Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Sunday 20 March 2022

How Meditation Helps Insomnia

Insomnia simply is a chronic inability to sleep. I have had many restless nice with only a few hours a sleep. Many nights I would only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I had tried everything to help me sleep. I tried things like Tylenol. Mild nerve pills and even was tested for sleep apnea and had a breathing machine to use at night for the sleep apnea. That machine made me feel as if i could not get any oxygen. Insomnia can make you crazy after a while. 


I was having a very difficult time breathing with it. I had to quit using the machine because it was so uncomfortable. I was getting very irritable from not sleeping so a friend told me how using mediation helped her. I went on the computer and found out many ways meditation helps people for many different problems. The first thing I learned is that having insomnia can also be a mind thing. 


You can actually train your mind to go without sleep. I know that I think about the struggles I go through every day and keep that on my mind so I cannot sleep well. Through meditation I have learned to calm down, relax and know that getting so upset over things I cannot change will just make things worse. Now when I come home after a exhausting day I don't let things bother me so much. I actually first started my mediation in the morning before I left and again when I get home. 


In the morning I get up about 30 minutes earlier then the rest of the family so I can have time to myself. I go into the kitchen get a book I like or a newspaper, fix me some coffee and just meditate before I have to start my hectic day. When I come home at night I know that with my insomnia I will have another restless night so I start preparing for my night after I get supper cooked the dishes done and kids to bed. 


For my meditation at night I will first relax by listening to soothing music. I will turn on a music channel on my television and just kick back and relax. I then get in a hot tub and sit there and let the hot water sooth me. After I get out of the tub I do not wait to go to bed. Since my body is now very relaxed I go straight to bed. I have learned by staying awake watching TV after I am so relaxed will only make it harder for me to sleep. 


Since I used my meditation while listening to comforting music and relieving my tension with a hot bath why get upset by watching television. I turn my fan on low get under the covers take some deep relaxing breaths and go to sleep. I'm not saying that I am cured and get 8 hours of sleep every night but I can say that using mediation to relax me has helped me at least get a couple of extra hours of sleep then I use to. 


My husband also turns on the little clock radio to a country channel and leaves it on low all night to help him get some sleep. You have got to remember meditation is simply clearing your mind of thoughts that upset you. Once you have cleared your mind over whatever is bothering you it will be to your benefit. 


Relaxing is the key to having a better day and night. So find a way of meditation that will help you relax and just enjoy your night. You are worth it and most of all after all you do for everyone you deserve to have a few moments of relaxing meditation.


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How To Relieve Stress By Meditation

The word meditation simply is defined as to be in a continuous contemplative thought or to simply just think about doing something. We all have different types of stress in our lives. Some of us our stressed out over a job, or maybe a relationship, or children, or if you are like most of us you are stressed over finances. Taking the time to meditate in your own relaxing way will help with the stress you are feeling. I have learned that worrying about what is stressing you will not help solve the situation that is upsetting you.


You may think that taking time out of your already busy life to meditate is ridiculous. But it is not ridiculous it will absolutely help calm your nerves which will help you relax enough to sit down and calmly work out the situation that is upsetting you. I found that I can relax and meditate by sitting and relaxing in a hot bubble bath. If you are worried about not having enough time to sit and relax in a hot tub maybe you can just go outside for a breath of fresh air and take time to just collect your thoughts. After everything has calmed down you can then take the time to take a hot relaxing bath. 


If the kids are stressing you out you know how easy it can be to lose your temper with the kids, So things don't get out of control you can do breathing exercises to help meditate you. Let the kids go outside for a few minutes or maybe let them watch a movie or whatever they like to do within reason for a few minutes so that you can get your thoughts together when meditating. Breathe in and out slowly and take time to think about what options you have to control the situation that has upset you. With having to deal with our children, our jobs, our relationships, and our finances it's a wonder we all can even go on every day. 


Find a way of meditation that will work for you and you will see that even if it's for only a few minutes that will be a few minutes you don't have to worry about things. If you don't want to go on the Internet to find ways to relax then go to your library in your town. There will be many, many books on relaxation by meditation. When you are in a place like the library you can actually just relax in that environment where it is quiet and relaxing. Get you 2 or 3 books and find the one that will help you the most. 


You know you can also write down notes on the other books you have read. Maybe check out a couple of books that talk about different ways of meditating and write down the chapters that interest you the most. Even if you start out by just learning how to have peace of mind that is a very big accomplishment. After you have found peace of mind you can then start working on the daily things in your life that has left you feeling empty inside. Remember you can have the life you have dreamed of if you just take the time to learn ways to help you with relaxation techniques. You can find fulfillment in your life and defiantly make a difference in your life and the lives of others who feel the pressures of everyday life. 


Whether you find meditation and relaxation techniques through books, tapes, or even exercises you will find that when your life is free of every day stress you can then start to find solutions to the many different problems in your life in a calm peaceful way. You can go on line and find self-help tapes about meditation. Do you want to just settle on a life that can make you miserable day after day? You may feel so empty inside that you feel as if you have no purpose in life. 


You have to remember you are using your thoughts in your mind to meditate so you want to take the time to clear out all the negative feelings you have in your mind so that you can concentrate on how to improve your life and make a goal for yourself. Meditation can help. When you take the time to relax and really stop and think about things that are going on in your life you can also find that you are relaxed enough by meditating to find solutions to many different things you question in your life.


Learn More About The Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, singlehandedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing else even comes close. In this article I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art.


The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are at peace.


Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. What this means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self. 


This link gives rise to the flow of intuition and wisdom.


Meditation strips away the layers of false identity that mask your True Self from shining through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their nonsense you can reside in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at ease with life, existence and yourself.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. 


Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


The parts that are not put on but are natural. This will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering the art of living and discovering your true talents, gifts and purpose. That which you love, you do for its own sake without the need for reward of accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal and independence.


Enlightenment: This is the one ultimate purpose of meditation. To help you discover the True Non-Dual Nature of Reality. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Take your time and practice meditation today so that you can start feeling better real soon. This is going to be a life changing experience for you if you can make the most out of it and really start being a much more positive person, there is no doubt about that. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Good luck and enjoy your meditation practices each day. 


Meditation: Explanations About It

For sufferers of insomnia inability to relax physically and mentally well enough to sleep is often a problem. Thoughts race and make it difficult to shut down and get to sleep until it is nearly time to get up again. The nightly routine of fighting with a racing mind in hopes of a few minutes of unbroken sleep becomes their routine. This article was written to give insomniacs tips as well as advice that is geared toward falling asleep easily. Meditation will always be beneficial.


The first thing we need to do in this battle against insomnia is discuss the problem with your doctor. Often there is a medical reason behind sleep difficulties.


Staying away from sleeping pills is the next thing you should do. Sleeping pills can cause addiction problems as well as add other issues that can cause insomnia defeating their purpose. Sleeping pills also impair mental acuity. Placebo studies have shown patients who were given a placebo actually slept better and were more refreshed than those who were given sleeping pills. 


After that you need to keep in mind that there in not a quick-fix for insomnia. While there may be instances that popping a pill can take care of the problem; insomnia isn't one of those instances. There can be many reasons for insomnia which sleeping pills wouldn't address, and chemically induced sleep is not as refreshing as the real thing. Having a routine will also help you to get enough rest as well as keep insomnia at bay. If you keep track of when you go to bed and when you get up for several days you will most likely find a pattern. Often insomnia can be treated by setting a schedule and following it while watching your sleep patterns. You need to be exposed to natural light daily as well. 


Going outside to get natural sunlight is also important. You need sunlight for over-all health in addition to stabilizing your sleep patterns. Meditation can improve sleep, you can also try listening to soft music in the evening to help you relax. Daily exercise is important for the brain as well as the body. Exercise can help you relax and ensures a deeper, more restful sleep. It is a good idea to have a dark, cool, quiet place to sleep with a comfortable and well supported sleeping surface. You should sleep in your bed instead of in a chair reclined in front of a television set. 


Start your sleep period by relaxing your body starting with your toes and working your way up until your whole body is relaxed. Proper diet plays a large part in sleep habits. You need to get enough vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. St John's Wort can improve mood if you are suffering from depression, which commonly occurs in people with insomnia. Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba can help with concentration during the day as well. Before starting any supplements you should seek the advice of a licensed medical professional and through meditation. 


Meditation Can Help

As you exhale, listen to the sound and associate it with the word Ham. As a guide, So sounds as does if you are saying it in English. Ham could actually be written as Hom, as the in Ham is very weak.


Meditation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines. The benefits of regular meditation are numerous, too many to list, yet peace of mind is one of the greatest.


Try listening to our Let Go recording (see holisticmakeove m link below) which utilizes brain-mind technology to effortlessly guide you into a meditative state.

Avoid all drugs. Even “just” marijuana “only once in a while” hinders intuition and clouds your mind for weeks afterwards.


Try meditating with someone you love or with a group of friends. The combined energy will help you go deeper.


You may be sensitive to something you’re eating or drinking. Pick a day and eat lightly, perhaps about half of what you usually do. Consume what you know will be easy to digest, such as lightly steamed vegetables. 


You should be able to focus more easily provided you feel lighter and more alert.

Certain supplements, herbs, and medications, especially if they affect your mood, may be disagreeing with your system and causing you to be scattered. Ask your doctor or health professional for alternative recommendations or if you can do without them for a while. If you keep asking God or your guides or angels of the Light how you can be more successful with meditation, you’ll eventually become aware of effective ways to go deeper and focus better. 


You’ll be a pro in no time.


If you’re still having trouble perceiving anything, jump start the process by using your imagination. Tell yourself you’ll perceive the first image, thought, or feeling, in response to any of the questions or instructions in the script, on the count of three. Then count one, two, three and provide a picture or thought from your imagination or memory. Continue this process until other images that feel more related to the issue you are exploring start filtering into your mind.


Try relaxing music. Experiment with different kinds to test which works best for you.

Whatever works the best for you is what you should be thinking of trying out. Meditation can change your life for the better and once you begin feeling better you will know that you definitely made the best choices by choosing this to help you along the way throughout this difficult life. 


Learn more about meditation the next chance that you can because your life will be ever changing because of it. There is more to be learned about it even to this day. Things are going to be different in your life and meditation can be the reason for your healing and becoming a much more positive person that is happier and healthier. 


The internet is the best place to locate information about meditation, and there are many wonderful websites that could provide you with tons of information. 


Sunday 13 March 2022

The Value of Spiritual Self-Discovery – 1

When people embark on a journey of self-discovery, they usually focus on the physical and emotional side of their personality. Rarely do people consider the importance of spiritual self-discovery, even if they identify as spiritual side to their personality. When we take the time to explore the part of our psyche that we sometimes call spirit or soul, we discover a unique and different aspect to our personality we may not even have realized existed. 


We are people made up of physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional dimensions. We experience the world and the experiences we go through in the world, by looking at them through these dimensions. This is not new. We know that humanity has always considered these dimensions. Roman and Greek mythology, Roman astrology and ancient religions are all testimony to the very real role that spirituality has played in human development.


We perhaps identify best with the moment we see a magnificent sunrise, or an amazing act of nature that leaves us in a state of bewilderment and wonder, recognizing there are things in our life that are beyond our ability to control. We have a conscious or unconscious desire to know this power and it is what we can term spirituality. 


When people think of spiritual wellbeing, they usually think of God. Whoever or whatever they conceive “him” to be. Some consider him a supreme being and others consider him as “the man upstairs” a belligerent father figure. Still others reject the concept of any sort of being, and find their spirituality in the earth, or in nature. 


So how do we discover the spiritual side of our personalities? Some people discover it through embracing formal religion, others discover it through yoga or some other form of meditation that causes them to focus in on themselves and still others go on a journey of self-discovery and call this a religious experience. 


Some have compared this spiritual awakening with a heightened sense of experiencing. As we allow our inner selves to experience life at a deeper level than just what seems obvious around us, we begin to relate to things in a different way. 


In whatever we choose to embrace the spiritual side of our personality, when we do focus on spiritual self-awareness, we usually discover we come alive in our personality and this has an effect on how we relate to self and others. 


The Value of Spiritual Self-Discovery – 2

We have established that to embrace our spiritual side we need to acknowledge it exists. As we embark on a journey of spiritual self-discovery, we often find aspects of our personality and our character we didn’t know about before. Most people find it awakens something inside them that they describe as “completing them” or “filling a hole” in their lives. 


We subconsciously or consciously make bargains with “god” when we find ourselves in a position of need. For many people, this moment maybe considered a moment of spiritual awakening. This is for most people, the time when they stop asking for proof of a higher being and start talking or acting as if there is one. 


 Once the situation has resolved, for many, life continues without any more thought of “god” until another crisis and then the automatic response is to turn thoughts once again to help from something or someone outside our conscious control. For others though, that moment of self-awareness and spiritual awakening, stimulates something in them and they start to question reality, as they know it. People who go through a spiritual crisis or who choose to change religions often experience this moment in a different way. They may find themselves rejecting their existing and questioning relevance. The end of such questioning for some people may lead to the choice of a completely different spiritual path. 


Some people think of having faith or a spiritual awareness is like following something blindly without proof. Whilst in the early days of a spiritual awakening this may seem an uncomfortable place to be in for many people, once embarked on, most people come to accept there are many things in our lives we accept without proof. We know for example that humankind will live and die, or we will feel sleepy and need to sleep at night. Our experiences train us to believe that things happen and we anticipate them happening.


When we embrace spirituality, we are embracing something that enables us to find our place in the universe. We all ask ourselves, “why am I here’ and “where am I going.” Whatever we call our spiritual reality; these are two fundamental questions we ask ourselves. Spirituality helps us to discover the answers to those questions. Spiritual self-discovery can be a journey that embraces our true humanity. It provides us with a sense of personal “completion” and wholeness. 


Project Based Self-Discovery

A great way to learn about yourself is to blog your way through a project. A recent popular film, showed a woman blogging her way through her project to cook a recipe every day from a cookbook written by a celebrity cook. As she blogged her thoughts, reactions, successes, and failures each day as she wrote her blog, not only did she amass a great number of readers following her adventure, she learned much about herself and her partner. 


Choose a project you have wanted to do for a while. Assemble all the resources you need to complete the project and create a blog online to record your efforts and your thoughts about them. If you prefer, use an offline journal you can write in. Reflecting is an important part of the road to self-discovery.


Blogging or journaling is about keeping a diary as a place to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and successes. As you look back on it in the future, not only will you learn a lot about yourself, it will also be a lovely way to remember the project, especially if you add photos to it regularly throughout the project. 


As you complete your project every day, take time to write down what you did, whether you were happy with your achievement, what you felt about you did and what difficulties you faced. Write down any solutions you created for the difficulties and how well they worked for you. Don’t be afraid of using honest words, especially if the blog or journal is for your eyes only. This is the place you can be truly yourself and express yourself without fear of rejection or ridicule. 


As you work on your project, try to experience a sense of excitement that this project so long put off is finally being given priority in your life. Then write how you feel about the things you did today and how satisfied you were with your efforts. Write about everything, you can think of that relates to the project... You may choose to write about whether you put felt some parts of the project were too difficult, or maybe very self-satisfying. Perhaps you realized that interruptions to your focus make you irritable. 


The lessons we learn as we complete this project and journal our responses, will be invaluable tools for identifying our personal strengths and weaknesses. 


Self-Discovery Is Learning We Are Responsible for Our Own Happiness

We spend a lot of time looking outside of ourselves for happiness. We might feel happiest when affected by alcohol or other mood changing substance. We might need our family or friends around us to feel happy or we might think that losing weight or becoming fit is the way to happiness.


Whilst these things may contribute to our happiness, our true happiness is within us and as we find ourselves, accept ourselves and embrace ourselves only then can we find true happiness that doesn’t rely on external forces to keep us happy. 


This can be one of the most freeing thoughts of all self-discoveries. Once we learn this fundamental lesson, we determine how we react when things are not going well around us. Until that moment, things happening around us often create the responses and feeling of sadness or happiness that accompany them.


 Many people think of happiness as positive emotions. We associate happiness with feelings and emotions can range from feeling contented to feeling pure joy. While to think of happiness being in terms of an emotional response is normal, happiness is something that transcends emotions. 


We put a lot of unfair pressure on the people and situations in our lives when we expect them to be the sources of those positive emotions. Unless we are happy within ourselves, it’s likely our relationships will never live up to our expectations. They may add to our happiness, but they can never be the source of it. Henry Miller said, “I have no money, no resources and no hopes, but I am the happiest man alive.”


How do we find our personal happiness? Happiness is, as much about an attitude of mind as a response to it, so to find happiness we first need to change our attitudes. We cannot be happy all the time, but we can learn to put strategies in place from within ourselves to create inner happiness despite external circumstances.


Perspective is the creator of happiness and it may also be the destroyer of it. Training ourselves to remain positive and content is an important life skill. Once learned it will help us maintain healthy emotional responses to every situation, we find ourselves facing. Alain-Rene Lasage once said, “I am happy and content because I think I am.” This is the state of understanding of self; we all need to aim at reaching. 


Different Forms Of Meditation

There are no special tricks to meditating; no special posture or breathing rhythm is required. Once you have gotten the knack of it you can meditate anywhere during any activity. Some readers have succeeded in reaching this altered state of conscious while reading about my sand meditation, perhaps you too may realize this transformational state of consciousness as you read on.


Sometimes meditation opens a door into the mysteries of creation. If we allow ourselves to pass through this door there is no telling what we may encounter on the other side. Do not become discouraged if you have tried to meditate in the past and not gotten any remarkable results. Meditation is a mystical process and it may take a while to learn how to quiet your mind and open yourself to all the present moment has to offer you. 


My meditation began while sitting on a beach. My hands were sandy. I rubbed my thumb and forefinger together feeling the grains of sand between them slipping away until only a single grain of sand remained.


I could feel the shape of the grain of sand distinctly as I rolled it back and forth between my thumb and forefinger. 


The longer I rolled the grain of sand about the more defined my awareness of the grain of sand became. The more detailed my experience of the grain of sand became the larger it appeared to be.


While I could clearly feel the tiny grain of sand trapped between my thumb and finger roll about across the grooves and ridges of my fingerprints the grain of sand appeared to be growing larger and larger as I contemplated it. 


The grain of sand continued to grow, encompassing the beach and then the world. Before long the grain of sand had grown to an infinite size and it now encompassed all of creation; yet I still held the tiny grain of sand between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it about across the grooves and ridges of my fingerprints.


The tiny grain of sand was intimately connected to every part of creation and all of creation existed within it, even as it existed within my grasp. I communed with the grain of sand, aware of its infinite connectedness to everything else; through the medium of the grain of sand I became aware of my own infinite connectedness with all of creation.


The sand spoke to me of eternity. It told me tales about creation and the infinite nature of our existence in creation. From the grain of sand, I learned that every tiniest part of creation is a living being experiencing creation and sharing in the process whereby creation makes everything manifest.


My meditation with a grain of sand always produced a feeling of intense bliss. It was an eternal meditation that transcended the time and place where it began to continue throughout all of creation. From time to time, I would return to this meditation, engrossed by the wisdom and experience of a single tiny grain of sand.

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Finding Relief With Meditation

I would like to take you beyond the limits of your customary thoughts and experiences. This new way of life begins with two questions that are very simple. The first question is would I want this to be true: "Every event that will befall me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur." Meditate before answering this so that you can think about it with a clear mind and answer it truthfully. The second question is the more difficult part, is to truthfully answer this question: Will I give that a chance to be true? 


Imagine using meditation that God has appeared before you this instant and said: "I promise you that everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune," Suppose God went on to tell you, “Even though what happens will appear at times unfortunate or even hurtful, in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever may happen to you. Stop and meditate. How would you feel about that wonderful news? Happy? Perhaps you may even be filled with joy.


Wouldn't it be the greatest news that you could ever hear? Wouldn't you heave a deep sigh of relief and feel as if a great burden had been lifted from your shoulders? Wouldn't you then respond to the next thing that happened-even if it was hurtful or took something from you or seemed bad or even unlucky-as though it was going to be wonderfully beneficial for you, the best possible thing that could have happened? If you have not enthusiastically answer yes, clear your mind, meditate on it. Perhaps you mistaken what I am talking to you about. 


I am not talking to you about the common phrase we commonly hear, "try to make the best of things," which basically means " The situation or event really is bad and terribly unlucky, but do what you can possibly think of or meditate to salvage some good out of it." Nor do I mean that within even the worst event possible, there can be found a tiny bit of good. I am not thinking in terms of such limited ideas. I am thinking in unlimited terms, where every event that befalls you is absolutely the best event that could occur-that there is no other event imaginable that could benefit you to any greater degree.


So, again, while you meditate ask yourself wouldn't that be the best piece of news you could hear? If you are willing to give this new concept a chance and actually believe that everything that happens to you will happen for a reason. When thinking about anything, to get a great deal of relief just clear your mind and meditate about the good things that are to come to you in the future. Meditation can be much better than medication and you might just be really surprised how much better you will begin feeling after practicing it for a while.


How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking

Is it true that meditation can help you quit smoking? Have you ever thought about it? Can we possibly do something that easy to make you stop smoking? Everything is possible. What I am going to tell you in this article is what I have found. What you can do to stop smoking.


Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses. 


When people meditate you become more relaxed and clam about your everyday life. Some people smoke more when they are stressed. This is a proven fact. People often chain smoke because they are under stress. Your mind becomes weak from stress resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal. So, there for when someone is constantly stressing and if you just take a second or however long you want, begin the process of meditation. 


We already know that the cost of smoking is very expensive. When you smoke more than one pack a day, the cost that you are spending is very high. You probably do not realize that within a year’s time you can probably spend almost half of your earnings on smoking. Just think what you could have done with that money if you found what could help you stop smoking. Meditation could be one of the methods that could help you stop smoking. 


Meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in many different ways. The person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. 


They say quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to quit. You have to put your mind into it. If you do not have your mind set to something then it will not be a focus. Meditation can help you get that mind frame that you are looking for. You have to take many things in consideration when wanting to quit a bad habit. It is very stressful and sometimes you will not succeed on your first try, but do not give up. There are other ways out there.


If you find out that meditation is not the way for you, then there are many other options out there you can find. Contact your local doctor or research it online. There are over the counter medicines out there you can try. You just have to find out what works best for you.


Healing Your Past With Meditation

We all know it is not possible to roll back time or undo or change bad decisions we made in the past, however using meditation we can change the way we feel about the bad decisions we made in the past so that they will stop tormenting us here in the present. We all carry a lot of baggage from the past, such things as maybe a broken heart, hurt feelings, or bad memories of friends or loved ones that have lied, cheated, or betrayed us, events that may have brought us pain, or we may torment ourselves over opportunities we may have missed out on or even wrong choices we made in our lives.


We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to let things in the past we cannot change take over our present lives. Meditation is simply collecting our thoughts in a relaxing atmosphere. If you take the time to learn how to heal your past it will enable you to be happy in the present. You may ask how can you heal the past? You can look at past situations you cannot change in a brighter light with a new understanding on the events in the past have hurt you. When your by yourself in a quiet place start your meditation. 


Think about how whatever may have happened to you in the past may even be a benefit to you. You know how bad you felt when something or somebody said or did something to you that you felt that you had no purpose in life or was not good enough to associate with others. Meditating about how those things in the past made you feel helps you to understand how others who are now in the same situation you were in then feel about themselves.


You know how they feel so you maybe can tell them your experience back then and how you turned it around and made a life for yourself. So many of us just need someone to take the time to just say hello or nice day isn't it? Just a kind word to someone who has had a bad day can make all the difference in the world. My dear sweet mother told me all the time that you can kill more flies with honey. Meditation can make you feel so much more positive and give you a different outlook on life in general, it is something very positive you can do to help yourself. 


What she meant was if you have been around someone that wasn't pleasant or had a bad attitude don't act like that person does, instead just turn the other cheek and it may rub off on the person who has a bad attitude. Meditation could be the key to this happening. So, you see meditation can be used to turn bad situations into something good or even good situations into something great. Shining the light of the new understanding on those events that happened in the past will help you have a feeling of acceptance, peace, and happiness.


Changing Habits That Are Deeply Ingrained in the Subconscious

Ever trying changing a habit so desperately only to find out that something deep within is not willing? You have gone to counselors, the psychologists, spent money on self-help books and running to every sort of seminar that includes the self-help stuff only to find yourself at the same position you were in before? It is said that it is at this moment when the subconscious and the conscious are at logger heads and in most cases the subconscious wins. 


Our habits drive our lives, that is why it is important to bring the bad habits into our conscious awareness and replace them with the obstruct ones to be able to move forward. If you are not yet where you want to be or if you have not yet achieved what you have always desired for a long time then you ought to really examine your approaches to life.


I suggest you prepare a list of how you perceive things around you or your attitude toward life. Of course, you will have those that do not serve you well and you don’t have to beat yourself down because of it, after all you are human. All you have to do is eliminate them completely and replace them with their opposite ones. Say you think that you are looser and you cannot achieve anything in life or that life is way too hard whatever your perception is, your subconscious takes it in and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 


So instead of saying that, think of the past achievements or think of how much you can achieve and conquer a lot and how easy life can get if only you apply the right skills. You may not believe it but I advise that you keep doing it, fake it till you make it. Keep repeating those words to yourself as much as possible and no matter how long it takes, you will enjoy its aftermath. 


This exercise requires some time, full time dedication and a burning desire to really do it and achieve your goals otherwise if you easily give up you will not go far. You should set time for some deep analysis of your habits and do more of meditation to help relax your mind. Keep the positive attributes coming until it becomes your new approach to life. Your mind will have a new command to steer you directly into your dreams.


Monday 7 March 2022

Achieving Happiness Through Meditation

There is only one way to achieve happiness. That way is to simply be happy. You are probably thinking right now how do i get to be happy." "Things just don't work like that, it doesn't take into consideration the times that I am miserable because of problems or mishaps that come up in my everyday life, not to mention the tragedies." At this point I have to stop and meditate. Meditation can be done many different ways, just find the one that works best for your purposes. 


Being happy much more of the time than you have been is an incredibly difficult task to accomplish-not in the doing of it once you know how and then in keeping aware of what you have discovered. Yet, I still say that with meditation you can do it! The path that you have chosen that led you to your current situation was not a few days or months in the making, but a long and strenuous path that has spanned through many years.


In reality it has taken you as long as you have been alive to become the way you are today. It has also taken you that long to achieve what you have achieved, to possess, and to arrive at your current condition. By taking the time to meditate and think about who you are, and what you have in your life is truly what you want, if you are completely satisfied with the way your life is going, congratulations - do more of what you have been doing and you will get more of what you already have in your life.


But if who you are, what you want, what you have, and your current conditions are less than what you want or perhaps are different from what you want, you have to start meditating about some basic changes you will need to make in your life. Failure to make those changes will find you continuing to seek the things you really would like in your life as the years pass by.


Because some of this that you are reading will seem impossible, ridiculous, or to you maybe even foolish and it may at first offend you, causing you to ridicule what you are reading and maybe even cause you to reject what you have read. I really want to suggest to you that before you may reject how meditation can help you through your life, ask yourself whether or not you want it to be true-then for your benefit please give yourself the chance to see it as true.


In this day and time with all the things we have to deal with in our lives it is very hard to stay on a positive level and be happy all the time, but just taking a few minutes a day just meditating by yourself will help you keep things in perspective where instead of being unhappy about the situation you are in you can find a way to find the happy part of being unhappy.


Adapting To Change With Meditation

Adapting to any kind of change in your life can be very stressful. The one thing I have learned when it comes to any kind of change is to keep it on a positive level. To do that I stay calm by meditating and keep it all in perspective. I was talking to a friend how I was very apprehensive about a change I would soon have to make in my life. She told me that almost over twenty years ago she had bought a brand-new car and it was parked in an alley next to her house. 


She walked out of the house just in time to see and old VW bus scrape the front fender of her car. As she continued to tell me what happened she let me know she was trying to stay calm and knew she had to meditate and get focused on the situation. She went on to tell me that the driver got out of his car, threw his hat on the ground, then hung his head, holding it in his hands. She knew that he obviously didn't have the money to pay for the damage to her car and he almost started to cry.


My friend still meditating to keep things in perspective walked up to the man and you could tell he was very nervous and expected her to say something like “What an idiot”, “Are you blind”, or just something so mean that he would just feel terrible. As she walked up to the man she simply said don't worry about the scrape and to have a nice day. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He began to cry tears of happiness and hugged my friend. He then ran to his wife who was in the car wondering what they were going to do and he hugged his wife and introduced her to my friend. 


As they were talking my friend told them how she used meditation to keep as calm as possible because she had a temper in the past that caused her a lot of problems. The man and his wife and my friend became the best of friends. Here it is 20 years later and even though the man has now passed away and his wife is in a home for the elderly my friend still visits the woman every week and still talk about the day they had met. 


Using meditation will certainly help you think about the situation you’re in and to not act on impulse, but to handle whatever situation it is you are in you will act responsibly. After my friend and I talked I thought how I could adapt to the change I would have to make by positive thinking and could make a bad situation into something that will have a very special meaning in my life. After our talk, I went home and started using meditation to relax myself and now I feel better about myself and my life.


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Controlling Anger With Meditation

I have never really thought of myself as an angry person. I would always do whatever I could to try and help someone out, nor did I do anything that would hurt someone’s feelings, or I would try as hard as I could not to. Every month we struggle to get by but I really didn't complain. I was just happy that we did have the money to pay our bills and have a place to live even though we barely had enough to survive on after paying the bills. Meditation is very much needed in most people’s lives, no doubt about that. 


Even after all that I did not get angry; That changed last week. I really had to meditate to myself when I went with my sister to the doctor last week. My sister is a very hard worker. She never misses work unless it is absolutely necessary. Last year my sister had become sick and finally after being so weak she went to the doctor. He put her in the hospital and gave her 4 bags of blood and said she had pneumonia.


I just couldn't understand how do you lose blood by having pneumonia. As I meditated thinking about last year I was not prepared to hear what the doctor was going to say as my sister and I were driving to the doctor. You see my sister got sick again. She nearly collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital. This time she needed 5 bags of blood. She would keep telling me she was anemic. After the hospital did a CT scan on her they said she needed to go to her lung doctor immediately. That’s where my sister and I were going.


My sister never wants me to worry so she never told me anything and did not want me to go in the room with her when she went in to see the doctor. After I meditated on this I decided when they called her name I would go back with her, and that's exactly what I did. The doctor came in and you could see immediately the concern on his face. He starting reading the results of her CT scan. He was reading something about her lungs.


He talked about something growing in her nodules and spreading to her lymph nodes. He wasn't saying it was cancer but I knew by what he was reading it was. I didn't want to scare my sister so meditating to myself while he was talking, I asked what does all this mean? Instead of asking is it cancer I asked could it be cancer? 


His response was “Yes mam.” She has to go for a biopsy in a couple of days to see how far it has progressed. I really find myself angry at this point because she has never smoked a day in her life, and here she is 49 years old with lung cancer. So instead of worrying for the next couple of days and getting angry, I simply practice meditation by praying that god please heal my sister.


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