Sunday 12 September 2021

Stress Kills: Is Yours Out Of Control?

Stress is arguably one of the most silent killers on the planet, largely because people don’t realize something is going wrong, or they refuse to act on it. 


But why does stress contribute to so many aspects ill health, ultimately leading to death? 


It is because often it is untraceable. You may not realize you are suffering from stress overload. 


Interested to know if your stress is rapidly becoming out of control? Look for the following tell-tale signs:


Unexplained Aches And Pain About The Body


A little pain here and there is normal, and should be nothing to get worried over; but it can spell a worrying trend when it occurs too often. And this is the case with being overly stressed all the time. 


Muscular pains most commonly occur around the back, neck or shoulder areas, and may be attributed to poor sleep patterns, although it is not always the case. Medication to treat the pain many only yield temporary relief, and should not be relied upon as a long term solution.


Frequent Colds And Infections


One thing associated with high stress levels is the negative effect on immunity. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and leaves the body wide open to infection. This is especially troublesome during flu season, and necessitates that extra precautions be takes (such as increasing anti-oxidant food consumption). 


Poor Sleep Patterns


Insomnia is usually one of the first signs to appear when you are over-stressed, as cortisol does not work by itself. In fact, it recruits the neurochemicals adrenalin and noradrenalin, which enhance awareness, and energy levels. 


This is an important function in the mornings when you need that “get up and go” boost, but not at night when you should be unwinding. Use of heavy stimulant based supplements (such as with caffeine) too late at night will cause this to occur.


High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure involves multiple pathways all experiencing dysfunction for its development, with cortisol happy to oblige. High blood pressure in this case is precipitated by increases retention of water (which increases blood volume), faster heart rate, and blood vessel constriction. All these factors increase blood pressure, so care needs to be taken to manage cortisol and stress levels.


Loss Of Sex Drive


Both men and women require a normal level of testosterone to modulate sex drive, but this important hormone is suppressed when levels of the stress hormone cortisol are high. Cortisol and testosterone share a negatively inverse relationship, meaning that as one goes up, the other goes down. If this loss of sex drive occurs in a young person, who previously displayed normal behavior, it can be a clear indicator that individual is overstressed.


Frequent Outbursts Or Mood Swings


It can be hard to maintain a level head when stress levels are high, causing you to lash out to anyone who seemingly irritates you. This is not normal behavior, especially if the individual was previously very level headed. If it does occur, it may be best to reduce work load, and spend more time with family and loved ones in a bid to relax.


Depression Or Feelings Of Inadequacy


Stress can seriously affect your emotional well-being, especially since it can tear apart relationships with loved ones. You are likely to be irritable, picking fights, or feel pressured to perform. This can amount to depression, anxiety or feelings of disappointment. Depression is sometimes difficult to diagnose, especially in individuals who do not possess a strong support system.




If you find yourself experiencing one or more of the symptoms above with increasing frequency, it is time to take a step back from the burden you have placed on your shoulder. Sometimes, a short vacation, weekend getaway or just a simple trek in the great outdoors can do wonders for your wellbeing. 


Diet Pills: Friends Or Foes?

It’s important to state that there are times when a doctor will prescribe diet pills for certain patients; typically, this is done on a temporary basis and is highly regulated with a short term goal in sight. 


But for many people diet pills are not a solution and may actually cause more harm than good. Losing weight is meant to be a process and in order to sustain it, it is important to make profound habit changes that will propel long-term success. However, many people don’t understand this; they just want to shed all their excessive weight in the shortest time period. Therefore, instead of maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly, they turn to diet pills. 


For an individual who doesn’t have enough drive to commit to a physically active life or who just can’t stay away from junk food, diet pills may look like a magical solution. However, even if they do help you lose weight, they are still bad for you.


Various Products On The Market


There are numerous diet pills on the market, since a number of different companies manufacture them. The reason why so many companies are interested in making and selling them is because they don’t need to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration before putting them on the market. Since there are so many diet pills on the market, most companies choose to come up with the most “effective” formulas, so they end up putting some pretty unsafe ingredients into their products.


Even though a lot of people are aware that diet pills may cause them some health issues, they still continue using them, because they offer the easiest possible way to lose weight. Knowing that you could lose ten pounds just by taking a pill a day can be extremely health. However, you need to remember that even if you achieve your weight loss goals, you will encounter some other problems on the way.


Diet Pills Vary In The Way They Help You Lose Weight


Some will help decrease the amount of fat that you absorb from the food you consume, while others will significantly decrease your appetite. Then, there are also those diet pills that work by increasing the number of calories you burn.


Harmful Side Effects


The problem with all of these diet pills is that they can cause some extremely harmful side effects, including high blood pressure, sleeplessness, kidney problems, increased heart rate, agitation, liver damage, and diarrhea. The longer you take diet pills, the more likely you are to experience these side effects. The main reason why they’re so harmful is because they contain stimulants that are harmful to your overall health, and especially your heart health.


On top of that, certain diet pills can contain antidepressants and amphetamines, making them very addictive. Since there’s a good chance that you may get addicted to them, it’s worth mentioning that you will be at higher risk of experiencing any of the previously mentioned side effects.


However, that’s not even the worst thing about diet pills. The sad truth is that most of them are ineffective, since they represent a combination of caffeine and other diuretics, which only cause water loss. Although you will see a lower number on the scale as a result of water loss, you should know that this is far from fat loss. The water weight can return very easily.


On top of all that, by taking diet pills, you will just avoid changing your life for the better. The reason why a lot of people never manage to reach their weight loss goals is because they fail to make profound and lasting eating and exercise habit changes. 


They think that taking pills to shave off a few pounds will help them get rid of their excess weight forever. However, in order to change how you look, you will need to change the way you live. The end goal shouldn’t just be weight loss – it should be living a healthier life. 

In addition, diet pills simply won’t make you healthier. They will only represent a temporary solution, and once you stop taking them, you will instantly go back to your initial weight and poor habits.

Assessing Your Need For Relaxation: Are You On The Verge Of Burnout


It is kind of obvious once you have hit burnout, the exhaustion, lack of motivation, poor efficacy, and overwhelming doubts of whether you should even be at your job are hard to miss. But, if you are not there yet, perhaps the symptoms aren’t as obvious. 


So what is burnout? Burnout is the result of too much stress either from your job, a life situation, or even your personality. In the simplest of terms, burnout is absolute exhaustion, physical, mental, and emotional. 


It is a combination of symptoms that cause you to be much less effective at work, less happy at home, and if left unchecked could cause your serious health complications. Burnout can leave you anxious, depressed, unmotivated, and ineffective. The list of symptoms can be vague and sound like just life, but life isn’t supposed to feel like burnout.


The first things you will notice looking for burnout are the causes. You will experience poor work-life balance, poor job fit, mismatched values, lack of control, or a dysfunctional work environment that wear on your peace of mind and your sanity. At first, it won’t seem like much we have all muscled through hectic times, made it through, and not suffered any consequences. 


Then, the symptoms hit. They creep in quietly and gradually as the enjoyment drips from your job and then your life. Perhaps just a general air of negativity and apathy towards your everyday activities. You might just feel stuck or indifferent. But, soon you lose sight of your values and your ability to focus; anxiety, depression, and insomnia set in as your mental faculties deteriorate from the weight of the stress. 


Scariest of all, if left unchecked your physical health can begin to take the brunt of the burnout. You may begin noticing weight gain, frequent illnesses, various bouts of pain, high blood pressure, and an increase in the severity of existing conditions. 


With burnout being something everybody would live better without, how do we prevent the mental turmoil and physical deterioration? 


If you are beginning to experience any of the symptoms of burnout, consider reassessing your interests, skills, and passions and compare against current options. If you have good options, to move within your company or career path, these changes will be the easiest to make and cause the least amount of stress. Identify and manage your stressors as best as you can. 


Another thing you can do to lessen the effects of burnout on your health and your life is keep your own attitude in check. Find gratitude and enjoyment in your job and life, it could be your lunch break or the drive home. Just find something you can enjoy and look forward to through your day so it doesn’t feel like the deep dark hole. Making a conscious effort to change your attitude may buy you the time to make a change. 


Reach out and gather support around you. Friends, family, co-workers, HR, and professional help can all help you through the difficulties associated with burnout and decrease symptoms like depression that make the experience so much worse. 


Lastly, take time for self-care, it isn’t selfish. Getting the time to relax, sleep, and exercise can be vital to curbing burnout before it starts. The required amount of sleep, 7-8 hours a night, can nip exhaustion in the bud and help your concentration. Exercise decreases pain and releases dopamine and serotonin to decrease depression and anxiety. 


Nobody wants to go in on Monday morning, but if you are feeling the effects of burnout and especially denying these feelings, you might need to assess your need to be proactive against burnout in your job and in life. 

Is Your Glass Half-Full Or Half Empty? How Positivity Can Change Your Life


Do you know what happy, successful people think about every day? It’s simple. They think about what they want and how they can get it. Positivity can change your life. 


When you spend your time thinking and talking about what you want from life and how you can achieve it, you will feel happier and more in control. When you think about happy things, your brain releases endorphins, which give you a feeling of well-being. It doesn’t take long to develop a positive attitude. 


The Importance of Optimism 


Psychological tests have shown that happy people have a specific quality that enables them to live a better life. That quality, of course, is optimism. If you’re groaning at the thought of such positivity, because you worry that you can’t become an optimist, then stop right now. According to WebMD, optimism can be learned. It’s all about cause and effect. If you change your way of thinking and align it with optimists, you will start to feel happier and see results. 


The Happy Find The Good In The World


There are two distinct ways that optimists deal with the world, which sets them apart from the rest: 


  • First, they remain focused on what they want, looking for ways to achieve it. They set clear goals and remain confident they will achieve them. 
  • Second, in every difficult situation an optimist will look for the good. When something goes wrong, they determine what lesson or knowledge can be drawn from the situation. 


If you look for the good in someone or something then you will always find it, and in the looking, you will find yourself more cheerful. 


The Power Of Positive Thinking  


Optimists seek the lesson in every obstacle. They don’t get upset and look at where they can lay blame. They control their emotions and look at things logically. 


Positive thinking has several benefits to your life: 


  • Motivation: Willpower and motivation come from a strong mind. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. When you replace pessimism with optimism, you reshape your outlook. 

  • Strong Relationships: Happiness attracts happiness, thus happy people attract people who are happy. If you surround yourself with negativity, you will only attract negativity. Positivity breeds trust, which builds strong relationships. Without trust, relationships cannot survive. We are hardwired to seek trust. 

  • Confidence: Negativity spreads and can impact other attributes, such as self-esteem and confidence. The key to leading a happy life is loving yourself. Optimists laugh louder, love harder, and walk taller. They glow. 

  • Strong Mind & Body: Negative thoughts are draining and can have a severe impact on your mental health. They can leave you struggling to get up in the morning and inhibit your ability to sleep. Fatigue leads to weakness, sadness, and a lack of motivation. Therefore, negativity takes a toll on your whole body.


Choose Happiness


You can make the choice today to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Look at your blessings rather than noting every shortcoming. Look at the best in everyone around you, because in truth, the majority of people are honest and good. Look for the good in their actions and in their words, and resolve to be of good cheer. 


It’s easy to be upbeat when everything in your life is going well. However, it’s even more important to do so when everything is going against you or is falling apart. You can still draw from your inner strength and look on the bright side of life, it will pay off in spades.


5 Effective Ways To Stay On Track With Weight Loss

Many people would love to lose 5 pounds, but there are those who need to lose, as much as 30, 50, or even 100 pounds. A journey like that is not short nor is it easy and often includes ups, downs, plateaus, and setbacks. 


So how can it be accomplished? You’ve seen the stories of heroic triumphs plastered across the Internet, social media, talk shows, and infomercials, the ones with amazing headlines such as, “Amazing Mom with 5 Kids Finds Time to Hit the Gym” or “Spectacular 100 Pound Weight-loss With Common Sense Tactics.”


These are not miracles, these people did not find a magic pill, they used sensible tactics to reach their goals. 


Treat Yourself as a Human


To err is human. The truth is willpower is not an endless supply of magic beans; you run out and at some point, fall off the wagon. You will find a stressful situation you can’t seem to manage. You may binge while you are all by yourself or in front of everybody at a celebration.


The key is to forgive yourself. Know that it happens to everybody and one bad day doesn’t mean you are failing or that you have worked for all this time for no reason. A cheat day or wavering in your willpower means you are human. Be prepared and expect it, they key is to move on and get back on track immediately. 


Set Manageable Goals


A 50 or 100 pound loss while impressive is not by any means unattainable, but reaching goals renews your motivation. If you want to keep your weight loss on track, break it down into bite-sized nuggets. 


Plan to lose about 5 to 10 pounds a month (as about a one to two pound loss each week is considered healthy and sustainable weight loss). Anything more than that, is a celebration. Anything less is still a victory. The important part is you are setting manageable goals with healthy ideas about what your body is most likely capable of supporting. 


Find A Buddy


Weight loss in particular is easier when you decide not to go it alone. A workout buddy is a big help. You can diet at home with your spouse, join a weight loss app or program, and hire a nutritionist or a physical trainer. The bigger your support group the more people’s energy you have to draw on and the more consistently you feed off that energy and comradery the better off you will be. 

Break the Plateaus 


Wow, you are doing the work and it is really paying off you have lost 10, 15, even 25 pounds. You keep things going, but you can’t seem to shake anymore. It all stops working, the diet, the cardio, the strength training seems to stop being of any value. Your journey has plateaued and you find yourself a little bit hopeless all over again. 


Power through a plateau by getting out of your rut. Often in weight loss, we find ourselves in routines for workout and food. Changing your routine by taking an extra or different workout class, adding strength session to your week or adjust your protein ratio. Shocking your system is one of the most effective ways to work through a plateau.


Make Your Biggest Changes Small Ones


The best ways to make your weight loss stick involve small sustainable changes you don’t really notice. Flavored waters instead of soda during the day and with meals, smaller plates when you eat, skipping dessert, or eating a little fruit instead of cake are all small sustainable changes to keep your weight loss on track. Most important, these profound habit changes ensure long-term weight loss success. 


The best changes, the ones that make the most difference are the ones you can stick to for longer than the 6-12 weeks of your weight loss plan. 

5 Tips For Seniors To Avoid Falls


You probably have an older relative that has suffered some type of injury from a fall. This shouldn’t surprise you, considering the fact that falls are actually the leading cause of both nonfatal and fatal injuries in individuals who’re 65 or older. 


Falls can often result in broken bones, head injuries, and hip fractures. However, it’s also worth noting that falling can make an older adult more fearful, thus preventing them from being active as much as they should be.


Even though most people feel safe at home, most falls occur where you live. Some of the most common causes of falls include rickety stairs, slippery floors, and electrical cords. If you have an aging parent or an older relative in your life, you need to make sure that their home is safe for them. 


On top of that, you should also talk to them and explain how they could reduce their risk of falling. Simply by convincing them to let go of their fear, you can make the elders in your life remain healthy and independent. Here are 5 great tips that can help your elders avoid falls.


Talk About Their Current Health Conditions


The first step that you need to take is to see if your older loved one is experiencing any problems with their health. Poor health is what often leads to falling. As people grow older, they tend to lose their balance, coordination, and flexibility. 


On top of that, their vision also gets impaired. That’s exactly why you need to know if anything is preventing them from functioning properly and if their health could potentially increase the risk of them falling. After talking to them about their current health conditions, make sure to see if they’ve left anything untreated. If so, encourage them to visit their doctor as soon as possible.


Staying In The Moment


The elderly shouldn’t let their mind wander if they’re feeling insecure about their walking. For example, walking up and down the stairs is exactly where most people fall, which is why you need to stay in the moment when doing this. 


Always make sure to look around you and see if there are any obstacles in front of you. When climbing up or down the stairs, make sure to use railings whenever they are available. If you ever get dizzy while on the stairs, make sure to tightly hold on to the railing and take a deep breath.


Stop Rushing


You should never be in a hurry. Taking it step by step is the only way to ensure that you don’t fall. You don’t have a job, so you have all the free time in the world. This means that there is no reason for you to rush at any given moment. However long it takes you, you should always be walking calmly.


Enlist The Help Of A Physical Therapist


You should always check to see if there is a need to enlist the help of a physical therapist. If you’re holding onto furniture, walls, or other objects in your house while walking, then it’s the perfect time to start seeing a trained physical therapist. 


Through exercise, a physical therapist can help improve your strength and balance. It’s also a good idea to get a cane or a walker, as they will provide you with more stability than random objects in your home.


Light It Right


If you have an older loved one that you care about, then you should make sure to do everything in your power to make sure their home is a safe environment for them. One of the best things you can do to help them avoid falling is to install brighter light bulbs where needed.

5 Ways Eating Whole Foods Serves Your Health

If you’re looking for a way to stay healthy, decrease the risk of suffering from some serious diseases, and slow down the process of ageing, then you should eat more whole foods. Whole foods are the foods closest to their natural state, which means that they contain much more nutrients than processed foods. Of course, it’s incredibly hard to make your diet consist of whole foods only, but you should strive to make them the majority of the food you consume.


Whole foods can be unprocessed vegetable, fruits, beans, seeds, nuts, legumes, whole grains, seafood, fish, eggs, red meat, and poultry. Now, most people know that whole foods are healthier, but don’t want to spend too much money on them, since they are slightly more expensive.


However, just take a moment to think about how health is important and if you truly need all the processed snacks and sweets that you buy on a regular basis. It’s a much better idea to simply visit your local farmers’ market and buy the nutrient-packed whole foods.


In case you need to be convinced to start eating whole foods, here are 5 ways they contribute to your well-being.


Lower Risk Of Diabetes


According to, a diet that involves a lot of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits significantly lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In case you are already suffering from this disease, know that you too will feel better if you follow a diet based on whole foods.


A Stop To Nutrient Shortages


WebMD notes that a survey about eating habits was conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, and the results they found were shocking. A huge amount of people didn’t have proper nutrient intake. In fact, 92-97% of the population that participated in the survey didn’t consume enough potassium and fiber, while a third of the people didn’t consume a sufficient amount of vitamin C.


However, these nutrients help reduce the risk of some serious diseases and are very important for your overall health. So, what should people do when they simply don’t get enough nutrients from the food they eat? Start consuming whole foods. All of these nutrient shortages can be fixed by following a diet filled with healthy, whole foods.




Most whole plant-based foods are extremely rich in fiber, while processed and junk foods aren’t. Fiber is a very important nutrient that improves your health in numerous ways. For example, it helps you fight diabetes, heart disease, it helps you feel full faster, and it keeps the GI tract moving.


Whole foods are a much better way to increase your fiber intake, since they contain both types of it (insoluble and soluble). Eating foods that are rich in fiber will also help control your weight, blood fats, and blood sugar.


Weight Management


If you want to keep your weight under control, but don’t feel like going on some extreme diet, then you’ll be pleased to hear that eating whole foods promotes healthy weight management, especially if you choose to eat mostly whole vegetables and fruits. These foods contain very little calories, so you won’t have to worry about counting them.


More Energy


There is a simple explanation why whole foods will provide you with more energy. When you eat something, your body has to break down that food. However, processed foods are difficult to break down, so a lot of the energy they have to offer will actually go into the processing of breaking it down. On the other hand, it’s not a challenge for your body to break down whole foods, so you will be left with a lot of unused energy.


Final Idea: Add Healthy Fish And Seafood Dishes To Your Diet


The delicious goodies that come from deep waters yield multiple benefits. Here is why you should add seafood delicacies to your diet:


The omega -3 fatty acids in cold water fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel and herring reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and/or heart attack. You can get these from fish oil capsules on the market today but why not get it directly from actual seafood?


Nutrients in fish and seafood help protect your skin against the damaging effects of ultra violet rays. Fish oil also helps reduce acne breakouts. 


Eating fish helps boost fetal growth and development, and may reduce chances of delivering prematurely.


Shrimp is very low in calories; in fact, 6 large grilled or steamed shrimp have only 155 calories and about 20 grams of protein! 


There are very many seafood options to choose from, whichever you prefer, you will reap all the fishy goodness from it.


Final Thoughts


Consider what you are eating every day and that diet is your best chance for living a longer and healthier life. 

5 Risky Behaviors That Can Harm Your Health

Many people are searching for ways to live healthier. Most know that this can easily be achieved through proper nutrition and regular exercise. However, there are also other factors that have an effect on your health, and some are maybe easily overlooked. Here are 5 risky behaviors that can harm your health.


It’s no secret that smoking kills. Despite the fact that people are aware of all the health risks associated with smoking, many still do it. It is without a doubt one of the unhealthiest habits in today’s society. This habit can literally cost you your life.

While lung cancer is often associated as the most significant risk with smoking, in fact there are many other conditions that are caused by cigarettes that can debilitate and result in premature death.

Some of the most notable health risks associated with smoking include respiratory problems, such as chronic bronchitis, kidney cancer, leukemia, infertility, stomach cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

Excessive Drinking

Alcohol is a substance that is meant to be consumed in moderation. Did you know that alcohol is actually considered poison by the body? This is why the body prioritizes its metabolization before anything else. 

Having a drink with your friends once in a while or a glass of wine with dinner is totally acceptable and actually good for the heart. However, if you start drinking in excess and especially as a coping mechanism for problems in your life, then you’re going to be facing a much bigger problem. 

Many people overlook the risks that go along with excessive drinking, even though there are a lot of them. Some of the best known health risks of alcoholism include dementia, colon cancer, liver disease, stroke, depression, liver cancer, hepatitis, anxiety and premature death, just to name a few.

Eating In Front Of The TV

This is something that many people do, but while it can greatly contribute to poor health maybe easily overlooked. Instead of taking the time to really enjoy their food, most people would rather wolf it down while watching a movie or TV show. However, there are several health risks that are associated with this activity.

First off, it will draw all your attention to the TV instead of your food, which will make you eat more than you should or normally would simply because you do not pay attention to how much you have eaten.

You will be so distracted by what you’re watching that you won’t even see how much you’ve eaten until it’s all gone. If you enjoy eating junk food while watching TV, then you will most likely form a habit of doing this, which means that you will bring a few snacks with you every time you want to watch something, even when you’re not particularly hungry.

Drinking Calories

Nowadays, many people find water to be boring, so they avoid drinking it every chance they get. This has been made worse with many companies now making flavored water. Nevertheless, soda is still the most famous substitute for water, even though it is loaded with calories, sugar, and chemicals.

Not only are these beverages filled with sugar and unhealthy chemicals, but they will also make you drink your calories instead of eating them, adding inches to your waistline, and getting nothing in the way of nutrients for your body. The next time you want to buy a can of soda, make sure to think twice about whether you really need those extra calories.

Having Too Much Junk Food

Having too much junk food in your house is a bad idea. Simply by knowing that you can get a junk food snack anytime you want will make it hard for you to resist the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods. 

It’s always easier to grab a bag of chips than to cook a healthy meal in order to satisfy your hunger. However, this will only make you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Instead, you should throw away all of that junk food and keep healthy stuff on hand. 

5 Medical Uses For Hypnosis


Before we get into how hypnosis can help you improve your overall health, it’s important to note that most people have the wrong idea about hypnosis. When it comes to medicine, hypnosis refers to helping the patient reach a deep state of relaxation. The role of hypnosis in medicine is still evolving, but is being considered in various uses much more than a few decades ago.


Despite what you may think, hypnosis doesn’t involve the patient simply following a set of instructions. An encounter with a hypnotherapist does not involve any swinging pocket watches, and you won’t be made to quack like a duck. Instead, it focuses on actually changing the perception in your brain. It makes your mind more open to suggestions. Basically, you learn to start using your brain and thought to help yourself feel better.


The biggest myth surrounding hypnosis is that it is used to get someone hypnotized. In fact, if you examine it closely, you see that hypnosis can actually be considered self-hypnosis, since the patient will always be in control. The main goal of this type of treatment is to help you realize that all you need to fight your condition is already within you.


Hypnosis has been used in healing for a very long time. It first started getting used in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. It was popularized during the 18th century when a man named Franz Anton Mesmer started noticing its therapeutic value. Hypnosis was starting to get used in medical applications during the 19thcentury. At the time, it was only being used by Scottish and English physicians. Since then, countless major surgical operations were being performed using hypnosis as the only anesthesia.


Although hypnosis may seem like it’s too good to be true, it actually works. However, it’s worth noting that it won’t help you cure a huge number of different problems. Hypnosis is mostly used to address physical and mental illnesses associated with excess stress. Here are the five most notable medical uses for hypnosis.




In certain circumstances, hypnosis can be used as the only form of anesthetic for a surgery. It can even be used for serious surgical procedures such as amputation, removal of the gall bladder, and cesarean section. 


Sometimes, due to a patient’s hyper-sensitivity or allergy to chemical anesthesia, surgeons turn to hypnotherapists for help. Additionally, sometimes surgeons require conditions in which the patient is able to respond to their directives or questions.




It’s a well-known fact that medications can increase the risk of something going wrong during childbirth for both the mother and child. Nevertheless, not every woman is able to handle the pain during childbirth. When a woman doesn’t want to use medication but also can’t stand the pain, a hypnotherapist could provide some assistance. In fact, hypnosis can be the sole analgesic for labor.

It’s also worth noting that hypnosis can help reduce vomiting and nausea during pregnancy.


Chronic Pain


It doesn’t matter if you’re suffering from back pain, migraines, headaches, rheumatism, or arthritis, hypnosis can help you deal with the pain. It will also make it easier for you to perform everyday tasks without you paying too much attention to the pain.




If hypnosis is used quickly after a burn, it can help promote healing and reduce inflammation. More specifically, if hypnosis is used during the first few hours after a burn, it can help you deal with pain and increase the speed of the healing process.




Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that makes it harder for the body to make blood clots, which is a process it must do in order to stop bleeding. Patients suffering from this disorder are often taught to use self-hypnosis in order to control their vascular flow.


Final Thoughts


Other prominent and well founded uses for hypnosis include weight loss, and smoking cessation. It is important to use only a qualified therpatist who is reputable and well trained in the practice of hypnosis no matter the reason for choosing hypnosis.