Wednesday 27 April 2022

Reasons Why You Should Be More Self-Sufficient

Self-sufficiency is not only about not needing outside help to sustain your physical self or, satisfying yourself with the basic needs without external assistance.


It also embodies being emotionally and intellectually independent. This means you can rationalize your thoughts and make your own decisions. Your decisions become less influenced by your surroundings. In a more loosely used phrase, it means you can ‘think for yourself’. 


Perhaps, you may argue that one cannot entirely rely on him /her self alone – More so, it’s even impossible to live a solo life without taking other people’s aid since life is full of unpredictable mishaps. And I agree, but, there’s a catch.


The bottom line, you cannot always depend on others. As you step into adulthood, you’ll realize that everyone is running their solo races. In as much as you have family and friends to help you with whatever you need, you should be more self-reliant and stand on your own two feet - And this is why.


Here are 4 reasons why you should be more self-sufficient.


1.    You Build a Sense of Self-worth


To me, nothing is as annoying as being told ‘No’. No, you can’t afford it! No, we can’t do that for you! Or, no, do it yourself! This will get you furious right? But why?


The answer Is simple. The reason you cannot afford to buy what you want is that you’re not financially self-sufficient. You cannot do it yourself because you did not acquire the skill and knowledge to be self-competent. And now you’re furious because you’re waiting for validation from others.


There’s a sense of self-worth that comes with sustaining yourself on your terms. This self-worth builds from understanding that your thoughts, your time, and your needs are important too. As a result, you no longer have to let other people waste your time just so you can get what you want. Likewise, you’ll also avoid a lot of disappointments from others simply because you no longer depend on them so much. 


From grasping your self-worth, you also attain two more positive qualities. Self-confidence and self-esteem. 


Having a healthy sense of self-confidence means you can trust your abilities and judgment. You don’t allow yourself to be underestimated. You are more reliant on yourself and assertive with what you need. Against all odds, you’ll work hard to provide for yourself those needs.


2.    You Become a Sole Controller of Your Destiny


Certain goals are meant to be run solo. 


A lot of dreams and goals had to die premature deaths due to lack of resources.

Let’s start with a more typical example. You wake up one morning with the set intention to cook your family a nice dinner. You carefully set the menu in place incorporating everyone’s favorite dishes. You even include some new treats you want to try out. As you sit, you compile the recipes. However, you then realize that you don’t have all the ingredients needed. 


Your neighbors are 5kms from your house - The grocery store is 10 more kilometers from the next house – And you’re all alone in the middle of the day. With no other way to source out this thoughtful goal, the whole plan dies.


In this instance, a more self-reliant person would’ve been better prepared. Perhaps, having a garden would’ve helped or saving some money before stocking on all the basic commodities.


We can both relate to self-sufficiency in so many ways. The list of possible scenarios is endless.


Again, imagine getting a flat tire in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception. Or, you get a power cut at home for a whole week. Are you going to be able to take care of yourself? 


It is very liberating knowing that you can take care of yourself if anything ever goes wrong. 


If you’re more self-dependent, you can decide the quality of life you wish to live. You get to be in the driver’s seat driving to your set destiny. 


3.    You Gain Financial Freedom


Being co-dependent on your soul partner, family, or parents restricts you from exploring your potential. You’ll never truly know how much you’re capable of achieving on your own if you’re always looking for help.


The luxuries and fancy lifestyles come with a price tag. Houses, cars, clothes, exotic vacation destinations all need money.


If you’re not born into wealth, then you need to hear this. Relying on another person’s budget will cripple all your chances of enjoying all the luxuries that you deserve. Without a stable source of income, you can’t buy what you want, travel, or spoil your loved ones. 


Financial freedom comes after embracing how to be self-dependent and live within your means. This means you’re free from debt. You can save money and prepare yourself for stormy days.


4.    You Increase Your Health and Wellness

The vicious cycle is clear. 


When you’re self-sufficient you understand and live your independence emotionally and physically. You’re intentional with the quality of life you want. You set and pursue goals assertively. You attain more resources and secure your finances. You sleep better at night because you don’t have loan sharks, landlords, and debt collectors breathing down your neck. 


You live in self-gratification. Your health and wellness are promoted. And the cycle repeats itself.


Life can become so much sweeter if you take the lead role in implementing your decisions and positive actions.


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