Showing posts with label Decisions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decisions. Show all posts

Monday 6 February 2023

Automatic Wealth - The Internet Makes It Possible

Attaining wealth and prosperity is a dream most everyone has, but few ever achieve it. Why? The average person is stuck in a rut with a job they dislike and overwhelming debt. This cycle is hard to break, but many people are breaking out and achieving their financial goals through the Internet. The Internet has made it possible for millions of people to create automatic wealth, and there's still room for you! Here's how you can discover your Internet wealth dreams.


Create Wealth, Not Just an Income


With the Internet, the opportunity is there for you to create automatic wealth, not merely an income. You can build one automatic business or several until they reach prosperity - right from your own home computer. The Internet creates the ultimate wealth package because it's so vast in the number of people that use it, but yet, so personal in that one little niche market can earn you a fortune.


You can choose from thousands of business ideas and pick one small market to target for your business. A small market online, however, can mean big dollars for you because it might contain thousands or millions of prospects around the world. The Internet connects you to the outside world and doesn't limit you to those who drive or walk past your local store location.


Automated Business


Another reason it's more feasible to achieve automatic wealth online is because you can have an automated business. Automated means it can run on auto-pilot once you design your website and set things in motion. You can receive automated payments through online forms. You can automate an e-zine (email newsletter) to your customers. You can automate electronic products by email such as e-books or training materials. There are a number of ways to create automated wealth with an Internet business.


No Longer Wait for Paychecks


Another advantage of an Internet business is you can receive daily payments through your website. Many online business owners accept credit cards or use a third party payment processor such as PayPal or StormPay to accept payments from their customers. Through these venues, money goes directly into your account. This gives you a steady cash flow for your business so you can have capital for your income, business promotion, and inventory.


Tips to Build Automatic Wealth


  • Use your free time at home to surf the Internet and find business opportunities that interest you.
  • Join with one or a few others who are already successful so you can learn the basics of online business. Even if you need to make a small investment, it could be well worth the training you'll receive.
  • Decide on a business that's right for you and schedule daily times to work on your business - promoting, analyzing, and building.
  • Keep building until you've acquired enough automatic wealth to quit your day job!


Whatever Internet business you choose, remember that it takes patience and consistency to build an online business, just as it would any other type of business. The main differences are that you can work from your home as you're building the business, you can set your own work schedule, and you can earn a lot just by reaching a small niche market for almost any popular product. Start today with your new online business, and you too can soon realize your dreams!

Attract The Wealth You Deserve

Is it good when you have huge deposits in the bank, plenty of valuable possessions, abundance of anything of value? Nearly all, measured wealth is in monetary factors. We say that people are wealthy when we see their grand mansions, different cars, lots of jewellery, or expensive clothes.


We assess wealth by material possessions. Wealth can be inherited or created. Only few are born wealthy, most need to work hard and sacrifice a lot of things in order live like a prince. Wealth begets wealth if you know how to manage it.


So the more money you have the more you will become wealthy. Richness offers a lot of opportunities and opens closed doors. It elevates your social standing and gives you power. Ordinarily, it gives superficial happiness. Possessing lots of money is heaven here on earth. You can buy anything you desire, go anywhere you want and own anything your heart desires.


But too much wealth has also its disadvantages. You can read in the papers, wealthy people committing suicide; children of affluent families involved in drug addiction, or people committing murder because of money. Most of these people become distrustful of others and abusive of their fellowmen. Perhaps the saying that money is the root of all evil is true.


Problems with wealth are common that it afflicts people everyday. It affects our everyday relationships, strain on our family lives and even destroys friendships. Wealth problems are mental afflictions that still have to be dealt and overcome; otherwise, it will ruin your life.


Hypnotherapy is one way of dealing with problems related to wealth. Hypnosis has been proven to be effective for similar problems. It is a solution to real life physical, emotional and even financial crisis. Focus on going over that mental block concerning your wealth problem. Have a mindset of ruining the dilemma you have and just believe you can actually do it. Once you get over it, it will let you sleep better and eventually improve your life.


What does wealth mean to you? Wealth is not just about the amount of money we have, rather, it is more of a state of mind. It may be funny how people spend their lifetime to have abundant wealth and yet so little time enjoying it. Wealth may also be classified in other forms, like having abundant love from family or friends supplemented with good relationships.


A Couple of Steps To Help You Be Rich

Your advanced wealth planning strategies should not consist of you going it alone. The key to advancing your wealth is building a quality team of advisor's. Your advisor's will make you or break you. Advancing your wealth cannot and should not be done by yourself. Many people make the mistake of doing everything themselves. Doing everything yourself is fine but if you want to increase your wealth you will need advisor's. Money is an emotional subject for many people. Everyone goes through money problems (even the very wealthy), how you and your team handle your money problems is what counts.


First you should hire a bookkeeper. In order to increase your wealth you must know what direction your money is flowing. Is your spending helping or hurting you? Yes there are many people who balance their own check books but you need an outside opinion. The amount of money you are making is irrelevant when it comes to hiring a bookkeeper. Whether you are making 250,000 dollars a year or 25,000 dollars a year you should still have your own bookkeeper. Once you have your bookkeeper you can now go over your monthly financials. You will see what good and bad spending habits you have. Then you can work to out the bad spending habits and increase the good spending habits.


The next adviser you should have is your financial adviser. Hiring a good financial adviser is one of the best moves you can make. He can help you plan for retirement and other things. Having a 401 K with your company is not enough, be sure to get a financial adviser.


Getting a tax strategist should be your next step. It really does not matter if you are self-employed, own your own business, or have a 9-5 job. Getting a tax strategist is essential because your eyes will be opened when you see the way money is taxed for different people. You will also see how people are penalized with heavier taxes by bringing in a certain type of income.


When choosing your advisor's choose carefully. Do not just hire an adviser who makes money off of commissions. You want an adviser who practices what they preach and is successful at it. Your advisor's will be able to help you setup many advanced wealth planning strategies.


Sunday 1 January 2023

Happiness: A Key To Life’s Satisfaction

According to Wikipedia, "Happiness, in the context of mental or emotional states, is positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Other forms include life satisfaction, well-being, subjective well-being, flourishing and eudaimonia."


According to VeryWellMind, "Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction."


Psychology Today says, "Happiness is defined differently depending on who you ask. Some people define happiness as a positive emotional experience. Others define happiness as having two parts called hedonia (pleasure) and eudaimonia (thriving). Outside of the scientific world, most of us define happiness as a mixture of positive emotional experiences and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life."


According To, "Leading Positive Psychologists claim that happiness has three sources, i.e., that the “Happiness Pie” has three slices: Slice 1: Our genetic makeup. Slice 2: Our environment. Slice 3: Our actions.”


Sonja Lyubomirsky, an author and researcher on positive psychology, describes happiness thus, “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”[2] So, there is an evaluative component here, along with a felt one. How we think about what we feel matters as much as what we experience.


In a rather unhelpful fashion, defines happiness as “the quality or state of being happy.”Fortunately, the second definition elaborates with “good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.”[1] What’s clear is that happiness is a subjective experience, it is something we feel, and hence it is lived individually, isn’t guaranteed, and can be transitory.


What does happiness mean to you?


Days Go By Swiftly


This experience becomes more evident the longer you live. Amidst the rush of seconds, minutes, and hours filled with work, family, and friends, it can be easy to lose track of where we are. Without care, we can end up in places we didn’t intend to, simply because we weren’t paying close enough attention, steering deliberately, and sometimes pumping the brakes.


To go where we want to go takes conscious effort. Most of us would like to experience a fulfilling life. A key way to achieve this is through doing things that bring joy to our worlds. Herein, we’ll discuss how to cultivate happiness and in doing so, unmask the key to living a satisfying life.


How To Cultivate Happiness


To make happiness a lasting feature of your life takes a bit of self-knowledge. Are you communally minded? Then harmony will be a necessary ingredient for you. Are you more of an individualist? Then a lived experience of personal joy will drive you.


In any case, the context you live in, complete with work, friends, family, home situation, cultural elements, and personal values, will all factor into how you find satisfaction. In addition, how you look at the world and treat others plays a role. These factors put your happiness, at least partially, in your hands.


According to Psychology Today, “regularly indulging in small pleasures, getting absorbed in challenging activities, setting and meeting goals, maintaining close social ties, and finding purpose beyond oneself all increase life satisfaction. It isn't happiness per se that promotes well-being, it’s the actual pursuit that’s key.”[3]


In other words, life is a process, and when we make the process itself valuable, rather than focusing on destinations, we create the potential for greater enjoyment. 


Furthermore, when we consciously develop our ability to see the good in our lives, even amidst hardships, we can begin to master ourselves, fostering an internal equilibrium. In doing so, our happiness is no longer in the hands of others or circumstances outside our control. Instead, we see that it is a lived thing that we must continuously cultivate.


The Takeaway


When you become clear about what matters to you, and you focus your efforts on pursuing those things, you bring meaning to each facet of what you do. Missteps and foibles don’t throw you off your game because you understand them to be a natural part of life’s equation. This internal locus of control gives you a sense of efficacy, something that benefits everyone. 


Since you experience happiness from within, make it a goal to prioritize helping it to grow. Foster ways of thinking and behaving that increase your enjoyment. You may not be able to control the world around you, but you can have a say in how you interpret it. So, choose happiness and watch your life’s satisfaction multiply. 



  1. “Happiness Definition & Meaning.” Dictionary.com Accessed 19 October 2022.
  2. Lyubomirsky, Sonja. The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Penguin Publishing Group, 2007. Accessed 19 October 2022.
  3. “Happiness.” Psychology Today, Accessed 19 October 2022.


Navigating Life’s Big Decisions

Things are always changing. One minute you think you have it all figured out, and the next, you are struggling to make big decisions that could change the course you are on. For some people, making these big decisions can seem like a breeze. They can take a look at the options and decide without even slowing down. For others, these big decisions can be enough to derail them and may leave them frozen in their tracks. 


Everyone needs help when it comes to navigating the big decisions in life. No matter what crossroad you find yourself at right now, there are a few easy things that you can do to make sure that you navigate these big decisions with grace and ease. These include:


Be Gentle with Yourself


Even if the change you plan to make is a good one, it is still hard to accept and allow change into your life. You like the status quo, the way things have always been, and any kind of change, whether it is good or bad, can be a little scary. As you make some of the adjustments in life and move forward with that change, remember to be gentle with yourself and allow time for you to get used to it. 


Know Your Why


As you make some big changes in your life, it is a good idea to know your why and remember it. There may come times when you make big decisions when you will need to return to that why remembering why the change or the decision was so important for you in the first place. For many people, this why is going to be like a big compass as they try to navigate the unknown. Remembering the why can help them stay organized and will lead them on the right path as they go. 


Keep Your Routines


According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, a good routine is going to be imperative when you are going through major changes. This routine will help give you something to fall back on, something you can rely on again, ensuring that you won’t feel completely lost or in uncharted territory. 


You can choose the type of routine that you would like to do. Maybe you have a special morning routine that includes waking up, doing some exercise, taking a shower, and enjoying a cup of coffee on the porch. You may have the routine in the evening. You can choose how to implement a routine that gives you a sense of security as you try to get a lot done. 


Do Journaling


Processing your complex emotions in your head can be a challenge. Taking the time to a journal can make a big difference. There is no judgment when you write down your thoughts and emotions and no one else has to see the information. 


You can then go back through the pages and see how you are feeling and watch your emotions and thoughts change as the events in your life unfold. And in the end, you may see that the thing that caused you anxiety or made you upset in the past no longer has a firm hold on you. 


Final Thoughts


Whether you are excited about a change that is coming your way or you feel a lot of apprehensions, just know that others around you are dealing with the same thing. There are a ton of life decisions that you need to think about, but when you have a plan in place and give yourself some grace as you navigate it all, you will find that these life changes no longer have to be as scary and can lead you to something amazing in the end. 


5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Do you dream of simplifying your life? Are you always looking for ways to help you stay on top of work, keep your home organized, and keep up with family and friends? All while juggling bills, eating right, and social media?


If you’re nodding in agreement, then know you’re not alone. Luckily, I’ve put together a list of tips and tricks to help you simplify your life and finally manage this balancing act we call life.


Let’s get started.


1. Set Simple Monthly Goals


It’s become a custom to make a list of New Year’s resolutions. Then, a couple of months later, we lose interest and, then, are racked with guilt.


So, why not save yourself the hassle and set 1–3 goals each month? Breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable chunks makes them easier to get through.


This way, you can tick them off your to-do list, boost your self-esteem, and don’t have to deal with any guilt.


2. Apply the 50/30/20 Budget Rule


Managing your finances can be tricky and make you feel stressed, especially when you don’t know what to do and what not to do. Unfortunately, many of us were never taught how to budget our money once we get out into the real world.


As I was doing research, I came across the 50/30/20 rule. So, I decided to try it out. After all, it couldn’t be worse than what I was going through.


Yet, I’m happy to report that it actually works! This is coming from someone who’s never been good at saving, so for this to work for me means anyone can do it!


Here’s what you do: spend 50% of your income on living expenses. Then, 30% of your monthly income should go on lifestyle expenses, and the final 20% should go to your savings.


3. Declutter Your Closet


You might be surprised at how simple your life becomes once you declutter your closet. So, get real with yourself and start getting rid of clothes that have been around for years and still have the labels attached.


Think of it this way: you get to free up some space in your closet for new clothes. Plus, you also get to experience what it feels like to have a well-organized, clutter-free closet.


4. Prepare Your Lunch The Night Before


Making your lunch the night before may remind you of your school days when your mother used to do the same thing. But it turns out that she was onto something!


First of all, preparing your lunch ahead of time means you save money because you buy everything you need for the week at once. Plus, you won’t order out as much, which is also a great money-saver.


Not only that, but you’ll also be able to make better, healthier choices. You know that feeling when you’re so hungry that you can’t wait to make something nutritious? That’s when it’s so easy to grab a donut from the fridge or reach for that bag of chips sitting on your kitchen counter.


The best part is that you won’t have to stress over what you’ll have for lunch or how it’ll cost you.


5. Save Files To The Cloud


Are you having a hard time finding files and documents on your computer or smartphone? Why put yourself through the hassle of searching through piles and piles of digital files when you can just save them to the cloud?


Thanks to the numerous cloud service applications, you can now upload almost all types of files and save them to the cloud. Then, once they’ve been safely uploaded, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Then, delete them all from your device and save tons of space.


The best part is that, now, you can access them from anywhere at any time and from any device. If that’s not simplifying your life, I don’t know what is!


Friday 30 December 2022

5 Steps to More Confident Decision-Making

How do you make a decision? Do you know the steps?


If you’re having trouble feeling confident in your actions and wish you had an unwavering self-belief in your decisions, maybe it's time to look at your decision-making process. Decisions made impulsively or without careful thought might not always turn out the way you hope they will.


Of course, there's something to be said for instinct and even dumb luck. But what if good decisions were inevitable rather than occasional? Imagine for a moment how it would feel to know you're right before you even act.


This is because there are steps you should be going through when making a decision. Let’s take a look at those now.


Start With an Open Mind

Do you automatically have all the answers? Probably not. Some of your beliefs might be biased, faulty, or illogical. Accepting you might have things to learn is the first and most crucial step to making decisions. Take a step back from everything but the raw facts regarding what you're trying to decide. 


Get the Facts


Do you have all the information you need to make an informed decision? Are there things you need to learn? What about examining the options? Have you considered multiple solutions? Take time to put the work in to gather what you need to proceed with confidence.


Predict the Future


Once you have some choices in mind, try to imagine how they're going to play out. Sometimes what looks good might be a great temporary solution, but you're going to need to do something different in the long run. If you make a certain decision right now, ask yourself if this will still be a good decision in the morning? What about next week? Or next year? 


Get Another Opinion


Do you have a mentor or someone you can trust whom you could talk to about this? While you might skip this step on the small stuff, it's worth having someone you trust weigh in with their opinion whenever you make a big decision. They might see something you're missing. 




Sometimes the hardest part of making decisions lies in making the actual decision. It’s tempting to go back over the research a few more times or keep looking for other alternatives. At some point, you’re going to need to act. Take your best solution and move forward with it with confidence. You’ve done all the work. Now comes the part where you put this newfound trust in yourself into action. 


The best part? The more you run through this process, the more confident you’ll feel about making decisions in the first place.


Decision Making Skills

Are you good at making decisions? The skill is natural for some people while others struggle to make even the most basic decisions. While personality types can play a role in one’s ability to make decisions, it’s also a skill that can be learned.


One reason people don’t like to make decisions is they don’t want to be held responsible for the outcomes. This reluctance is a defense mechanism as others may criticize you if you don’t choose wisely. It could erode the confidence others have in you regarding your ability to make decisions. However, you can take steps to reduce it from happening.


One of the main factors in decision making is confidence. Therefore, building confidence will help you make decisions. Others will also follow your lead as they will respect your confidence. When you make decisions with confidence, they have no choice but to recognize your authority.


Decision making requires finding out the right information. You won’t get far if you start making decisions without information to back them. You need to be informed when making your decisions which means you have a bit of detective work to do. You have to get as many of the facts as you can before making most decisions. 


Often, you won’t get all the facts you need for one reason or another. In this case, you will need to take a leap of faith and rely on your confidence when making decisions. That’s an unfortunate part of the process and one that makes people choose wrong directions sometimes. But, as long as you decide using the information you have available, you can defend your choice.


As part of the decision-making process, consider coming up with alternatives. List out all possible alternatives based on the current information. You can rate the alternatives on a scale of your choosing. This rating can help you when making the decision. You can choose a star-rating system or a percentage system (0-100), etc.


Another technique people like to use is to list out the pros and the cons. To do this, take out a blank piece of paper and write a dividing line in the center. Create the heading “Pros” on the left, and “Cons” on the right. Then, list out the pros and the cons. You can use this to guide you with your decision. Try not to make this process too mechanical as the list may contain several subjective items.

How to Overcome Bad Decisions

There is nobody on earth who can lay claim to never making a bad decision. People make too many decisions for them not to make bad decisions once-in-a-while. Hopefully, those decisions have little impact. However, there will be occasions where you make some that have big consequences.


It’s going to happen. You try to do everything in your power to avoid these bad decisions. Perhaps, the information you needed was not available at the time you made the decision. Or, someone gave you the wrong data, whether intentionally or not. It’s possible you made a rash decision without giving much thought to the consequences of the decision. Whatever the case, the result may turn into an unpleasant and stressful situation.


You need to face up to the consequences. Take ownership of the decision and don’t pass the blame. It’s possible you will have to deal with someone if they didn’t give you the right information or they deceived you in some manner. Their action may be the cause of the wrong decision, and you have to choose if you should let that person go as a result. However, if you were the one that was responsible for making the final decision, then the consequences of that decision rests with you.


Stay confident and don’t panic. Learn about what happened and why. Then, try to find ways to reduce the impact of your decision. If it is a business decision that costs your company some money, make sure you let your management know about it right away. Don’t try to ignore the problem thinking that management may not notice. They will be upset when a mistake costs the company money. But they will be even more upset if you don’t make it known in a timely fashion.


Don’t be afraid to talk to someone who may be able to help with the situation. It could be your boss or a mentor. They may be able to shed some insight into the situation. In fact, you could be blowing the situation out of proportion, and they will know how to get you out of it. But, they can only help if you give them timely information about it.


If the situation requires presenting your case to higher-level management, try to prepare alternatives on how to reverse the situation or reduce the impact. If these managers see that you have taken control of the situation, they may decide to let you run with the alternatives, although probably with a watchful eye of your manager.


What Is A Decision?

Some people contend, that in its simplest form, life is a series of choices. This is, in some sense, true. Except that it's not that simple, because life itself is not that simple. The complexity of life or, rather, living a life, means that the choices the average individual faces over the course of a lifetime are equally complex. These choices range from simple survival decisions (Should I eat that mushroom?), to difficult moral personal choices (Should I speak out against this injustice and incur increased personal risk?) Obviously, the one thing that all these decisions have in common are the option of choosing action and outcome. However, because the nature of these various actions, and their potential outcomes, vary wildly, no one strategy can encompass the process of deciding between them This is where an understanding of what a decision is becomes important.


A decision is, of course, the action of deciding something. A person faced with a choice, makes a choice. The most basic example of this is the proverbial fork in the road. When facing a fork in the road, you have the choice of going left or going right. You stop for a period of time while you think, then you decide to go either left or right. Once the decision has been made you take the path you've chosen. 


That's straightforward and obvious, right? To some extent, the answer to that question is yes. To a greater extent, however, the answer is no. To become a more efficient and more focused decision maker, you need to understand all the processes that went into making the simple decision above.


First, there was a problem. The path you were walking on divided into two. Second, there was the nature of the problem. Because the path divided, you were forced to go either left or right to reach your destination. Third, you needed to choose between these two options in order to continue. Fourth, you utilized your experience, knowledge and intuition to decide which option was best suited to your needs. Fifth, you actually made the decision. Finally, you, once again, began moving forward towards your destination based on that decision.


As you can see, the simplest of decisions entails a number of steps. In most cases, we handle these steps subconsciously, without really being aware of what it is we are doing. When the decision we are faced with is simple, this "autopilot" method of choosing isn't a problem. However, when more complex decisions need to be made, not understanding the process can give rise to difficulties.


How to Make Daring Career Decisions

People head to work each day and complete the tasks required of them. They do this day in and day out, even though it isn’t rewarding for most. So why do they do it? They like the security of having a steady paycheck.


There is more to life than a paycheck and many are starting to realize this. It could be that it’s easier than ever to start a business. Before the internet, the only real choices were a brick-and-mortar type of business. That is still viable for some. But, for others, an online business is the way to go.


Still, it can be quite scary to throw your entire career away to start up something new. Just because it’s easy to start a business today, doesn’t mean business is easy. The competition is growing daily. And, the competition is from people all over the world. Giving up the security of that paycheck is not a decision to be made lightly. 


One push for people to start something new is they are finding that their jobs are not as secure as they once thought. Layoffs and downsizing happen at regular intervals. Even people who survive the cuts will be expected to work harder and longer hours. Often, their salaries are reduced and bonuses are something for the history books.


People get to the point where they don’t feel secure and they resent having to do more work for the same (or even less) pay. This can give them the motivation they need to branch out on their own. The good news is many people can start these businesses on the side and continue to earn paychecks until their new business earns money. When this happens, they take on a new mental outlook of hope knowing that a better life is possible.


They also learn they can charge to coach others to do the same. This movement feeds off of itself as more dare to realize their dreams of owning their own business. It can be related to their field or they can branch off into something entirely different. Imagine getting paid for something you love! The possibilities are endless.


Don’t quit your job until you know what kind of business you are going to start and come up with a business plan. Also, seek out help from qualified people. You may have to pay some money upfront for their expertise, but it may be well worth the effort later.

Sunday 11 December 2022

How To Make Healthy Food Choices On The Go

Try as you might, it’s not always possible to prepare all your meals. No one has the time or energy to spend hours preparing dishes packed with nutrients.


It’s also not easy sticking with a diet plan when you’re busy rushing from one meeting to the next. Sometimes, it’s just easier to grab food on the go. But the problem is that fast food isn’t always healthy food.


Because we know how important your health is, we rounded up some practical tips to help you make healthy food choices on the go.


Let’s get started.


Be Honest with Yourself


As with any new habit or lifestyle change, the first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself about a few things. Have an open, serious conversation about what your schedule is like and assess your busiest days.


These will probably be when you don't have time to prepare healthy meals. Thus, you’ll need to prepare a couple beforehand, so you can just grab them and go.


Another thing you have to be honest about is the types of food you eat. Luckily, we now live in a time when almost any food can be healthy.


Craving a burger? Try a veggie burger or use lettuce instead of patties. Need some chocolate in your life? Grab a bar of dark chocolate for your sweet tooth and a nice boost of antioxidants as well.


Understanding your likes and dislikes can go a long way in helping you make healthy food choices on the go.


Get the Right Tools


Making healthy food choices isn’t just about knowing what to buy at the grocery store. It’s also about getting suitable tools and materials to help make the process easier.


For example, two great buys are to-go boxes, such as microwave-safe bento and lunch boxes. Simply fill them up the night before. Then, just grab them from the fridge, pop them in your bag, and you’re set for the day.


For batch cooking, consider investing in a Dutch oven, Instant Pot, or crockpot. Each of these cookware is guaranteed to make meal prep quick and hassle-free. You just add the ingredients, set the timer, and leave it to their thing.


Think Ahead


Why not take a couple of hours out of your weekend to organize a meal schedule for the busy week ahead? You can go old school and use a pen and paper.


Or you can take advantage of today’s technology and download one of the many meal-planning apps available. These apps help you schedule meals, prepare shopping lists, and even help you manage your budget.


Other benefits of using a meal-planning app include the following:


  • Focus only on the items on your grocery list, so you only buy what you need
  • Suggest new and fun recipe ideas
  • No more stressing over what you’ll eat or how much time it’ll take you
  • Calculate how much carbs, fat, proteins, and other nutrients you’re consuming each day
  • Know your total caloric intake for the day


Choose Wisely


It’s hard choosing healthy foods when you’re eating out or passing through a drive-thru. However, the good news is that now almost every fast-food place has a handful of healthy food options to choose from.


Thanks to the growing demand for healthier food choices, fast-food chains have amended many of their items. Some have even added brand-new ones that are all about being healthy.


In the meantime, try these tips:

  • Pick the smaller portion sizes
  • Opt for a side salad instead of fries
  • Choose the grilled chicken instead of fried chicken or a beef burger
  • Order water, diet soda, or unsweetened coffee or tea


Be a Smart Snacker


Sometimes we’re just so swamped with work that we don't have time to eat. So, we go to the vending machine and get a bag of chips or a bar of chocolate with a bazillion calories.


Sure, it’ll satiate you for about 15 minutes. But then, because they’re also loaded with carbs, your blood sugar levels will take a nose dive. Soon, you won’t be able to focus on your work, and you’ll be dying to take a nap.


To avoid putting yourself through all that, learn how to snack smart. This means choosing snacks that keep you feeling full for hours without all the loaded carbs, sodium, and fat.


Below is a list of some nutritious snacks you need to have in your bag at all times. From the sweet to the savor, these yummy snacks will ensure you always make healthy food choices.


  • Trail mix
  • Nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts
  • Chopped vegetables with a side of salsa or hummus
  • Cut-up or whole fruit
  • Rice cakes and granola
  • Frozen yogurt
  • Sugar-free protein bars