Showing posts with label Subconscious Mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subconscious Mind. Show all posts

Monday 9 May 2022

How Meditation Can Help You Overcome Your Fears

Fear and anxiety can be overpowering and keep you from accomplishing tasks. Fortunately, there is a better way to overcome your fears through the ancient art of meditation. Anyone can achieve this through guided practice and time. I'll explain to you how meditation can help you overcome your fears in this article so you can conquer it. 


One of the main aspects of fear is brought on by intimidation of the event or thought that does not subside until after the fact. Through mediation, the mind becomes quieted from the over-activity that feeds into fear. It allows a person to detach one's self from the negative emotion that is being triggered. In order to learn how meditation can help you overcome your fears you must first master the skill required to become centered. 


Meditation has been scientifically proven to effectively treat stress and anxiety, two factors that are commonly associated with fear. By learning the art of meditation you will be able to take control of your mental state and reach the calming response that will allow you to conquer your fears. Meditating trains your brain to respond differently to the negative thoughts and emotions that automatically occur when fear is brought on.


This ancient practice requires one to clear the mind of all thoughts. This may take time to achieve, but even practicing for short moments at a time will help you to practice regular meditation. The main principal to meditating is to focus on one thing, usually a calming and relaxing technique. The easiest way to achieve this is by concentrating on taking breaths.


To begin, find a comfortable space that is quiet to sit or lay down. Close your eyes and try to erase all negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Take in a deep breath and slowly exhale. Focus on your breaths as you slowly inhale then slowly exhale. Release the negative energy that is contributing to your fears as you exhale. Continue taking slow, deep breaths, concentrating on making the next breath even slower than the one before. 


As you remain calm and concentrate on breathing, you are taking control to quiet the mind. Occasionally, a disruptive thought may occur. Rather than focus on that thought and letting it overcome your mental focus, let it go. Strive to maintain a passive attitude to dismiss any thoughts that may distract you from your goal of meditation. 


Learning how meditation can help you overcome your fears will allow you to desensitize yourself from the internal or external stimuli that brings on the feelings of fear. You become aware of the impending thought or concern and are able to control your mental focus in order to detach yourself from it. 


Techniques For Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

There are many exercises you can do to unleash the power of your subconscious. However, it is recommended that you choose just one to start with. The goal is to be fully focused and to avoid dispersing.


1. Mental visualization


The subconscious is very sensitive to the power of images. It has no temporal notion and evolves in an eternal present. This means that when you imagine that you have accomplished a goal, your subconscious will not distinguish between what will be achieved in the future, and the desire already fulfilled. 


This representation will trigger the same physiological effects in you as reality. You will therefore feel positive emotions which will strengthen your winning mindset. There is a ripple effect where your subconscious will be even more stimulated.


Each day spend about 10 minutes visualizing positive scenes of what you want to accomplish in your life.


Here are some visualization examples, if you need some inspiration:


* An exciting job

* A beautiful house

* Holidays in dream destination

* Constructive and healthy relationships

* Anything you want to manifest in your life


To increase the power of visualization even further, be sure to emit strong positive emotions. By doing this consistently, you will eliminate everything that slows you down on a daily basis (fears, worries, doubts ...)


2. Positive affirmations


Positive affirmations are short sentences, which you send to your subconscious, to direct your thoughts towards the goals you want to achieve. All the affirmations that you repeat to yourself over and over again will transform your life and shape your mind. Your thoughts will become a powerful tool in creating your reality.


In order for exercise to work and provide fast results, you must follow these few rules:

  • Affirmations should be positive and formulated in the present tense. Your subconscious, as mentioned earlier, has no notion of time and simply recognizes the present moment. A future or negative formulation will therefore have no effect, since it is not compatible with your subconscious.
  • Your emotions should be in line with your statements. Whatever words you say, make an effort to feel the corresponding emotions. Your subconscious will be more inclined to believe it.
  • Be regular and diligent. Affirmations only work if you repeat them several times a day. Make them part of your morning or evening routine so you don't forget them.


3. The influence of your environment


Your subconscious follows the same relentless logic as a computer. It is indifferent to the nature of the environment in which you live. He is simply content to form his beliefs blindly on the basis of all the information received and heard. If you are constantly exposed to negative thoughts, or live with people complaining all day long, your plans and mood will suffer.


Surround yourself with good energies and agree to sort out your relationships. Leave room to welcome new people who match your values ??and your current outlook. Focus on people that pull you up and energize you.


It is important to be consistent and diligent to see the results of your programming. As soon as you start to experience positive results it will provide you with the motivation to do more. Stick to your daily sessions, and know that these changes are long lasting, powerful, and worth investing in.


The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

You have two minds which are your conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind deals with your daily interactions with the world. It provides you with information via your 5 senses:


* Sight

* Sound

* Touch

* Smell

* Taste


You have thoughts swirling around in your conscious mind all the time you are awake. These thoughts can be negative and harmful to you or positive and empowering. The way that you react to a specific situation is partly due to your conscious mind and a lot to do with your subconscious mind.


Your Subconscious Mind


You store all of your beliefs and life habits in your subconscious mind. Some of these beliefs and habits serve you well and others hold you back in life. A belief that tells you not to leap off of tall buildings is clearly something that you want to hang on to. But a belief that tells you that you are never going to be successful is something that you want to change.


Your subconscious mind allows you to do many things on autopilot. For example, you don’t need to use your conscious mind to remind you to breathe, do you? If this was the case you would never be able to sleep as your conscious mind shuts down during sleep.


But your subconscious mind can also work against you as it will push you to do other things on autopilot that are not helpful such as drinking too much alcohol or doing drugs. It can also produce negative thoughts in your head based on your past. If you want to achieve a goal but failed in the past with this then it can tell you that you will not be able to do it.


You can Reprogram your Subconscious Mind


The good news is that you are not stuck with all of the negative beliefs and habits that exist in your subconscious mind. You can reprogram your subconscious to empower you rather than hinder you. This all starts by controlling what enters your subconscious from your conscious mind.


It really is a “garbage in garbage out” scenario. If you continually feed your subconscious with negativity through the thoughts in your conscious mind then your subconscious will work against you. Your subconscious mind does not distinguish between positive and negative thoughts. It just accepts what your conscious mind feeds it.


The same is true for limiting beliefs. Maybe you were told as a child that “money doesn’t grow on trees”. This is a classic saying that many people tell their children. The problem here is that this can lead your subconscious to hold the belief that money is always going to be difficult for you.


Control your Thoughts


If you want to develop a winning mindset then you have to control your thoughts. You want to ensure that only positive and empowering thoughts permeate through to your subconscious. Your conscious mind is the gatekeeper to your subconscious and if you focus on something often enough with your conscious mind then this will feed your subconscious.


So, if you keep experiencing negative thoughts in your mind then you need to neutralize these with positive thoughts. For example, if you receive the thought that you cannot do something then counter this with a positive thought like “I can do anything”. After a while your subconscious will change this negative belief.


Why You Need A Strong Reason WHY

If you have a winning mindset then you will always be looking to set new goals for yourself to improve your life. You know that setting challenging goals will move you out of your comfort zone and help you to grow as a person. Achieving the goals that you set will reaffirm the belief in your subconscious mind that you can do anything.


The problem is that when you set challenging goals for yourself, they will not be easy to achieve. They wouldn’t be challenging if you could achieve them without breaking a sweat, would they? This means that you are in for some tough times ahead in the pursuit of your goals.


You need a strong WHY


Before you start working on your challenging goals you need a strong WHY. This is the real reason (or reasons) why you are pursuing the goal in the first place. Nobody wants to lose weight because they want to fit into their old clothes, they want to lose weight because they will look so much better and attract a lot of attention.


So when you are writing your WHY statement (yes you need to write it down) it is essential that you are completely honest with yourself. The best way to find out the real reason why you want to achieve a goal is to ask yourself why you really want to achieve it.


Your subconscious will not lie to you. It will tell you that you want to earn an additional $50,000 over the next year because you want to impress your partner, your family or your friends for example. The money itself is not that important. It is the power that the money will give you that is the driving force. You need to write this in your WHY statement.


When you are writing your WHY statement ask yourself how you will feel when you have achieved your goal. Visualize that you already have the extra money or that you have already lost the weight. How do you feel about this? Make these feelings strong by imagining yourself walking into a room with your pockets stuffed with money or your new sexy figure.


What will be the reaction of your friends or whoever it is that you want to impress? Write down all of the emotions that you experience in your WHY statement. This is very important and will go a long way to help you to achieve your goal.


Refer to your WHY statement every day


When you get out of bed in the morning you need to read your WHY statement. If it is very strong then it will inspire you for the day ahead. It is essential that you start the day off in the right frame of mind and a strong WHY statement will certainly do this for you.


You do not have to read your WHY statement out loud if you don’t want to, reading it in your head is OK. The most important thing is that it inspires you and evokes strong emotion so that you will be chomping at the bit to get started.


As you pursue your challenging goals then there will be obstacles that you have to overcome to progress. Some of these obstacles are likely to be major ones that you have never encountered before. If these things overwhelm you, it will be easy for you to lose your motivation. Get out your WHY statement and inspire yourself to carry on.


Sunday 8 May 2022

How to Get Started With Meditation

Meditation has a huge number of incredible benefits, it decreases stress, it improves the memory, it aids mental calmness and much more.


And on his podcast, author Tim Ferriss finds that the one thing that most of his high-performing guests have in common is meditation.


The only problem is that meditation is also very difficult to get started with, or at least that’s the perception. Meditation often seems almost ‘mystical’ and can come with religious connotations. It involves a big commitment of time and a lot of discipline. And many people will work hard at it and still not see any results.


But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re keen to give meditation a go and to see the results for yourself, here are some ways to get started:


The Right Approach


The first tip is simply to approach meditation in the right way and to have the right expectations. If you’re expecting to become enlightened overnight, then you’ll be disappointed. Likewise, you shouldn’t expect that something is going to ‘happen’. 


Instead, try to view meditation, to begin with at least, as a tool for helping you relax and just feel a little more at ease. The idea here is to let your thoughts pass by without engaging with them and to thereby get a ‘break’ from stress and anxiety and busy thoughts. Eventually, this can become a very relaxing place to ‘escape’ to whenever you need to take five.


And if you practice it regularly, the benefits will start to come.


With this in mind, try not to be too harsh on yourself. You’re allowed to scratch your face and you’re allowed to occasionally have distracting thoughts, just keep recentering and keep bringing yourself back.


The Right Strategy


To do this then, try just sitting down somewhere quiet and for ten minutes let your mind relax. Don’t engage with thoughts and instead just be aware of your body in space, and of any sounds you might notice in the background. Don’t ‘do’ anything, just ‘be’.


If you find this hard, then you can use something external to focus the mind. That might mean counting your breaths, or it might mean watching a candle flame. Another method is to use ‘worry beads’ which you can roll between a finger and thumb absent mindedly.




Another great tool to help you get the hang of meditation faster is the Headspace app. This app provides simple meditation sessions that you can digest in small chunks and will talk you through mindfulness. Another option is to use something like Mindwave. Mindwave is an EEG machine that can read your brain waves and thereby assess the level of activity in your mind. This is a very useful tool for gamifying the process of meditation, but it’s not cheap so keep that in mind.


In fact, you can even try using virtual reality in order to combat stress and that would allow you to visit a ‘happy place’ in a much more tangible way!


Why Stress is Really Bad for You

You’ve probably been told before that stress is really bad for you. It’s something that is constantly rammed down our throats and we’re constantly being reminded how stress can cause heart problems, cause weight gain and generally cause all manner of problems.


This is not news then. But what we don’t get told so often is precisely why stress is so bad for us or what it actually does to negatively impact on our health. Read on then and we’ll look at the reasons why stress is actually such a problem and what you can do to prevent it, or at least to limit the negative consequences.


Stress and Your Physiology


The first thing to note is that stress has a profound and direct effect on your physiology. That is to say that it increases your heart rate, it increases muscle tension and it causes your blood to actually thicken. All of this is intended to make us more efficient at combat and better able to run away in order to escape danger. This is all controlled by the body releasing specific hormones, and those include dopamine, adrenaline, cortisol and glutamate among others. These are our ‘stress hormones’ (though some of them are more accurately described as neurotransmitters).


As the heart rate increases and the blood vessels dilate, more blood is sent specifically to the muscles and to the brain with the intention of enhancing focus and physical performance.


This is great news again for fighting and for getting away from danger. But what it also means is that blood is being directed away from your other systems, away from your immune system for example and away from your digestion. When you’re being chased by a lion, or falling off a mountain, those things just don’t really matter quite so much!


The Long-Term Problem


The problem then comes when this is allowed to continue over a longer period of time. In the wild, chronic stress didn’t really exist: we wouldn’t have to worry about things like debt or having a mean boss! 


And when stress doesn’t go away, that means that your immune system and your digestion never get the attention they need. This is why you can end up getting heartburn or becoming ill when you’re constantly stressed.


Meanwhile, your body is consistently releasing adrenaline and your heartrate is consistently beating hard. Eventually this can become a problem as well as you become more and more likely to suffer a heart attack. And remember, your blood pressure has also gone up, making you significantly more likely to experience very high blood pressure.


Likewise, this prolonged state of arousal can lead to a number of other issues. For instance, the heart working this hard for this long can potentially put a lot of strain on you and maybe even lead to a heart attack. Likewise, the constant secretion of adrenaline can eventually lead to ‘adrenal fatigue’. At this point, the body has exhausted its supply of adrenaline, leaving you exhausted and potentially even depressed.


Why Stress Isn’t Always a Bad Thing, and How to Tap Into a Flow State

Your brain releases a large number of hormones and neurotransmitters in response to your cognition. When you are in danger, this leads to the release of dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin to help make you more alert, stronger and faster.


This is the fight or flight response and it’s you at your most powerful.


The problem is that many of us are stressed a lot of the time now and we don’t know how to turn off that fight or flight response. Thus, we try to eliminate stress and think we would be a lot happier if we could.


But the reality is that stress isn’t a ‘bad thing’. Rather, stress is a valuable tool that we should tap into when necessary. The key is not to eliminate stress but rather to control it. In this post, we will look at some ways you can do that.


What is a Flow State?


A great example of stress as a positive thing is the flow state. Flow states are states of heightened concentration, increased focus and lightning reflexes. Often, they are engaged when we partake in extreme sports, or when we’re completely focused on our work or a conversation.


But essentially, the neurotransmitters associated with flow states are very similar to those associated with stress. The only real difference is that you are producing more anandamide (the ‘bliss’ hormone) and more serotonin. In other words, the only real difference is that you are enjoying the experience rather than being afraid of it.


So, if you can tap into that when you’re next stressed, then in theory you can experience those same heightened reflexes and attention whenever you need them.


The key is simply to try and see the stressful situation not as something scary but rather as an opportunity to learn and to develop yourself further. View it as a challenge and your body will adapt accordingly.




Another example of ‘positive stress’ is what’s known as eustress.


Eustress is the type of stress that motivates us to do things when we need to. For example, eustress is the type of stress you experience when you have an exam coming up. This may not feel very nice, but that stress is actually what stops you from spending all day sleeping and motivates you to get up and revise. Studies show that people with no stress response don’t succeed as well in life and end up letting their talents go to waste.


This is something to note next time you need a kick up the rear, just remind yourself why what you’re doing is important and why you need to focus on it. If you can do this, then you can tap into the positive power of stress and stop seeing it as your enemy.


The rest of the time? Just try to distance yourself from that stress response and tell your body ‘Thanks but no thanks’. If you remind yourself why you don’t need to be stressed, often this is enough to do it!


5 Reasons You Need to Stop Stressing NOW

If you’re currently feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burned out, then you are certainly not alone. This is pretty much the status quo for countless millions of people around the globe.


But that doesn’t make it okay! In fact, it makes it even more important that we explore the reasons for this stress and work out ways to stop it.


Here are five reasons why you shouldn’t just ‘put up’ with serious stress.


It Makes You Unhappy


Not only does stress make you extremely unhappy in the moment – kind of by definition – but it can also lead to longer term issues with your mental health such as depression, anxiety, and mental fatigue.


When you feel low, anxious, and depressed, the world will feel as though it has no color. In order to really enjoy the things you’re doing – you need to allow yourself to.


It Damages Your Immune System


Stress forces the body to redirect blood and oxygen away from the organs and toward the muscles. Your body assumes that if you’re very stressed, you must be in danger. Hence you are more likely to need your biceps than your spleen!


Problem is, that this then means that your immune system stops working as well as it should – leaving you open to attacks from harmful bacteria and germs. The result is that you’ll get sick more often, the longer you are highly stressed.


In the long term, stress can actually be dangerous and even cause fatal illnesses.


It Prevents Nutrient Absorption


Likewise, stress causes blood to be directed away from your digestive system (hence the feeling of getting ‘butterflies’). That then means you absorb nutrients less effectively.

Over time, this can result in serious malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies, resulting in a host of other issues.


It Causes You to Make Mistakes


When you are stressed, you will struggle to focus on the task in hand. Simply, whatever it is you’re worried about is going to seem more important.


The more you stress, the more mistakes you’re likely to make and this can lead to all kinds of complications and issues. 


It Damages Relationships


Stress can make you short tempered, it can rob you of the energy you need for socializing, and it can result in you being less pleasant to be around. This has knock on effects and can place strain on your relationships.


If you don’t fix your stress for yourself, think about the impact it’s having on your children or other loved ones.


5 Way to Feel Calmer Instantly

Feeling panicked and overworked? Stressed out all the time and struggling to focus? You just described pretty much the majority of the population.


Unfortunately, being stressed and burned-out is rapidly becoming the ‘new normal’ in a world where we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. The good news is that with the ubiquity of this issue, there is also a large array of options when it comes to treating and solving it. Here are five ways you can feel better almost instantly.




You can go Marie Kondo on your home, or you can just do a little spring clean. Whichever you choose, you’ll find that having a more organized space can instantly help you to feel better about your current predicament.


If you only have five minutes, then just clear your immediate area. It’s often enough!




If you’re feeling very anxious, it might well be because you have allowed your blood sugar to drop. Something as simple as eating a meal can help to boost it back up and significantly improve your mood again. Our moods are tied extremely closely to what we eat, due to the link between our blood sugar and the release of cortisol and serotonin (the stress and feel-good hormones respectively!).


Go for Walk


Walking helps to engage the ‘default mode network’ – the network of brain regions that spring into action whenever we’re not doing something highly active. The result is that your mind wanders and you feel calm and creative. Fresh air and scenic views will do the rest. A five-minute spin around the block is all it takes!




Just five minutes of meditation can be more than enough to help boost your mood and help you to feel better. The aim of meditation is to calm your brain by focussing on something other than the negative thoughts you’re currently experiencing – even if that ‘something else’ happens to be nothing at all!


Just set a timer for five minutes, and make an effort to push all concerns out your brain. It’s that easy!




Another way that you can overcome stress and anxiety is to exercise. This stimulates the release of serotonin, not to mention being extremely good for distracting yourself!

Again, five minutes might well be enough. Just take a moment out and do 30 push ups. You’ll get the blood circulating and feel better in no time.

How Meditation Can Help Creativity

How do you encourage creativity?


The unfortunate irony, is that the more you try to ‘force’ your creativity, the less likely it is to come. The less likely you are to have that ‘aha’ moment.


The reason for this, is that when we try and force anything, we become stressed – physiologically aroused. We produce more adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones. And as such, we narrow our focus onto the thing we think is most pressing.


Creativity on the other hand, happens when we are relaxed. This in turn allows the mind to wander – to explore different memories and knowledge and to make unique connections out of those disparate topics. They say that all new ideas are just recombination of old ones!


A 2000 study from Slovenia shows that ‘coherence’ in the brain is critical for creativity – that means disparate brain areas working in unison. 


Meditation can help greatly in encouraging this then. When you meditate, you will be able to encourage a state of calm, that will allow you to access novel ideas and connections.


What’s more, is that you can use specific types of meditation in order to encourage this. One example is Cal Newport’s ‘Productive Meditation’. This is a form of meditation where – rather than completely empty your mind – you focus on a particular problem or creative pursuit and then try to come to a solution.


When was the last time you just sat and thought about something that was important to you?


When you do this, you will be able to actually practice using the parts of the brain we use for imagination and creative thinking. These include the ‘default mode network’. This is the network of brain regions that fire when we are not engaged with a task.


Interestingly, studies seem to show that we need to utilize a combination of both the default mode network and the executive control network in order to come up with useful ideas. In other words, freeflowing nonsense that occurs when you’re falling asleep or drunk is not useful. But ‘mulling a topic over’ on the other hand can be extremely useful.


So, the next time you have a challenge, or you want to come up with a creative solution to a problem – take a moment out and ‘think on it’. Meditate on the subject, then let your mind just wander. 


A creative solution may just come to you.


How to Meditate ALL Day for Amazing Results

When we think of meditation, we tend to think of the most common form of the practice – or at least the one we see most commonly depicted. That is of course, the kind synonymous with the image of a sage guru sitting cross legged, hands perched on their knees, with their minds calm, chanting ‘OM’.


While this is one example of a form of meditation, it is far from the only one. Just as beneficial in fact – if not moreso – is practicing focussing the mind during your daily activities. 


Because what meditation is really, is nothing more than focus. Meditation is what happens when you choose to focus your mind on something, rather than letting it bounce from one thing to the next. And the result is that you stop feeling so panicked and forget all those unhelpful thoughts that may have been racing through your mind before.


Many of the activities we engage in daily can already be considered as ‘meditative’. A good example is reading a book, or even watching a good film. Have you ever been to an amazing film at the theatre, then been completely disoriented when you exit? Because you aren’t sure what time it should be, or how long you’ve been in there? That’s because you’ve been so transfixed on what you were doing, that everything else fell aside.


The same thing happens when you read a good book. Put it this way: you can’t be engaged in an enthralling read and worrying about what tomorrow might bring. These two activities are mutually exclusive.


Now your objective is to bring that same sense of calm focus into other parts of your life. 

Take ironing for example. While you might be ironing while you watch TV, you may also find that at times, you iron as you allow your mind to go blank. You focus purely on the activity itself – the ironing – and everything else seems to fall away.


There’s something about the repetitive motion of moving an iron back and forth that can be perfectly meditative. You just have to let it! So, calm your mind and choose to think about nothing else. If you can do this, then you will be able to turn ironing into meditation.


From there, the next step is to try becoming meditative while you’re washing the dishes. Then maybe while you’re walking.


How to Overcome Social Anxiety With Mindfulness

Social anxiety is something that can be crippling for some people. This prevents us from being able to talk in public, meet new people, or in some cases even go to the shops. It’s also one of the most common forms of anxiety there is.


In fact, almost all of us will experience it to some degree.


But while there’s no simple cure to this complex problem, using mindfulness can certainly make a huge difference. 


What is Mindfulness and How Can it Help?


When we think of mindfulness, we might think of mindful meditation. In fact, though, this is only one facet of a larger topic. 


Really, mindfulness just means being more mindful and aware of your own thoughts. It means being a little ‘self-reflective’. 


In the case of a phobia or an anxiety like social anxiety, that effectively means learning to better recognize the stress-inducing thoughts that are causing your anxiety.


An example might be that you think:


“I’m going to stutter, and everyone will laugh.”


Or perhaps:


“What if what I say is stupid?”


The first step is in identifying precisely what it is that you’re afraid of. And from there, you can go about tackling it head-on.


Cognitive Restructuring


That then, is when the next part comes in: cognitive restructuring. This is the process of understanding your negative thoughts, and so deciding that you’re going to get rid of them.


How do you do this? One way is by disproving them.


So for instance, if you’re afraid that if you stutter everyone will laugh, then you should try testing that theory. This is called ‘hypothesis testing’. Build up the courage to allow yourself to stutter, or just observe the next time it happens naturally. Do people laugh? Or are they kind?


You can also try something called ‘thought challenging’ to just pick apart the statement and see how accurate it’s likely to be.


Are your friends the sort of people to laugh at you?


Do you normally say stupid things?


Of course, this still takes a lot of time and practice. Actually, changing your beliefs is extremely hard. But using these tools it is possible to overcome your fear. 


And one last tip: try adding in new beliefs. For example: what does it matter if people laugh at you anyway? Are you that wrapped up in your own ability to speak? If you’re training to get better, then let a few idiots laugh!