Saturday 18 September 2021

How Raising Self-Esteem Makes You Independent


Many swear by the effectiveness of raising their self-esteem in establishing their independence. Have you been curious as to what this could do for you and how you could work to boost your self-esteem? Let us help! 


In this article, you’ll learn the following:


      How raising your self-esteem can help establish your independence

      How raising your self-esteem can help ensure you retain your independence

      How to raise your self-esteem - basic practices to get you started


Raising Self-Esteem Boosts Your Confidence


The major way that raising self-esteem can make you independent is by boosting your confidence. The more confident you are, the more independent you’re going to want to be. It will inspire you to not only insist on your independence but demand you get it.


As you boost your self-esteem and you become more confident, you’ll find that you have more of a command over your independence. 


Raising Self-Esteem Establishes What You Deserve


With higher self-esteem, you’ll find that you have a better understanding of what it is that you deserve. You’ll find yourself settling less and less and truly going after what it is you want in life. You won’t let others control you, treat you poorly, or take advantage you.


Understanding what it is you deserve in life will help you become more independent. You deserve to make your own decisions, live your life how you want to, and enjoy your independence. When you have higher self-esteem and a better understanding of what you deserve, you don’t settle for anything less.


Having Higher Self-Esteem and More Confidence Helps You Retain Your Independence


When you have higher self-esteem and the influx of confidence that comes along with that, you demand that you retain your independence. You don’t stand for people taking control over what you want, what you do, or any part of your life. You demand the independence you worked so hard to gain.


Working to raise your self-esteem helps to not only affirm your independence but also ensure that it doesn’t go anywhere and no one infringes upon yours.


How to Raise Your Self-Esteem


Now that you know what raising your self-esteem can do for you, it’s time to put the work in to actually raise it. The following are great starter practices to turn into a routine that will boost your self-esteem in no time:


Affirming Your Worth

Throughout your day, give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Tell yourself what you’re worth, who you are, and what you deserve. Remind yourself that you are strong, incredible, and valuable. You’re a unique person with great, unique things to offer this world; remind yourself that regularly.


Refusing to Settle

You deserve nothing but the best in life. You don’t deserve to be treated worse, have less, or be in any way lesser. You must absolutely refuse to settle for anything less than you deserve if you ever hope to affect a change in your self-esteem, confidence, and independence.


Sticking to Your Guns

You have to stick with these efforts and routines for a longer period of time if you ever hope to accomplish your goals in raising your self-esteem and claiming your independence once and for all. Don’t let yourself back-petal. Maintain the progress you’ve made and continue pushing forward.


Raising your self-esteem can most certainly help you boost your confidence, claim your independence, and retain it. Through the efforts made to improve your self-esteem, you will see a vast improvement in your quality of life and mental health. So what are you waiting for? Get started today.

Old World Remedies In The Modern World


There’s a lot of holistic, natural, old-world remedies people swear by. They swear up and down that these old-world remedies are far safer than the new world drugs and chemicals and more effective to boot. 


While that isn’t true 100% of the time, some old-world remedies do in fact work well and may even work better than their modern counterparts. Luckily for you, we’ve tested these for you and come up with a great, distilled list of the best old-world remedies for your modern world ailments!


The Secret Lies in Your Gut


Food can be one of the best medicines you’ve ever had. It’s the fuel that gives your body nourishment and gives you the energy to do what it is you want to do. Many people don’t realize how much the food they eat affects their health and how they feel, but they do dramatically.


You can avoid certain foods to minimize your inflammation, eat specific foods to increase strength or help treat anemia. The food you eat affects everything in your body and your overall health. We recommend you research what medicinal powers your favorite foods hold and what pitfalls you might be missing because of your diet.


There’s a Herb for Everything


The medicinal power of herbs was one of the most popular and well-known of the old-world remedies. They had an herbal treatment for everything; they made topical ointments, oils, and ground herbs to treat everything from hair loss and rash to indigestion and fatal diseases.


While not everything the old world thought herbs could cure is actually true, there are several remedies that actually prove effective. Things like ginger and a combination of specific herbs to ease nausea or certain herbs to soothe rashes or other skin irritations. If you’re interested in the medicinal powers of herbs, we recommend researching treatments that are proved scientifically to be effective.


There’s an Essential Oil for Everything


Essential oils are another great old-world remedy that still has relevance in the modern world. In the old world, essential oils and herbs were used to treat absolutely every ailment, including things like migraines, depression, and stress, too! Nowadays, we know these items aren’t the cure-alls they were once believed to be, but that doesn’t render them useless.


Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, etc. can help to soothe headaches and pains, ease stress and anxiety, and some can even help promote sleep. Diffusing essential oils and breathing them in deeply can offer some medicinal benefits; we recommend relying on scientific research when purchasing these, so you don’t get suckered into buying ones that aren’t actually effective.


Your Mind is Your Most Powerful Tool


The mind is way more powerful than we give it credit for. Now, in the old world, they thought the ailments that could be overcome with the mind were either made up in the first place or caused by a demon or some other spiritual antagonizer.


Nowadays, we know that our minds hold the power to overcoming or persevering through many conditions or ailments. A positive outlook and hope can make all the difference in a battle with a fatal illness. Positivity, focus, and determination can all help overcome limitations we once thought insurmountable. Your mind can be one of your most effective tools.


While some old-world remedies have been proven ineffective, they aren’t all malarky. We recommend that you do your research thoroughly so that you try only the old-world remedies that are known to be effective. We wish you the best of luck in your journey and applaud you on your decision to try a more natural alternative to medication.

How much You Eat Matters as Much As What You Eat

There’s an obsession with counting calories and checking serving sizes that has been driving us all insane. And instead of helping us lose weight, and help us become fitter and leaner, it has pushed us closer and closer to the brink of an epidemic which is known in the medical world as obesity.


Young and old, obesity has infiltrated our lives in one way or another; affecting us personally or a loved one. And it isn’t just about the numbers popping up on the scale. Obesity increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other types of chronic illnesses.


Serving vs. Portion


Let’s start by differentiating between serving, or serving size, and portion.


serving is what can be found on a food product’s food label, or Nutrition Facts, on the side of the package. It’s a suggestion of how much you should eat of that particular food product. Each product has different serving sizes and uses various measurements, such as cups, grams, ounces, slices, or pieces. There’s also a servings per container on the label which gives you an idea of how many servings are there in the entire package.


portion is the amount of food you eat per meal. It could be directly from the box, or how much food is on your plate at home or at a restaurant. More often than not, the portion of food you decide to consume won’t match the serving size provided for you on the food label.


How much?


Knowing what to eat is easy. We all know what’s good for you and what’s not; what we should eat 80% of the time and what we can indulge in 20% of the time without feeling any guilt. The problem now, however, has become not what to eat, but how much should I eat? Even healthy foods should be eaten in moderation.


How much food we can consume at each meal is different from one person to the next based on age, gender, weight, metabolism and how active that person is. If you work out regularly, you’ll need more calories than someone who leads a more sedentary lifestyle. Or if you’re in your twenties, your metabolism will be working faster than someone in their fifties, which means you can eat larger portions without worrying all that much.


Here are a few tips to help you quickly figure out your portion sizes both at home or on the go:


  • Use smaller dishes. It may sound simple, but you’ll be amazed at how easily your brain accepts that you’re eating less. And you won’t even feel you’re doing it.
  • Use your plate as a measuring tool. For example, if you’re eating salad, that should take up ½ your plate. Protein and complex carbs should take about a quarter of your plate. And if you’re eating foods high in fats, that should only be ½ a tablespoon.
  • Use your hands. It’s not an exact science, but the size of your hands usually corresponds to the size of your body. So, protein should be roughly the size of 1 palm for women and 2 palms for men; vegetables and foods rich in carbs should be about a fistful for women and 2 fistfuls for men; high-fat foods should be about the size of a thumb for women and 2 thumbs for men.
  • Avoid eating straight from the container. Measure out the serving size in a bowl instead.
  • Always start each meal with a glass of water.
  • Avoid eating while standing up or while you’re being distracted by something, as a phone call or the TV
  • Always focus on how your food looks, smells, tastes as you purposefully chew each bite. Practicing mindfulness will help you reevaluate your relationship with food. It will also feel full quicker, and most importantly, satiated and content.


The bottom line is that it’s important to have a healthy relationship with food. Just like in any relationship, neither side should have the upper hand. There should be a sense of balance and respect without that negative hold that food can sometimes have on you. 


5 Really Bad Consequences of Chronic Boredom



Medical experts call it the ‘disease of our time.’ It’s not just for children anymore. Everyone suffers from it. What used to be something you temporarily went through until your lecture was over or it’s finally your turn at the doctor’s office has now become a disease. That’s how serious it is.


Maybe the main reason why boredom is now a chronic disease is due to the endless array of stimuli that bombard your every waking moment, making it difficult to concentrate on any given topic. We’ve been programmed that we wake up and expect to have information thrown at us, and we know we’re supposed to sit there and take it. We’ve stopped interacting and engaging. Consequently, we get bored.


Boredom is annoying and frustrating. And it may even get to the point when you feel like you’re slowly suffocating. As defined by the German psychologist, Theodor Lipps, boredom “is a feeling of unpleasant arising out of a conflict between a need for intense mental activity and lack of incitement to it, or inability to be incited.”


This can mean different things to different people. An introvert, for example, would find pleasure between the pages of a book or any other type of solitary activity. On the other hand, an extrovert may seek more thrilling activities as well as more social encounters.


But no matter what your personality type is, there’s a direct correlation between boredom and self-awareness. When you have a clear idea of your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and beliefs, and are comfortable in your own skin, you’re better prepared with the tools required to make yourself less bored. You can gauge your moods and feelings, and understand what it is you really want out of life. It also better prepares you to deal with others, and respond accordingly.


But having a clear understanding of your personality can be a real problem in this day and age with the world at our fingertips 24/7. The idea that we turn off the noise for a few seconds to ourselves, to just close our eyes and be at peace, is now a foreign concept. 


No one wants to sit there and do nothing! That’s why full grown adults are transfixed on playing games or browsing through their social media every free millisecond. Downtime can be scary.


But it’s in those moments where we really feel our presence, tune in to our thoughts, and get in touch with our feelings. It’s also when we are at our most imaginative and creative. It’s how we evolve, discover and invent.


Suffering from chronic boredom can make it easy to fall into a rut of negative habits, resulting in a powerlessness to finish tasks, puts a damper on the quality of your life, and exacerbates physical pain. It comes with a slew of negative ramifications, the 5 most common are:


·       Obesity

If you find yourself constantly snacking even though you’re not hungry, then the culprit is probably boredom. Eating, especially foods high in processed fats and sugars, makes you feel calmer and happier. Dieticians refer to this as emotional eating, which is often brought on by boredom.


·       Depression

Boredom can be a symptom of depression, and it can also trigger it. Working long hours, having a stressful work or home environment, or working dull, unchallenging jobs can all boost stress and result in deep bouts of depression.


·       Stress and anxiety

Living day to day in an environment that doesn’t give you what need can be emotionally exhausting. Load on top of that work responsibilities and financial strain, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for chronic stress triggered by boredom and redundancy.


·       Alcohol and drug abuse

In an attempt to break through the boredom spells, it’s common to find people reaching for alcohol and drugs. They’re known for their addictive nature, but in the moment, all people really see is how they allow them to forget the aggravating effects boredom has on their lives.


·       Heart disease

When boredom strikes regularly, your brain releases toxic hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones create problems for your heart. Moreover, those who suffer from chronic boredom tend to skimp out on exercising and eating right. In fact, they’re more likely to turn to bad habits, like smoking and drinking - all of which can take its toll on the cardiovascular system, resulting in premature death.


A great way to break the boredom cycle is to step back and look at the big picture. Make lists of all the good in your life, as well as all the things you’ve wanted to try but never found the time and start from there. 


Take control of your life and try to work your way around the things you cannot change. Form new, healthier habits. Try something different each day. Volunteer your time to helping others who are in need. And, most importantly, find something that piques your interest.


5 Steps To Be More Honest With Yourself

If you are serious about improving yourself as a person, if you’re serious about developing yourself, then honesty is an important part of the journey. Honesty is a key aspect of developing because if you aren’t being honest with yourself, how on earth do you plan to grow? 


When we choose dishonesty and delusion, we are choosing to see only what we want to. That might not sound so bad, but it means that you are ignoring a whole lot that you would prefer to avoid. It’s those things that matter the most. You’re securing short-term joy in exchange for long-term happiness. 


Being more honest with yourself might be painful, but it’s a necessary part of furthering yourself. How can you be more honest with yourself?


1.     Acknowledge The Bad & The Good


The thing we are guiltiest of is embracing all of the good things about life, while completely ignoring the bad. It’s a bit like social media. We watch these timelines of pure joy and bliss. That isn’t real. People only share the best bits, it’s a slideshow of someone’s life and doesn’t paint a true picture of the hardships they might face. 


We do this, too, whether it’s on social media or in our own heads. It’s just easier to ignore the bad things rather than deal with them head-on. Ignoring problems won’t solve anything, if anything, it will make things worse for you in the long run. Be honest with yourself about everything good and bad in your life, that balanced view will keep you sane. 


2.     Take Time For Self-Reflection 


At the end of each day, take a few minutes to think about how it went. Ask yourself how you did, if there’s anything you did well or could have done better. You can be honest without being overly critical or too judgmental. 


This exercise isn’t about damaging your self-esteem, rather, it’s about reflecting on the day in order to make tomorrow a better one. Reflection helps you learn about yourself and it can improve your ability to solve problems, too. When you allow yourself the opportunity to analyze the day, you’re going to get a better picture of what it takes to improve. 


3.     We All Make Mistakes – Admit It


Every one of us so, why can’t you just admit it? It is one of the most difficult aspects of being honest with yourself. It’s easy to slip into ego protection mode and fine an excuse or someone else to blame for a mistake. That’s not going to help you build a real sense of self-esteem, though. True self-esteem, true confidence lies in being courageous enough to own up to mistakes. When you can stand up and own shortcomings you can learn and grow. 


4.     Get Into Your Feelings


When people say they’re caught up in their feelings it’s usually used in a negative connotation. Yet, your emotions have an important role to play in how you understand and interact with the world. Emotions aren’t the reality, but they are revealing. 


When you dig deep to figure out why you feel a certain way, you’re learning about the things that tend to make you feel that way. More importantly, you’re learning how to manage and respond appropriately. This is a level of honesty that your stress levels (and social circle) will appreciate. 


5.     Don’t Get Caught In Analysis Paralysis


As we noted above, it’s important to take time for reflection and analyze the day. However, it’s equally as important that you don’t over-analyze. It’s easy to get carried away. You don’t need to rationalize everything or intellectualize about it. 


You simply need to be matter of fact. There’s no need to create an elaborate story about why bad things happen to you. You need only to note how it is right now and move forward. You can’t understand everything that’s going on in the world, and you don’t need to. You just have to be realistic, be practical and sensible. 


4 Ways To Get Out Of Your Introvert Rut


Have you been feeling like you’re stuck in an introvert rut lately? Do you find yourself spending too much time on your own, doing the same things over and over, or feel like you’re holding yourself back?


There are a few things you can do if you’re stuck in an introvert rut and we’re going to help you figure them out!


1) Get out there, but within your comfort zone

One of the best ways to get out of a rut is by pushing yourself to try new things, however, this can be a bit much for the deeply introverted. Branch out and try new things in new places, maybe hanging out with a larger group of people, but do so within the confines of your comfort zone.


Go to your favorite coffee shop and order your favorite drink at their busiest time of day. Go to a party you wouldn’t typically but hang in the corner with a close friend. The key to this exercise is finding a balance; you want to push yourself, but not too far.


2) Meet new people on your terms


Along the same lines, you want to meet new people within your comfort zone too. Spark up a conversation with a friendly person at your favorite store, restaurant, or bar. This will help you meet someone that’s most likely like-minded without pushing yourself to the point of discomfort. 


Push yourself to go somewhere where you might meet a new friend with whom you have common interests. This could make it easier for you to mix things up and get out of your rut without pushing yourself to the point of discomfort.


3) Push yourself to participate in something new

Doing something entirely new to you can be a good way to break yourself out of your rut, but for a lot of introverts, this is highly uncomfortable and maybe even anxiety-inducing. You have to push yourself to do something new that you’re comfortable with.


If you’re more comfortable going out to a game night at a brewery or a book club that let you be in a smaller group, push yourself to do that. If you’re more comfortable going to a larger party where you can hide in the crowd if you need to, then that needs to be the something new you try.


4) Drive yourself to bust out of your shell

A great way to break out of an introverted rut is by pushing yourself to get out of your shell. This is another exercise that might prove to be very uncomfortable for introverts, so it may not be for everyone. 


Pushing yourself to try new activities that cause you to push the limits of introversion can help you get out of that rut. Try branching out to new small groups where the attention has to be on you at some point, like a book club, creative writing group, local bridge game, or a small jam session among other things. This will help you break out of your shell and push past this introversion and the rut you’re in.


Getting yourself out of an introvert rut can be quite difficult and the more introverted you are, the harder it becomes. Practice pushing yourself to do new things but within the confines of your comfort zone. This will help you get out of your rut without risking pushing you past your limitations.


If you still find this difficult, we recommend discussing it with your therapist. They’ll be able to help guide you to more specific and custom exercises that will better help you get out of this rut without hurting yourself in any way.

Emotional Freedom Technique Can Change Your Life

The Emotions Freedom Technique (EFT) is a widely respected, well-researched way to help you end emotional and physical distress and pain.  Developed by Gary Craig, EFT is also known as 
“tapping.”  EFT helps to correct energy flow in your body to relieve stress, pain, physical ailments and to improve physical and mental performance.  


EFT is Based on Chinese Meridians


In Chinese medicine, ailments are the result of disruption to the flow of the body’s energy.  These energy paths, or meridians, control our body’s emotional and physical health.  Any disruption in the flow of energy can cause stress and pain.  


There are 12 meridians on each side of the body.  Every meridian corresponds to an internal organ.  When the energy flow through a meridian is disrupted, people experience emotional and physical stress.  This stress can translate into anxiety and pain.  


EFT restores the flow of energy through the meridians by concentrating on energy hot spots near the endpoint of each meridian.  By correcting the energy flow, people experience relief of emotional and physical symptoms.  


Why Tapping?


Unlike acupuncture, which focusses on physical causes for energy flow disruption, EFT corrects the emotional breaks in the meridians.  Tapping restores energy flow at set points in the meridians that correspond to emotional breaks.  EFT allows a person to correct emotional issues and receive improved physical and emotional health.  


Different types of taps, from gentle to forceful, correct the meridians, and restore energy flow. Fixing the energy flow helps to create a positive attitude and healthy body.  Balanced energy flow throughout the meridians improved overall well-being.




Many universities, including Stanford and Harvard, have studied the underlying basis of EFT.  Similar to research for acupuncture, energy flow within the body, and the harmful effects of meridian disruption have been studied and documented.  EFT has undergone multiple peer reviews with repeated positive results.  Because EFT has minimal side effects, it has become a useful tool for alternative medicine. Some people do not experience benefits from EFT, usually because they have not adequately learned how to do the technique.  A very small percentage of people (less than 3%) have experienced some emotional distress from tapping.  They may have deep-rooted negative emotional experiences that require multiple forms of treatment and are not receptive to EFT alone.  Most studies show that EFT is effective for emotional and physical ailments and helps a wide variety of people all over the world.


Benefits of EFT


Eft can help end emotional pain from anxiety, PSTD, and phobias.  Restoring the meridian energy flow throughout the body allows the mind to overcome these challenges.  EFT also improves or relieves many types of pain, including migraines, muscle pain, and stomach upset.  EFT can help people to manage the stress and strain of chronic conditions.  These physical ailments are thought to be caused by negative emotions that disrupt the body’s physical energy flow.  Overall, people reported more profound relief and longer-lasting results using EFT than by only using various forms of traditional medicine, including pills and therapy.


Because EFT restores energy flow, many participants have reported improved physical performance.  Athletes and those looking to lose and maintain their weight have been helped by EFT.  Many physical problems that limit a healthy lifestyle are based on negative emotions.  EFT helps correct the meridian flow, balances energy, and can lead to improved physical functioning.  


Performing EFT


Trained EFT practitioners can help you get started performing EFT.  You can also perform EFT on your own.  EFT involves five steps:


1.     Identify the Issue

2.     Access the Intensity

3.     Self-Acceptance

4.     Tapping Sequence

5.     Test the Final Intensity


To correctly perform EFT, you must first identify and understand what emotional issue or fear is blocking your energy flow.  EFT is performed on one issue at a time so that a person can experience and gauge their improvement results.  Next, rate your issue on a scale of 1 to 10 for how much distress your issue is causing you.  This allows you to determine how effective your EFT session has been when it’s completed. 


Your EFT session statement focusses on both the issue and your acceptance of yourself, despite the issue you are facing.  An EFT statement might be, “Even though I have (this issue), I completely accept myself.”  Your EFT statement becomes your mantra during your session.


The tapping is done along the meridian lines at hot spots that correspond to your emotional issue.  Practitioners can help you develop the right combination of tapping intensity to restore your energy flow.  Once your session is completed, you again rate your distress, to judge your improvement from the session.  Dropping from a level 10 to a level 5 means you’ve achieved a 50% improvement.


EFT can help you change your life.  With proper practice, it can relieve emotional and physical pain by restoring the energy flow through your body’s meridians.  EFT is a proven alternative medicine technique that has helped countless people.