Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Monday 6 December 2021

Basics Of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures. Women of all ages, sizes and walks of life get breast augmentation. For some women the choice is a matter of looking better, for others it may be a way to aid recovery after breast cancer. Whatever the reason it is still surgery. Surgery should always be taken seriously and before undergoing this surgical procedure a women should know as much as they can about it.


Breast augmentation is surgery to enhance or change the size or shape of the breast. Women seeking this procedure are cautioned to understand that it will not solve problems they may be having in their life. Unrealistic expectations regarding breast augmentation can lead a woman to regretting her decision. What breast augmentation can do is help the way you see and feel about yourself. 


There was once a lot of media attention directed towards breast implants. Silicone implants were found to be susceptible to leakage which could cause health problems. Today the only approved implants are saline implants. Saline is a natural product already found in the body and leakage, if any, is not threatening. Other concerns, however, are still present with saline as with silicone.


There are always risk with surgery. General risks can range from infection to anaesthesia problems. Complications that are specific to breast augmentation include, loss of sensation, problems being able to breastfeed in the future, and hardening of the implant. The most common complications are breast pain and numbness. The most serious complication that can occur are toxic shock syndrome, implants breaking the skin and skin dying. 


The long term look at breast augmentation shows that many patients will have a need for at least one additional surgery within 10 years. There have not been studies to indicate how long an implant will last, but it is proven that they can break. 


Breast augmentation is an expensive procedure. Most insurance companies do not cover this surgery. It is very important to understand why you want the surgery, what results can be achieved and what long term effects can occur. Reversing the surgery means extra pain and money.


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Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.


Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are long-lasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure. 


Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly depilatory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful. 


Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin colour groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment centre can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.


Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centres offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

Baby Wants - But Maybe Doesn’t Need - New Shoes! (Or ‘The Psychology Of New Shoes’)

No woman in her right mind would turn down a chance to go shopping for new shoes. Whether she has 1 pair or a 100, the lure of shopping for shoes is over powering. There just is no question about it, shoes are FUN! That is not to even mention the infinite outfit combinations we have even more FUN putting together as a result of new shoes! Shoes must both look right and feel right for the occasion. Therefore, options are needed and the more you have, the absolute better.


Styles change and so do women’s tastes. Whether high heels or platforms, square, rounded or pointed toes, flip flops or athletic, the lure of shopping for shoes is irresistible. There are just so many kinds of shoes all serving different purposes. Hours are spent in shoe departments all over the world shopping for shoes. From $5 flip flops to $500 designer name shoes there are so many things to consider. One thing is generally certain: If a woman REALLY likes a pair of shoes, whether she needs them or not, she will most likely buy them, regardless of price.


I know a couple and the wife has hundreds of pairs of shoes. The husband has but two pair, one black and one brown. BORING and oh, so WAY not enough options. What about style? And does he have dress shoes or are these two pair of the athletic variety or what? That, of course, does not include his golf shoes. Most men have at least two of those if they are like my Father and Brother, both avid golfers.  Any way, he said ‘That’s all I need and I always have plenty of money to go golfing every weekend.’  She said ‘You take the golfing (and your boring shoes) and I will take all the therapeutic effects of the shopping. It also is such good exercise, both mentally and physically!’


Being practical about buying shoes is so out dated.. The more shoes, the more choices. Life is good if it is all about choices, not about being practical. Practicality was for my mother, and the days of practical shopping are gone forever. Now plastic rules (along with beautiful shoes) and somehow the credit card bill will get paid. I mean if we only live once, we should certainly be spending like it. Life is way too short to not have the cutest and best shoes possible.  We can find other ways to be thrifty but please do not be so when it comes to shoes. The days of the ‘have mores’ are here to rule and the days of the ‘have nots’ (shoes, that is) are long gone forever.


Another couple I know try to go shopping together (BIG mistake). Inevitably and much to her husband’s dismay and irritation, the wife ends up in the shoe department trying on shoes, one pair after another. A beautiful thing to see, right? She finds a pair she likes and says to her husband ‘I want these shoes!’ Her husband replies ‘Do you need them?’ She says ‘No, but they will go great with my pink dress that I bought six months ago and have never worn because I have never had just the perfect shoes to go with it. Besides, I did put back several pair that I also liked very much, but not quite as much as these. They are so ‘choice’, ‘sweet’ and absolutely the ‘most divine’ shoes I have, to date, ever seen!!!’  The husband gives in, all the while thinking about the bills that are coming due.


Let a woman give you husbands a few tips about shopping:

It’s a losing battle.

  1. Don’t go shopping with your wife - It ruins her shopping trip. Would you want us to go golfing with you? I didn’t think so. It would ruin your day.
  2. When your wife goes shopping - Expect a marathon and don’t expect her home before the stores close. Should she arrive home early, it will be a pleasant surprise. If she doesn’t--Fix your own dinner!
  3. Never call her on her cell phone and ask ‘Where are you?’ or ‘When are you going be home?’ Big ‘NO NO’ and grave interruption to her ‘therapy’. She does not want to be in touch with reality while shopping. Trust me on this one.


Girls: Enjoy a most pleasant shopping experience! Happy shopping! 

Husbands: Heed my warnings and all will be well! And happy golfing or whatever other pastime compensates for your serious lack of options!


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Are You Sugar Scrubbing Yet?

Sugar Scrubbing is a gentle way to exfoliate the skin just about anywhere on your body. A basic sugar scrub includes of course sugar and some sort of liquid and lotion or moisturizer. For a very simple sugar scrub mix some sugar with enough of your favourite body lotion to form a paste that’s easy to rub into your skin.


But why would you want to use a sugar scrub in the first place? Sugar scrubbing is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin particles, as well as any oil and residue. This will soften your skin and preparing it for anything else to follow such as a moisturizer. A sugar scrub stimulates the lymph system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body. The gentle massage of rubbing a sugar scrub into your skin also improves the circulation of the blood right under you skin, giving you that healthy glow.


Start your sugar scrubbing treatment by cleaning your skin with a gentle soap or other cleanser and warm water. Then grab a handful of the sugar scrub and massage it into your skin in circular motion. The grainy sugar will gently exfoliate your skin. Rinse the sugar off with plenty of cool water and use some more cleanser to get any sugary residue off your skin. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel and follow with your favourite moisturizer. You should use a sugar scrub to exfoliate once or twice a week as needed to maintain that soft skin and healthy glow.


Are you ready to give sugar scrubbing a try? Here are some great recipes you can put together in no time at all and give this a try.


Invigorating Lemon Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 3 - 5 drops of peppermint essential oil


Combine all ingredients to form a paste. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion and rinse.


Tip - For a calming sugar scrub, replace the peppermint essential oil with lavender or rosemary oil.


Almond Grapefruit Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil
  • 5-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil


Mix the sugar and almond oil until well combined, then slowly add the grapefruit essential oil drop by drop until you get the desired fragrance. Use like the sugar scrub above.


Give sugar scrubbing a try. You’ll be amazed at the results this simple beauty treatment provides. Not only will your skin get soft and glowing, but the scents in your sugar scrubs uplift your spirits as well. Before you know it you’ll be mixing sugar scrubs on a weekly basis, experimenting with different oils or lotions and using different essential oils.

Are You One Of The 40,000,000 Invisible Women In Our Society?

It's a sad but true fact that so many women over forty feel invisible. Changing this has become my passion.


One of the things that inspired me to do what I now do, after having had an executive position with a telecom giant, was an experience I had one day following one of my seminars.


An attractive, well dressed woman came up to me and told me that the thing she hated most about becoming older was that she felt invisible. She explained how, everywhere you look, you see woman in their twenties and thirties being presented as role models for beauty and style. Rarely do you see mature women in TV and print ads and some of the fashion magazines feature teenagers as models. There's only one magazine devoted entirely to the mature woman - More Magazine.


Just because we're getting older doesn't mean we have to become an invisible part of society. It doesn't mean we have to let ourselves go, gain weight and start looking frumpy. My late aunt Josie, while in her eighties, looked like she just stepped off the cover of Vogue whenever she went out.


A woman can still look great as she ages if... she learns how to do it.


Many of the makeup techniques that work on a twenty or thirty year old, are a disaster on the face of a forty five year old woman. Unfortunately, many older women have not yet learned this. As we age, one of the makeup secrets we need to know is that "Less is better."


Mistakes in wardrobe are even more apparent. Recently, I was asked by a national magazine to comment on some celebrity women. Here's what I had to say about an outfit that Kim Catrall, who I happen to adore, was wearing:


"Belly bearing cut-offs and lace up top are not for the over forty woman. Longer, boy cut shorts and a fuller cut tank with a built-in bra would give her the same bare look."


Below are some fashion anchors every woman over forty should have in her wardrobe:


  • A ‘Little Black Dress’ 
  • Black/Navy Pencil or A-Line Skirt 
  • Black/Navy Slacks/Trousers 
  • Black Cashmere Sweater 
  • White Shirt 
  • Comfortable yet Chic Black 2’ heels 
  • Classic Trench Coat


Fashion tips: 


Pants with clean lines, no pockets, no pleats look best on almost every woman because they are slimming.


Black or navy will make you look thinner, but add some colour with accessories to give your look some flair. Elastic waist pants or skirts are to be avoided at all costs because they flatter no one.


Develop a signature. Wear a favourite ring or special bracelet all the time. Something people will always identify and remember about you.


The scarf should be a wardrobe staple. Learn how to use it and wear it many ways, such as, looped through your pants as a belt, or tied on the handle of your handbag.


If you want to learn all my insider techniques for looking fabulous after forty, fifty, sixty and beyond, visit:


Until next time, keep looking your best and claim your power.


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Are Disposable Colour Contacts Good?

There are many reasons that a disposable colour contact is a good choice for your needs. Today, most contact lenses that are purchased are disposable and there is good reason for this. No matter if you are new to contact lenses or looking to add them to your ability to look perfect with these fashion accessories, you need to know why disposable colour contacts are a better choice.


These contacts are ideal for anyone that is looking to change their eye colour. They can be made in both prescriptions and non-prescriptions. They will provide you with a wide range of benefits as well. For example, the disposable products are often able to provide a more healthy atmosphere for your eyes. Because they are thrown out, they do not allow for the break down and dysfunction that happens over time.


They are also more affordable to purchase in the short run. They are offered at a lower price in most cases. But, in the long run you may pay more for them than other versions of contact lenses. Of course, if you just want to have them to provide you with a fashion accessory need, make sure to dispose of them as you should to keep your eyes healthy.


Disposable coloured contacts allow many people to change the colour of the eyes easily. Most of the time, these are ideal because they are throw away which means a lower price for them. It also means that you need to insure that you get the right product for your eyes. You should always have a full eye exam and measurement before you purchase any of these. In any case, disposable colour contacts are often a good, or the best, choice for eye needs. They are available throughout the web for even lower and more affordable purchases as well.

Any Time Home Facials

You don't have to save the joys of pampering yourself on special occasions. We can simply set aside time to pamper, renew and recharge ourselves on regular basis.


Our skin is an honest mirror to our inner health, beauty and well-being. If we indulge in great deal of unhealthy food, it shows first on our skin. Wholesome eating and drinking plenty of water with adequate dose of exercise will exhibit a healthy glow on our skin. Use of natural gentle ingredients such essential oils, cold pressed unscented oils and hydrosols soothe, nourish and radiate a healthy, glowing complexion.


Consider your skin type while making aromatherapy beauty products for beauty regime at home. Facial consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. On occasion, you may add a gentle exfoliation and mask for luxurious pampering. Listing down step by step guide for "At Home Facial" with recipes:


  • Start with cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser. Give yourself a light steam treatment to unclog the pores before facial. Use fingertips to move upwards in circular movements, gently stimulating the skin and removing excess oil and grime. Rinse with warm water and pat excess moisture with a soft towel.

  • After cleansing routine, tone the skin to ensure the pH balance. Apply the toner with soft cotton pad. Avoid rubbing and sensitive area around the eye. Saturate the pad and pat it over the face and neck area. Apple cider vinegar is the best toner to ensure optimal pH balance for the skin.

  • Now your skin is ready to be moisturized with host of soothing ingredients. To seal the moisture, apply oil using patting motions when the skin is damp from applying the toner. For oily areas, apply once. For dry areas apply twice with an interval of 2-3 minutes between applications. Moisten the skin with water or toner in between applications to seal the moisture.


Home-made recipes for cleansing, toning and moisturizing:


  • For a rose cream cleanser, combine 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tsp rose hydrosol and 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil. Stir well and apply to face and neck areas. Note - this cleanser should be used within 2 days.

  • Tone up your skin with 1 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp dried green tea leaves, 1tbsp dried chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp rose hydrosol, 1 tbsp Aloe Vera gel and 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Heat the distilled water until boiling. Remove from heat and add green tea, chamomile flowers. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then strain. Add the remaining ingredients and stir and shake well. Store in clean bottle and use within 3 weeks.

  • For aromatic moisturizing oil, combine 3 tbsp each of jojoba and rose hip seed oil, 2 drops each of rose, geranium and palmarose essential oils and 3 drops lavender essential oil. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and store in clear, clean bottle for use.

All About Tanning Bed Lotions, Tanning Bed Lamps And Other Tanning Bed Products

There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market which can offer you that healthy golden glowing skin.


Tanning Bed Lotions


Using tanning bed lotions are one of easiest and convenient ways for sunless tanning. Tanning bed lotions helps you to get the perfect shade of bronze to your skin. But the real trick to effective and healthy sunless tanning is to finding out the best tanning bed lotions which can give you that healthy golden glowing skin. While selecting tanning bed lotions you need to be careful to select tanning bed lotions which contain moisturizers, cocoa butter or aloe vera. This is important as tanning bed lotions which lacks these ingredients can result in drying out of the skin.


Tanning bed lotions can be applied on a consistent basis to keep your skin healthy as you tan. For those people who used to burn easily can apply a thicker coat of tanning bed lotions for the initial few visits in the salon. By using more tanning lotion, one can reduce the effects of burning or peeling.


As the skin type and pigment level of one person differs from the other, it is always a good option to first try out various indoor tanning bed lotions to find the one which best suits one’s skin. Tanning bed lotions can be purchased from beauty salons or other stores.


Tanning Bed Lamps


Tanning bed lamps are designed in similar manner to general lighting low-pressure florescent lamps. The major difference between the two types is the phosphor used. The phosphor used in a tanning bed lamp allows UVA and UVB rays to be emitted at controlled levels.


The latest tanning bed lamps available in the stores are great at delivering a golden bronze tan for your skin. The lamps are designed so as to work quickly as well. Tanning bed lamps also helps to reduce your exposure to the harmful UV rays.


There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market. Many of them are designed to be used in home while several others are designed for commercial and tanning parlours. Before purchasing tanning bed lotions, tanning bed lamps, or any other tanning bed products, it is advisable to shop around and compare the latest models available in the stores. This is very important as the technology used in tanning bed products is constantly changing; so it is the responsibility of the customers to keep up with the technology and changing tanning bed products to achieve the best possible results.

Advice On Buying Maternity Wear

Just because you are 8 months pregnant with a stomach out to there, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still care about your appearance. In fact, when you’re feeling hormonal and down in the dumps, a good shopping trip for stylish maternity wear may be exactly what you need.


General advice


The first instinct pregnant mothers have when shopping is to go directly for something that is large and baggy. Please avoid this as maternity clothing that is layered or has bold prints or horizontal stripes will only make you seem bigger. Everyone knows that black is slimming so if you want to appear smaller, go for maternity clothing in one solid colour. Don’t compromise your style. If you find maternity clothing too plain, try going to plus size stores or shop at your usual haunts but buy a bigger size. This will allow you to go for styles that you would normally have preferred pre-pregnancy.


Maternity wear budget


Be careful with your budget though, as you have to remember you won’t be that big for that long! If you want to save money, borrow other people’s maternity clothing. Most mothers’ keep their maternity clothing in case of future pregnancies or as a keepsake and they’ll probably be happy to let their used maternity clothing be used by you. Or, you could try yard sales or consignment shops for a good bargain.




If you are well into your pregnancy, you don’t want to buy high heels. Flat shoes or flip flops are the best way to go. If you must have heels in your shoe, try kitten heels as they are not that high and will be comfortable to wear.


Maternity formal wear


The best kind of formal wear won’t hide your shape. Be proud of your new pregnant shape and show it off. Formal wear for expectant mothers can be found in suits or dresses. The most common colours are black or midnight blue as it is one solid colour that is slimming to all shapes. The best maternity dresses are empire cut, which means it is cut right under the bust, to provide maximum room for movement of your growing belly. Maternity suits are also alternative and very flattering to those who are four to five months pregnant.


Maternity swim wear


If you are only four to six months pregnant, you can probably get away with going to plus sized stores and purchasing larger swimsuits as maternity swim wear. In this way, you will get a greater range of swim wear to choose from without having to change your style. Maternity swim wear is not readily available all year round so make sure to head straight to your favourite maternity clothing store when the sun comes out if you’re planning a tropical holiday during the winter.


Whatever your shape or size, you are bound to find maternity wear for any occasion! Don’t just stick to the boring styles you often see in maternity stores; be inventive when mixing and matching to create your own maternity wear style!


Advertising Your Genes

Customers pick the best product. Women pick the best genes. Well, not quite.


Every soy sauces claim to be number one.


Who knows which one is?


Consumers do not pick which one is best. Consumers pick which one looks best.


Well, you see, like anyone in the world, women do not pick the best genes. Women pick the best looking genes.


How do they know?


All products, including sperms, require advertising. That advertising can actually hurt gene pool, or even life survival. However, if the advertising can improve women’s impressions on the males, some males will do it.


Let’s examine the peacocks elaborate tail. Those tails actually hurt survival.


Those tails attract parasites and predators.


Peacock’s with shorter tails will not attract predators and hence live longer.


However, the fact that most peacocks have long tail is a proof that at least in the past, peacocks with longer tail have survived better in the gene pool.


We know that it happens because peahens are attracted to peacocks with long tail. The reason why the tails are attractive is surprisingly because the tails hurt gene pool survival.


A living peacock with longer tail must have strong capability to fight parasites and run from predators.


Hence, a built in pattern recognition algorithm in all peahen’s mind will correctly conclude that any living peacocks with long tails must have better genes than peacocks with shorter tails.


It’s the same reason why human males spend a lot of money for car, donations, big mansions, and bling bling’s. All those actually hurt gene pool survival. The money used to buy sport cars cannot be used to buy food or health care.


Moreover, a male that show of wealth will often be killed with other males with less to display in their effort to get rid more desirable competitors.


Such killing explains genocide done against capitalists, Jews, and other successfully contributing minorities all over the world.


However, women know that any men that can afford such things must be rich. So women pick such males, and males buy those things.


Advertising of survival capability don’t just end there.

Accentuate Your Looks With The Right Purse

We're positive that no matter how you see yourself -- trendy, corporate or casual -- your ultimate goal is to look "together" - to look beautiful and elegant in your poise and style of clothing and accessories. You spend hours looking for the right outfit and analyse it many times over to make sure it perfects and gives you that eye catching look. But do you give that same time and scrutiny to your accessories like your purse and handbag before throwing it over your shoulder and leaving the house?


You probably didn't know that a purse can flatten your curves almost as much as the right pair of pants or shirt. Now that we have your attention read on to determine your shape and what type purse you should carry.


Try to choose a purse shape that is the opposite of your body type. While the shape should oppose your body type for maximum flattery, the size of the bag should be in proportion to your figure. If you are tall and thin, look for the large sloppy bags that lay against you to compliment your figure. If you're short and voluptuous, play off opposites by choosing a handbag that is tall and rectangular or long and sleek.


Most women look great with a bag that hits mid-torso because it flatters the waist.


Take a look at the five basic body shapes and find the best purse for your shape:


Narrow Top/Full Bottom


If you have full hips or tummy and small top, draw the eye up with accessories. You should carry a bag with short straps that fits snug under your arm.


Full Top/Narrow Bottom


If the fullness you carry on top is unwanted (some do pay for it, you know) turn the area into a "no man's land". Nothing should cause the eye to linger so draw the eye downwards by carrying long slouching bags.


Hour Glass


If you got it girl, flaunt it! This shape best describes a woman who is balanced on top and bottom with a defined waist and is considered the ideal body shape. You can carry off anything, lucky lady!!


Narrow/Top to Bottom


If you are naturally thin, you have always faced the challenges that come with dressing this body shape. If you are unnaturally thin -- by choice -- you probably, prefer to show it off. The key is to add dimension to your profile. Don’t choose a bag that will hug the body too much. Think unstructured, bulky type purses. Try anything with horizontal detail in the patterns.


Wide From Top to Bottom


In general, the rounder your figure, the more structured your purse should be. For this body type, shape and colour is important. Colours should be muted, monochromatic is best and prints should be kept to a minimum. Draw the eye to the top or centre of the torso with a mid-length strap.


Now you know the right purse for you! Always remember to try on the bag, just like you would clothing and shoes. Remember that where the purse touches your body, that part of your body is accentuated. For example, if the purse is under your arm against your breast, the eye is drawn up to the bag.


So take the time to look for the right purse for you, it’s not always the same purse that your best friend carries. A purse should not only carry your personal belongings, it should add to your style and looks.

A Safe, Non-Evasive Alternative to Surgery for Breast Enhancement

Using herbal breast enhancement, many woman claim, allows the body to naturally increase breast size. Women who have tried herbal breast enhancements have reported that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. 100% Herbal and all natural, this breast enhancement program will increase your breast size, naturally and safely, while adding firmness and fullness. Users of herbal breast enhancements have claimed that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. Do not take the herbal breast enhancement supplement with beverages that are carbonated or contain caffeine. 


Since the beginning of time, women and men have been obsessed with breasts. From birth, we seek nourishment from our mother’s breasts. Girls grow into young women and start to develop their own breasts, often doing exercises to try to increase their bust size. Boys start to notice girls as their breasts become larger and well, boys never outgrow their obsession with larger breasts on a woman! A woman’s breasts are what make her feel sexy, sensual and alive. This is why many breast cancer survivors are happy to beat the cancer, but often left devastated without their breasts. Thankfully, there is help now for all women, whether natural or surgical.  


Breast enhancement pills offer safe, non-evasive alternative to surgery. Gone are the days where surgical augmentation was the only available option for women who wanted breast enlargements. There are numerous alternatives now, natural breast pills, supplements and creams for the breast enhancement. Leaving women feeling sexy, confident and beautiful! 


A common misconception about natural breast enhancement is that it will only take weeks or a few months to gain results such as 1-2 cup sizes. This quite simply, is not the case most often since most women who do see success in naturally increasing their breast size do not see considerable results for anywhere from 6-12 months. Also, it is important that the right product is chosen. Some women may respond to one product or method, while other women may not respond at all. Since everyone's body and chemical makeup is so diverse, it is nearly impossible to guarantee one single product will work the same on everyone.


With natural breast enhancement through pills or creams, this offers a woman a gradual feeling of breast growth, every morning waking up feeling more and more voluptuous. We have had reports that this has sent a surge into relationships! Men love to rub the breast creams on their wives and girlfriends breasts knowing that they are in a small way rubbing them to become bigger and fuller! It’s like rubbing the genie bottle and getting their biggest wish! Can you imagine what that does to a relationship? Most importantly, this safer alternative to surgery, allows women to have control over what is happening to their body.

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A Rough Battle To Smoothen Your Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs mainly due to heat, the use of excessive chemicals applied on your hair and also by not taking good care of your hair. Every person's hair has a certain amount of moisture which preserves your hair and does not let it dry. When certain level of moisture goes down due to many of the common reasons then you have to take special efforts to maintain that moisture. One should keep in mind that excess experiments with your hair can cause problems and lead to dry hair. 


Some of the common reason why many face this problem is the excessive washing of your hair. Your hair need not be washed daily as this washes out the nutrients from your hair leaving you 'high and dry’. So washing is not an appropriate solution for your hair on a daily basis. Use of hot dryers, hot curlers or any of the things you use for stylizing your hair also leads to drying. Swimming in chlorinated water without a head cap makes your hair parched and even drier. By using some of the home based recipes you can make your last longer with a better look.


The use of mild shampoo is one of the initial steps to be taken when you are treating dry hair. Look for shampoos mentioned as 'dry and damaged' which would work in your favour. The use of conditioner is a must as this helps in preserving the lost nutrients and oil in your hair. This would give a beautiful look to your hair with the extra shine and bounce. Snipping off the end of your hair would help in preventing further damage to your hair. Exposure to sun can also cause dryness. You can use hair sunscreen to protect your hair. 


Use of some of the home made ingredients if properly blended can be very helpful. Beer seems to work wonders on your hair. You can spray your hair with beer once you have shampooed your hair. Mayonnaise is also a wonderful ingredient which brings life back to your hair as it is termed as an excellent conditioner.

Sunday 5 December 2021

A Quick Look At Tanning Beds

Tanning Beds, also known as sunbeds, are used to emit ultraviolet radiations for cosmetic reasons such as artificial tanning or sunless tanning. Tanning beds generally come in two basic formats - horizontal tanning beds and Vertical tanning beds.


Horizontal tanning beds are mainly used in residential as well as commercial settings. Horizontal tanning beds come with a lid lined with tubular ultraviolet lamps and a plastic or glass ‘bench’ contoured for optimal relaxation. One can simply lie down, close the lid and permit the ultraviolet light to penetrate into the skin. For even tanning, one simply needs to turn the body over one time halfway through each session.


Vertical tanning beds are another popular type of tanning beds available in the market. Also called stand-ups or tanning booths, these types of tanning beds are easy to use and are very efficient. The interior of the vertical tanning beds is lined with ultraviolet light bulbs in a 360 degree pattern. What you need is to just step inside and close the door. As your body is exposed to ultraviolet light from all sides, there is no need for you to turn your body over halfway through each session.


Majority of the high pressure tanning beds emit more tanning rays (UVA) and less burning rays (UVB). Most of the high pressure tanning beds use lamps made of quartz. This helps the internal air pressure to be higher when compared to conventional ultraviolet lamps. High-pressure tanning beds are found more useful for intermediate and dark skin tones.


All UV lamps come with a marking showing a UVB percentage. That is, if a UV lamp is marked 6% UVB, which means that the lamp emits 6% UVB rays and the remaining 94% UVA rays. This is comparatively a low UVB percentage; that is tans produced with the help of this radiation will be brown and not burned.


The latest tanning beds available in the stores comes with a cooling system, which provides more comfortable during tanning.


Before purchasing any tanning beds, it is advisable to compare the pros and cons of each model. This helps you to purchase a prefect tanning bed which gives you better results without spoiling your skin and health.

A Quick Look At Sunless Tanning

Sunless tanning, also known as indoor tanning, is becoming much popular these days. As the term implies, sunless tanning is the process of attaining a suntan by sunless means. The main reason behind the popularity of sunless tanning is that there are several people who live in a place where constant sunshine is not available and most of the people cannot afford such a vacation every month to top up their tans. Another reason why people are more attracted with sunless tanning is that the regular and constant exposure to the sun rays increases the chances of contracting skin cancer. Sunless tanning offers several harmless and easy ways for people to achieve the desired result.


Sunless tanning can take the form of tanning lotions, tanning sprays, tanning beds, and tanning pills. The results and efficiency of these methods differs from one another. Let us look on the four main sunless tanning methods:


Sunless Tanning Lotion


Majority of the sunless tanning lotions come with the bronzing ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA is a colourless sugar which can interact with dead skin cells resulting in a colour change to that skin. Generally this change in colour lasts for five to seven days from the initial application. Using sunless tanning lotions is a well-liked method for sunless tanning. However, the only drawback is that, getting an even tan is very difficult.


Spray Tanning


Spray tanning is also the same as tanning lotion; the only difference is that tanning solution used here is a spray. Spray tanning can be done manually by a spray gun. If you wish to use it automatically then you can go for a tanning booth. A recent development in spray tanning is the colourless tanning solution. The solution does not have bronzer and affords a less streaky, more even tan.


Tanning Beds


Tanning beds, also known as sunbeds, feature fluorescent tubes to tan the applicants’ skin by emitting UV (Ultraviolet) Rays. Though, tanning beds are considered as an efficient sunless tanning method, continuous use of this method can cause skin cancer and skin aging.


Tanning Pills


Tanning pills usually comes in three varieties - pills which contain carotenoid pigments, pills which contain tyrosine, and pills with no active ingredients. Tanning pills which contain carotenoid pigments when consumed internally saturates the fat layers just below the skin, which results in the change in skin colour. The other two varieties of tanning pills are not proven to have any desired effect on the colour of the skin.


The cost of sunless tanning methods differs from just a few bucks to $100 or even more for one or more visit in a tanning salon. However, with sunless tanning you can easily achieve that beautiful bronzed look without damaging your skin.