Monday 6 December 2021

Causes of Hirsutism

Hirsutism is defined as excessive and unwanted facial and/or body (say in the neck, chest and lower abdomen) hair in a male-like formulation. Estimates suggest that it affects between 5% and 15% of women, varying according to characteristics. At least 5% of women of reproductive age suffer from this ailment.


It is a common issue causing significant social and psychological distress mainly among women, but modern diagnosis and treatment can surely take care of the problem.

Causes of Hirsutism 


Before we lunge into the probable causes of hirsutism it is better to remember that it is a sign of hyperandrogenism.


The causes of increased androgen level in hirsutism include:


  • Familial and Idiopathic Hirsutism - These are common causes of hirsutism resulting from peripheral androgen goings-on. It begins in puberty and slowly steps forward. The patients have normal menses, normal testosterone level, 17alpha hydroxyprogesterone and DHEAS. The diagnosis stands on exclusion. 


Idiopathic Cause


Idiopathic cause triggers hirsutism in 6% to 17% of hirsute women. Hirsutism occurs in the body where the circulating levels of androgens and ovulation are normal. The pathophysiological indicators are exaggerated peripheral 5 alpha reductase activity, altered androgen metabolism or different functioning androgen receptors.


Excess secretion by the ovaries (For example tumours, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)).


The most common example is polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects 6% women of the reproductive age bracket. Over 70% patients with PCOS have signs of hyperandrogenism. This is manifested by hyperandrogenaemia and chronic anovulation. 


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is typified by formation of follicular cysts, which are detected by ultrasound. PCOS is a combination of polycystic ovaries and other typical symptoms like hirsutism, amenorrhea or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility, obesity, irregular menstrual cycles and acne.


This is better diagnosed clinically rather than laboratory findings. The diagnosis of PCOS is based on exclusion, which means this disorder is attributed to patients whose body shows proof of ovulatory dysfunction supported by either clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism. 


PCOS is a broad scale disorder with patients ranging from women having regular cycles who have hirsutism to those people who are anovulatory.


Excess secretion by adrenal glands (Examples are congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Cushing ‘s syndrome, tumours).


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH, is a gamut of inherited disorders of adrenal steroidogenesis. In this case diminished cortisol production results in overproduction of androgenic steroids. The common symptoms are acne, menstrual dysfunctions, hirsutism occurring in adolescence or adulthood.


Cushing’s syndrome is caused by amplified production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary, adrenal carcinoma/adenoma or secretion of ectopic ACTH. The clinical symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome are quite evident. People with macro-nodular hyperplasia are common prey to intense hirsutism. 

Ovarian or Adrenal Androgen secreting tumours are rare triggers hirsutism/hyperandrogenism. These conditions are indicated by rapid virilization remote from menarche. 


A person may suffer from Hirsutism as a result of using exogenous pharmacologic agents including testosterone, anabolic steroids and danazol (Danocrine).

Oral contraceptives containing nongestural, levonorgestrel and norethindrone are predisposed to more powerful androgenic outcomes than those with norgestinate, desogestrel and ethynodiol diacetate, which have lesser androgenic effects.


Some Rare Causes of Hirsutism 


Medications: Hirsutism may be caused by the medications, which are the sources of hyperprolactinemia.


  • Greater production of growth hormones
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Hypothyroidism


The insight into the roots of hirsutism will accelerate the bold step forward, towards the cure of the disease.


Causes for Cervicitis

Cervicitis is the most common gynaecological disorder found among women irrespective of the age factor. Any women who has one sexual encounter and has experienced abdominal pain or any unusual vaginal discharge could be affected with it. Cervicitis does not yield to self-diagnosis because its symptoms can lead to confusion of other ailments such as vaginitis. If cervicitis is not treated it can lead to problems in conceiving or delivering a healthy baby. Cervicitis can be easily diagnosed by your physician with a variety of drugs and procedures.




It is the inflammation of the cervix- the lower part of the uterus that extends about an inch into the vaginal canal. Usually, cervicitis results due to infection although it could also be caused by any injury or irritation that could be the result of chemicals in contraceptives or forgotten tampon.


The first symptom of cervicitis could be a vaginal discharge that becomes more pronounced after your menstrual cycle. Other symptoms include bleeding, itching or irritation of any of the external genitals, pain during intercourse, a burning sensation during urination or a lower back pain. If it is mild, then you might not notice any symptoms at all. In a serious form, it could cause a profuse, discharge with unpleasant odour along with intense vaginal itchiness or abdominal pain. If this infection gets into your system then it may cause fever and nausea.


If it lasts for a long time then it could even lead to pregnancy because this abnormal mucus production interferes with the ability of the sperm to enter the cervical canal, but this infection could also spread to the uterus or fallopian tube leading to the ovaries. If untreated then it could also lead to risks such as miscarriage, premature delivery, infection of her new born during delivery also leading to pneumonia or severe eye infection or even blindness. It is important to visit your physician when you experience pain or unusual discharge because many times, cervicitis can be confused with signs of other disorders. The problem could be an infection of the vulva, uterus, fallopian tubes or urinary tract or could also be a sign of another cervical condition called cervical erosion. Erosion of the cervix is caused when the cervical surface layer is partially or completely missing. 


It is the result of the body’s normal defence system or whenever there is some injury, infection, irritation or when white blood cells are mobilized, the blood circulation within the area increases. The cervix which is of pale pink and smooth becomes red and swollen. Your physician may recommend you a biopsy if the cervix seems to be abnormal or colposcopy, another diagnostic technique.


For further information, visit our recommended website

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Causes and Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

Women who are more sexually active are the greatest victims of Urinary tract infection or the infection of bladder or the kidneys. However, men also suffer from this infection but mostly after the age of 50. 


Urinary tract infections are commonly caused by a bacterium that travels from the urinary duct or urethra into the bladder. Amongst women, pregnancy, sexual intercourse, diabetes or a past urinary tract infection leads to such kind of infection. The risk also increases when they wipe from back to the front after a bowel movement. 


Typical symptoms include necessity to urinate frequently with the inability to pass more than a small amount or pain and burning sensation during urination or even dribbling or leaking during day and while sleeping. It is also possible that the urine develops a foul odour or become blood specked. 


Do’s While You Have a Urinary Tract Infection


1. You should take antibiotics as prescribed by your physician. Make sure to take all the medication even though the symptoms disappear because if you stop the treatment early, some of the bacteria may survive and infect you again.


2. Take plenty of rest and if fever persists for long, stay in bed until it gets to normal and you feel better.


3. Drink 6 to 8 soda can size glass of fluids especially water each day to flush out your kidneys and wash out the germs from your urinary tract. If you drink cranberry juice or take vitamin C it shall help to make your urine more acid and keep the infection under control.


4. Urinate as often as you feel the urge and try to empty the bladder completely every time before and after sex. 


5. Avoid intake of caffeine or alcohol during the treatment as this irritates the bladder.


6. Take showers rather than taking bath each day and wash the genital area with soap and water. Never use bubble bath or bath oils.


7. Also remember to wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement because this reduces the chances of germs getting into the bladder. It is also advisable to wear a panty with a cotton crotch.


8. Maintain your follow up visits regularly to cure the infection or else the lingering infection could even damage the kidneys.

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Candida Home Remedies: Simple Yet Effective

Most people may not have heard of candidiasis and the ones who do know can tell you the symptoms of the disease can easily be mistaken for an upset stomach, an allergic reaction or simple exhaustion.


Unfortunately, if left unattended, candidiasis or infection brought about by the fungus candida albicans can cause serious damage to the body.


The good news is candidiasis, in its early stages, may not necessarily mean a trip to the doctor where you would incur expensive fees and medical bills. For the most part, home remedies have proven quite effective in combating the effects of candidiasis. The key is to administer these remedies early on.


Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash


For oral thrush:


Mix a few drops of tea tree oil (approximately 5 to 8 drops) into a glass of either warm or cold water. Gargle the mixture for about a minute. Let the solution touch all the parts of the mouth (throat, palate, cheek lining). Be careful not to swallow the solution. Gargle two times a day (preferably one in the morning and one before sleeping).


For vaginal yeast infection:


Add a few drops of tea tree oil onto a tampon or sterile gauze and apply on to the affected area. Replace every 4 to 6 hours.


Plain Yogurt


Make sure it has absolutely no sugar and other ingredients added to it. The yogurt should contain live lactobacillus acidophilus, which are good bacteria that keep candida albicans in check.


For vaginal yeast infection:


Dip tampon in the yogurt and insert into the vagina. Use twice a day until the symptoms clear up and repeat for one more extra day for good measure.


For skin problems (cutaneous candidiasis):


Apply yogurt directly on the affected area. Not only will the yogurt address the fungal infection, but also the yogurt will lend a soothing effect and relieve severe itching and weeping. Let yogurt stand for an hour or so and wash off well. Keep affected area dry. Apply two to three times a day.


Apple Cider Vinegar


For oral thrush: Mix two (2) teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to one (1) cup cool water. Gargle with solution. Do not swallow. After gargling, dip a cotton swab in undiluted apple cider vinegar and apply directly on to the oral sores. Do not rinse. Allow to stand overnight.


For vaginal yeast infection:


Create a douching solution of one (1) tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two (2) cups of water. Add one (1) garlic clove and allow the solution to stand for two hours before using for douching.


Changes in Diet


Candida seems to thrive on high-sugar diets. So in order to ‘starve’ the fungi, go on a low-to-no sugar diet, using sugar alternatives at best. Continue with this diet for as long as symptoms persist. In addition to the altered diet, make sure you receive sufficient doses of vitamins (A, B-complex, C) as well as minerals (iron and zinc).


This solution works best when the symptoms are becoming systemic, meaning that different parts of the body are affected all at the same time. (For example, in addition to vaginal yeast infection, you have also contracted skin and stomach problems as well.) Diabetics, however, need to consult with a medical professional before undergoing this measure.


Other Solutions: Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure


To prevent candida overgrowth, which is the prime cause of the disorders, observe these tips (especially for the women).


  • Don't douche or clean inside the vagina. Do not use vaginal deodorants or perfumed soaps when washing the external area. You can strip the body of the natural elements that keep the fungus in check. At best, use plain water or a mild, pH-balanced cleanser.

  • Avoid tight clothes (including underwear), especially ones made of nylon. These prevent proper aeration (breathing) of the skin. It encourages moisture to form in the body, which is prime breeding ground for fungi.

  • Drink plenty of water to keep the body cool and to flush out toxins (including those produced by the candida fungus) out of your body.

  • Have a good number of servings of bananas, yogurt, and garlic. These foods have been found to have lots of anti-fungal properties and if part of your regular diet, the chances of avoiding candidiasis are great. 

  • Do not skip meals and avoid keeping your stomach empty for long periods of time. You wreak havoc on a body that function best when working on routine time. Having irregular eating habits have been observed to increase the chances of candida overgrowth.


The key to all of these home remedies are early and quick detection. So in order to administer the right remedy, learn to recognize the symptoms.


However, should you be unsure of the indicators, always consult with a qualified and licensed medical professional. Listen to their advice and pair them with these home remedies. You just may be a step closer to ridding, if not totally avoiding, candidiasis and its nasty effects.

Can You Imagine A Beautiful Life?

Imagine waking up one morning to find that you are using your unique talents in a fully satisfying way, that you feel wonderful in your body, and that your life feels rich and complete. 


Now ask yourself, how much time and money have you spent trying to live up to the cultural ideal of female beauty? Every year Americans spend over $40 billion on dieting. People put massive life energy into studying the latest diet, planning menus, agonizing over food choices, depriving themselves, and doing forms of exercise they don't even enjoy. There is so much more to life than the endless quest to make the body look like the cultural beauty ideal.  


It doesn't have to be that way. Before the dieting craze began, people defined themselves much more by who they were and what they did in the world. They spent their life energies enriching the world around them instead of spending their time trying to look beautiful. They focused on their family, their community, and their unique talents.  


Today women are subtly taught to define themselves strictly by how they look. And the look we're taught to desire isn't even obtainable. Only 5% of women are underweight, yet 87% of the actresses we see on television are. And models? Not only are their photos heavily airbrushed to remove any "flaws", they generally stand 5'9" and weigh 110 pounds. The average American woman, at 5'4" and 140 pounds just isn't ever going to look like that plasticized model no matter how hard she tries. 


Some of the time and money we spend trying to look like those actresses and models could be much better spent living a great life. There is a sadness in the desperate quest for beauty. It's unsettling to see celebrities starving themselves into emaciated bodies. How much more graceful it is to accept the wonderful bodies we were born with and put our life energies and money into making a meaningful contribution to the world around us. 


We each have much more to give than just trying to achieve a cultural beauty standard. You are beautiful right now, exactly as you are. 


Take your life back from the media machine. You are more than the "look" you present to the world. Inside each one of us live hopes, dreams, talents, and the potential for a joyful, rich life. Life goes by fast. Make it a wonderful experience instead of a quest for unattainable beauty and thinness.

Can You Gender Test Your Unborn Child?

With only a few drops of your maternal blood you can find out if baby’s sex is male or female. And you can do it as early as five weeks after conception with the newest technology in the area.


The technology has been tested for the last 14 years - and it works! I am amazed that it is possible. When I was pregnant the last time I got the test - which was very easy to understand and perform. The result came within less than 48 hours, and my husband and I was very happy to learn that I was carrying a baby girl. Our two sons were delighted about their baby sister to come. When the baby girl was born, we had made everything ready for her. No worries about getting pink or blue clothes.


The test is done with cutting-edge, patent-pending technology to attain the earliest gender detection with unprecedented sensitivity and unsurpassed accuracy.


The technique traces the amount of active genetic foetal chromosomal DNA in the maternal blood to determine gender. It is proven, well-documented scientific fact that your baby releases its DNA into your blood plasma. In a lab it is possible to determine foetus-originated-specific chromosome sequence detected in the maternal blood stream.


If there is foetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby boy.


If foetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence is detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby girl.


If there is a substantial amount foetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby boy and there is a substantial amount of foetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby girl. Then you are currently carrying at least one baby girl and boy at this time.

Can Women Build Big Muscles? Why Women Can't Build Big Muscles Easily.

Why Is It Difficult For Women To Build Big Muscles


"I don't want to work out lifting weights because I don't want to build big muscles " or "I just do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights, I may build muscle and looked like a man." 


Ladies. Have you made these comments before? Awww... c'mon ladies, if you have ever uttered these words, you have just done a terrible disservice to yourself and are missing out on many great benefits that working out with weights can give you. Have you ever pointed to your belly or butt and sweetly proclaimed, "I want lose weight here." So managed to convince yourself that sweating profusely is the answer to a slim and beautiful body and you hit the gym day in and day out just to sweat off your tummy or butt fats! 


So you peddle away on your stationary bike in the gym just like little hamsters or frantically stepping away on the step up machine and then you woefully do crunches after crunches in the hope of having a flat belly and a well-rounded shapely butt not realising that there is no such thing as spot reduction. 


You never even bother take a look at the weight lifting machines or the free weights lying everywhere in the gym not to say even touching those weights. Gosh. This terrible myth of building big muscles on women is creating so much fear in women causing them never to train with weights at their detriment. 


Ladies! If you are listening, I want to say this loud and clear. There is no way women will build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed training system. Some of those muscle bound ladies you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. Never ever touch steroids to build muscles. 

So, why is it difficult for women to build big muscles? Well, it is simply because you do not have enough of testosterone, a male hormone that encourages your muscles to grow. In fact, women have ten to thirty times less of bodybuilding hormones, testosterone than their male counterparts. Women who accept the myth that they will build big muscles if they work out with weights will miss out on all of the benefits that weightlifting and bodybuilding can offer. This myth is so ingrained in women's psyche that even after explaining the facts to my women clients, they are still afraid to lift weights. So will women who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and healthy. Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is because muscles weigh more than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your fats will be reduced giving you a well-toned sexy body which most women can only dream of. 


Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn 70-100 more calories per day. So, if you gain 2 kilos of muscle and lose 2 kilos of fat, you will burn about 75 more calories per kilo, which equates to burning 150 additional calories per day, which translates into 4200 additional calories per month and ultimately results in a fat or weight loss of 7-8 kilos a year without doing anything! One kilo is 2.2 pounds. Doesn't that sound great? 


Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density. Women has a much higher risk than men to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact, most women will suffer from this disease as they age. Those plagued with osteoporosis have an increased susceptibility to fractures. These fractures can even be fatal. So, women should exercise with weight to strengthen and increase bone density. Research has shown that six months of weightlifting may increase bone mineral density by as much as 15 percent. As you increase your muscle tissue, your bones must adapt to accommodate this increase in your muscle mass . So your bones respond by increasing in density. The result? You will own a stronger skeletal structure and a reduced risk for osteoporosis. 


So, don't completely swear off weightlifting fearing that training with weights will build big muscles and turn you into an Incredible Hulk! You won't and you can't. Period. 


OK girls, the weights are over there. Let's lift them now! Have the last laugh when your girl friends tell you that they don't want to lift weights and yet watching you transform your body that will make heads turn when you are in your bikini.

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Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Need Bifocals?

As we age, the lens in our eye starts to lose its elasticity, and the muscles that control the lens shape get weaker, resulting in a form of farsightedness called presbyopia. There are several other factors besides age that can accelerate the onset of presbyopia, including eye injury, diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, drug use, gender (women tend to get it at a younger age than men), and occupation (if your job requires a lot of close up work, presbyopia may occur sooner). While you may be able to control some of the risk factors, there is no known way to prevent presbyopia and it is considered part of the natural aging process. If you find yourself having to hold books and other reading material farther away from you to read it, you may be developing presbyopia and need bifocal vision correction. Contact lenses are now available for people who need bifocals and after a discussion with your eye care professional, you can decide if contact lenses are the right choice for you.


Bifocal contact lenses are available across the whole range of contact lens materials, from rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, to traditional soft contact lenses, to the new silicon hydrogel soft contact lenses, which allow much more oxygen to reach the eye. They are also available across the spectrum of wear schedules, from the RGPs which can last several years, to daily disposables.


The location of the distance and near correction in bifocal contact lenses varies with style. Some, called aspheric, have near and distance correction dispersed around the contact lens, and the eye will learn to use the part it needs at the correct time without you being aware of it. In others, called concentric, one type of correction is found in the middle of the contact lens, while the other kind of correction encircles it around the outside of the lens. Translating lenses work much like bifocal glasses, with one type of correction on the top, and the other on the bottom. Another option for people with presbyopia is to have the different corrections in different eyes, called monovision. In other words, in one eye you would wear a prescription to correct near-sightedness, and in the other, you would wear on to correct farsightedness. You will probably not even notice the difference, and because the lenses are less specialized, it may be more economical to purchase contact lenses this way if it is a style that works for you.

Burn Baby Burn: Getting Rid Of Your Baby Fat (After Pregnancy)

One of the joys of conceiving becomes quite obvious as the months go by, and that’s showing off your bulging baby bump, a trend being made ever so popular by Hollywood’s hottest expecting leading ladies.


But, unless you're one of the Hollywood hotties, you may not be able to shed that baby bump so quickly after delivery. In fact, if you’re over 25 and certainly over 30, losing the baby weight may seem like a losing battle. 


Not only has our body packed on the pounds during pregnancy, but along with age, comes a natural tendency to favor fat and gain weight. Once a certain fat level is reached and maintained for an undetermined but specific amount of time, the body accepts this (level) as normal and works at conserving it.


So, as you start to purge those extra pounds, other physiological systems kick and foster.


Re-gain. Hormones and neurotransmitters that control your activity level, your hunger level and how you metabolize food are also affected in ways that encourage fat to make its way back.


But, experts assert that there is hope, it just may take more time and conscious effort. And, they add, that it should be viewed and treated as a lifestyle change, and not a ‘temporary’ diet plan geared at simply shedding some extra pounds.


Among the key factors to dropping the weight and keeping it off is the amount of exercise you do over the long haul. Experts suggest a few times a week if possible, but even that may not be enough. In fact, the ideal amount would amount to about 30 minutes per day, even if it’s done at intervals, which is also a great way to help you not only maintain a healthy weight, but stay healthy as well.


Furthermore, studies show that losing weight and keeping it off may mean up to 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise daily (for most), and they again suggest breaking it into intervals. You can also incorporate exercise into daily activities such as walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. And, they caution those who are or may be out of shape to start off slow and take it easy and build up gradually.


Overall they suggest sticking within your (daily) calorie and exercise range and finding a program that’s practical and easy for you to commit and stick to. And they suggest making small, achievable goals that will enable you to see results, which will in turn be a motivation for you to continue on your successful path.