Sunday 13 March 2022

Finding Relief With Meditation

I would like to take you beyond the limits of your customary thoughts and experiences. This new way of life begins with two questions that are very simple. The first question is would I want this to be true: "Every event that will befall me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur." Meditate before answering this so that you can think about it with a clear mind and answer it truthfully. The second question is the more difficult part, is to truthfully answer this question: Will I give that a chance to be true? 


Imagine using meditation that God has appeared before you this instant and said: "I promise you that everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune," Suppose God went on to tell you, “Even though what happens will appear at times unfortunate or even hurtful, in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever may happen to you. Stop and meditate. How would you feel about that wonderful news? Happy? Perhaps you may even be filled with joy.


Wouldn't it be the greatest news that you could ever hear? Wouldn't you heave a deep sigh of relief and feel as if a great burden had been lifted from your shoulders? Wouldn't you then respond to the next thing that happened-even if it was hurtful or took something from you or seemed bad or even unlucky-as though it was going to be wonderfully beneficial for you, the best possible thing that could have happened? If you have not enthusiastically answer yes, clear your mind, meditate on it. Perhaps you mistaken what I am talking to you about. 


I am not talking to you about the common phrase we commonly hear, "try to make the best of things," which basically means " The situation or event really is bad and terribly unlucky, but do what you can possibly think of or meditate to salvage some good out of it." Nor do I mean that within even the worst event possible, there can be found a tiny bit of good. I am not thinking in terms of such limited ideas. I am thinking in unlimited terms, where every event that befalls you is absolutely the best event that could occur-that there is no other event imaginable that could benefit you to any greater degree.


So, again, while you meditate ask yourself wouldn't that be the best piece of news you could hear? If you are willing to give this new concept a chance and actually believe that everything that happens to you will happen for a reason. When thinking about anything, to get a great deal of relief just clear your mind and meditate about the good things that are to come to you in the future. Meditation can be much better than medication and you might just be really surprised how much better you will begin feeling after practicing it for a while.


How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking

Is it true that meditation can help you quit smoking? Have you ever thought about it? Can we possibly do something that easy to make you stop smoking? Everything is possible. What I am going to tell you in this article is what I have found. What you can do to stop smoking.


Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses. 


When people meditate you become more relaxed and clam about your everyday life. Some people smoke more when they are stressed. This is a proven fact. People often chain smoke because they are under stress. Your mind becomes weak from stress resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal. So, there for when someone is constantly stressing and if you just take a second or however long you want, begin the process of meditation. 


We already know that the cost of smoking is very expensive. When you smoke more than one pack a day, the cost that you are spending is very high. You probably do not realize that within a year’s time you can probably spend almost half of your earnings on smoking. Just think what you could have done with that money if you found what could help you stop smoking. Meditation could be one of the methods that could help you stop smoking. 


Meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in many different ways. The person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. 


They say quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to quit. You have to put your mind into it. If you do not have your mind set to something then it will not be a focus. Meditation can help you get that mind frame that you are looking for. You have to take many things in consideration when wanting to quit a bad habit. It is very stressful and sometimes you will not succeed on your first try, but do not give up. There are other ways out there.


If you find out that meditation is not the way for you, then there are many other options out there you can find. Contact your local doctor or research it online. There are over the counter medicines out there you can try. You just have to find out what works best for you.


Healing Your Past With Meditation

We all know it is not possible to roll back time or undo or change bad decisions we made in the past, however using meditation we can change the way we feel about the bad decisions we made in the past so that they will stop tormenting us here in the present. We all carry a lot of baggage from the past, such things as maybe a broken heart, hurt feelings, or bad memories of friends or loved ones that have lied, cheated, or betrayed us, events that may have brought us pain, or we may torment ourselves over opportunities we may have missed out on or even wrong choices we made in our lives.


We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to let things in the past we cannot change take over our present lives. Meditation is simply collecting our thoughts in a relaxing atmosphere. If you take the time to learn how to heal your past it will enable you to be happy in the present. You may ask how can you heal the past? You can look at past situations you cannot change in a brighter light with a new understanding on the events in the past have hurt you. When your by yourself in a quiet place start your meditation. 


Think about how whatever may have happened to you in the past may even be a benefit to you. You know how bad you felt when something or somebody said or did something to you that you felt that you had no purpose in life or was not good enough to associate with others. Meditating about how those things in the past made you feel helps you to understand how others who are now in the same situation you were in then feel about themselves.


You know how they feel so you maybe can tell them your experience back then and how you turned it around and made a life for yourself. So many of us just need someone to take the time to just say hello or nice day isn't it? Just a kind word to someone who has had a bad day can make all the difference in the world. My dear sweet mother told me all the time that you can kill more flies with honey. Meditation can make you feel so much more positive and give you a different outlook on life in general, it is something very positive you can do to help yourself. 


What she meant was if you have been around someone that wasn't pleasant or had a bad attitude don't act like that person does, instead just turn the other cheek and it may rub off on the person who has a bad attitude. Meditation could be the key to this happening. So, you see meditation can be used to turn bad situations into something good or even good situations into something great. Shining the light of the new understanding on those events that happened in the past will help you have a feeling of acceptance, peace, and happiness.


How Karate Can Help With Meditation

Although the ancient origins of karate are somewhat unclear to us, the one thing I can tell you, is that about 1400 years ago, while teaching at the Shaolin Temple in China, Daruma Daishi used techniques that were similar to karate. Later these techniques developed into forms of karate known as Shaolin Boxing.


You need a clear mind to use Karate and meditating is the best way to clear your mind when you are in a sport such as karate. In 1955 one of master Funakoshi's last direct pupils came to the United States and was the first person to teach karate in this country. That same year he put together Southern California Karate Association, which has grown over several years to now become a national non-profit organization. 


As I meditated, I continued to learn more about karate. I learned in 1961, which happens to be my year of birth, Mr Caylor Adkins, one of Mr Ohshima's first black belts, began attending CSULB and soon formed the school's first karate club. In 1968 after being gone for a while he returned to CSULB along with a gentleman named Mr Don DePree. Mr DePree carried on the tradition and led the growing club until the year 1992, when he entrusted the leadership of the club to Mr Samir Abboud.


Still keeping my mind clear by meditating I learned that Mr Samir Abboud was a continuing student of Don DePree since the year of 1969.Samir was the CSUBL captain of the karate club, and assistant instructor to Mr Don DePree for many years. Through meditation children and adults learn breathing techniques that help them concentrate on karate. When first starting karate you will want to start with the beginners belt. The purpose of this level is orientation.


Students will be taught the general structure of the class, basic commands, the importance of self-defense and some basic combinations of self-defense moves. By concentration with meditation the student will learn to be familiar with and to perform any of the moves on the curriculum sheet. The students also should be able to stand in a Chunbi position for 1minute without moving. Minimal proficiency will be required.


The practicing time 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a week will be plenty for the beginners level. It will usually take 4-6 weeks to start your next belt. So whether you are a child or and adult learning karate for whatever reason, remember the key to karate is first using your breathing techniques and your meditation will help you to practice your breathing.


Meditation books are also very helpful, if you are interested in learning more about meditation just go to your local library and check some of them out. Take time out to study meditation and you could be feeling much better real soon, which is something that most of us all want for ourselves. Good luck and remember that keeping a positive attitude can really make a difference in your stress levels. Please take time out for yourself for meditation.


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Becoming Who You Desire to Be by Developing Your Personality

Personality development is a dynamic tool that can really take you to height you never imagined. Personality development will help you improve on many parts of your life, including your social health, financial well-being and even emotional health. 


Before you get on to personality development, you need to first know your personality. What personality type are you? What are the strong points in your personality traits? What are the weak points in your personality? What are you doing to improve on your weak points and to make your strong points even better? When these questions are honestly answered, you can then get to the next step, which is actual personality development. 


The first thing you need to do for your personality development is to spend adequate time with yourself. This will help you to be in touch with yourself and it will help you to learn more about whom you are and what you do. This way, you will be able to challenge yourself. Next, you need to forge the way forward; clearly state what you want to see in yourself despite your weaknesses and strong points. You need to be realistic and stringent at the same time. Do not press yourself too much, because being unrealistic will cause you disappointment. Also, do not be too soft on yourself as this will make personality development a slow process. 


Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have ever done in life. Trying to do personality development with a grudge and a bitter attitude towards you will be useless, because your mind and attitude will be hindered from being what it should be. View all your past failures as stepping stones to your future success. Personality development also demands flexibility. You cannot be rigid and expect personality development to work for you. Be open to whatever requirements personality development has. Do not fix your goals, because you might need to make some adjustments along the way. 


Tune your entire being to personality development, and the journey will be easier and more enjoyable. Make it even easier by drawing and making pictures of what you want to achieve. This will work perfectly because the human mind finds pictures more palatable than mere thoughts and plans. In order for the process to be quick, easy and effective, you also need to read and listen to material that aids your personality development. Buy the relevant tapes and books that will make personality development a possible venture to you.


How to Think Happy Thoughts and Learn to Fly – 1

Peter Pan was asked by his friend Wendy how she could fly like him. He replied that to fly, all she had to do was to think happy thoughts. Although this was a children’s story and a fictions character, the moral of the story was and remains true. Thinking happy thoughts may not help us fly, but we can be as happy as we choose to be. 


Many people allow their life circumstances to control them. Their sense of happiness rises and falls depending on what is happening in their life. This doesn’t need to be the case. We can focus on our happiness every day, so that feeling happy is a state of mind, not a reaction to the events in our life. 


Ask yourself daily what you can do to create happiness in your life. At the end of each day take a check of the things you did that made you happy and be honest. If you can’t think of anything you did that produced a feeling of happiness, ask yourself—why and make an effort to change things tomorrow. 


There are some ways you can help yourself to feel real happiness and you can practice these every day.


1. Help other people.

As long as your focus is always on yourself, you will be acutely aware of things that are not as good as they could be in your life. By focusing on helping others, we realize again the good in our own life. 


2. Find something to be thankful for every day.

Look around your world every day and find at least one thing to be thankful about each day. Write it down in a journal and review your journal regularly to help you remember the good things in your life.


3. Surround yourself with good friends and spend at least part of one day a week with them. 

Happiness is contagious. As you surround yourself with happy people who are positive, their happiness will affect you and your happiness will affect them. Keep gossip and other negative talk away from your gatherings.


4. Head down memory lane regularly.

Your life is full of happy memories. Write down why those things made you happy and laugh with someone who remembers them often. 


Read part 2 for other ways you can focus on nurturing and protecting your personal happiness.


How to Think Happy Thoughts and Learn to Fly – 2

In part 1, we explored some ways of nurturing the happiness in our lives so it is not dependent on circumstances around us. Here are some other ways that are guaranteed to help make you feel happy and keep you feeling happy and content with your life, even if the circumstances and events happening around you leave your feeling momentarily shaken.


5) Nurture those you love.

You may feel this step is logical and that you do this all the time as a spouse or a parent. Think carefully however. How much time do you invest into improving your marriage, or developing your parenting skills? Research shows that the happiest people are those with the strongest relationships with significant others. 


6) Look after your health.

Enjoy yourself running around with the children, doing Zumba at the gym or playing golf with your mates. Looking after your health feels you with energy and when you add laughter to the fun you are the winner.


7) Try something new you have always wanted to do.

Set yourself a challenge to do something new every week no matter how much you feel you can’t do it. Have a go and enjoy the experience. You may find yourself surprised by the results, and if you don’t succeed you will certainly enjoy trying it. Better still, try it with a friend and double the fun. 


8) Don’t expect too much. Instead, enjoy what comes to you.

Keep your expectations on yourself and others at a reasonable level. If you set the standard too high you are setting yourself up to feel let down. Accept and appreciate the things that people do for you and you are able to do for yourself and others. 


Happiness in our reach if we focus on achieving it. Taking time to appreciate the good things in our life and the gift of love that is given to us by our significant others are reasons to celebrate what is happening in our life. We should be focusing these things on each day as we think about the things we have been blessed with. They are the things that remain constants when other things in our life are not going as well. They help us keep the difficult moments we will inevitably face in perspective and give us hope when things around us may seem hopeless.

Changing Habits That Are Deeply Ingrained in the Subconscious

Ever trying changing a habit so desperately only to find out that something deep within is not willing? You have gone to counselors, the psychologists, spent money on self-help books and running to every sort of seminar that includes the self-help stuff only to find yourself at the same position you were in before? It is said that it is at this moment when the subconscious and the conscious are at logger heads and in most cases the subconscious wins. 


Our habits drive our lives, that is why it is important to bring the bad habits into our conscious awareness and replace them with the obstruct ones to be able to move forward. If you are not yet where you want to be or if you have not yet achieved what you have always desired for a long time then you ought to really examine your approaches to life.


I suggest you prepare a list of how you perceive things around you or your attitude toward life. Of course, you will have those that do not serve you well and you don’t have to beat yourself down because of it, after all you are human. All you have to do is eliminate them completely and replace them with their opposite ones. Say you think that you are looser and you cannot achieve anything in life or that life is way too hard whatever your perception is, your subconscious takes it in and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 


So instead of saying that, think of the past achievements or think of how much you can achieve and conquer a lot and how easy life can get if only you apply the right skills. You may not believe it but I advise that you keep doing it, fake it till you make it. Keep repeating those words to yourself as much as possible and no matter how long it takes, you will enjoy its aftermath. 


This exercise requires some time, full time dedication and a burning desire to really do it and achieve your goals otherwise if you easily give up you will not go far. You should set time for some deep analysis of your habits and do more of meditation to help relax your mind. Keep the positive attributes coming until it becomes your new approach to life. Your mind will have a new command to steer you directly into your dreams.


Coming Out of the Money Trappings

Financial freedom has been said by many to be a ‘mission impossible’ since many are never able to reach this stage. Have you ever taken some time to ask yourself what magic those that are financially free use to reach where they are? The answer is simple, they are financially responsible as well as being organized. This is the key to attaining financial freedom. It is not as hard as many portray it to be. In that case, a personal financial budget is a vital tool when it comes to attaining personal financial freedom. To attain a perfect personal budget, it is compulsory for one to live within his or her means. 


Basically, our personal budgets are meant to control the manner in which we tend to spend our income. Without it, most of us tend to be extravagant. In most cases, our extravagance comes about unknowingly. We just find ourselves buying staff without having planned for them. Using credit cards is the most common factor that can be attributed to this act. Once you walk around and com across a beautiful shirt, all you have to do is to take out your credit card and purchase the shirt without necessarily thinking about the impact on your budget; at least not at that moment. To avoid such scenarios, there are particular tips that can help you live up to your budget.


To start with, it is important to be organized. As a matter of fact, there is no way that you can come up with a budget without being organized financially. As we all know, a budget is simply meant to help one keep track of his or her expense plus ensure that they stick within the limits of the total income. In short, it helps you live within your means. Therefore, only an organized person can limit his or her expenditures, budget for the necessary goods first then luxuries later and live by the budget. 


Secondly, cut all unnecessary costs. There are various way of doing this considering the modern lifestyle that most of us have taken in. For example, never eat out so often; this tends to increase costs in the end. Finally, set goals in terms of personal financial freedom. This normally acts as a self-motivation tool. Set a particular time frame within which you are to set up your own business side. You can even go to an extent of setting a time frame in which you are to clear all bad debts. At such a rate, personal financial stability will be in the palm of your hands within no time.