Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Monday 15 August 2022

6 Practical Steps to Improving Your Life with Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk impacts your life in more ways than you can ever imagine. Without realizing it, we become our own worst enemies, stripping ourselves of self-confidence and peace of mind. Left unchecked, this lack of positivity in our lives can start affecting our health, leaving us worried and stressed, unable to relax. 


Fixing it? This is actually easier than you think. It all starts with positive self-talk and following these six practical steps.


You start by catching yourself in the act. These three steps will put the brakes on negative self-talk before it can gain a foothold:


Write it Down


Keeping a journal is a great way to get a handle on what you’re thinking. Try writing down your impressions of the day before bed. This allows you to let go of feelings that might fester if allowed to run unchecked when you’re trying to sleep. Re-reading those entries later will give you a picture of just where you are. It might be you’ve been more negative lately than you thought.


Just Say “No”


When you catch the negative statements in your head, your job is to stop them before they form. The moment you recognize your self-talk shifting to something less than uplifting, you need to say ‘no’ to it immediately. Say the word “Stop” out loud if you need to. 


Snap Back


Psychologists have advised this therapy for years to stop negative thoughts. You simply place a rubber band around your wrist (one that doesn’t fit too snug). Simply snap the rubber band whenever you have a negative thought. Eventually, you’ll find yourself stopping those thoughts automatically just to avoid the ‘punishment.’


Next, try following these three steps to put positive self-talk in action:


Tone it Down


What word can you change in the negative thought to take the sting out? Instead of ‘stupid’ perhaps you were ‘mistaken.’ Instead of ‘slow’ maybe you’re ‘thoughtful.’ By paying attention to your words, you’ll automatically start shifting your self-talk to the more positive.


Switch Sides


Make a game of it. Every time you hear yourself making a statement in your head, ask yourself if you can somehow reword things to make your words neutral or even positive. See how many of these thoughts you can change.


Question Everything


Instead of listening to negative assumptions, turn them into questions. For example, “That’s impossible” can become “How can I make that possible?” Questions look for solutions while statements are already decisive.


By tracking what you do and acting with intentionality to change the situation, you’ll discover life looks different. You’re feeling more relaxed and can even embrace optimism. You start liking yourself a little more. It’s here where you start discovering the potential you’ve been holding all along. 

Why Is Mindfulness So Important?

You’ve probably heard at some point in your life that being mindful is an essential part of a healthy and happy life. But you may be wondering just why this is. And this is because being mindful has the power to change many different aspects of your life.


Mindfulness Helps With Mental Health


When you spend your entire life running around, worrying about all the things which may be happening in your life at present and in the future, you’re likely to run into mental health problems. When you aren’t mindful of yourself and how you feel, you become stressed, which can have numerous effects on your mental health. To take care of your mental health and lower your stress levels, it’s crucial to be mindful of your environment and how you feel and respond. This will help you be more at peace mentally and keep your brain feeling fresh.  


Mindfulness Boosts Creativity


Not only does mindfulness help preserve your mental health, but it also nurtures your creativity. This can be especially important when you face challenges in your life, as creativity is a part of learning to overcome challenges. According to various studies, mindfulness has even been discovered to improve brain function and memory, which can also help an individual navigate the twists and turns of life more easily. And those who were more mindful in their everyday life didn’t tend to suffer the same memory loss issues later in life as those who weren’t mindful. 


Mindfulness Keeps You Healthy


Besides just mental benefits, mindfulness also has several physical benefits for your body. It works to improve immune function so that you can stay healthy and fight off infections more quickly when you do get sick. One study even discovered that being more mindful increased enzyme activity in the body which slowed down the aging process (Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress, Epel et al.). This means that mindfulness is scientifically a part of leading a longer, healthier life.




Mindfulness is an integral part of leading a happy and healthy life, no matter how you look at it. Mindfulness helps to keep you mentally sane, boosts your creativity, and works in several ways to keep you physically healthy as well. So, if you want to live your best life, it’s time to start being more mindful today. 


Tuesday 2 August 2022

7 Secrets to Reclaiming Confidence that Successful People Know

Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 


The problem is, enthusiasm can be hard to come by, especially when yours has taken a beating. Setbacks and disappointments have a way of knocking it down. We start doubting ourselves and lose sight of who we really are. Without confidence, it becomes impossible to try, guaranteeing failure. 


Thankfully, we know one thing for certain: confidence can be reclaimed, as every successful person knows. Read on to discover 7 things successful people know about reclaiming confidence.


They Remind Themselves They Can Do It


Successful people recognize failure is normal. Getting there won’t be without bumps. The important thing when trying to regain confidence is to realize success is still a possibility…or even a probability. This is where you remind yourself of your goal and visualize success all over again.


They Walk Away


There comes a time where a break is the best thing you can give yourself. Confidence wavers when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Doing a hobby you love, or even just taking a walk, or spending time with friends, does a lot toward regaining a positive mindset when you’re feeling frustrated.


They Revisit the Past


Where have you succeeded before? Where have you failed? Everything that’s come before is a teaching moment. What do you know about yourself already from these events? Understanding the “you of yesterday” is where your insights today come from. Confidence comes from using this knowledge well. 


They Forgive


Hating yourself for some mistake you made isn’t going to get you anywhere and only destroys your confidence. Being able to let go and forgive the past is crucial to future success.


They Keep a Handle on What They’re Saying


Self-talk can be particularly destructive to confidence. How do you talk to yourself? Are you patient and understanding, or do you tend toward negativity? Grabbing hold of those mental put-downs will preserve self-confidence. Using more positive statements will build it up.


They Start Over


The only sure way to fail is to do the same thing, in exactly the same way, when you’ve already failed the first time. Rather than force failure onto yourself and eradicate confidence, revamp the strategy. Ask yourself how you can do things differently this time.


They Keep Trying


Persistence pays off. If you fail and stop, you’ll always think of yourself as a failure. It’s the person who gets up and tries again who builds confidence as they go. 


In the end, the only way to reclaim your confidence is to put intentional work into recovering it. By using these tips, you’ll get there. Recognize the process can sometimes be slow, but success truly does still lie within your grasp, even after a setback.


7 Small Ideas to Reclaim Confidence in Big Ways

Children are absolutely fearless. If you ever doubt this fact, then spend some time on a playground, and you’ll see exactly what’s meant by this statement. They jump into play, enlisting the help of perfect strangers for companionship and to meet their goals. They climb and run and jump, frequently with unbridled enthusiasm that adults come to envy. 


We’re actually born with confidence. Sadly, this becomes lost through experience. All it takes is a nasty trip and fall to teach a child to approach life with more care. As we grow older, the process continues. We lose confidence with every failure and start taking to heart every harsh criticism. Soon we become so immobilized we see no way out. 


The good news? Confidence can be fixed just by making several small changes in your life. Read on to find out how.


Honor Small Achievements


If you’re feeling like you never do anything right, making a list of the things you do well, and the accomplishments you’ve made is a great place to start. Enlist the help of someone who knows you well, as they’re apt to think of the things you might be too close to see. Once you have your list, keep it handy and re-read it when you feel confidence flagging.


Pull Yourself Together


A lack of confidence can make you want to hide in your own clothes. Rather than losing yourself in baggy, unattractive clothing, pull out the outfits you know you look good in. You’ll find yourself feeling more confident every time you look in the mirror.


Clean Up Your Act


Like dressing well, just taking better care of yourself does wonders for confidence. Eat right, exercise, and be sure to get enough sleep. You’ll feel worlds better, meaning your outlook likewise improves.


Check the Self Talk


Speaking of outlook, what have you been telling yourself? If you’re hyper-critical, it’s no wonder your confidence is flagging. Instead, turn your inner dialogue positive, focusing on the things you like best about yourself.


Challenge Yourself in Small Ways


A little success goes a long way toward improving confidence. Give yourself a task to do you know you can complete then set about doing it. Just the feeling you get when you finish is enough to give you a positive boost.


Finish Something


We all have unfinished projects around the house or at work. Digging in and finishing up something you’ve needed to for a while will serve a twofold purpose: you’ll feel good about getting something done, and you’ll even reduce some of the stress hanging over you. Both things increase confidence in giant ways.


Be Nice


Doing a kindness always boosts your own mood. This leads to increased confidence as you realize you really can make a difference in someone else’s life.


Because confidence comes from acting, use this list as a jumping-off point. Soon you’ll be discovering a multitude of ways to increase confidence. How exciting is that? 


Monday 25 July 2022

5 Things to Ask When Looking for a Fresh Start

That's it. You've had it. Life is just not going as well as you'd like. It's time for a change, a Fresh Start if you will. But how do you know where to even begin? Especially if you're still neck-deep in a life you want to escape.


It’s simple. You start by asking yourself these five questions:


What Are You Looking For?


Too often, what we're thinking is a change in our life is nothing more than a dressed-up version of the old. To avoid falling into this trap, start looking for real and actual change. Start by asking the hard questions: What do you want out of life? How are you not getting this? What would you need to do to attain this? What's one positive change which would place you closer to this dream?


How Many Risks Are You Willing to Take?


Fresh starts will demand a certain commitment from you, which manifests in how much of yourself you’re willing to put into the project. If you’re not willing to risk a new way of life, or much in the way of change, you’re not going to have much success. 


What is Different About the Life You’re Proposing


If you're looking for a new beginning, there has to be something 'new,' or you're not starting over at all. You are merely continuing what you've been doing all along. What is the thing you haven't done before?


What Are You Giving Up?


A new beginning means something else is ending. What are you leaving behind? Keep in mind this question doesn't necessarily imply you need to abandon every aspect of your past. Sometimes we're leaving behind only a small part of our life.


Are You Truly Ready to Let Go of the Past?


This last question can be hard because you might not know this answer until you've begun. Every fresh start is doomed to failure if you're weighed down with a lot of baggage from the past. At the very least, though, it helps to have a positive attitude about letting go and are willing to do the work to make this happen.


In the end, these questions will give you some idea of what to expect as you embark on this journey of letting go. After all, being prepared truly is half the battle. 

3 Ways to Live More Strategically

When you live strategically, you make it easier for yourself to accomplish a goal and make decisions along the way. The problem is, it can be hard to know what you need to do to live a more strategic life. If you struggle with the idea, read below for three ways you can learn to live more strategically. 


Have a Strategic Plan for Your Life


It isn't enough to decide you want to live a more strategic life. You have to create a strategy to follow. It can be difficult to follow your thoughts and dreams when they are just in your head, so it's better to write this strategic plan down. This will help you to have a narrower focus and to plan out better how to deal with certain decisions when they arrive. 


For example, if you wish to hold a higher position at your job, write that down, then write what you can do to help you get there. 


Plan Ahead for Change


If you are following a strategic plan, it can be harrowing when something in your life changes and the plan doesn’t fit anymore. But this is okay. The only way to adequately deal with change is by embracing it so you can deal with it more quickly and get back on the path you were on before. 


It’s best if you prepare for possible changes in advance. While you can’t prepare for everything, this is a strategy that will help keep you on top of your goals even when the unexpected happens. 


Be More Confident In Yourself

When it comes to living a more strategic life, you will find that it is vitally important to be confident in yourself. It will take confidence and belief in yourself to stick to your strategy when people may disagree with you or you experience times of hardship. 


If self-confidence is something you struggle with, you should employ different tactics to help boost it. Some good ways to help your self-confidence are positive self-talk, practicing gratitude, and changing your posture when you sit and walk. 


If you have decided that you want to embrace a more strategic life, it's time to create a plan to prepare for change. It would be best if you also worked on your self-confidence, so you can stick to your strategic plan even when unforeseen circumstances come your way. 

Sunday 10 July 2022

3 Mental Shifts to Enrich Your Self-Belief in an Afternoon

Why are we so hard on ourselves? We hold ourselves back, stuck in a comfort zone that isn’t really very comfortable after all. 


If you’re tired of negative self-talk and feeling like you can’t accomplish anything, then it’s time for a change. It doesn’t even need to take long to do. In fact, by allowing yourself three mental shifts, you’ll not only enrich your self-belief, but you’ll be able to do so in a single afternoon. Read on to find out how.


Shift the Past


It’s time to let it go! Look at all the times where you felt less than stellar. For every time you messed up, you’re going to need to forgive yourself. It’s just that simple. This might take some time to do well, so prepare to dig in, and face some things you’ve maybe been avoiding. You start by examining each memory separately and responding to those memories with a heartfelt “I forgive you.” Once forgiven, you have to move on. That’s it. While this might not sound fun, it is absolutely crucial toward success. 


Shift the Messages You’re Listening To


Not every voice in your head says something worth absorbing. What are the messages you give yourself constantly? If you’re being negative, you absolutely must change over to a more positive dialogue. Reword problems to create exciting challenges and brainstorm solutions. Change out negative words to a more positive-sounding counterpart. Your inner dialogue must switch out to the positive if you intend to succeed. Self-awareness of your internal dialogue is where you start. Notice each time a negative self-belief comes up, recognize it for what it is (an old negative belief that you can change), and switch to a positive statement until you deeply believe the new version of you.


Shift the Game Plan


Now it’s time to act. Take your goals and discover the steps needed to fulfill them. Set yourself in motion to accomplish those smaller goals. Accomplish things. It’s these accomplishments that will shift your self-belief. What you’re doing is creating empirical evidence that you’re a person capable of success with each micro-goal you accomplish. What’s more, those micro-goals will eventually add up into those grand sweeping goals that you set initially, proving you’re capable of change, and of doing great things. 


Shifting your thinking isn’t as complicated as it’s made it out to be. The key is to be aware of your thinking and holding steady to the course you’ve laid with these three rules. You’re going to be amazed at how differently you feel, and how quickly life begins to get better.


Fears That Hold You Back From Finishing What You Start

Do you constantly find yourself starting a project you have every intention of finishing, and then you simply don't finish it? 


This failure to finish could simply be you harboring several fears that are holding you back from finishing what you start.


Fear Of Failure


The fear of failure is one of the most common fears people deal with. Almost everyone will experience it at some point in their life. This fear with undoubtedly hold you back from finishing what you start. 


This fear will hold you back from doing what needs to be done to conquer things that may be difficult or out of your comfort zone. The fear of failure often leads to procrastination. So, to conquer your procrastination habit, it's time first to learn to face your fear of failure. 


Fear Of Losing Something


Although this fear isn't as common as a fear of failure, one of the reasons you may be putting something off is because of your fear of losing something. Whenever you complete a project, you will be putting yourself through changes. 


This change can be scary and may cause you to fear losing something you currently have in your life. It would be best if you overcome this fear. Change is good and realizing this is important. Even if you do lose some things along the way, you are working towards something bigger and better. 


Fear That Others Will Judge You


Another common fear is that your peers will judge you. And this one, unfortunately, could be true. If you have goals, dreams, and aspirations that might seem odd to other people, you may put them off or give up on them forever. 


You might have a nice starter train set in your closet but never act on your plan to set it up because you are worried it isn't "cool" enough. Is that any way to live your life? 


Part of life is accepting that you are okay if people judge you and your actions. You know who you are and what you are doing, so don't let others' perceptions of you change your behavior. 


Overall, if you are struggling to finish something you've already started, it's probably because of one of these internal fears. The best way to work towards finishing what you start is by learning to conquer these three fears so that you can go on to be successful in all of your endeavors. 

Why Do We Need to Leave Our Comfort Zone?

Your comfort zone is so, well, comfy. Why would you ever need to leave it? Not to mention that being uncomfortable is so …uncomfortable. However, there are several reasons you need to leave your comfort zone. Read on to find out more. 


Your Comfort Zone Won’t Grow


Do you wish you were more comfortable with certain things? You will never become comfortable with new things unless you step out of your comfort zone. This is the number one reason that you should. Your comfort zone is a huge part of who you are, and if you want to grow as a person, your comfort zone needs to grow too. If you never step outside of it, well, you may be stuck in the same place for a while. Staying in the same place isn't very fun. It can be quite boring and frustrating. 


Your Comfort Zone Might Shrink


Not only will your comfort zone not grow if you don't step outside of it, but it might get smaller or shrink. Your comfort zone is like a muscle, and it needs to be worked out frequently to stay strong and grow larger. If you stay in your comfort zone, certain things that might be slightly comfortable may soon seem scarier than they did before. Instead of getting comfier with them, they will start getting more uncomfortable. Before you know it, you could find yourself taking steps backward instead of forward. 


Not Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone is Settling


You might think that you don't care if your comfort zone shrinks. Maybe you are too comfortable with some things already. But the reality is, if you decide not to step out of your comfort zone, this means you are settling for the way things are right now. 


Are you completely happy with your life, or is there even one thing you wish you could change? Change only comes when you step outside of your comfort zone. If you are still thinking about settling, give yourself a pep talk because you are too good to settle for your current comfort zone, no matter who you are. 


Regardless of what your comfort zone might look like, it would help if you stepped out of it. If you never step out of your comfort zone, it will never grow, and it may even shrink. As a result, you won't grow as a person. Don't settle by refusing to step out of your comfort zone. Take steps to conquer your fears and expand your comfort zone today. 


Tuesday 5 July 2022

Are You Weighed Down Because You Hate Your Life?

Life can seem pretty hectic. Work, family, kids, and budget: balancing it all gets too much at times, and we feel like we’re at our ropes’ end.


We feel hopeless, isolated, and afraid. When all that negative energy combines, it can lead us to the sensation that you hate your life.


While it may seem like you’re in a rut and you’ll never escape, there is a way out! It takes a bit of soul searching and recognizing you’re not happy. Then, after coming to terms with the fact that something is wrong, you can take actionable steps to correct it.


Keep reading to find out more.


Get to the Root of Your Unhappiness


We mentioned above that the first step is to admit that you’re not happy. Once you recognize this, you become one step closer to reversing this state of mind so you can find joy and fulfillment in life once again.


But sometimes, it’s easier said than done. Change doesn’t come quickly, nor is it easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and a level of self-awareness that many of us just don’t have time for.


Or to be more specific, we don’t make ourselves a priority. So, we just keep feeling unhappy. But then, this unhappiness filters into every part of our lives, making us hate everything about it.


After all, it becomes this sense of feeling like you have this weight that’s crushing you. As a result, you feel miserable, stuck, and unmotivated.


The good news is that there’s a silver lining. Of course, there’s always hope that things can turn around for the better. But you have to be willing to put in the work.


For example, if you detest going to work every day. You hate it so much that it takes every ounce of energy in your body to get out of bed, then it’s time to look for a new job.


If you’re in a relationship where you feel tired and hum-drum rather than enjoying yourself and your partner, then leave.


Remember, you control your life’s choices. You just need to remind yourself how strong, worthy, and capable you truly are.


We do have to point out that there will be times in your life when you can’t take drastic measures to change your circumstances. That’s okay, too.


You just tell yourself that it won’t always feel this hopeless. But the silver lining is that one of the constants in life is change, so keep your head held high and always have hope that things will take a turn for the better.


Create a Life that Reflects Your Goals


One reason we’re unhappy is that we’ve strayed from our core values and the goals we set up for ourselves. Even if you never said your goals out loud or wrote them down in a diary, they’re stored deep in your mind.


Then, when the life we’re living isn’t getting us anywhere near these goals, we feel anxious and on edge. But, many times, we don’t connect the two things.


So, we keep muddling through, making us more anxious and driving us even farther away from our goals and values.


Family, friends, and society are another factor that drives a wedge between us and our authentic selves. They all have their own opinion of how we should live our lives, and they’re not afraid to tell us. Repeatedly.


Many times it’s just easier to follow along. After all, they know us better than ourselves, so who are we to doubt them?


But the reality is when you carry out another person’s idea of how you should live, it ultimately backfires because you’re not following your true path.


Be Kind to Yourself


Your inner thoughts are primarily based on childhood experiences and past influences. Oftentimes, they can be our own worst enemy.


Yet, they’re just thoughts, right?


Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. These thoughts can drive you to hate your life by repeatedly telling you you’re not capable of progress or won’t make it because you’re not good enough.


The truth is our thought patterns shape our reality. The sooner you realize that the better because then, you can start to gain some control of this negative self-talk.


Start by showing yourself more empathy and compassion.


You’re probably great at helping others in their time of need. So why not do the same thing for yourself as well?


There’s so much empowerment and self-love that comes with being kind to yourself. For starters, you’ll stop hating your life. Then, you’ll start seeing the good things instead of constantly mulling over the bad.


So, the next time your inner critic voice starts to say something, focus on something positive that happened to you that day. Over time, you’ll find it easier to overcome the thoughts that undermine your worth and sabotage your achievements.


A Final Note


If you’re dissatisfied with how your life is turning out, start by finding out why you’re feeling this way. Once you put your finger on the why, it’s time to focus on changing your thought patterns from the toxic to the optimistic and productive.


Assess what needs to change and start making plans. Once you find the path that leads to your true self, keep at it. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but if you remain resilient and work hard towards your goals, you can achieve much more than you thought possible.

Thursday 30 June 2022

How Can I Get Motivated Quickly?

The term "motivation" is commonly used in ordinary speech to express why someone does something. It is the force that propels human behavior. According to a study by Washington University, "Most people readily acknowledge that motivation is the desire to do something but is it that simple? While motivation can start with a mere thought or verbalization, it must be followed by visible action—and anchored by a clear vision. The natural, psychological, interpersonal, and intellectual elements that trigger behavior are all motivation. Without these things, the thoughts and words tied to a desire for change remain empty and powerless."


People's drive and willpower fluctuate for a variety of reasons. At times, you may feel energized and motivated to attain your objectives, but you may also feel unmotivated or unclear of what you want or how to get it. Even if you aren't feeling very motivated, you may take measures to get motivated quickly. Among the things you can accomplish are the following:


Just Get Started


You do not need to wait for motivation to begin. If you want to work consistently every day, you'll have to get started sooner or later. And the odd thing is that once I've been working for a bit, things become simpler and more enjoyable, and your motivation returns. 


Most of the time, procrastination results from having too much on your plate and not knowing where to begin. It's difficult not to feel this way when you attempt to address it all at once: but when you concentrate on one or two things at a time, it's simpler to stay motivated and not feel so burdened. The next thing you know, your entire list is completed, and you're out with all of your friends.


Start Small and Slow Build-Up


Don't let the size or difficulty of a job or assignment cause you to procrastinate. Somewhat, narrow it down into more miniature stages – such as Sending that email or doing laundry for 5 minutes – and then start with just one of them.


Minimize The Number of Everyday Distractions


It's difficult to concentrate when there are so many distractions all around you. As a result, close the door to your workplace. At the opposite end of your work area or home, put your phone on silent mode. Also, use a browser plugin like StayFocusd to keep oneself on track.


Rest And Relax for A Bit


The distinction between being sluggish and resting is significant. Laziness serves no proper function. Rest is essential for life and clears your thoughts so you can focus on your goals.


Perhaps you've been working on a project for far too long and are exhausted. Try sleeping on it for a while. Allow yourself some time to relax. Rest is necessary for our bodies and minds to perform at their best.