Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Monday 6 June 2022

How to Use 30 Minutes to Stop Worrying

Worry can derail an entire day if you let it. But did you know you had the power to stop it in just 30 minutes of your time, freeing up the rest of the day to really live your life? The answer is more straightforward than you think. 


When you become accustomed to worrying, you gain a constant stream of negative feedback and information in your brain. It’s like leaving the TV on to a channel designed to inform you of every worst-case scenario, only personalized to make all those dire predictions all about you.


Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it?


But by designating 30 minutes every day for worrying and allowing yourself to worry only during those 30 minutes, you gain back your day and your life simultaneously. 


You start by setting a ‘worry time.’ Once you have this half-hour firmly in place (put it on your calendar if you need to), you can start kicking every worrying thought to the curb. You tell it, ‘later.” and then refuse to let it near you again until it’s your designated worry break.


How do you do this? Try these quick steps:


Pick a Time


Grab a half hour when you’re not going to be busy. Be careful not to pick one too near bedtime, though, as it might interfere with your ability to sleep.


Become Conscious of Your Thoughts


Every time you have a worrying thought, tell it to go away until later. If it helps, jot the worry down somewhere, so you have a list to look at during your break.


Use a Timer


Worries can very quickly take over as much time as you give to them. By setting your timer to 30 minutes, you’re keeping control of just how much time you’re going to spend worrying.


Record Your Thoughts


Either write down your worries as you think about them, or if you like, journal about your thoughts during this time. Be as detailed as you like. This might also be an excellent time to examine your worries, to figure out if there’s a recurring pattern or theme. Dig down into the heart of what’s really troubling you.


Stop When the Timer Goes Off 


At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. Any new worries now have to wait until tomorrow. Close the journal, throw away the paper, do what you need to close off the worrying for the day.




Do every one of these steps every single day for at least two weeks. Why? Because it takes time to form a habit, which is what you’re really trying to do here. 


In the end, you’ll be amazed at how much freer you feel when you realize you don’t have to worry all day long. You’ll sleep better at night and be much more productive during the day. Not bad for an investment of only half an hour.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Fear-Based Motivation

Fear can be an effective catalyst for motivation. For example, if your boss tells you to get your project done on time or you will lose your job, you can be sure you’re going to do everything in your power to get that project done. You may resent your boss for doing this, but you are probably going to do as he or she wishes unless you are looking to get fired.


Another situation where fear will motivate you is when something crucial breaks in your home. It could be the furnace giving out in the middle of winter. You are at a point where you have no choice but to call for expensive repairs. If you don’t, you’ll risk the pipes freezing and being uncomfortable.


We all have a certain amount of fear-based motivation. But, is it the best way to get people to do things? In the case of the furnace, you’ll have no choice and have to chalk it up to being a part of life. But, in the case of your boss harping on to you, is there a better way for him or her to handle the situation? Can you continually work in an environment based on that kind of fear?


It’s questionable whether motivation based on fear is sustainable. If you are an employee and there aren’t many jobs available as alternatives, you may feel like you have no choice but to comply. But, sometimes, this kind of negative working environment gets people more motivated to get out of the situation. In other words, the motivation tactics may work in the short-term, but eventually, employers may experience a high turnover when those employees recognize there are other choices. The internet is a great equalizer in this regard as more people can choose to freelance on their terms.


There’s an old saying about how you catch more flies with honey. If managers would recognize they would get more loyalty out of people by offering incentives rather than scare tactics to get their employees to do the work, maybe turnover wouldn’t be so high. Unfortunately, these managers don’t learn this until it’s too late. And even then, will they make any changes? Often, they make the justification that it’s the employee’s fault and they decided to leave.


Think about the impact you have if you are a manager trying to motivate your employees. If you have used fear as a motivator, is it something that has worked for you in the long-term? Or, did you simply set an environment where people couldn’t wait to get away?

Tuesday 31 May 2022

4 Changes That Can Transform Your Year (and Your Life)

Sometimes, making changes that you want to see in your life feel nearly impossible. It takes a willingness to step outside your comfort zone to make significant changes that will transform your world. If you want to start your year out right, these subtle changes can be the beginning of a happier, healthier life.


Listen to Your Intuition — We like to think life is linear and rational. But more often than not, we make blind decisions based on what we know at the time. But what if you started following your intuition more often than your brain? Often, the right choice is the one we don’t fully understand at the time. Your intuition can lead you down a path you least expect, but that can change your life in exciting ways. Worry less about connecting the dots and spend more time riding the wave.


Understand Your Why — You want to make changes but find year after year, you have yet to make it happen. One reason for this is because you don’t understand why you want to make the change. Or you understand it, but you focus on how hard it will be to make the change. Look at the big goal you have and ask yourself why you want it. Will it free up time, make you healthier, or make retirement more comfortable? If the answer is yes, you should keep your thoughts on how much better your life will be when you’ve made the change, and then take action. Always start with your “why.”


Take Action — Often we humans wait until the time is right to do something meaningful. And for this reason, many of us have regrets later in life. What do you genuinely want? If you can answer that question automatically, it’s time to take action. Any action. It doesn’t have to be the “right” action. But making that first step will lead you to discover the right next steps to take that will lead you to where you want to go.


Stay Short-Sighted — Have you ever thought you’d like to make a significant change in your life but then thought yourself out of it? When we look too far into the future, we can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing. Ask yourself what the first step would be to make that change. Then the next step. And the next one. Most successful people didn’t know where exactly they’d end up. They just knew they wanted to change their lives, and so they did, step by step. Don’t let the fear of the unknown future steal your happiness today by keeping you paralyzed.


How to Deal With a Difficult Emotion Using Mindfulness

Mindfulness has a great many uses and is often prescribed by self-help gurus, doctors, writers and others as a tool anyone can use to improve their mental health.


Often these focusses on the long-term benefits of being more present and aware. At the same time though, mindfulness can also be used like a scalpel to deal with more acute problems. Here we will look at how it can be leveraged for instance to tackle specific emotions as they arise.


Turning Towards Emotions


Normally when we experience negative emotions, we react either by trying to ‘fight them’ or by trying to suppress them. This can be described as almost ‘turning away’ from our emotions to try and deny them their power over us.


Unfortunately, this ultimately tends to result in our becoming more stressed or upset as the emotions bubble under the surface, or as we frustrate ourselves in trying to fight them.


Instead, though, mindfulness teaches us to turn towards our emotions. What this means, is that you are going to listen to the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing and then simply acknowledge them. Now you say ‘I am stressed’, ‘I am embarrassed’ or ‘I am upset’. Don’t be ashamed or upset that emotion exists but simply recognize that you are currently in that state.


People get upset sometimes. People get angry sometimes. But if you’re simply aware of your condition, then you can be aware that perhaps the thoughts you’re thinking aren’t completely objective. What’s more, you should keep hold of the knowledge that emotions aren’t permanent. In other words, you’re feeling angry right now and as such your thoughts shouldn’t be taken too seriously. But in a few hours, you will likely feel better and then the world will seem like a brighter place again.


This creates a subtle but powerful shift. No longer is the world a terrible place and thus you are upset, now you are upset and thus the world seems like a terrible place. The difference is that you now know that belief is not true.




What’s more, being aware and accepting of your emotions in this way will allow you to assess them in a kind of ‘debriefing’ and to look at what triggered them, how you dealt with them and what they made you think and do. The more you break down and intellectualize your emotions, the more you will find you gain control over them.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Solve Your Life’s Problems Calmly

Time and again, we come across several issues regarding health, family, relationships, job etc. Sometimes we find a provisional solution to such problems and feel contend that they have vanished forever. Why is meditative thinking and chanting considered a practical and passive therapy to resolve life’s major concerns? It is so, because; contemplative thinking reroutes our minds from the negative to positive. The feelings of resentment, apprehension, rebel and envy paralyse our efforts to solve issues between friends, companions, colleagues and even our own conscience. Focusing through meditation is highly productive and enlightening which is why it is believed that life’s biggest troubles are sorted submissively.


If your child is experiencing problems with studies, don’t try to force him to learn how to focus on his assignment. Instead, be cool, calm and collected in helping him build his concentration power. Teach them tolerantly, how to focus on schoolwork and put aside the ‘daydreaming’ for the future! You also need to create an atmosphere at home so that your child does his homework with attentiveness. The setting should have educational wall charts, comfortable desks, less traffic and clatter. TV is a big distraction for kids and you have to ensure that your kid will fail to focus when TV is viewed at the background.


It is a must that you develop patience to deal with life’s problems. When we experience repeated failure, we give up saying’ ‘maybe this was not my destiny’. Truthfully speaking, it is a cover up on our lack of patience as we give up too quickly without focusing on how to be tolerant. Being satisfied with second-rate results is not the answer to long-standing success. Our thoughts and actions have to be well planned out and precise with appropriate progress of the focal point. With firmness in your thoughts, you can acquire stupendous success even after a series of failures.


Thursday 19 May 2022

The Essence Of Adopting a Morning Ritual Habit

If you hate waking up early, then you need to read this article. According to research, creating good habits and sticking to a morning routine plays a huge role in your success. If you’re a night owl, unfortunately, this means you will have to find ways to adapt and change your lifestyle. 


Creating a morning routine and turning it into a habit may sound difficult at first. But if you keep at it every day for at least a month, you will start seeing noticeable differences in how you approach your entire day. A morning routine will help you feel more stable and you’ll be so much more in control of your day. 


It’s peaceful in the morning 


Early mornings don’t have as much distraction as other times of the day. Your family and your neighbors will still be in bed (unless they’ve also adopted this habit), there’ll be less noise on the streets, and your personal space will seem so much bigger. 


With less distraction, you’ll be able to think clearly and you’ll have time to exercise, meditate, pray, update your journal, and plan your entire day. 

A morning routine will help you feel more in control of your life and you won’t feel as disorganized as before simply because you will have time to think your day through and organize your activities. 


Simply put, your morning routine will set the tone for your day.


Get work done early


Mornings are best for getting your most difficult tasks done. Getting these tasks out of the way lets you enjoy relatively stress-free afternoons and you’ll be much happier because you can get more things done in the day. 


Your productivity levels will increase and you can even start working in advance on tasks that don’t need to be done until later.


When you get things done earlier and faster in the day, you can reward yourself for a job well done. Just be careful when rewarding yourself though as some rewards may actually be detrimental to your goals. 


For instance, if someone asks you to go partying on a weekday, you may want to tell them “No”. You may be tempted but think first if it’s going to somehow cause you to sleep in late and thus wake up late the following day. If this is the case, then simply decline. 


No amount of partying can replace what you can accomplish by sticking to, and religiously following, your morning routine habit!


Monday 9 May 2022

Stop Hiding Behind Your Fears And Get The Road Map To Help

Our blueprint is our own; life is wondering and we respond. Do we meekly submit and let life, let those near us, determine where we're going? Do we serve a maybe in response to life in a muted voice? Or do we persist firm and persist true to our inmost wants; to live a life of virtue and fulfillment - a life of responsibility... free from fears?


All of us may come up with someone else to fault or leastwise find someone else who's some more faults than ourselves to take the attention off and pose ourselves in a good light. Making comparisons in this way seems to be fabricated into our DNA as well as hiding behind our fears.


When we think about our own lives, conforming to the line ‘I may not be perfect, but I’m not worse than the next individual’ seems all too familiar but behaving poorly or in a more improper way than what we would call for from others, compromises our own wholeness. 


The idea that we're ‘not as spoilt’ as someone else lets us think that our own actions are okay and guardedly selecting someone with whom we can equate ourselves only gives the backing we need to justify this to ourselves. It’s all truly handy, correct? 


This kind of behavior lets us skip out on being responsible for ourselves, to go on acting badly or to just ‘put our head in the sand’ about specific matters. If our actions are ‘not as sorry’ as someone else’s, does that signify we're correct? 


Is it genuinely just when we commit an act we acknowledge as wrong, to not anticipate being held responsible for it? We oftentimes hurt others in ways we, ourselves wouldn't enjoy happening to us and this is hiding behind our own fears. 


As a matter of fact, a couple of life's hardest examples can serve as vicious reminders that we have treated someone in some respects how we'd detest to be treated ourselves so how come do we do it? Why do we do something if we’re afraid to face the final result? 


An acquaintance once gave me some of the finest, yet most simple-minded advice I’ve ever gotten - ‘don’t be sorry, just don’t do it!’ Its dandy advice that compliments that old adage of ‘Do unto others, how you'd have them do unto you’ and is a wonderful doctrine to live your life by. 


Consider it, if you tell yourself this any time, you’re mulling over lying to somebody, treating someone badly, speaking out of turn or doing something you shouldn’t behind someone else’s back - and let’s face it, 9 times out of 10 you’re going to get discovered, you’ll never have to be ‘sorry’ ever again. 


If you don’t do the risky behavior in the first place, you won’t have the showdown with that individual, there’ll be no hoo-hah or judging, no relationship unsaved or tarnished and utterly no need to apologize, best of all - your scruples will always be clean and guilt free. It may be rather an easy way to undertake life but it most decidedly works. Alas, doing unto others, how you'd have them do unto you isn’t always assured in today’s society but you're able to at least be responsible for your own actions. Passing off the fault only displays a cowardice and lack of value for yourself and everyone around you.


We're responsible for our own lives. No individual is precisely like us; not even an identical twin. Our seeds of joy are our own; our resolves are as unique as our fingerprints. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your fears on others. Learn the right way to banish your fears and move forward today.


Getting Rid Of Fear And Anxiety

Anxiety attacks, also recognized as panic attacks, are sequences of acute panic or fear. Anxiety attacks commonly occur all of a sudden and without warning. Occasionally there's an visible trigger - becoming stuck in an lift, for instance, or thinking of the big speech you're doing in a couple of hours - but for many the attacks arrive out of the blue.


Anxiety attacks commonly crest within 10 minutes, and they seldom last more than 30 minutes. However, during that small time, the panic can be so serious that you feel as though you're about to perish or completely lose control. The tangible symptoms are themselves so horrendous that many individuals trust they're experiencing a heart attack. After an anxiety attack is concluded, you might be concerned about having an additional one, especially in a public place where assistance isn't available or you can't easily break away.


This is where the true trouble begins. This changeless state of "worrying about an additional onset" is what makes anxiousness remain. The more you dread and worry about it, the more probable it will hit you time and time again.


The key to eliminating anxiety attacks rests here in unnecessary fearfulness. A chief part of the fright comes from "trusting that your about to pass away, or your cursed with some incurable sickness". In literal fact, you’re really far from passing away ...and you’re surely not going "crazy" or incurable.


You can't pass away from an anxiety attack; this is a reality, not a myth. Know that you will not pass away and reassure yourself. Hiding and running away from it won't make anxiousness disappear. Accept the fact that you are having an anxiety attack and face up to it. Once the reason for fearfulness goes away, so to will the body's grounds for keeping up the panic reaction.


Make a list of things which you're afraid of. Try to act opposite in that situation. Keep a list of things which keep you calm. Meditation can also be really helpful for anxiety. Exercise regularly also. It helps to keep your blood pressure normal. Lavender essences oil is valuable in calming and soothing. Holding a pet can likewise help. Self-help support and sharing troubles with your friends or family members will also help.


And the next time you have another anxiety attack, don't panic.


Want to Be Courageous: 3 Sure Methods for Conquering Your Fears

Have you ever imagined living a life without fear or doubt? A life where you are sure of every step you are taking? Well, if there is one thing that can hold you back from growing as an individual and prevent you from achieving the highest levels of success, its fear. Regardless of their occupations, high achievers understand that massive action and taking risk is an important part in moving from one step to another. Just like in business, this also applies to life. One thing that you need to know is that fear is normal. The key thing is not to let it hold you back and prevent you from taking action. 


But what are some of the methods of conquering fear?


3 methods for conquering your fears


1. Prepare for a peaceful outcome


If you are anxious and fearful about any upcoming event you will notice that just thinking about them will cause physical responses such as anxiety, uneasiness, among others. So, when you find yourself thinking too much about them prepare yourself by picturing feeling calm instead of being frightened. By doing this, you will be able to retain a clear thought thereby, conquer your fear.


2. Have a well thought out plan


The moment you begin to worry and over analyze a situation it means that you don’t have a detailed and a well thought out plan on how to overcome that situation. You should, therefore, ensure that you set clear goals with a detailed plan. After coming up with a detailed plan, take action. This will help you relieve stress and give you a sense of enjoyment. Remember, fear often creeps and paralyzes you if you do not take the time to plan your life.


3. Do one thing daily that scares you


Do you know that one of the worst ways to live is staying in a comfort zone? In fact, not doing the things that frighten you will magnify your fears and let them take over your life. It doesn’t have to be something big, but ensure that you do something daily that scares you. Just step out of your comfort zone and work on becoming comfortable by first being uncomfortable. When you do this daily your courage will start growing little by little and very soon the barriers that were holding you back will vanish and your potential will maximize.


Final lines


Deciding that fear will not hold you back anymore is one of the best decisions you can make to ensure your future success. Although it’s something that will not work out instantly, taking action and running towards your fears daily will benefit you in the long run. These are the 3 methods for conquering your fears.

3 Tips for Worrying Less

Do you think that you worry too much about almost everything that affects your life? Do you feel like your worries are hindering you from living your life to the fullest? In order to be happy, you need to get the right view of life instead of allowing yourself to be trapped in the problems and worries of each day. 


Studies have shown that worry extends across every aspect of our lives- over our families, relationships, work, finances, etc. Simply take things one day at a time. Teach yourself how to worry less by practicing a higher level of detachment while keeping yourself calm and relaxed despite the life’s ups and downs. Here are a few tips on how to worry less: 


1. Revel in Some Good News


Learn to ignore the bad news and instead revel in some good news, not just around you, but also in your mind. Use daily affirmations to change your life for the better. Once you find yourself worrying, start thinking about the positive things in your life. Then, considering the fact that your mind is vulnerable to wandering around, find something to do so you can keep your attention. Talk to a loved one, watch a good movie, read an interesting book or even play an exciting online game. All these are good ways to avoid worrying too much. 


2. Try to Be What You Want To Be


Conquer your doubts by ignoring everything beyond your control. Then, considering that self-realization can help you overcome worry, try to build yourself both emotionally and physically. This means that you need to invest in yourself. Find a personal trainer who can help you improve your health or look for someone who can help you become more accountable. Forgive yourself for any previous mistake and improve yourself for future victories, one day at a time. 


3. Choose Your Friends Carefully


Your mood is affected by the people you hang out with, whether you are aware of it or not. Research has shown that emotions are infectious. We can easily catch moods from the company we keep or even from strangers around us. The people you hang out with have a huge impact on your feelings and mental well-being. Choose your friends carefully. Determine who to talk to regarding the circumstances that make you nervous. Some people can help you take a positive view of life while others can add to your fears, doubts and worries. 


Worrying will not help you to solve your problems. Make a commitment to stop worrying too much today. Each time you focus on these tips, you are instilling a mental habit that will help you overcome the depressing worry cycle.

4 Reasons We Should Overcome Our Fears

Are you the type of person who make decisions based on fear? Does fear hold you back from an action and ideally knowing your hindrances are real? Fear is a mixed feeling of reverence and dread. Why should you overcome fear? Here are four most scalable reasons to conquer fear and help enhance a tolerance for rejection and discomfort. 


1. Fear suppresses your potential


Fear prevents personal growth and progression in life. It limits you to live your best life and become a better person. Overcoming fear expands the opportunities and possibilities that surround our lives. When you let it drive your feelings, thoughts, behaviors and decisions, you reduce your mind to a slave of fear. The state is very disempowering; everything you do or every decision you make is a result of fear, rather than your desire. If you entrench off in the land of fear, you can never achieve higher levels of consciousness.


2. Fear exists only in your mind


Why let yourself be scared by a scarecrow which only looks scary but harmless? Fear is similar. It is based on the danger perceived in your mind. The feeling arises when the brain formulates a perception that non-physical threats are actual dangers, which is false. For instance, most people fear public speaking which is physically harmless. Most people develop the thought of people judging them, slipping up and the embarrassment that results. These thoughts and fears exist only in your mind.


3. Fear wastes your energy


Fear is irrational, and a squander of mental and emotional strength. Every time you surge in fear, you nurture more logical non-constructive thoughts that feed your energy. Relax and serenely process the situation and intelligently identify solutions. Fear significantly triggers adrenaline that increases physical rather than mental performance. Adrenaline stresses your body and results to jittery nerves. Overcoming your fears ensues into more positive feelings and sound thoughts, which progress into positive aftereffects. 


4. Fear is pervasive


Fear is prevalent. Deal with fear, do not let it permeate and patronize in everything you do. Running and eluding fear gives you a delusion of security for a short moment. No matter how you run, you are just living in the confinement of fear. A small acorn ultimately becomes an enormous oak tree. Learn to deal and overcome it., or cringe in its existence to become a fragment of who you could be. 


Overcoming your fears helps you understand that fears are illogical and entirely obliterates them. You are left emancipated to achieve your highest potential and chase your desires with less hesitation.


5 Easy Steps To Conquer Your Fears

Fear is a natural response to different situations that has evolved with us over a certain period of years. Under the normal circumstances, fear usually triggers the fight-or-flight responses that allow us to respond quickly to threats thus increasing our chances of survival. However, fear can easily turn into an irrational fear (a phobia) and create great distress which interferes with our daily life. As a result, it is important to find way by which you can conquer the fear. The article below gives a detailed explanation on how to conquer all your fears. Here are the 5 Easy steps to conquer your fears:


1. Rational or Irrational?


Firstly, you should ask yourself what part of the fear is irrational and the part that is rational. If the fear is rational, then what can you actually do to reduce the fear?


If the fear is irrational, you may need to take on another perspective of the situation that will offer you with better support.


2. The Worst and Best


Most of the times we do not even consider what’s the worst thing that can really happen. We assume that the worst is something which is inconceivable because we’re only paying attention to all our feelings. Ask yourself what’s the worst thing that may happen. When we look at the worst possible thing that can happen, we usually realize that it is not so bad at all.


You should then focus on the best thing that can happen and get clear on benefits of how this will impact positively on your life. When you have a clear view on the best and the worst, you will start feeling more motivated so as to keep pushing forward since the best will always be a million times better as compares to the worst.


3. Challenge your thoughts


Most of the times you probably accept thoughts which bombard your mind daily as the plain truth, and worse still, you choose to act on them. These thoughts usually come from the beliefs that you have about the world which were formed from your friends, family and other influences in your life. You’ve developed several beliefs that support you as well as those that do not support you. If you do not challenge your thoughts and accept them instead as the truth, then you’re setting up yourself for self-sabotage.


You should ask yourself; is this a belief or fact? If it’s a belief, then challenge it in case it is not supporting you.


4. Using images


This is a very powerful tool that’s completely underutilized by most people. Your mind normally responds better to images and you may not be tapping well into this. When you do not have an idea on how a certain thing will play out or work out, you can imagine all types of scenarios, unfortunately most of them will be negative ones.


Find a very quiet place and then try to do this for five minutes. In the mind’s eye, you should imagine the outcome which you would love, then see it in the bright colors, listen to the words that you want to listen to and feel whatever you would like to feel.


If you can make these images alive and then see the outcome that you really want, then your mind will start calming down immediately. 


5. Talk about it


Lastly, you should talk about it. Most of the people around you share similar fears and there’s a wealth of advice that could help you to move forward from people around you. Do not suffer alone. When you decide to talk about the fears that you have, you will release the negative energy thus you’ll automatically feel better.


Do not give into something which you can really control. It’s better to face all your fears now and then enjoy the rewards later than to giving your dreams and then face that later.