Showing posts with label Beauty and Skin Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty and Skin Care. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Why You Should Not Have a Facelift

If you needed any convincing that going for cosmetic surgery won’t always be an improvement, look at pictures of stars such as Joan Rivers. However, this isn’t always enough to prevent people from being tempted by the cosmetic improvements, and people are always sure that they would only have treatments that are necessary to stay young and beautiful.


If you needed any more reasons not to opt for a facelift, there are a number of reasons to go for surgery-free alternatives.


Other options are now highly effective alternatives to surgery.


Restoring a youthful visage shouldn’t be an overwhelming reason for a facelift, as technological developments have given us treatments which can provide similar results without a surgical visit. Why go under the knife?


The alternatives such as Thermage and Ultherapy are effective in skin tightening, and encouraging collagen growth, this can lift the skin in a way similar to a facelift. Both techniques are extremely safe and do not require surgery.


Although not individually enough to keep you from the surgeon, consider these other two reasons.


Surgery-free treatments are socially acceptable in most circles. 


News that a famous celebrity has chosen to undergo a facelift is no longer big news, but undergoing surgery for cosmetic purposes still has a stigma in many parts of the world. What may be the norm for the celebrities is not necessarily what is acceptable in all of society today.


It is one of human nature’s most instinctive responses to inspect and judge the results of cosmetic surgery once someone has had surgery. It is natural that many people will look and stare at those who have gone under the knife, and consider whether surgery was right for them.


The alternative treatments such as Thermage and Ultherapy don’t leave the marks that plastic surgery can, and will tighten and lift your skin so people notice the natural beauty, not the surgery.


People will ask about similar treatments, rather than gossiping about your surgery between themselves.


Non-surgical alternatives have less risks to your health and beauty. 


Many women can benefit from a facelift, but there are many cases annually of surgery errors which can cause scarring and deformation. Though not largely discussed, it is an unavoidable reality of cosmetic surgery.


With the possible consequences of surgery, perhaps sagging and wrinkles is not all bad, or even better, non-surgical alternatives could be the answer.

Friday 31 December 2021

Vitamins To Improve Your Personal Life

Most individuals don't like to take any kind of medications on a day to day basis. They don't care that the medications will help them or not. They just don't like to take even an aspirin for a headache. So why would these individuals want to take vitamins. Well taking vitamins well help you in the long run. You get some of the vitamins you need in the foods you eat yet some folks need more than others. That's why you are able to buy one vitamin and it covers all the vitamins you need in one pill.  


How will vitamins help me? 


Taking vitamins will help you with many things like your vision, blood pressure, your moods swings, if you have diabetes vitamins can help, your nervous system, etc. If you think you might feel better is it not worth taking a vitamin. Vitamins will also help to strengthen your heart, immune system and boost your metabolism. The metabolite vitamins are available if you feel energy-less. 


How do I know if I need a vitamin?


Your body gives you clear indications when something is wrong. If your body is telling you that something is wrong, you should visit your physician. As a matter of fact, before you take a vitamin you should talk to your doctor first. Your physician will know what foods you're missing. Our body has a natural mechanism that alerts us when something is wrong. Learn to pay attention to your body and mind. Regrettably, this world desensitizes us to the point we fail to listen to our body. 


Vitamins will help boost your energy as well. If you lack sufficient vitamins, you'll start to have problems. The problems may include dry skin. Your skin may feel rough, or you may see thick corneal about the eyes. You may experience joint pain also. Vitamin deficiency can cause many complications. 


Vitamins are a great source of nutrients and energy, yet you want the FDA approved supplements. You are able to also choose foods, such as crab meats, watermelon, fish oils, and so forth to get the vitamins you need. Veggies and fruits provide us a great source of natural vitamins. If you have skin and scalp problems, you may want to consider Biotin. Biotin is great for restoring hair, treating scalp conditions, or enhancing skin. 


Why do I need to see a doctor before taking a vitamin?


Before you, start taking any sort of a daily vitamin you should talk to your physician first. Some of the things that you're seeing you may think that they're from not having the right vitamin in your diet but it could also mean something else are wrong with you. Your condition may need attention from a physician. 


So just to make sure it's ok, you should take a trip to your family physician and have a talk with him or her. You can buy your vitamins at the local stores in your town once your physician gives you approval. 

Friday 17 December 2021

Weight Loss Issues - Can You Be Cellulite Free?

One thing I really must say at the outset of this article is, that if you were to ask the majority of men to define cellulite they would most probably be completely baffled. 


Then after you explained it to them in detail and told them that you suffered from it, more likely than not the reaction would be to look at you as if you were slightly mad, shrug their shoulders and say that they had actually never noticed it. 


So one consolation I suppose, is that most men apparently just do not see it and do not know what all the fuss is about! 


(They can be wonderful sometimes can't they!)


From a woman’s point of view however, cellulite is at best something which restricts what she can or cannot wear, or at worst in extreme cases something which can be downright unsightly.


If we are being brutally honest, dimples on our cheeks can be really cute, but dimples on our thighs and our buttocks most certainly are not. 


It has been described as the dreaded "orange peel look" especially in relation to female thighs and buttocks.


Many women can literally spend absolute fortunes to try and find ways to eliminate it.


Having established that it is a big problem (for the majority of women at least), I find myself coming back to the question in my title - Is it possible to be totally free of cellulite!


In truth, I think sadly that as things stand at the moment, probably not, but there are many steps that can be taken to minimise the unsightly look of cellulite, and my intention in this article is to outline just a few of them.


It does really help if we try and understand some of the main causes of cellulite, and what if anything we can effectively do to both reduce the unsightly appearance (in our eyes at least), and even to try and banish it completely.


We should remember that the primary cause of cellulite is weight gain, and if a woman does gain excess weight the layers of fat under the skin expand, but sadly not in a smooth uniform way. 


We have the female hormone oestrogen which promotes fat on the thighs and buttocks to thank for this. 


When fat cells start to build up on the lower half of the female body, they are more likely to multiply and press against the skin. This process creates the bulged and dimpled look of the dreaded cellulite, and with very very few exceptions, it is completely a feminine problem.


Another important factor is that as we age our skin also tends to lose its tautness, particularly so if we do not take any forms of regular exercise. 


So having now determined the main causes of cellulite, let us look in some detail at some of the choices available to us to try and minimize the effects of it.


The first choice is that you can learn to live with it! 


Yes, I do actually mean that!


At the end of the day it is not going to detract from you as a woman, and there is no reason whatsoever why you cannot still be very attractive. 


Do not let it become an obsession under any circumstances!


The second and for me personally, the most important choice available is to make a seriously determined and long term effort to lose those unnecessary extra pounds. I strongly recommend a low fat diet as the first and vital step to take if you are to succeed in fighting this battle. 


Make it a top priority to become much more active! 


Simple changes such as walking more frequently, taking up a sport that you really could enjoy(perhaps something you did in the past), or alternatively taking the time to join a few exercise classes, are just some examples.


Join those exercise classes which concentrate primarily on hips buttocks and thighs. This will greatly help in improving and toning up those areas affected by cellulite. 


Your third choice is to try out some of the many creams that you can purchase. Use these with a deep massaging technique which will help improve the overall appearance of the cellulite areas. 


The fourth and most drastic choice is liposuction which removes excess fat. Another such process is Endermologie, a mechanical massage that will smooth out the dimples.


These methods can be really expensive, so you will have to be prepared to dig deep for them.


Useful Quick Fix Tips To Disguise Cellulite


Fake Tan - Apply the fake tan normally, but just before you are going to show your legs, rub a layer of hair serum (yes the stuff you use to stop frizz), along your shinbone. This makes the thinner area of your shinbone much more prominent, and will therefore help to disguise those parts which are less firm in appearance.


Wear The Right Shoes - Heels or wedges will make your legs appear much longer, but beware of ankle straps and flat shoes. They really do make your legs look considerably shorter and fatter. 


Take a tip from the celebrities - They wear heels with trousers and jeans, and have them made so that the trousers end about an inch below the ankle. The effect of this is to make their legs look really long and slim.


Draw The Eyes Upwards - If you are wearing your jeans on a night out for example, by either wearing a bulky necklace, a glittery scarf, or maybe even a Wonderbra and a V Necked top (if you are feeling slightly daring), you will distract attention away from your thighs. 


Wear dark colors as they make your bottom parts look much slimmer.


Try out a Fast Fix Treatment - Treat yourself by going to a beauty salon, and indulge in one of their cellulite instant fix procedures. These can be very expensive but they really do make your thighs look smoother and sleeker.


Unfortunately though, these procedures only last for a short length of time.


The majority of women would love to have thinner cellulite free thighs, but do please remember that it is your overall appearance which matters most. 


If you look and feel attractive in yourself that will be the way that others will also see you. 


Remember that the aim here is for improvement not perfection. Cellulite has been a feminine curse (as women see it), since the beginning of time. As yet no one has come up with either an instant or indeed permanent cure.


However until they do, and one day somebody just might, stay focussed on your overall health, take serious and meaningful steps to lose weight, and maintain a good exercise program.


That way you can at the very least keep the whole thing in perspective, and in so doing, maintain your self-confidence and self-esteem at a much higher level than it would otherwise have been.

Thursday 16 December 2021

Losing Weight While Keeping Your Skin Firm

Losing weight and keeping your skin firm in the process is possible if you do everything right. Don't get too eager about losing weight too fast and follow the right program and you will be celebrating your success.


Considering you don't have an excessive amount of loose skin already it is possible to lose weight and keep your skin firm in the process. The idea is to keep your body well hydrated day in and day out. NEVER EVER let yourself become dehydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and NEVER EVER totally eliminate your carbohydrate intake. From my experience most people who have lost weight too fast by eliminating their carbohydrates ended up with a lot of excess skin afterwards. The whole idea is to lose the weight to get healthier and of course to look better with your clothes ON and with your clothes OFF. Here are some tips:


1. Follow a well-rounded balanced diet such as my insulin response diet located at


2. Follow a full body exercise routine alternating with a split routine every 4 weeks. For example, full body routine 4 weeks, split routine 4 weeks, full body routine 4 weeks, and so on. 


3. Considering you don't have stomach ulcers and you are not on blood thinners you should also take ONE TEASPOON of cold artic cod liver oil ONCE PER DAY with your evening meal. 


4. Take 1000-1500mg of lecithin per day. Lecithin has been known to increase the elasticity of the skin. 


5. Anything you can do to increase circulation will also help. Skin brushing techniques are very good. Do a search on the internet for skin brushing to get all the info you need. Deep massages are also good. 


6. Most importantly if you are more than 75 pounds overweight DO NOT try to lose weight too fast. The more you weigh the easier it will be to lose weight on this program so ease into it slowly so you only lose about 3 pounds per week. Doing this will prevent the sagging skin. If you lose weight too fast you will end up with loose skin 90% of the time. 


7. Some of my clients have done weekly body wraps with great success but it can get messy. You can do this as an option but it's really not necessary. 


As an option you can also take a supplement called collagen. 


As I stated above one key to increasing the elasticity of your skin is to keep your body well hydrated. Yes, drinking water will do this. The average person needs at least 1/2 an ounce of water per pound of body weight. Possibly more depending on the type of exercise you do on a daily basis. The reason why so many people end up with loose skin after losing weight is because they go on low carbohydrate diets that will in turn dehydrate the body. If you lose weight and are dehydrated in the process you will see the scale weight go down but unfortunately most of the weight being lost is nothing more than water weight. If you are losing 2-3 pounds per week you are doing great. If you are losing 4-6 pounds you are pushing the limit. Any more than 6 pounds per week and you are sure to end up with loose skin after losing the weight because chances are you are restricting too many carbohydrates from your diet. Cutting out refined flours/breads and sugars will yield the best results.


Also, instead of getting on the scale every week to measure your progress go more by how your clothes are fitting. I always tell my clients to try on the tightest pair of pants they have and then follow my program for 4 weeks and then try them on again. After 4 weeks those tight fitting pants will be a thing of the past.


Follow all the above and you will see satisfactory results.

Monday 6 December 2021

Cellulite Treatment Methods

There are very few people who have cellulite free bodies, and for some who do have cellulite, they are able to hide it well. However, there are many people who are unhappy with their body image and want to do something about it. Sure, everyone wants to be able to find the perfect miracle cure, one that’s free of pain, quick, and removes all that unsightly cellulite. 


There isn’t really any such cure, but there are ways to help alleviate some of the problem. With new technology and extensive research, new products and procedures are available today that can help to reduce cellulite’s appearance, improve the tone of your skin, and also possibly help you shed an inch or two.


The first cellulite treatment available is called advanced keymodule endermologie. Considered to be an anti-cellulite treatment, AKE will supposedly help to smooth your skin while giving you a slimmer figure.


During this cellulite treatment you will be given special, stretchy, cotton clothing to wear. After you put it on, cylindrical rollers will then be placed on your skin and gently rolled over your body. It isn’t considered to be a painful treatment, in fact, it has been said that the suction effect actually feels like a wonderful massage. 


AKE’s idea is that the process helps to restructure your skin’s connective tissues, while stimulating your blood and lymph circulation and helping to eliminate any toxins. It is also said to trigger your body’s regular process for eliminating excess fat to help tone, firm, and smooth your skin.


The process is inexpensive and monthly sessions are usually suggested in order to maintain any results.


The next cellulite treatment is called vacunaut, or vacuum therapy. This process, developed by a sports scientist in Austria, supposedly promises to rid you of the excess fat around your stomach known as a spare tire. It also claims to be the only process found in the world that is able to achieve very effective, and just about effortless, abdominal workout.


During this treatment you will have to wear a suit specially designed for the procedure, while walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes. The machine is controlled by computerized pumps that change internal pressure, forcing your blood directly to the fatty tissue surrounding your stomach. 


The blood will absorb the fat that surround your stomach, using it to help power your muscles. In addition, this fat-enriched blood will be steadily moved over and over again to your working muscles.


The downfall to this procedure is that anyone with medical conditions such as those that are related to the heart, circulatory, or metabolic, are not able to use this machine. Also, it takes several months to see an improvement, and it works best when used together with a healthy diet.


The last of the cellulite treatments is the ionithermic body treatment. This process claims to be perfect for any person who has successfully lost weight, but still help toning and firming.


During this treatment, you will receive a body scrub as well as a pressure point massage. Any area that needs to be treated will be covered with thermal clay, as well as essential oils and pads, that emit a rhythmic electrical pulse.


IBT will work the areas by using a gentle action the combines faradic and galvanic stimuli, while also using the thermal clay and natural ingredients that are biologically active.


This treatment claims to promote the loss of inches, fat reduction, and also firming and toning your body.

Causes Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are fine lines of thin stretched tissue that may appear on the body, often during rapid weight gain or pregnancy. Naturally, our skin is very flexible. However, during rapid growth, the production of collagen is disrupted (collagen is a protein found in our skin that makes up most of the connective tissue giving it a smooth texture). This leads to reddish lines on your skin with a rough texture that will eventually turn greyish or white before fading. Stretch marks can affect both men and women, however, they are more prevalent in women, especially during pregnancy.


Apart from pregnancy, often times people who are obese, people how have excess amounts of body fat, or even body builders can both develop stretch marks as a result of the rapid bodily changes that occur. Heredity can also play a role in the development of stretch marks. Some people are naturally born with dry skin that is less elastic than that of other people. In these instances, it will require less body change in a short period of time to develop stretch marks. Also, many steroids which are taken through contact with the skin can cause stretch marks in one’s body. 


Stretch marks will eventually fade over time, although they will never naturally be removed from your skin. There are a few medical operations and products that you can use to help remove the stretch marks from your body, ranging from surgery to a variety of creams available which claim to help remove stretch marks. These operations and creams are very expensive and most of them are not very good or dangerous, so it is best to help reduce your chances of developing stretch marks in the first place.


This can be done by insuring that you are drinking a sufficient amount of water daily. It is also important not too drink excessive amounts of caffeine found in coffee, soda, and other drinks, as caffeine will help weaken the dermis, the layer of skin which gives it elasticity. Research has also shown that a healthy balanced diet helps reduce the chances of stretch marks.


Make sure that your diet includes protein rich food such as eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products. Zinc rich foods such as fish, as well as foods rich in vitamins will also help. A proper intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy and grain foods can all help reduce your chances of developing stretch marks.


Stretch Marks are a truly unfortunate condition. It is best that you make all attempts at avoiding them if possible. Try to be sure to maintain a healthy balanced diet and have a sufficient intake of water. There are certain times in your life where the chances of stretch marks are high and it is not feasible to avoid these because of circumstances, such as pregnancy. In these cases talk to a dermatologist (skin doctor) to determine what treatment is best for you if they do develop on your skin.

Burn Baby Burn: Getting Rid Of Your Baby Fat (After Pregnancy)

One of the joys of conceiving becomes quite obvious as the months go by, and that’s showing off your bulging baby bump, a trend being made ever so popular by Hollywood’s hottest expecting leading ladies.


But, unless you're one of the Hollywood hotties, you may not be able to shed that baby bump so quickly after delivery. In fact, if you’re over 25 and certainly over 30, losing the baby weight may seem like a losing battle. 


Not only has our body packed on the pounds during pregnancy, but along with age, comes a natural tendency to favor fat and gain weight. Once a certain fat level is reached and maintained for an undetermined but specific amount of time, the body accepts this (level) as normal and works at conserving it.


So, as you start to purge those extra pounds, other physiological systems kick and foster.


Re-gain. Hormones and neurotransmitters that control your activity level, your hunger level and how you metabolize food are also affected in ways that encourage fat to make its way back.


But, experts assert that there is hope, it just may take more time and conscious effort. And, they add, that it should be viewed and treated as a lifestyle change, and not a ‘temporary’ diet plan geared at simply shedding some extra pounds.


Among the key factors to dropping the weight and keeping it off is the amount of exercise you do over the long haul. Experts suggest a few times a week if possible, but even that may not be enough. In fact, the ideal amount would amount to about 30 minutes per day, even if it’s done at intervals, which is also a great way to help you not only maintain a healthy weight, but stay healthy as well.


Furthermore, studies show that losing weight and keeping it off may mean up to 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise daily (for most), and they again suggest breaking it into intervals. You can also incorporate exercise into daily activities such as walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. And, they caution those who are or may be out of shape to start off slow and take it easy and build up gradually.


Overall they suggest sticking within your (daily) calorie and exercise range and finding a program that’s practical and easy for you to commit and stick to. And they suggest making small, achievable goals that will enable you to see results, which will in turn be a motivation for you to continue on your successful path.

Botox: A Hit In The Cosmetic World

Who would have thought that something that is supposedly poisonous could have so many people clamouring for it? 


Scepticism Proven Wrong 


When Botox hit the market, many were sceptical on the effects of these newly developed chemical. A protein complex made from a bacterium called clostridium botulinum, many feared that the chemical will have the same effect on the skin as it has on the body. For those who do not yet know, Botox come from the same toxin that can cause food poisoning in humans. 


It turned out to be quite effective and a huge success especially in the cosmetic surgery business. It is also being used to relieve pain in muscle areas of people who have has chronic pains. It is actually so effective that people who were normally confined to their homes because of the pain now live normal lives.


Popular Alternative 


Since Botox inhibits the release of acetylcholine, a chemical responsible for the contraction of muscles in various parts of the body, it is primarily used to clear out wrinkles and frown lines in the face through injection in the areas of concern. The effect of the drug can last for several months. Only small amounts of the toxin are however used for these cosmetic procedures. Too much use of the toxin can produce disastrous side effects. 


In 2001 alone, almost 1.6 million Americans have had Botox injections in different areas of their bodies. This is a significant increase from 2000’s figures. In fact, Botox injections are even more popular than the immensely popular breast enhancement and breast augmentation procedures. 


Botox Parties 


The procedure has become so popular in fact that people even organize parties and social events just for the occasion of injecting Botox. This is actually part of the marketing campaign that has gained Botox injections so many followers. Women (and men) who regularly inject Botox for maintenance get together in small gatherings and simultaneously inject Botox. Outsiders especially those who have not yet tried the drugs but are interested can join the party. 


Abuse and Overuse


One of the growing concerns in the industry is the potential abuse of the drug. Although Botox is basically a prescription drugs, there are unqualified people who are distributing the medicine. And because the drug must be injected again and again to maintain its effect, there is also the danger of the drug being overused or for people to over-apply thinking that it will lengthen the effect of the drug. 


Injecting too much Botox or accidentally injecting it on the wrong area can cause droopy eyelid muscles, a condition called ptosis. This could last for several weeks. Other side effects that Botox have are headaches, respiratory infections, flu-like symptoms and even nausea. Some people will also experience pain on the area where the Botox was applied as well as redness and swelling. There will also some muscle weakness around the area where the Botox was applied. 




Although Botox is available to all people, there are some who are allergic to the toxin. So it is best that one consults a physician first before applying the drug. Although there has never been any studies or research on the effect of Botox on pregnant women and on nursing women, medical people err on the safe side and just prohibit the drug.

Botox - The Temporary Wrinkle Solution

Botox has made a huge splash in the health and beauty market because of its ability to erase and minimize wrinkles. The stunning success of the BOTOX solution has had beauty enthusiasts lining up to receive their wrinkle treatments. Are Botox treatments safe? After all Botox is a protein toxin produced by clostridium botulinum bacteria. This is the first cousin to the deadly botulism bacteria.


Botox has been safely used by ophthalmologists for over a decade without any serious side effects being reported. This drug has actually been around since the early 1960’s. Originally it was used as a treatment for crossed eyes. The manner in which Botox works is that it is injected into the muscle where the wrinkles appear. When the Botox is injected into the muscle the frown lines, crow’s feet and laugh lines temporarily disappear. I stress the use of the word ‘temporary’ because a Botox treatment normally lasts about 3 to 6 months. Botox treatments were approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment of muscles that produce frown lines.


Botox injections have quickly become the fastest growing cosmetic procedure and are anticipated to be used on over 4.5 million patients in 2006. They are more popular than breast augmentation. Current Botox patients report that after several treatments that the effects of this wrinkle cure last much longer. It is important to note that Botox is ineffective for fine wrinkles because fine wrinkles do not appear because of facial expression caused by facial muscles.


On the flipside, the one negative of Botox treatments is a slight and temporary drooping of the eyelid. At the present time this appears to be the most important side effect of Botox treatment.


While Botox has been safely used by millions of patients, it is recommended that pregnant women, or women who are breastfeeding their babies as well as patients suffering from neurologic disease should never use Botox.


Botox treatments do not work for everyone. However, over 90% of patients who have been surveyed are extremely happy with this procedure. This temporary cure for wrinkles has created quite a bit of excitement in the health and beauty field. This procedure is administered by qualified plastic surgeons. The average cost for a simple Botox treatment is about $200 - $400 for each area that it is applied to.

Before You Decide On Rhinoplasty, Read This!

The decision to have plastic surgery is a huge one. There are no guarantees as to eventual outcome, as with any type of medical procedure. Plastic surgery is a serious undertaking and one that shouldn't be undertaken without serious consideration.


Rhinoplasty is one of the more common plastic surgeries performed. When performed by a competent plastic surgeon any complications are usually minor or non-existent and most patients are happy with the results.


Rhinoplasty is a procedure used to reshape the nose. It can make a narrow nose wider, a wide nose narrower, change the tip, remove a hump, change the projection and in some cases rhinoplasty can help patients who experience problems breathing.


Don't go in thinking that just because you ask for Jennifer Aniston's nose that you'll end up looking like her - that just doesn't work. Each of us has a unique face and her nose may really not work for your face. Be realistic when you talk to your plastic surgeon. Don't expect perfection - perfection means something different to each person. Do expect improvements within reason.


The most important thing to do after you have decided to undertake any type of plastic surgery operation is to choose a plastic surgeon. You can get recommendations from friends or family. Sometimes your primary care physician will be able to recommend a good plastic surgeon in your area. You will want to make sure that your plastic surgeon has a very good reputation and is properly licensed. Ask if your plastic surgeon belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and if he or she is board certified. Of course each plastic surgery office has their book of pictures - of successful surgeries and happy patients. Ask to speak to some of his patients directly about their experiences with the plastic surgeon and his staff.


Also you should make sure that you get at least two opinions. Use your gut also. How did the doctor react to your questions? Did he take time to completely answer all of your questions or did he/she rush you through? Has he thoroughly discussed all potential risks associated with rhinoplasty? Did he also thoroughly describe what you can expect before, during and after the operation to your satisfaction?


There is a lot of information on the internet regarding rhinoplasty. Take your time and educate yourself before you consider rhinoplasty or any other type of surgery.

Are You Sugar Scrubbing Yet?

Sugar Scrubbing is a gentle way to exfoliate the skin just about anywhere on your body. A basic sugar scrub includes of course sugar and some sort of liquid and lotion or moisturizer. For a very simple sugar scrub mix some sugar with enough of your favourite body lotion to form a paste that’s easy to rub into your skin.


But why would you want to use a sugar scrub in the first place? Sugar scrubbing is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin particles, as well as any oil and residue. This will soften your skin and preparing it for anything else to follow such as a moisturizer. A sugar scrub stimulates the lymph system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body. The gentle massage of rubbing a sugar scrub into your skin also improves the circulation of the blood right under you skin, giving you that healthy glow.


Start your sugar scrubbing treatment by cleaning your skin with a gentle soap or other cleanser and warm water. Then grab a handful of the sugar scrub and massage it into your skin in circular motion. The grainy sugar will gently exfoliate your skin. Rinse the sugar off with plenty of cool water and use some more cleanser to get any sugary residue off your skin. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel and follow with your favourite moisturizer. You should use a sugar scrub to exfoliate once or twice a week as needed to maintain that soft skin and healthy glow.


Are you ready to give sugar scrubbing a try? Here are some great recipes you can put together in no time at all and give this a try.


Invigorating Lemon Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 3 - 5 drops of peppermint essential oil


Combine all ingredients to form a paste. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion and rinse.


Tip - For a calming sugar scrub, replace the peppermint essential oil with lavender or rosemary oil.


Almond Grapefruit Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil
  • 5-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil


Mix the sugar and almond oil until well combined, then slowly add the grapefruit essential oil drop by drop until you get the desired fragrance. Use like the sugar scrub above.


Give sugar scrubbing a try. You’ll be amazed at the results this simple beauty treatment provides. Not only will your skin get soft and glowing, but the scents in your sugar scrubs uplift your spirits as well. Before you know it you’ll be mixing sugar scrubs on a weekly basis, experimenting with different oils or lotions and using different essential oils.

Any Time Home Facials

You don't have to save the joys of pampering yourself on special occasions. We can simply set aside time to pamper, renew and recharge ourselves on regular basis.


Our skin is an honest mirror to our inner health, beauty and well-being. If we indulge in great deal of unhealthy food, it shows first on our skin. Wholesome eating and drinking plenty of water with adequate dose of exercise will exhibit a healthy glow on our skin. Use of natural gentle ingredients such essential oils, cold pressed unscented oils and hydrosols soothe, nourish and radiate a healthy, glowing complexion.


Consider your skin type while making aromatherapy beauty products for beauty regime at home. Facial consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. On occasion, you may add a gentle exfoliation and mask for luxurious pampering. Listing down step by step guide for "At Home Facial" with recipes:


  • Start with cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser. Give yourself a light steam treatment to unclog the pores before facial. Use fingertips to move upwards in circular movements, gently stimulating the skin and removing excess oil and grime. Rinse with warm water and pat excess moisture with a soft towel.

  • After cleansing routine, tone the skin to ensure the pH balance. Apply the toner with soft cotton pad. Avoid rubbing and sensitive area around the eye. Saturate the pad and pat it over the face and neck area. Apple cider vinegar is the best toner to ensure optimal pH balance for the skin.

  • Now your skin is ready to be moisturized with host of soothing ingredients. To seal the moisture, apply oil using patting motions when the skin is damp from applying the toner. For oily areas, apply once. For dry areas apply twice with an interval of 2-3 minutes between applications. Moisten the skin with water or toner in between applications to seal the moisture.


Home-made recipes for cleansing, toning and moisturizing:


  • For a rose cream cleanser, combine 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tsp rose hydrosol and 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil. Stir well and apply to face and neck areas. Note - this cleanser should be used within 2 days.

  • Tone up your skin with 1 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp dried green tea leaves, 1tbsp dried chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp rose hydrosol, 1 tbsp Aloe Vera gel and 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Heat the distilled water until boiling. Remove from heat and add green tea, chamomile flowers. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then strain. Add the remaining ingredients and stir and shake well. Store in clean bottle and use within 3 weeks.

  • For aromatic moisturizing oil, combine 3 tbsp each of jojoba and rose hip seed oil, 2 drops each of rose, geranium and palmarose essential oils and 3 drops lavender essential oil. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and store in clear, clean bottle for use.

All About Tanning Bed Lotions, Tanning Bed Lamps And Other Tanning Bed Products

There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market which can offer you that healthy golden glowing skin.


Tanning Bed Lotions


Using tanning bed lotions are one of easiest and convenient ways for sunless tanning. Tanning bed lotions helps you to get the perfect shade of bronze to your skin. But the real trick to effective and healthy sunless tanning is to finding out the best tanning bed lotions which can give you that healthy golden glowing skin. While selecting tanning bed lotions you need to be careful to select tanning bed lotions which contain moisturizers, cocoa butter or aloe vera. This is important as tanning bed lotions which lacks these ingredients can result in drying out of the skin.


Tanning bed lotions can be applied on a consistent basis to keep your skin healthy as you tan. For those people who used to burn easily can apply a thicker coat of tanning bed lotions for the initial few visits in the salon. By using more tanning lotion, one can reduce the effects of burning or peeling.


As the skin type and pigment level of one person differs from the other, it is always a good option to first try out various indoor tanning bed lotions to find the one which best suits one’s skin. Tanning bed lotions can be purchased from beauty salons or other stores.


Tanning Bed Lamps


Tanning bed lamps are designed in similar manner to general lighting low-pressure florescent lamps. The major difference between the two types is the phosphor used. The phosphor used in a tanning bed lamp allows UVA and UVB rays to be emitted at controlled levels.


The latest tanning bed lamps available in the stores are great at delivering a golden bronze tan for your skin. The lamps are designed so as to work quickly as well. Tanning bed lamps also helps to reduce your exposure to the harmful UV rays.


There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market. Many of them are designed to be used in home while several others are designed for commercial and tanning parlours. Before purchasing tanning bed lotions, tanning bed lamps, or any other tanning bed products, it is advisable to shop around and compare the latest models available in the stores. This is very important as the technology used in tanning bed products is constantly changing; so it is the responsibility of the customers to keep up with the technology and changing tanning bed products to achieve the best possible results.

Sunday 5 December 2021

A Quick Look At Tanning Beds

Tanning Beds, also known as sunbeds, are used to emit ultraviolet radiations for cosmetic reasons such as artificial tanning or sunless tanning. Tanning beds generally come in two basic formats - horizontal tanning beds and Vertical tanning beds.


Horizontal tanning beds are mainly used in residential as well as commercial settings. Horizontal tanning beds come with a lid lined with tubular ultraviolet lamps and a plastic or glass ‘bench’ contoured for optimal relaxation. One can simply lie down, close the lid and permit the ultraviolet light to penetrate into the skin. For even tanning, one simply needs to turn the body over one time halfway through each session.


Vertical tanning beds are another popular type of tanning beds available in the market. Also called stand-ups or tanning booths, these types of tanning beds are easy to use and are very efficient. The interior of the vertical tanning beds is lined with ultraviolet light bulbs in a 360 degree pattern. What you need is to just step inside and close the door. As your body is exposed to ultraviolet light from all sides, there is no need for you to turn your body over halfway through each session.


Majority of the high pressure tanning beds emit more tanning rays (UVA) and less burning rays (UVB). Most of the high pressure tanning beds use lamps made of quartz. This helps the internal air pressure to be higher when compared to conventional ultraviolet lamps. High-pressure tanning beds are found more useful for intermediate and dark skin tones.


All UV lamps come with a marking showing a UVB percentage. That is, if a UV lamp is marked 6% UVB, which means that the lamp emits 6% UVB rays and the remaining 94% UVA rays. This is comparatively a low UVB percentage; that is tans produced with the help of this radiation will be brown and not burned.


The latest tanning beds available in the stores comes with a cooling system, which provides more comfortable during tanning.


Before purchasing any tanning beds, it is advisable to compare the pros and cons of each model. This helps you to purchase a prefect tanning bed which gives you better results without spoiling your skin and health.