Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metaphysics. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Analyzing Your Personal Spirituality

The name analyzing is derived from the Greek words “ana” and “lien”. “Ana” can be equated to the word “throughout” while “lien” can e equated to the word “loosen”. Therefore, the word “analyze” refers to the act of loosening something and separating it into bits then looking at them thoroughly. Basically, there are three ways of analyzing spirituality, in accordance to the three parts that make up one’s personal spirituality. These are; the origin, the progress and the culmination. However, not everybody has reached the culmination stage. It requires one to have fully progressed in order to reach this stage. Analyzing your spirituality will also inform you whether or not you have reached the culmination stage among any other reasons to do this. 


The first step in analyzing your personal spirituality is checking whether or not you have started the spiritual journey. How do you do this? It is simple, just ask yourself if you have ever reached a stage whereby you feel dissatisfied with life to an extent of feeling like totally giving up. Contrary to most of your expectations, if the answer is no then you have not yet begun your spiritual journey. One has to have experienced this so as to begin his or her spiritual journey.  


If you have gone through this dissatisfaction in life, then it is now confirmed that you have already begun your spiritual journey. The second phase is to ensure that you are progressing in the journey. This can also be confirmed by answering one simple question; have you become so compassionate to other living beings as well as creatures and plants? As we all know, progressing in your spiritual journey simply means that you are progressing towards the Creator hence that urge to develop His creations. Therefore, in this case the answer should be yes for you to know that you are truly progressing. Unlike other sectors, progress in spirituality cannot be determined by the amount of knowledge one gets but by the compassion he or she shows to God’s creation.


Finally, the only way to tell if you have reached perfect spirituality also known as the culmination of the spiritual journey. Most people claim that there is no end to the spiritual journey, but this is not the case. One can know whether or not he or she has finally reached the culmination stage in the spiritual; journey by asking themselves whether or not they are afraid of death. If the answer is yes, then you have finished the journey and vice versa. 

Essential Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment

The body is made up of more than just the physical self; there is also the spiritual; self. As a matter of fact, the spiritual self is the more important of the two. This is basically because it consists of the soul and all its elements that aid in the general growth of the entire body. Each and every individual is on his or her spiritual journey and the progress can only be defined by their degree of spiritual enlightenment. Spiritual enlightenment also known as spiritual quotient brings about this growth and development in the spiritual self. On the other hand, it also brings about self-awareness. 


However, there is one major problem that affects the spiritual side of an individual. This is the strong cohesion to self also known as lack of detachment to one’s inner self. In other words, this is what many know as loving self. It is good to love yourself but too much of it might hinder your spiritual growth. Frances Vaughan, the renowned spiritual author, said that one of the main marks of spiritually enlightened individual is that he or he relates to those around them in that they care for them; whether plants, human beings or animals. This is one of the main characteristics of true spirituality. 


In order to achieve this, there are certain steps that one should take. Step one involves getting in touch with your inner self. Many people make a mistake of ignoring this step since they do not understand it. To many, it sounds like a cliché. What this means is that your physical body should be able to connect with the inner you. As a matter of fact, you are just but a spiritual being living in a physical body. Therefore, it is necessary for this link to exist. 


The second step is for you to set your mind in a relaxed state. This is o essential if the body is to co-ordinate with the mind and soul. For spiritual awareness to occur, the brain has to play its part. This is not possible if you keep stressing the brain with multiple thoughts at ago. Give it some breathing space. 


Ultimately, get rid of all the doubtful thoughts that might be bothering you. It is said that doubt is the only force that can drive you away from spiritual intelligence. It is normal for the conscious brain to be full of doubts but it is vital that you do your level best to clear them or spiritual intelligence will just be a dream for you.

What Does Spirituality and Enlightenment Actually Mean

So many people round the world are talking about enlightenment. Many are also trying as much as they can so that they attain it. The first thing that we are going to look at is the meaning of the word enlightenment. Enlightenment simply means wisdom or the ability of understanding. When you take the definition of enlightenment from the English dictionary you will find that it has two main areas. The first area is the spiritual enlightenment and the second area is the intellectual enlightenment or in other words secular enlightenment. 


The most interesting thing is that the people who have the intellectual enlightenment do not agree with the spiritual perception at any time. They believe in sciences and in the today world this is not possible considering many areas of spiritual enlightenment. 


When you consider the intellectual or the secular enlightenment you are talking about European movement called the age of enlightenment or the age of reason. This is where human beings documented on the miserable conditions of the humans and the call for serious transformation. Enlightenment was more a set of attitudes that it was a set of ideas. It main thing was a serious concern on puzzling traditional institutions, customs and morals submitting to theoretical growth connected to scientific wisdom in the C18th.


There are various quotes which are well known concerning the spiritual enlightenment and some of them are like, “to become one with yourself”, “knowing your inner self” and “obtaining inner peace.” The meaning of these quotes is like accepting yourself the way you are. You should also honor every one as they go their own way not put in your beliefs into them. You should know that you are the controller of your own life. You are also supposed to believe that there is a much higher power than you and that you are significant in this part of the worldwide energy.   


People have also agreed with the truth is that every human being is in the world for a purpose and to become spiritually enlightenment meaning looking for a cause and then taking action upon it. There are those who have taken the meaning of definition as spiritual enlightenment as it is whereas there are those who are still looking for more. The spiritual enlightenment and the spiritual world go together very well. There are those people who are born with powers whereas some have to work hard on their abilities. For you to attain the levels of spirit connection you have to meditate, focus and acknowledging mind.    

How Do You Know if You Are Spiritually Enlightened?

Our levels of spirituality matter a lot when it comes to the general growth of the entire body. Basically, spirituality mainly involves religious beliefs and practices that we involve ourselves in. Sadly, many people tend to ignore this part of their lives. They concentrate more on their physical selves and forget that the inner self matters most. Such individuals spend about two hours in the gym on a daily basis but cannot find at least an hour to meditate and build their spiritual selves. It is good to live healthily but not at the expense of your inner self. At the end of it all, such individuals end up without even the slightest bit of spiritual enlightenment. Sorry to say this, but living such a life is not worth it. 


Living without spiritual enlightenment is just like the story of Rip Van Winkle. This was a Dutch American man that lived in the days when Great Britain had colonized America. Van Winkle did not like working, all he did was play. One day, he decided to walk towards the Mountainous area of New York. On his way, he met the ghost of Henry Hudson together with his mates. They sat down and began drinking their brew. Within no time, Rip Van Winkle had passed pout and amazingly woke up after 20 years. To him, everything had changed.  


Individuals who ignore their spiritual side are just like Van Winkle; they are asleep. Not in the literal sense but in the spiritual sense. They are spiritually asleep and unless someone woke them up, they will wake up when it is too late. Most of you must be wondering whether or not they are in this group. It is quite simple to know this. All it takes is for you to analyze yourself in particular sectors and you will know just how spiritually enlightened you are.


Step number one is in knowing just how spiritually enlightened or awake you are. This is done by checking if you are aware of the inner realities of the spiritual realm that are surrounding you. Secondly, try and gain sight of the activities being carried out by forces of the spiritual world around you. Finally, behave in a spiritual manner and make the world around you a better place to live in. If you are in a position to do all these things, then it is guaranteed that you are not only spiritually awake but also enlightened. If not, then you are still in the Van Winkle mode; wake up! 

Introduction to Spirituality and Enlightenment in Your Life

The current generation is moving very fast in its study and the knowledge of diverse spiritual ways, the main thing that is needed is the dialogue relating to nature of individual enlightenment. You can also put it in a different perspective whereby you can ask yourself after you have studied a specific path for a standard traveler, how does individuals’ spiritual growth look like? 


Most of the time travelers begin on a spiritual mission not knowing about the results. The only thing that they have is a strong feeling about a specific way which is calling, not very sure if the study will show the way; they could have gotten some information from their teachers or the information could come from the other pupils or books. You will also find that many are times that the travelers explain their exploration in terms of results like reading minds, having mystifying powers, states of spirit, being at peace.   


There are various outcomes of spiritual education. The first one being life is spiritual. The first thing that we are going to look at is the common and what most religions and spiritual ways provide in some way either through nature or design. Human beings are spirituals essentially. The main reason is because we believe that the spirit is that only thing that makes us and also currently it is believed to be the power that is divided by everything all through the world. 


The second thing about spiritual part is that all the existing life is made up of unstable forms of spiritual powers and when we die, a piece of us goes back to a dimension that is additionally similar to this power. When you look at the scientific viewpoint, they have decided to define humans’ spirit as being made up of supra life power which is related and divided with all that is found in the world. However, this perception is greatly related to the numerous anonymous lessons.


The other thing that we are going to look at is the additional capacity. It is believed among traditional spirits and it is also understood and taught that enlightenment comes about the normal balanced personality. Moreover, enlightenment is a chance for everybody and be attained through a course of conducted study. 


You should note that does not by any chance relief us from being human but rather aids us by increasing a level of capability which helps us to rise above the normal consciousness. This life is full of many fluctuations and so we humans respond mentally, spiritually, emotionally and also physically to our daily activities.

Sunday 9 January 2022

Understanding the Concept of God

Whenever we speak of anything spiritual, we can connect it to our inner soul. Some others may connect it to the word God. However, this is a very complicated thing and this sense can only be attained through practical experience. Spirituality is nothing but the felling of the existence of God in our soul. God is great. He is omnipotent and omnipresent. His presence is in every human being and in every corner of the world. He is big, but He is so small that His every little bit, is in every corner of the world. 


Go back to those school days when you studied Biology as a subject. During the practical classes, many a times you may have watched unknown things happening under the microscope. These things are the ones that you had not known until then. It is like a discovery of a new civilization of microorganisms. We all know that a microscope magnifies a thing 200 to 400 times than it is. Moreover, you will be surprised to know that God is even smaller than that, though not yet proved by the scientists. 


The universe has so many large things that are too small to see. This is again a controversial topic, yet there is truth to it. For instance, humans can hear a sound range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Nor can they hear anything below 20 Hz, called infrasonic sound; neither can they hear anything above 20,000 Hz, called ultrasonic sound. Similarly, humans cannot see anything that is too small to see, or too large to see. Like hearing range, they have a sight range too. Therefore, God is so great that he is too small to see. 


The definition of God and belief of His existence may vary from one individual to the other. Some people believe in God, while others do not believe because they cannot see. Every individual has his or her own point of reason. However, it is proved that whether or not people believe in the existence of God, a spiritual force works on this universe and everything happens on the work we do. If we do any good work, we get good results, and if we do anything bad, we get bad results. It is like a divine feeling that brings the positive feelings within you in times of fear, mishap, or any ill conditions. Thus, the real existence of God or this spiritual force lies in your soul.

The World Is Moved More by Spirituality than by Men

There is no doubt that what is abiding, universal and impersonal has a greater appeal to man than what is fleeting, limited and personal. Spirituality, being such, has more appeal to humanity than men do. This is true in all aspects of human existence as it is in the knowledge man has gained. However, great a man may be, he has his limitations. He is in no way superior to the ordinary human beings as far as defects and shortcomings are concerned. However, spirituality, the children of his heart, have universal appeal. Therefore, spirituality influences man more truly and deeply than personalities. 


On the other hand, there is no scope for any doubt that personalities appeal more to the common man than spirituality. The reason is that a man who is concrete is more palpable than spirituality, which is abstract. However, the likes and dislikes of a common person do not determine the standard of human conduct. A bit deeper insight into the matter will reveal that we worship personalities; we really pay respect to them because they embody some lofty ideas or ideals. 


In the field of science, men who put forth spirituality were often ridiculed. They were even stoned to death but spirituality triumphed in the end. Copernicus was insulted and Galileo was tortured to death but their ideas like the torchbearers have been guiding the destiny of humanity through centuries. 


In addition, greatness of a literature or a religion is determined not by the number of men writing it but by the number of ideas, truths or spiritual words contained in it. Literary writers like Shakespeare, Tolstoy and Tagore have left an indelible imprint on the mind of humanity not because of their impressive personalities but because of the ideas and spiritualism contained in their books. On the other hand, a Sadhu in saffron robes cannot become a prophet. He can become Lord Buddha only if he has great ideas to convey to millions. 


All these examples support the conviction that ideas or spirituality is greater than men are. Without ideas or spirituality, men are philistines (uncultured, commonplace people). In fact, he is the true benefactor of humanity who gives ideas to the world and enlightens the world with spirituality. The greatest contribution of the greatest men to the material welfare of the world will be short-lived only. The ideas and spirituality imbibed from the great men transform the very brain, mind, and soul of man. As a result, humanity must become better and nobler. 

Intuition Is a Part of Spirituality

Many a times, you may have faced situations where you might have been in a tumbled situation. If you take a decision in a certain way, then it can harm you or your loved ones, and if you take it the other way, then it can harm you or your loved ones too. Generally, a person left in such a situation hears decisions from the mind. Very few listen to the decisions given by the heart. Those taking decisions from mind think it wise and logical. You must always hear the call of your spirit during these times. However, many people do not how to hear and talk with your soul or spirit. There is a secret, which if a person practices, can hear and talk to his or her heart to take the right decisions. 


Most of the people cannot make the difference between a thought and a call of spirit. They assume it the same. Though both are nearly the same, there is a very little difference between the two. And, the only person who is able to understand this difference tastes real success. The difference is like differentiating between a glass of water and a glass of soda. Understanding the difference is essential if you want to grow up as a successful individual. 


Intuition plays a major role while communicating with your spirit. Many people have this element of intuition more while many have this element less. However, by the help of meditation and spiritual guides, it is possible to attain this property of intuition. Intuition is like a message that your inner soul tries to convey you. It is different from thoughts. An intuition is always positive and if negative, then it is in the form of danger warnings. 


Only when a person attains spiritual satisfaction, then he is able to reason out intuition from his or her soul. An intuition guides you, solves problems, helps you to alleviate from a stressful situation, and relieves anxiety and so on. Many a times, it has been seen that mysteries could be resolved by this property of intuition. Overall, it can be called a trust and faith in your inner self that leads to the attainment of the element of intuition. It must not be confused with confidence. Confidence is something different that is temporary. A person can lose confidence anytime, but if a person gains spirituality and intuition, then it is a permanent attainment.

Insights into Spiritual Enlightenment

Spirituality is one of the main topics in the streets today. Most of the periodicals, newspapers and even books have specific sections meant for spiritual awareness. This is because the society has come to realize the importance of spiritual enlightenment to the entire body. All in all, nobody has ever come up with the exact definition of spiritual enlightenment. This is because it varies according to one’s religious beliefs. As a matter of fact, words are not enough to define spiritual awareness. It carries so much depth that only actions can describe it. When it comes to the spiritual sense of it, many mistake it for the optimum spirituality level that one can reach. The truth is that spirituality has no end; it is journey in the spiritual realm. 


There are certain insights that help in enlightening us spiritually. To start with, knowing that enlightenment is just but some sort of higher awareness is one of the main insights that lead to one’s growth spiritually. By higher awareness, I am simply referring to the awareness that you are a spit in a physical body. Most of us do not know this, we think of it in the opposite manner. Many think that we are physical beings with a spirit inside. With this realization, it becomes even easier to face life’s struggle since you will have the mentality that they are just but mare earthly problems that should not bother you at all.


Another insight that defines spiritual enlightenment is that the world is just as it is and will never change. In short, this means taking the world just as it is without any form of dissatisfaction or regret. With such a realization, you will understand that the world is perfect just as it is. All that happens in it, whether good or bad, is just because of the divine law. Nothing happens just as a mistake; everything has a purpose. Individuals with such understanding show a lot of maturity in life.  


The third insight is all about inner peace. In fact, this is the most important of them all. It so happens that each and every time an individual shows some sort of spiritual enlightenment, his or her soul is normally at peace. Enlightenment and disorder are two things that will never go hand in hand. This is because inner unrest tends to suffocate the spirit in you hence bringing unconsciousness within your inner self.  

How Does Spirituality Work on the Law of Attraction?

Spirituality, in a sense, correlates to the term “Universal Law of Attraction”. It is no wonder that the law of attraction is the basis of living in this earth. Have you ever thought of something and expected the thing to happen by it? Alternatively, have you ever expected the genie to understand your needs and bring for you the same? It would have been a magical thing or too good a thing if such things happened in life. However, to make such magical things happen in life, you cannot expect others to work for you. To let the magic happen, you have to do the magic yourself. 


Throughout the universe, there is an existence of Infinite Intelligence. This power of Infinite Intelligence works to create something. Thus, you can create a new thing by accessing this power through your thoughts. It is the only way. Even if you do not realize this fact, it does happen in the same way. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind play simultaneously to access this Infinite Intelligence and create the new thing. 


You wish to do something, think of it deeply and affirm yourself that you can do it and the law will help you in achieving it. 


This is the first law that works on the mind of people. After that, you start worrying that the thoughts will not work out. It is the negative thought that comes to your mind makes the whole thing undone. This is because even if you have negative thoughts even for once, the law will not work in your favor. 


Therefore, if you want the access to the power of the Universal Law of Attraction, then first you need to be clear of your thoughts. That is, you have to be specific of your needs. This should not be a vague specification, but a very accurate one. For instance, if your need is a job, then be specific of the kind of job you want, which sector, which position, what salary range and so on. The more specific you are in your needs, the more you are likely to get success with the law of spirituality.


After being specific, visualize your wanting and put it into action. Then, after you achieve your wanting, it is the time to hold that achievement for long. Therefore, to hold on that achievement, you have to appreciate yourself at least once a day. Finally, yet importantly, do not let the negative emotions come to your mind. Thus, you work attaining spirituality with the law of attraction.

The Liberating Effect of Being Grateful

Do you find your life seems to be a constant whirl of activity where you don’t have time to sit for a minute and just contemplate the good things you have in your world? Society today seems to have created a cycle for most of us that necessitates a constant rush from activity to activity with little or no time to be still and appreciate the good things in our lives. 


Many of us need to stop and take stock of what we have, rather than what we don’t have, in order to stop this endless cycle that will eventually burn out or some other physical reaction. Learning to be grateful for the things we have rather than continuously seeking the things we don’t have, unleashes the power of optimism in our lives. 


Gratitude is a powerful characteristic to develop. As we focus on gratitude for the blessings that are ours today, we stop taking them for granted. Cicero once wrote, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues, it is the parent of them.” The attitude of never having enough and never being grateful is such a negative attitude; others don’t want to be around it. Yet the opposite is true for the person who radiates gratitude. They usually attract more reasons to be grateful and find more reasons to be grateful. 


This attitude permeates every part of their life and is the drive that compels them to undertake the activities scheduled for the day. People who learn to be genuinely grateful for what they already have, creating a reduction in the need to be constantly seeking more. They feel genuine appreciation for other’s efforts and contributions and have energy left over to reach out to others from the perspective of being appreciative for what they themselves already have. 


We all know people like this. History has recorded many famous names of people who have learned this important life lesson. We can transform the way we approach our life by developing this characteristic. Writing down each day at least three things to be grateful for, is a great way to cultivate this attitude and taking time during the day to express our gratitude to friends, family, God or the world, is a great way to learn to live in an attitude of gratitude even when we are faced with a hectic schedule.

You Are Worth It!

Do you sometimes feel like you are a work in progress?  Do you feel the drive to keep improving yourself and then find yourself in a spiral of despair because you just never feel like you measure up? For many people, this is their reality. Research has shown that this may be one of the most common causes of weight gain and emotional eating disorders.  


All of us need to find freedom from the cycle that we are imperfect. While we all have room to grow and develop; the most freeing of all realities about ourselves that we need to absorb and accept is that we are a unique and beautiful human being. There is no one quite like us on this earth and there never will be. Once we accept this for ourselves, we can then look for ways to make the good in us better. Without this perspective, we will constantly strive to find some self-acceptance and won’t move much beyond this point in our life. 


An old African proverb reminds us that if we don’t have any enemies inside us, then no external enemies can cause us harm or hurt. Have you noticed when things are going well on the inside and you are feeling secure and happy with life, things that go wrong in your life don’t seem to be so bad, but when you are feeling bad about yourself, things are so different? The world seems to take on a much darker feeling and it’s more difficult to cope when things are not going right? 


Learning to love yourself and to appreciate the uniqueness you are is often the first stage of learning how to control your weight, feel confident in studying or changing careers, or learning a new hobby. Many of the things we procrastinate over that are for our own benefit and enrichment are often the things we don’t do, because perhaps deep inside we don’t think we are good enough or worthy enough to do these things for ourselves.  


Challenge those thoughts and starting tomorrow - Choose one thing you want to do for you. Because guess what, you are worth it! Most people have to battle the self-talk and rarely say anything nice about themselves. Try looking in the mirror when you wake up and tell your reflection what you would tell your best friend... You are worth it!

The Importance of Conflict Resolution that Validates the Other Person’s Perspective

Most people approach differences of opinions with other people attempting to defend their point of view. Our intention may be to defend our personal position, but most people view our defensive stance as attacking their viewpoint. It can create confrontation and easily leads to interpersonal issues with the other person. This approach to conflict resolution creates many avoidable arguments in the work place and home. 


So how can we present our point of view without creating this reaction in people? The key is to learn to see the situation from the other’s point of view and address it from within their viewpoint as well as from our own. We can still express our thoughts and feelings about a situation using this approach, but it usually produces a very different outcome.  


This technique is an excellent way to approach all communication, whether with family, friends, work colleagues or strangers. We learn to express our thoughts, concerns and ideas and even disagree with others, but acknowledge verbally and through our body language, that the other person has the right to their opinions and thoughts about the issue causing the disagreement. 


This approach maintains a relationship between two people that acknowledges that no one position is more valid than another’s views, perspectives or thoughts. This does not mean that both ideas are equally valid, but conveys the understanding that the other person has a right to the thoughts or opinions about the situation causing the disagreement. This approach values the relationship and validates the person, whilst not necessarily validating the problem or the suggested solution. 


There is an old saying that states, “you will never know another person until you first walk in their shoes.” Trying to approach and diffuse a situation from their perspective enables us to walk in their shoes in the situation. It changes the “I want” statements, which presents the issue from our perspective to the “I know you feel this way and can understand why you do, but may I present another idea or show you why that idea is not the best one.”


As we learn and apply this technique in our lives, it becomes obvious we have gained insight into an extremely important life lesson that validates and maintains relationships, even if we don’t agree with the other person. It helps us to approach potential conflict situations in a non-confrontational way that promotes discussion and resolution.

The Importance of Active Listening

Do you find yourself misunderstanding what your spouse or work colleague say to you? Do you find yourself questioning your responses to them? Most people hear others speaking to them, but most of the time our interactions are not focused and we may listen to people speak, without truly hearing what they want to say to us. Learning how to listen is a skill that helps us to clear our mind of thoughts and behaviors that may interrupt our ability to hear what the other person is trying to say, rather than what we think they are saying.  


Learning how to listen to people around us is also a journey of self-discovery. Instead of responding to people’s comments and thoughts as a reaction, we take the time to understand what they are saying and in thinking about how their words are impacting us, we are identifying the natural way to react to people’s words and think about how we would prefer to react to them. 


We can then develop and practice self-control techniques, to assist us to respond more appropriately to anything people may say to us.


You may have heard active listening referred to as reflective listening. It involves listening to others around us talk to us and taking time out to ensure we understand their words and the meanings behind those words. We ask questions like “so you mean this.” to reflect back to the person what we think they said. We use words like “I feel angry when you say that” rather than lashing out in anger and using a “you” phrase like “you always do this.” 


Our focus is not on the words spoken but on the person speaking and what they meant by their words. This way of listening can take some getting used to, but once we learn this skill will change the way we relate to people and interact with them, and learn about ourselves in the process.


If you sometimes feel misunderstood when you are talking to people, you probably have an understanding of the importance of really being heard and not just listened to. As we begin to practice active listening, you will soon learn the phrases and body languages that you personally find difficult to deal with. You will develop important techniques and qualities that enable you to remain in control of your thoughts and emotions when having discussions with others. 

Anticipating and Preparing for Change and Stressful Situations to Minimize Distress

All of us face change in our life. Sometimes we love it, look forward to it and enjoy the preparations that are involved in making it happen. On other occasions, change can be very distressing. Usually occurring without warning, we are usually unprepared for it. We can feel quite disorientated when change is unexpected and it can produce physical reactions we may feel we have little control over.


Facing unplanned change with a prepared mind helps to re orientate life even when it seems to be out of our control. If we accept that change is inevitable, we see the sense in thinking about and preparing to deal with it well ahead of when it actually happens. It also helps us reflect on how we will deal with our responses when faced with stress and change.


Taking the time to plan and prepare for change is not inviting fate, but facing reality People who work in occupations that involve dealing with sudden unexpected emergencies, are in a state of readiness at all times. They learn to anticipate all possible scenarios by learning how to deal with them before they occur. They learn how to prevent the situation or minimize its harm, and they learn to enact certain actions when these events do occur. 


We gain valuable insight into how to prepare for change by learning how to apply their approaches to potential change and stressful situations. We prepare for change, or potential stresses in three ways: Firstly, the higher the risk of something happening, the more we should anticipate it likely to happen. People living in areas where there is a high risk of a natural disaster occurring, prepare for its inevitably, by preparing their surroundings each year and psychologically being ready for it.  


Contrary to people may think, being psychologically prepared for change is possible. Although it is impossible to know what it will be like to face being a parent for example, we can prepare ourselves by reading and identifying possible areas of concern we may personally face in our new parenting role. 


Thirdly, we can learn to manage our responses and thoughts in times of minor changes and challenge. As we do this, we are providing ourselves with invaluable training. Learning how to deal with the many minor challenges and changes we face daily, will help us to develop the skills to deal with the unexpected major ones.

What Is Magnetic Personality Development

The law of attraction says that whatever you put your focus on is whatever you get. When you put your focus on the spiritual matters of human personality growth you opt to convey a supernatural magnetic attraction. The question that you are supposed to ask yourself is whether this magnetism is consequential to that unmotivated state where you do not have to bring about as very deprived. In this case you will find that a situation of self-reliance becomes a sound opportunity for self-development. There are a number of ways which are very vital when it comes to considering the magnetic attractiveness of somebody thought to be spiritual.       


The first one is the fixed idea. This is the law of magnetism in a linguistic act. This is based on the continual and repeated association with various fixed, vast and extremely attractive idea like God, love or peace fixed into operation diverse deeply subliminal operations of the heart. These operations however are completely unnoticed and they are not clear in our normal lives, they slowly and positively gather and organize all personal powers and stimulate a balancing of the entire mind and body system. This fresh balance lastly manifests itself in the physical and spiritual perception as equal and highly assimilating force. This operation as it repeats itself over and over again; it shapes an individual and completely changes him. And so, this transformed person will therefore change those other people who are around him. 


The second step is the aura in the unequal field of energy. This is also considered as the individual’s environment. These spiritual and personal environments reveal the thought of the internal being. It generates an ideal field for magnetism but if only the spiritual being and the body are healthy. The connection with law of attraction is that whatever you think is what you get. 


When you have focus then nothing will stop you from getting it. This is because the earlier far objection of success experienced is increased and all the distractions that are near are removed from the way. The fourth and the last step is to identify yourself with those who have good personality so that you can also borrow some traits from them. Personality development in such a great way it determines our destiny. When you have a good personality growth, you will find that whatever you do is the way you want. This is simply because you are organized.

Saturday 8 January 2022

Is Hypnosis a Communication with the Subconscious Brain?

Hypnosis is a very complicated field. Most people do not understand the process of hypnosis and its working. In fact, to some hypnosis looks like a magic. Others, who have a vague idea of the human body working process, ask the question whether hypnosis relates to the subconscious mind. 


In reality, hypnosis is a process where a person goes into a state of relaxation and focuses on certain issues. A person does this thing with the help of another person, called the hypnotist. It is often said that a hypnotist can change a person completely. However, this is not completely true. Often, we can see certain changes in a person after the process of hypnosis, but the basic nature of a person does not change. 


However, you can also go into a state of hypnosis even without the intervention of a professional hypnotist. For example, you are sitting at a college room where your professors are delivering lectures. Often it happens that you look outside the window and involve in some deep thoughts. This is a state of trance and can be called as a state of hypnosis. Now, most of you may ask how this hypnosis works. 


To get an idea on the working of hypnosis, you have to understand the working of a human brain. Generally, we divide a human brain into two parts, namely, the conscious part of the brain and the subconscious part of the brain. Conscious brain always deals with the external happenings. 


For example, hears takes the lectures delivered by the professor. In other words, deals with the real things, while the subconscious brain deals with the emotions, thinking and feelings of a human being. For example, after the professor delivers the lecture, your conscious mind catches the words of the lecture and sends them to the subconscious mind, which does the further thinking related to the subject. 


The same happens in the case of hypnosis too. While a person is going on a state of hypnosis, his or her conscious mind stops working and goes on a relaxation mode and the subconscious mind starts working. The subconscious mind does all the thinking about what the person wanted to focus on. Thus, a subconscious mind is responsible of all your thinking habits provided it is good or bad. 


However, you can make some efforts to control your subconscious mind. 

How to Use a Subconscious Mind to Seek Solutions

Most people in the world do not know the use of a subconscious mind or they do not believe in its power. However, it is a known fact that if you can use your subconscious mind to its full, then you can find solutions to almost any problems in your life. 


The subconscious mind is a part of the brain that does not have the ability to differentiate the good from the bad. It only follows the thing, which the conscious mind reflects on the subconscious mind. More importantly, even though the subconscious mind works twenty-four a day, it becomes active on the passiveness of the conscious mind. How do you use the subconscious mind? Here are some strategies that will help you to learn to use the subconscious mind. 


Notify the subconscious mind of the problems you are having and ask your subconscious mind to seek for solutions to the problems. You can remind the subconscious mind by repeating the problems that you have and stressing on the searching of answers. You can also visualize the problem to find the solutions. Generally, this step is the inputting step. Just as a computer has to be fed with data or you have to input data to find solutions to the problems, your mind works in a similar way. You have input data or the problem to seek the answer. 


Next is the processing step. Just as a computer processes the data inputted by using several software, the problem that you input into your mind needs processing. For this, you have to relax your mind by involving in different activities such as listening to music, playing, or any other things that are not stressful. The aim is to avoid stress. The more you can avoid stress, the more easily you can find definite and positive solutions to your problems. The conscious mind does not do this part of the work. The subconscious mind does the thinking for you. 


Next is the output stage. After the subconscious mind seeks a solution to the problems, it lets you know by a feeling. The most important thing for you is to understand the feeling. Many a times, you may not pay much attention to it. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the feeling. It can be in the form of images rolling in your mind, or just a thought in your mind.


Thus, you can find a solution to a problem with the help of a subconscious mind. 

How to Take Control of Your Subconscious Mind

Subconscious mind is a highly complex zone of the mind. It is difficult to understand what the subconscious mind says. People who understand what their subconscious mind wants to say can hear their inner voice. It is that part of the brain that deals with the emotions and feelings of a human being. Emotions and feelings are itself a sensitive issue, therefore, subconscious mind is a sensitive part of the brain. It is difficult to take control of the subconscious mind. However, you can take partial control over it by the help of a few steps. 


You can leave physical reminders to be sure about the thoughts of your subconscious mind. For instance, if you are on a goal to lose weight, write down the things and you have to do and the things you must avoid in order to achieve your goal. Once you note them on a piece of paper, place it somewhere where you can always see it. This will help you in reminding about the goals. Your subconscious mind gets repeated reminders, and in the process, you control your subconscious mind with repeated reminders. 


Meditation is the second step to control your subconscious mind. It may be hard to concentrate on meditation during the initial days, but with time, you can do this. It is more like visualization, not the same. It is the initial stage of visualization. In meditation, you do not visualize anything; you just concentrate on your thoughts without imagining. While meditating, you first have to relax yourself, close your eyes and gather all your thoughts to a point of concentration. The, focus on the goal and engross all your thoughts into the goal. 


Visualization is the third step to achieving a subconscious mind. When you have entirely concentrated on meditation, now is the time to visualize your goals. It gives you the motivation to achieve your goal. Only when you visualize a thing, can you control your subconscious mind.


After all these steps, make promises publicly to achieve your goal. This is because when you make a promise publicly, you have the fear to lose your image in front of public, and thus, you keep to promises. Further, when you make a public statement, you hear some positive comments from people as well as some negative comments from people. Both leave an impact on the subconscious mind. In addition, if you have an optimistic attitude, the negative comment will give you the urge to deliver the promises. 


Thus, these are just few ways on how you can take control of your subconscious mind. 

Change Your Life by Using Subconscious Mind

If you know the working process of your subconscious mind, then it becomes easier for you to inculcate good habits in you. This is because the habits that you have, turns out from your subconscious mind, which then becomes a part of your regular life. For example, if you are addicted to drinking, then the subconscious mind has made this habit. Therefore, you must know the working to a subconscious mind to change your life for the better.


Many a times you may have heard people saying that you are either optimistic in life or pessimistic. However, being optimistic or pessimistic all depends on the type of environment you are in, and the impact of the environment on the subconscious mind. If there is a negative impact on the subconscious mind, then you tend to be pessimistic in life and all the work you do or all your habits show pessimism. On the other hand, if there is a positive impact on the subconscious mind, then you tend to be optimistic in life and all your work or habits show optimism. Therefore, habits and subconscious mind are very close to each other and depends on each other’s functioning. 


The point that you must note here is that how these habits did grow. The answer probably is these habits did not grow in a single day. By constantly repeating some acts or thoughts, you have grown the habit. When you repeat an act or a thought several times, then it reflects on the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind accepts it as a fact, and then it becomes a habit. This is how you grow a habit. Therefore, apparently it may seem that you cannot control your subconscious mind, but the fact is, indeed, you can control your subconscious mind and change your life for the better. 


To control your subconscious mind, you have to repeat positive things, so that your mind accepts them and makes them turn into a habit. Even if you are in a negative environment, you must have the courage to look at things positively. More importantly, you must know the difference between the good and the bad. This differentiation feeling will help you to keep yourself in control of your subconscious mind. Also, if you want to change your life, engrave your good thoughts into your mind. 


Thus, if you are clear about the working of a subconscious mind, then you can definitely change your life.