and admirable traits in ourselves, just like it is our faults. However, believing in your own potential is a crucial part of developing your self-confidence. 


In order to achieve all, you’re capable of, you have to believe in the potential you have. It can help you to try new things, challenge yourself, and take risks that could all lead to success. We’ve come up with a few ways you can determine if you believe in your potential.


Spend Time in Self-Reflection


The first way to determine if you believe in your own potential is to spend time in self-reflection. Ask yourself what you are capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities. This time spent determining your potential is valuable to who you are as a person and achieving your full potential. During this time, try to focus on the following:


   What is your potential?

   What do you want to achieve?

   Do you truly believe you can achieve it?

   What can you do with this potential?


Focusing on these things and answering these questions will help you to identify your potential and believe in it more strongly. 


Write Down What You See As Your Full Potential


Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what your potential is, you can list the qualities and skills that entails. This will help you affirm what your potential is and your belief in it. Study this list and keep it with you, being sure to look at it whenever you feel yourself doubting your potential. This will help you keep your potential in the forefront of your mind and helping you to truly believe in your potential.


Prove Your Potential to Yourself


For some to truly believe in something, they need to see it. This even extends to what they believe about themselves. A great way to truly believe in your potential is to prove to yourself you have it. Act on it; challenge yourself by pushing the limits of your potential. 


This challenge can be career-, hobby-, or relationship-oriented, so long as it challenges you and forces you to showcase your full potential. Once you’ve achieved the goal you set for yourself and fully showcased your potential, you’ll not only have a well-earned sense of accomplishment and confidence, but you’ll also fully believe in your potential without doubts.


Surround Yourself with People that Believe in Your Potential


We all like to think we don’t let others affect us, but the reality is that the people around us, especially those close to you, do have an effect on us and our emotions. If those close to you doubt your potential, you’re likely to do the same. You don’t need that negative influence in your life. Instead, surround yourself with people that believe in your potential and encourage you to achieve all you can. Their positive influence will provide you with encouragement and help you to see and believe in your potential.


We all have a river of potential inside us, but few people truly recognize and believe in that potential. Believing in your own potential is an essential part of your confidence and success. If you believe you are capable of accomplishing something, you’re far more likely to actually accomplish it. 


However, believing in your own potential may not come as easily for you as it does for others. It’s often something we have to work on and prove to ourselves before we believe it. We hope we’ve helped you to see and believe in your potential. 


Being Ageless Starts In Your Mind

Everyone grows older and eventually dies; it’s just the natural way of life. However, how a person deals with aging is a whole other story and entirely up to the person. You’re brain has the power to make you ageless.


If you have the right mindset, you can make it, so you hardly notice you’ve aged at all. In this article, we’re going to provide you with everything you need to start putting yourself in the ageless mindset.


How Can a Positive Mindset Make You Ageless?


Of course, we don’t mean that it can literally make you ageless, but it can certainly make you feel as if you are! One of the biggest complaints amongst those over the age of 50 is the feeling of deterioration, decline, and the feeling of being unwanted or not useful that so often comes along with aging. 


Your mindset is a big part in how you cope with that and, also, how you can work to combat it. If you keep your mind focused on the positive things your age has brought you (like wisdom, understanding, and the ability to better help others) and work diligently to maintain good physical health, you won’t notice your aging a bit. Plus, it will greatly improve your overall outlook on life, as well as your quality of life.


Ignore the Culture Surrounding You


We live in a world obsessed with youth. Every day, older people are pushed to the side in favor of the younger generations. People are seen as being in their prime when they’re in their late ‘teens and early twenties. Those who are older than 30, tend to frequently lie about their age, trying to make it seem like they’re part of the favored, younger group.


In order to get past this and actually start living with an ageless mindset, you have to do your best to tune it out. You have aged to the best state you’ve been yet. You’re wizened and seasoned. Stop denying your aging and own it; that’s what will truly make you ageless. 


Love Your Body and Own Your Age


The only way to ensure you keep having the ageless mindset is to continue to love your body and remind yourself that you are getting better with age. There’s no such thing as perfection for humanity; we make mistakes, learn, and grow throughout our lives. 


An important part of keeping yourself in the ageless mindset is loving and appreciating your body for what it does for you and how far it has gotten you. Every day that you’re alive, you learn something new and adapt to changes around you. The first step in keeping an ageless mindset is loving your body for all its many years and experiences and appreciating it.


Never Say ‘Never’


The number one thing that will knock you off your track towards an ageless mindset is negativity. We psych ourselves by telling ourselves that we’re too old to do something, too set in our ways to learn something, and even that we’re simply too old to be of value. 


These thoughts are toxic and highly dangerous to the positive outlook you’re trying to maintain. You are capable of doing anything you put your mind to; now, it may take you a little extra effort to get there, but if you make the effort, you can accomplish it. 


Never listen when that negative voice inside your head tells you anything negative about your abilities, your worth, or your age. 


How you deal with aging is entirely up to you: you be in denial about the fact that you’re getting older by lying about your age and dying your hair, or you can embrace your age for all the wonderful things it has brought you and move forward with a positive mindset with have you feeling ageless. 

5 Key Benefits Of Building Confidence


Confidence is a necessary trait in life that helps you to go much further in life. It isn’t always something you inherently have; sometimes you have to work at it. And once you do build it up, you have to keep working at it, as it can be easily torn down. 


Working at building your confidence, though, doesn’t always come easy; is it really worth the effort? What’s even in it for you? In this article, you’ll find the five key benefits that you can get from working on your confidence.


1)    Improved Performance


Having better confidence can help you perform better in various areas of your life. For instance, it can improve your productivity at work while also encouraging you to go for more challenging projects or chance getting a promotion. Being confident in what you’re doing can help you to do your absolute best. The more confident you are in your abilities, the better you will perform.


2)    Ease of Social Situations


Those who are more confident tend to be at ease in social situations. Due to their confidence, they don’t need to rely on the views of others for validation or their opinions for their own self-worth. This results in a greater sense of ease in these situations. 


It helps you to more freely be yourself. The positive energy and confidence these people exude in these situations attracts others to them and puts them at a greater ease as they go through new experiences.


3)    Better Health


Confidence and positive self-esteem can help to keep you in better mental health. Working to boost your confidence can help to improve your mental health and your overall health. Knowing your worth, value, and skills within yourself, rather than relying on others to provide that for you, can cause you to be happier, stronger, and more secure mentally and emotionally. 


Those children who grow up with a higher sense of confidence tend to get better grades, perform better in school, take better care of themselves, and tend to excel in sports, the arts, and socialization.


4)    Overall Happiness


Boosting your self-confidence can help to improve your overall happiness in life. Those who have a healthy level of confidence often report being happier and more satisfied with their lives than those who struggle with their confidence. Confidence helps you to have happier and healthier relationships, go further in your career, and perform better, leaving a person much happier and more satisfied with their lives. 


5)    Less Insecurity and Doubt


Confidence helps you to know yourself better than ever before, making you sure of your worth and value. This helps you to easily squelch the common feelings of insecurity and doubt that crop up. 


When you’re confident, you know what you bring to the table, what you want, and how you’re going to get it; you refuse to let insecurities build up or doubt to creep in. This helps you to go even further in life and protect the confidence you’ve already built up.


Confidence is a trait that, once worked at and built up, can get you very far in life. For many people, building up confidence doesn’t come easily. For those, it might even take far more motivation than for those to whom it comes easily. 


What’s in it for them to put all the effort and work necessary in maintaining good confidence? We hope that this article helped to provide you with all the motivation and incentive you need to start working on your confidence today.


Don’t wait; an improvement in your overall satisfaction and quality of life await you.

Incorporating Movement Into Your Day

Diet and exercise are important partners in achieving/maintaining a healthy weight. But how much exercise, and how intense?


While resources like gyms are great for slimming down and bulking up, they are also expensive and require time a solid block of time. This are difficult commitments for many people. 


Your body doesn’t only burn calories and build muscle while you’re at the gym, however. Below are suggestions on how you can build activity into your day so that you can burn fat and build muscle even when you can’t make it to the gym.


Walking For Convenience


The ancient philosopher Hypocrites wrote that walking is the best medicine. The air was cleaner then, but getting out and about (or at least about) is still a great way to get rid of some extra calories. 


Consider setting a minimum radius by block for how far something needs to be for you to start the car. If it’s within, say, five blocks or so, just walk. Blocks are a big unit of measurement, but if you do go to the store, consider parking further from the entrance. Every little bit makes a difference, after all.


Walking during breaks at work can burn some calories, even if it’s just around the office. It can also be a great way to help your circulation and give your eyes a rest if you have a desk job. 


Walking For Pleasure


Walking doesn’t only have to be something that you do when you need something. Consider taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day to take a walk outside. It can be a great way to reset to either prepare you for the day ahead or wind down from a busy day.


Too many resources recommend getting a dog to encourage weight loss. It’s true that having a dog to walk can be great motivation but dogs also mean a huge commitment of time and energy. If getting a dog isn’t in the books right now, consider visiting the nearest animal shelter. 


Many of these facilities will be more than happy to let you walk one of the dogs waiting to be adopted. As most of these facilities are under-funded, volunteers like you may be the only chance that the animals get to have their exercise too.


Biking Intermediate Distances


Getting a bicycle can be a great way to go intermediate distances, especially if you won’t need to carry anything back. In cities, bikes can be even faster than cars when you figure in traffic. They’re also cheaper to run. Different cities and towns have different rules on where you can ride a bike, however, so be sure to do some research before you take to the streets, bike-lanes or sidewalks.


They can also be a great all-terrain vehicle, if you find one with different gears. This is handy for rural towns that may have a paved down-town with some more difficult streets and back-roads. In cities, bikes without gears are often just as good.


Bikes can be fairly expensive when new, so if you’re low on funds, consider checking second-hand stores, yard sales, and the local newspaper for used bikes. Keep in mind too that they can help to save on gas and parking fees, so a well-used bike can pay itself off pretty quickly.


Hopefully this article has helped you to come up with a few ways to incorporate more movement into your everyday routine. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also take some time out for exercising, especially exercises that build muscle. 


Losing weight might be your key priority right now, and that’s fine, but there are also benefits to having more muscle.


Heart Disease Prevention Is Possible

While it’s true that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US for both women and men, it’s also true that you have some control over certain risk factors that lead up to heart disease, even reverse some of the symptoms if they’re caught early on.


Heart Disease is considered a lifestyle disease, which means its main causes are lifestyle choices such as diet and lack of exercise. This is good news as it means that we have an adequate amount of control over it. 


The important thing is to learn all you can about these factors and how they can be regulated so you can enjoy a healthy, strong disease-free heart.


What exactly is heart disease? It’s usually a broad term which refers to several conditions relating to an unhealthy heart, which may include:


  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Arrhythmia
  • Heart valve problems


The good news is that there are things you can do to help avoid any type of heart disease. Generally, heart diseases doesn’t happen overnight. It develops over the years, and its symptoms may be spurred on or slowed down depending on the lifestyle choices you make starting from your early adulthood years. 


Some scientists even argue that it starts as early as your childhood because it’s all connected. This also makes sense from the perspective of heart disease being a lifestyle disease, as many of our eating and activity habits are solidified in childhood. 

When it comes to preventing heart disease, the American Heart Association and other health experts break it down into 3 categories:


  • Primordial prevention is for those who have no risk factors that could result in heart disease. This type of prevention works at avoiding any type of inflammation within the lining of the heart, while maintaining heart health in order to ward off high blood pressure, extra weight, and high cholesterol.


  • Primary prevention is meant to prevent someone who’s at risk for heart disease from having a heart attack, stroke, or develop any other type of heart disease, or need surgery or angioplasty. It provides a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle for individuals who suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. Medications may also be prescribed in an effort to control these risk factors and bring them down to healthier levels.


  • Secondary prevention which is the measures taken after someone has suffered from some type of heart disease or undergone heart surgery. These may include taking medications to lower cholesterol levels and aspirin to help prevent blood clots. It also includes eating healthier foods, exercising regularly to ward off stress and manage weight, quitting smoking if needed and regulating how much alcohol is consumed on a daily basis. The aim of secondary prevention is to defend against a second heart attack, and to stop any advancing heart disease symptoms.


First things first, let’s find out what risk factors can’t be controlled so you can get them out of the way and focus on what you can control.


Risk factors you can’t change:


  • Gender
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Family history
  • Age


Risk factors within your control:


  • Manage your weight
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low cholesterol and triglycerides (the most common type of body fats) levels
  • Maintain blood sugar levels
  • Limit alcoholic consumption
  • No smoking
  • Manage stress
  • Get quality, uninterrupted sleep


Whether you’re working on maintaining a healthy heart or working at reducing certain risk factors, studies have proven that making healthy lifestyle choices can fend off nearly 80% of heart diseases, 75% of sudden cardiac deaths and 50% of strokes. It’s never too early to start making those smart choices and start investing in a healthier, brighter, longer life.


Stop Letting The Past Dictate Your Future


We’ve all heard that we can’t be stuck in the past and that we have to move on with our lives, but have you ever stopped to think about it? Why should you move on from the past? Well, frankly, because it can affect nearly every other aspect of your life if you don’t. 


Few people devote time to thinking about how focusing on the past can be detrimental to their present and future. In this article, we’re going to provide you with, hopefully, all the argument you need to persuade you to stop letting the past dictate your future.


What’s so bad about focusing on the past?


Focusing heavily on the past, whether in a negative or a positive way, is detrimental to you and your ability to move forward with your life. Let’s talk about the negative first: holding grudges. Holding on to a particular moment or event in the past due to a negative experience stunts your emotional and mental growth. 


The more you focus on that, the less attention you have to give to what’s happening in the present. On the positive side of things, if you’re fixated on one particular positive event that happened in the past, you’ll miss all the positive and great things happening in the future. You also run the risk of comparing everything that happens from then on to that one “perfect” event. 


This fixation can lead to a few negative outcomes on your future. The more you focus on the past, the less you witness the present. You have a tendency to miss special occasions or important events. You move through life in a more distracted manner. The worst outcome of them all, though, is that you stunt your development and growth. 


How can focusing on the past dictate your future?


As we said before, focusing on something in the past can manipulate how you view present moments. It can make you distracted during events you’d otherwise be fully immersed in or cause you to compare them to another moment on from which you can’t move. 


These fixations can cause you to turn down new opportunities either because you’re afraid they won’t live up to the past experience or you don’t want to be taken away from it. Focusing on the past can negatively affect every decision you make, dictating your future. 


How do you stop focusing on the past?


The first step in putting an end to this behavior once and for all is to resolve to let it go. We know, it’s easier said than done, but you have to first consciously decide to do it before you can actually successfully let the past go. Letting go of the issues or moments you’re holding onto will allow you to finally move forward with your life and grow as a person. 


Fixated on a positive past event


If you’re fixated on a positive past event, letting go doesn’t mean the same thing as it does for those holding onto a grudge. Letting go in this sense is to stop comparing other events to this one. It doesn’t mean that you have to forget the moment you’ve held so dear, but it does mean that you continue to experience and enjoy each new moment, rather than comparing it to and being distracted by said moment.


Fixated on a negative past event


If you’re holding a grudge or fixated on a past event, letting go is typically forgiving the person and moving on from the event. This can be very difficult, but the only person that can put an end to your holding onto the past is you. You have to be the one to forgive, let go, and move on. You’re only hurting yourself, otherwise. 

Sunday 19 September 2021

Assertiveness 101


Being assertive is a skill that comes naturally to some but not to all. It’s a trait and skill that can get you far in life, when balanced evenly. However, if not kept in check, assertiveness can come across as abrasive, rude, or even mean or aggressive.


In this article, we’re going to explore the topic of assertiveness; we’ll cover what it means to be assertive, how to become more assertive, and how to keep that assertiveness in check. 


What does it mean to be assertive?


According to The Better Health Channel, “Being assertive means being direct about what you need, want, feel, or believe in a way that’s respectful of the views of others.” Being assertive can offer many benefits to almost every area of your life, when kept in balance. 


For example, when you’re more assertive in the workplace, you show your superiors that you have the qualities required of a leader and the confidence necessary to go for what you need or want. In your relationship, being assertive has a whole slew of benefits. 


First off, it can help you have the confidence to ask someone out in the first place. Secondarily, assertiveness allows you to identify and be clear about what you want and need in the relationship, improving communication between you and your partner and ensuring the healthy state of your relationship.


What can you do to be more assertive?


The first thing you have to do when trying to be more assertive is to make the decision to positively assert your views and yourself and commit to it. It’s not enough just to think about maybe trying to be more assertive in situations, like you think about how you really should work out more while you’re eating dessert. You have to commit to it. 


The next step is improving your communication and listening skills. These two skills are crucial in assertiveness. You need to communicate openly and honestly with a respect for those with whom your speaking. In addition to that, you have to become an active listener. 


Pay close attention to what people say to you, try to understand their perspective and don’t interrupt. The key to having the right balance in your assertiveness is to respect others and allow them the space to be assertive, as well.


Lastly, in the actual practice of assertiveness, you want to stay calm, avoid guilt tripping, and use what is referred to as “I” statements. “I” statements (I think, I feel, I know) are much more assertive and more constructive than “you” statements (you never, you always), which tend to be more harmful. 


How can you keep your assertiveness in check?


There’s a fine line between positive assertiveness and abrasive rudeness. A good way to keep yourself in check and ensure you aren’t toeing that line is to be observant, not just of yourself but of those around you. 


Take time throughout your day to reflect on yourself, your behavior, and your choices. Watch how others behave around you; if your loved ones seem uncomfortable with your behavior or put off by your attitude, you should examine your assertiveness and maybe make some adjustments. 


Being assertive can get you far in life, but there’s a fine line between being positively assertive and being rude. If you keep yourself in check when working on your assertiveness and create a good balance, you can go further and be happier in your life. Assertiveness can lead to promotions, healthier relationships, and a more positive self-image. We hope we’ve helped to instruct you on and guide you through improving your assertive behavior.