Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Sunday 1 January 2023

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Do you dream of simplifying your life? Are you always looking for ways to help you stay on top of work, keep your home organized, and keep up with family and friends? All while juggling bills, eating right, and social media?


If you’re nodding in agreement, then know you’re not alone. Luckily, I’ve put together a list of tips and tricks to help you simplify your life and finally manage this balancing act we call life.


Let’s get started.


1. Set Simple Monthly Goals


It’s become a custom to make a list of New Year’s resolutions. Then, a couple of months later, we lose interest and, then, are racked with guilt.


So, why not save yourself the hassle and set 1–3 goals each month? Breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable chunks makes them easier to get through.


This way, you can tick them off your to-do list, boost your self-esteem, and don’t have to deal with any guilt.


2. Apply the 50/30/20 Budget Rule


Managing your finances can be tricky and make you feel stressed, especially when you don’t know what to do and what not to do. Unfortunately, many of us were never taught how to budget our money once we get out into the real world.


As I was doing research, I came across the 50/30/20 rule. So, I decided to try it out. After all, it couldn’t be worse than what I was going through.


Yet, I’m happy to report that it actually works! This is coming from someone who’s never been good at saving, so for this to work for me means anyone can do it!


Here’s what you do: spend 50% of your income on living expenses. Then, 30% of your monthly income should go on lifestyle expenses, and the final 20% should go to your savings.


3. Declutter Your Closet


You might be surprised at how simple your life becomes once you declutter your closet. So, get real with yourself and start getting rid of clothes that have been around for years and still have the labels attached.


Think of it this way: you get to free up some space in your closet for new clothes. Plus, you also get to experience what it feels like to have a well-organized, clutter-free closet.


4. Prepare Your Lunch The Night Before


Making your lunch the night before may remind you of your school days when your mother used to do the same thing. But it turns out that she was onto something!


First of all, preparing your lunch ahead of time means you save money because you buy everything you need for the week at once. Plus, you won’t order out as much, which is also a great money-saver.


Not only that, but you’ll also be able to make better, healthier choices. You know that feeling when you’re so hungry that you can’t wait to make something nutritious? That’s when it’s so easy to grab a donut from the fridge or reach for that bag of chips sitting on your kitchen counter.


The best part is that you won’t have to stress over what you’ll have for lunch or how it’ll cost you.


5. Save Files To The Cloud


Are you having a hard time finding files and documents on your computer or smartphone? Why put yourself through the hassle of searching through piles and piles of digital files when you can just save them to the cloud?


Thanks to the numerous cloud service applications, you can now upload almost all types of files and save them to the cloud. Then, once they’ve been safely uploaded, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Then, delete them all from your device and save tons of space.


The best part is that, now, you can access them from anywhere at any time and from any device. If that’s not simplifying your life, I don’t know what is!


Sunday 11 December 2022

Heal Yourself: Get Back to Nature

Even the most anti-outdoorsy type has to admit that they feel calmer when they smell the fresh air and see the sunlight filtering in through the leaves. It fills us with a sense of comfort and relaxation.


Not only does it make us feel good, but it also heals us from the inside out. It shows in how we think more clearly and how our moods are restored when we’re around nature.

Keep reading to learn more about how to heal yourself through nature.


Why Do We Feel Good When We’re in Nature?


Getting back to nature acts as a reminder that we’re all part of the natural world. We’re all connected somehow, which is why you feel at peace when you’re in a quiet forest or a meadow.


Think of when you walk barefoot on the beach or a patch of green grass. You know that pleasant feeling you get? It feels like you’re home, comfortable, relaxed, and at ease.


The best part is all the stress and tension you’ve been holding onto melts away somehow. It’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you feel freer and lighter.


How Can We Reconnect with Nature?


Finding opportunities to reconnect with nature and take advantage of its healing benefits can be a challenge in our hectic lifestyles. Yet, you don’t have to go camping in the middle of nowhere to enjoy nature. Instead, there are ways you can do just that right in the comfort of your own home.


Take a look.




Don’t lose hope if you’re not into hiking or camping outdoors. You can still be close to nature but in a different way.


For example, you can plant a vegetable garden in your yard. Tending to plants allows you to spend a good deal of time with nature and connect with the earth.


You get to breathe in the fresh smell of the soil and the plants themselves. But, of course, that’s even more enjoyable if you’re planting fragrant plants, such as jasmines, roses, or lilies.


You also get to connect to nature in a hands-on, visceral way that, for some people, can become very personal. In fact, many gardeners say that when they’re tending their gardens, they feel a deeper bond with nature they hadn’t felt before.


Many also feel that gardening makes them feel that they’re part of something bigger than themselves. This special connection allows them to bridge the gap between our hectic, modern world and the natural world.


Mindfulness Meditation


Being outdoors is such a wonderful opportunity to slow down and breathe. Look around and see all the colors around you. Take in how the light plays through the leaves or reflects off a big, shiny rock.


Next, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale as much fresh, clean air as you can to cleanse out your lungs from the smog and fumes, we’re so used to taking in.


Then, stop and listen. Really listen to the birds and crickets chirping, as well as any other creatures, big or small.


Also, if there’s a brook or stream nearby, pay close attention to the sound of the water. Studies show that the sound of running water is calming and can even have an anti-depressant effect.


Yet, the best thing to listen out for in nature is nothing. That calm quietude has become so rare that we sometimes don’t know just how much we miss.


Forest Bathing


Forest bathing,’ or ‘shinrin-yoku’ in Japanese, is the art of moving slowly and mindfully through a forest. The aim of this Asian practice is for you to engage all your five senses along the way.


So, with each step, you take in all the sights, sounds, and smells of your surroundings. This experience is similar to mindful meditation, which we mentioned above.


Yet, it goes beyond stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system or reducing your stress levels. Forest bathing also helps increase anti-inflammatory properties in your body and boost your immune system, all thanks to the terpenes you inhale as you’re walking through the forest.




More and more, people are starting to realize that the best way to heal themselves is by getting back to nature. It’s true that the more time we take to relax and unwind in nature, the better off we’ll be.


6 Tips For Working Through Your Mistakes

None of us are immune to making mistakes. Yet, those who have the skillset and confidence to learn from their mistakes are the ones who seem to do better in life.


By gaining knowledge and experience from our slip-ups, we boost people’s trust in our abilities. Not only that, but we become more capable of navigating life’s ups and downs with minimal stress and anxiety.


In this guide, I’ll discuss six tips for working through your mistakes. I’ll also talk about the psychology behind making mistakes, and how your blunders can actually help you become the best version of yourself.


So, let’s get started.


Own Your Mistakes


The first step in working through a mistake and learning from it is to admit to it. It’s not easy owning up to our oversights, but it’s part of the process of growth and self-discovery.


Also, try not to make excuses or justify your actions. I have to admit that it’s a lot easier to hide behind some lame reason or just blame someone else for what happened.


Let’s face it; we’re all afraid of being criticized and judged. However, when you do that, you only feel good for a short while. But then, soon after, the guilt starts to eat away at you.


So, while difficult to do, holding yourself accountable will be better for you in the long run. First of all, it’ll give you peace of mind. Plus, you’ll gain the respect of your peers as well as yourself.


Shift Your Perspective


Why did Thomas Edison have no problem failing all those times throughout his career? Because he didn’t see his mistakes and failures as something bad to be ashamed of.


Instead, he took them as an opportunity to learn. If he’d been afraid of what people might say about his repeated mistakes when he was inventing the light bulb, he wouldn’t have made history and become one of the most famous inventors of all time.


The same goes for hundreds of successful people. Yet, we usually don’t focus on their journey. Instead, we fast forward to the part where they became famous, forgetting that they spent days and weeks slipping up and trying to fix their errors.


Explore Alternative Courses of Action


Once you’ve trained your mind to see the good that can come from making mistakes, you’ll be better equipped to understand what went wrong.


You’ll also know why it happened and what you can do in the future to prevent it from happening again.


Yet, probably one of the most significant advantages of making mistakes is when you’re able to dig through the rubble and come up with alternative courses of action. For example, list the facts and devise other ways to handle the same situation or something similar.


This is a great way to take advantage of what happened and use it as a stepping stone to the next big thing in your life. As a result, you’ll find it easier to work through your mistakes and manage things more effectively.


Stop Dwelling on the Past


It’s only natural to find yourself fixated on that time you spilled coffee all over your presentation. Or when you stumbled on your way up the stairs and nearly ran into your boss.


Yet, dwelling on the past and overthinking are two of the biggest barriers to working through your mistakes.


Not only that, but they have a negative effect on your self-esteem. As a result, you become more anxious and apprehensive and have trouble moving on.


When you feel like your negative self-talk is taking over, you have to make a conscious effort to stop it before it gains momentum. Show yourself the same kindness and empathy you’d show to a friend.


The best way to do that is to make peace with your mistakes. Tell yourself that life moves on.


You can’t change what happened. So, the best way to get over something like that is to use it to avoid making the same mistake in the future.


Create a Plan of Action


The next logical step is to develop a plan of action. This is where you create a vivid mental image of what you should and shouldn’t do differently to get better results.


To start, gather as much information as you can and analyze it. Then, finally, put your plan into motion.


One of the best ways to ensure your plan is successful is to rely on new resources or skills. So, why not join a class or pick up a hobby? It’ll get you involved in new experiences while exposing yourself to new skill sets that you can use for self-improvement.


Make New Mistakes


No matter how old you are or what position you hold in your workplace, you will make mistakes. They’re a natural part of growing as an individual.


The only thing you can do is to make the most of your mistake and use it as a learning tool. This way, you’ll minimize their impact on your mental and emotional health, and you’ll be able to pick up the pieces much more efficiently.


So, the next time you find yourself slipping up, try taking a solution-oriented approach rather than dwell on the actual mistake. This positive way of dealing with things will allow you to think a few steps ahead to focus more on the solution rather than the problem.


Saturday 10 December 2022

You Can Communicate Your Feelings Without Upsetting Others—Here’s How

Have you ever held back on saying something because you didn’t want to upset someone? There’s always a point where you internally debate whether or not to open up or say something, and it’s vital that you take that moment to decide to go forth and communicate. It’s not about avoiding upsetting people but rather about being confident in yourself and your feelings. You’re allowed to feel a certain way, and in order to communicate those feelings, start with these X tips. 


1. Understand Yourself Fully First


If you start a conversation off with anger or frustration or something else that fuels you to confront someone, chances are you will upset them. Instead, take some time to understand yourself first. Then, when you decide to communicate your feelings, you’ll have a clear headspace, and you’ll be ready to discuss maturely. 


2. Decide What to Communicate and What Not to Communicate


Some things are best kept to yourself. That doesn’t mean repressing them, but if you get annoyed at your friend for going shopping too often, that’s more of a personal problem than a problem you should voice. Before you jump into a conversation, delineate between the things you should discuss and the things you shouldn’t discuss. 


3. Think About Who You Trust


Opening up about emotions and vulnerability means you are ready to talk to someone about something serious. But that doesn’t mean you trust the person. You may feel vulnerable and just want a listening ear, but if you’re opening up to someone you don’t trust, you could get yourself into trouble. Make sure the person you’re speaking to is someone you trust – and someone who cares about you! 


4. Be Caring


There’s nothing good about a conversation that spirals into a heated discussion or anger-fueled debate. Be caring and empathetic with your words. Remember that at the end of the day, the person you’re communicating with is a human just like you. They deserve the respect you’d like to be treated with. The golden rule may seem outdated, but it should always be in the back of your mind – especially when you’re opening up in a feely discussion. 


5. Be Independent


It seems counterintuitive to think about being independent when you’re opening up to someone, but it’s a big component of a healthy discussion. Despite your relationship with this person, you are you. You need to be responsible for your feelings and actions, and you need to understand that no one is responsible for making you feel a certain way other than yourself. 

5 Steps to Effectively Communicate Your Feelings in Relationships

In relationships, there’s communication, and then there’s effective communication. Communication is something that takes a lot of work, and once you’ve successfully positioned yourself as a communicator, the next step is to crack the code at being an effective communicator. If you’re at that step, try these 5 mini steps to help you along with effectively communicating your feelings. 


1. Allow Yourself to Feel 


Going into a conversation with guilt or apprehension about your feelings? That won’t help you or your partner. You’re completely allowed to feel whatever you’re feeling, and you’re also allowed to talk about those feelings. 


2. Label your Feelings


You’re experiencing these feelings, but are you reading more into them? Are you labeling them and trying to put into context the essence of your emotions? It’s not easy to do, but it’s a really important exercise for you to do on your own before opening up and sharing with someone else. 


3. Start with Yourself


If you’re extroverted or you like talking about your feelings a lot, your first inclination may be to talk it out with your significant other. That’s a great thing to do, but it begins with you. You’ll have a hard time processing everything if you’re influenced by someone else’s insight or advice. Start with yourself, and then work your way up to a discussion with your partner. 


4. Remember How Much You Matter


You matter to your significant other; your feelings matter to your significant other. Keep this in mind and try to negate the potential fear or hesitation you may be experiencing. Swap those feelings for feelings of confidence and security in the strength of your relationship. 


5. Swap “You” for “I”


Whenever you get close to saying “You made me feel” or “You did this,” swap it for a personal statement. A conversation is helpful for you to share your perspective – not for you to point fingers at your loved one. Think about how you feel, why you feel that way, and what has happened to contribute to those feelings. 


Above all, when you’re entering into a conversation with your significant other, be happy that you’re taking this step. It’s excellent for you and even better for your relationship. Give yourself (and your partner) a pat on the back for working through something difficult, and keep yourself reminded of the light at the end of the communication tunnel – a happy, healthy dynamic between you and your partner. 


The 2/1 Communication Secret to Become More Charming

Charming is a word that has different meanings for different people. The word charisma is often brought to mind. When you think of someone as charming, you may feel that person is desirable and delightful, pleasant and appealing, maybe even magnetizing. 


Often times you won't be able to put your finger on exactly what draws you to that person. You just know you feel pleasant in their company and enjoy being around them.


Do you want to be more like that? Could you advance your career if you learned how to turn on the charm when dealing with others? It's an important skill that socially graceful people use to improve their relationships. Even when interacting with people they don't necessarily like or respect, a charming person can leave a good impression.


If you'd like to communicate more effectively and have people refer to you as charming and likable, there's one very simple thing you need to start doing. By the way, this doesn't take much practice. You are already physically hardwired to give off a more friendly, charming, and engaging vibe.


You just have to do a little basic math.


How Many Ears Do You Have? How Many Mouths?


Don't worry. You don't have to break out the calculator here. Just perform a simple math-based assumption.


You have 2 ears that are always open.

You only have 1 mouth, and it can be closed.


That should tell you what you were created to do more often. You should be listening much more than talking. The charming person is an excellent listener. 


She doesn't do it falsely. She asks many questions and uses facial expressions to show she's interested in the person talking. She listens deeply and can repeat things that have been told to her. Those are charming qualities.


As writer Eugene O'Neill stated ...


"We were given mouths that close and ears that don't ... that should tell us something."


Ancient philosopher Epictetus gave us the same lesson for being more charming.


"We have two ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak."


Being Charming Is All About Listening


Talking is an important part of being charming. You have to say the right things. You should also be genuine. People can tell when you're false and trying to manipulate them. So really care about the person you're talking to. Say pleasant things and think about the experience for the other person rather than yourself.


Then listen deeply. Get into the conversation, so when you decide to talk, you repeat things the person has said. You let them know you're truly listening and getting into the feelings and emotions being relayed. You were given two ears and only one mouth, and that mouth can close. So do at least two times more listening than talking if you want to be more charming and engaging.


Sunday 20 November 2022

Keep Your Mind Sharp as You Age

As you age, you may start to feel like your brain is aging right along with your body. This is especially true if you find yourself constantly forgetting things. There are several ways you can keep your mind sharp as you age, so keep reading to find out how to keep your brain sharp for years to come. 


Don’t Stop Learning


A big mistake that people make as they start to age is that they think they don't have to learn anymore. This is never the case. Learning helps to keep the brain fresh, young and building new pathways. If you want to keep your mind sharp, you should try to learn something new every day. The best and easiest way to do this is by downloading a word of the day or language learning app you actively engage with every morning. 


Play Brain Teasers


You've probably seen a commercial or two about how brain teasers can help keep your mind from aging, and the people who created these games might just know what they are talking about. According to Psychology Today, working your mind every day helps keep it active and keep yourself from forgetting things. So take the time to find a brain teaser game that you enjoy, and aim to spend an hour on it every day. You may just be surprised at the results. 


Don't Be Afraid To Use Organization Tools


A Harvard Health article points out that people grow more forgetful as they age but refuse to use the tools provided to keep them organized. You probably have a more complex life with more people in it now than you had a decade ago. It's only reasonable that there's no shame in using a planner (or app) to keep track of all the birthdays and important days you need to remember. Take the time to get organized around your house as well. This way, you will waste less time worrying about things that ultimately don't matter (like where your keys are.) This organization allows you to direct your brain power where it counts!


If you want to keep your mind sharp as you age, then make it a point never to stop learning. You could also consider working brain teasers into your everyday life. And if you need to use some tools along the way, don't be ashamed. That's what they are there for—to help keep your mind working at its best!


How Learning New Things Helps Our Brain

Learning something new isn't easy and facing challenges regularly can really take a lot of your energy. However, learning new things is good because it benefits your brain. Keep reading to learn more about how learning new things help your brain. 


Learning Programs the Brain


First and foremost, according to Psychology Today, learning is actually the way that your brain gets its programming. Think of it this way, when your computer needs an update, you download new software. This download is the same as learning something new. When you learn new things, your brain updates itself, clears out bugs and becomes better than before. So why wouldn't you want a brain running on the latest program? 


Keeps Dementia Away


Another major thing that learning accomplishes is it keeps your brain running in tip-top shape. When your brain is in tip-top shape, this means, according to Healthline, that you are less likely to suffer from conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. Like any muscle in your body, the brain needs to be worked out regularly, and if it isn't worked out, it will begin to atrophy. Don't let your brain atrophy, and commit to learning new things every day!


You’ll Be Able to Adjust to Change Better


Change is a hard part of life, but it is something that everyone must learn to deal with at some point or another. The more you learn new things, the easier it will be to accept change. This is because learning helps you become familiar with unfamiliar subjects and get used to stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you are one of those people who struggle with change, you should probably start by learning something new!


You’ll Learn Faster


The coolest thing about your brain is that the more frequently you learn new things, the fasted your brain begins to learn! This means that learning new things in your free time can help other aspects of your life. Say you take a pottery class on the weekends; chances are, it will become easier to learn new things you need to do your job. Who doesn't want to learn faster than they did before?


Overall, learning new things can be a challenge, but it is a necessary part of life. Learning new things helps program your brain and keeps dementia away as you age. It makes it easier for you to accept change, and you'll begin to learn even faster, which will benefit all aspects of your life. So embrace new things and start making it your goal to learn something every day!


Lifelong Learning Can Help Keep You Sharp

As you age, it's time to start thinking about how you can keep your brain sharp. One of the best ways you can keep your mind fresh is by committing to lifelong learning. 


You’ll Enhance Your Brain


Just like any other muscle in your body, your brain is a muscle that needs frequent use to stay sharp. You can do this with lifelong learning, which means you aim to learn something new each day. One of the best ways to do this is enrolling in a class you've always wanted to take or studying a new language and practicing each day.


You Won’t Be Bored


One of the main reasons your brain loses its sharpness is boredom. When you walk a path of lifelong learning, this fights boredom and keeps your mind sharp. And the best part is, you won't have to deal with feelings of boredom which could lead to other emotional issues down the line!


You Will Sleep Better


When you spend too much of your life inactive and bored, this can lead to issues sleeping. Instead, when you aim to maintain lifelong learning, this will help your mind to stay engaged during the day, then better disengage at night, which means you will sleep better as a result. And who doesn’t want to sleep better at night?


You Will Connect Better With Others


A major factor in aging is the importance of maintaining your social circle, as this can help keep you happy and healthy. This can be hard to do if you don't have common interests or things to discuss. Lifelong learning can help with this as it can help you connect with new people who share your interests and maintain old friendships you may have already created. Learning helps expand your mind to connect with others better, and it gives you more to talk about to keep them around!


Overall, no matter how you look at it, lifelong learning is an important part of keeping your mind sharp. This is because lifelong learning enhances your brain, keeps you from boredom, and helps you sleep better. Not only that, but it will help you to connect better with others, making it a winning situation for everyone involved. Therefore, it's time to take the leap and make lifelong learning part of your routine today!


Wednesday 2 November 2022

5 Ways To Endure Difficult Times

No one’s life is easy–no one! It’s true that some people seem to have it easier than others. Yet, you can bet they’re suffering from one thing or another.


That’s why we should all try to refrain from imposing our personal views or jumping to conclusions. Instead, why not try to be more civil towards one another and show some empathy?


We could all use a bit more positivity in our day, don’t you think? Even the simple act of smiling as you pass someone by can brighten up their day. That’s how closely we’re all connected!


While we’re at it, we should mention that smiling is one of the best ways to endure difficult times. So, if you’re interested in finding out more ways to help you get through the tough times in your life, you’ve come to the right place!


Let’s get started.


Be Patient


Our brains are hardwired to protect against all foreign and domestic threats. So, they tend to stretch out adverse events in our lives to make you think it’s been happening for a long time.


Yet, the worst part is that you start believing that the bad times will never go on forever. You feel like there’s no end in sight, and you’re doomed to lead a tragic life.


Don’t believe it.


One of the constants in life is change. So, whatever you’re going through—good or bad—will end eventually.


There will be situations that will call on you to act and help bring the problem to an end. With others, on the other hand, you simply need to wait out the storm and have faith in yourself


Embrace Your Weaknesses


Each of us has our own individualized set of strengths and weaknesses, attributes and flaws. The problem is that when things get tough, we only focus on how weak and helpless we feel.


We lose sight of our strengths and trick ourselves into highlighting our flaws. This makes us feel like losers incapable of rising above any challenging situations.


The key to avoiding this pit of self-doubt is to never compare yourself with anyone else. Then, remind yourself of all your strengths.


You can even make a list of all the good things you’re good at and hang it up. Make sure you place it somewhere you pass by frequently. It’s a great trick that will help shift your perception from feeling weak and vulnerable to feeling empowered and confident.


Be Proud of How Far You’ve Come


You can’t have made it this far in life without having been in one or two bad situations before. So, whenever you need a bit of a boost during tough times, just remind yourself of similar situations you’ve endured in the past.


You probably either overcame the situation or didn’t. Either way, you came out having learned something and gained life experience.


It’s a great confidence booster to remember how well you managed to navigate difficult times and handle challenges with ease. It’ll also help shift your attitude from a sense of helplessness to feeling motivated to take action and do what needs to get done.


Practice Gratitude


We started the article by saying that everyone goes through hard times in their life. That’s a given. But the difference between those who land on their feet and those who live a life of gloom is gratitude.


No matter how difficult things might be right now, there will always be a dozen other things going well in your life.


Is your relationship on the rocks? Be happy that you have a steady job, have a roof over your head, and can put food on the table.


Are you having problems at work? Be thankful for your health, family, and friends.

Then, there are all the little things we tend to take for granted, like beautiful sunsets, relaxing walks in the park, and delicious coffee. Change your perspective, and you’ll realize that things aren’t really that bad after all.


Learn from Your Experiences


Life coaches, psychologists, and therapists all agree that there's no failure when it comes to personal development. There’s only your interpretation of the events and how you react to them.


Sounds simple enough, right? Yes! But as soon as you’re faced with a problem, all that wisdom flies out of the window.


This comes from years of being programmed that failure is a big flashing bulb telling us we’re not doing something right, causing us to steer off course. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, everything we now do so well came from a trial-and-error process, like walking, typing, and driving.


What you should do is try to figure out why this is happening. Then, use this experience to learn more about likes and dislikes, weaknesses and strengths. Eventually, you’ll be able to turn things around.