Showing posts with label Family Activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Activities. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Recreation—An Elusive Thing that You Have to Grab Hold of

In today’s hasty world, one thing that most of us have forgotten is that the human body needs to relax. We need to take time out for ourselves. Our bodies are more complicated than any machine man has ever devised. Even the best of machines requires to be energized in some way or the other and they need to rest if they have to work for a long time. But, with our own bodies—these amazing machines that nature has provided us with—we are completely laidback. We don’t realize the need of rest for our body machines. And therein lies a major problem.


Today, most people flinch at the prospect of rest. There is so much work everyone has taken up that resting seems like a taboo. It is something you should not speak of. It is something for the lazy people who can do nothing good in their lives… that’s the sorry impression we have about rest and recreation.


But this attitude can only take us faster to our graves. If our body doesn’t get the chance to recharge itself, how will it be able to continue functioning normally? How do you hope to make your body more productive the next day if you don’t rest today?


Rest is one thing; recreation is another. When we are resting, we are just shutting ourselves off from the world for a while. But when we are recreating, we do something that we enjoy. We enrich our minds when we recreate and at the same time our brain is happy because we are doing something that we love. It releases more endorphins and that’s the reason our entire body attains a state of natural felicity. This is a factor that can enhance our health in great measure.


However, the important thing is that recreation isn’t something that comes naturally to us. We have to take it. Like for hunger or thirst, we don’t have an instinct for recreation. That’s the reason we don’t ‘feel’ the need to recreate, but this is definitely something that we should do.


Whatever it is that we like to do—go for a walk, watch a movie, listen to a song, read a book, write something, talk with our friends, take the dog out, play with our children—we should do. We should spend time doing that for at least a few minutes every day. This makes our mind richer and our bodies fitter. If we want to make a well-oiled, productive machine out of our bodies, then we must not forget to give it its dose of recreation each day of our lives. 


Monday 28 March 2022

Meat Tradition

How did our family traditions get centered on consuming meat? Consider it. When we consider Thanksgiving, we consider turkey. If we consume pork, then New Year’s celebrations frequently revolve around pork and sauerkraut. At Christian Easter, the traditional meal is ham. And in the summertime, we wait for that 1st hamburger or steak on the grill. 


How did that occur to a species that was designed to eat veggies and fruits, nuts, berries and legumes? 


We may imagine that eating meat was at the start an opportunistic event, born of the need to survive. The taste of cooked meat, plus the prolonged energy that came from eating high-fat meat products made primitive sense even to earlier man.


At the start, finding cooked animal meat, from a forest fire, would have been cause for jubilation. It’s something everybody in a clan would have participated in consuming together. When man learned to hunt and moved to a hunting preference, instead of a hunter-gatherer orientation, he would have done this in groups. They'd have had to hunt in teams, and killing an animal for nutrients would have been a group attempt. Hunting and killing an animal meant food not simply for the individual, but for the clan, and would have been cause for festivity when the hunters brought the food home. 


If they fetched the animal back to the clan, it would have taken a group effort to skin the animal and tear or cut the meat from the carcass. Everybody would have taken part in this, and subsequently, shared in the payoffs of their work. 


It’s simple to see how, once we didn’t have to hunt for meat, but could buy it, the need for gathering and festivity was deeply ingrained in our natures. We observe the seasons and life’s events with loved ones and friends, and as those early celebrations involved eating meat, that tradition has kept going to modern times.


Carpet Repair

How frequently you need to repair your carpet depends upon you. There are instances like burns, crushing, fading, furniture, bleeding, sprouting, and carpet bugs where you'll wish to take action. Most of the time, you can finish a repair job without requiring a pro, although there will be times when you'll need pro assistance.


Burns happen when a cigarette butt or flame comes in contact with the rug. If the burn is little, the burnt fibers of the carpet may be cut out with scissors. If the burn is big, you'll have to replace the area with a fresh piece of carpet. You can do this yourself if you understand how, or have an installer do it.


Fuzzing happens when loose fibers come out on the edges of the rug. To fix this, merely cut the fibers that are sticking out. 


Heavy furniture may result in indentations being left on the carpet. To eliminate these nasty marks, you ought to sprinkle your carpet with some club soda, place a towel over the area, and then iron it. Do this a few times and you'll see your carpet start to re-fluff.


Much traffic on the surface of the carpet will cause it to flatten out, which might give some types of carpet a shadowed appearance. If this occurs, you ought to brush and vacuum the area. If you can't fix the issue, you may need to hire a pro, as this may sometimes be really tricky.


A rug is known to have sprouts only when there are tufts on it, which are longer than the remainder. As pulling on them will merely damage the rug more, you ought to trim them off with scissors and level them down to the rest of the pile.


The best way to deal with carpet bugs is with a strong vacuum suction. You ought to always avoid spillage and keep the surface of the carpet clean of food. The carpet beetles are rather annoying, as they feed on wool, hair, hides, fur, grain, seeds, and flour. If the carpet is overrun badly, a pro cleaner is the way to go.


Bleeding of the carpet is the loss or transfer of the color from one section to a different. Good underlays may help to prevent bleeding to a particular degree. Crocking on the other hand is the loss of the carpets color when it's rubbed. To avoid this, merely avoid getting your carpet wet.


Monday 21 March 2022

Planning Kids Birthday Parties

Kid's birthday parties should be fun and pleasurable. That's what makes them memorable. There are some things that individuals must consider when planning children’s birthday party. Whether it be a grand birthday bash or just a simple affair, the preparations and the planning that go into it can affect how it will fare out. When organizing a kid's birthday party, here are some valuable tips that might help guarantee things would come out all right. 


Before planning a kid's birthday party, the main organizers (usually the parents) should come up with a planned budget. All the preparations needed for the party would depend on how much the parents will be willing to spend. There's no sense in planning for a grand birthday party when the parents wouldn't likely to afford an all the expenses. The next thing on the schedule would usually be the theme for the birthday party. This might not be a bit much of a problem (maybe except on the expense side) since the celebrant would have the first say. Parents can only suggest the available choices. It's important that the birthday celebrant has the right to choose. It's his or her special day after all. After the theme, choosing a venue would be the next thing to consider. 


There are various choices available for parents. The simplest one would be having the party right at home. The home would provide the most ideal venue where parents and organizers perhaps able to have a bit more control over what happens during the party. What's more, a birthday party at home usually is less expensive than having it anywhere else. 


Parents and organizers of the party should also consider the weather when planning an outdoor party. There can be times when it may not be as cooperative. A sudden rain shower can ruin even the most beautiful outdoor birthday party in just an instant. When planning a kid's birthday party outdoors, parent should try to check the weather conditions more frequently. Weighing the disadvantages involved can help prevent making the wrong conclusions after.


Souvenirs For Kids Birthday Parties

Aside from the food, souvenirs are one of the most awaited items that kids look forward to when attending children’s birthday parties. If you're apparent who's dreaming up what souvenir your child can give away to his or her friends during the birthday party, then think about home-made friendship bracelets. If you do not have much of an artistic knack, the simplest thing that you will be able to come up with is an elastic band friendship bracelet as a keepsake. 


These are bangles or "wristlets" that are used as a piece of fashion accessory but in this case, these can be worn by your kid's friends to stand for their friendship. While doing the items, you are able to squeeze out the creative juice in your kid and encourage him or her to research other possibilities of the craft. This very activity can also help him or she to be attentive to people the he or she cares about. What you ought to do prior to doing this activity, the first thing that you need to accomplish is to ask your kid if he or she wants the home-made friendship bracelet as a keepsake to be given afterwards If she or he agrees, then make certain that the youngster will be a part of the full process such as deciding on the materials, the designs, also as the dominant colors to be applied. 


The first step in making the friendship bracelet is to obtain the supplies called for which include sets of colored beads of your or your baby's choice, elastic band nylon string, a pair of pair of scissors, glue gun, pieces of glue stick, tape measure or ruler, and a round nose pliers if you Pick to add locks and other metal items in the bracelet. You are able to find old stuff in your home or buy these in the crafts store nearby. To make the process faster, you can segregate bead pieces by yourself. Next is to come up with a bracelet pattern and draw in on a piece of paper. Here, you are able to ask your youngster to come up with his or her pattern and incorporate it with yours. 


Using a tape measure or a ruler cut the string according to your sought-after length with a scissors. Then, gather the beads that you have separated and selected earlier and start threading the beads into the elastic string. After that, knot the two ends of the string after you threaded the beads in it. Be sure to tie the final knot twice so it will not loosen up. Cut the excess nylon string using a scissor. To make certain that the ends would not loosen up; you can put glue on the knots and flatten it with round nose pliers. You now have unique keepsakes that you are able to give out during children’s birthday parties.


Kids Birthday Party Food

Apart from the games and prizes, among the things those children look forward to when attending kids birthday parties is the food. This is because kids get to eat whatever they want when they're out of the house since these are the only ones available for their consumption. If you're one of those parents who are having a hard time with what food to fix during kid’s birthday parties, here are some of the foods that you are able to use as a guide. Remember, if you're planning for the menu of the party, you have to give utmost consideration to the taste buds of children since they'll be the ones who will eat most of the food that will be prepared in the party. To ensure that they'll enjoy the food, make a menu that include the usual foods that children love to eat like cake, ice cream, chicken, pasta, cookies, barbeque, and cupcakes. For adult guests, you are able to make a separate menu for them to assure that they won't get hungry when you serve those kids foods. 


Tips in choosing and preparing foods for the menu:


1. Try to cook the favorite foods of your youngster. Since he or she's the "boss" for the day, the child has a say in the list of foods that can be served during the party. It's best for parents to ask their children what are the foods they have in mind before making the menu. Ask the child what she or he would want to eat during the party will also give you an idea what other kids might like to eat. You can also ask your child directly what he or she thinks are the foods that his or her schoolmates and acquaintances will enjoy. From the child's response, you are able to get a consensus what to prepare. 


2. Search for new recipes that kids might enjoy. You are able to do this by browsing the Internet and searching websites that can link you to new recipes that children enjoy today.


3. Try to serve healthy meals. Since kids will be the ones who will eat most of the foods, try to serve them items that have nutritional value. Though it might seem inconceivable, you can do this by preparing the dishes by yourself and replacing healthier ingredients to the more common foods that kids eat. 


4. Always make an effective presentation. Most of the kids that attend kid’s birthday parties are easy drawn to eye candies. That is why it's very important to make an effective presentation when it comes to the foods that will be served during the party. Make certain that you


Monday 7 February 2022

The 5 Important Assets of Our Lives

We are all looking for different things in life. Some of us want to become rich, some of us are looking for fame and some are looking for things they can do to improve society at large. But though we are here for different things, there are several common elements among us, and this is true for a king as well as a beggar. These are the things that we can count as our assets. All our activities are so that we can preserve these assets we have.


Asset # 1: Our Self


Our self comes above everything else. This relates to the people we are within, our individuality… our thoughts and beliefs… our likes and dislikes. All these things make up our selves. We are all gives unique personalities and we need to preserve them. Enhancements and modifications always keep happening within us, but at the core of it all, we are the same people.


Asset # 2: Our Family


The second important thing in our lives is our family. A large part of what we do throughout our lives is for our families. We are always engrossed in their improvement and advancement. We want to progress in lives, but we want to progress with our families. Most of us plan out our lives keeping our families in mind as well.


Asset # 3: Our Love


Love is something that gives meaning to our lives. Relationships give our lives a new direction, and we gain in strength. We need to preserve the love that we get, especially the love that we get from people we don’t know from birth.


Asset # 4: Our Friends


Friends are important to us because they are so influential in our lives. The way our friends think and act somehow influences our beliefs and actions too. It is easy to make friends but more difficult to preserve them. However, preserving friendships should be a constant endeavor in our lives. This is something that can take us ahead.


Asset # 5: Our Passion


All of us have some or the other passion in our lives. The passion is defined by what we want to do in life, where we want to take our life. Our lives are the most ideal if our passion gets converted into our profession. If we do what we enjoy doing the most, we will never have to work a single day in our life. 

Monday 17 January 2022

Best Origins For Hospitality Occupation Listings

Hospitality vocations are sought after everyplace. As globalization continues to build up, so does the industry of hospitality. This is why the need for workers in this area also developed and has grown enormously. 


If you'd want to seek a position in that sort of area, then the best bet you have would be hospitality occupation listings. There are a number of sources in which you are able to find such listings. As a guide, here are a few of them.


The Net is one good source to discover occupation listings. There are essentially 2 kinds of job listings that you can pick from, if you’ll be searching by the net. First there's the generalized job listing and 2nd there's the specialized occupation listing.


The great thing about going online and seeking jobs is that you get to get at various sources. You likewise get to check into the companies first before you even go and apply. In addition, you can apply thru the Net. All you have to do is send them your resume by e-mail. They’ll contact you if your resume passes. 


The generalized listings are essentially sites online that offer free classified ads for different classes. Thus, not only may you find hospitality positions but likewise other fields of work too like education, Net based programs, health services and much more. 


You don’t have to fret about finding the position you like as though it were a needle in a haystack. Sites like these are most of the time organized by categories. They also commonly have search boxes, so all you have to do is type it in and you acquire the results. 


Specialized listings would be sites that are particularly made just for hospitality occupation searching. Here you gave the sack be sure that all the employers posting their ads are truly in the hospitality industry and are truly seeking individuals who may work with them in the industry. There's a greater chance for you to discover more offerings in that sort of listing, compared to the general one. 


Although it might seem low-tech, the paper is still a pretty great and reliable choice. The classified ads section is likewise organized and all you have to do is seek the category of Tourism/Hospitality. But newspaper is only good if you’re seeking a local position around your area. If you want an international one, the Net is still the most beneficial way to go. 


Occasionally companies themselves and recruitment agencies post openings; try surfing through their site or visiting their office to see if they've something posted.

The Perks Of Travel And Hospitality Occupations

Travel and hospitality occupations are commonly put under the spotlight now and you are able to expect this to happen for the following couple of decades to come. As science and technology develops, so does the accessibility of job positions in different industries. This trend also is applicable with service-oriented industries like hospitality. 


Occupations that would fall under this category are commonly those that involve providing services, accommodation and hospitality while traveling. These are commonly hospitality jobs that are based on cruise liners, airways, and land tour companies. Basic job positions would be tour guides, discovery guides, docents, and translators.


But, for cruise liner-based jobs, there are many more positions provided. For example, you may be a chef and work in the ship’s kitchen, a lifeguard where you’ll be placed near the pool while watching youngsters, a barkeep, waiter/waitress, bellhop and lot more.


If you require a job that has many benefits, then you should go into the line of travel and hospitality jobs. This industry is believed to be among the most promising according to authorities. It's likewise an area where you'd enjoy developing your talents. 


If you've no idea of the advantages you can get from occupations like these, then here are some of the basic perks of travel and hospitality occupations given by assorted companies. 


One perk of being in this sort of vocation is the high probability of having a stable job. There's an uninterrupted demand for these types of occupations. Once you’re in, your employer would by all odds love to keep you in the crew, provided that you work well and correctly naturally.


Commonly, jobs in this industry are likewise inclusive of meals and lodging. But, it would still depend upon the position you're in and the company you're working for. If your job calls for some traveling, then there’s a great chance that this sort of perk is included.


For housing, it might be the case that your company has a stipulated place where you can stay or they might be willing to reimburse your lodging disbursements. For food, companies commonly have a separate cafeteria just for workers where you will be able to take your meals or they might be willing to reimburse your food expenses or provide you food allowances. 


Since this is a people and service-oriented path, there's always the opportunity of getting tips from clients. Other than that, there's also the chance of meeting big tippers along the way. You are able to count on this opportunity particularly if you're working in big hotels and resorts. 


If you’ll be working on cruise liners and airways, then traveling would decidedly be part of your job. The best part here is that you get to do it free of charge. You get to see different places and different parts of the globe with minimum expenses on your part.

Eleventh Hour Vacation Themes

Eleventh hour vacations don’t have to be spent in crummy hotels and doing the same things over again. With a little creativeness, an adventurous spirit and imagination, you are able to enjoy a unique and marvelous eleventh-hour vacation without going over-budget. Here are a couple ideas to get you started out.


Pick someplace nearby. Don’t be so hasty in believing that nothing at home may offer you enjoyment. Occasionally, the finest things are right in front us. 


Vacationing someplace near likewise comes with an assortment of advantages. For one thing, you won’t have to drop much on transportation. Second, if an emergency arises at home or work, you can return immediately. Last but not the least, making arrangements for your vacation is likewise easier as you can affirm your reservations straight with the source. 


Escape with a train tour. Train tours might only be composed of one meal or fill your entire weekend. During Fridays and Saturdays, train tour companies frequently provide dinner rides and weekend escapes for guests. Sundays are special; they’re set aside for the family and with regard to the resumption of work on the following day, rides are commonly scheduled for breakfast, brunch, or luncheon.


Join another tour. Train tours are not the only sort of tour you are able to enjoy at the eleventh hour. If eating for you is fun, there are food tours for you to savor. Food tours commonly involve visiting different sorts of restaurants, markets, and other food-related establishments. There are likewise wine-tasting tours for wine connoisseurs, nature tours for devotees of Mother Nature, and a lot of other sorts. Utilize the net to discover the ideal tour for you.


Rough it out. Rent a recreational vehicle and begin exploring any of the gobs of national parks in the country. Be one with nature and work up close and personal with animals you used to watch merely behind zoo bars.


Go on a cruise. At last, if living in the lap of luxury is what you’re after then you ought to take a cruise. There’s always one leaving on the weekend so even if you’re fixing up eleventh hour bookings, there’s certain to be a seat for you!

Time For A Road Trip

Going by land does have its benefits – you can go as quick or as slow as you like, pick your mode of transportation (auto, trains or bus) and savor the view. You can't truly do that from a plane or a cruise liner. Here are hints you can utilize:


Acquire a map. Don't leave home without it. Other than a water bottle and a dependable auto, a great road map is your best friend when touring by land. Pick a motorist's map as it has more elaborate info about the roads and highways you may have to utilize. 


If you've time, try to read the map and mark your current location and your goal. View the route you wish to take and try to check replacement routes likewise. You never know if there's a snarl-up or construction work someplace.


While you're at it, attempt to check for local accommodations, filling stations, restaurants, hospitals or clinics on the way. That ought to give you sufficient info on the most primary things – where to get gasoline, where to eat, rest stops, sleep or your tires checked. That way, you'll be able to design your trip accordingly.


Bring only the things you'll really need on this trip, although if you'll be going by car, you likely can pretty much bring about anything that will fit in your trunk or backseat. If you're going by public transportation, make certain to bring only the essential stuff. That will help keep you mobile.


Never go on a trip by land without having your auto checked. Don't leave anything to probability. So perhaps the next filling station/repair shop is just ten miles away. What if your auto dies – are you willing to walk the remainder of the way simply to get your car checked? Make certain everything is in order prior to you even leaving your driveway.

If you'll be taking public transportation, make certain to get your tickets early. You ought to have your tickets on hand.


Not every destination you reach might have an ATM or a bank. If you're traveling by land, make certain you've cash in change -- $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills, along with loose change in coins. So just in case you find a hotel, inn or restaurant that will only accept cash, you're set. Plus, you never know if you'll have to place a call from a phone booth. After all, there are still areas where cell phones won't work.

Kids Birthday Parties Theme Ideas

Among the most gratifying parts in preparing for a youngster’s birthday party is coming up with the motif. Normally, the theme of the party will depend upon the age of the youngster. For those who are younger children, ages 1 to 2, it might be best to come up with motifs where almost all youngsters can connect. For tots and older youngsters who are able to decide what they'd want for their parties, it's best to base the theme on their pet cartoon characters and the like. 


It may be difficult to decide on a theme that will suit their youngsters best. If you're one of those who are having a difficult time picking what theme to use, here are some hints for you: 


Do research. This may be done by studying kiddie magazines that have birthday themes for each age group or may be done by browsing the net and look for sites that offer themes for youngsters’ birthday parties. Here, you'll have a wide range of choices for your youngster. 


Recognize the most popular ideas for birthday parties now. This is the most dependable way to go about picking a theme since your youngster’s party will be cutting-edge. You can get updates on the popular motifs by also checking it on the net. 


Pick a basic theme and make your own versions. There are so many basic ideas for youngsters’ birthday parties these days. But if you prefer to be unique, you can do your own variations to suit your kid’s personality. You can likewise mix 2 or more themes and come up with a fresh one that will certainly be a surefire hit to the guests no matter their ages. 


Choose a theme that would suit your youngsters’ personality. As a parent, you know what your child's personality is like. To make certain that he or she will love the party, pick a theme that will match his or her identity. 


Make certain that the idea of the party is suited for the youngster’s age and gender. This is really crucial. 


For boys, the most common ideas include a "Sports party", the "Pirate party”, and a "Farm party".


For little girls, the most popular themes are the "Princess Party”, "Pop star party”, or an "Arts and Crafts party”.

Youngsters Birthday Parties Tips

For parents, their youngster’s birthday parties are one of the most significant events in their parenthood. This is because they get to demonstrate to their youngsters how much they love them by making something for their own day. 


Just like in a lot of affairs, planning is the chief key to make any endeavor successful. To guarantee that your youngster will be having a pleasurable and trouble-free birthday party, make certain that you plan way before. 


Experts state that planning for a youngster’s birthday party ought to begin as early as one moth prior to the exact date of the party. This is because the more time one has, the better she or he may dream up ways to make the party more successful and fantastic. If you plan this early, you are able to have the best location, the better cake, and the verification of the guests who you plan to invite.


Consider a theme. If your youngster is old enough to choose a theme for the birthday party, allow him to her to do so. This is crucial to guarantee that the child will enjoy the party. This is likewise one great way of asking help from the youngster in the matters that require preparation. For younger kids, pick a general theme that youngsters of all ages may relate to like fairies and castles for girls and pirates for boys. If you've a theme this early, there will be more time for you to pick decorations and even costumes for the party. 


Choose a venue and band the time. To do this, you are able to get a consensus from the guests you're planning to ask over. It's a must that you think about their various schedules so you can come up with one that's handy to all of them. The same goes when choosing a venue. Don’t pick a location where parents and other invitees will have a hard time finding. 


Send birthday party invitations as soon as possible. Once you've a theme, location and time, you're ready to make the invitations. You can make your own invitations depending upon the theme of the party or you can simply buy readymade ones to save some time. It's a must that you get an RSVP so you'll know how many guests to anticipate.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Backyard Birds

You don't have to travel far to relish the delights and happiness of bird watching. Our own backyards may serve as the amusing place where new birders may begin learning the fundamentals. 


To build the most beneficial birding area in your backyard, you are able to make use of bird feeders. Make certain you research how far-off from one another the feeders ought to be. What to feed them is a different thing that you ought to know something about. 


Just like the feeders, the food that you choose ought to depend on what sort of birds you're hoping to pull in and where you reside. A few of the basic types of bird feed are sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and thistle. Frequently found in a mix, pour this sort of seed into a hopper type self-feeder to meet the needs of a lot of different species at one backyard bird watching place. 


Since you've built some feeders, which are a good way of pulling in the birds, you should see to it that you have a complete view for backyard bird watching. Take out low hanging branches that might block your view. Accomplish this when there are no birds around feeding on the self-feeders as a sudden alteration in surroundings might disrupt their behaviors.


Now that you're ready to start watching, you'll discover that you require some sort of magnifying device to watch the birds better. A common pair of field glasses to watch is commonly sufficient for novices, though you might find it more beneficial to mount a spotting scope near a picture window in your house. These visual devices will greatly step-up your ability to distinguish birds by their distinct marks and demeanors.


The spacing between trees and bushes is a crucial factor when taking into consideration our bird friends. It's crucial to think about providing open spaces that ought to be well protected from wind and street disturbance, since these disturbances don't appeal to birds.


Increasing the number of plants in your backyard guarantees more birds will be show up. You are able to even try to produce a layered garden to supply richness and diversity in your garden. You are able to add layers by planting bunches of shade loving small trees, shrubs and ground cover below taller trees. 


A great thing about birding or maintaining a birding atmosphere in your backyard is that your garden tends to be an organic garden. The birds help in curbing the garden pests and diseases without an arsenal of chemicals. 


A functional knowledge of organic gardening is crucial to someone intent on attracting birds. Utilizing plants native to your area cuts back the need for pesticide use as native plants are resistive to local pests and disease. 


There's nothing better than viewing colorful birds fly around a natural garden. This makes sure that birds will be coming back as well. Birding is an interest many individuals can enjoy and do without leaving your home or the city. 

Garden Friends

If we could garden without any disturbance from the Enemies which attack plants, then indeed horticulture might be an easy matter. But day in and day out we must look out for these little enemies... Small in size, but enormous in the mayhem they cause.


As human sickness might frequently be precluded by sanitary conditions, so pests might be kept away by rigorous garden cleanliness. Batches of waste are housing for the multiplying of insects. I don't think a compost heap is included but unkempt, uncared-for places appear to invite hassles. 


There are particular aids to holding back pests. The ceaseless agitating of the dirt by earthworms is a help in keeping the soil open to air and water. A lot of our common birds feed on insects. The sparrows, robin redbreast, chickadees, larks and American oriole are all illustrations of birds that help in that way. A few insects feed upon other and adverse insects. Some forms of ladybugs do this as well. The ichneumon-fly helps also. And frogs are marvels in the number of bugs they can eat at one meal. The toad merits very kind handling from all of us. 


Every gardener ought to attempt to make her or his garden into a place magnetic to birds and frogs. A great birdhouse, grain scattered about in early springtime, a place for water, are invitations for birds to remain a while in your garden. If you want frogs, ready things up for them as well. On a red-hot summer day, a frog likes to take a breather in the shade. By night time, he's ready to go forth to eat up some bugs, since toads favor live food. How may one "arrange things" for frogs? Well, one thing to do is to ready a retreat, placid, dark and wet. A couple of larger sized stones underneath the shade of a bush with possibly a layer of wet leaves would look really perfect to a frog.

Defending Plants

The devices and tools utilized for battling plant foes are of 2 sorts:


(1) Those utilized to yield mechanical protection to the plants; 

(2) Those utilized to utilize insecticides and antifungal agents.


Of the first the most valuable is the covered frame. It consists commonly of a wooden box, a few 18 inches to 24 inches square and about 8 high, covered with glass, protecting fabric, mosquito webbing or mosquito wire. The first 2 coverings have, naturally, the extra advantage of holding heat and protecting from low temperature, making it conceivable by their use to plant earlier than is otherwise safe. They're used extensively in attaining an extra early and safe beginning with cucumbers, melons and the additional vine vegetables. 


Simpler devices for protecting newly-set plants, like tomatoes or cabbage, from cut-worms, are stiff, tin, cardboard or roofing paper collars, which are made numerous inches high and big enough to be place around the stem and infiltrate an inch or so into the dirt. 


For utilizing poison powders, the home gardener ought to supply himself with a powder gun. If one must be limited to a single tool, it will be better to get one of the hand-power, compressed-air sprayers. These are utilized for using wet sprays, and should be furnished with one of the many forms of mist-making nozzles, the non-cloggable automatic type being the most beneficial. For more extended work a barrel pump, put on wheels, will be suitable. Extension rods for utilization in spraying trees and vines might be obtained for either. For processes on a very little scale a good hand-syringe might be utilized, but as a general thing it will be most beneficial to invest a couple of dollars more and get a small tank sprayer, as this casts a continuous stream or spray and holds a much greater amount of the spray solution. Whatever sort is procured, get a brass machine it will outlast 3 or 4 of those made of cheesier metal, which gives in very rapidly to the, corroding action of the strong poisons and chemicals utilized in them. 

As a concluding word to the intending buyer of garden tools, I'd say: 1st exhaustively investigate the different types available, and when purchasing, don't forget that a great tool or a well-made machine will be giving you satisfactory use long, long after the cost is blanked out, while a poor one is a ceaseless source of irritation.