Friday 2 February 2024

4 Tips for Taking Risks and Living Life Intensely

If you really want to live your best, most authentic life, you have to learn to be comfortable with risk. Modern society tends to value security. There’s a lot of pressure to get a good education, find a good job, and stay on the path to homeownership, a family life, and a secure future. 


But there’s more to life than the same old nine to five. How will you know what you’re capable of if you don’t break out of the security mold? Living with intensity means really pushing your potential. It means making your mark on the world. Here are some tips to help you make friends with risk and live a more intense, more rewarding life. 


1.    Step Away from Fear


So many people live a small life, too afraid to step out of line and take the risk of doing things differently. You can decide to step away from fear and worry over the small stuff. Taking risks doesn’t mean being reckless, but it does mean you prepared to live a bit closer to the edge!


2.    Get Comfortable Outside Your Comfort Zone


It’s called a comfort zone for a reason. It can feel pretty safe and secure inside there. But it can be stultifying and limiting. And, be honest with yourself: how likely are you to reach your full potential if you never step out of your regular routine? Where do your dreams, your heart-centered goals fit into your life right now?


3.    Commit to Positivity


No one ever achieved anything big with a negative mindset. It’s easy to find reasons not to do something, there will always be a ready excuse - waiting until you get a better job or when the kids go to college. 


Take the risk of thinking positively. Focus on success and what you really want from life. Find allies and champions who will cheer you on your way. Look for role models and mentors who will help and inspire you. 


4.    Take control of Your Risk


Living more intensely doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There’s no rule book, no standards. When it comes to living an extraordinary life, it’s totally up to you where and how much you want to turn up the volume and where you want to do it. You might choose to stick to your regular job but take up skydiving or become an entrepreneur on the side. 


Inviting a little risk into your life can be liberating, even exhilarating. All you have to do is decide to make the jump. 


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