Wednesday 27 April 2022

The Importance Of Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency as a way of life is not farfetched. It is just about people choosing to take full responsibility for their wellbeing including their financial, physical, and psychological needs without the help of others. This doesn’t mean that they do not need other people. Rather, contributions from others are limited as the person claims full control over their life. However, the ability to navigate through life with minimal ‘supervision’ and aid is demanding. In a world that is characterized by oversharing, exploitation in its various forms, indifference, and a poor economy et cetera, it takes a lot of discipline and mental strength to keep a level head. 


While many dread this path less traveled, it is proving to be the best for many who still pursue a decent and fulfilling life. Not everyone is cut out for this fast-paced life where people want quick results, 'freedom', money, and the picture-perfect kind of life. Highly publicized as the seemingly perfect moments of this 'high life' may be, it is often not a true representation of reality. Even if it was, what would be the meaning of life if we let others set the pace and define it for us? That is where self-sustenance comes in to enable us to get the life we would miss if we were to be less assertive in our way of life. It paves a way for the following:


1.  Control – self-reliance allows people to live and interpret life on their own terms. The ability to reason, assess situations and effectively make decisions, which they derive from the psychological part of independence, helps them retain their sanity even in the most challenging situations. People who are mentally weak and are emotionally immature are often controlled by circumstances and whoever they rely on. This makes following their dreams difficult as they allow themselves to be tossed to and fro. In some cases, it is as bad as having a partner dictate to the other how often they should leave the house, who they should talk to, and the type of career to pursue among other things. This leads to nothing but wasted lives and it happens when people lack confidence in themselves. They don't believe they can be anything more valuable without the other person. Being in charge of your life also protects you from exploitation.


2.  Peace of mind – the satisfaction people get from learning to be content with what they have as they do things at a comfortable pace keeps them at peace with themselves. Some people lack peace not because they don’t have enough to keep going. Instead, it is usually as a result of using others as their standard of success or they allow their acquaintances and family to put pressure on them. They feel like they have failed when they can’t keep up. Mental and emotional independence enable people to appreciate their unique journeys and handle delay, pain, and misfortune better. Also, mental and emotional maturity keep people from magnifying their problems, which minimizes anxiety.


3.  Staying true to your purpose – it is nearly impossible to know your purpose and stick to it if you rely on others for a sense of self and well-being. People who lack self-confidence and often seek validation are easily swayed to the side. They question their actions and the validity of their dreams which makes it easy for them to only have confidence in things that have been done or approved by the people they look up to or their peers. Living one's purpose requires the determination to live a unique life and being prepared to walk alone sometimes.


4.  Growth – in any area of life, there is no better way of learning than being hands-on. The same applies to personal lives. The best way to learn and grow is by being actively involved. First, it allows you to test your abilities and discover your strength by applying your skills and trying new things. This helps you know what to do to achieve your goals. Second, it allows you to test your strategies and make your mistakes which helps you improve your strategies and learn to deal with failure and other challenges.


5.  Discipline – self-discipline is one of the ways that are commonly used to identify people who have responsibilities. It is rare for people who have never handled responsibilities at a personal level to have self-control and willpower. Those who do probably have big plans for their lives and are planning to be self-reliant. Attempts at self-sufficiency force one to be disciplined especially financially and socially, which is a commendable character trait. 


6.  Healthy relationships – independent people often have the most genuine and successful relationships. This is often the case for friendships and romantic relationships. The goal is to find friends or partners they like and understand. It is not a secret that some get into these relationships seeking security and other benefits. Relationships formed on such a shaky foundation are often imbalanced and eventually turn sour.


7.  A sense of freedom – favors can be more binding than people realize. People can easily be manipulated by or made to feel they owe the person who did them a favor. It can also give such people a certain level of dominance especially if you keep going back to them for support.


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