Showing posts with label Jobs and Careers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jobs and Careers. Show all posts

Monday 23 May 2022

Assertiveness for Better Communication

Learning to communicate effectively means that you first must first learn how to be assertive. The other options of communicating are passiveness or aggressiveness – both of which tend to alienate those you’re trying to communicate with.


When you learn to communicate effectively by flexing your assertive muscles, you’ll experience a boost of self-esteem and a personal confidence which will help you succeed in all areas of your life.


You’ll learn to be less resentful or feel inadequate or guilty about your decisions and will experience more freedom in your life. But, most of all – the way you communicate will improve your relationships, both at work and at home.


Assertiveness means that you’re able to express your thoughts and feelings without anger and in an appropriate and honest way. You’ll be standing up for your rights as a thinking and valuable individual and others won’t be confused about your beliefs and opinions.


Some techniques you should learn to become a more effective communicator are:


  • Broken Record – This technique that you persist in expressing what you want and how you feel without bringing anger and resentment into your tone of voice. The trick is to remain calm and express your wants very clearly. Then, keep repeating your point and don’t give up unless you decide to agree to a compromise.
  • Fogging – A technique which involves not responding in an anticipated manner (defensive or placating). The method is one which gives a minimal response within a conversation – rather than being argumentative. When you’re not expressing the desired effect with the person, he or she will tire of the conversation.
  • Handling Positive and Negative Comments – You may have trouble responding to compliments – or to respond to negative comments about you or something you’ve done. For positive comments, you should express your assertiveness by thanking the person and to negative criticism, you should express regret that the person feels that way and then ask what, in particular, do they have a problem with.


As you continue to practice your assertiveness with others, you’ll find that your skills of communication will increase and you’ll have less problems dealing with people.


You may find methods of your own which work – like not engaging a person in arguments or being able to walk away from a bullying situation calmly and without being angry.


Developing interpersonal skills is a self-confidence booster which can help you with day-to-day communication with those who are close to you and those you may need to deal with on a one-time basis.

How To Communicate More Clearly

Communication is the foundation of everything we do. Whether you leave the house or not, you still communicate with others daily, be it online or in person. How well you get along with people hinges on how well you communicate. How successful you are in life hinges on how well you communicate. There are a few 'rules' that you can apply to all of your communications. 




This is specifically for work or professional communication. Often, we waste a lot of time and energy communicating when we don't actually know why we're bothering. So, think about what you would like to accomplish? 


This can also be applied to your personal life, even idle chit-chat can have some type of purpose, whether it's bonding or getting to know someone. 


When others initiate a conversation, consider why it's taking place. If you can't understand why try to gently guide the dialogue to determine the why. The purpose of this is to focus and understand the why to avoid rabbit trails and side issues that detract from the manner at hand. 


In-Person Communication


Have you ever fallen out with someone over text message? Or watched a fight unfold on social media because one person read someone else's tone wrong? If you're dealing with a highly emotional issue, then it should be addressed in person. If it's impossible to do so in-person, at least do so via video call. This goes for positive and negative emotions. If you're delivering great news then you want everyone to get sucked into your positive energy. 


As far as bad news or negative conversations go, it will be received better if you do the job in-person. 


Email Facts


People often lose concentration when they are being given facts and figures verbally. If you're dealing with a finance issue, statistics, or otherwise, opt for emailing this information so the other person can easily look back on the numbers when necessary. 


No Talking, Just Listen


This is applicable to in-person communication. Stop spending so much time doing all the talking and start listening. Unless you are the one who came to the table to start a conversation, give others the respect they're due when they are trying to communicate their ideas or feelings. Don't dominate conversations with your motor-mouth. 




We live in a society of information overload so simplify your messages. You might use five sentences, but you can probably say it with one. 


Top Tips for Staying Organized and Productive at Work

Whether you work for yourself or someone else you will need to be both organized and productive at work; every day. Not only will you feel better but you'll also impress your boss, colleagues and clients. So how can you make sure that you stay organized and productive?


Clear Clutter


Your work space should be clear and clutter-free. By removing distractions, you will make sure that you remain focused on your work. Have a trash can by your desk and use it. If it's trash, then it isn't needed so bin it immediately! Add a small container for recycling and put anything that can be recycled into it as soon as you've finished with it.


Process Your Emails


Emails are a huge time suck. Instead of just reading them or thinking you'll read or act on them later take a more structured approach.


Set a specific time for dealing with emails each day. Don't check them in between.


Use folders to organize emails: junk/spam, trash, by project or client, personal and to do. Any emails that require you to take action and that cannot be completed at that moment should be put into the to do folder. Make it a habit to work through your to do folder and empty it every day. Have a specific time slot allocated for that each day.


Delete junk, spam and emails that aren't important or needed for further action and empty those folders at the end of each day.


Schedule It


If you work for an organization, then you probably have set break times. However, if you work for yourself then it will be up to you to decide when to take a break. Make sure to schedule in regular breaks as these will keep you more focused and productive.


If you sit down for a large part of your day you need to take regular time out to get up and walk around. This will keep you fitter and reduce tiredness.


Stay Hydrated


Your body and brain need water to stay hydrated and to achieve optimal performance. Of course, you don't need to drink plain water all the time but you should limit caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee. 


Don't Skip Lunch


It can be all too easy to skip a meal when you are really busy. However, this won't actually boost your productivity as you'll find your blood sugar level will drop and you’ll lose energy and the ability to focus.


Make sure that you’ll always have lunch by taking it with you. If you can’t make it yourself then buy it on the way in to the office. Make sure to have a couple of healthy snacks ready to have during the day.


These simple tips will help you to stay organized and productive when you’re working.


To Do List Success Tips

The humble to do list is a powerful organization tool. It doesn't matter whether you create and keep a digital list using an app such as Todoist or use a pen and paper. What matters is that you create and use your lists every day to help you get and stay organized. The following tips will ensure that your to do lists are a successful tool in your organizational tool box.


Keep it Short


The ideal length of a to do list is 10 items or less. You've probably created lists in the past that have seemed endless. Instead of helping you feel organized and successful, you probably ended the day with most of the items still unchecked and feeling a failure.


By keeping your list purposely short you are more likely to cross off every item and end the day feeling successful.


Separate Lists for Home and Work


Don't add your work tasks to your personal to do list. Maintain separate lists.




Once you've listed everything you need to accomplish then number the items in order of priority. Do the most important items first and you'll feel the biggest sense of achievement.


If there are any items on your list that aren't important then mark them as such. That way you won't need to feel guilty if you don't cross them off.


Assign a Time Limit


Wherever possible set a time limit for every item on the list. Not just how long it will take but when it needs to be done. That way you can identify tasks that need to be completed before lunch or before picking up the kids from school.


Re-visit and Re-work


A to do list should be a working document. Once written it should be revisited throughout the day. You can check off those items you've completed and reprioritize or schedule those that remain.


You can also cross items off that are no longer important or unnecessary. It will also give you the opportunity to add any additional tasks that crop up during the day.


Keep it with You


How often have you made a to do list at the beginning of the day and then totally ignored it? Probably because you left the house without it at the beginning of the day!


To make sure that your list is where you need it you could use an app such as Todoist or Jamie's To Do. Better still you could keep your daily to do list in your daily or weekly spread in your bullet journal. That way it will be with you wherever you go and you'll get the satisfaction of marking off the items as you complete them. You'll also have a visual record of your achievement.


Your to do list can be a powerful tool for helping you to live an organised life. Using these tips will help you to ensure that it is used successfully.


Manage Your Time

Managing your time is not just good practice but it is also good for productivity, organization and achieving success with your goals. By managing your time properly and efficiently you can create an organized life. It doesn't need to be overwhelming if you follow the strategies below.


Get Up Early


The most successful people are early risers and have a morning routine in place.


Morning routines often include:


  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Reading/Learning
  • Healthy Eating
  • Planning/Prioritizing


A regular morning routine will ensure that you start your days successfully.


To Do List


Creating a to do list should be a regular habit undertaken daily. The best lists are 10 items or less to ensure that you can complete it. Don't forget to prioritize the items on the list and review it throughout the day. Checking off items as they are completed will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation.


Sticky Notes


Sticky notes are ideal for displaying reminders of tasks, motivational quotes and visualizations. If you've got a pile of letters that need to be mailed and that's an item on your to do list, why not put a sticky note on top of the pile with a deadline for posting them? It'll serve as a reminder to get them posted and cleared out of your way.


Record It


Of course, you can record your notes digitally using note taking apps or in a text document, or using pen and paper but have you thought of recording them using a digital recorder? You can get free recording apps for smartphones. By making a voice recording you can replay the recording and listen to your ideas. This will give you the opportunity to listen from a different perspective.




Create a schedule. Using an online planner such as Google Calendar will ensure that you are able to access your schedule on your smartphone, tablet or computer wherever you are. You can color code different categories of entry and share with friends, family and colleagues as necessary.


Use Pen and Paper


For your most important events, tasks and notes use the traditional recording method of pen and paper with a diary, planner or bullet journal. You can keep it with you at all times, it won't distract you with messages or run out of power. You'll also be able to flick through at a glance to see how much you've achieved, past or forthcoming events and outstanding tasks.




Be realistic. Not all tasks and events are created equal. Find a way to highlight events that are essential so that you can see them at a glance and be sure not to miss them. On your lists of things to do always prioritize them and complete the most important first. If there are items that aren't important or not time sensitive then considering moving them off your current list and on to another day. You can't do everything.




If there are items on your list that aren't important then think about delegating them. You don't need to try and be a superhero and do everything yourself. Kids can tidy away their toys and when old enough learn how to load the dishwasher, set the table and do other simple chores. By enlisting the help of other household members, you can get more accomplished in less time.


Managing your time properly and efficiently is one of the keys to staying organized.


6 Essential Tools to Keep Your Life Organized

Creating an organized life, and maintaining it, isn't as hard as you might think. Of course, it will require planning and some time to set it up but once you've got the following six key tools in place you will feel more focused and in control of your life and time.


Paper Planner


Yes, even in the age of digital organization a paper planner does still have a place in your organizational tool chest. It doesn't have to be big and bulky or expensive. In fact, you might find that the latest trend for a bespoke bullet journal might suit you best. Your paper planner can include tasks and items that you want to keep a close eye on, as well as for making notes and lists.


On-line Calendar


In addition to the paper planner, an online calendar or app for your smartphone, is another essential. This handy tool will be with you everywhere that your phone goes and has the added benefit of being able to give you alerts for meetings and scheduled tasks.




This handy tool is free but does have a paid option that provides more functionality. However, for most people the free version will be sufficient. You can clip whole webpages, URLs, create notebooks, share information, create draft documents and add pdf files. It is an online tool but has apps for smart devices that will allow you to sync your notebooks across all of your devices so you'll always be able to access your information.


Financial Planner


If you're using a bullet journal, then you may decide to create a financial planner within it. If not then you really need to create a dedicated financial planner in which to record your income, expenses and savings. You can keep a track of bills due with a monthly bill payment calendar to ensure that you never miss making a payment again. If you don't want to have a paper planner for your finances, then there are lots of financial planning and management apps available online. One such tool is Good Budget which is a free app for iPhone and Android.


To Do List


Your to do list is going to be an essential tool to keep your life on track, running smoothly and perfectly organized. Paper lists are great as you can carry them with you or display them where you can't miss them. There are also plenty of to do list apps that can help you create, monitor and organize your lists. Suggested apps are Todoist and Jamie's To Do which are both free.


My Fitness Pal


A health and fitness tracker can help you monitor your exercise as well as your diet. My Fitness Pal is a popular free online tool with Android and iPhone apps. It contains a huge food database for tracking what you eat and you can create a personalized diet profile.


These six tools can really help you stay on top of organization. There are obviously other tools that you may find useful and necessary in organizing your life.


5 Key Habits That Ensure You'll Always Start Your Day the Right Way

Starting your day, the right way will ensure that you'll feel calmer, happier and more productive from the get go. It'll also make sure that you don't waste any time searching for missing or lost items. Remember that habits don't happen overnight. They take at least 21 days to become ingrained into your normal routine so the sooner you start the quicker you'll become a well-organized morning person.


Tidy Up the Night Before


We've all been there when we've felt too tired to load the dishwasher, clear the counters or vacuum the family room. Spending a little time every evening tidying and cleaning away the dirt, clutter and debris from the day really will save you time and angst in the long run.


Make it a fun routine by involving all the family. Set a timer for 15 minutes and zip through those chores. Of course, if you're on your own it may take slightly longer.


Prepare Lunches in Advance


Food preparation takes time and isn't fun when you're in a rush to get to school or work. Spending time preparing lunches for all the family the night before ensures you all get a nutritious lunch time meal which will save you time and money.


Plan ahead so that you know exactly what everyone is having each day of the week. This will make sure you buy or make everything you need so there aren't any last-minute panics.


 Get Clothes Ready the Night Before


How much time have you wasted trying to choose what to wear in the morning? Too much probably and it gets worse if you have kids. Instead get everyone's clothes ready the night before. Make sure the entire outfit is on a hanger and that underwear, shoes and accessories are with it.


An even better habit is to organize the entire week's wardrobe on a Sunday with everything hung in day order in your wardrobe ready to be picked on the relevant day.


Write a to Do List


Write down all the chores and calls you need to do the following day. If they involve dropping off items at the dry cleaner, then bag them and put them by the front door. If you need to post letters or packages then bag them and put them by the door. Your list will make sure you know exactly what you need to do and by having any items ready you won't leave the house without them!


Bag It


Spend time putting everything you'll need for day in your handbag or work bag the night before. You won't need your iPad or laptop overnight so putting it in your bag or case before you go to bed will make sure you don't forget it. Any work documents or school books should be put into bags so that they aren't forgotten or mislaid!


If your children have gym class, football or another school or after-school activity then get the necessary kit ready in their bags before you head to bed. Put the bag by their school coat.


Starting your day feeling positive and organized really does have a major impact on the way the rest of your day pans out. A chaotic start is hard to recover from. By developing the routines above, you can be sure that you and your household will always start your day the right way.


5 Reasons to Create a Work At Home Schedule

Do you operate a website or blog that generates income through the sale of a product, service, or affiliate links? If so, you not only need to be a webmaster, but an online marketer.


As a website owner who uses a website to generate income, internet marketing is important to your success. For that reason, you need to implement it. If this is a new step for you, you may be looking for guidance. The first step is to familiarize yourself with popular internet marketing techniques. You can easily do this online or by visiting internet marketing forums. Once you know how to market your website or blog, you start to implement the techniques you learned. Unfortunately, this is where many new work at home people make costly mistakes.


To ensure you get the most out of your newfound work at home knowledge, you need to create a schedule. When properly complied and used, a schedule will increase your productivity. Remember, the more traffic you drive to your website or blog, the more your earnings potential increases. If that isn’t enough reason to create a schedule, continue reading on for five more.


1 - It Is Easy to Make a Schedule


An internet marketing schedule is essentially a detailed to-do list. What you do is start with times. Set aside blocks of times, like in one or two hour increments. For each time slot, write a task or two. This is what you want to do. For example, do you want to submit an article to a directory or send advisements to your followers on Twitter? If so, add to your schedule.


2 - You Have Many Options


Not only is making a work at home schedule easy, but you have many options. You can compose a schedule by hand, in Microsoft Word, or by spreadsheet. You also have the option of creating daily, weekly, or monthly schedules.


3 - A Schedule is a Guide


When you are familiar with work at home tactics, it is easy to advertise online. Unfortunately, many run into problems with distractions. It is easy to go from using the internet to research to reading the news or the latest celebrity gossip. To prevent this from happening, use your schedule as a guide. You want to avoid distractions, but if an interruption happens, don’t spend time trying to remember what you were doing or were about to do, just consult your schedule and get back to work.


4 - It Serves as a Source of Motivation


As previously stated, a schedule is essentially a to-do list with times attached. These times are important as they add pressure and serve as motivation. When you track your time with a clock or beeping alarm clock, you know when time is about to expire or has. When most know they only have X amount of time to complete a task, they tend to put forth more effort and increase their productivity.


5 - You Can Extend Your Reach


In terms of internet marketing, there are hundreds of successful tactics. You cannot implement them all in one day, but get the process started. When doing so, don’t place all your attention on one marketing tactic. Unfortunately, if you do not have a set guide to follow, you may make this mistake. The best way to market a website, product, or service is to spread your reach.


Cheap Ways to Manage Time

Are you an internet marketer? If so, you may spend all day on the computer. Unfortunately, the computer and the internet make distractions easy. For example, researching marketing forums for new ideas is ideal, but not if you spend hours carrying on personal conversations with other members.


To be a successful internet marketer, time management is important. Unfortunately, many new to the business assume time management is difficult or costly. Yes, it can be, but there are easy and affordable approaches you can take. A few cheap ways to manage your time are highlighted below.


1 - Create a To Do List


A to-do list is a cheap time management tool, as all you need is a pen and a piece of paper. If you prefer, your list can be complied in Microsoft Word or a spreadsheet. Each morning or the night before, create a to-do list for yourself. What tasks do you need to accomplish throughout the day? For example, do you want to approach webmasters for banner exchanges or research website page ranks to find the best advertising deals? If so, include these items on your daily to-do list.


When creating your daily to-do list, go into great detail. For example, step number one could include approach five webmasters for link exchanges. Once the task as been completed, cross it from your list.


Not only will a to-do list give you a set guide to follow, but it helps to promote motivation. 


2 - Create a Schedule


A to-do list is an easy way to manage your time, as you are provided with a list of what must be completed in a day. Crossing tasks from your list may serve as a source of motivation, if not, a schedule is recommended. Set aside a specific time frame for you to complete a task. 


Do you want to submit articles to directories you paid an outsourced writer to write? If so, set aside a specific block of time to doing so. For example, submit these articles between 9 and 10 am. By keeping an eye on the clock, you know when you are starting to fall behind, allowing you to pickup the pace.


3 - Use a Desktop Calendar


Creating a detailed schedule or to-do list is ideal for internet marketers with serious time management problems. If you are good at time management or staying on task, you can take a laxer approach. One of those approaches is using a desktop calendar.


Desktop calendars are large in size, enabling you to write various tasks on a daily slot, but without great detail. Do so. Each time you complete a task, cross it from your calendar.


Desktop calendars are available for sale online and in many local department stores and office supply stores. They tend to retail for under $5, making them an affordable way to manage your time.


4 - Use an Alarm Clock


An alarm clock is a cheap way to manage your time as an internet marketer, as you should already have one in your home. An alarm clock is ideal when used in conjunction with a daily schedule. 


As sited as an example above, you created a one-hour block for submitting outsourced articles to directories with back links. Set your alarm clock to go off at 10am. This signals that it is time to stop and start a new task or quickly finish.


5 - Think of the Money


As an internet marketer, you may work for clients who hire you to drive traffic to their websites or you may do the same for your own websites, blogs, products or services. Regardless of who you work for, it is important to think of the money. This can serve as motivation.


When you stay focused and on task, you do your job. That job is to drive traffic to a website, blog, product or service. Many times, this will translate into money. Remember the more you work, the more money you will make.


Consequences of Not Managing Time

Are you an internet marketer? Whether you sell your services as one or if you use internet marketing to promote a product, service, website, or blog you have, time management is key. In fact, if you aren’t properly managing your time, you may find yourself suffering the consequences. 


So, what are the consequences of not managing your time? 


You can fall behind in work. As an internet marketer, there are hundreds of ways for you to promote a website, product, or service online. A few quick examples include submitting content to article directories with back links, creating clever advertising signatures on message boards and posting, writing keyword optimized content, exchanging banners with other webmasters, and so forth. Since there is so much for you to do, it is easy to fall behind. Unfortunately, this can throw your whole day, week, or even month off course.


You can become unorganized. When you do not properly manage your time, it is easy to become unorganized. An example of poor time management is working without a schedule or a guide. When doing so, you may become distracted and then wonder what you were last doing or what you intended to do next. Do not let this happen. Instead, manage your time with a daily to-do list or detailed schedule, as these tools help to promote organization.


You can get overwhelmed. As previously stated, there are many internet marketing approaches to implement. To see success, you want to implement them all. Yes, this will take a lot of time, but it is more than possible to do. However, you must first have a good sense of time and management. If not, you may spend all your time focusing on one form of internet marketing, like buying advertisements, and completely neglect another, such as creating keyword optimized content for the search engines. Once you realize this neglect and try to fix it, you will be overwhelmed.


It is difficult to get “back in the game.” As previously stated, poor time management can leave you feeling overwhelmed. For many, once they reach this point it is the point of no return. If you allow yourself to get overwhelmed, become unorganized, or fall behind in work, you may want to give up for the day. Do not do this, as there another set of consequences for taking this approach. Instead, take a short break and regain your composure.


You can get distracted easily. Those with a good sense of time management try to avoid distractions, but they do exist. Those who have good time management skills learn ways to avoid or tone out these distractions so that they no longer become an issue. If this is a skill you do not have, learn it. If not, a telephone call that you shouldn’t even answer could leave you talking with friends or family for 30 minutes or more.


You do not do your job properly. Those with poor time management have a problem with distractions. As used as an example above, there are distracting telephone calls. Unfortunately, that is a pitfall of working from home, as people think you are always available for chat. When you are talking on the phone, you are not working or working properly. That is why it is important to eliminate all distractions. Do not answer the phone or ensure everyone knows you are working between the hours of 9 to 5 or so forth.


You can lose money. You have likely heard the saying “time is money.” This is true, but crucial for internet marketing. The more time you spend marketing your website, blog, product, or service, the more your income potential increases. So, if you aren’t properly managing your time, you may be losing money.


You can put your job at risk. If you sell your service as an internet marketer, it is important to produce quick and effective results. If someone wants their traffic or sales increased, they want it now, not in a few weeks or months. So, the quicker you complete your tasks, with an effective time management plan, the better results you produce. This can not only help you keep your job, but develop a long-term client.


Creating a Daily Schedule

Do you make money marketing or advertising online? If you sell a product or service online, it is up to you to make money. The advertising approaches you take, as well as the time and energy you put into those marketing tactics will depend on your income. Essentially, the more time you spend marketing, the more your income potential increases.


Since time management is important to your success, as an internet marketer, you may be looking for ways to improve your time use. You do have many options, including to-do lists, time management software programs, and an alarm clock. Each of these approaches do work, but you should try a daily internet marketing schedule. Once properly made and used, you will be pleased with the results.


Before explaining how you can make a daily schedule that you can benefit from using, it is important to know why you need to do so. As an internet marketer, you know there are hundreds of ways to market a website online. To maximize your success and your earnings, implement each of these steps. Unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day. This means you need to properly manage your time, starting with over the course of one day.


Once you decide to utilize a daily internet marketing schedule, you need to decide on how you want to do so. The good news is that you have multiple options. Three of your options include in a spreadsheet, with Microsoft Word, or by hand. Each method has its own pros and cons. For example, creating a schedule by hand is nice as you familiarize yourself with your tasks, but it can be a time-consuming process. Using a computer to create a daily schedule is quick, easy to read, savable, and printable.


If you want to create a daily internet marketing schedule in Microsoft Word, you can do so in list or chart format. In most cases, you will find a list easier. This is because you start with blocks of time. If you work a 9-hour day, you will need 9 columns in your table, which is difficult to manage and read. So, create a list. Start with a heading for each hour you work. For example, start with 9am to 10am. Under the heading, outline each task you want to complete. For example, write and 2 proofread articles to later submit to article directories.


If you want to create a daily marketing schedule in a spreadsheet, you have less control. This is because you are given premade columns and rows. You can extend the size of columns, but not rows. For that reason, spreadsheets are one of the less common approaches. Instead of taking the traditional approach and use columns for tasks, use the rows. Create bold headings at the front of each row for time blocks, such as 9am to 10am. In the proceeding rows, type what you want to do. You are limited on space, so use abbreviations.


If you want to create a daily marketing schedule by hand, you still have the option of creating a chart or a list. When creating a chart, draw a large box with 8 rows. These are for the 8 hours or so you work. Have on large column. This is where you can list your tasks for the day. For example, do you want to write 2 articles the first hour of work, market on online forums the following, and so forth? If so, add these tasks to your schedule.


When creating your daily schedule, you have the option to outline detailed tasks or to be generalized. A detailed example includes, buy advertisements for site X, site Y, and site Z. A generalized example includes buy 3 advertisements. Detail task lists are beneficial, but generalized lists can be used day after day. If you compose on your computer, simply just save and print again each day.


Creating a Weekly Schedule

Do you work from home? If so, your ability to manage time is important to your success. When marketing a website where you sell a product, service, or have affiliate links displayed, traffic can translate into dollars. So, the more you market the more money you make, but you must have good use of your time.


In terms of improving time management, there are many available approaches. Some rely on the use of to-do lists, others use desktop calendars, time management software programs, alarm clocks, and schedules. Each of these approaches are nice, but try a weekly internet marketing schedule. Chances are, you will like the results.


Before seeing samples on how you can create an internet marketing weekly schedule, it is important to know why. There are hundreds of ways to market or advertise a website online. You want to implement each of these steps, but it is impossible for you to do so in one day. That is why you need to rely on time management. It allows you to effectively work and produce quality results, which should translate into income.


The first step in creating a weekly internet marketing schedule is to decide how you want to make your schedule. Three options include by hand, in Microsoft Word or Works, or with a spreadsheet. Each method has its pros and cons.


When creating a weekly schedule by hand, you write everything out. This means that you are more familiar with all the items on your list. You will still need to consult it, but many like seeing their own handwriting.


When creating a schedule in Microsoft Word, you type as opposed to write. This is great if you have poor handwriting. If you quickly write a schedule, you may later be left wondering what it was you wrote. You don’t have this problem with typed schedules and to-do lists.


When creating a schedule in a spreadsheet, you gain access to one of the greatest organizational tools. Spreadsheets are designed to promote organization, so your schedule will be organized. As previously stated, typed documents are easier to read and reference than handwritten ones.


If you opt for creating a weekly internet marketing schedule by hand, you can create a list or a chart. A list may be easier. Start with large headings for each day of the week. Underneath each heading, write a task. For example, do you want to write five pages of web copy on Monday? If so, add that underneath the day’s heading.


If you opt for creating a weekly internet marketing schedule in Microsoft Word, you can also use a chart or a list. When opting for a chart, you are technically inserting a table. Have five columns for each day of the week. You can have as many rows as you want. The more tasks you intend to complete each day, the more rows you need. Hit enter to make each row larger in size. Enter in your daily tasks or print and handwrite.


If you opt for an internet marketing schedule in a spreadsheet, you are provided with less freedom. This does, however, make creating a schedule easier. Once again, create a total of five headings in each column. This is for the days of the weeks. In the row, type in what tasks you want to complete on each day. Your list may look unproportioned if your to-do-list is longer on certain days.


When using a spreadsheet to create your internet marketing schedule for the week, you are limited on space. Large columns will result in multiple pages, which can be difficult to read. So, you can use abbreviations. For example, $ 5 ads can translate into arrange to buy five advertisements on applicable websites.


In conclusion, there are many ways for you to create a weekly internet marketing schedule, no matter what your preferences are. As for why you should. Remember, a schedule gives you more time to market your website, as you have a guide to follow. More marketing can translate into more money.


Do It Yourself or a Hire Professional?

Have you just created a website? If you work from home, your intention is to make money with that website. Whether you generate income through affiliate links or by selling a product or service, internet marketing is vital to your success. An internet marketing campaign lets consumers know you have something for sale.


Since internet marketing is an important component of making money with a website or even a blog, it must be incorporated into your business plan. However, you might assume there isn’t enough room or time for it. In fact, your first thought may be to avoid doing your own internet marketing and hire a professional.


Professional internet marketers are easy to find online. To get started, perform a standard internet search. After a close examination, you will find that most have a long list of well-known clients they work with, have an amazing list of testimonials, and so forth. Also, a close look will show you that internet marketers do not come cheap. In fact, the cost may surprise you. Essentially, this may once again leave you rethinking your marketing approach.


So, what should you do? Should you do your own internet marketing or hire a professional? In all honesty, you should do your own. Even if internet marketing is a subject that you are unfamiliar with, you can learn it. It is a lot easier than you may have originally thought, especially when you have a good sense of time management. In fact, if you have poor time management skills, you should work on improving those before you start an internet marketing campaign.


In terms of improving your use of time, there are many steps and changes you can make. To get started, create to-do lists. These can be done on a daily basis and outline each task you need to complete. When finished, cross it from your list and move on to the next. You can also eliminate distractions or interruptions. Do you find yourself talking on the phone when you should be working? If so, don’t answer your phone and don’t make any personal calls during business hours. Once you eliminate distractions or at least learn to tone them out, you can start improving your use of time and productivity.


Once you realize the connection between time management and internet marketing and its importance, you can begin to get started. If you are unfamiliar with internet marketing, research the subject. There are many internet marketing forums where tips are shared. Visit these forums. What is nice about this approach is that you can ask questions if you have any. Just remember to use online forums for research, not for personal chats.


After you familiarize yourself with a few internet marketing approaches, such as keyword optimized articles, signatures in message forums, banner and link exchanges, and so forth, you can get started. Now, it will take you a little bit of time to master the trade. For example, keyword articles can be difficult to write. It takes time and experimentation to find the best keywords and properly implement them into your articles. So, don’t give up if you don’t see results right away. It will take time and a lot of practice.


Finally, it is important to not focus solely on one internet marketing tactic. Even if you find a successful traffic and sale generator, use multiple methods. The key is to properly manage your time so that you can give each opportunity a try over the course of a week or one month.