Showing posts with label For Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For Women. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 February 2022

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

If you are a woman, it is highly likely that you have had, do have or will have cellulite at some stage in your adult life. 90% of all women develop it and contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with obesity. Many women who develop the condition have a healthy range BMI (Body Mass Index). 


Cellulite is created by pockets of fat trapped beneath the surface of the skin producing the all too familiar dimpling of the skin that some describe as like orange pill in appearance. Although it is predominately a female condition, some men do develop the condition. It occurs predominately in the areas of the body containing the largest number of fat storage cells, mainly the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. 


A good diet and regular exercise will not stop cellulite formation; however, it does improve its overall appearance. It tends to be more obvious in overweight women. Women around the world spend money and time trying to eliminate or prevent the problem, but most find it extremely difficult to remove. 


There are different treatments, which have had different results for different people. The major treatments are as follows:


1.  Eliminate Body Fat: Although body fat does not cause cellulite, it does make it look worse. Losing weight and exercising will improve overall health and metabolism and will improve the appearance of the problem areas. Caffeine, alcohol and smoking increase the chances of developing cellulite. Reducing intake of these may help.


2.  Creams and Massage: There are varieties of creams available that state they treat and reduce cellulite. Some are available through pharmacies and others through specialist beauty products. Health stores sell some herbal creams. Massaging these into the skin is probably the reason they work if you see any improvement, as there have been reports of temporary improvement of cellulite after deep massage. Its long-term effect is debatable. 


3.  Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic surgery provides limited results as the liposuction removes cells from deeper levels than where the cellulite occurs. It provides minimal improvement.


4.  Cellulite Stockings: Comparatively inexpensive, these stockings do not cure cellulite, but they improve the appearance of badly effected buttocks and thighs and many women use them esthetically, with immediate improvement while wearing the stockings.


It is important to discuss appropriate treatment plans with a doctor who can advise the best individual treatment approach.


Monday 31 January 2022

Feeling Down—What Is Your Diet Like?

For a long time, the effect of diet on children’s moods has been the subject of debate. Child Psychologists suggest that diet modification may be an effective way of helping to improve children’s behavior. The effect of diet on an adult’s well-being is being increasingly understood. 


Many adults feel depressed or have no energy to do the things they want to do. People blame their children, their heavy workload, and their lack of sleep. Most people don’t consider their diet as either a cause of their feelings of negativity or a way to reduce stress and understanding this can help many people find some relief from the stress related negative feelings. If you are struggling with negative thoughts and feeling tired and stressed try these diet changes and see if they help you.


1.  Green tea has been identified as an extremely effective stress relieving drink. Drinking green tea in preference to drinking caffeine may help to reduce the effects of caffeine as a stimulant. Reducing Caffeine intake and drinking green tea are both useful strategies to reduce feelings of stress and tension.

2.  One of the reasons why people instinctively reach for sweet and savory foods when they are feeling down is due to low serotonin levels in the body. Sweet and savory foods can create a sharp sudden spike in feelings of well being and then drop suddenly. They stimulate the production of a hormone called serotonin, which reduce stress and create a feeling of contentment and well-being. 

3.  A better option is food high in good carbohydrates eaten with a protein source. Eating adequate quantities of both carbohydrates and proteins provide the body with optimum opportunity to produce adequate sustained serotonin levels. Some of the best foods to produce high serration levels are flaxseed, turkey, dark chocolate, fish and seafood, flax seeds, cherries and bananas. 

4.  Restrict the amount of sweet foods in your diet and don’t go follow a low carbohydrate diet. Easting sweet foods and certain starchy foods create and immediate feeling of well-being that quickly disappears and leaves a feeling of fatigue and tiredness. 


Taking control of your diet and choosing to exercise regularly helps you regain a sense of control in your life. This can reverse the negative feelings that are associated with poor eating choices. Positive thinking can be the result of feeling in control, even as feeling out of control can create negative thinking. When a person feels in control, anxiety and stress levels and negative self-talk and thinking usually decreases.

Give Your Health the Importance That It Deserves

Health is not a fad that will be over anytime soon, it is something that we are reminded every now and then, the commercial breaks, a short visit to the doctor, the leaflets given to us on the streets; seems like a lot of people are catching up with this health awareness issue. Even with all that information that we get do we ever follow it to the latter; do we really watch what we put into our mouths? Do we cautiously follow the recommended balanced diet? It really needs a lot of effort to be able to eat wisely and this can be achieved by setting goals to a healthy life. 


That desire should come from you, being forced to keep fit will do you no good because in other’s presence we will follow the whole diet thing but behind their backs we will do exactly the opposite. Trying to keep fit is not such an easy task especially if you are used to throw in just about anything into our stomachs and if we are not strong enough then we tend to go back two steps behind after making a step of progress. If you have a strong desire to make a difference then believe me you will go far with it.


They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but that does not mean that by just eating an apple you will be healthy; you have to take in a balanced diet. Don’t you think by keeping a healthy lifestyle, you would keep the doctor away from you for the longest period ever and no more scary visits to the hospitals which many of us loathe or no more fears of being diagnosed with ‘incurable diseases? So how do you keep a healthy lifestyle? You first have to believe that you can truly do it or else you will not go far. You have to set your goals right, put them down on paper and make sure you are able to beat the deadline. 


You have to ensure you take a balanced diet containing the carbohydrates, proteins and the vitamins not forgetting the roughage or water. You should also exercise from time to time to ensure you don’t have excessive fat in your body system. Avoid the canned food and opt for fresh food, ditch the red meat and go for the white type of meat and also avoid fried and baked food as much as they are sweet, they will lead you to a premature death. With the gradual change that you make, your life will change too and get better in terms of health. 

Health of Body and Health of Mind

What does it really mean to be healthy? If you are fit and can do all your work reasonably well, then does it mean you are healthy? Is fitness health? 


Most people equate health with health of body. This is not exactly wrong, because until some years ago, that was the concept and meaning of health that we had in mind. We thought that health of body means that you are healthy. People believed that if you are free from disease, it meant they were healthy.


But these are old notions. In today’s world, it is not just enough to be free from disease to be healthy. The view has definitely widened.


Today, health has various aspects to it. Experts speak about the physical, the mental, the spiritual and even the social aspect of health. Health is no longer just absence from disease, but you have to be free from any mental, psychological and social disorders too to be counted as healthy.


Think about a criminal. A person who does something against society does so because they are not well in the mind. Though they may not have any disease hounding them, they are definitely not healthy. They need to be cured; and hence even corrective methods used by governments and law agencies are modes of treatment.


There are so many signs of ill-health that parents completely ignore in their growing children. They see things like sickness and disease, but they completely ignore their mental grown and development. A child who lies needs to be corrected. A child who finds happiness in troubling their parents and teachers need some kind of help. These are not issues of the body; they are issues of the mind. They need to be tackled early on, because like any other disease, they can grow to serious proportions.


In the past, health was something that was individual. If you did not take care of your health, it was only you who suffered. But, with this widened definition for health, the scope has definitely increased. If you don’t take care of your health now, it won’t be just you who suffer. Think about the child whose habits are difficult to control. Such a child probably grows up and becomes a torment to society in some way or the other.


Health and wellness do not mean the same thing as they did a decade ago. In fact, even medical practitioners include various interpersonal and social methods of treatment. It is all a part of a much larger game. 

Keeping Fit for Life

It seems the issue of health and wellness is well known among children, men and women and everyone wants to keep fit. Have you realized how people go the gym of late, seems that business is really booming but I think you don’t have to spend a dime in the gym well unless you need to tone your muscles after losing weight and have a fabulous body that will be people’s envy. All you need is to eat healthy and enjoy these fruits of your graceful work. 


Keeping fit; helps you develop a psychological framework that conquers depression. You see when you’re obese or plump in the manner of having excessive fat in your body you will get depressed and continue to eat in a very unhealthy manner, since most people succumb to eating when depressed and this is a risk of shortening your life. It should be able to help you counter most health problems like high blood pressures and cardiac arrests. 


People believe that by starving themselves, the amount of fat in their bodies is reduced and some even end up being anorexic but that is not the case. If you again maintain a healthy lifestyle, your metabolism will be increased and do all the work for you by finding a natural way of burning the food that you eat so you do not have to starve or worry about what to eat. You will be more flexible and active since having a fit body means that you also have an energetic body therefore you can perform any task without having to tire quickly.


A high percentage of us have an ageing phobia and so more plastic surgeries are performed and more people are heading to the shops for anti-ageing creams. Why spend all that money yet you can easily withhold the ageing process, hard to believe right? Here is the thing, when you feel old, it means that your body is tired or not in good shape but when you feel young, it means that energy is freely flowing in your body and your body is in a pretty good shape. 


So, by keeping fit, you will feel younger and thus ageing will not be an issue to you. It also helps you burn more calories than you take in and this is a good thing. If you can burn around ninety thousand calories a year then a daily intake of two hundred and fifty calories will not be a bother and this is another way of losing weight without starving. Keep fit, stay healthy, younger and happier.

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Choosing the Best Eye Cream for Yourself

In a market where there are many choices for those looking for eye creams, making the right choice is vital, as the wrong choice could lead to damaging the skin, or a product which does not benefit the eye. Bags around the eyes, fine lines, puffiness and dark circles are all signs of ageing which eye creams should be targeting, and will be your first reference point in choosing the right eye product.


It is important to know that there are unscrupulous companies who would release a product which is a moisturizer, and market it as an eye cream, without considering the effect on the consumer. The features of an eye cream and those of a moisturizer mean they are two different products, and if you want a moisturizer there are plenty available, but an eye cream has to work as an eye cream, not just look like the real thing.


When taking the cost into consideration, ensure you have a budget in mind, and then seeing if the product matches it should be a consideration, as you should need an important reason to choose a product which is more expensive than others which are more competitive.


To avoid being the victim of a scam, you should look into the compounds found within the eye cream, as there will usually be studies associating these with eye treatment. Ensuring the product you’re looking at has the right concentration of ingredients to be effective is also important, as the more opportunistic producers will use minimal amounts of some ingredients to reduce their production costs, and then emphasize this in their advertising.


Newly-developed products with innovative ingredients will naturally have less published research about them, and in this instance searching for reviews of these creams can give you clues as to what they do to the skin around the eyes. Larger numbers of positive reviews from consumers should give you an indication a product is worth trying, whilst negative reviews from users could suggest you ought to look for another product.


However, a product is advertised, or however flashy the packaging, make sure that you judge the cream on the results and how it deals with the signs of ageing, which is why you are buying the cream in the first place. After all, a colored bottle or an impressive promotion doesn't improve the results of the product.

How to Get Beautiful Hair Naturally

Most men and women consider their hair to be very important to how they are perceived, and spend time looking after their hair. The industry providing products for this has seen a large increase in the number of products designed to help people look after their hair. Although there is a general impression that it is mainly women that spend time and money on their hair, research has shown that men as well as women take an interest in how to care for their hair.


With a large range of products available to suit every type of hair, there is a product to suit almost every consumer. However, even products that can be found in the everyday kitchen can be used for a more organic approach to hair care. Here are details of a few of products that can help provide the best hair, listed according to hair type.


People who have greasy hair have to consider using products specifically designed for hair care, with the use of a lemon grass or mint shampoo being used thrice a week being particularly beneficial. More frequent use will prevent the hair from returning to its usual Ph balance, and can cause problems and deterioration of the hair. A solution made from lemon juice can be applied after washing which will work against the excessive production of sebum with the astringent properties of lemon juice.


If you suffer with dry hair, it is important to ensure your hair is hydrated, and a conditioner designed to provide moisture for dry hair is essential every time your hair is washed. A simple way to add moisture to your hair is to apply hot water to a towel, until it is wet, but not dripping, and then placing it on your head. It’s like a sauna just for your hair instead of the body.


Those who have problems with dandruff would be well advised to use a lotion combining mint leaves and vinegar. Not only does this help prevent dandruff from becoming a problem, but will also leave your hair looking both sleek and shiny. The examples mentioned here are just a few of the problems and solutions that can occur with your hair, but a little bit of research can help you find even more useful tips for your hair. 

How Water Makes You Irresistible

Have you ever thought about how important water is in your life? From the refreshing shower, to an invigorating swim in the sea, or the inviting waters of a lake, water is vital. The cooling raindrops on your face on a humid day, to letting the rain wash over your face and lips, smelling the scent released from the flowers and trees by the rain. The rain brings out our spirituality. After a strenuous run, is there anything better than a glass of fresh water?


10 Ways That Water Keeps You Gorgeous


  • No other drink quenches your thirst like water.
  • Water keeps your cells supple.
  • The electrolytes in your body are balanced by water, energizing your body.
  • Drinking water reduces your appetite.
  • Staying hydrated keeps your brain active, and encourages a good mood.
  • Your muscles recover better after a workout with a supply of water.
  • An effect of drinking water is to keep your skin healthy.
  • Water helps you lose fat by increasing your metabolism.
  • Drinking water will help flush toxins produced by your body.
  • Water keeps you healthy, and being healthy keeps you attractive!


3 Tips for Water Consumption


Tip 1: When thirsty, drink twice as much as quenches the thirst.

Tip 2: To avoid dehydration, drink regularly during the day.

Tip 3: Around eight glasses of water is recommended, or one glass per 20 pounds you weigh. For example: 7.5 cups would be recommended for a person weighing 150 pounds. Being active, or living in a dry climate will add to the amount of water you need.


Disclaimer: These are recommendations for people choosing a healthy lifestyle. Refer to your doctor before implementing a change in diet or exercise regime.


Water Facts


95% of your brain is water, and it will use up to 40% of the water you consume. Your blood contains 82% water, and your lungs are 90% water. Even a 2% drop in the supply of water to the body can cause dehydration, problems in identifying small text and issues such as short-term memory problems and difficulty in completing simple mathematics.


Although you can count caffeine-free tea and fruit juice in your fluid intake, alcohol or coffee are diuretics and promotes water loss. Sugar in the juice can also dehydrate the body, where fresh water doesn’t.


Daily Mantra


“Every drink of fresh water replenishes and revitalizes my life force.”

Recuperating After Botox Treatment

After Botox treatment, the recovery process is usually relatively straightforward. Since anesthesia isn’t used during the injection of Botox, there is no need to hold back a patient once the procedure is complete. There are minimal side effects, and when risks arise, preventative solutions are available. You will improve your chances of getting the results you want if you know how to recover properly from the treatment. 


  1. Applying ice to the area around the injection for around 10 minutes after the procedure will help reduce and swelling or bruising from happening.


  1. Have your concealer on hand if you have to go to work or to a social event, and apply to the area if you experience any redness around the treated skin.


  1. Try not to apply pressure or massage the flesh around the injection, as this will spread the Botox which cause muscles not intended for treatment to be paralyzed. Gently wash your face, and if possible, sleep facing upwards.


  1. Heavy activity after the treatment should be avoided for the first day after treatment, as the substance can move and affect an unintended part of your face unless you allow some recovery time.


  1. Once you have received the treatment, ensure your head stays elevated for a few hours afterwards to prevent the substance from moving to different parts of the face.


  1. Your doctor can give you a pamphlet and provide a demonstration of facial exercises which will help you test the dexterity of the facial muscles after the procedure.


  1. You may also want to ask what products not to apply to your face after treatment, to try and avoid side effects and infection.


  1. Keep in mind that the full recovery from the treatment can take up to ten days, so not having your desired results after 24 hours is not unusual, as Botox can affect different people in different ways.


  1. Ensure you arrange an appointment after recovery with your doctor, as they will want to check that the dosage used has achieved the results you were looking for.


Should you or an acquaintance want to know more about Botox and your options, refer to a cosmetic surgeon who is board certified specializing in Botox treatments. They can supply the resources and information to help you decide which treatment to go after, and to get the results you want.

Why You Should Not Have a Facelift

If you needed any convincing that going for cosmetic surgery won’t always be an improvement, look at pictures of stars such as Joan Rivers. However, this isn’t always enough to prevent people from being tempted by the cosmetic improvements, and people are always sure that they would only have treatments that are necessary to stay young and beautiful.


If you needed any more reasons not to opt for a facelift, there are a number of reasons to go for surgery-free alternatives.


Other options are now highly effective alternatives to surgery.


Restoring a youthful visage shouldn’t be an overwhelming reason for a facelift, as technological developments have given us treatments which can provide similar results without a surgical visit. Why go under the knife?


The alternatives such as Thermage and Ultherapy are effective in skin tightening, and encouraging collagen growth, this can lift the skin in a way similar to a facelift. Both techniques are extremely safe and do not require surgery.


Although not individually enough to keep you from the surgeon, consider these other two reasons.


Surgery-free treatments are socially acceptable in most circles. 


News that a famous celebrity has chosen to undergo a facelift is no longer big news, but undergoing surgery for cosmetic purposes still has a stigma in many parts of the world. What may be the norm for the celebrities is not necessarily what is acceptable in all of society today.


It is one of human nature’s most instinctive responses to inspect and judge the results of cosmetic surgery once someone has had surgery. It is natural that many people will look and stare at those who have gone under the knife, and consider whether surgery was right for them.


The alternative treatments such as Thermage and Ultherapy don’t leave the marks that plastic surgery can, and will tighten and lift your skin so people notice the natural beauty, not the surgery.


People will ask about similar treatments, rather than gossiping about your surgery between themselves.


Non-surgical alternatives have less risks to your health and beauty. 


Many women can benefit from a facelift, but there are many cases annually of surgery errors which can cause scarring and deformation. Though not largely discussed, it is an unavoidable reality of cosmetic surgery.


With the possible consequences of surgery, perhaps sagging and wrinkles is not all bad, or even better, non-surgical alternatives could be the answer.

How to Make Your Man Want You

An old saying that marriages are made in heaven may not hold true always. In order to maintain a happy relationship, you need to work on the relationship constantly. If you ever take it for granted, you are bound to lose the love and the spark that existed in your relationship initially. Two persons always have certain differences amongst themselves. Therefore, it is the right psychology and the attitude that makes a relationship work and you can attain a healthy and loving relationship.


People often take it for granted that their partner thinks the same way as they think. However, it is exactly the opposite. Men and women have different attributes of thinking a situation; therefore, the actions they take are also different from each other. Therefore, you must assess a situation standing from his point. 


Become a woman he likes. Generally, men love women who not only behave with nicely with him, but also with all the people around. In other words, be a well-behaved and good-natured woman. Respect yourself and be proud to be a woman. Men prefer women who have beauty with brains. Therefore, make yourself more appealing to your man by having both external beauty and making your inner soul beautiful. 


A man prefers women who fit into his family well. Love his family, show respect towards his parents and be friendly to his friends, though not overly friendly. Being overly friendly can make him jealous and create arguments in your relationships. 


Try to get close to the traits of the woman that your partner dreams of. Giving more than the required time to your partner can make the relationship suffocating. Therefore, keep sometime for yourself and pursue your interests, hobbies and dreams during that time. Your partner will want you more in that case. 


Make yourself beautiful. Visit gyms or yoga sessions for regular workouts. Keep yourself fit and toned. Go to spas to get treatments done and beautify yourself. If you have a beautiful mind with loads of fun, it will reflect in your attitude and your partner will want you even more. 


Get some alone time for each other. It means both of you can consider going out to a restaurant for a quite dinner out and have some alone time for each other only. Alternatively, it may be a walk in the park holding each other’s hand and feeling the dependency on each other. These small little feelings are also an essential part of the relationship. 


Thus, you can make the relationship more lovable and make yourself wanted more by your man by following these small little tips.