Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts

Saturday 18 September 2021

Top Natural Home Remedies


You don’t always want to go to the doctor when your illness isn’t bad or have to take harsh medicines to treat them when it seems unnecessary. For many, the answer to this problem is natural home remedies. These remedies are typically easily concocted in the home to cure common, everyday illnesses and ailments.


We’ve researched the absolute best home remedies that are actually effective in treating certain illnesses. If your ailment is not on this list, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a natural remedy for it. Research may show you creative and effective options for a wide variety of other ailments. 


Natural Home Remedy for Anxiety


If you suffer from anxiety, there is a home remedy that’s getting a lot of attention for its effectiveness. If you make a turmeric lemonade using filtered or sparkling water, honey, fresh lemon juice, and freshly grated or powdered turmeric, it not only tastes delicious but will also help with your anxiety.


Turmeric has proven to be highly effective in treating both depression and anxiety naturally. Its antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties allow it to reduce your stress hormones and increase the happy hormones like serotonin.


Natural Home Remedy for the Common Cold


A simple combination of local raw honey, cinnamon, and a pinch of either pink or gray sea salt taken two times a day for a period of three days should shorten and ease your cold symptoms. This combination can also help to cure other illnesses as well, such as bladder infections. 


 A 2015 study found that just a tablespoon of cinnamon each day could help to prevent or even eliminate colds in humans. Honey also contains healing and antimicrobial properties that help to shorten colds and other illnesses. Together, the combination leads to a cure the common cold doesn’t stand a chance against.


Natural Home Remedy to Help Digestion


A concoction referred to as “apple cider vinegar detox tea” is said to be magical in promoting healthy digestion. This concoction isn’t really tea at all; it’s a mixture of apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon juice, warm water, honey, a generous dash of cayenne pepper, and some cinnamon. 


Apple cider vinegar has long been known to help reduce gas and help your body to better break down its food. The acidity in apple cider vinegar helps to raise the acid levels in the stomach, easing digestive issues.


Natural Home Remedy to Treat Eczema


You can make your own, all-natural eczema cream in your own kitchen. All it takes to make this effective topical treatment is coconut oil, shea butter, vitamin E oil, organic oats, and lavender oil. It’s safe to use on adults and children alike but be sure to dilute the essential oils you use when the treatment is intended for children.


Similar to the idea behind oatmeal baths as a soothing treatment for chicken pox, the oats in this homemade eczema cream contain zinc which helps to speed up skin healing and repair. The oils contained in this cream also help with healing dry and cracked skin. 


Natural Home Remedy to Treat Insomnia


Many of those that favor natural remedies swear up and down that drinking homemade banana cinnamon tea one hour before going to bed will work better to cure insomnia than a sleeping pill. You make this tea by submerging a peeled banana in a small pot of boiling water. You add a pinch of cinnamon and then strain. 


Potassium and magnesium are well-known natural muscle relaxants, both of which are found in bananas. The cinnamon works to regulate the blood sugar in your body so that you can fast the whole night through.


You don’t always want to go to the doctor when you’re sick or have to rely on harsh medicines and antibiotics if it’s not that big of a deal. That’s where natural remedies come in. All of the remedies we mentioned above are entirely natural, effective, and easy to make on your own in your own home.


If we didn’t mention your ailment in this list, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a natural remedy that will work for it. We were limited on our space and included only the top five all-natural at-home remedies that are actually effective. More research may lead you to interesting, creative, and effective at-home remedies for all sorts of ailments. 

Old World Remedies In The Modern World


There’s a lot of holistic, natural, old-world remedies people swear by. They swear up and down that these old-world remedies are far safer than the new world drugs and chemicals and more effective to boot. 


While that isn’t true 100% of the time, some old-world remedies do in fact work well and may even work better than their modern counterparts. Luckily for you, we’ve tested these for you and come up with a great, distilled list of the best old-world remedies for your modern world ailments!


The Secret Lies in Your Gut


Food can be one of the best medicines you’ve ever had. It’s the fuel that gives your body nourishment and gives you the energy to do what it is you want to do. Many people don’t realize how much the food they eat affects their health and how they feel, but they do dramatically.


You can avoid certain foods to minimize your inflammation, eat specific foods to increase strength or help treat anemia. The food you eat affects everything in your body and your overall health. We recommend you research what medicinal powers your favorite foods hold and what pitfalls you might be missing because of your diet.


There’s a Herb for Everything


The medicinal power of herbs was one of the most popular and well-known of the old-world remedies. They had an herbal treatment for everything; they made topical ointments, oils, and ground herbs to treat everything from hair loss and rash to indigestion and fatal diseases.


While not everything the old world thought herbs could cure is actually true, there are several remedies that actually prove effective. Things like ginger and a combination of specific herbs to ease nausea or certain herbs to soothe rashes or other skin irritations. If you’re interested in the medicinal powers of herbs, we recommend researching treatments that are proved scientifically to be effective.


There’s an Essential Oil for Everything


Essential oils are another great old-world remedy that still has relevance in the modern world. In the old world, essential oils and herbs were used to treat absolutely every ailment, including things like migraines, depression, and stress, too! Nowadays, we know these items aren’t the cure-alls they were once believed to be, but that doesn’t render them useless.


Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, etc. can help to soothe headaches and pains, ease stress and anxiety, and some can even help promote sleep. Diffusing essential oils and breathing them in deeply can offer some medicinal benefits; we recommend relying on scientific research when purchasing these, so you don’t get suckered into buying ones that aren’t actually effective.


Your Mind is Your Most Powerful Tool


The mind is way more powerful than we give it credit for. Now, in the old world, they thought the ailments that could be overcome with the mind were either made up in the first place or caused by a demon or some other spiritual antagonizer.


Nowadays, we know that our minds hold the power to overcoming or persevering through many conditions or ailments. A positive outlook and hope can make all the difference in a battle with a fatal illness. Positivity, focus, and determination can all help overcome limitations we once thought insurmountable. Your mind can be one of your most effective tools.


While some old-world remedies have been proven ineffective, they aren’t all malarky. We recommend that you do your research thoroughly so that you try only the old-world remedies that are known to be effective. We wish you the best of luck in your journey and applaud you on your decision to try a more natural alternative to medication.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Natural Remedies For Aching Feet

Foot pain is something that we have all experienced in our lives. After a long day at work, shopping, or yard work your feet can be tired, achy, swollen, and heavy. This achiness happens because when you are on your feet, there is a significant amount of stress being put on your feet. However, you aren't doomed to suffer this pain with no relief. Below are some natural remedies that will ease your sore feet and have you feeling great again.


Alternate Hot And Cold – Alternating hot and cold baths alternately dilates and constricts blood vessels in your feet, which boosts circulation and reduces the swelling and achiness in your feet. To do this exercise, fill one basin up with cold water and one up with hot water. While sitting comfortably, place your feet in the cold water for five minutes. Afterwards, switch to the hot water. Switch back and forth for a total of thirty minutes for maximum effectiveness. 


Elevate Your Feet – Elevating your feet for fifteen to twenty minutes after you are on your feet for any length of time will increase the circulation in your legs and feet and help to reduce and pain and swelling. 


Epsom Salts – Epsom salts are made of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. Magnesium is known to help reduce swelling and therefore ease the pain. There are two ways you can use Epsom salt to reduce the swelling in your feet. First, you can fill a basin with hot water, add Epsom salt and soak just your feet or, if you are looking to relax your entire body, you can fill your bathtub with hot water, add Epsom salt, and soak your whole body for forty-five minutes to an hour.  


Soak In Essential Oils – An alternative to Epsom salts is to use essential oils, which can help to increase blood circulation and reduce swelling. Essential oils are used in the same two ways as Epsom salts. The best essential oils to use to increase blood flow are peppermint oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and rosemary oil. 


Vinegar Soak – If you don't have Epsom salts or essential oils in the house, a final alternative for a foot soak is vinegar. Vinegar helps to reduce inflammation and can be used in two ways. First, you can fill a basin with hot water and add two tablespoons of vinegar; it is additionally beneficial if you add some salt to the water as well. Soak your feet for about twenty minutes.  


Second, you can put equal amounts of water and vinegar into two basins. Make one basin cold water and one basin hot water. Soak a towel that is big enough to wrap around your feet in the hot mixture and squeeze out the excess liquid. Wrap the hot compress around your feet for five minutes. Repeat the same process using the cold mixture. This process is thought to be the most effective because you are getting the benefits from the vinegar as well as from alternating hot and cold on your feet to maximize blood flow and reduce3 swelling and achiness. 


Sore feet are not something that you must accept as a necessary evil when you are on your feet for any length of time. Taking preventative measures, such as investing in a good pair of shoes and stretching your feet throughout the day can help minimize the amount of time you spend with sore feet. However, if you do find your feet achy and swollen after a day out, use the tips above to quickly ease the pain and be ready to go again.