Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Monday 9 May 2022

4 Reasons We Should Overcome Our Fears

Are you the type of person who make decisions based on fear? Does fear hold you back from an action and ideally knowing your hindrances are real? Fear is a mixed feeling of reverence and dread. Why should you overcome fear? Here are four most scalable reasons to conquer fear and help enhance a tolerance for rejection and discomfort. 


1. Fear suppresses your potential


Fear prevents personal growth and progression in life. It limits you to live your best life and become a better person. Overcoming fear expands the opportunities and possibilities that surround our lives. When you let it drive your feelings, thoughts, behaviors and decisions, you reduce your mind to a slave of fear. The state is very disempowering; everything you do or every decision you make is a result of fear, rather than your desire. If you entrench off in the land of fear, you can never achieve higher levels of consciousness.


2. Fear exists only in your mind


Why let yourself be scared by a scarecrow which only looks scary but harmless? Fear is similar. It is based on the danger perceived in your mind. The feeling arises when the brain formulates a perception that non-physical threats are actual dangers, which is false. For instance, most people fear public speaking which is physically harmless. Most people develop the thought of people judging them, slipping up and the embarrassment that results. These thoughts and fears exist only in your mind.


3. Fear wastes your energy


Fear is irrational, and a squander of mental and emotional strength. Every time you surge in fear, you nurture more logical non-constructive thoughts that feed your energy. Relax and serenely process the situation and intelligently identify solutions. Fear significantly triggers adrenaline that increases physical rather than mental performance. Adrenaline stresses your body and results to jittery nerves. Overcoming your fears ensues into more positive feelings and sound thoughts, which progress into positive aftereffects. 


4. Fear is pervasive


Fear is prevalent. Deal with fear, do not let it permeate and patronize in everything you do. Running and eluding fear gives you a delusion of security for a short moment. No matter how you run, you are just living in the confinement of fear. A small acorn ultimately becomes an enormous oak tree. Learn to deal and overcome it., or cringe in its existence to become a fragment of who you could be. 


Overcoming your fears helps you understand that fears are illogical and entirely obliterates them. You are left emancipated to achieve your highest potential and chase your desires with less hesitation.


5 Easy Steps To Conquer Your Fears

Fear is a natural response to different situations that has evolved with us over a certain period of years. Under the normal circumstances, fear usually triggers the fight-or-flight responses that allow us to respond quickly to threats thus increasing our chances of survival. However, fear can easily turn into an irrational fear (a phobia) and create great distress which interferes with our daily life. As a result, it is important to find way by which you can conquer the fear. The article below gives a detailed explanation on how to conquer all your fears. Here are the 5 Easy steps to conquer your fears:


1. Rational or Irrational?


Firstly, you should ask yourself what part of the fear is irrational and the part that is rational. If the fear is rational, then what can you actually do to reduce the fear?


If the fear is irrational, you may need to take on another perspective of the situation that will offer you with better support.


2. The Worst and Best


Most of the times we do not even consider what’s the worst thing that can really happen. We assume that the worst is something which is inconceivable because we’re only paying attention to all our feelings. Ask yourself what’s the worst thing that may happen. When we look at the worst possible thing that can happen, we usually realize that it is not so bad at all.


You should then focus on the best thing that can happen and get clear on benefits of how this will impact positively on your life. When you have a clear view on the best and the worst, you will start feeling more motivated so as to keep pushing forward since the best will always be a million times better as compares to the worst.


3. Challenge your thoughts


Most of the times you probably accept thoughts which bombard your mind daily as the plain truth, and worse still, you choose to act on them. These thoughts usually come from the beliefs that you have about the world which were formed from your friends, family and other influences in your life. You’ve developed several beliefs that support you as well as those that do not support you. If you do not challenge your thoughts and accept them instead as the truth, then you’re setting up yourself for self-sabotage.


You should ask yourself; is this a belief or fact? If it’s a belief, then challenge it in case it is not supporting you.


4. Using images


This is a very powerful tool that’s completely underutilized by most people. Your mind normally responds better to images and you may not be tapping well into this. When you do not have an idea on how a certain thing will play out or work out, you can imagine all types of scenarios, unfortunately most of them will be negative ones.


Find a very quiet place and then try to do this for five minutes. In the mind’s eye, you should imagine the outcome which you would love, then see it in the bright colors, listen to the words that you want to listen to and feel whatever you would like to feel.


If you can make these images alive and then see the outcome that you really want, then your mind will start calming down immediately. 


5. Talk about it


Lastly, you should talk about it. Most of the people around you share similar fears and there’s a wealth of advice that could help you to move forward from people around you. Do not suffer alone. When you decide to talk about the fears that you have, you will release the negative energy thus you’ll automatically feel better.


Do not give into something which you can really control. It’s better to face all your fears now and then enjoy the rewards later than to giving your dreams and then face that later.


5 Mental Tricks to Combat Your Fears

The emotional reaction to a perceived threat is fear. This is a normal and healthy response in life which keeps us from getting into harmful situations; it also helps us decide when to get out of situations that are not essentially the best. Ordinarily, fear can be handled through reason and logic. This prevents it from taking over our lives or causing us to become irrational. Fear can metamorphosize into phobia, such that the normal fear response becomes something that is hard or impossible to manage. As a result, it can stunt your overall development as a person. In addition to hindering you from achieving your true potential, fear can be an obstruction to many great things in life.


We discovered some mental tricks to combat your fears and we'll share 5 of them below.


1. Think About Death


Every day, every minute someone dies - both the young and old. Thinking about death will remind you that no one lives forever. It will give you the boldness to really fight for what is important to you, therefore it is a great idea to embrace life, living to the fullest. Today you are presented with an opportunity to do what you should do. Do not let your fears condition you to rely on tomorrow for tomorrow may not come to you.


2. Think About the Enormity of the Universe


Thinking about the vastness of the world and all that is in it will help you see that everything is in order in the complex creation. Neither the stars nor planets collide with each other. Now see how small your challenges compare to the immensity of the world. That's how insignificant you'll begin to see your fear.


3. Think About Your Life As Your Dream


View your life as your dream - it belongs to you. no one else can live it better than you do. In this dream, you can influence the experiences you face and your reaction to them. When you're asleep and you dream, you're never worried about what others think about you - do the same with your life. As long as your acts aren't devious or evil, don't worry about the consequences. Your life, your dream, you only live once!


4. Think About Doing Your Best and Do it


Get rid of any negative thoughts about failure, embarrassment and the likes and jut put your best foot forward. Many of those who, at one time, had the fear of speaking in public embraced this trick and it worked for them. Turn your focus away from yourself toward what you're doing and deliver it as best as you can. If you couldn't do it, you wouldn't have had this chance - think about it.


5. Think About Your Fears As Relative 


Putting things into perspective will help you see your challenges or fears as relative - nothing is too awful or too significant. Remember how anxious you were when you took that important exam? Or when you walked down the aisle to spend the rest of your life with your spouse? Think of fear as relative.


We hope that you'll use at least one, if not all 5 mental tricks to combat your fears. Let us know how they worked for you.


5 Ways To Be More Confident

If you feel that you need to take yourself out of a situation where other people undermine your abilities or you just need to challenge limiting beliefs that were formed years ago, you need to work on your self-confidence. Actually, self-confidence refers to assuredness in your own power and ability to overcome any kind of situation. So, if you don't have a strong sense of belief in yourself, the following are 5 ways to be more confident.


1. Get rid of negative thoughts


It's important for you to know how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This is mainly why negative thoughts, as well as any kind of insecurities, usually pop-up in your mind. In fact, you need to learn to be aware of your self-talk, when it's negative, and be able to get rid of it. Instead, you can think all the amazing things that happen to you right now and focus on them. Even though it's not easy to do so, with a little training you can control your mind over insecurities and negative ideas.


2. Focus on solutions


If you focus more on problems and complain about them than trying to find any possible solutions, you need to change your focus as soon as possible. For example, instead of trying to figure out why you are facing a difficult situation, you can try to find the best solutions you can, in order to resolve the problem. In fact, by trying to find new ideas that will help you with your problem is one of the best things you can actually do for your confidence.


3. Get prepared


When you think that you are not going to perform well at something, it's hard to be confident in yourself. You can actually beat this feeling, by preparing as much as possible for any hard situation. For example, if you need to make a presentation for your work in front of an audience, you need to be prepared well; learn everything about your subject and study as much as you can. This way, you'll be able to perform better and you'll eventually feel more confident.


4. Set small goals


Many people usually make the mistake of making really big plans and as a result they get easily discouraged. Even if it's great to 'dream big', it's better to start by setting a small goal that you know you can achieve. This is going to give you more joy and you will feel more powerful in achieving your small goals. As a result, soon you'll be setting bigger ones.


5. Know yourself better


If you are trying to overcome a negative self-image and you really want to replace it with confidence, you only enemy is yourself. So, it's crucial to get to know yourself well. For instance, you can start by listening to your thoughts and try to analyze them. Then, you need to thing about all the good things about yourself, such as the thinks you can do great and you like and think about if your limitations are real.


5 Ways Which Fears Can Negatively Impact Your Life

Fear is one of the usual human emotions, triggered by a real or perceived threat. It is a biological response mechanism that prepares the body for fight or flight in the presence of danger. In its concrete form, fear is more than a mere mental state and instead, a powerful emotion that affects the body’s physiology as well as the body’s chemical balance. While fear has some positive effects, it can have serious negative impacts in one’s life. Here is the insight:


Fear elicits stress 


Stress is one of the consequences of fear. There is a lot that will change in your life the moment you accumulate stress to extreme levels. For instance, the immune system will be weakened and as a result, one is likely to suffer psychosomatic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular infections. Extreme stress will also impair judgment and accurate perception of reality.


Besides stress, fear itself is capable of weakening the immune system, a result of which is a series of infections such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and decreased fertility.


Strained relationships


Fear causes a lot of paranoia and is likely to strain all personal relationships. In a state of fear, it is barely possible to trust the people around us despite their good intentions. Relations at the workplace will also be affected negatively. This will lead to reduced productivity at the workplace and a very small social circle. A person living in fear is less likely to start and sustain meaningful relationships.


Low achievement levels 


Almost all opportunities in life involve risks. Choosing to join college will see you passing or failing in exams. Investing in a certain business will either earn you profits or losses. In a state of fear, a person is never willing to take these risks and without risking, it is barely possible to achieve full actualization potentials.


Stifled thinking 


Fear has always been associated with a state of indecisiveness and distorted thinking patterns. A mind marred by fear will not think clearly and form accurate perceptions of reality but will rather base all thoughts and actions around the perceived or real threat and events that are likely to come along. Fear is a leeway to erosion of confidence, without which you cannot even believe in your ability to think in abstract terms.


Destructive habits 


Fear is one of the reasons why people do not lead a healthy lifestyle. To numb the pain that is associated with fear, individuals will resolve to destructive habits such as careless driving, drinking excessively and abusing various drugs. These are all destructive habits that will derail one’s health and put a person at risk.


Conclusively, some amount of fear is constructive in the manner that it protects people from real and perceived dangers but when it becomes a default mode, fear has more consequences than positive influences.


10 Rational Fears

Rational fears have to be the most difficult to concur. This is mostly because they are things that could actually happen, or things that have happened to someone you know. When trying to deal with rational fears, the best form of defense will be a support group, some therapy and safe guarding yourself as best as you can to avoid situations that will give those fears a higher probability of occurring. 


Here are 10 rational fears that most of us have:


Fear of being lonely: Many of us despise being alone. This is when you get into your own head and start thinking dark, uncomfortable thoughts. Solution is to find more ways to be sociable. 


Fear of losing a limb: Most of us cannot fathom living without any one of our limbs. The best way to avoid this fear is to find ways to safe-guard yourself from unnecessary and preventable accidents. 


Fear of losing: No one likes losing at anything. Unfortunately, every now and again you are going to lose at something. The best way to deal with this is to prepare yourself well for any test and to treat failure as a lesson rather than a proclamation of your status. 


Fear of poverty: We all want nice things. The solution is to work hard, smart and keep going until you get what you want, legally. 


Fear of contamination and diseases: No one likes being sick. The pain of disease has created a rational fear of contamination and infection in many. The solution is to live as healthily as you can and to avoid contamination as much as possible. 


Fear of discrimination: It is no longer just about black or white. People of all walks of life get discriminated against in many different ways. Although you cannot control what someone else does, you can control your reaction to it. If sensitization does not work, simply walk away and try again someplace else.


Fear of losing your job: This will mean unemployment, poverty and in the most extreme of cases, homelessness and hopelessness. To safe guard yourself here, work diligently, make yourself indispensable and as a back-up plan, work on a business plan should everything go South, you can be self-employed. 


Fear of confrontation: In life, there is going to be conflict. As much as some of us love, many of us would rather avoid confrontation. Be as calm as you possibly can and approach every volatile situation with a level head. 


Fear of being ridiculed: No one likes being ridiculed. Try your best not to put yourself in such a situation, but should it happen, brush it off with a light touch and forget about it. Obsessing over it will create animosity and hostility within you. 


Fear of pain: Pain of any kind, be it physical or emotional is never really ideal. Unfortunately, in life, you are going to experience some pain. The best way to deal with this is to simply learn how to deal with it. Every situation is different. 


These are 10 rational fears that many of us face. The list of irrational fears is much longer and stranger.

Overcoming Fear: How to Challenge Yourself Everyday

Fear serves a useful function. It keeps us safe by placing us in a high state of alert when we sense danger. But irrational or illogical fear can also limit our lives and keep us from rising to new challenges. In those with anxiety disorder, the normal nervous system response to a threat is easily aroused and difficult to subdue. Fear can cause physical and psychological symptoms that sabotage our goals.


Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to challenge yourself and lean into fear.


Recognize that fear is a universal emotion, one you are vulnerable to. In her book “The Gifts of Imperfection, researcher Dr. Brene Brown said that, “Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” 


The first step is to be honest and admit you are afraid. The second step is to choose to be brave. Realize that fear is mostly a learned response and it’s possible to recondition a fear response. Fear is controlled by the amygdala, a set of neurons located in the brain's medial temporal lobe. 


When the amygdala receives a danger warning, logical or not, stress hormones begin to flood the body. We learn to fear based on our experiences, but we can de-program fear by confronting the things we are most afraid of. Talk about fear to defuse it. 


People who are afraid of public speaking, for example, attend Toastmasters International meetings where they share and confront their fears with like-minded individuals. Trick your mind by imagining a best case/worst case scenario. You dread asking for a raise and your mind races with awful possibilities. 


One way to calm such fears is to imagine the best case/worst case scenarios. First imagine that all will go as well as it possibly could. You ask for a raise and the boss realize you deserve twice your current salary. Great. Then imagine the worst possible scenario. He’s so insulted you asked that he fires you on the spot. 


The reality will probably fall somewhere in between. And that’s generally the case. Remember the "10" rule. You can do most things for 10 minutes even if you fear that you will be able to finish the entire project. Tell yourself you can make it through 10 minutes, and then tell yourself that again until the job is done.


If fear overwhelms your life and prevents you from challenging yourself, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. 

The Issue of Adult Self-Esteem

Often the issue of self-esteem is discussed within the context of a teenager or a child. However, the fact remains that issues of self-esteem can permeate well into adulthood as well. 


The main difference is that children and teenagers are often cut a little slack for their poor self-esteem and its resultant problems. On the other hand, with adults that forgiveness is not always as forthcoming because they should “know better”. 


How can they know better if they were never taught those skills in the first place? Adults may not have had role modeled to them a healthy example of self-esteem from their parents simply because they weren’t in any position to give it, but it’s never too late. As adults there are many places and resources you can tap into to learn healthy self-esteem habits, at any age. Search online, visit your local library or bookstore or even consider counseling to talk about it.


Adult self-esteem issues often revolve around the individual seeking to overcompensate for his/her perceived failings. They become obsessed with the notion people will look down on them unless they achieve or excel. Drive and motivation are good things because they prompt us to stretch beyond our capabilities, however there are times when this is in excess and too much of a good thing isn’t all good.


For example, low adult self-esteem issues can lead someone to swing to the extreme and become a workaholic. This way, the individual can draw a sense of accomplishment through the time invested in work. Such an approach may work to some degree but what is sacrificed in the process? At what price does this come? Time with family and friends, lost opportunities to strengthen and fortify bonds and create memories. Memories that never happened because of absence and life, sadly moves on without them.


Another symptom of adult self-esteem issues is overcompensating by becoming argumentative, narcissistic or developing the “know it all” attitude which is self-destructive costing them precious relationships, because after all, who wants to be around someone like that?


There are ways adults can rebuild their self-esteem and they can kick start it with something as basic as making a list of the things that are positive in their lives, although at first this may seem challenging and they might require the assistance of a friend to help them compile their list. Write down what you have achieved in your life no matter how little the achievement was. Make a list of your strong points and eliminate the weak aspects of your life. Once you have done this you will begin to feel better about yourself. 


However, doing this exercise does not offer a long-term solution but will provide immediate relief. When it comes to a long-term fix, a person needs to sit down and think about how they can change the way they view life, how they react to the people and situations around them.


Clear out the negative thinking patterns and replace them with constructive positive thoughts and each time you find yourself reverting back to negative habits, immediately disrupt the old train of thinking and fill it with something positive. 


If you want a more detailed plan on how to increase your own self-esteem then grab your free report now and find out more.


Taking An Online Test To Determine Your Self-Esteem

A new fad on the internet is the ability to take a series of psychological tests to determine your current mood or mental state. 


A common questionnaire in this vein is the “Low Self-esteem Test” and some may wonder how valid it is. Many people take these tests for fun while others take them out of serious concern for their own well-being. While it certainly does not hurt to take such tests, you need to be aware that these tests are not the equivalent as an evaluation by a mental health professional. While it’s good to take note of the results from a low self-esteem test you also need to take it with a grain of salt and here’s the reason why.


First and foremost, the average run of the mill low self-esteem test you’re bound to find online is not necessarily a scientific one. The questions may be drawn from different academic psychological resources but they are often not the official test employed by mental health professionals to make a proper valid diagnosis. This means the results of a low self-esteem test may not reveal the true severity of low self-esteem as some of the tests are not sensitive or detailed enough to give a true and accurate result. Also, the factors and underlying causes of the problem may not be thoroughly reflected in the average low self-esteem test online. 


Additionally, when you take a low self-esteem test in the offices of a professional you will be asked the questions orally by the person administering the test. This means the administrating representative can gauge your reactions, inflections, and tone. The administering official can ask follow up questions in order to clarify responses. This further aids in the ability to help the person taking the test. Further tests can be performed to clarify other areas of concern. Why is all this done during a low self-esteem test? so that the core of the issue can be unveiled leading to the proper course of treatment. 


Does that mean if you take a low self-esteem test online you should not take the results seriously? On the contrary, you would want to take any low self-esteem test seriously when it presents results that may be a cause for concern. However, it is best to avoid taking steps that would be considered self-diagnoses and seek guidance from a qualified therapist or mental health care professional.


If you would like to know more about your self-esteem and steps that you can take to improve yours or that of a loved one then feel free to get your free report now to find out how.


Can Comparing Yourself To Others Be Good For You?

The answer to this is a resounding “Yes” if you do this in the right way. What most people tend to do is compare themselves to others as some form of validation for themselves or because of envy or some other negative emotion.


The secret to comparing yourself to others for your benefit is to do it on the premise that you want to improve yourself. You want to achieve a specific goal and another person has already achieved this goal so you can learn from them and then use similar strategies in your own life.


You must have the right Intent


Having the right intent for comparing yourself to another person is critical. What we do not recommend you do is compare yourself to someone else that you know is not as good as you in a specific area so that you can give your ego a boost. Avoid this kind of “self-validation”.


You may get a temporary ego boost from a self-validation comparison but this can backfire on you very badly. If you don’t know the person that you are comparing to very well then you have no idea what they are capable of. If you challenge them and they end up being better than you at your specialty then this can destroy your self-esteem.


Think about why you want to make the comparison. Let’s say that you want to be a successful business manager and there is a manager in your office who always seems to make the right decisions and has the level of confidence that you want to achieve. 


You want to find out how they got to their position and how they maintain their confidence. This is specific intent and you are in the right frame of mind to make the comparison. You are not jealous that this person is a manager and you are not. It is all about learning from the person so that you can improve your life.


Consume other relevant information


The person in your office is not the only good business manager out there. Many have written books and some have their own blog. These days it is easier than it ever has been before to get the information that you need.


Once you have decided that you want to be a top-notch business manager consume everything that you can about the subject and keep looking for new material. Modeling the business manager, you know is a good step forward but you can always do more.


If you are not a fan of reading then go to YouTube and find relevant videos there. You will be sure to find what you are looking for. Also look for forums on your subject and join them and participate. Ask questions and most people will be happy to help.


Be careful of your Self-View


You have a view about yourself that you formed over many years. This self-view tells you that you things like you are smart, good looking, talented and so on. We all need this self-view because it defines how you see the world around you and helps you to figure everything out.


The problem is that if you believe something in your self-view and something challenges this then there is conflict. So, if you believe that you know a lot about business and someone tells you that you need to learn more about business then this is difficult to take. Relax your self-view and take on board any constructive criticisms.

How To Love Yourself More When You Worry About What Others Think

How do you feel about the concept of self-love? Some will think that this is narcissistic and a very selfish act. But the truth is that it isn’t. What self-love really is about is having a high opinion of yourself and be able to feel happy whenever you want.


If you worry about what other people think about you too much you can become overly dependent on them to give you permission to be happy. This is not where you want to be. In this situation you have very little self-love and can only be happy when others tell you that you have done something right or that you deserve it.


It is important that you work on your self-love so that you can be more independent from others. There is an old saying along the lines of “you need to love yourself first before you can truly love someone else”. This is very true so in this article we will give you some powerful techniques to improve your self-love.


Change your Beliefs


If you are letting other people control your life then you will probably have beliefs that are driving you to do this. Each time that you act on these beliefs you will strengthen them. The good news is that you can change these beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs that will increase your self-love and your independence.


This all starts by identifying the beliefs that are causing the dependency. Get a pen and paper and write down the thoughts that you have which drive you to require approval from others all of the time. Once you have established these beliefs you can use techniques to slowly eradicate them and replace them with more positive beliefs.


Create Empowering Affirmations


If you don’t use positive affirmations then it is time to start today. Write a list of positive things about yourself so that you can say them out loud or in your head at least once a day. Imagine if someone was complimenting you. What would they say?


Write all of these down and create an affirmations list. You will need to carry these around with you all of the time because they can be a great way to give you a self-love boost if you are feeling down. We recommend that you read your affirmations twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.


Neutralize Negative Self Talk


Do you experience a lot of negative thoughts about yourself on a regular basis? We all have self-talk going on in our heads and if this is largely negative then your self-love will be down in the dumps. You need to take control of these negative self-thoughts in order to improve your self-love.


Each time you experience a negative thought neutralize it with a positive one. So, for example if the thought is “you cannot make a decision for yourself” neutralize this with “I am a powerful decision maker and always make the best decisions”.


Show Gratitude Regularly


How grateful are you for the things that you have in your life? We are not just talking about possessions here but other things such as the love of your family and your health. Start being grateful each day for what you have.


Write down each day three things that you are grateful for and read them and think about how they make you feel. It doesn’t matter what these things are. You could be grateful for that mundane job that puts food on your table. Or just be grateful for being alive another day.


How To Set Personal Boundaries To Lessen Your Dependence On Others

Do you spend a large amount of your time trying to please others? Do you think that this is the only way that can make yourself happy? If you do then it is time for you to change. The most effective way to do this is to set up personal boundaries so that you can lessen your dependence on other people to be truly happy.


Without any boundaries in place other people will believe that they can treat you just how they want to. A boundary is really just a set of rules that you live by and others have to abide by in their dealings with you.


When you set up effective personal boundaries you are on your way to establishing healthier relationships with other people as well as yourself. Each of your boundaries specify what you will permit in your life and what you will not.


With each boundary you create there can be physical or emotional components or both. Think about your boundaries of the start of your independence and your safety net. Once you have decided what your boundaries will be you need to tell others what they are. If someone then tries to violate one of your boundaries you need to let them know they have done this.


So here we will take a look at some of the most effective personal boundaries that you can establish.


Setting Boundaries is not a Selfish Act


Before we get into the specific boundaries you can set, we want you to realize that this is not a selfish act. This will be healthy for you and it can be good for those around you too. When you set boundaries, you are telling others how you see a healthy relationship working. It doesn’t mean that you want people out of your life for good.


Start with Small Boundaries first


If people have been walking all over you for a long time to get what they want it will be a major shock for them that you are going to introduce boundaries. So it is best to make some small changes to begin with on your journey to independence and freedom.


Perhaps you have a full calendar of appointments and tasks that are all based around helping others. A good first step could be to get rid of some of these commitments so that you can have more time for yourself. Be prepared for some resistance here but persevere with it. In time people will get the message.


Be Realistic


We absolutely encourage you to set goals for yourself to improve your life and lessen your dependency on others. But we ask that you are realistic about this in terms of the time that you have available.


If you want to learn a new skill and you need to attend school to do this is this a practical solution for you? You can certainly cut out some of your commitments to free up more time but if you have young children is it practical for you to attend school? Find a practical solution and go for it.


Create a Speaking Out boundary


Do you speak your mind? Most people that are at the beck and call of others a lot do not do this. Since they were a child, they have been told to put the needs of others first and not to question anything. But sometimes things get too much and you have to speak out.


This is not going to be an easy one for you at first if you are not used to speaking out but persist with it anyway. Learn how to be more assertive rather than antagonistic. With any boundary you set it is important to stick by it no matter how uncomfortable it gets.