Monday 23 May 2022

Top Tips for Staying Organized and Productive at Work

Whether you work for yourself or someone else you will need to be both organized and productive at work; every day. Not only will you feel better but you'll also impress your boss, colleagues and clients. So how can you make sure that you stay organized and productive?


Clear Clutter


Your work space should be clear and clutter-free. By removing distractions, you will make sure that you remain focused on your work. Have a trash can by your desk and use it. If it's trash, then it isn't needed so bin it immediately! Add a small container for recycling and put anything that can be recycled into it as soon as you've finished with it.


Process Your Emails


Emails are a huge time suck. Instead of just reading them or thinking you'll read or act on them later take a more structured approach.


Set a specific time for dealing with emails each day. Don't check them in between.


Use folders to organize emails: junk/spam, trash, by project or client, personal and to do. Any emails that require you to take action and that cannot be completed at that moment should be put into the to do folder. Make it a habit to work through your to do folder and empty it every day. Have a specific time slot allocated for that each day.


Delete junk, spam and emails that aren't important or needed for further action and empty those folders at the end of each day.


Schedule It


If you work for an organization, then you probably have set break times. However, if you work for yourself then it will be up to you to decide when to take a break. Make sure to schedule in regular breaks as these will keep you more focused and productive.


If you sit down for a large part of your day you need to take regular time out to get up and walk around. This will keep you fitter and reduce tiredness.


Stay Hydrated


Your body and brain need water to stay hydrated and to achieve optimal performance. Of course, you don't need to drink plain water all the time but you should limit caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee. 


Don't Skip Lunch


It can be all too easy to skip a meal when you are really busy. However, this won't actually boost your productivity as you'll find your blood sugar level will drop and you’ll lose energy and the ability to focus.


Make sure that you’ll always have lunch by taking it with you. If you can’t make it yourself then buy it on the way in to the office. Make sure to have a couple of healthy snacks ready to have during the day.


These simple tips will help you to stay organized and productive when you’re working.


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