Showing posts with label Detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detox. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Spiritual Detox Transcends Religion

Usually, when people hear the word "spirituality" they often associated it with religion. This really is too bad. After all, religion, in our modern times, is one concept many people struggle with. Many even consciously try to run away from it. What if I told you that spirituality and religion are not synonymous? In fact, depending on the depth of your spirituality, whatever it is that you are doing, thinking, and believing may be 180 degrees different from religion. 


It's easy to see why religion has gotten a bad rap throughout history. You only need to look at religious wars, the often-repeated charges of intolerance, bigotry, and exclusion, and it becomes as clear as the light of day, why people would rather stay away from religion. 


Whether you agree with this or not, and whether this is justified or not, this is the case. It is true that certain religious traditions as well as family customs go a long way in distorting and misrepresenting the tremendous spiritual riches religion could offer. 


Maybe some people come from a very specific type of family or cultural tradition. Whatever the case may be, religion can easily become suffocating, repressive, and ultimately discouraging. It's not unusual for a lot of people, come from certain strict religious background, to feel that they have to always suppress themselves. 


They have this overwhelming need to always apologize for things. It's as if they're always walking on eggshells. This is the whole atmosphere surrounding religion, and that's why any talk of spirituality is usually distorted because of this background noise. Well, if you have discovered the power of detoxification and you have become interested in spiritual detox, I've got some great news for you. 


Spiritual detox goes beyond religion. While it does a good job of clarifying things and cleansing one of the typical hang-ups of old-school traditional, cultural religion, it goes beyond that. Spiritual detox is really all about reconnecting with one's sense of purpose. 


While it could be said that all religious and spiritual traditions do focus on the idea of purpose, spiritual detox goes beyond this because it reaches people who couldn't care less about religion. That's right, people who are agnostic, atheist, or humanist can relate to the broader definition of spirituality, which is one's concern with the meaning of one's life. 


This is the golden thread that unites all people of all backgrounds. It doesn't matter what kind of religious tradition you grew up in. It doesn't matter what part of the world you come from, we will all come to this question in one form or another, and one level or another. 


Spiritual detox enables you to achieve a tremendous sense of balance, because you let go of a lot of unnecessary baggage from you past. These poison your sense of purpose and deaden your sense of possibility and adventure. Formulate the framework you would need to tap the power of spiritual detox, so you can live at the level deserve to live at. 


If You Are Stressed And Feeling Stuck, You Might Need Mental Detox

If you mention the phrase "mental detox," it is very easy for a lot of people to think that this is some sort of psychiatric process. As you can well imagine, the idea of having to go to some sort of psychologist or psychiatrist, doesn't sit well with a lot of people. They don't like the stigma. They don't like to feel that they are somehow, someway sick. But, let's be honest, people who need to go to such professionals go to them because they need to be healed.


It's not much different from going to a medical doctor. If you're suffering from cancer, don't you owe it to yourself to go to an oncologist? After all, this doctor has specialized in that type of medicine. They probably would have a better idea of how to treat your condition than somebody who is a foot doctor. 


Similarly, when you go to a psychiatrist, you have emotional and psychological issues that you need to resolve. You don't go to a dentist, you don't go to somebody who treats diabetes. Instead, you go to a specialist. Unfortunately, all this is lost on too many people. 


The moment they hear psychology, psychiatry, mental detox, all sorts of stereotypical images come to mind, so they back off, they draw walls, they hide behind the convenience and comfort of old stereotypes and prejudice. This really is too bad because in many cases, the people who need mental detox are exactly the ones who believe in these outdated prejudices regarding mental health, mental health professionals, and most importantly, consumers of such services. 


How do you know whether you need mental detox or not? It really boils down to always feeling stuck. If you find yourself in a situation where you think you are putting in all the time, effort, and energy you need to succeed, but only to discover that you're going nowhere, you might need mental detox. 


The good news is mental detox transcends any idea of psychiatry, psychology, and mental health service; it goes beyond that. Mental detox is really all about reconnecting with your mental faculties so you can let go of things that you normally worry about, and things that kind of grind you down. 


Please understand that whatever you focus on grows. And if you have developed the habit of focusing on the wrong things, don't be surprised if they grow to the extent that they basically take over your life. This is the situation too many of us find ourselves in. Since we have filled our minds and our mental processes with so much garbage from the past as well as the future, it is no surprise that barely anything could fit in there. 


We could barely focus, were not as effective as we should be, and we end up where we are. You can be so much more effective, not to mention happier and more fulfilled. All it takes is mental detox. By learning to let go and learning to take full ownership of your personal ability and power to edit your personal reality, you reassert control over your life. 


You have to understand that you are the most powerful person in your life, because you always have the power to choose. Nobody can take that away from you. Whatever you have achieved in your life, whatever you are proud of, and by the same token, whatever you are guilty of, are products of choices. Change your choices and you change your life. To figure out how to do this as well as to tap the power of mental detox, so you can take your life to the next level, read on. 

Why Is Holistic Detox Currently Overlooked In The United States?

Make no mistake, in the United States and other developed countries, the medical profession thinks and acts like a cartel. I know you're not supposed to say that. I know that you're supposed to tow the line as far as the benevolent nature of medical associations. After all, such associations were formed with the objective of maximizing the public safety. 


If you ask any member of the American Medical Association, or any other medical licensing or certification body, they would tell the same story. They are united in their explanation of why such organizations exist. They would tell you that it's all about patient safety, it's all about protecting the consumer of professional medical services. 


All of this sounds great to the ear, but when you look at how such organizations behave, you would think twice. The bottom line is they are cartels, make no mistake about it. They impose harder standards on doctors trained in foreign countries than on physicians who went to school and graduated in the United States. 


When you look at that factor as well as many others, it becomes abundantly clear that these organizations serve only to protect fellow physicians. They close the door so as to hike up the price. They are basically glorified union leaders. There are no two ways about it. 


I have given you this background so you can see the context of why holistic detox is currently overlooked, neglected, or even actively discouraged in the United States and similar jurisdictions. Nobody likes competition, least of which doctors.


The average doctor in the United States makes north of $150,000. In fact, in certain states, $200,000 a year is average. That's how much money they make, and as you can well imagine, if you open this market to people who don't have certain certifications and accreditation, the price will go down. It's Economics 101: When the supply goes up and the demand remains the same, the price stabilizes or even goes down. 


This is the market reality behind shunning or marginalization of holistic detox in the United States. This really is too bad because if this was available on a wide basis, a lot of people can get the healing that they need. Click here for your personal framework that would enable you to tap the power of holistic detox. It is not what you think it is. 


Regardless of what you've heard, regardless of what you've read, it is actually much deeper and far richer than anything you have been exposed to. Unlock the power all of this process, so you can start living your life to the fullest. If you are, in any way shape or form, feeling stuck, frustrated, desperate or otherwise living far below your fullest potential, you need this framework. It works by liberating you from all sorts of pollutants. 


Please understand that many of the most dangerous pollutants in our lives cannot be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. Just because you can't perceive them with your five senses, doesn't mean they don't exist. Just because you can't perceive them, doesn't mean they don't have an effect on you. Learn this framework so you can finally free yourself of these invisible toxins that drag you down and hold you back. 

Yes, There Is Such A Thing As Life Pollution And Chances Are You Are Suffering From It

It's very easy to define pollution as something that affects the air, the water, and the soil. When we look at polluted soil, it's very easy to determine where the pollution begins and where it ends. Usually, you look for discoloration, of foul smell, or any other kind of indication that you can readily pick up with your five senses. 


We normally view pollution as something that we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell, and otherwise perceive. But as practical as this guideline may be in determining pollution, we really can't apply it to where it matters most. You see, physical pollution, caused by chemicals or whatnot, is actually very easy to avoid. You can see it a mile away. You can definitely smell the scent. You can hear it, in the case of noise pollution. You can touch it. 


In other words, you can perceive it. Since you can perceive it, you can walk around it or avoid it altogether. In many cases, these physical pollutants and toxic elements are brought towards our attention by warning signs. There are biohazard signs, there are radioactive signs, there are danger signs. There are so many signs. 

The problem is your biggest worry shouldn't be physical pollution. They're part of the big picture, don't get me wrong, but they're just a small part, and in fact, if you are paying attention and you have your wits about you, you can easily avoid them. You can do things in such a way that they never become problem. 


The bigger issue that you need to keep your eye on is life pollution. These are the things that poison your life and they take the form of thoughts. When somebody says something to you, and it really sticks with you, the more you think about it, the more you blow it out of proportion. Start reading your worst fears and insecurities into the membrane, and guess what happens? It gets worse and worse, and whatever conclusions you may have make you feel miserable. It upsets you and it prevents you from living the kind of life you should otherwise be living. 


You start thinking of yourself as some sort of victim. You start thinking that there is this unresolved issue from the past and you feel that you have to keep thinking about it for you to finally make it go away. Well, it's not going to go away because you are polluting your mind over and over again. And the more you do this, the more spiritually polluted and toxic you become. 


One thing leads to the other, and it's no surprise that a lot people are feeling stuck, frustrated and desperate in their lives. You don't have to be one of those people. You can live your life in such a way that you can function at your fullest potential. 


Seriously, this is possible, but just because a lot of people are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, doesn't mean that you have to join them. Just how effective do you think they are? Do you think they've got their acts together? Do you think that they are making things happen? Well, think again. 


When you allow life pollution to overtake your life, you basically give up on your life. That's the bottom line. You have to understand you are the most powerful person in your life because you could always choose what to remember, what to focus on, and how to interpret the world around you. 


All of these are choices; they don't flow automatically. You don't behave and think this way right out of the gate. Somebody has must have taught you, and you must have willingly taken their lessons. That's how it works, and it all comes down to choices. The good news is just because there is life pollution, and just because it truly is a real thing, you can choose to do something about it. 


You can choose to first become aware of just how polluted your life has become. And once you are able to do that, you can then start turning your back on mindsets that prevent you from achieving what you could otherwise achieve. We are all born in this world with the tremendous amount of potential, but sooner or later, because of the choices we make and the people we hang out with, reality starts catching up to us. 


Eventually, our environment, whether social or physical, starts to weigh in and weigh down on our lives and starts polluting our lives. If you're sick and tired of life pollution, click here to download the only framework or blueprint you need to start living the kind of life you are capable of living. 


Everybody has a purpose, everybody has meaning. It's high time that you discovered yours. Let it be your personal Northstar so it can guide you to where you need to go. You are capable of so much more, why are you settling for crumbs? Why do you cower when life makes demands? 


Follow this blog to formulate the life blueprint you need. Learn how to detoxify yourself of life pollution, mental and spiritual pollution. Learn how to soar based on the power of your hopes and dreams instead of being pulled back by disillusionment, defeat and fear. The choice is yours. 

The Fastest And Most Effective Way To Conduct A Successful Mental Detox Program

The fastest and most effective way to do mental detox is almost always 180 degrees different from what people assume. Most people assume that mental detox is really all about supplementation. They think that you just need to mix some sort of special juice and the biochemistry of your blood will be transformed. In fact, it will be transformed in such a way that you essentially become a new person. 


The problem with this kind of conception is that it equates physical change with mental change. Let me tell you, if you take a wide range of pharmaceutical products that change your blood chemistry, you can still feel anxious. That's right, regardless of how many pills and capsules you take, you can still feel depressed. 


What gives? Well, it turns out that what makes up a human being is not just the sum of that person's parts. It's definitely not just the physical body. There's something else going on. I'm talking about the spiritual, the emotional, and the mental, all of these are equally valid. All of these have a role to play. They definitely have an impact on how you see the world and how you act in the world. 


They're not just part of you that gives you a distinct personality. They actually work within you to process your reality so that you think and talk and behave a certain way. Believe me, the world doesn't care about your feelings. It couldn't care less about your intentions and motivations. What it does pay attention to is what you choose to do with your time. 


In other words, it pays attention to your behavior. When you conduct a mental detox, you let go of old mindsets that hold you back and drag you down. You let go of old thinking that makes you small, weak, powerless, angry, unforgiving, and ultimately chained down. 


You have to understand that you have so much power available to you precisely because you are able to choose. Sadly, too many of us turned our backs on this power. We think that we are life's victim. We think we are constantly being crushed by the wheels of life. Little do we know that by changing our mental choices, and letting go of a lot of the mental toxins and spiritual pollution in our lives, we can finally achieve a state of clarity and wakefulness. 


This is the gateway to a life of power, purpose, and meaning. In other words, it leads to the life that is 180 degrees opposite of the kind of life you have right now. It doesn't matter what you're struggling with, it doesn't matter how upset you are. It doesn't matter how bitter your past may appear to you. You can turn your back on that. You can choose to be a new creature. All it takes is one choice. 


Take your life to a much higher level. Stop feeling stuck. Stop making excuses for yourself. Stop apologizing, and start learning to live.


What Is Holistic Detox And Why Is It Superior To All Kinds Of Detox Programs?

Holistic detox works with the complete person. Please understand that you're not just your skin, bones, muscle tissue, hair, digestive system, circulatory system, and reproductive system. You're worth more than that. You're also not just different parts, or anatomical items and tissue. You're worth more than that. 


The best way to explain this is to look at the brain. The brain, of course, is made up of billions, if not trillions of nerve cells. It is constantly bathing in very powerful neurotransmitter chemicals. It is one of the most complicated organic mechanisms in the universe. But nobody in their right mind would look at the brain and say that it is a mind. 


When you look at a brain disconnected from the body, it is just a clump of tissue. It is a very powerful clump, capable of so much, but it's still a clump. It has to be alive; it has to be fed experiences. It has to be conscious. It has to be self-aware. In other words, it has to be part of a system. 


That's how you define a mind. A mind involves memories, perception, mindsets, attitudes, perspectives. I bring up this example because a lot of people look at detoxification the same way. When they say that they want to detoxify their bodies, they're looking at their bodies as if it's hermetically sealed off, or surgically removed from the intangibles. 


This is a serious mistake. It is no surprise that a lot of detox programs currently being promoted out there, flat out fail. They don't even come close to delivering the benefits they're supposed to bring to the table. How can they? They are positioned in such a way that they are supposed to deal only with your body, your blood chemistry, and other physical elements. 


But the reality is that you are more than the sum of your parts; you are more than your body. You're more than your ability to perceive. You are also your experiences, your memory, and your potential. You're also your mindset. If you want a good example of this, look at a person's life before and after they develop Alzheimer's. It's a completely different person. 


It is very tragic when you see this person, complete, beautiful, deep, integrated, completely wiped of their personhood, and all you see really is somebody who is just there physically, and not much else. 


Realize that you are doing the same. You might think that you are a fully functional human being who can make things happen and who is responsible and everything. This might seem to be the case but if you find yourself going around in circles or constantly making the same bad decisions, it might turn out that you’re not as free as you think. Unless and until you choose to wake up to the invisible toxins that are pushing you to run your life into the ground you won’t be able to achieve the kind of victories that would push you to the next level of self-awareness or full functionality. Learn to let go of unseen toxins.