Showing posts with label Health and Wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and Wellness. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 October 2022

4 Refreshing Drinks to Rehydrate Your Body and Boost Your Brainpower

Do you feel fatigued while you’re working? Do you frequently experience headaches or dizziness while you’re building your business? Do you find yourself feeling like your brain is in a haze as you struggle to think clearly?


These symptoms might sound scary at first. But they’re often caused by a simple medical condition known as dehydration. Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have enough fluid. As a result, you may feel tired and achy. You can experience dry mouth, headaches, and even dizziness as a result of your dehydration. 


The good news is that it’s easy to fix dehydration. You just need to drink a few glasses of liquid. Water is the best choice to rehydrate your system. Other beverages like coffee and soda contain caffeine, which can further dehydrate you. That’s why you should opt for water if at all possible.


But what if you hate the taste of water?


While some people believe water has no taste, others insist that it does have a boring flavor. If that describes you, then try one of these healthy options to mask the flavor of your water. You’ll still get the health benefits of drinking but without the taste you dislike.


Water and Lime


Lime is a great way to add flavor to your water. This mild citrus fruit is filled with Vitamin C and cancer fighting flavonoids. If you’re really craving a sweet taste, consider adding one teaspoon of raw honey to your lime water.


Cucumber and Apple Water


Combining cucumber and apple will give your water a sweet, refreshing taste. Cucumbers are an excellent source of several B vitamins while apples are known to fight diseases like Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Green Tea


If you’re still not a fan of water after trying to natural flavors provided by nature, then opt for green tea. Not only can green tea help rehydrate your body, scientists believe that it helps the body burn fat naturally.


Fresh Mint Tea


Like green tea, peppermint tea also boasts many health benefits. It can be useful in preventing nausea and reducing painful stomach cramps. Another advantage of drinking peppermint tea is that it’s a natural anti-inflammatory. If you have an autoimmune disease like arthritis, then it may be helpful to drink peppermint tea regularly.


When it comes to staying productive, your hydration level makes a huge difference. If you’re poorly hydrated, you won’t feel as well and your work may suffer. But drinking more water and tea throughout the day will help prevent this. As a result, you’ll feel energized and alert throughout the day.


Journal Your Thoughts

  • Are you drinking enough regularly to prevent dehydration?
  • How can you add more water and tea into your daily routine?
  • What are some unhealthy drinking choices that you're making? Could you replace one of these choices with a healthier alternative?


5 Energy Boosting Snacks to Recharge

If you’re a business owner working from home, you probably have easy access to all sorts of foods. From the pantry to your desk drawer, it’s easy to keep treats on hand when you work for yourself. It can be tempting to indulge your sweet tooth between meals or eat several servings of your favorite salty snacks in the afternoons.


But in order to keep your energy level up throughout the day, you need to choose healthy snacks. Healthy snacks are easier for your body to digest and can help you stay productive. These are the best foods to reach for when you start feeling hungry and need a quick snack.


Green Smoothies


Smoothies are an excellent way to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Not only will a smoothie nourish your body, it’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals. But read the labels for the green smoothies that are on store shelves. Some of them have added sugars or other ingredients that aren’t as healthy for you. Try to compare two or three brands to find the smoothies that taste the best and are the most nutritious.




Eggs aren’t just for breakfast. They also make a great snack for fending off your mid-day munchies. Eggs are naturally packed with protein so you’ll feel full longer. There are many ways you can make eggs but one of the simplest ways is to hard-boil a few, peel them, and leave them in the fridge. Then next time you’re craving a snack, grab an egg. 


Soups with Legumes


Legumes are vegetables that are encased in a pod or shell, like green beans and peas. Legumes are rich in fiber, which prevents blood sugar spikes. When it comes to soups, it’s best to go homemade if possible. But if you decide to purchase ready-made soup, try to look for a low sodium option since sodium is a preservative that’s abundant in processed foods.


A healthy chocolate fix


Maybe it’s been one of “those kind of days” and you really just need a quick chocolate fix. Instead of reaching for your favorite brand of chocolate, try a healthier alternative like a chocolate banana smoothie. You still get the taste of chocolate but you also get the health benefits of a banana.


Fruit and Yogurt


Indulge your sweet tooth with a bit of fruit and yogurt. Yogurt is made from milk, which is a good source of protein. You might be tempted to grab a yogurt from the store shelf that already contains fruit. But that type of yogurt is likely to have added preservatives and extra sugar. That’s why it’s best to opt for plain yogurt and mix in your own fresh fruits. 


Running a business isn’t always easy. But eating healthy should be. Keep in mind that you don’t have to make everything from scratch. There are plenty of ready-made snacks that you can buy at your local grocery store. Compare labels on different products to make sure that you’re picking the most nutritious one.


Make your healthy snacks easy to reach for. Store the ingredients you need for a smoothie next to your blender. Pre-cut your vegetables so you can just grab a serving and mix in some yogurt. In order to stay productive, you need to give your body healthy foods.


Journal Your Thoughts

  • What snacks do you reach for when you want a treat?
  • How do you feel about your current eating habits? What could you do to improve them?
  • Do you keep healthy foods on hand? Why or why not?

3 Reasons Why You Can't Get Into Productivity Mode

When it comes to running your own business, there’s always something productive you can be doing. But some days, you may find it difficult to get into your normal work rhythm. You may feel distracted and struggle to focus on your tasks. You may experience headaches or dizziness. You might also be feeling fatigued.


Instead of giving up and watching Netflix for the next few hours, it can helpful to check in with your body. When you stop to check in with yourself, you may find that a simple fix is all that’s required for getting back into your normal productive mode. 


Here are three things that can disrupt your natural work flow:  


Your body is hungry.


When you’re hungry, it’s hard to think things through and that makes decision making difficult. That’s why it’s important that you take time to nourish your body. You wouldn’t set out on a road trip with an empty gas tank so don’t expect your body to perform at its very best when you’re denying it much needed fuel. 


You can easily remedy this situation by getting something to eat. But steer clear of sugary snacks. They may give you a temporary burst of energy but that energy will be gone within a couple of hours, leaving your body just as hungry as before. Instead, try to opt for healthier snacks that contain plenty of protein like a handful of nuts or a serving of lean chicken breast. 


Your thoughts are scattered.


You go to work on one project but get distracted by another one. Then you decide to check your email and catch up on your social media updates. Before you know it, you have twelve different activities open on your screen. 


When this happens, you might be experiencing a lack of focus. You have so many ideas and tasks that you don’t know where to start working. In this case, it’s best to pause and make a list. Write down everything you need to accomplish today or this week. Then prioritize these projects by numbering them. Your most important task should be number one so after you’re finished with your list, start there. 


Your body is exhausted.


There are many things that can cause you to feel exhausted besides a lack of sleep. Emotional stress, illness, chronic pain, and other problems can deplete your energy. When you’re exhausted, it’s hard to work on your business.


The best way to tackle exhaustion is to practice self-care. Look at your life and ask yourself what you really need right now. You might need a day off. You might need a sitter to help watch your kids while you work. 


You might need to let go of stressful clients or remove projects that aren’t a good fit for your talents. Don’t hesitate to give yourself what you need. If you take good care of yourself, you’ll find it easier to nurture your business.


It’s important that you take time to check in with your mind and body a few times each day. When you do this regularly, you’ll begin to notice your body’s rhythms and be able to plan your work around them.


Journal Your Thoughts

  • When you struggle to get into your normal rhythm, what's usually the cause?
  • How often do you pause to listen to what your body needs?
  • How do you take care of your body when it has a need? In what ways, do you put yourself on the back burner?

Sunday 25 September 2022

5 Choices That Support Mental Health

When a person suffers from a mental health illness, such as depression or anxiety, the first-line treatments are usually mental therapies and medicines. What isn't always talked about are the variable lifestyle choices that affect our mental health. 


According to Psychology Today, "That’s a lamentable oversight because lifestyle changes—things as simple as nutrition and exercise—can have a significant impact on quality of life, for any of us, but especially for those dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. They can also help minimize the development of risk factors that can lead to conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension, all of which are seen at higher rates in those with mental illness, the study noted."


Making beneficial life choices can be uplifting. While time and financial constraints may restrict a few people's capacities to make such choices, we all can make small but significant changes.


Here Are Five Lifestyle Choices To Get You Started:


1. Make Healthy Diet Choices


According to studies, our diet can impact our mental health, both positively and negatively. According to new research from the University of Warwick, fruits and vegetables are associated with improved mental health. 


This is significant because mental well-being—feelings of enthusiasm, joy, self-esteem, and resilience—can help to safeguard not only against mental health issues but also physical illnesses.


2. Cut Back On Your Vices


Managing problem drinking or substance abuse is a no-brainer in terms of both mental and physical health. People with alcohol and drug problems are more likely than the general population to suffer from a mental illness, and their health outcomes are far worse. 


According to the Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA,


In 2020, 50.0% of people aged 12 or older (or 138.5 million people) used alcohol in the past month (2020 NSDUH)


Among the 138.5 million people who were current alcohol users, 61.6 million people (or 44.4%) were classified as binge drinkers and 17.7 million people (28.8% of current binge drinkers and 12.8% of current alcohol users) were classified as heavy drinkers (2020 NSDUH)


According to the WebMD, side effects of alcohol consumption include:


  • Worsening of mental health after the calm feeling fades
  • Hangovers including headaches and nausea and vomiting
  • Post-alcohol anxiety and/or depression


3. Spend Time In Quiet


We live in a noisy world. When we are outside, we are encircled by cars honking and public noises created by individuals, and the general hustle and bustle of the surroundings. When we are inside all day, such as at a desk, we are encircled by sounds from dialogues, texting, cell phones, office equipment, and so on. 


We also have noises from TVs or radios inside our homes. Our phones are always buzzing, with notifications and of course the very loud call of social media. 


Getting some quiet private time can do wonders for our mental health. This will result in more focused thoughts throughout the day. You can even try meditation, which promotes mental health.


4. Use Stress Reduction Methods


Mental illness sustains stress, and stress sustains mental illness. Taking measures to reduce stress in your life can help to break this destructive cycle. 


According to LifeHack, "There are many forms of stress. People do not even realize they suffer from stress. Still, the buildup of small and regular negative thoughts and energy could negatively impact your mental and even physical health. Stress can cause poor mental health in various disorders such as depression and anxiety, personality changes, bipolar disorder, problem behaviors, cognitive (thinking) problems, etc."


Effective Stress Management Techniques:


  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Rest and relaxation
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Deep Breathing
  • Eliminating sources of great stress
  • Distractions
  • Tai Chi
  • Unplug
  • Spend time doing things that bring you joy


5. Discuss Your Problem With Someone


If you have things or an issue on your mind, getting it off your chest can help you a lot. It is important to remember that desiring assistance implies strength, not weakness. It has been said that an issue that is partially shared is an issue that is half solved. 


When you suppress negative or hurtful thoughts, such as frustration, your mental health suffers. You will feel stressed and tense, and you may not get enough sleep at night. These emotions accumulate quickly, resulting in a somewhat desperate state that you cannot resist, such as depression or stomach ulcers.

4 Benefits of Connecting with Nature

You know how good it feels to get out and relax in nature, right? It’s time out from the stresses of everyday life, space and clean air, to breathe and take some time for yourself. But did you also know that there are scientifically proven health benefits to connecting with the natural world? It’s so beneficial you could even call it nature therapy! Here’s how being in the great outdoors is great for you.


Nature reduces stress and anxiety


Being out in nature has a measurable effect on your stress levels. They go right down, also lowering your risk of anxiety and depression. Even if you live and work in high rise glass and steel buildings, having a dose of the natural world can help lift your mood, your cognitive function, and your mental health. Whether it’s a walk in the park or even having a plant on your desk or being able to look out of the window, any connection with nature will help. 


Connection with nature is healing


Studies have shown that even being able to see a natural landscape can help hospital patients recover faster. 


It also helps your immune system function better. Scientists have found more than twenty pathways or connections between exposure to nature and improved health, protecting you from heart disease, depression, and diabetes.


Nature changes your perceptions of the world


Researchers have found that walking through a rural area changed the study participants attitude toward their to-do list. They saw their tasks as more manageable than participants who walked through city streets. 


People who exercise outdoors move faster, have a lowered perception of effort, enjoy their exercise more, and are more likely to stick to their routine than people exercising in a gym. 


Nature is great for your mental health


Remember how good it feels to be near the ocean, a river or a waterfall? That’s because the air near moving water is full of negative ions that can act as natural anti-depressants. It’s the same effect as the change in the air after a thunderstorm when the air is no longer oppressive but clear and fresh. 


There are now many studies which show that people living in green areas, or who have access to green spaces in cities, have significantly better mental wellbeing than people who live cut off from nature. 


Even having an aquarium, houseplants, or a view onto green space can help. 

Sunday 4 September 2022

Are Your Fears Holding You Back?

Fear is an emotion that can hold you back from reaching your goals and levels of success in your career – or even in school. Taking risks is part of everyday life but can be hindered if you are fearful of the unknown. How often do you say no to something just because you are fearful of what you think could happen?


Five Types of Fear


The top five fears that may be holding you back could include the following:


  • Feeling inadequate – Do you fear you are not good enough or lack the skills to pursue your dreams? You can overcome this fear by knowing and understanding your importance in a particular area of your life. 
  • The unknown – Do you have the common fear of the unknown? You can overcome this fear by having a vision for yourself and your future. 
  • FOMO – Fear of Missing Out is when you wish you were doing what others are doing because it looks better than what you’re doing. This type of fear is a distraction that can keep you from forming real relationships. 
  • Change – Fear of change can steal your joy and peace. To overcome this fear, take time to enjoy the moment you are in. Doing this can help you appreciate your life and relationships in a deeper manner. 
  • Being judged – No one wants to be judged by others and being vulnerable opens you up for the possibility of being judged. Adam Kirk Smith, Author of “The Bravest You” says “embrace your personal story” to overcome this fear. 


Fear can be crippling and can hold you back from your true potential. Though you may never live a completely fear-free life, there are ways you can overcome the fears in your life. 


It’s important to be open and honest with your fears too. You could even journal those fears so you can write down the ways to overcome them. The majority of fear comes from the unknown or even the thought of taking a risk. No one wants to be judged so it comes naturally to stay away from these types of situations. Lack of self-esteem or self-confidence can be an underlying cause of such fears. 


Overcome Your Fears


Begin by establishing a purpose for taking a risk; doing so this can remove that fear. Knowing your purpose will help you overcome many fears in your life. Purpose and meaning in life can help you move past your fears and guide you along your life’s journey.


Consider using positive affirmations when you are faced with a fear. Knowing where you are and what you want can help move you from a state of fear to a position of success. 


Finally, understand that not all fear is negative. Some fear can save your life and help you through a life-or-death situation. According to “Real fear can save our lives, embrace it. Manufactured fear divides us, let it go. And, be sure to give fear the attention it needs so you can distinguish between the two.”

Signs You Might Be Experiencing Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is defined as, “anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and active role in achieving success, while falsely attributing one’s accomplishments to luck or other external forces.” Now that you know what impostor syndrome is, how do you know if you are living with it?


Five Signs You Have Impostor Syndrome


Here are five common signs that you are living with impostor syndrome.


  • You cannot assess your skills and abilities realistically because you are giving yourself unrealistic goals to accomplish. 
  • You connect your success to the outcome, giving no thought to the amount of work you put forth.
  • You put down your own efforts and accomplishments by shrugging them off as if they were “not that good”. 
  • You live in constant fear of failing to meet your own expectations, but fail to acknowledge the goals you’ve reached. 
  • You engage in activities that self-sabotage potential success by choosing to deliberately procrastinate. 


Many people with impostor syndrome look for ways to protect their ego and self-esteem when faced with tough situations. There are negative side effects to living with impostor syndrome, such as hindering your chance of success by choosing to create a barrier. Some individuals use their limiting beliefs, or feelings of impostor syndrome, for motivation.


External Proof versus Internal Thoughts


Impostor syndrome keeps you from internally accepting or believing your abilities or successes. The more you accomplish and succeed, the stronger the negative thoughts can become. 


Do you struggle with thoughts or feelings of being a fraud in your career or at school? Have you reached a goal yet you don’t feel you did it well enough? These are examples of how individuals with impostor syndrome feel. Even though you accomplished the goal you set out to do, you can’t seem to internally believe it was good enough. 


Internal feelings can increase the anxiety and could lead to intense feelings of being a fraud. This creates a vicious cycle and it may require the help of a psychologist or therapist to overcome this phenomenon. If the impostor syndrome is not correctly handled, it can lead to feelings of isolation or even feelings of dread. 


Impostor syndrome is often passed down to a person from their family, unknowingly. It may not be evident until later in their teens or adulthood. Another potential cause may be from entering a new career field where you internally compare your skills to those who have been at the job longer than yourself. There could also be a number of external factors that could cause a person to be inflicted with impostor syndrome. 


Once you realize you have impostor syndrome, you can take steps to overcome it. Some of these steps include sharing your feelings and fears with trusted individuals. Ask yourself if your thoughts are honest and rational. Assess whether you are comparing yourself to others without even realizing it. Keep in mind that successful people struggle with impostor syndrome and often relate their success to luck instead of hard work. Let your guard down and let others see you for who you really are. 


Success Is Not Luck, It’s You!

Do you have feelings or worries that your co-workers or friends will think you're a fraud? Do you often feel like you don’t belong? These are feelings of impostor syndrome and an estimated 70% of successful people experience this in their lives. 


Impostor syndrome can cause you to feel that you only accomplished your goals due to luck. Maybe you think you aren’t as good as your boss thinks you are and you worry that you’ll be found out. 


Research shows us that both men and women battle impostor syndrome and are unable to acknowledge and own their successes. 


Five Patterns of Impostor Syndrome


According to the impostor expert Valerie Young and author of “The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women”, there are five patterns that can be found in those who suffer from this phenomenon.

  • You set unrealistic goals for yourself and are often considered a perfectionist. 
  • You are afraid to speak up or answer questions due to fear of not knowing the answer.
  • You are afraid to ask for help because you think you’ll look like a failure to others.
  • You feel like a fraud if the answer doesn’t come naturally.
  • You push yourself hard than your peers in order to prove yourself. 


Individuals that live with impostor syndrome think that things happen to them due to luck rather than their own hard work or abilities. This then leads to a cycle of negative thinking that can hold them back from moving up the corporate ladder. They may even end up working harder than necessary, which could lead to increased feelings of failure or burnout.


Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life


If you are living with impostor syndrome you may struggle with accepting your own success. Perhaps you feel that you don’t deserve your corporate position or an award of accomplishment. If you can relate to this, then there are some suggestions on how you can fix your inner impostor. 


  • Change your mindset to accept your shortcomings instead of seeking a perfect outcome with every project or goal. 
  • Embrace your imperfections and learn to accept yourself the way you are. Remind yourself that you did your best. 
  • Keep a list of realistic goals. If you have a list of goals already then look through them with honesty.
  • Believe the effort you’ve put forth regardless of the outcome. You may have worked hard towards a goal just to fall short of the desired outcome. This is an opportunity to accept the outcome and still be proud of the work you put into it. 
  • Create a focused goal instead of trying to divide your attention energy between unrelated topics. Be okay with having someone else work on a particular area of a task so you are free to focus on what you enjoy.


Impostor syndrome can cause the strongest and most successful individuals to feel like they are not good enough. This syndrome has a negative effect on all areas of your life. So take time to assess where you are and what you can do to move forward in your life. 

What Is Impostor Syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is best described as the fear of being considered a fraud or doubting one's accomplishments. Even those who have reached a level of success in their chosen field are often full of anxiety and crippling thoughts of being considered a fraud. According to the Journal of Behavioral Science, it is estimated that 70% of people in the U.S. experience impostor syndrome. 


Impostor syndrome (IS) is an internal feeling that you believe you are not as qualified as other may think you are. This is often connected to thoughts of perfectionism and can be applied to your intelligence or achievement. If you have feelings of being a fraud or that you did not deserve that raise, then you could be dealing with impostor syndrome. 


Four Characteristics of Impostor Syndrome


Those who suffer with impostor syndrome doubt their own skills and accomplishments despite the evidence of the success. Below are four common indicators you may be dealing with impostor syndrome.


  • Deep-seated feelings of fear that you aren’t able to meet expectations.
  • Undermining your achievements even when you worked diligently towards that goal.
  • Setting unrealistic goals and then feeling disappointed if you do not meet those goals.
  • Doubting yourself no matter what you’re working on or working towards.


If you recognize any of the above, there some things you can do to move past these feelings. Begin by confronting your feelings and any beliefs you hold about yourself. If you struggle with any of this, consider speaking with a professional or close friend. Confiding in someone can help you gain clarity on your feelings and beliefs. 


Impostor syndrome can be ingrained in you as a child and continue well into adulthood. Struggling with feelings of being a fraud can happen to anyone but is seen mostly in successful women. According to research done with, “despite their outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, women who experience the impostor phenomenon persist in believing that they are really not bright and have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise.”


Do You Have Impostor Syndrome?


So, how do you know if you suffer from impostor syndrome? One way to know if you are dealing with it is to take a free online test. Simply answer the questions that you can find through a quick online search, or try the free test on at  


You can remove impostor syndrome by first recognizing it in your life and seeing how it is affecting you. Progressively work towards breaking those limiting beliefs by thinking of the quality of work you are performing versus the quantity. 


If someone pays you a compliment, remind yourself that it is a fact and that you deserve it. Begin to recognize your own successes and take time to celebrate the wins in your life. Eventually your inner voice will support your new positive thoughts so you can overcome the feelings of impostor syndrome.

Your Childhood May Have Contributed to Impostor Syndrome

Do you have repeated thoughts you haven’t rightfully gained your job or an award? Do you fear being outed or exposed for not being as talented or enough in your career?


Impostor syndrome is a habitual thought pattern, according to PsychCentral, and may stem from your family background. Impostor syndrome can bring on feelings of chronic self-doubt and even a lack of celebration of their achievements. 


Imposter syndrome can limit your belief in your abilities, talents, and even accomplishments. This can then lead to increased anxiety and low self-esteem. Many adults live with limiting beliefs because of their family upbringing and often do not know that this is even an issue until later in life. 


Where Does Impostor Syndrome Come From?


Impostor syndrome can come from receiving praise or acknowledgment for something that you didn’t deserve, and this can directly influence your thoughts into causing feelings of being a phony. There may be a variety of reasons why you battle thoughts of feeling like a fraud or have the feeling of being an impostor in your life. 


Impostor syndrome can hinder your self-esteem and even keep you from trying new activities in life. If you frequently battle feelings where you don’t deserve recognition for a job well done, then you could be living with it. It is reported that many individuals are known to have this syndrome without realizing it. 


Five Reasons You May Battle Impostor Syndrome


There are five common reasons why you may be battling impostor syndrome, such as:


  • You may have received praise or recognition for something that you did not deserve, such as a blue ribbon for a project when you know you did not do your best.
  • You may have been praised for being good in a skill that you actually were not good at just so you would not be left out. 
  • You may have never received any type of positive reinforcement for a job well done even though you worked to your best ability.
  • You may not feel deserving of something of value because you were told you were not good enough or should have done better regardless of how much effort you put forth.
  • Did your family assign you a label such as “the sporty one” or “the smart one” without recognizing other areas you excelled at?


These labels or ingrained life lessons could cause you to grow into an adult that suffers from impostor syndrome. 


Once you can relate to one or more of these life experiences, you can change your own life. For example, if they labeled you the “smart one” of your family, then you could begin by recognizing a job well done in another area of your life. Perhaps trying out for a sports team or taking part in a community event can be the beginning of self-recognition and the shedding of your impostor syndrome feelings. 


Take time to recognize your own achievements, as this can build your self-esteem and help you shed that label.

Sunday 28 August 2022

Deep Breathing to Manage Stress

Sadly, we’re bombarded with multiple stress-inducing factors on a daily basis. From incessant pressure at work to responsibilities at home that never seem to end, life is hard.


That said, stressors don’t have to be small things that build up over time. They can also be one big life event that comes out of nowhere and turns your world upside down.


Whichever way stress burrows into your life, the problems of dealing with it are the same. Luckily, one technique that’s proven to be successful at managing stress is deep breathing. This calming technique has many benefits besides lowering stress levels, such as improved blood flow and helping you sleep better.


So, keep reading to discover how deep breathing can make you healthier, stronger, and less anxious.


What Is Deep Breathing?


Deep breathing is a technique used to help you achieve inner peace and a sense of calm. The whole point of deep breathing is that it allows you to breathe through your abdomen, rather than the shallow breathing we typically do through our chest.


What abdominal breathing does is help control the nervous system by reducing the release of stress hormones. Thus, it encourages the body to calm down and relax, decreasing anxiety levels.


Consequently, this enhances your overall well-being. Deep breathing through the abdomen also prevents various illnesses and conditions, like high blood pressure, obesity, and Type-2 diabetes.


Moreover, deep breathing helps you focus more on what you’re doing. So, rather than make rash decisions, you can take your time to think things over.


How Does Deep Breathing Work?


Deep breathing allows you to boost the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Having more oxygen means your cardiovascular system works double time.


Then, as soon as your brain detects this substantial amount of oxygen in your system, it responds by doing several things. The first of these things is that it reduces the concentration of stress hormones. So, as a result, you calm down, and you become less stressed.


Follow these steps to perform basic deep breathing exercises:


  • First, put your right hand on your abdomen near your navel.
  • Next, place your left hand on the center of your chest.
  • Some people find it helpful to close their eyes, so you can try that and see if you feel comfortable.
  • Inhale and exhale fully a couple of times to shift from chest to abdominal, or diaphragmatic, breathing.
  • Next, inhale deeply while focusing on the rising of the abdomen as the lungs fill with air.
  • As you do this, it should cause your belly to expand about an inch.
  • Then, slowly let out your breath.
  • While exhaling, most of the movement should be in the area underneath your right hand. Your chest should only move slightly.
  • Each time you breathe in and out, focus on how you feel.
  • Repeat anywhere from 5–7 times.


Benefits of Deep Breathing


When you’re calm and relaxed, you breathe through your nose and take slow, even breaths. But then, something stresses us out, and our ‘fight or flight’ response kicks in.


This is when our breathing becomes more rapid and shallow to increase our oxygen supply. More oxygen means more blood rushing to our extremities, allowing us to run for cover or fight for our lives.


Yet, in today’s modern world, we neither run nor fight. Instead, we create this imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide that has no way of escaping, which affects our health and well-being.


Here are a few physiological benefits of controlled, deep breathing:


  • Lowered heart rate and blood pressure
  • Reduced build-up of lactic acid in muscle tissue
  • Stronger immune system
  • A boost in physical energy
  • Reduced levels of stress hormones
  • A renewed blanched of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood
  • Increased feelings of calm and relaxation


Deep Breathing Tips and Tricks


Here are some tips and tricks you can use the next time you’re using the deep breathing technique to help you reverse your stress responses and feel calmer.


  • The trick to going from chest breathing to abdominal breathing is those first two full exhalations.
  • Pushing out the air from the bottom of our lungs creates a vacuum that will allow you to switch to abdominal breath on your next inhalation. Next, pause for a second or two before inhaling slowly.
  • The recommended breathing is through the nose. Yet, it takes a while for some people to get used to nostril breathing. So, in the meantime, you can breathe through your mouth until you’re more comfortable.
  • Avoid taking more than five deep breaths. More than five breaths make most people feel light-headed. If this sounds familiar, take 2–3 breaths at a time to avoid feeling giddy or off-balance.