Showing posts with label Law of Attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law of Attraction. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Happiness Is In Giving To Others

There are a lot of ways to make a greater sense of happiness in your life, but one of the barest and most powerful is by giving to others. Why does giving happiness to others make you feel more pleased?


You minimize your own difficulties.


Centering on what you are able to do it for people in need is a great way to put your own problems into linear perspective. Naturally we be given to amplify our own problems and think they are much worse than they really are - but encountering somebody who is experiencing even greater disputes sure changes that prospect quickly! It’s not that your own troubles disappear just because you see somebody who is worse off than you are, but instead you acquire a little more linear perspective and realize that your battles could be much worse than they are.


You focus more on abundance.


When you give happiness to other people, you automatically alternate your concentrate from deficiency to copiousness - even if you are not giving financially! Concentering more on your troubles and difficulties can’t help but result in a keen awareness of lack, but by giving of yourself to those in need you are essentially asserting that you have ‘more than enough’ - which will translate into all areas of your life as a center on copiousness.


Blessing others just feels really good!


It does not matter if you are making a financial donation or share-out your time or other imaginations - it just feels good to help other people. That feeling acquires similarly when you make giving a steady habit, careless of the size of the contributions. The more you do for other people, the more salutary you’ll experience about yourself. If you would like to heighten that good feeling even further, give anonymously. You will be blessing others without expecting to encounter anything reciprocally; and instead admit giving to be its own advantage - which makes the advantage that much sweeter!


You may feel that you do not have anything to give to other people at present - and this is particularly true if you are experiencing serious financial troubles or other lack. Even so, giving in anyway can immediately make you feel happier and more abundant!


Become a wise man for children or young grownups. Do you've specialized powers or training? Donate your expertness to a non-profit-making organization for a couple of hours a week. Are you good at making others laugh and feel good? Volunteer at a hospital or elderly care facilities. There are endless ways to reach out to others, and only a few of them involve money.


If you really have nothing else to give, become a ‘goodwill ambassador’ and make it your mission to go around spreading kind words and support to the people you meet daily. When you notice that a public servant is having a bad day, say something to cause them smile. Compliment your co-workers. Express your appreciation to a police officer, firefighter or soldier. Tip your waiter, hair stylist and cab driver generously, or leave a handwritten note thanking them for the excellent service.


These are all such small gestures - but they have a huge impact, both on the one who receives and the one who gives.


Change Your Mood

Foul moods, we all have them. A few of us have them day by day. The boss ticks us off, the youngsters won't stop brawling, the spouse is sounding off, traffic is bad, and the bills just keep coming or the automatic washer brakes down -- once more.


Any of these matters and more may put us in a bad mood - if we allow it. The great news is, we don't have to stay in that bad mood. We may change it, notwithstanding our circumstances, if we take a couple of minutes to gain some view. You are able to literally alter your mood (without drugs or alcohol) in as little as five minutes.


Take a breath -- nice and deep, in through the nose, away through the mouth. Take ten long, deep breaths to get the oxygen running though your body and start to relax your muscles. Sit cross-legged on the floor or lye down if possible. Carry on breathing deeply.


Discover a happy thought. You are able to start to rise above this bad mood if you'll shift your focus from what's bothering you, to things and individuals that make you pleased. Discover a happy place, real or imagined, and picture it vividly in your brain -- the colors, the scents, everything about it. Center on that for a moment or two while you carry on to breathe deep.


Have a mental attitude of Appreciation. Start with something simple and obvious, like "Thankfully, I don't have to live with my boss, I may leave him at the office and feel sorry for his wife!" or "Thank goodness I’m in this room with the door locked for at least five minutes of peace!" Whatever works for you. The funnier you are able to make it; the faster it will lift your mood. Even matters like, "It could be worse, I could be in the jailhouse in a foreign country," or "I may be living on the street or ill and in the hospital with some terminal illness. This is truly not that bad."


Remember, things may forever be worse. You may be uglier, shorter, or heavier than you are now, I'm certain.


Begin listing all of the good things you have to be grateful for, like being able to see and treasure beauty, hear music and laughter, smell roses, savor good food, walk, run, dance, drive a car, talk to acquaintances, look up great articles on the internet, and so forth., etc. Continue breathing deep and choosing to concoct the positive rather than the negative.


In just minutes, even though your circumstances might not alter, your mood will. You'll have succeeded in altering your thoughts, relaxing, and taking charge of your mood. You'll no longer allow that particular individual or situation to ruin your day. You'll have taken your power back, and with it, your great mood!


Believe In Yourself

One thing that separates the winners from the other people is the opinion they have of themselves. So, if you've the urge to acquire success that you've been aiming for, the peak factor that you need to work on is to trust in you. This will pave the way to getting assurance in yourself and better the chances of achieving the success you seek.


But, why is it crucial to ingrain the belief in yourself and how will this kind of a believing help you in attaining success that has been evading you for years?


One primary error that parents and teachers do is they backup a lot of negativity in their words without their knowledge. This kind of talk reinforces the feeling that nothing may be achieved by the person. So, everything they consider hits the obstruction of the “I can't do this” answer that's mechanically generated inside the person’s brain.


This negativism in the head is the prime reason why a lot of individuals are kept from achieving their finishes even though they've many big aspirations and dreams in life to make it big and become successful.


Since they've this instilled negativism they are not able to trust in themselves and depart in their journey towards achievements. So, they end up trusting that they're not able to accomplish the goals that they want and start placing the blame or seek excuses to hide behind. This makes a reversal to efforts exercised in realizing their dreams and aspirations remain aloof illusions that they feel will never happen.


So, in order to achieve t goals and ambitions it's crucial to shed the negativism that is holding up in the mind and look forward to reaching them by instilling positive thoughts and mental attitude. This isn't possible unless you begin trusting in yourself and see yourself as an winner that is capable of attaining great heights that you are destined to reach regardless what.


Unless you truly start trusting in yourself and work toward attaining your goals, you'll just end up being a nobody and end up being the average individual that you have always known yourself to be. So, take a look today and think carefully whether you need a life of any other average individual or would you prefer to excel ahead of everyone and live the life of a successful individual. The answer rests within you.


6 Ways To Adopt Happiness

When it concerns feeling pleased, your attitude plays a crucial role. A damaging attitude keeps your attention on the negative side of your situation. You expend more or your valuable time thinking of what you don’t have; the opportunities you missed out on, the foul things that have happened to you in the past, and the abominable things that may happen to you in the future.


A different way of viewing your situation is the “Happiness Attitude,” which is somewhat different than a simple favorable attitude! A positive mental attitude is decidedly a good place to begin as it helps you to feel better and think of life and every good and bad thing that happens more positively overall, but this likewise includes a firm decision to live your life with happiness and attempt to center on happiness and a joy that can lift your attitude to a whole new level!


If you’re prepared to follow this in your own life, read on for some easy ways to do it:




This requires an ongoing allegiance to gratitude and thankfulness in every moment. Not only should you treasure the important stuff like your loved ones, home, job, friends, and health, You should likewise appreciate littler blessings like having a hot cup of coffee in a cold wintertime day or, getting a great deal on a new dress, getting a compliment from somebody you didn't expect, or even viewing the beautiful spring rain outdoors .




Optimism is a big component because it calls for a witting decision to predict the best, regardless difficulties that comes your way. Instead of obsessing and vexing about the negatives, with optimism you’ll invest to giving most of your attention to the good things coming your way, and you'll see that more beneficial opportunities will come to your way if you have optimism.




Feeling unsure of yourself or your capabilities adds to a damaging attitude - and is the direct opposite of a beneficial attitude. By ramping up your confidence and asserting your capabilities to do anything you wish, you’ll feel strong, mighty and in control of your total happiness.




This mental attitude means in addition to trusting yourself to make the right decisions that will make more outstanding happiness and fulfillment in your life. These decisions may not all be easy, simply by deciding to believe in yourself and trust your inner vision. However remember that you play an active part in producing the life conditions that will make you happiest.




A fixed mentality frequently fosters stagnancy and negativity, which detracts from your happiness. A beneficial mental attitude, on the other hand, furthers greater flexibility and resource, which helps you in defeating obstacles and confronting challenges.




A damaging attitude may cause you to feel like you have to work excessively hard to gain ground, which totally heads to tension. With a literal beneficial attitude, you’ll find it simple to balance all aspects of your life and make a true sense of happiness and fulfillment.


What Is Happiness?

Different individuals have different feelings on what makes people happy. Some would say it's getting a raise. Others would say it’s having a marvelous and meaningful life. There have even been rather a few who have more particular answers pertaining to their personal life. 


All of these answers strike a chord, naturally. While everyone has their own belief, some universal matters like the ones below might be conceived as what makes individuals happy. 


1. Family and friends 


Among the things that make individuals happy and pleased is the company of loved ones and friends. The emotional back up these individuals give you is priceless. 


You probably don't enjoy being smothered by your mother or your father, but attending family reunions or getting together for a picnic or a cook out once in a while hearts up your happiness level. Having individuals around you that you love, trust, cherish and care for makes you feel that you’re not alone. 


2. Giving back 


Assisting others, whether in small or big ways, elates a person’s spirit like nothing else. Doing something for nothing may be completely opposite of what you've been taught, but acts of generosity and unselfishness always leave you with a warm feeling. 


Sharing your wealthiness or time with others puts you in the position to encounter the same positive energy back from other people. Likewise, making a difference in someone else’s life has a way of returning to you. 


3. Meaningful work 


A job with an elevated salary isn’t always what makes individuals happy. As a matter of fact, these jobs often make individuals miserable (unless your heart is in what you do). Regrettably, not everybody can afford to go after their dream job. And not everybody finds meaning in their work. 


You may try to correct for this by volunteering at hospitals or environmental campaigns in your spare time. By discovering meaning in what you do, you'll feel accomplished and have a purposefulness. 


4. Freedom 


It’s impossible to become truly happy when you don’t have even a small ounce of freedom in your life. Whether it’s being able to convey yourself creatively or being able to make a choice for yourself, personal freedom is crucial. Suppressing yourself only generates a lot of damaging emotions and discontent. 


5. Success 


Who doesn’t prefer to succeed? Individuals who have accomplished personal or professional success in their life are more prepared to go after other goals and try fresh experiences. They become more contented with the centering their life is taking and are generally happier in the long-run.


How to Ensure Your Day Is Positive

Life has been metaphorically compared to be like a rollercoaster. It is high sometimes and low at other times. When the life’s rollercoaster is at its summit, everything is going the way it should and we are full of happiness and good cheer. We have everything that we want at such times. But then, we have to be prepared for the plunges that life will inadvertently take as well. These ebbs are going to happen, but we have to do all we can to ensure that we are not thrown off the track.


Is it in our hands to make our days positive? To convert those ebbs into surges? Yes, if we tried. We could take our life in a whole new direction altogether. We would have to take things one at a time.


Plan Out Your Day


When you get up each morning, after you say a little prayer to the powers that you believe in, start planning out your day. You do not have to spend a lot of time on this. In fact, you can do this even as you are washing yourself or getting dressed for the day. You simply have to create a bare outline of what you will be doing throughout the day. This helps you anticipate the things that might happen and, in fact, just because you are planning your day out, there are fewer chances of any mishaps happening.


Do Not Have High Expectations about Anything


One likely way to jeopardize your day is by anticipating too much. You have to take it easy. Things will happen as they will. You do not need to think much about what is going to come your way. Do not expect high. That saves you from heartbreak if things do not go the way you expected them to.


Set Your Priorities Right


More often than not, we get worked up by the small things in life, the things that should not really matter much. If we want our days to be positive, then this is not the way to think. We have to make sure we know what we want the most. We have to think about things like our health, our family, our friends, etc. These are things that we do not prioritize and that are what leads to problems later on. Problems at work can be sorted out soon; problems with family and self take eons to solve.


Do Something That Gives You Joy… Every Day


Every day, unfailingly, do something that makes you happy. It could be a very small thing such as just browsing through a magazine that has your favorite pictures, but it should be something. When you do something for yourself, regardless of how quickly, you become happy. You get a sense of satisfaction. Try it out… this can help make your day better.


Try these things out. Though unexpected things will happen, you could ward off potential setbacks by not expecting too much and being optimistic. That is the way to have a brighter day. 


3 Most Essential Ingredients You Need for Personal Development

If you are trying to bring about a positive change to your personality, then you just cannot afford to miss the three vital factors that can play a key role in your personality development. Here, we speak about these three important aspects.


Build Your Self-Esteem


You cannot impress anyone unless you can impress yourself first. You need to have a significant amount of confidence within yourself. You should know what you are talking about and what you are doing. You should know the effects of your actions. That does not mean you should not have apprehensions at all. You can have, but it is important that you know what your shortcomings are and strive to improve upon them.


A confident person is not a person who knows everything. On the contrary, a confident person is one who knows about his or her particular niche and knows it well. Your self-esteem builds when you are the master of your subject. Hence, you need to keep educating yourself and keeping yourself aware of your subject of expertise if you want to build a powerful personality.




Another aspect of personality development is determination. This is your staunchness to perform a particular task that you have taken up. Your determination speaks about your achievement capacity too. If you are more dedicated towards achieving your goals, you are likelier to make efforts for fulfilling them.


When you are determined about something, your focus and concentration for it also increases. You are able to single-mindedly think about your goals and achieve them. This makes you a successful person and your success improves your self-esteem. Hence, learning to be determined to accomplish your goals can have far-reaching effects on your personality enhancement.




Empathy is another quality that you should develop within yourself. Being empathetic means being sensitive to the people around you. You have to build these qualities of compassion and sensitivity towards everyone you meet. When you treat other people as human, you come across as a much better person yourself.


This involves being considerate to the people around you. Understand that they have their limitations and potentials too, and accept them as they are. Not placing yourself superiorly or inferiorly in comparison to other people is also an important aspect of being empathetic.


If you are trying to hone your personality, you are not going to go very far if you do not work within you these three fundamental principles. However, if you make these three factors your allies, you could go a long way in developing yourself as a person. 


5 Tips to Make You a More Patient Person

Patience is often called a virtue and that is quite correct. Not everyone can be called patient. When we are patient, we know how to wait. We know how to give something enough time to reach its conclusion. Sometimes, we wait longer than needed. However, that is because we are patient. We allow things their little liberties and concessions; we do not mind if we have to spend a little more time waiting for it to happen.


History reveals that people who are patient have eventually obtained their success. Now, do not take the wrong meaning. Patience does not mean inaction or lack of action. In fact, it means quite the opposite. It means you are doing your best and waiting for things to happen their own way. Remember that if you do not put in the right efforts, you are not going to get results, whether you are patient or not.


Here are some tips that can help you to become a more patient individual.


1.  Do not raise the expectations bar too high. If you expect too much, you may also want the results to occur sooner than they are due. Actually, this could be a big peril. When you are rushing things in this manner, it is possible that even expected results do not happen.


2.  Do not think much about your contribution into a particular task. When you think you have contributed a lot, it is likely that you want to see some results soon. That is because you are involved in it. You should take up tasks, fulfill them and move on to another. This helps you shift your focus to the next task and you do not become too impatient about the previous one.


3.  Be practical about it. Say to yourself that everything has to take its due course of time. There are a few things that cannot be rushed, but these few things influence almost everything that we do. For instance, we cannot make days rush by. They will take their course. When you realize this one important fact, you are more at peace with yourself and become more patient.


4.  Tell yourself that if you rush things, it could actually spoil the result. Think about what can happen if you want things to be done sooner than their natural course of time. Visualize these results whenever you start getting impatient.


5.  Think about all the different ways in which your impatience can hamper your productivity. You can lose the focus on your work, and you may develop a negative personality trait. That way, you will not be able to achieve success in future. This is something that should definitely tell you to stop and be patient.


Try these tips out the next time you feel like you want something immediately. See how your patience can bring in better results then. 


Finding Inspiration and Motivation in Life

You already realize the fact that life is all about progress. Even if you are doing great right now, it won’t help if you keep doing the same thing 5 years hence. You have to keep improving upon yourself and constantly seek challenges and face them. This is the only thing that keeps you going on. However, to be able to do that, you need inspiration in your life. You also need motivation. An inspiration is something that sparks your life with excitement; motivation is something that gives you the energy to keep moving.


So, where do you go to find these two fundamental ingredients for your success?


One of the best places to begin is your neighborhood bookstore. Visit there and check out the books in the nonfiction section. You are likely to find a whole lot of books about people in your industry who have made it to the top. Most of these people will be already known to you. Pick out the person who interests and intrigues you the most and head back home. Then start reading their story. You will see that it was no easy task for them either. Regardless of what success they achieved in their later life, they began in a very ordinary way… maybe you are in the same situation right now as they began with.


Reading such stories can be highly motivating. You get a blow-by-blow account of how they made it to the top. You get something to move on with. Most importantly, you gain an optimistic view of life. With a little more analysis into their lives, these famous luminaries could be your inspirations, your role models.


Another very important thing you should do is to always keep a steadfast focus on what you want to achieve. Set your goals and write them down. Then, determine yourself to follow these goals, come what may. Promise yourself that you will not let anything sway you from the path. When you are totally devoted to the results, then ways of how to get there automatically start becoming visible to you.


This is how you gain your motivation and inspiration. When you get your motivation, you get this unstoppable and impatient energy to get on with the work. You just cannot wait anymore. And when inspiration happens, you hear a click somewhere. Something suddenly snaps into place. You know this is what you want to follow, and your success almost becomes visible to you. 


How Can You Think Positively Even Though Everything Around You Is In Turmoil

Whatever you have tried lately has backfired. Things have definitely not gone according to plan. You are at the end of your tether, you simply don’t know what you can do to make things right. And, still, people around you tell you to think positively. Even the Internet self-help gurus tell you that. Probably even you realize that you have to be optimistic, but in the current scenario which is completely bleak, how can you do that?


The truth is that even in the grimmest of situations, it is possible to keep hope afloat. You can think positively, though it is not an easy task. Let’s talk here about some ways how you can do that.


First, you need to learn to separate the problem from the person, which is you. You have to understand that the problem could have happened with anyone; you are not limited in any way. It is just that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you begin to understand the universality of a problem, it slowly begins to seem less harmful.


The next step is to try and analyze what went wrong. Why did you succumb to such a situation? What was the precipitating factor? When you think about this, slowly a picture begins to emerge. You begin to understand what you can do to solve the problem that you are facing.


When you are going through difficult times, however difficult they might be, the key lies in the solution… the things you can do to eliminate the problem itself. When you understand what you can do to improve your situation, you start becoming optimistic. You have a solution in your hands now, and that makes you better equipped to face the situation that’s staring you in the face.


Always keep your focus on the results. What will be the outcome of staying depressed and just blaming everyone possible for your situation? On the other hand, what will be the outcome of cheering up and trying to confront the situation? The latter option will probably remedy the problem itself. That is what you should go after, and not sit and brood over what could have happened.


Most importantly, remember that life has to move on. There is nothing in the world that’s worth sitting and brooding over. Even the people who sit and sympathize with you today won’t appreciate it if you don’t pull yourself together soon. They might just walk out on you. That would simply aggravate matters.


The key to solving any problem lies in positive thinking. Accept its power and implement it in your daily life. That’s the only thing that keeps you moving on. 


Benefits of Positive Thinking

You must have heard a lot being said about the power of positive thinking. Even the very famous Law of Attraction which has been immortalized in the book The Secret speaks about the power of optimism. The law goes as far as to say that if you think positively about something with complete devotion, then even nature changes its plans to make it happen for you. That may be well be true because if you have a very positive thought about something, you are going to consciously or subconsciously take some actions in order to fulfill it. You may not even know that you are doing something for your wish fulfillment. And, when you are planning things in a particular direction, things begin to take the shape you want.


That apart, there are several other benefits of positive thinking that you may not have given much thought to. Here are some of them.


1.  When you divest yourself in thinking positively, people consider you to be better company. Who would anyway want to be with someone who is always shrouded in the cloak of pessimism? Pessimism is infectious; it doesn’t just pull you down, but it dampens the spirits of the people who are with you too. Hence, if you think too negatively, people are not going to want to associate themselves with you.


2.  Positive thinking can make you cheerful. Try it the next time you are going through a rough patch. Forgetting the turbulent times you are in, think optimistically about the future. And think hard. You will find that sooner or later you are able to shun the thought of debility and surge ahead. You cannot completely forget the gravity of the situation, but at least you become more gracious in handling it.


3.  Also, positive thinking keeps you moving on. Pessimism can make you depressed and you lose your strength to move on. You begin wallowing with self-pity and do nothing to improve the situation. You begin blaming yourself and others. Nothing constructive is done when you waste your time thinking negatively. Such waste is criminal. But, if you begin to think positively, you can get up again and move on.


4.  If you want to have an impressive personality, a personality that can inspire people, then you have to start thinking positively. When you do that, you are motivating people; you are showing qualities of leadership. This is what people like to see and admire.


So, do not undermine the power of positive thinking. This is something that can take you places that you never thought existed before. 


5 Ways to Boost Your Mood

There are times when you feel low… times when you feel totally unproductive and of no use to anyone. There are several things that can depress you in this manner, but what you have to know is that problems aren’t the end of the world. You have to come out of them and get back to your tasks. If you feel that it is very difficult to pull yourself together when you are feeling low, here are some stress-busters that can help.


Listen to Music


Listening to music works therapeutically for most people. Whatever your particular taste in music is, listen to that. Get your iPod or music CD and pop it in. Listen to your most favorite song; maybe see its video if you can. This can cheer you up royally.


Play a Computer Game


If you like computer games, this could be a great way to manage your stress. It is not just an FPS that can set those hormones running within you; even simple strategy games can do it for you if you like them. The point is to make your mind happy, not excited. So, choose the game you like and play on.


Speak to a Friend


Most times, if you just share your sorrows with someone, you can do well at managing them. Call the one person you trust more than anyone else and tell them what happened. They will listen to you. Do not fear reprimand or ridicule. That won’t happen. If they are your true friend, they will hear you out and even tell you what you should do.


Go Out for a Walk


If you are stressed, sitting inside and brooding is only going to make matters worse. What you need to do is to go out and let it all out. Take a whiff of the air outside and you will find your problems slowly dwindling away. Most importantly, you can give it some thought and put things in a better perspective. This helps as well.


Busy Yourself with Something


When you are trying to work out your stress, the one thing you should try to do is to divert your mind. You have to busy yourself with something that you can put your heart and soul to. This could be your work, or do something creative that you were long meaning to do. This can divert your mind in a very profound manner and you will find that you are slowly but steadily coming out of your stress.