Showing posts with label eZine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eZine. Show all posts

Saturday 25 June 2022

5 Steps to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs for Good

How are you your own worst enemy? We limit ourselves so much. We live in our heads and come up with all these ways to keep us from getting anything accomplished. Even though deep down we know we're good enough, and how much we're fully capable of getting things done. 


The only way to get past these self-sabotaging behaviors is to take active, intentional steps to remedy your thinking. Let's look at 5 steps that will shift your limiting beliefs for good. 




Wait a minute; what were you thinking? If a thought feels off about something, it's time to stop and examine this idea much closer. Is this perhaps a self-limiting belief? 


Think About What You're Saying


Where is the lie in this thought? You've already figured out there's something wrong with it, or you wouldn't be going through this process. This means something about it is not ringing true. When you understand where the lie is, it becomes easier to know how to counter it. 


Look for the Proof


Is there any proof this self-limiting thought is true? Let's examine the part you feel is a lie. Here's where you need to take a step back from the situation if you can and look very impartially at what's going on. Is any grain of truth in what you're thinking? 


Take Control


If what you were thinking is a lie, it's relatively easy to counter the false aspects of the statement with the truth. But what if this thought was at least partially true? You start by reminding yourself this isn't always the case. For example, you might be thinking you are always late. Maybe you are, in fact, late sometimes. To perform this step, you would need to recall various instances when you were on time. By countering the lie, you are taking control of the situation, and not allowing the limiting belief to have any sway over you. 


Get Help


Sometimes it can be challenging to remove limiting beliefs by yourself. In these instances, it can be beneficial to talk to a friend, or even a counselor, to help you see the truth. There is nothing wrong with getting help, especially from someone who is in a position to be impartial.


Self-limiting beliefs don't have to control your life. By examining your thoughts, especially those that seem to hold you back, you will find it much easier to move forward toward your goals. Soon you will realize success.


How Faulty Beliefs Affect Everything You Do

Self-defeating, mistaken beliefs are the debilitating thoughts you have about yourself or how you view your relationships with others. They can get so carried away that they lead to panic disorder, anxiety, and depression.


Case in point, your beliefs affect everything you do. In fact, every decision you make starts with a belief of some sort because your beliefs are a collection of everything you know to be true.


Yet, sometimes what you believe is actually based on false emotions or memories. What do you do then? Is there hope of changing? And if yes, how can we disrupt our faulty belief system and change it for the better?


How Faulty Beliefs Affect Everything You Do


What you convince yourself to be true ultimately becomes your beliefs. Good or bad, your subconscious mind has complete trust in how you see the world and how you interpret certain things that happen to you in your life.


Then, it takes your thoughts and emotions and comes up with a skewed view of how the world works. So, in effect, you’re the one who’s holding yourself back from living a fulfilling life brimming with adventures and lots of happy times.


Tony Robbins said it best: “The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”


What Are Faulty Beliefs?


Faulty, or limiting, beliefs are the opinions and thoughts you believe to be 100% true. They’re so ingrained in your mind because you spend each day repeating them to yourself, like a mantra.


Sometimes, you may also blame other people, and the Universe in general, for everything that goes wrong in your life. Why? You’ve convinced yourself that this is your reality through the power of faulty beliefs.


However, limiting beliefs are called that for a reason. They stunt your growth as an individual and have a negative impact on the way you go about your personal and professional life. So, you feel stuck, incompetent, and that failure follows you around wherever you go.


Where do Faulty Beliefs Come From?


On average, faulty beliefs are developed during our early childhood years. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the first seven years of our lives are extremely critical because our brains do nothing but soak in everything around them. This is how we form the basis of right vs. wrong, good vs. evil.


This is also the time when children who are loved and valued grow up with this inherent belief. Consequently, their relationships with themselves and others stem from that love and self-worth.


Sadly, the opposite is also true. Children who are neglected or abused become adults with a deep belief that they’re not worthy of love and affection.


Another way to look at it is that faulty beliefs are our way of defending ourselves against frustration, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.


As a result, your subconscious brain tries to block further suffering by altering how you view yourself and the world around you. This manifests itself in many ways, and each of them has a negative effect on everything you do in life.


Take a look at some of the negative outcomes that are a by-product of faulty beliefs:


· Anxiety

· Conformism

· Imposter syndrome

· Overthinking

· Perfectionism

· Procrastination


How to Identify Faulty Beliefs?


Let’s be honest, you can’t tell yourself you’re a winner one day, then wake up the following day believing it wholeheartedly. This is a process that takes time and patience. And you have to be willing to put in the work, but it’ll be so much worth it in the end.


Step 1: Listen to Your Thoughts


The first step in identifying faulty beliefs and self-defeating thought patterns is by really paying attention. The next time that little voice in your head tells you that you’re better off not doing something or having so-and-so, stop and listen.


Step 2: Challenge Faulty Beliefs


The second step is to challenge these beliefs head-on. When you have a negative thought, hit it back with two positive ones.


They don't have to be big or anything fancy. Just think of something that makes you smile and brightens your day.


Then, slowly, day by day, you’ll notice that the nagging voices in your head are becoming weaker. They no longer drain your mental and emotional strength because they’ve been replaced by more positive thoughts.


Step 3: Develop Healthy Beliefs


In order to transform faulty beliefs into something healthier and more productive, you have to know your self-worth. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, imperfections and all.


Then, armored with self-love and compassion, take one step outside your comfort zone. Think about one thing you try to avoid on purpose, say social interactions.


To overcome this fear, you have to commit to engage in a brief, meaningless conversation with one or two people each day. Putting yourself out there can be scary, just as many things in life can be.


And remember that it’s okay to be a bit awkward at times. Who isn’t?


But strong, optimistic people know there’s more to them than a few minutes of awkwardness. They’re more confident and comfortable in their own skin that they just shrug it off and keep on moving forward.


That’s why you have to keep at it. Continue to challenge your faulty beliefs so you can finally start seeing yourself and the world in a more accurate light, where hope and possibilities are within arm’s reach.


The Formula to Creating Goals That Help You Improve Your Personal Life

In life, we have a formula to use that helps us to create goals that assist us in improving our personal life. To start these goals however, we must use our inner qualities. The inner qualities include skills, ability to commit, ability to set priorities, ability to accept failure, will to say no, and so on. We have self-awareness, personality and other details within as well that helps us to find ways to improve our personal life. 


Once you find your qualities, develop them you'll find it easy to set goals. To get started, consider brainstorming, long-term goals, short-term goals, evaluation of these goals, brainstorming some more, evaluating, and so on. You want to consider managing your time as well. 


Be sure to start your plans with short-term goals. The short-term goals should lead up to your long-term goals. Short-term goals should include what you want to accomplish in the next few years. Do you plan to open a business? Do you plan to move? Do you plan to start a new job? Each question will lead you into a good direction as you find answers. For example, I plan to open a business in the next few years. How do you plan to open that business? What business are you considering? How will you get the money to start your business? You have many options, so check your resources, learn new resources and continue building your dreams to improve your personal life. 


After you lay out the plans for your short-term dreams, start working toward your long-term goals. For instance, in the next ten years what do you see yourself doing? Use your visions and voices inside to cultivate a plan. Brainstorm your ideas. 


To set up long-term plans keep them realistic. Be sure that your long-term goals fall in accord with your short-term goals. For example, if you plan to start a business in the next few years, build upon this dream and plan to become productive and established in the near future. Start saving money to back your plans. You will need to set up a budget that allows you money to save. You have many options so spread your wings and reach for the sky. 

Tips on Goal Setting


Are you frustrated when nothing works out in your favor? Do you get depressed when you do not achieve the desired success? When you do not get the results you desire, then you tend to look for tips everywhere that can help you to achieve your goals. Here are some strategies that you can apply to set your goals and get the desired results. 


In order to achieve your goals, visualize your dreams and goals. Dreaming your goals will give you the willingness to fetch the goal. Generally, a person who does not dream has no goals in their life. Therefore, dreaming is the start of your realization to your goal. 


Think of the steps you can take in order to achieve your goal. Consulting others might help you a little, but ultimately you have to make the decision yourself. This is because you know yourself the best. Others can just guide you on which are the right ways, but you have to know the best way suitable to you to achieve goals. 


Next, do not promise anyone but yourself to achieve the goals when you have found the right way to start. Promising others often leads to breaking of promises, but if you promise yourself, then your inner voice constantly reminds you of the promise. 


After promising, sketch out a timetable that you wish to follow. However, it is advisable to change the routine when boredom sets in. Changing timetables will give you more energy and a new outlook to start afresh with a positive mind. Moreover, changing timetables also lets you find your previous faults and shows you a better and right way. The timetable should also reflect the time you are taking in doing a certain work. Say, if the timetable says that you have to complete a unit of any subject in 30 days, then you must do so. Time is an important factor when desiring results. 


Think of innovative ideas to make your goal achievement process easier. Innovative methods will also give you energy to complete tasks. 


Keep optimistic towards your dreams. Optimism plays an important role in getting results. The more optimistic you are, the faster you are likely to reach your goals. An optimistic attitude motivates you to get the desired results and shows you the right way to success. 


Finally, be dedicated to the work you do. Dedication can bring a lot of accuracy to your work and make it perfect. 


Thus, follow these tips firmly to set your goals and reach the point of success.


Understanding How to Improve Your Personal Life

It seems like everyone is searching for secrets to health, wealth and happiness. The catch is if you understand yourself, then you'd have the knowledge to be both successful in personal relationships and in business relationships. Like everything, this begins with a plan. Whether you’re anticipating improving your relationship with your spouse or family member, or moving up the corporate ladder, this is all a result of personal growth. Individual growth starts with doing your best at every moment, in your career, home, or daily activities. Setting goals, no matter how small, enables us to soar to new heights and give us the confidence to accomplish more. 


Many times, individuals stay hung up on other people’s expectations on what it is to be successful. Each of us has another idea of what makes us content. It's important to acknowledge that if we spend most of our time and effort trying to reach another person’s goals, then we find ourselves perpetually searching for meaning and continue to be distressed. Recognizing what is important is the first step to improving personal life.


Balance is the key to success. Some individuals don't see the concept of success beyond their own needs. Frequently we're caught up in serving a dominant function, which overshadows our natural strengths. This results in stress and imbalance in one’s life. Learning to do things for yourself and your own needs are vital to improving your personal life. If you're always doing for others, and seldom take time out for you, then you're building stress rather than improving life. Your happiness should come first. Finding it hard to say no to others becomes more common and we find ourselves so engulfed by the needs of others. Learning to have an even balance in your life with everything you do and center on what you want is another way to improve your personal life.


Putting yourself down perpetually, finding it hard to accept compliments and wishing you are someone else are simple examples that you may be sabotaging your own life. Encourage positive self-talk with yourself and to other people, don't speak negatively about yourself and other people are vital to great self-pride. Understanding that no matter what, you're ok. Improving your self-confidence is extremely important when improving your personal life. This will take putting your positive beliefs in the front of your mind, and day-after-day taking away the negative thoughts. Believing in you is another key to success.


Surround yourself around encouraging, not discouraging individuals. If you just make small steps to do these things, you'll already be improving your personal life without realizing it. The key to success is moving forward. You'll need to learn steps to move ahead and stop looking back. Naturally, history is important, yet you want to avoid lingering over past mistakes. Your mistakes are learning tools. Use them, learn from the mistakes, and move ahead. 


When you surround yourself with positive influences, it helps you to gain the power of processing your life. You have control over conversation and your community. Take back your control and you will improve your overall personal life. 


Why You Should Start a Business Rather than Have a Job


For most of us, there are two ways in which we can earn a living. We can either take up a job at some company where we get paid a regular salary with perks and incentives, or we can start a business of our own and earn the profits of whatever we sell. The former option is considered to be the more stable option, the more traditional one. That is why when most people think about what they would want to do in their lives, they think of nice cushy jobs that could pay them a large amount of money.


However, you should not completely denounce the second option either—starting a business of your own. Today, most of the people who are highly successful are those who have control over their lives in a professional manner of speaking. And this is only possible if you have a business. If you have your own company, however small, then you are your own boss. That even gives you more satisfaction from what you do.


It might have been true that businesses were difficult to start and manage once upon a time, but that is definitely not applicable in today’s world. Today, a lot of people are carrying out their business pursuits from the comforts of their home. The Internet has made it possible for all of us to be able to pursue our profession from our home itself—several people are managing entire virtual offices with dozens of employees from all over the world, just through their laptops.


But, the benefits of even these Internet based businesses are the same. You still get to be your own boss, you control your life, you have the option to work as much or as little as you want, which means you can decide on the size of the paycheck you get.


There is actually no point being in a job if you don’t want to. Why would you work for someone else when you could work for yourself so easily? If you have entrepreneurial skills, then it is certainly not a good idea to get into a job and work for mere wages.


So, plan your professional life well. Maybe you could consider a job if you are sure of growth and if the job is really good and from a very well-established company that pays handsomely, but if that is not the case, then a business is also not out of the realms of possibility either.

Tips to Overcome Fatigue at the Workplace

Do you feel tired a lot when you are working? Does it become a very painful task for you to come back home from your office, and do you really want to just lie down and do nothing when you are back? If all these things are happening with you, then you are suffering from a very common problem that most of the people face today—work fatigue.


Tiredness at work is not a new thing. It has always existed but it is only today that it has become chronic. In its chronic form, you get tired at the mere mention of work, even if that is done on a Sunday. Now, your workplace fatigue is not restricted to only the times when you attend work; you are tired at all times as well.


So, how do you deal with such chronic workplace fatigue? Here are some ways that you can use.


1. Is your employment bogging you down? Perhaps you need to change the place of work, or maybe your line of career itself. What’s the point in working at a place that tires you out completely? More than anything, you have to look after your health. If this work is not appropriate for you, then you must simply look for something else… That is the wisest thing to do.


2. Maybe you have to look at something that you enjoy doing. When you are in a profession that you really enjoy, you won’t feel as though it is work at all. You will be pursuing it like a hobby or something and you will really enjoy what you do. When that happens, you will find all the stress and tiredness dissipating completely.


3. Some people feel stressed out at their workplace simply because they take up a lot of work that they cannot realistically handle. Is this happening with you too? Are you saying yes to everything? If that is true, then you must cease and desist. Already, the work you have taken is taking a toll on yourself. You do not want it to jeopardize your life further. Learn how to say no to people.


4. Start each day with great confidence. Tell yourself that you will shine at your workplace today. Tell yourself that you will be able to easily accomplish all the tasks that will be set out in front of you. When you do that, you psych yourself into feeling more confident and energetic, and that helps you work that tiredness of work away.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Tips To Study Better (Infographic)

Monday 6 June 2022

Avoid These 4 Creativity Killers

When you are trying to boost your creative intelligence there are things that you need to avoid to give yourself the best chance of success. If you don’t do this, it doesn’t matter how much time and effort you spend on using different creativity techniques you are not going to get the optimal results.


We call these 4 things creativity killers. You need to know what they are and you must avoid them. In this article, we will explain what these are and what you can do to avoid them. Some of them are easy to avoid and others not so easy.


1. Being in a Creativity Stifling Job


This is one of those that is not so easy to avoid. A lot of jobs do not require you to use any of your creative talents. The boss shows you how to do the job and then you need to follow these instructions forever until someone changes them. That someone is not going to be you.


In a lot of jobs, you will be actively discouraged from trying to come up with creative ideas and new ways of doing things. This is a pretty short-sighted thing for a business to do but it does happen a lot. So, what can you do if you have a creativity stifling job?


The most obvious answer is to get another job where you can use your creativity. We appreciate that this is easier said than done. If this is not an option for you then change your routine at work. Go out for lunch and find an area where you can be creative. Spend time with different people every day to get a fresh perspective.


2. Being too Connected


What we mean here is that you are so involved with everyone and everything you never have time for creativity. Every minute of every day you are busy doing something. If this is you then you need to change this right now.


Everyone seems to have a smartphone these days and they just spend too much time with it. It really is not necessary for you to respond to every notification you receive immediately. Look at different ways that you can disconnect yourself so that you can free up some creative time.


3. Copying others


You have been asked by your boss to come up with some new ideas for the company website. Most people in this situation will look at what their competitor is doing and suggest that this is copied. It is OK to look at the work of other creative people for inspiration but it is not a good idea just to copy them.


Anyone can copy someone else. It is the easy way out and you do not need to use any creativity to do this. Don’t just follow what others do – find inspiration elsewhere and come up with your own ideas.


4. Ignoring what others are telling you


This is something that a lot of entrepreneurs do because they are so focused on their own ideas. Not listening enough to others can happen elsewhere of course. When you listen to others you will gain a different perspective on things and be able to learn from their ideas. Don’t deprive yourself of this opportunity.


Using Mind Mapping To Develop Your Creativity

There are quite a number of tools available that will help you to develop your creativity but mind mapping is one of the easiest to learn and use. You will find that a lot of people with high levels of creative intelligence use mind maps all of the time because it really helps them to come up with those precious creative ideas.


One of the reasons that mind mapping works so well for the stimulation of creative ideas is because it is a visual tool. Your mind is able to process things a lot better with visuals so you need to take advantage of this.


Mind Mapping is easy


There is nothing difficult about mind mapping. All that you are doing is creating a picture with the thoughts that are in your head about a problem that you want to solve. You will find a lot of resources online that explain the concept of mind mapping and how to do it.


One of the best ways to learn mind mapping is through watching videos. YouTube is your friend here as there are many videos available on the subject of mind mapping. With these videos you can watch someone create a mind map from scratch and easily pick up on what they are doing.


You can Draw or use Software


In its simplest form, you can create a mind map with a pencil and a piece of paper. We recommend that you use a large sheet of paper as it is very easy to run out of space when you are drawing your mind map. You also need to leave some room for expanding your mind map as new thoughts come to mind.


There are many software tools that you can use to create mind maps if you prefer to use a computer to create one. Some of the premium mind mapping tools are very expensive as they have many bells and whistles. You do not need this to get started with mind mapping. Go for a free program such as Free Mind as it will do everything that you need.


How does Mind Mapping Work?


When you create a mind map you record your thoughts in one place. It is different to writing them all down as you want to use keywords or short phrases to represent your thoughts rather than long sentences.


You will start a mind map by adding your main goal to the center of the map. Always have a goal such as a problem that you need to solve. Then you create different branches from this which contain the different aspects of the problem or goal.


These branches are all linked to the central goal and you can have different tiers of branches. Anything that connects directly to the central goal is a tier one branch. Each tier one branch can have tier two branches and so on. 


Main Advantage of Mind Mapping


After you have added all of your initial thoughts about a problem that you want to solve to a mind map you have a very powerful visual aid that will help you to generate more thoughts. It is easy to see the “big picture” with a mind map as it is all there in one drawing. If you try to remember all of these thoughts you are very likely to forget some of them.