Showing posts with label Aesthetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aesthetics. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Choosing the Best Eye Cream for Yourself

In a market where there are many choices for those looking for eye creams, making the right choice is vital, as the wrong choice could lead to damaging the skin, or a product which does not benefit the eye. Bags around the eyes, fine lines, puffiness and dark circles are all signs of ageing which eye creams should be targeting, and will be your first reference point in choosing the right eye product.


It is important to know that there are unscrupulous companies who would release a product which is a moisturizer, and market it as an eye cream, without considering the effect on the consumer. The features of an eye cream and those of a moisturizer mean they are two different products, and if you want a moisturizer there are plenty available, but an eye cream has to work as an eye cream, not just look like the real thing.


When taking the cost into consideration, ensure you have a budget in mind, and then seeing if the product matches it should be a consideration, as you should need an important reason to choose a product which is more expensive than others which are more competitive.


To avoid being the victim of a scam, you should look into the compounds found within the eye cream, as there will usually be studies associating these with eye treatment. Ensuring the product you’re looking at has the right concentration of ingredients to be effective is also important, as the more opportunistic producers will use minimal amounts of some ingredients to reduce their production costs, and then emphasize this in their advertising.


Newly-developed products with innovative ingredients will naturally have less published research about them, and in this instance searching for reviews of these creams can give you clues as to what they do to the skin around the eyes. Larger numbers of positive reviews from consumers should give you an indication a product is worth trying, whilst negative reviews from users could suggest you ought to look for another product.


However, a product is advertised, or however flashy the packaging, make sure that you judge the cream on the results and how it deals with the signs of ageing, which is why you are buying the cream in the first place. After all, a colored bottle or an impressive promotion doesn't improve the results of the product.

How to Get Beautiful Hair Naturally

Most men and women consider their hair to be very important to how they are perceived, and spend time looking after their hair. The industry providing products for this has seen a large increase in the number of products designed to help people look after their hair. Although there is a general impression that it is mainly women that spend time and money on their hair, research has shown that men as well as women take an interest in how to care for their hair.


With a large range of products available to suit every type of hair, there is a product to suit almost every consumer. However, even products that can be found in the everyday kitchen can be used for a more organic approach to hair care. Here are details of a few of products that can help provide the best hair, listed according to hair type.


People who have greasy hair have to consider using products specifically designed for hair care, with the use of a lemon grass or mint shampoo being used thrice a week being particularly beneficial. More frequent use will prevent the hair from returning to its usual Ph balance, and can cause problems and deterioration of the hair. A solution made from lemon juice can be applied after washing which will work against the excessive production of sebum with the astringent properties of lemon juice.


If you suffer with dry hair, it is important to ensure your hair is hydrated, and a conditioner designed to provide moisture for dry hair is essential every time your hair is washed. A simple way to add moisture to your hair is to apply hot water to a towel, until it is wet, but not dripping, and then placing it on your head. It’s like a sauna just for your hair instead of the body.


Those who have problems with dandruff would be well advised to use a lotion combining mint leaves and vinegar. Not only does this help prevent dandruff from becoming a problem, but will also leave your hair looking both sleek and shiny. The examples mentioned here are just a few of the problems and solutions that can occur with your hair, but a little bit of research can help you find even more useful tips for your hair. 

How Water Makes You Irresistible

Have you ever thought about how important water is in your life? From the refreshing shower, to an invigorating swim in the sea, or the inviting waters of a lake, water is vital. The cooling raindrops on your face on a humid day, to letting the rain wash over your face and lips, smelling the scent released from the flowers and trees by the rain. The rain brings out our spirituality. After a strenuous run, is there anything better than a glass of fresh water?


10 Ways That Water Keeps You Gorgeous


  • No other drink quenches your thirst like water.
  • Water keeps your cells supple.
  • The electrolytes in your body are balanced by water, energizing your body.
  • Drinking water reduces your appetite.
  • Staying hydrated keeps your brain active, and encourages a good mood.
  • Your muscles recover better after a workout with a supply of water.
  • An effect of drinking water is to keep your skin healthy.
  • Water helps you lose fat by increasing your metabolism.
  • Drinking water will help flush toxins produced by your body.
  • Water keeps you healthy, and being healthy keeps you attractive!


3 Tips for Water Consumption


Tip 1: When thirsty, drink twice as much as quenches the thirst.

Tip 2: To avoid dehydration, drink regularly during the day.

Tip 3: Around eight glasses of water is recommended, or one glass per 20 pounds you weigh. For example: 7.5 cups would be recommended for a person weighing 150 pounds. Being active, or living in a dry climate will add to the amount of water you need.


Disclaimer: These are recommendations for people choosing a healthy lifestyle. Refer to your doctor before implementing a change in diet or exercise regime.


Water Facts


95% of your brain is water, and it will use up to 40% of the water you consume. Your blood contains 82% water, and your lungs are 90% water. Even a 2% drop in the supply of water to the body can cause dehydration, problems in identifying small text and issues such as short-term memory problems and difficulty in completing simple mathematics.


Although you can count caffeine-free tea and fruit juice in your fluid intake, alcohol or coffee are diuretics and promotes water loss. Sugar in the juice can also dehydrate the body, where fresh water doesn’t.


Daily Mantra


“Every drink of fresh water replenishes and revitalizes my life force.”

Recuperating After Botox Treatment

After Botox treatment, the recovery process is usually relatively straightforward. Since anesthesia isn’t used during the injection of Botox, there is no need to hold back a patient once the procedure is complete. There are minimal side effects, and when risks arise, preventative solutions are available. You will improve your chances of getting the results you want if you know how to recover properly from the treatment. 


  1. Applying ice to the area around the injection for around 10 minutes after the procedure will help reduce and swelling or bruising from happening.


  1. Have your concealer on hand if you have to go to work or to a social event, and apply to the area if you experience any redness around the treated skin.


  1. Try not to apply pressure or massage the flesh around the injection, as this will spread the Botox which cause muscles not intended for treatment to be paralyzed. Gently wash your face, and if possible, sleep facing upwards.


  1. Heavy activity after the treatment should be avoided for the first day after treatment, as the substance can move and affect an unintended part of your face unless you allow some recovery time.


  1. Once you have received the treatment, ensure your head stays elevated for a few hours afterwards to prevent the substance from moving to different parts of the face.


  1. Your doctor can give you a pamphlet and provide a demonstration of facial exercises which will help you test the dexterity of the facial muscles after the procedure.


  1. You may also want to ask what products not to apply to your face after treatment, to try and avoid side effects and infection.


  1. Keep in mind that the full recovery from the treatment can take up to ten days, so not having your desired results after 24 hours is not unusual, as Botox can affect different people in different ways.


  1. Ensure you arrange an appointment after recovery with your doctor, as they will want to check that the dosage used has achieved the results you were looking for.


Should you or an acquaintance want to know more about Botox and your options, refer to a cosmetic surgeon who is board certified specializing in Botox treatments. They can supply the resources and information to help you decide which treatment to go after, and to get the results you want.

Why You Should Not Have a Facelift

If you needed any convincing that going for cosmetic surgery won’t always be an improvement, look at pictures of stars such as Joan Rivers. However, this isn’t always enough to prevent people from being tempted by the cosmetic improvements, and people are always sure that they would only have treatments that are necessary to stay young and beautiful.


If you needed any more reasons not to opt for a facelift, there are a number of reasons to go for surgery-free alternatives.


Other options are now highly effective alternatives to surgery.


Restoring a youthful visage shouldn’t be an overwhelming reason for a facelift, as technological developments have given us treatments which can provide similar results without a surgical visit. Why go under the knife?


The alternatives such as Thermage and Ultherapy are effective in skin tightening, and encouraging collagen growth, this can lift the skin in a way similar to a facelift. Both techniques are extremely safe and do not require surgery.


Although not individually enough to keep you from the surgeon, consider these other two reasons.


Surgery-free treatments are socially acceptable in most circles. 


News that a famous celebrity has chosen to undergo a facelift is no longer big news, but undergoing surgery for cosmetic purposes still has a stigma in many parts of the world. What may be the norm for the celebrities is not necessarily what is acceptable in all of society today.


It is one of human nature’s most instinctive responses to inspect and judge the results of cosmetic surgery once someone has had surgery. It is natural that many people will look and stare at those who have gone under the knife, and consider whether surgery was right for them.


The alternative treatments such as Thermage and Ultherapy don’t leave the marks that plastic surgery can, and will tighten and lift your skin so people notice the natural beauty, not the surgery.


People will ask about similar treatments, rather than gossiping about your surgery between themselves.


Non-surgical alternatives have less risks to your health and beauty. 


Many women can benefit from a facelift, but there are many cases annually of surgery errors which can cause scarring and deformation. Though not largely discussed, it is an unavoidable reality of cosmetic surgery.


With the possible consequences of surgery, perhaps sagging and wrinkles is not all bad, or even better, non-surgical alternatives could be the answer.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Resolving Hair Loss Problems

Keeping your youthful appearance is one of the biggest challenges that you will face in life. The biggest indicators of age are your hair and your skin. Concealing your age in your hair is often difficult to do, however, if you are able to master this art, you will astound others with your age. Hair in particular is a strong social indicator of age and social status, and is worth protecting for many individuals. Hair loss is one of the most common signs of aging, but it is preventable. 


By taking early prevention steps to stop hair loss, you save yourself the extra efforts of trying to stop the balding process after it has begun. The process of hair loss often occurs at a specific time and rate. It is important for you to take action at the first signs of hair loss. Different products may work differently depending on how your body reacts to them. Be sure to always take precautions when starting treatments for hair loss, to ensure that you will not have an allergic reaction, and to ensure that the treatment will not interfere with any other medications that you may already be taking.


Daily maintenance of your hair and your overall health can have a drastic effect on the appearance of your hair, and the rate at which baldness sets in. Be wary of chemical treatments involved in styling or in dyes. Chemicals involved in the dying or styling process are designed to give your hair a healthy appearance for a short amount of time. Afterward, your hair will feel the full effects of the chemicals, and will be subjected to lasting damage. Heat can often speed this process up, so using a heated blow dryer on your hair can often be attributed to your hair looking brittle and old.


Remember that your overall health is a key factor in how your hair will age. The hair loss process can often be slowed, if not stopped, by taking care of your health. It is important to avoid any substances, such as drugs and alcohol that may negatively affect your health, as it will show through your hair. Ensure that you get all of the right vitamins and nutrients in your diet, and exercise often. Not only will your body thank you, but your hair will continue to be thick well into the later years of your life.

Monday 6 December 2021

Changing Your Look With Coloured Contact Lenses

The 21st century very well may be remembered as the point in history when people made rather drastic changes to their physical appearances on what might be considered something of a whim. Plastic surgery -- once a relatively uncommon procedure -- has become commonplace. However, such drastic changes really are not for everyone.


One avenue through which a person can make a less invasive and far from permanent physical change is the use and wearing of coloured contact lenses. As technology in regard to contact lens coloration has advanced over the course of the past ten years, an individual desiring a striking physical change can accomplish his or her goal through the use of coloured contact lenses.


When coloured contact lenses first hit the market, they were designed in such a manner that only subtle eye coloration changes could be had. All of that has changed in recent years. In this day and age, it is now possible for a brown eyed person to sport blue eyes and for a blue eyed person to make the rounds about town with brown eyes.


In addition to changing a person’s eye colour from one naturally occurring hue to another with ease, it is now possible to make even more drastic changes to one’s appearance through the use of what might be considered pretty unusually contact lens designs. For example, if a person were so inclined, he or she can now obtain contact lenses designed in such a manner that a person’s eye appearance can be altered to look like tiger or lion eyes. These types of contact lenses were first used on movies sets. In time, such lenses have become available to consumers generally.


While a person most definitely can make a fashion statement with coloured contact lenses, it is important to remember that contact lenses are invasive. By that it is meant a contact lens -- when all is said and done -- is a foreign object on a person’s eye. With this in mind, it is vitally important that if a person is inclined to utilize contact lenses for fashion reasons, it is important for that person to visit a trained and licensed eye doctor. In obtaining contact lenses for fashion purposes, it is incumbent upon a person to undergo the same types of initial and follow up examinations that are necessary when contact lenses are obtained for matters relating to improving vision.

Causes of Hirsutism

Hirsutism is defined as excessive and unwanted facial and/or body (say in the neck, chest and lower abdomen) hair in a male-like formulation. Estimates suggest that it affects between 5% and 15% of women, varying according to characteristics. At least 5% of women of reproductive age suffer from this ailment.


It is a common issue causing significant social and psychological distress mainly among women, but modern diagnosis and treatment can surely take care of the problem.

Causes of Hirsutism 


Before we lunge into the probable causes of hirsutism it is better to remember that it is a sign of hyperandrogenism.


The causes of increased androgen level in hirsutism include:


  • Familial and Idiopathic Hirsutism - These are common causes of hirsutism resulting from peripheral androgen goings-on. It begins in puberty and slowly steps forward. The patients have normal menses, normal testosterone level, 17alpha hydroxyprogesterone and DHEAS. The diagnosis stands on exclusion. 


Idiopathic Cause


Idiopathic cause triggers hirsutism in 6% to 17% of hirsute women. Hirsutism occurs in the body where the circulating levels of androgens and ovulation are normal. The pathophysiological indicators are exaggerated peripheral 5 alpha reductase activity, altered androgen metabolism or different functioning androgen receptors.


Excess secretion by the ovaries (For example tumours, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)).


The most common example is polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects 6% women of the reproductive age bracket. Over 70% patients with PCOS have signs of hyperandrogenism. This is manifested by hyperandrogenaemia and chronic anovulation. 


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is typified by formation of follicular cysts, which are detected by ultrasound. PCOS is a combination of polycystic ovaries and other typical symptoms like hirsutism, amenorrhea or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility, obesity, irregular menstrual cycles and acne.


This is better diagnosed clinically rather than laboratory findings. The diagnosis of PCOS is based on exclusion, which means this disorder is attributed to patients whose body shows proof of ovulatory dysfunction supported by either clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism. 


PCOS is a broad scale disorder with patients ranging from women having regular cycles who have hirsutism to those people who are anovulatory.


Excess secretion by adrenal glands (Examples are congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Cushing ‘s syndrome, tumours).


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH, is a gamut of inherited disorders of adrenal steroidogenesis. In this case diminished cortisol production results in overproduction of androgenic steroids. The common symptoms are acne, menstrual dysfunctions, hirsutism occurring in adolescence or adulthood.


Cushing’s syndrome is caused by amplified production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary, adrenal carcinoma/adenoma or secretion of ectopic ACTH. The clinical symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome are quite evident. People with macro-nodular hyperplasia are common prey to intense hirsutism. 

Ovarian or Adrenal Androgen secreting tumours are rare triggers hirsutism/hyperandrogenism. These conditions are indicated by rapid virilization remote from menarche. 


A person may suffer from Hirsutism as a result of using exogenous pharmacologic agents including testosterone, anabolic steroids and danazol (Danocrine).

Oral contraceptives containing nongestural, levonorgestrel and norethindrone are predisposed to more powerful androgenic outcomes than those with norgestinate, desogestrel and ethynodiol diacetate, which have lesser androgenic effects.


Some Rare Causes of Hirsutism 


Medications: Hirsutism may be caused by the medications, which are the sources of hyperprolactinemia.


  • Greater production of growth hormones
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Hypothyroidism


The insight into the roots of hirsutism will accelerate the bold step forward, towards the cure of the disease.


Can You Imagine A Beautiful Life?

Imagine waking up one morning to find that you are using your unique talents in a fully satisfying way, that you feel wonderful in your body, and that your life feels rich and complete. 


Now ask yourself, how much time and money have you spent trying to live up to the cultural ideal of female beauty? Every year Americans spend over $40 billion on dieting. People put massive life energy into studying the latest diet, planning menus, agonizing over food choices, depriving themselves, and doing forms of exercise they don't even enjoy. There is so much more to life than the endless quest to make the body look like the cultural beauty ideal.  


It doesn't have to be that way. Before the dieting craze began, people defined themselves much more by who they were and what they did in the world. They spent their life energies enriching the world around them instead of spending their time trying to look beautiful. They focused on their family, their community, and their unique talents.  


Today women are subtly taught to define themselves strictly by how they look. And the look we're taught to desire isn't even obtainable. Only 5% of women are underweight, yet 87% of the actresses we see on television are. And models? Not only are their photos heavily airbrushed to remove any "flaws", they generally stand 5'9" and weigh 110 pounds. The average American woman, at 5'4" and 140 pounds just isn't ever going to look like that plasticized model no matter how hard she tries. 


Some of the time and money we spend trying to look like those actresses and models could be much better spent living a great life. There is a sadness in the desperate quest for beauty. It's unsettling to see celebrities starving themselves into emaciated bodies. How much more graceful it is to accept the wonderful bodies we were born with and put our life energies and money into making a meaningful contribution to the world around us. 


We each have much more to give than just trying to achieve a cultural beauty standard. You are beautiful right now, exactly as you are. 


Take your life back from the media machine. You are more than the "look" you present to the world. Inside each one of us live hopes, dreams, talents, and the potential for a joyful, rich life. Life goes by fast. Make it a wonderful experience instead of a quest for unattainable beauty and thinness.

Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Need Bifocals?

As we age, the lens in our eye starts to lose its elasticity, and the muscles that control the lens shape get weaker, resulting in a form of farsightedness called presbyopia. There are several other factors besides age that can accelerate the onset of presbyopia, including eye injury, diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, drug use, gender (women tend to get it at a younger age than men), and occupation (if your job requires a lot of close up work, presbyopia may occur sooner). While you may be able to control some of the risk factors, there is no known way to prevent presbyopia and it is considered part of the natural aging process. If you find yourself having to hold books and other reading material farther away from you to read it, you may be developing presbyopia and need bifocal vision correction. Contact lenses are now available for people who need bifocals and after a discussion with your eye care professional, you can decide if contact lenses are the right choice for you.


Bifocal contact lenses are available across the whole range of contact lens materials, from rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, to traditional soft contact lenses, to the new silicon hydrogel soft contact lenses, which allow much more oxygen to reach the eye. They are also available across the spectrum of wear schedules, from the RGPs which can last several years, to daily disposables.


The location of the distance and near correction in bifocal contact lenses varies with style. Some, called aspheric, have near and distance correction dispersed around the contact lens, and the eye will learn to use the part it needs at the correct time without you being aware of it. In others, called concentric, one type of correction is found in the middle of the contact lens, while the other kind of correction encircles it around the outside of the lens. Translating lenses work much like bifocal glasses, with one type of correction on the top, and the other on the bottom. Another option for people with presbyopia is to have the different corrections in different eyes, called monovision. In other words, in one eye you would wear a prescription to correct near-sightedness, and in the other, you would wear on to correct farsightedness. You will probably not even notice the difference, and because the lenses are less specialized, it may be more economical to purchase contact lenses this way if it is a style that works for you.

Burn Baby Burn: Getting Rid Of Your Baby Fat (After Pregnancy)

One of the joys of conceiving becomes quite obvious as the months go by, and that’s showing off your bulging baby bump, a trend being made ever so popular by Hollywood’s hottest expecting leading ladies.


But, unless you're one of the Hollywood hotties, you may not be able to shed that baby bump so quickly after delivery. In fact, if you’re over 25 and certainly over 30, losing the baby weight may seem like a losing battle. 


Not only has our body packed on the pounds during pregnancy, but along with age, comes a natural tendency to favor fat and gain weight. Once a certain fat level is reached and maintained for an undetermined but specific amount of time, the body accepts this (level) as normal and works at conserving it.


So, as you start to purge those extra pounds, other physiological systems kick and foster.


Re-gain. Hormones and neurotransmitters that control your activity level, your hunger level and how you metabolize food are also affected in ways that encourage fat to make its way back.


But, experts assert that there is hope, it just may take more time and conscious effort. And, they add, that it should be viewed and treated as a lifestyle change, and not a ‘temporary’ diet plan geared at simply shedding some extra pounds.


Among the key factors to dropping the weight and keeping it off is the amount of exercise you do over the long haul. Experts suggest a few times a week if possible, but even that may not be enough. In fact, the ideal amount would amount to about 30 minutes per day, even if it’s done at intervals, which is also a great way to help you not only maintain a healthy weight, but stay healthy as well.


Furthermore, studies show that losing weight and keeping it off may mean up to 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise daily (for most), and they again suggest breaking it into intervals. You can also incorporate exercise into daily activities such as walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. And, they caution those who are or may be out of shape to start off slow and take it easy and build up gradually.


Overall they suggest sticking within your (daily) calorie and exercise range and finding a program that’s practical and easy for you to commit and stick to. And they suggest making small, achievable goals that will enable you to see results, which will in turn be a motivation for you to continue on your successful path.

Brittle Nails - Easy To Break

Nails define your hand in many ways. The shape and the look of nails make your hand look good. By using a good nail polish it can make your hands look better. But if nails are bad then no matter how much you cover it up it will not work. Brittle nails are one of the problems with your nails. These nails happen to be so weak that they break, spilt or tear very easily. It is the dryness in the nails which reaches to such an extent that they tend to break without much hassle. Brittle nails are a common problem faced by many women.


Some of the causes for brittle nails is due to excessive contact with water, detergent, drying out of nails due to overheating in your own house, constantly falling ill and increasing use of nail polish remover. When it comes in contact with chemicals present in detergent or cleansers it makes the nails very weak. Your nails are also affected due iron deficiency. When you go for swimming the chlorine water does not work in your favour. You also lack essential calcium and fatty acids which makes your nail strong and less brittle. Low levels of zinc, iron and also thyroid problems may lead to brittle nails.


Some of the things which you can do to avoid brittleness of your nails:


  • Massaging your nails with castor oil frequently as this would keep your nails fit and fine
  • Whenever in contact with chemicals wear cotton gloves and on top of the rubber gloves as it would protect your nails from getting wet either by sweat or water
  • Involving food like salmon, tuna, shrimp, trout, milk in your diet improves your nails life
  • Intake of herbs and vitamins as consulted by doctor should be taken
  • Keep your nails short if you know they are brittle


Bridal Lingerie Buying Guide

It's your special day. You've probably thought about it for years, maybe since you were a little girl. But, how much thought have you given to the Wedding Night? When the wedding dress comes off, your bridal lingerie will tempt the groom (as if he actually needs any tempting) and help turn your special night into the romantic scene of your dreams.


Bridal lingerie has traditionally been white, ivory or cream coloured. You can use pale colours, however never do this with a white dress as the lingerie could show through. If you have chosen a darker colour dress, then darker bridal lingerie is fine.


When purchasing online be sure to order early to ensure the lingerie will arrive in time for your special night. Also, lingerie inventories and styles change often, so something you see one day might not be available the next. 


Lingerie sets are always a good choice. They match a top (like a camisole or bustier) with panties or a thong. Remember, when you purchase as a set you also usually save money.


When buying your bridal lingerie, don't forget garter belts.


Bridal Lingerie Fit


Whatever bridal lingerie you choose, be sure to try it on with your wedding dress. Bridal lingerie, especially a bustier or corset, may change your shape and make your wedding dress look different.


Baby dolls are loose fitting and look good on everyone. Bustiers and corsets are more restrictive and will shape your figure into more of an hour glass figure.


Honeymoon Lingerie


Remember, on your honeymoon all bets are off. You might consider something a bit more risqué.


Perhaps a sheer or see-through baby doll or teddy. You should also stock up on sexy clothes for nights on the town. 


Bridal Lingerie Checklist


  • Lingerie in white, cream, or ivory if you are wearing a white dress or choose a colour to match your dress
  • Purchase early so the lingerie arrives well before the big day.
  • Check out lingerie sets in order to save money
  • Be sure your bridal lingerie fits with your wedding dress
  • Don't forget the extras - like garter belts
  • For the honeymoon choose whatever you want - go a little crazy

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