Showing posts with label Journal Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal Writing. Show all posts

Sunday 5 June 2022

How to Set Yourself Up to Journal Every Day

To experience the benefits that journaling has to offer, you are going to need to do it daily. Journaling is basically a habit that you build up, and like every habit, it can take a while to cement it into your daily routine. 


If you want to start journaling every day, below you’ll discover the best ways to get started.


Remind Yourself Of The Benefits


Some days might be more of a struggle than others when it comes to trying to journal every day. When you are just getting started, it is easy to think “I’ll just skip journaling for today and do more tomorrow.” However, if you allow yourself to do this once, you are going to let yourself do it again.


To help you overcome the harder days, print out small cards which remind you of the benefits. You can look at them to gain inspiration when it is needed.


Obviously, there will be times when journaling is the last thing on your mind. Life happens, whether it be grief, illness, or a major life event. During tough times, journaling every day just might not be realistic.


Schedule Time For Journaling


You may find it easier to make journaling a routine if you schedule it in. Just like you would schedule an appointment, set at least 10 minutes aside each day to write in your journal. 


Some people find it more effective to journal first thing in the morning, while others do it at night. Figure out what works for you and then schedule journaling in at the same time every day. You will soon start to see that it becomes a habit. 


Start Out Small


One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are trying to journal every day, is placing an expectation on yourself. For example, it’s common for people to think they need to write a lot and what they do write needs to be a masterpiece. 


The truth is you just need to start out small. You don’t need to write a lot, or make sure that you are writing anything significant. The key is to just write. Set a timer for 10 minutes on the days you are struggling. You might find that once you get started, the words just flow from there.


Use A Physical Journal


These days, you can journal online or use a physical journal. While online journals may seem more convenient, they don’t have the same attraction as a physical journal. There is just something about writing in a physical journal that makes it a joy to use.


So, if you want to stick to writing in your journal every day, make sure you get one that you can physically write in.


These are a small selection of the best ways you can set yourself up to journal every day. Remember, it may take practice to build up journaling as a daily part of your routine. The more you stick at it, the easier you will start to find it. 

Journaling Techniques for a Better You

Looking for the best journaling technique you can utilize for a better you? There are so many great techniques you can focus on, and each has their own pros and cons. 


The main thing to remember when searching for the best technique, is that what works for somebody else may not work for you. Experimenting with different techniques will help you to see which one works better. With that said, there are some journaling techniques known to be more effective for personal growth.


Here are a few of the best journaling topics and techniques to use for a better you.




Potentially the best technique you can use for personal growth, is gratitude journaling. This involves writing down the things that you are grateful for each day. 


Studies have shown that keeping a daily gratitude journal can alter your mindset in just 21 days. It teaches you to be more positive about life and to be grateful for the things that you have. 


It is common in life to only focus on the things we want and the things we don’t have. By switching to thinking about the positive things already in our lives, it helps to make us happier and content.




A dream journal may sound like an odd tool to boost personal growth. However, studies have shown that keeping a dream journal can help to improve your mindset.


A clear link has been discovered between dreams and mental development. The emotions you experience in your dreams can relate to your mind’s ability to cope with and process information. It is thought that the skills we learn while we are awake, come out stronger in our dreams.


So, if you want to recognize emotions, traits, and fears that you may have, looking at your dreams can give you the clues you need to change. Start writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up. You can then go back over them later to see what they could mean.




Another popular journaling technique is to write about your goals and visions.


A goal setting journal is potentially one of the best ways to better yourself. You can use it to work on absolutely anything that you want to change. It could be you want to become more cultured by traveling more. Or maybe you want to lose weight and get generally healthier? Whatever part of yourself you are trying to improve; a goal or vision journal can prove invaluable.


With a goal journal, you basically write down your goals and then track your progress. With vision journals, you use them to write about your dream life. They also tend to be more visual. For example, you would add pictures of things you want to achieve in your dream life.


As you can see, there are a few different types of journaling you can utilize. The above are just three of the best techniques you can use to better yourself. 


Tips for Creating a Relaxing Place to Journal

If you want to start journaling every day, finding a relaxing place to do it is going to help. While you don’t need to have an entire room dedicated to journaling, you do want to have a relaxing space you can retreat to. Here, you’ll discover some great tips on how to create a relaxing place to journal.


Choose a quiet space.


The first thing to focus on when looking for the perfect journaling space, is whether it is quiet. You are going to need a quiet area to write to get your thoughts and feelings clearly down onto the paper. 


If you have kids, you can do it when they are in bed or you could create a quiet space in your bedroom where you won’t be disturbed. You can journal anywhere that is comfortable and quiet. It could even be an outdoor space in warmer weather. 


Eliminate any clutter.


Wherever you choose to base your journaling space, it’s important to eliminate any clutter. When a space is cluttered, it can cause our mind to become cluttered too. So, clean up the area and make sure it is organized. 


The more organized your journaling space, the easier you will find it to write. 


Add a plant to the space.


You will want to make your journaling space as pleasant as you can. This means it should be visually appealing as well as comfortable. Adding a plant to the space can help to give it a sense of calm and tranquility. There are hundreds of different types of plants, ensuring there is one to match your preferences. 


Plants are also known to improve air quality, boosting the oxygen within the space. Not all plants will boost air quality so be sure to look specifically for plants with this feature if you want to gain the most benefits. 


Utilize the power of scent.


When you are going to write, you can control how you feel with the power of scent. You can create a relaxing, calming space by using a Lavender scent for example. Or you can improve your focus and concentration with a citrus scent. 


Think about a scent that helps you to feel calmer and more focused. Whatever scent you love, if you add it to your journaling routine, you’ll look forward to doing it. 


Have comfortable seating available.


Another thing you’ll want to focus on is comfortable seating. You aren’t going to want to write, or at least write for long, if you don’t have a comfortable seat. You could write on your bed, or in an ergonomic office chair. Some people also prefer to write on a large, oversized beanbag. The more comfortable your writing space, the longer you are likely to stick to it.


It isn’t hard to create a relaxing space for journaling. Whether you choose to do it at a desk in your office, or while sitting on your bed, the above tips will help you to create the best space.


When is the Best Time to Journal?

According to some experts, journaling at specific times can help to make the practice more effective. However, when you research the best time to journal, you’ll find a lot of contradictory advice. Some claim you should always do it in the morning, while others say journaling at night is better.


The truth is there is no set time that works better for everyone. The best time for somebody else might not be the best time for you. Therefore, it is a good idea to compare the benefits of writing in the morning and evening. That way, you can better decide which is right for you. 


Pros And Cons Of Journaling In The Morning


The most popular time of day recommended for journaling is the morning. Doing it as soon as you wake up can deliver a few great benefits. The pros of journaling in the morning include:

  • It helps you to set good intentions for the day ahead.
  • You can better recall your dreams.
  • It can kickstart the brain, making you more focused.
  • You’ll find it easier to make progress.


So, writing in the morning is ideal for those who are using the dream journaling technique, or those who want to be more proactive during the day. As fewer things are likely to crop up first thing in the morning, it also ensures you stick to your journaling routine. 


So, what about the cons of journaling in the morning? Well, events won’t be as fresh in your mind as you’ll be recalling things from the day before. Your mind is also groggier in the morning, so you may not be able to come up with solutions to any problems you are facing. 


Pros And Cons Of Journaling In The Evening


Journaling in the evening can also deliver some unique benefits. They include:


  • You can debrief your day.
  • It can help you to destress.
  • You may sleep better.
  • Creativity often increases in the evening.


When you journal at night, the events of the day are still fresh in your mind. You will be able to analyze them and get them out of your head before bed. This in turn will help you to sleep much better. You may also find it easier to write in your journal in the evenings if you are more of a night owl. This is where your creativity will be highest. 

Of course, there are downsides to writing in the evenings too. Some people find they have trouble sleeping if they try and journal before bed. This is because thinking about your problems right before you go to sleep can get them stuck in your mind. It can also cause you to stay up later than you should if you write for longer one day for example.


When trying to determine which time is better to journal, consider the pros and cons of each option. You should also think about your own lifestyle and where journaling can best slot into it. The right time for somebody else may not be the best time for you. 


Why is Journaling So Popular?

Journaling is one of the oldest self-help practices in the world. It dates to the 10th century and has only grown in popularity over time. Today, millions of people use the practice to help improve their lives. 


So, why is journaling so popular? Here, you’ll discover what is driving the journaling craze and the reasons you should consider taking it up yourself.


Journaling relieves stress


Did you know that journaling is a great tool for relieving stress? Getting your thoughts and emotions down onto paper can help to clear them from the mind. This automatically leaves you feeling calmer and more relaxed.


Journaling can also be used to analyze your problems. When you can clearly work out solutions to the issues you are facing, it can help you to feel more in control. This in turn will help to reduce stress, helping you to feel happier and more relaxed. 


It boosts mental health


Journaling is scientifically proven to benefit mental health. It can be used to relieve the symptoms of depression, reduce anxiety, and improve overall wellbeing. 


It’s easy to get lost inside your own head. We all have an inner critic, but for some it can prove to be overpowering. If you have trouble switching off your inner critic, journaling can help. You’ll be able to address negative thinking, helping to switch to a more positive mindset. 


The longer you journal for, the more mental health benefits you’ll experience. After just a month of journaling, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in your mood. 


Journaling provides surprising health benefits


As well as helping to boost mental health, journaling can also be great for physical health too. There have been a lot of studies which have shown that journaling on a regular basis can:


  • Boost your immune system.
  • Improve your memory.
  • Help you recover from trauma.
  • Improve cardiovascular health.


The health benefits are largely down to an increase in stress and negativity. You might just be surprised how much a positive outlook can improve your physical health. 


So, if you are looking to become healthier both mentally and physically, keeping a daily journal can help. 


Helping to improve every aspect of your life


With journaling, it can help to improve every aspect of your life. You can use it to better yourself in every possible way. Want to lose weight? A journal can help you to set goals and track your progress. It will also help you to identify what it is that is making you keep the weight on (such as poor eating habits or emotional eating).


You can use daily journaling to improve your relationships, get better sleep, become healthier and reduce stress. There really is no limit to what journaling can help you to achieve. 


These are some of the main reasons why journaling is so popular. While it used to only consist of writing down your thoughts, these days there are lots of different types you can practice. Research the different types before choosing which one is right for you. 


5 Ways To Improve Your Connection To Yourself

No doubt you’ve read dozens of articles on how to develop healthy relationships with other people. Yet, we don’t see many that talk about how to work at improving your connection to yourself.


The irony is that no other relationship is as vital to your health as the one you have with yourself. You may not be aware of it, but this relationship dictates everything in your life. It shapes the way you manage relationships, deal with colleagues, and even how you sleep at night.


Today, we’re going to reveal how improving your connection to yourself can make you a happier and more fulfilled individual.


Let’s dive in.


5 Ways to Improve Your Connection to Yourself


So, how do you go about improving your connection to yourself?


Well, you begin by taking your beliefs, feelings, and goals seriously. Then, you have to realize that your imperfections and strengths are two sides of the same coin. They coexist to make up the person you are today.


It’s important to remember that no one in the world knows what it’s like to be you. This is why you have to be your own best friend. Learn to show yourself empathy and self-compassion.


To boost your self-worth, start with these five techniques.


1. Understand Your Likes and Dislikes


Knowing what you like and don’t like is the definition of self-acceptance. It also means that you don’t change the way you live or the way you do certain things to please other people. Allow yourself to be truly seen for who you are—good and bad.


That can be hard at times. Our society conditions us to live by other people’s rules is the only way to fit in and be accepted.


Realizing that we’re all different means accepting your individuality. Understanding your likes and dislikes is a big part of that.


Once you know those, then you can do more of what makes you happy.


2. Be Kind


We can be our own worst enemies. We constantly criticize, prick, and prod at our imperfections without mercy.


Our weight usually tops the list. But there are other things we obsess over as well, like the shape of our nose or the bags under our eyes.


Why not try something different for a change? The next time you look in the mirror, find one thing you appreciate about yourself. Praise yourself and show gratitude for them.

We’re not saying this will be easy. In fact, you may not even think of anything, in the beginning, to be thankful for.


Don’t be surprised, you’re not alone. Almost nine times out of ten, your eye will automatically fall on the features you don’t like about yourself.


But don’t worry. With daily practice, you’ll be able to make a list of all those things that make you beautiful and unique.


What about those other things you don’t like? Learn to accept them. They’re still part of what makes you the special and unique person you are.


3. Listen to Yourself


When something feels off, pay attention to what your gut is telling you. Even if it’s difficult, uncomfortable, or goes against what others are telling you.


Let yourself feel and get comfortable with your emotions and beliefs. When you listen to what your body and gut are telling you, you’ll feel inner peace and a sense of belonging.

After a while, you’ll get better at understanding your body’s cues and signals. Only then can you start improving your connection to yourself.


4. Establish Good Habits


Setting up healthy habits is a sure way to improve your relationship with yourself. Start from when you first wake up in the morning all the way to when you go to sleep.

Some of these habits include:


  • Journaling
  • Write down positive affirmations
  • Exercise regularly
  • Actively plan healthy, well-balanced meals
  • Practice mindful meditation
  • Smile more often


5. Cultivate Encouraging Behavior


Many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude. We decide to do something then as soon as we start to fall back, we call it quits!


Perfectionism actually leads to depression. It gets you in this vicious cycle of self-blame and negativity, which can lead you to a dark, lonely place.


To avoid this toxic cycle, begin by accepting you’re not perfect. You will mess up and your day won’t always go the way you planned it. That’s okay.


Let’s say you set up a goal of going to the gym five times a week for an hour. The first week goes as you planned, but the second week, you miss a day (or two!)


You can do one of two things: call the whole thing off or you can pick up where you left off. If, by week three, you feel that five days is too much, tone it down a bit. Maybe go for half an hour instead of a full 60 minutes.


This doesn’t have to just apply to exercise. It can also apply to your diet, sleep, and work goals. Show yourself some love and encouragement and do the work. Everything else will follow through.




Having good self-esteem strengthens your sense of self. It’s one of the best ways to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and, ultimately, with others. Each of the five techniques aims at improving your connection to yourself. That should be your number one priority.


By practicing them daily, they can boost our self-confidence and help us stay grounded. As a result, we’re able to form a strong, well-balanced connection to ourselves. Only then can we start living in alignment with who we truly are.


Tuesday 31 May 2022

How to Use “Morning Pages” Journaling as Part of Your Best Morning Routine

You’ve probably seen people post about their use of morning pages on Instagram or Pinterest, but have you tried it yourself? No? Why the heck not? Writing morning pages is a simple practice that can be an added benefit to not only your morning routine but your day as well.


Creating morning pages is the act of writing three pages of free-flowing thought by longhand. You are probably thinking, isn’t that journaling? Yes, yes, it is. However, mornings pages are done first thing in the morning, and without any premeditation as to what will be written.


The benefits of this practice are vast. The process will allow you to clear the revolving ideas from your mind, open up to new ways of thinking, and help lessen anxiety or negative thought patterns your mind naturally gravitates towards. The act of writing down in longhand what is floating in your mind allows you to engage with your own thoughts and surroundings in a way that typing does not allow. This is mostly because you are slowing down and can, therefore, take more notice of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.


Now that you know about morning pages, how do you incorporate this into your morning routine? You will first need your preferred writing utensil. This can be a pen or pencil, as well as a notebook or blank, loose paper. The next and final step is placing yourself with those items as soon as possible after waking up in the morning. You can do your morning pages from your bed or kitchen counter, with tea or coffee, or a sports drink even. 


At first, it may seem challenging to sit and write three pages longhand. Your hand may cramp, you may not know what to write, and three pages could seem like an eternity. The point is to stick with the process. If day one, you only write half a page, be sure to not take a defeatist standpoint. Come back the next morning and try again. 


Remember that no one is going to read what you write. Your words do not need to be profound, thought-provoking, or even grammatically correct. You just have to write. Any thoughts, feelings, or dreams that come to mind go onto the paper. You can even throw away your pages every morning when you’re done.


Morning pages can seem incredibly daunting, but do not let that stop you from exploring the benefits for yourself.


Saturday 26 February 2022

Questions You Can Ask Yourself for Self-Discovery

Even though we are all endowed differently in terms of gifts and talents not all of us is well aware of what our endowments are. It is also true that most of us know what our strengths are but they do not know how to maximize on them. We do not know how to use them both for our own benefit and for the benefits of others. One of the main reasons why people do not maximize on their God given talents is the failure to discover them. Many young people have the problem of identifying who they are really are and what they are in this planet. They are not able to make solid decisions towards fruitful career choices. Ones that augur well with their personality.


It is sad to note that it is not only the young people that are affected with choices regarding their lives but even the older people have the problem of discovering their real self. Many adults make choices in life without taking their passions in to consideration. The problem is that they deny this undisputable fact and tend to keep to their comfort zone. They are afraid of changes n their life and prefer satisfying external desires. 


There a number of questions that you can ask yourself for self-discovery. These include; asking yourself the activity did you use to love doing when you were a child? You can also ask yourself that if you so happen to write a book what subject would you talk or rather what would you write about? Ask yourself what area or aspect in life that you feel you can comfortably help people in? Also ask yourself what your close associates and friends or even what you relatives say about you. Ask yourself of the dreams you are always day dreaming about. Search your memory and try remembering a certain day that you felt you utter mostly felt that happiness from deep within you.


All these questions will lead to the discovery of the real you. You will at the end of the day have a personal satisfaction of the direction or path that your life ought to take. You will be motivated and inspired. You will find yourself facing each and every day in a different way. With energy and vigor. You will be more confident about yourself and you can handle anything that comes your way with ease. 


Understand Your Personality, Develop It and Be a Successful Consultant

If you are a professional consultant in whichever field, you basically are someone that others look up to in that specific area for guidance and direction. Therefore, you cannot afford to be a blind man leading another. You need to know your personality so that you will make the best out of it and so that your career will go to greater heights.


The first thing you should do is to analyze your personality type or temperament. Are you an artisan, guardian, rational or an idealist? We shall name these temperaments A, B, C and D respectively for ease of identification.


The type A person is a very flexible person, and he is not rigid to one routine or schedule. He can easily move with the wave. However, this person does not work on information whose foundation is not concrete, and he prefers to use his senses more than he uses hearsay. The type B person also loves working with the same kind of information as the type A person. This person will hardly pay for things simply because he heard that they are on their way coming. He will need to see them first and even touch them and have close scrutiny ion them before any commitment is made. However, this person is not as flexible; he works with a written plan.


Then, there is the type C person. This person is spontaneous in his thinking. He is also very positive minded about all things and he believes that something can be made out of even the most useless things. Instead of working with actual, solid information, the type C person works like an artist – with abstracts. The type D person is one who is also spontaneous in thinking, but also trusts in his instincts when feeling. This is also a person who loves working with abstracts as opposed to the types A and B persons, who love solid information. 


Therefore, you need to know what you can do best using your personality type. The type A person can work best as a coach in arts (music and drama) and as a gymnasium personal coach. Type B person can do well as a business consultant (especially in recruiting workers) and as the consultant in charge of teamwork and answerability at work. The type C person is a good consultant for management teams, research in medicine in business. The type D is good in the same areas as C but can also make a motivational and inspirational speaker.


Monday 14 February 2022

Personal Accountability—Do You Know Your Own Influence?

All of us influence someone. We may not be leaders, but we are in leadership. We may not be powerful but we have power. We may not have responsibility but we are responsible. An old adage states, “No man is an Island.” Even those people living the most isolated of lifestyles have influenced someone, are influencing someone or will influence someone. You cannot be human and not influence someone or something in your world. Do you know the power of your personal accountability and the influence you have on the world around you? 


As parents, we influence our children. Early child hood experts tell us that a child’s personality is fixed by the age of 5 years old, and in those early preschool years, children lay the foundations for everything they will need to learn for the rest of their lives. As they watch their parents or the significant adults in their lives, they learn as we teach them values, morals and behaviors they see portrayed in us. We influence our children in more ways than we sometimes understand.


As members of a work team, we influence the people we work with every day, even if we do not have a leadership responsibility over them. As we interact and work with our colleagues, we challenge work ethics and habits. We help colleagues learn new ways of doing their jobs and to approach time management in a new way. Our influence can help create a harmonious and happy working environment but a lack of team focus by any member or members of a workplace can create an environment of hostility and jealousy that reduces productivity and increases job satisfaction 


When we realize the influence we consciously or subconsciously have over other people, we are more willing to accept personal responsibility for our actions and reactions to particular circumstances and situations. It challenges us to consider others needs and the consequence of our actions and words. 


There are however those who live with a very self-focused view. This attitude is characterized in advertisements on television that suggest we have every right to focus on our personal rights and to indulge our dreams and desires. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with this attitude unless in the process we forget we are not an island and what we do will always influence others. We lead others by example.


Maintaining a Journal to Discover Yourself

Do you keep a journal to record your life journey? Maintaining a journal is an exceptionally good way of making sense of the things you go through in your life. You can tell your journal what you cannot tell other people and as you look back on past entries, your journal is a record of how every experience you go through in life, becomes a mirror that reflects how you have grown through those experiences. 


Many people feel they could not keep a journal. If you feel this way, and the reason is that you do not like writing or feel you can’t write properly, do not let this stop you exploring this excellent method of keeping track of the many thoughts and ideas that travel through your mind daily. Journaling is not about needing to write in any style or with grammar. You are the only one who will read the journal. It is your thoughts on paper 


Other people have found creative ways to use their journals. Drawings, photographs and poetry or quotes can sometimes depict the stories that you cannot write on paper. It is not the method you use that is important, but it is the concept of keeping a journal; it is the benefit it will be to you and your journey of self-discovery. 


Most of us hold our feelings inside, these can have both a stunting effect on our personal growth, and they can lead to health problems if the stress that usually accompanies them remains internal. Expressing thoughts on paper is the simplest way of learning how to express our feelings. Once expressed we can either look at them from a different perspective and deal with them ourselves or we can feel more willing to talk about them with others. 


Journaling for self-discovery need not be only for expressing our inner feelings and thoughts. As we travel through life, we inevitably have some great ideas. As we write these ideas down, we can return to them when we are in a position to either follow them up with action or to revisit them in the future. Without writing our ideas down, we often forget them and many of the gems that life offers us are forgotten when we try to commit them to memory. 


Once you create the habit of maintaining and writing in a journal often becomes a lifelong habit.