Showing posts with label Self-Belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Belief. Show all posts

Friday 6 October 2023

10 Ways To Nourish Your Soul

It’s easy to lose track of time, health, and well-being because we’re so caught up in this seemingly never-ending rat maze. We don’t know how to slow down long enough to enjoy being alive.


Even relaxing weekends and leisurely getaways are becoming increasingly more difficult to achieve or just, well, blah.


The good news is that you’re not alone. Studies show that nearly 70% of employees feel disengaged in their workplace. And over 50% of young adults report a lack of motivation at work and in life.


While these numbers seem grim, the silver lining is that there are things you can do to bring that sense of inspiration and contentment back into your life.


If you’re looking for a good place to start, this is it!


To help increase your well-being and nourish your soul, we rounded up these 10 easy things you can do each day. Look through them and see which ones make you feel inspired to take that first step and get started.


Slowly, but surely, you’ll notice that everything on this checklist can make your life a little less complicated and make you enjoy living it a whole lot more!


Set Aside Time Each Day to Meditate


When seeking out nourishment for the soul, mind, and body, nothing beats meditation. This simple act of focusing on your breathing as you clear your mind has been proven to enhance memory, sleep, and creativity.


Start with just five minutes each day, then gradually increase. The more time you spend meditating, the more fulfilled and content you’ll feel in life.


Take a Bath


People have known the health benefits of baths for centuries, especially if you add certain ingredients to the water that make you feel rejuvenated and restored.


Medical experts often recommend adding salt, ginger, oatmeal, lavender, coconut oil, and more.


One recipe calls for mixing mustard seed powder, baking soda, Epsom salt, and essential oil. Then, add it to your bath water to replenish your body’s magnesium supply and help boost your overall well-being.


Read More


Nowadays, we have tons of reading options to choose from. You can buy, rent, or borrow books. They come in many forms: paperback, hardback, audio, and screen-friendly files.

Yet, no matter the type of book you’re reading, you can almost always guarantee that you’ll learn something new and engage your brain in some hypothetical situations. Plus, it’ll make you forget about the day’s troubles for a while, which is great for your mental and emotional health.




Volunteering is an amazing opportunity to see how other people are living their lives. By helping them, you get to feel a sense of gratitude for everything you have in your life. Plus, you feel good about yourself and help make their lives a little easier for a while.


Smile More Often


There are plenty of opportunities where you can sneak in a smile here or there during the day. You can smile at that stranger who holds the door for you at the supermarket or the neighbor you meet on your way to work.


The act of putting a smile on your face is enough to send some happy hormones coursing through your veins. So, make it a point to smile more.


Listen to Music


We tend to enjoy different kinds of music at different stages of our life.


You’ll notice that sometimes you’re in the mood for something upbeat and festive. Other times, you just want to enjoy the comfort and peace of listening to something calming and ethereal like classical music or soft jazz.


Whether you’re listening to it sitting down or dancing, music allows you to get rid of stress while spreading positive energy throughout your body.


Spend Time Outdoors


Do you live near a beach? Then, enjoy an hour or two feeling the sand on your feet and the spray of the crashing surf on your face.


You can also get the same effect by spending as little as 5–10 minutes outdoors. Take a walk, cycle, hike, or garden. Or just find a peaceful spot and enjoy the moment.


Not only does the air smell fresh and clean, which is a sure way to lift your mood. But studies show that exposure to adequate lighting each day is necessary to maintain physical and mental health.


Enjoy the Art Scene


It doesn’t matter if you visit local museums, view online collections, or paint something at home. According to one study by the University College London, art has a way of making you feel elated and giddy with excitement.


You can always tell when a piece of artwork appeals to your senses even if you’re not entirely sure exactly why.




Seeing your dresser, kitchen counter, or desk in a state of utter disarray is enough to put a damper on anyone’s mood. It’s a constant reminder of yet one more thing that needs to be done and that we keep putting off.


Yet, decluttering doesn’t have to be exhaustive or anything too drastic. In fact, all you have to do is give yourself the illusion that everything is in order. The quickest way to do that is to straighten up things into neat piles, throw out a couple of items, and dust off the surfaces.


Indulge in Aromatherapy


Whether you opt to go outside and literally smell the roses or use a few drops from a bottle of your favorite essential oil, the end result is the same. Science tells us that our brain releases feel-good chemicals when we smell something we like.


Not only that, but we tend to take long, deep breaths when we like a certain scent or aroma. And just the act of breathing deeply is enough to lower stress levels. Thus, you start to feel relaxed and more in control.


Tuesday 3 October 2023

Staying Connected: Keeping The Spark Alive In Your Relationship

You probably value and care for the relationship you have with your partner more than anything else in your life. However, it seems that lately, we’ve all been busy living.


This hustle and bustle of everyday life can seem like you’re taking your significant other for granted. But then, before you know it, neither of you is getting your needs met.


The good news is there are numerous ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Keep reading to learn how to stay connected and build a loving, nurturing relationship.


Tips to Keeping the Spark Alive in Your Relationship


Take a look at these tips to help you and your partner stay connected.


Schedule Date Nights


People often think that if a relationship is strong enough, it’ll survive anything. While that may be true, you still have to work at it and put in a lot of effort to keep your relationship strong.


That’s where scheduling weekly or monthly date nights and intimate weekend getaways can make a big difference when it comes to strengthening the bond between you. This time apart from work, friends, and family will keep the romance alive and help you stay connected physically and emotionally.


In fact, studies show that couples who have regular date nights are less likely to break up by almost 14%!


Communicate Your Needs


Your relationship should be an environment where each of you can express your needs and desires without criticism. It should also be a safe space where you can talk about sticky or difficult topics without fear of being judged.


Remember that loving someone doesn’t mean pretending that everything is fine and peachy all the time. You should be able to say when something is bothering you and don’t keep it to yourself. Your partner should also feel the same way.


Keeping channels of communication open is one of the best ways to keep your relationship healthy and the spark alive.


Appreciate Your Partner’s Differences


It’s nearly impossible for couples to agree on everything all the time. This causes a lot of arguments that turn into resentment and hurt if not dealt with in the right way.


In other words, you have to learn how to argue constructively rather than just bash each other over the head. The best way to do that is to respect each other’s different points of view.


You can also take it a step further and express gratitude for your partner. This will help encourage more of what you admire about them and the ways they show you love and appreciation in return.


Also, avoid playing the blame game and just forgive. When you embrace forgiveness, you free yourself from feelings of hurt and resentment. Once you release the past, you can start loving your partner for who they really are. You’ll also enjoy being with them and seeing them in this new context.


Be More Affectionate


We all express our love differently. So, make an effort to find out what your partner’s love language is. This will give you an appreciation for all the things they do for you.


The opposite is also true. Your significant other should also be aware of your love language in order to keep your marriage healthy and thriving.


Plus, it can go a long way towards showing your partner that you find them desirable. Doing little things throughout the day can show them how much you love and cherish them and will solidify your relationship and remove any uneasiness or doubt.


See Them Through Other People’s Eyes


Just as it’s essential to spend time alone, it’s equally important to spend time with others. It can help you see your partner in a new light and remind you of all the qualities you love about them.


This is especially true if you’re hanging out with friends or people from work. Seeing your partner talking and engaging with other people allows you to see how cool, personable, and fun they are.


Friday 29 September 2023

10 Ways To Reinvent Yourself When You’re Stuck In Life

Have you been dreaming of doing something completely new with your life? Are you no longer satisfied with your life? Do you often feel like you’re stuck in a maze and can’t find your way out?


Are you thinking about learning a new language or finding a new talent? Or you could be thinking of pursuing a new career.


Forging a new path definitely sounds exciting, but just the idea of starting a new chapter can seem daunting. You’ll have to change certain aspects about yourself, and you don’t know how people will react.


That said, modifying your outlook on life can be truly liberating.


Below are 10 ways to reinvent yourself when you feel stuck in life. They can help you navigate your journey until you fully claim your new you.


Identify Your Core Values


Understanding what your principles and values are is the first step in successfully reinventing yourself. It means you have a clear sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.


It also means that you know what aspects of your life need to be changed, why, and what these changes look like.


Take a Step Back


Too often we’re stuck in a never-ending routine. This makes it difficult to acknowledge how much a fresh start can do us a world of good.


So, one way to start reinventing yourself is to take a step back and identify what you’d like eliminated or added. Ask yourself, “What do I want to change in my life?”


Set Achievable Goals


Once you identify the things you want to change, it’s time to set goals to accomplish these changes.


According to one study, setting realistic milestones on your journey to starting your next chapter in life is more effective if you plan out your goals according to your skills and timeframe.


Then, as you successfully get through each one, you feel more confident and motivated to move on to the next one, and so on.


Remember, it’s all in the way you see things. Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”


Get Creative


Think of all the ways you can get creative and use one—or all—to express yourself. You can paint, sing, write, play an instrument, and more!


The point is to step outside your comfort zone and discover yourself through these forms of expression. Besides having a blast, you’ll be able to get unstuck and reinvent yourself by being inventive and resourceful.


Build Healthy Habits


This includes eating right and making healthier diet choices. This won’t just help you lose weight and stay fit, but it’ll make you feel happier overall.


It also includes exercising 3–5 times a week and getting good quality sleep each night. Having these things as a basic part of your daily routine will help make the path to starting fresh easier and more manageable.


Practice Self-Care


Self-care is when you set aside time out of your busy schedule to take care of you. This could mean reading for an hour, meditating for 15 minutes, or just doing some self-reflection as you stroll through the park.


Taking this time will help you become more aware of your actions, feelings, and thought processes. You’ll find it easier to make small changes and start on the path of reinventing yourself.


Throw Out the Things You Don’t Need


One of the most effective ways to reinvent yourself is to get rid of anything you no longer need or use.


Clutter is all that stuff that isn’t beneficial to you anymore. It just sits there complicating your life and making it more stressful and nerve-wracking.


You can donate, recycle, or sell your old stuff so that there’s no more mess cluttering up your life. That’s when you’re left with the best possible version of yourself.


Surround Yourself with Positive People


It was Jim Rohn who first said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”


Think about it for a second. How do you feel when you’re around negative friends or colleagues? Probably not too good.


Now, think of people you know who have a can-do attitude, who are always positive and upbeat, and who have made something of themselves. How do you feel after spending some time with them?


Not only will you feel better about life in general, but you’ll also become successful and enjoy a more positive mindset as well.


Practice Gratitude


Being thankful each day is closely linked to leading a more fulfilling life. It helps us build strong relationships, improve our health, and enjoy a positive mindset.


Yet, the benefits of showing thanks really come in handy when you’re going through a difficult time. That’s when you can lean on your sense of gratitude to help deal with hardship and come out a stronger, better person for it.


Celebrate Each Milestone


Life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows, hits, and misses. This is why every milestone is worth celebrating and enjoying no matter how small.


Taking time to be proud of your accomplishments will boost your sense of self-worth and confidence. It’ll also make you more determined to forge ahead while building the best version of yourself.


Tuesday 19 September 2023

Top 10 Ways To Better Understand What Makes You Dis-Satisfied With Life

Feeling dissatisfied with life can be a common experience for many people. It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings, but by exploring some of the possible sources of dissatisfaction, you can begin to make changes and improve your overall well-being. In this article, let’s look at the top 10 ways to find what makes you dissatisfied with life.


1. Reflect on your values


Our personal values play a significant role in determining what is important to us in life. If you're feeling dissatisfied, taking a closer look at your values can be a helpful starting point. Reflect on the values that guide your decision-making and consider if they are being met in your life. If you find that some of your values are not being fulfilled, consider ways to incorporate them into your daily life. This can help you to identify areas of dissatisfaction and make changes to better align with your values. 


For example, if you value creativity, consider incorporating creative activities into your routine. Alternatively, if you value social connections, prioritize spending time with friends and family. By prioritizing your values and taking steps to ensure they are reflected in your life, you can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and purpose.


2. Take a deep look at your relationships


Our relationships can have a big impact on our overall happiness and satisfaction with life, from acquaintances to friends to family members. Consider the quality of your relationships and whether they are fulfilling your needs. 


Are you giving more than you are receiving? Perhaps you even have some relationships which bring more negativity than positivity into your life. If you find that some of your relationships are causing dissatisfaction, then consider how you can improve them or seek out new, more uplifting relationships.


3. Examine your career


Our careers can hold a lot of sway into both our joy and satisfaction. People in careers they have little passion for, or jobs with high amounts of stress and negativity, can become easily overwhelmed and dismayed. Consider if your current career is fulfilling your needs, and aligning with your values and needs, and if not, consider exploring new career paths that align more closely with your passions. Doing this can help bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment to your life.


4. Focus on your physical health


Your physical health is an important aspect of your overall well-being. If your physical health is being neglected, then it's possible that this is affecting your feeling of satisfaction in life. Those who make an effort to exercise and challenge themselves physically tend to experience a greater sense of accomplishment as well as capability. Focus on your physical health through exercise, healthy eating, and regular check-ups with healthcare providers.


5. Explore spirituality


Spirituality can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment for many people. You can explore your spirituality through practices like meditation, prayer, or attending religious services. Connecting with something greater than yourself is one of the most common ways that people increase their sense of purpose and meaning. 


6. Examine your financial situation


Financial stress is a common cause of dissatisfaction. The goal is to make sure that your financial situation aligns as closely with your goals. For instance, having a deep desire to take part in a new experience or see a new destination might be inhibited by poor money management. While it may be difficult to cut back and save in the present, it might also be necessary for you to reach goals that you long for in the future. 


7. Assess your living situation


Our living situation can impact our overall satisfaction with life. Assess whether you're contented with your current living situation, and if not, explore ways to enhance it. This could involve improving your current living space, searching for new roommates, or living arrangements, or relocating to a new location. By prioritizing your living situation and ensuring that it aligns with your needs and values, you can create a more comfortable and satisfying living environment.


8. Identify your passions


Passions are activities or interests that bring you joy and fulfillment. The problem is that passions can become easily overlooked in our daily routine. It’s important, then, that you identify and integrate the activities or interests you enjoy most. What do you love and what do you love to do? Next, ask yourself what small ways you can begin to use your time towards those passions. Identify areas of dissatisfaction and make changes to better align with your passions.


9. Practice regular self-reflection


Making time to regularly reflect on your thoughts and feelings is an effective way to identify patterns of dissatisfaction and improve your overall well-being. Consider starting a journal, practicing meditation, or seeking the guidance of a therapist or counselor to guide your self-reflection. By gaining a deeper understanding of your emotions and thought processes, you can identify areas of your life that need improvement and make positive changes. Engaging in regular self-reflection can help you to live more intentionally, cultivate self-awareness, and create a more fulfilling life.


10. Seek the help of a professional


If you are struggling to identify the sources of dissatisfaction in your life, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a professional. A therapist or counselor can assist you in identifying and addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to your feelings of discontent. 


By working through these challenges with a professional, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and learn valuable skills for improving your overall well-being. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, and taking the steps to prioritize your mental health can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


It's not uncommon to experience a sense of dissatisfaction with life at some point. However, it's important to recognize that this feeling doesn't have to be permanent. By exploring the possible sources of discontent, you can identify areas of your life that need improvement and take steps to enhance your overall well-being. 


Friday 15 September 2023

5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

Are you feeling stuck in life and have no idea what to do next? Do you feel paralyzed with fear at the very mention of change?


First off, you should be proud of reaching this state. It’s a good thing because it means you sense that there are things that your life is shifting.


Yet, knowing where to begin or what to do can be overwhelming. So, if you’re facing this decision, then this post is for you.


Below are five steps to help you decide what to do next in your life.


1. Take a Step Back


When you’re looking at what to do next in life, it’s imperative to stop and take a step back. Take a look at the big picture to identify where you want to go and what you want to do.


Too often, we struggle with all the ways of how to get there without fully knowing where ‘there’ actually is. We don’t take the time to highlight what’s working in our lives and what’s not, so when we reach a crossroads, we feel baffled and unable to move forward.


This is when taking a step back can help you specify where you want to go as you move on in life.


2. Understand What Brings You Joy


Get to know what makes you, you. Dig deep and do some soul-searching to understand what motivates you.


Ask yourself these questions:


  • What drives me and makes me excited?
  • What are my values and beliefs?
  • What contributions do I want to make to my community?
  • What’s important to me?
  • What are the skills and talents that I bring to the table?


3. Explore Your Passions


Make a list of all the things that you’re passionate about and explore those options in more detail.


It’s important to analyze your options both emotionally and intellectually. To do this, try to imagine how each one impacts your thought processes and your emotions.


Go through this step without worrying about any of the whys, should-haves, and would-nots. Instead, connect more with your subconscious to find out what resonates with you and your core values.


For instance, if you value innovation and technology, look for positions at industry-leading businesses. On the other hand, if you value family culture more, then you’ll be better off seeking a job at a small family-owned organization.


4. Learn New Skills


No matter how many great skills you already have, it’s always nice to learn something new. Whether it’s soft skills or hard, think about what you’d like to learn. Then, look for places in your community or online where you can take classes.


For example, you want to learn more about graphic design. You may consider applying to an art program.


Or you could be interested in gardening. You can take a class in gardening and plants, then apply for a job at a garden center or arboretum.


Whichever you decide to pursue, remember to set short-term goals that follow the SMART framework. This framework ensures that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.


5. Let Go of What Could Be


Change is scary because we don’t know what to expect from our decisions. This fear keeps you in a state of inaction and apprehension.


But if you could let go of all that worry just for a few minutes?


To do that, you need to trust yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Have faith that whatever comes along, you’ll find a way to handle it.


Stop thinking of change as something to be dreaded and feared. Instead, you can begin to think of it as something stimulating that adds a layer of excitement and intrigue to your life.


Remain to be open to whatever life brings your way. It may surprise you with an even better outcome than the one you had initially envisioned for yourself.


Final Thoughts


If you’re unsure what to do next in life, we hope these five steps can help you enhance your personal and professional life and improve your life in the long term.


It’s a tough journey, but if you’re determined to make it, it can also be extremely rewarding. Now, all that’s left to do is take that first step to discover your life purpose and find your passion in life.