Wednesday 20 April 2022

The Personality Benefits Of Optimism

Making the transition from pessimism to optimism can be a tough journey so you want to be sure that it is worth your time and effort. In this article, we will look at the personality benefits of optimism. This means how optimism will change your character so that you can make your life better than it is now.


Optimists are usually Achievers


As an optimist you are likely to have a high self-worth and total belief in your abilities. In contrast, a pessimist does not have a lot of faith on themselves or their abilities to get things done and achieve challenging goals.


Martin Seligman is considered to be a world leader in positive thinking. He believed that optimists are likely to achieve much more than pessimists and he set out to prove this. Seligman decided that he would analyze different sports teams to see what role positive energy played for them.


After analyzing a number of sports teams, Seligman concluded that those that were more optimistic and positive in their outlook created a real positive synergy with team members. These teams were a lot more victorious in their endeavors and would usually always beat teams that were more pessimistic.


When you think about it, it makes perfect sense that an optimist will achieve more than a pessimist. An optimistic person will have strong belief in their abilities and they believe that all of their talents and other positive personality traits are responsible for the positive events in their life.


An Optimist probably won’t Give Up


One trait that optimists seem to have in abundance is persistence. They accept that things are going to go wrong sometimes. Instead of letting any setbacks overwhelm them, they see them as an opportunity to learn and grow as a person.


Pessimists are much more likely to give up on something at the first sign of trouble. They associate lots of effort and stress to resolving problems and will usually run away from them. An optimist will take on any problem and overcome it in order that they can achieve their goals.


Optimists are “Luckier” than Pessimists


If you know any optimists then you might consider that they are a lot luckier than you in different aspects of life. As an example, an optimist is more likely to receive a lot more job offers than a pessimist is. Luck has nothing to do with this. People will always feel more attracted to those that have a positive outlook on life.


Over the years there have been numerous studies showing that optimists have better salaries than pessimists. The studies showed that optimists are also more likely to start on a higher salary than a pessimist. In the world of business, the vast majority of successful people are optimists.


Optimists tend to be more passionate about their jobs or their businesses which helps a great deal. On the other hand, a pessimist will spend a lot of time complaining about their job. Pessimists are often overlooked for promotion as well.


Optimists are more fun in Relationships


This is another thing that makes total sense. People are going to prefer to be in a relationship with someone that has a positive outlook on life than a person who is negative about everything. Relationships where there is at least one optimistic tend to last longer than relationships between pessimists.


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